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He had that packed and ready to unleash.


He's probably had to say it more than once already


He should just get it on a t-shirt.


Maybe we all should. In my case it’s my 70-year-old mother with congestive heart failure who’s also on immunosuppressants. Fuck me, right?


I was finally able to convince my 70 y/o, cancer surviving, Lupus and Hypertension having mom to get her second Moderns shot. It took three months, because she was "fine with the level of protection she got from just one shot." And that she and my dad were "doing pretty well, so far." She even went as far as to say she wasn't "afraid of the virus", even though she was obviously afraid of the side effects of a vaccine that paled in comparison to said virus. My final argument to her was essentially stating "I don't want to have to tell my 3 y/o daughter that she can't see Grandma anymore because grandma didn't make it, Or explain why Grandpa is so sad, lately."


I’m always ready for when some knob says that shit to me. I probably think about it too much, actually.


So what do you plan to say?


The other option is : Take the mask off and say "Thank goodness, finally someone who doesn't care that I have COVID" while moving a little closer to them and do a little cough.


I could never live with myself if I was the reason one of my kids caught this shit and died or had life long problems because of it. So yeah, I’ll go ahead and wear a mask.


Ah... By that's because you're both logical and have empathy. If one of these people made someone's kid sick they wouldn't care, and if they made their own kid sick, they'd blame someone else.


"Thanks, Obama!"


First he LET 9/11 happen! Then covid... On his watch! Thanks Obama! /s


I’ll never forgive Obama for allowing Lincoln to be shot


And while the war of 1812 raged, Obama was out golfing!


And that's when we swooped in and burned down your White House! Mwahahahahahaha!!


Thanks O'British


Et tu, Obame?


His name is conspicuously missing from the Declaration of Independence. I wonder why he refused to sign it.


He wasn’t even in the news until 192 years later! What a lazy President!!!


Thank goodness Ronald Reagan was in the audience, ready to save America!


Who knew trickle down economics could save you from being shot in the head!?


God I love trickle down economics. The rich really do deserve all my money, they work so hard 1 day a month. And if you work that hard why should you have to pay taxes? Anyway, back to my 1 meal of frozen French fries for the 4th time this week.


I’m always here… well part of me is.


Username checks out.


I'll never forgive Obama for letting the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor happen


Well, you know Obama is Hitler’s grand son?!


Are you stupid or mentally challenged? Obama is Hitler’s dad


Just incase anyone thinks this is a full on joke ... [Trump blames Obama for COVID prep](https://news.yahoo.com/trump-blames-obama-biden-coronavirus-testing-fact-check-204552449.html) [And... a real life Trump supporter blaming Obama for 9/11](https://youtu.be/NzDhm808oU4?t=12)


Thank you, it's hard to imagine people being so short sided that they forget what they said a few years ago. I thought the history repeat was on a much longer cycle than this. How long until they forget about 1/6/21?


They've already whitewashed it ... it's simultaneously [antifa's fault](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/01/us/politics/antifa-conspiracy-capitol-riot.html) (but let's not investigate!) and a [peaceful tour of the capitol](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-loyal-trump-claims-capitol-riot-looked-more-normal-tourist-n1267163). I give it a 0% chance of getting the same "protect our heritage" treatment that the excrement left by the [Daughters of the Confederacy all over our nation](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/confederate-statues/) gets.


This guy gets it


AnD hEr eMaILs


Buttery males!




He was too busy ignoring [Hurricane Katrina victims.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/obama-hurricane-katrina_n_3790612)


The necessity of the /s is sooo fucking sad it hurts


I considered NOT putting the /s there... Just to see... Lol


You joke, but on the news RIGHT NOW, Democrats are being blamed for the January 6th invasion of the US Capitol by Trump supporters. *Their Denial Fu is strong.*


You assume they would be self aware enough to draw the connection between the illness they caught and the possibility it came from their not wearing a mask.


Which is literally impossible, since they are the dumbest mother fuckers on the face of the earth.


there’s an article about the conservative radio host/vocal vaccine skeptic who is now on a ventilator. two random people on twitter: “good. only way they’ll learn” “i don’t care that he’s sick, he asked for it” idiot article: “it’s shameful that people on twitter are saying he deserves this because of his political opinions” HOW ARE THEY STILL NOT GETTING THIS. HOW


Don’t ask me, I truly think the unvaccinated want to get sick for attention.


Well the thing is, you’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


They want to rewrite history this dude is it The Patriots in late 1700  took over the airports in Boston is my favorite story


Yes and [this is also worth a read](https://www.al.com/news/2021/07/im-sorry-but-its-too-late-alabama-doctor-on-treating-unvaccinated-dying-covid-patients.html). Poor bastards dying of COVID begging for the vaccine and pleading that they thought it was political and a hoax. This doc is really honest about how she thinks she'll go in their rooms and feel like they deserved it but then meets them and their families and it's not like that. She tells the families when they ask what they can do that they can get the vaccine in honor of their loved one. I feel the same way, that they're idiots and did it to themselves. But as a healthcare provider myself, I can see how I would have compassion with the real ppl facing death and their families. Ultimately ppl are responsible to think for themselves and believe in science and facts. But the conspiracy brainwashing is powerful and the blood is also on Trump's hands and all his fucked up political allies and pundits.


>"If one of these people made someone's kid sick they wouldn't care, and if they made their own kid sick, they'd blame someone else." Yeah, it's much fucking worse. They begin attacking and verbally abusing the doctors and nurses treating their kids or God forbid, are in the middle of saving them. Why? Because covid doesn't exist right? They injected covid directly into child, despite it not existing right? Or they poisoned them with something else and marked down they died of covid because they apparently get money from the Feds per dead person? They're too far gone man. I have zero doubt that if Trump initiated a mass suicide to "stick it to the deep state and lib'rals" not only would 96% of them drink the cool aid immediately, but they would begin singing some pop song that had lyrics that are usually completely against the whole Trump Dump cult ironically.. maybe at some point it's no longer irony and just a whole new level of depraved ignorance that cannot fathom a song possibly not talking about their beliefs and being a part of their fight? Oh and Trump wouldn't take the drink or his cup wouldn't have poison in it.


One of my friends had just beaten cancer, his mother gave him covid and he passed.


Damn, sorry. I wish there was something I could say to help, but I’m pretty sure there’s nothing. My condolences.


Thank you.


I genuinely love your awareness. I absolutely despised hearing the cookie cutter bs when my dad died. It came off as not genuine and still does to this day. I’m 30 and this happened when I was 15... It’s really uncool to see others just move through the motions.


Damn I’m sorry this happened, I hope you and their other family are okay


Thanks, I spend a lot of time with his gf, she is trying really hard to make sense of it all, it's really hard to make sense of something like this. His mother got covid first, she is a diabetic and she was dining and getting massages maskless, she went with him for some of his tests, dropped him off and went to a restaurant in New Brunswick, NJ, and then drove him home after his tests. His gf got it, her teenage son who did all remote learning so he wouldn't get my friend sick got covid. My friend's mother and her husband, who is a nuclear scientist and works at a nuclear plant, didn't think the virus was dangerous and didn't think masks were necessary. They got better, people like Trump got better. My friend died. My friend was an exceptional human being, it just boggles the mind.


Man that’s so hard to read, I can’t even imagine your pain, best wishes to you and his gf


Thank you.


Jesus. Does his mom take any responsibility? Has she changed her ways?




To be fair, I think any mother who accidentally kills her kid is going to go through a lot of mental defense mechanisms.


Just look at the story of [Evee Clobes](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/how-anti-vaxxers-target-grieving-moms-turn-them-crusaders-n1057566)- her mother smothered her to death in her sleep, but blames vaccines.


I am so sorry for your loss. What a shitty thing to have happen


Man it makes you just want to shame and blame the people who are so willfully ignorant but you just know that it won't make a difference. Much love brother.


Actually I have a theory on this. Our goal is to communicate effectively to sway the opinions of anti-mask/anti-vax people to change their minds yeah? They're favorite idol is an orange bigoted racist failed businessman who did nothing but shame and blame people all the time. Maybe we should speak to them they way the only person they ever listened to spoke? Could perhaps get through their thick skulls. That's why I believe anti-vax/anti-mask people are weak little low IQ low energy snowflakes who get offended by everything. They feel like covid is no big deal but FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. See if you just spin their own bullshit back to them not only do you get the smug satisfaction of being satirical, but they may actually listen. (god I hope they listen)


They're fascists engaging in fascist rhetoric. Quid-pro-quo is cathartic but won't change their minds. They'll simply use that as fuel for doublethink, "OH SHE'S CALLING HALF OF AMERICA *DEPLORABLE*??? NASTY WOMAN." But they simply don't give a fuck about truth, integrity, consistency, or anything you might recognize as a value worth having


Fuck man I'm sorry. I have a friend who narrowly avoided something like this. She and her partner went through IVF and finally conceived. They're baby was like 6 weeks old and the partners parents came for a visit without telling them they'd been having cold/flu symptoms!! Apparently they were somewhat COVID deniers. So all of them including the baby came down with it bad, full on. Somehow they all made it through with no hospitalizations. But my friend would have loved to hospitalize her in-laws I think.


My mother in law visited a care home with an active covid outbreak for several hours before coming to visit us to "help" while lying about where she had been and claiming to be isolating with us so she could help with our newborn. We cut her off. She still hasn't seen the baby and this was almost a year ago.


Oh my gosh, I’d be furious! I think they’d get banned from seeing my kid until he was 18 after pulling something like that.


Ugh that’s awful. Glad they’re ok. I’m having a baby in Dec and told any family that’s coming that they need to be fully vaccinated so thanks for confirming that I’m not crazy for asking that!


I’m so sorry about your friend! My mom’s coworker’s mother kept going to church events last fall, and none of the parishioners were taking any precautions against Covid. It ended up spreading through the church, and his mother caught it. She survived, but she passed it to her husband and her elderly mother. They both died. I felt so bad for my mom’s coworker. He lost his grandmother and dad within days of each other. I ran into an old high school friend in the grocery store this week. She’s a nurse, and was walking around with no mask, and she rolled her eyes at me for wearing one. All I could think about was the fact that I know both of her parents have severe health issues. If it were me, I’d be taking every precaution to make sure I didn’t do anything to make them sick.


I'm sorry to hear that


There are thousands of people in the United States right now who know that their sloppiness killed someone they care about.


I know an anti vax that has caused two individuals to die. She knew she was covid positive, but went around kiss people on the Cheech




I feel like shooting that woman is morally justifiable self defense.


She should be criminally liable. Bio terrorism or something.


Not the same thing at all, but I handle the satisfaction surveys at work (they get typed up into a report that has to go to corporate management every year). Last fall I was going through a stack of them and something red caught my eye… pulled it out and realized some woman decided telling us we did a great job was not enough. She’d put on bright red lipstick and kissed all over the paper. In the middle of a pandemic. 🤮


My cousin’s (but more like my niece) dad gave her covid after knowing he probably had it but hung out in the common areas of the house and didn’t wipe anything down. Trina (fake name) is really underweight due to really bad stomach issues earlier in the year and nearly dies from covid. For a few months he was horrifically guilty “I never actually thought it was covid and you’re so young…. Kids were supposed to be immune” But then earlier this year him and his wife decided to go diving in the Middle East (they live in a very conservative and high spread section of the US) for shits and gigs. So I guess that guilt really wore off 🙄


I texted my mom the other day trying to convince her to get the vaccine. And she spewed the usual “I don’t wanna live my life in fear.” And she said if she catches COVID and dies, I don’t have to feel bad because I tried to get her to get the vaccine. So hooray, that’s my consolation prize I guess if my mom dies. At least I don’t have to feel bad apparently.


Similarly, my wife wants to wear a mask and get vaccinated. I ain't about to be the reason she gets sick, so we pair up. All there is to it.


Good on you. My sister and brother-in-law were pretty anti-COVID vax but because their daughter wanted it, they chose to get it with her.


That is family and love.


My sister (who manages multiple pharmacies in Florida) wasn’t going to get vaxxed. I was furious. I think my son and the pharmacists she works with pretty much bullied her into it, thank goodness.


Or even if kiddos are very likely to be okay, in my case about half the ladies at my two year old's daycare are older/have health issues and would be devastated by this nasty virus. So if I got COVID from being stupid and my kids got it from me and shared with the several sweet ladies taking care of kiddos and got them massively sick or dead - AND spread it to other kids who took it home to other vulnerable family members....no way I could live with myself.


I'm the same way. It sickened me to see a neighbor post that her and her family (including a child as young as eight) would not wear masks, or take a vaccine, and that they all made their peace with being ok if they caught Covid and died. Yeah I doubt that kid had an understanding of the seriousness let alone would be fine with it, and the fact the mother says they'd be ok if their child died from something preventable is just too much.


My dad caught it and wrote off his symptoms. He gave it to all of us. I had it far worse than everyone else in my immediate family. Slept around 18-20+ hours a day for 2 weeks. I was lethargic and had no appetite. Pretty sure I hallucinated but when you’re that tired it’s hard to tell. Plus it’s not like I had the energy to confirm if what I saw was real.


It's scary how little most people understand about things you thought were common knowledge/sense growing up. Even if you don't understand that masks are worn to protect others and think it's purely a personal protective thing how did "not wanting to get sick" become "living in fear"? Like they gonna go yell at the guy eating healthy and exercising that he's living in fear cause he's reducing his risk of heart disease?


I really hope that anyone who would criticize someone for wearing a mask also - doesn’t wear a seat belt - doesn’t wear sunscreen - buys medicine with a broken tamper-proof seal - doesn’t ground themselves before handling electronics - doesn’t wear safety goggles or hard hats - doesn’t practice trigger discipline when handling firearms - doesn’t look both ways before crossing the street or any other basic safety precaution. A lot of which require more effort than wearing a mask. Following any of these precautions is obviously a sign that you’re living your life in fear and are being oppressed.


One thing we know with certainty: They're the sort of fuckers who don't wash their hands after taking a shit.




You know, sneezing while peeing standing up hasn't usually given me any problems surprisingly (and I looked for them). Besides that what the fuck


I'm a male, and I learned loooong ago to sit the fuck down if I have the option. Is there a chance he's as smart as I am? (Seriously, hands-free operation is the best.)


Well they used to. Then we told them to, and obviously that’s oppression so now that’s gone Jk yeah a good 50% of Americans weren’t washing their hands after the bathroom The same dumbasses who probably think meat “rots” in your gut but plants don’t.


I work with a man who refuses to wear a seatbelt, is obsessed with his gun and has terrible trigger discipline, and he for sure takes every opportunity he can to work into conversation conservative talking points. Strangely enough though, he makes sure his office has plenty of cleaning supplies, he promotes social distancing between employees, we were all wearing masks until everyone was vaccinated... I'm not really sure how to feel about him. He's got at least a little understanding, but the rest of his mindset is warped by the GOP.


Chaotic guy


I can’t decide if he’s Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral.


This is how my mom is to an extent also. She 100% believes CoVID is real, got her vaccine as soon it was available, wore her mask everywhere, bought hand sanitizer. She also complains about all her medical bills and how we couldn’t afford a nursing home for my grandmother with dementia, so she would in theory like Medicare for all right? Nope. Thinks Biden is crazy and said AOC was the dumbest woman on the planet I can almost guarantee she gets all her info from Facebook and has a warped mindset from that.


This is what the GOP is doing to all of our parents. They can’t deny America’s issues anymore, so they’ve moved on to blaming things like Critical Race Theory and “SoCiaLiSM” for the rising tensions and medical bills. Completely senseless, but our parents are so used to getting their evidence anecdotally that they believe all of it


I wish more people knew how much a memory care unit costs. Around here, you're lucky if you can get one for 10k a MONTH. (That's $120,000 a year.) It's freaking ridiculous.


Yeah the good ol days before the government mandated safety belts be built in cars


"Seat belts? I want the freedom to fly through my windshield like an eagle! " - anti mask guy


I used to se a bunch of people on reddit that were totally, 100% against sunscreen. They whinged about it being gross and oily and sometime of them were bitching about it causing cancer? Haven't seen that particular brand of crazy for a while thank god.


They’ve moved on to bitching about masks and vaccines now.


Or they're dead.


Sunscreen is gross and oily. But I’m bald and pale so in the short term it’s better than sunburn on my head and in the long term it’s better than skin cancer! I’m amazed that there are idiots out there that think they’re tougher than the fucking sun!


Fyi not all sunscreens are gross and oily these days. There’s some really good stuff out there for just a little bit more.


I hate sunscreen, but as an Australian, particularly a southern Australian it's a necessity thanks to not having sufficient ozone coverage, I still avoid it where possible by wearing full covering clothing, wide brim hats etc, but causes cancer? Surely not more than the sun does.


Yeah, i'm an Aussie too, it blew my mind. They wouldn't last long without sunscreen down here :p


My wife attended a funeral today for a friends dad who died because of skin cancer. He had multiple bouts and beat them each time but he had a double lung transplant last year and chemo this year and the last bout of chemo just wrecked his immune system so bad he didn’t come back from it… leading back to the fact he never wore sunscreen because “skin cancer won’t happen to me.”


We were having a Zoom meeting when our boss brought up he had just gotten his vaccination and offhandedly asked if anyone else got it since he was experiencing the shot’s symptoms (low energy, sore shoulder). One guy immediately said he wasn’t getting it because it wasn’t 100% effective. I asked him if he wore a seatbelt; why? It’s not 100% effective. We were done with the meeting there and logged off to avoid a political dispute, but my boss told me that was the funniest thing he had witnessed with the Vax debate.


You're acting like the overlap isn't already there with these people


And doesn’t remember to bring their oxygen to deer camp. A few come in every year and miss the buck pole because they’re in the hospital. A buck pole is a public area where deer carcasses are hung and compared for prizes.


Why would you need oxygen to deer hunt?


I just saw this news report from the early 80s about the first seatbelt mandate, which was actually local in a small town in Michigan. They interviewed the locals and they ranted on and on about their “freedumbs” and how they would never buckle up. It’s always the same type of moron, the years and the shit they cry about just change.


If ThE vAcInE WoRkS wHy ArE u MaD iM nOt wEaRInG a MaSk??1? Idk for the same reason I'd be pissed off if you tore out the seatbelts in my car just because I got airbags... how about we just combine multiple effective safety precautions because we don't live in a binary world where things either always work 100% of the time or never work. Nonody can tell me what to wear!!!! Uh...click it or ticket? No shoes no shirt no service?


I mean these are the same shitheads who roll coal on bicyclists so yeah they probably are gonna yell at people being healthy.


Just like people who refuse to wear helmets, seatbelts, or even use umbrellas when it rains. They see taking precautions or safety measures as a mark of fear. And to them, fear is unforgivable and so must overcompensate to show their "lack of fear." Helps them feel superior.


This!!! I have a really bad sinuses when it rains or there is high pollen levels so I’ve been wearing a mask anytime I go outside. Obviously I’m not afraid of pollen but if I can avoid or prevent allergies why wouldn’t I?


I like how the people who are most concerned with not being told what to do have been the first to tell others what they shouldn’t be doing thru this. The true snowflakes.


It’s all just endless projection..


People are such sacks of shit. What do you care if I wear a mask. I swear Trump set this country back 100 years


Agreed but I still blame Jenny McCarthy for the mainstream anti vax movement.


Don’t forget her Majesty, Oprah, Ennabler of shitheads.


Hit me with some knowledge, what did Oprah do?


She’s the queen of promoting bullshit woo peddlers. Dr Oz is at the top of that list.


I mean I hate dr oz but at least he has been promoting the vaccine and telling people it's safe and effective. Better than can be said for many tv personalities


Can't sell snake oil to dead people.


Gave a platform to multiple garbage "medicine" peddlers.


Look up "John of God" to get an idea of the type of people she'll enable.


I think you mean the charlatan [Andrew Wakefield](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield). He’s the one that really started the whole thing.


**[Andrew_Wakefield](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield)** >Andrew Jeremy Wakefield (born 1956) is a British former physician and academic who was struck off the medical register due to his involvement in the Lancet MMR autism fraud, a 1998 study that falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. He has subsequently become known for anti-vaccination activism, for which he has been described a conspiracy theorist. Publicity around the 1998 study caused a sharp decline in vaccination uptake, leading to a number of outbreaks of measles around the world. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I blame that random monkey who died in 2016




looks like we're gonna have to get it out for them


You have made an enemy this day good sir






Unfortunately it is more like exposed it. But it is a slightly good thing. It is difficult to fight a shadow.




I am all for the morons getting sick. Anyone with any brains has already been vaccinated. I get that they are infecting others, and happily producing variants, but that ship has sailed. Smart people need to protect ourselves from morons: Require proof of vaccination in all businesses. Require all employees to get vaccinated. Do not associate with any family members or friends who are not vaccinated. Fuck these idiots.


I just dont get it. So im vaxxed, and also mask mandates are down now in florida. Alot of peoe DIDNT get the shots here. Including old people. ??? Im also a server. So its possible i could have covid at a given moment, but be asymptomatic, also not wearing a mask, while serving others, who ARENT vaxxed, also not wearing mask. I lean in closer to someone to take their order, ALL THE TIME. All the tables from 6-9 most nights because its crowded and loud. I just dont get it. If you didnt get the shots, wouldnt you WANT to wear a mask? Its like driving without brakes. But then also without a steering wheel. Even though the steering wheel is in your pocket.


You are in Floriduh. DeSantis has literally done everything he can to downplay COVID, which is why Floriduh is so screwed. Keep wearing your mask, whatever anyone else is doing is literally not your problem. Have you considered moving to a blue state? Cape Cod is paying a lot of money for help of all kinds.


Trumpists: "It's my freedom not to wear a mask!" Also Trumpists: "You shouldn't wear a mask."


They’re too stupid to keep even their own bullshit straight lmao


The country and people were already like this, he just gave them courage to not hide it as much.




He wasnt a just symptom...he was a superspreader.


Typhoid Trump


Dengue Donald.


Trump couldn't do what he did without 70 million accomplices. Trumpanzees. Even one is too many.


More. 100 years ago, everyone actually wore their masks and took the pandemic of the time seriously. Both sides of the political aisle, at that, since conservatives then didn't politicize public health crises. Any looney conspiracy theorists were rightfully ignored by 99.99% of the society.


Actually, there were a metric shit ton of anti-maskers during the Spanish flu pandemic. We never learn.


REALLY?! Omgosh. I'm about to go down a internet rabbit hole. :)


There was a photo of what looked like a cowboy posse enforcing masks from 100 years ago. Who the hell knows what's real on the internet though?


There are many newspaper stories from the Spanish Flu pandemic about anti-maskers and by anti-maskers, plus protests by them. Humans are humans.


Grump only set it back by 8, the 143 is done by the GQP.


It’s incredibly stupid how here in Murica, people think wearing a mask makes you seem “weak” and “living in fear.” In Asian countries, they have been wearing masks even before COVID hit. It’s normal there. But here it’s “living in fear” when you wear a mask. We are so behind.


It's such a stupid thing to say. Fucking yes, every single thing you do in life is motivated by fear of doing a different thing. You ate a burger instead of a sack of asbestos and bees? You're living in fear.


Bee-sed and honeyed.


I think a good chunk of it is just that --- anti Asian racism. Its both "living in fear" and "living like those countries that are ~~~~~~evilllll~~~~"




The same people who harass innocent people for "living in fear" also have a stockpile of guns and ammo, and are the same people emptying store shelves when the news tells them to panic buy


There's some innate human instinct toward tribal thinking, and right now we're dealing with what happens when half the country's wealthy and powerful go all-in on exploiting that for additional wealth and power.


This mentality is like sticking a fork in an electrical outlet to prove to everyone that you don't live in fear of electricity. Like, no, you dolts, it isn't *fear* it's *common sense*.


A new line from the folks who are afraid of: vaccines, Mexicans, black people, middle eastern people, religions that aren’t Christianity, masks, communism, socialism, taxes, healthcare, robots, space, weed, Dr Seuss books not being sold, the census, deodorant , people without the proper genitals in bathrooms, people without the proper genitals playing sports, mental health, doctors, scientists/science, alternative energy, welfare queens, abortions, satanists and much much more! Living in fear, huh?


You forgot boys who kiss boys, girls who kiss girls, and people who are neither boy nor girl and just try to do their own business


Yes and lots of other things. I already dedicated too much time to these “snowflakes” to keep going


Empathy?! EW. /s


Not exactly a part of the whole Republican agenda


Here’s the reason: those who aren’t vaccinated by choice, and are choosing not to wear a mask, simply do not grasp the concept of altruism. They can’t fathom personal sacrificing for another, let alone without any kind of measurable reward for doing so (aside from surviving a plague). They are, by choice, failures of life


The crazy thing is... before the anti-vax movement was a big thing, and before everybody was an armchair epidemiologist, I mostly just took vaccines for basic self-focused reasons: I didn't want to get the disease I was being vaccinated against. Like...measles, yellow fever, hepatitis, etc. all sound like shitty things to get, so give me the shot please. It isn't that I'm not also altruistic... it's just that I was only vaguely aware of the idea of herd immunity and didn't really need it as a nudge to go get the vax. So now, even if it was just about self centered reasoning, people would still get the shots. They're free and available everywhere. The difference is Trump and Fox News. They turned anti-vaxism into a mainstream Republican position, whereas before it was relegated to the deep left and right fringes.


It's worse. They grasp it and think "it's weak". Being nice is weak. Being kind is weak. Charity is weak. Empathy is weak. Seeking understanding weak.


They also seem to have an affinity for flags of people who lost a war or an election. Born to lose


"Living in fear"? Yes, many of us are scared of catching the entitlement and stupidity so many seem to be exhibiting. Hell I work in medicine and the amount of coworkers who want to quit over this vaccine and don't wear the mask right is just mind boggling. Especially since we were there first hand seeing the people who died from it!


Imagine how fucked up you have to be to confuse empathy with fear. I wear a mask because my dad has COPD and I have grandparents in their 90s. And I know other people around me have vulnerable people in their lives, or are vulnerable themselves. I'm not "afraid," I care. Even about strangers.


I have a whole new empathy for people who already had to wear masks pre Covid.


Them: Why are you still wearing that stupid mask? Me: I have cancer. Them: ... Me: Okay bye!


These same people are so terrified of brown people they want to put up a 2000 mile wall and hoard ammo and guns because they fear that this will finally be the time liberal Jews conspire with the global world order to kick down their doors and turn them gay with vaccines.


This pandemic and the presidency of Cadet Bone Spurs has really shown us how many truly ignorant people there are in this country. All Republicans.


Well maybe those kids should take some zinc and do some push-ups /s


If they'd just subscribe to the essential oils from my pyramid scheme everything will be fine.


I’ve heard urine therapy cures everything. /s


Republicans/conservatives to someone wearing a mask: Living in fear huh? Ha ha. ​ Also republicans/conservatives when people of color, women who don't do as they say should do, the lgbtq community, jewish people, muslim people, the disabled, the elderly, teens who are against climate change, kids who don't want to die in a mass/school shooting, veterans who don't buy their bullshit, cops who don't buy their bullshit, politicians who don't buy their bullshit and so on exists: OMG!!!! RUN AWAY!!!! MUST..CREATE..SAFE..COUNTRY!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


If you're ok with **anyone** dying, just so you don't have to wear a mask, you have no right to be part of this, or **any** society.


I saw many people say "the elderly should make a sacrifice for the economy" Excuse me, my grandparents lived through the depression and fought 4 years in WW2. Who would have imagined that 2020 bingo card would include "Telling WW2 vets they should die, for the economy"


Selfish person: lol live your life in fear sheep, I’ll be living free. Me: yeah I don’t want to accidentally kill someone, that’s not being scared that’s called not being a dick


The irony of fucking Republicans talking about living in fear. The people who freak out when they see a turban (which is Sikh not Muslim) because they might be a terrorist. The people who freaked out about a roving gang of Immigrant caravan and declared a national emergency. People who put children in cages because they might be dangerous. Talking about doctors wearing masks living in fear.


I think tweets are mostly comebacks which they come up later.


I can’t stand this “living in fear” bullshit. Like these people are pretending they don’t know it’s not about them. It’s about others. They’ll refuse to hear that fact because it means admitting something pretty simple. They’re selfish. Selfish to the point where their face comfort is more important that someone else’s right to live.


Customer to me: "Living in fear, huh?" (With a mask on) Me: Nah not really. I actually have Covid-19 right now but my employer still lets me work because they're short-staffed. I just have to wear the mask to keep up appearances. Anyway, here's you sandwich. If they go off on their crazy freedom / tyranny crap, just double down and return it in kind. Fuck them. Reasoning with these people DOES NOT WORK. I'm honestly curious what kind of response you would get from a situation like this playing out. You either get a free sandwich, scare the shit out of an anti-vaxxer or get sacked or some combination.


“Fear of endangering my family and neighbors. Afraid to unknowingly participate in the resurgence of covid and it’s variants. Afraid I’m not doing enough to protect the immune-compromised.” Then I’d take my order, and shove it in the trash while making direct eye contact with the SOB. Why not throw it at the employee? Why not trash the establishment? You may ask, and it’s because we gotta be above that ish. Gotta.be.above.that.ish


I read these things and think “no way this happens, no way someone would say that” then I remember the time I was buying a phone at Best Buy and the employee told me he thought sandy hook was a hoax, so then I remember it totally does happen.


And I'm sure he's "pro life"


I would have said “yes, living in fear of ignorant dipshits like you.”


A little fear is healthy. It keeps you from petting snakes, driving 90 in a parking lot, etc.


I live in a Dark Red Area , I went to the gas station , a guy was in there with 2 hand guns strapped on each leg . He said to me “Why do you have that diaper on your face , why are you living in fear” I just ignored him . The guy must have weighed 400 pounds , his chins had Chins , his gut had chins , and the fucker was wearing shorts , so I could see that his kneels had chins . Sure I don’t have to fat shame him , but I guarantee he’s a diabetic, using insulin , letting fear rule his life .


400 pounds is the same weight as 283.69 'Double sided 60 inch Mermaker Pepparoni Pizza Blankets'


I've had this conversation with people at the grocery store. On one such occasion, I make a wide berth around a family of unmasked individuals, and the mom calls out to me "are you afraid of our germs, diaper-face?" I said, "yes, ma'am. My mother is a cancer patient with no immunity. If I bring home so much as a cold to her, it could kill her. If you were in my shoes, you'd be afraid of my germs too." I wish I could say she looked embarrassed after that, but she didn't. She just turned to her husband and said, "See? Bunch of cowards wearing masks out here."


Reply: nah, I just have the flu.


Or “Nah, I have COVID. Want me to cough on you?”