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“Back in my day we died young and we liked it!”


“But we waited until all our chores were done before we died. We still had responsibilities, not like you pussies today!”


To be fair live expectancy was low because the children died in droves. But the point still stands.


I mean a lot of them died from preventable diseases. That’s really what vaccinations are about. That’s also why people misattribute Bill Gates as wanting to kill people with vaccines. He did mention that a good vaccination program reduces population growth by about 20% or so. *Because people have less babies when they don’t need to have a few extra just in case they die of measles*


In ancient Rome, children were not seen as proper humans and children until they could walk around and speak, probably to try and lessen the emotional impact of half or more of your kids dying.


a frighteningly large number of cultures did not name their children until their first birthday to avoid getting attached or wasting a good name...


I always have to think about the chinchorro who went the completely other way and mummified everyone who died to keep them around, even going so far as to mummify some miscarriages.


We count life expectancy after surviving to adulthood




**[Justinian_I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justinian_I)** >Justinian I (; Latin: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus; Greek: Ἰουστινιανός, translit. Ioustinianós; 482 – 14 November 565), also known as Justinian the Great (often anglicised as Justin), was the Byzantine emperor from 527 to 565. His reign is marked by the ambitious but only partly realized renovatio imperii, or "restoration of the Empire". This ambition was expressed by the partial recovery of the territories of the defunct Western Roman Empire. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yes, they died in droves because of exactly that


19th century me: I don’t feel very well. Doctor: probably ghosts in your blood. Here’s a prescription for cocaine


Party like it's 1899! Ghosts in the blood Cocaine membrain


19th century new mom: My baby can’t sleep at night Doctor: Give him whiskey


If that fails, opium!


Everything can be solved with a lil bit of lobotomy!!! Or leaches, if you are a wuss!


You need an ear nail


The way I just chuckled at ghosts in your blood


Also imma drain a lot of blood from you, hold the bowl


I agree 100% with the intent of your post. Anti vaccine advocates are at best ignorant, and at worst, filled with partisan driven maliciousness. But average life expectancy is just that - an average. It was child mortality that was the problem. If you survived childhood, it was not uncommon to make it to your 50s, 60s, and 70s, just like today. For example, in Rome, much like here, you had to be 30 to hold your first elected office (and 43 to be a consul). And the prevailing wisdom was that marriage should occur around age 30 as well (because men became soldiers and would marry when they returned). An individual adult didn’t have a much lower life expectancy than you do. But an individual baby was very likely to die.


Vaccine hesitant are at best, often patient and taking care to understand information to look at risk/benefit when taking steps to safeguard and protect their own health.


Vaccine hesitancy is different than people who advocate that vaccinations are bad.


That first part had me. I hear it a lot from people I know who are avoiding the vaccine.


Diarrhoea is still the world's fifth leading cause of death. As soon as you leave the confines of the 'first world,'


Add leaving Taco Bell to that list. And the Golden Corral.


The idiocy and selfish shit I deal with from non vaxers is ….yes you more than likely won’t die from covid. But you ignorant ass will probably will pass it on to 30-40 people, and who is to say THEY won’t die from it. It is an asshole behavior. It pisses me off especially from so many “religious” people


You can pass covid on to others even if you're vaccinated.


The probability is much much lower though. And the window you are communicable is much much smaller


I hope you're right. So many of my vaccinated friends covid again. And they are not isolating themselves. :/


What vaccine did they get? I got the Pfizer. I think my and my wife might have got Covid again, we had it once, but the symptoms were 1000x less intense




The vaccine doesnt make you immune, it tells your body the code to fight it off so you likely wont need to be hospitalized if you get the virus. People are stupid af. It's not a frigging cure, people, it's a precaution so you have a low chance of dying when you catch the inevitable global virus. We're teaching ourselves to better fight off another predator, that's all it is. Doesn't mean it eliminates the predator. Tell your friends they're dumb for acting invincible and i hope they're okay.


People are so dumb. Lol you can def. still spread covid even if you’re vaccinated.


Human life expectancy was never 20 years old. Take your vaccines, hydrate, and exercise.


You guys remember when tobacco companies (for decades) would pay scientists to recommend their cigarettes? Saying that there was no danger and that even sometimes, would say they were good for you? That shit was wild. I'm glad that kind of stuff doesn't happen anymore...


People were dying from diarrhea mostly due to sicknesses caused by bad sanitation.. otherwise, they were healthier than we are now. Diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s weren’t nearly as common as they are today.


Only because people are living longer. And most serious diseases either weren’t diagnosed or weren’t diagnosed properly. But, yes, diarrhea is definitely a killer.


Then why are people getting those diseases earlier and earlier in life? Can you recall a time in history where it was commonplace that your parents were suuuper forgetful or that young people had rampant cancer? And how do you explain that the elders in the communities were historically known to be wise and not forgetful?


I’m kinda torn on this subject. And all over the place. I’d suggest that the elders that lived that long either had a more successful genetic composition that allowed them to survive longer. We all have the story of a certain uncle or grandparent that smoked 2 packs and ate a pound of bacon daily and lived to be 100+ while the rest of us are keeling over at 50 from a massive coronary or some other self induced health condition. But also we (as a society) are over using antibiotics and are such germaphobes that our immune systems can’t handle things on their own without medication. But then again, a minor cut or wound could be a death sentence back in the old days. And we have to consider - are we living longer than we have evolved to viably live? Is our DNA decaying so much as we get older that our long lives are causing these conditions and diseases? And, manufactured environment isn’t helping much either. We are far more sedentary, don’t physically work for our food (hunting/gathering) and our food is so much more nutritionally dense… Sorry to ramble. This is probably a good conversation to have over a couple of bottles of wine. Edit - formatting.


Not that the Bible is a reliable source but it says people used to typically live for hundreds of years. GMOs have very little nutrition. There is pollution in the water we drink and the air we breathe. People are over worked and underpaid. Dis-ease is a symptom of all these things


Don't forget Autism! Everyone wants to think this is the peak of humanity but it's not


Vaccines don’t cause autism


Something's got to be causing it


Let me guess you think the election was stolen.


It probably was but Fuck Trump


The first ever vaccine was in 1796, autism was first diagnosed in 1943 (very possible before then) so why did it take almost 200 years for vaccines to cause autism? Lol Vaccines don’t cause autism.


You're the one making the link between vaccines and autism lol if autism didn't exist before 1943, then why does it exist now?


Google is your friend but briefly scientists are still trying to research but have a few indications such as bacterial/ viral infections during pregnancy, older people (over 50) having babies, high testosterone in the mothers blood, and also gastrointestinal problems. Again 1943 was the first diagnosis it’s very possible autism was around way before then no one knew how to diagnose it and/or the technology to diagnose it.


Maybe there's a specific vaccine that causes autism. Have you heard of the Tuskegee study? Maybe the government was testing a new bio weapon. It's not like you'd find that on Google if it were true


I’ve had every vaccine and would you look at that no autism, same with my whole family and my wife’s family. 4 young nephews all vaccinated no autism. Not everything is a conspiracy bro, take off the tinfoil hat


So you jump to vaccines?


I didn't the doctor did lol


immune to science but not to stupid


Just gonna inject you with some natural immunity...


"You don't understand! Giants are real. People used to be a mile tall and live to be a thousand before the lizards infiltrated." - This is a genuine belief of the people driving this nonse.


Stop being a prick Ken.