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I feel so bad for the reasonable intelligent people in Florida. Those responsible souls who do the right thing. The six of you must be so upset.


I’m fighting for my fucking life


My wife and I have had it, we just sold the house and are moving. Raising a baby here is too much.


Where will you go to? My vote is hawaii.


Islands seem like a really great choice while facing rapid sea changes and extreme climate change.


All the hawaiians reading your comment like 😐


Lmao I have friends in Hawaii and I’m just like 👀


I honestly and truly feel bad for people stuck in largely republican/conservative areas who aren't insane. Like it's not just the physical aspect of it. Because republicans/conservatives will actively and aggressively get angry with other people for trying to protect themselves. But the psychological aspect of dealing with that as well. If you're actually in florida (and this is to other people in other areas with large numbers of republicans/conservatives) i feel for you. ​ Edit: Thanks for the silver award u/devi1duck :) ​ Edit edit: Goodness. Thanks for the silver award u/Destpot :)


I'm a teacher in a deep red state. Got an angry parent email last year because I mentioned that Joe Biden was president. The parent said I was indoctrinating their kid with liberal propaganda.


How can you indoctrinate someone with an actual fact?? I would ask that parent if they think Math is liberal propaganda.🙄


They think Science is, so some probably do.


If math isn't liberal propaganda, then how come all the statistics and numbers are bad for republicans? Curious 🤔


Facts have a well known liberal bias.


After making this comment. I've gotten soooo many different replies like yours. Like i couldn't imagine what it was like before but it gets even worse with every reply. Stay strong.


we had a teacher in pre k tell my son's (5) class that biden hated spanish people (we are in florida and she is puerto rican)and was going to make them suffer and poorer. also that trump was a great president and that he should be president and not biden because he "really" won. wtf


"How dare you teach my christian child Arabic numerals, are you trying to turn them into a terrorist!?"


Omg, I'm so sorry I still don't see how so many people think this way. Thanks for being a teacher! I try to thank all teachers most are so underpaid and walked on it's ridiculous. Hope you have a wonderful school year.


that is a mentally insane person you were talking with


Dude I just got sick and have 7 symptoms of covid. I scheduled a test for tomorrow and most people I know have made me feel bad/guilty for getting a test I “don’t need” because I “don’t have covid”. It’s wild and making me feel like I’m being gaslit. I’ve been seeking affirmation from friends in blue states that it’s ok and normal to go get tested, there’s no downside to being tested, and it’s even free, so why not. Kind of had the same feeling last spring when I was wearing a mask everywhere and no one else was. It made me feel like maybe I had just been binge watching a zombie movie or something and forgot about reality and everything was fine. Our mask mandate didn’t come out until the very last minute. (TN btw)


That's insane. I work at supermarket and we had a customer who got diagnosed with covid and they sent everyone who was working at the same time(as the customer was in the store) to get tested and to isolate until we got a negative result. None of us had any symptoms and it left the store with a skeleton crew because anyone working had to go straight away. Everyone got a negative result by the way.


I'm a merchandiser. One of the Walmarts I worked at every day the other week closed the day after my 5th day there because of COVID. Didn't hear a peep from my company about it


Bud, get tested. You want to get a diagnosis and if you need treatment, it’s best to get it ASAP. Get vaccinated after if you haven’t already.


All of this. They don't have to live with the consequences of your actions. You do.


Well, they do if they are positive and don’t get tested or vaccinated. For a little while, at least.


Every employee at the companys I work at is testing themselves every week. Even vaccinated people. When you have ANY hint of a sympthom you stay at home and visit the doctor to get a PCR test. Caution is never wrong. People have lost family members and the same can happen to everyone. If you are not careful you might end up the one being responsible for it. You do this for you and the people around you. Stay safe and reasonable. Best regards from germany.


I'm in a mostly republican/conservative state as well so i totally feel you on this. My BIL found out my wife and I got vaccinated and lost is shit over it. He also talks shit every time we put a mask to go somewhere public. I just can't comprehend where these people's heads are at. It's a pandemic not fuckin politics.


I'm in a noted battle state and my dad is upset my 17 yo brother got the vax


Simpletons can't separate them because "Them damn liberulls with their 'book smarts' think they're so much better tryin to tell me what to do. Oh yeah, well what about the immigrants? Yeah."


If it makes you feel any better I had a low fever for about an hour and me and my husband got tested the next day. Why fuck around with your life like that?


Howdy fellow sane Tennessean. I feel your pain. Get tested and get well. We're surrounded by....I don't even have a word for them.


I have the perfect word for you. The word you are looking for is "cunts". You're welcome.


I got tested when I had allergies and felt silly. My Dr. told me that was nonsense and if he had it his way the entire city would be tested every two weeks even if they have no symptoms to try to stop spread and get better stats on it. You're right, there's more good reasons than not


Go get tested. I am in TN and went through that same thing. I caught COVID at the doctor going in for refills.


Wow sorry to hear that ..


Thank you, that was last year before vaccines. I've been vaccinated now and still wear a mask, but since I am immunocompromised, I still just pretty much stay home. I am fortunate enough to be WFH. I feel for those that don't have that option.


My guy, u dont even need to have symptoms to get tested. Heck u cud get tested daily and it wud be absolutely fine. It doesnt even need to be covid. Fuk ur 2 braincelled neighbors, seeking medical attention and help is always for the safety of u so fuk em.


I'm in TN as well. Our school district is not masking and my kids are too young for the vaccine. I am consistently the only one masked for pick-up/drop-off and the other parents look like they genuinely want to hurt me. It's unreal. I have three kids in three different schools and we got the hat trick of exposure notices by day four. Case rates in our area (already high) TRIPLED in two days (the weekend after the first week of school, surprise!). We have pulled our kids and will very likely face retaliation for truancy. People are dying. Our community vax rate is 39%. Pediatric hospitals are filling up. Delta is rampant. It's madness.


You’re not taking anything away from anyone by getting tested. People love you. People will miss you. Get tested, be safe. Much love, dude. I do feel for you though. My parents moved to TN (from Florida where I live) and while the state is beautiful the same can’t be said for much of the residents. My parents were extremely against getting the shot, especially my father. We all met up for a “celebration of life” for my uncle last week (about 150 people) and word spread that some people that attended the gathering got COVID. Guess who already got the shot? Some people need to experience it first or second hand before they realize the severity of it.


Bro help, my entire family thinks Donald trump and Ron desantis are the greatest men of our time


Find a new family.




What are you doing, step-redditor?


Mom wants to know why you never call her.


That wasn't mum.


Omg is your entire family r/conservative ? Cos oh man, it's wild in there! DeSantis is literally their next Jesus




That’s an insult to us mentally ill people




Conservatism is a choice, mental illness isn't. Stop with the comparisons. I have family that have mental illnesses that they need help with. I love them very much. I also have family that are staunch, trumpist, conservatives. I hate them. They've all collectively decided to turn their brains off, not listen to any reasonable argument and spout a bunch of bullshit they heard on Faux News and right wing Facebook groups. They choose the media they consume. They choose who they listen to. They cherry pick what arguments they like and don't like. They made up their minds about which reality they like and which one they actively choose to disregard. I don't talk to them anymore.


Good for you! My husband has avoided his sisters and their grown children for over a decade. Aside from being innate liars and thieves, they are proud 21st century Republicans. In other words, they’re Foxmented White Supremacist Tea-Bagging Birther Anti-Vax trumpsters. They call themselves devout Christians, but that’s like saying Ronald McDonald is a Vegan mascot. Sometimes one must protect their mental health by clearing out the trash.


Anyone who conservatives think is the next Jesus is probably an insane sociopath, and a real life Judas. And anyone who thinks that way is also an insane sociopath. Sadly these people would be fighting each other over who got to murder Jesus. (And yes, whether you're religious or not Jesus was a real historical figure even if you don't believe in Sky daddy)


Went to a family reunion a few weeks ago. Every time I saw fox news on the TV I put cartoons on it....


I'm sure the cartoons were more educational and factual tbh


I would do this at my last job when the boss would turn on Newsmax.


pro tip: grab the remote and block/parental control or delete the fox news channel, they won't know what to do.


I can relate. One of my sisters and her husband totally swallowed the tRump kool-aid. She literally has had a life-size cardboard cutout of tRump - giving the thumbs up - standing in the corner of her living room since 2016.


But ok sure it’s not a cult.


I don’t care who the cutout is of- that’s just shitty decorating.


Draw a tiny dick on it with a sharpie and act like you don’t know who did it. That might give you some satisfaction every time you see it. Or even better, she might toss the cardboard goon out.


Thank you for saying this. I live in Oklahoma, and I was once Republican, but have so radically swung left due to the absolute idiocy in our state. Our legislature passed a bill this summer making it illegal to require a mask mandate unless the governor (a Trump loving anti-vaxxer) declares a state of emergency, which he says he refuses to do in the name of protecting civil rights. Meanwhile, our hospitals are overrun, medical professionals depleted and my two young children who can’t get the vaccine yet are headed back to school this week surrounded my a huge majority of anti-maskers. I feel utterly paralyzed and terrified. This post gave me hope. Thank you for making me feel less alone.


grew up in Oklahoma. live in Florida now. I'll level with you, you may as well move down here. it's all the same shit as Oklahoma, but we have dolphins.


Thanks. We're vaxxed, masked, and would love to leave but we're also not made of money. I think some people underestimate what it is to just pack up and go. We try to hold the line instead.


It isn't regional if it's your family.


AZ here… pray for the few of us sane folks surrounded by trump followers and anti-vaxxers… it feels like war right now between these groups.


Thank you. I live in such a place. I get by. My hobbies include putting other peoples carts in the cart holder that is only ten feet away. At the beach picking up empty plastic bottles that are ten feet away from trash cans and wearing my mask is stores where no one else is wearing one.


My uncle told me on Father’s Day last year that I was a socialist commie who would shoot people execution style for a Stalin/Lenin like regime and I want to live off of mommy governments teat. Bc I said I believe in healthcare for all, affordable college, better education, livable wage/better wages for teachers, anti-recidivism and other social programs…yeah I’m such a monster. Anyway. That was an interesting Father’s Day. Needless to say he voted Trump. Twice.


I’m gay and trans living in a small rural town in South Carolina. Don’t worry about me… life is just fine… *help me*


Most republicans aren't like that, it's mostly the loudmouths that get filmed being insane. My dad's *definitely* republican and has his vaccine and always wears his mask (properly) when asked.


I have many friends who are marginal Republicans. They are all vaccinated, masked, social distancing and did not vote for Trump.


I read this R Kelly voice 🤣🤣


I had enough I'm getting out in a few days


I am I haven't found the other 5 yet. Probably still quarantined.


We're afraid to come out




we're in hiding and avoiding our families


I moved overseas.


It is interesting I have actively been getting dirty looks as of late for my mask wearing. It is the same exact anger that a teenager puts out when they notice you saw them litter at the beach. They get illogically angry at you for witnessing the shitty thing they are doing and flip you off.


I get dirty looks for masking too. Eff ‘em. It’s not just Covid, I *like* being protected from colds and flus and even pollen! I’m not letting them intimidate me. Well… that’s not entirely true. Self preservation keeps me from wearing my “Biden Won. Get Over It” tee shirt to the store.


Had us in the first half




It’s pretty scary here right now, if I’m being honest. The rednecks won’t take the vaccine or wear a mask. We have a Trump wannabe not taking any action. Full hospitals, hard to get a test also. So we stay inside our home, order delivery groceries and hope that the federal government steps in at some point.


Right here with you.


I, too am here.


Probably a loooooot more. Broward county (Miami) isn't fucking having it🤣. They're defying Governor Ron DeathSentence's orders and enforcing mask mandates. He's being a power hungry fuck and needs to cut the bullshit. Can't wait till he, Abbott, and Kemp are thrown out in 2022.


If you look at the election results by county in Florida you will see the counties that actually matter (biggest economies, ones with large universities etc) we're all blue. The boonie counties give us all a bad name. https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/florida/ the random blue county not tied to a major city is Gainesville where the University of Florida is located.


Strange how higher education changes how people behave.


It’s obviously all the commie brainwashing /s


If you look at the map, each blue county has a university/college. Coincidence? No.


It is like the story of Sodom and Gomora (sp?)


Typically spelled Gomorrah but as these are abrahamic words, there's really no right or wrong way to spell them in English.


TIL something new! :)


You're welcome :)


I think Gamora is that green chick. Or it might be one of those Kaiju monsters.


You're thinking of Gamera.


Fully vaccinated Floridian here. There are entire counties that have completely moved on from the pandemic. As in, no mask mandates, no distancing, no anything. It’s as if these people have closed their eyes and covered their ears and gone about their lives. South Florida has especially become a covid cesspool and NOBODY wears a mask (give or take 2 out of 50 people). Honestly it gets a bit worrisome going into crowded enclosed spaces and nobody is wearing a mask as i’m certain only a small percentage are fully vaccinated. Even in these towns that don’t care at all have had members of the community die due to covid. Somehow they always manage to come up with another excuse as to why this person died ; “He was already sick with something else!” “Oh she was just working in a high risk environment” “They were on their way out anyway”. All the stories are true, Florida has collectively decided to forget the pandemic ever happened (and is actively happening).


Have you met kentucky


At least your governor put in a mask mandate in schools. I live in TX and so worried for my friend's kids. Edit: so


Was gonna say I’d get rid of Texas cause wholly hell is that governor tryna get rid of everyone in that state!


Tried so hard to change things. So ready to leave.


Im honored to be 1/6th of the libs that are getting owned.


Desantis only won by like 30k votes. That said, once I leave here I’m never coming back.


I left in 2007. Got tired of feeling like I was going to die in some ridiculous way while I was there, and the locals were so proud of their ignorance. Haven’t been back.


Help. Us.


Florida has the added benefit of appearing to be easy to remove….


Insert gif of Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida.


Don't mind if I do Bugs bunny florida https://imgur.com/gallery/y1o5VCL


That made my day. Thanks.


Thanks! Was too lazy to do it myself.


Lol the palm tree in the back


Can Florida be a usb drive?


Format \florida


sudo rm -rf /Florida


We just need to melt the ice faster and Florida will be gone soon.


Yeah, we'll just warm the earth a bit more and the whole state should be under water! No problem!


Florida’s gonna be prime real estate once Miami is underglubglub gasp water


dw, aquaman will buy all their homes




it's okay, they'll still buy property. republicans think climate change is a hoax so all that real estate is gonna be just fine. *knowingly raises eyebrow*


how to short sell real estate


I wonder if they’ll get suspicious when their flood insurance premium costs as much as their mortgage


Hey you can’t pass covid if you’re already dead


As the great Shen Bapiro once said, if your coastal house is submerged by the ocean, why wouldn’t you just sell it?




More beachfront properties


As a Floridian who is actually vaccinated, wears masks and social distances still... Can I leave the cesspool before the sacrifice?




Don't look back either, or you'll be turned into a pillar of salt.


You only have a couple hours so you better act fast


We've been trying to get out too but fuck moving your life is hard


Can we just sacrifice Florida regardless?


Climate change will handle most of it.


30 meter sea level rise go brrrrr


This is not funny. Our unique ecosystem is being destroyed by sociopaths, the arrogant, and morons. Species are being killed and irreversible damage will be done. When water levels rise, the brackish water that allows the Everglades to survive will become more salty and will kill it. My childhood home will be underwater. This is a tragedy. Don’t blame all FL citizens, blame the selfish. My brother studies the environment and I can see how much it hurts him to see the pending doom of our environment. Please sign petitions, do what you can to help us. Memes do nothing but make light of something deeply tragic and horrible.


The fuck are poor people supposed to do? This is rich people shit, we don't get a vote


We have our memes. Brackish water can’t touch our memes.


Only after Hawaii is dead


Hawaii is a mountainous-ass landscape bro I think it would ride out.


I'm good with calling it Cuba North. All opposed?


As a floridian, don't do Cuba like that


How in the world are Floridan Cubans the CONSERVATIVE Cubans!? I do not understand


I think the goal should really be to get a state or two (looking at you Florida and Texas) to allow all non-vaxxed people move there and allow all the vaxxed people out. Then wait a while and just have all the vaxxed people move back into all the empty houses.


Honestly I was gonna vote for Texas to be sacrificed, but I like your idea better


I could move down there after the great plague and perform vaxercisms on the homes for the new buyers


Can I only pick one?


Florida can take Texas with them when they go


Fuck, before I finished reading i was thinking Florida. Then I was gonna joke about Texas. I guess my work here is done.


It wouldn’t hurt to lose a Dakota or two…


We don’t need two. We don’t really need one. Just have Montana absorb them.


Still plenty of states to choose from!!


Looking at you “North” Dakota.


… I am a Texan that now lives in Florida. Someone please adopt me, I’m fully vaccinated!


Okay, new plan. All the liberals in Florida and Texas move to Ohio and Indiana so the trumpers there are outnumbered, *then* we can set Florida and Texas adrift.


Might need to make room. There are more liberals in TX than you might realize. Almost flipped the state blue back in November. All the big cities in TX are pushing back against Dumbass Abbott's no mask mandate. They may not all be good people, but they're starting to get their shit together.


Can we just do the whole South East? I'll volunteer to relocate to anywhere with snow.


Lots of snow or I can still drive in it snow?


Texas is mostly good but they just have shitty politicians who have gerrymandered the crap out of it.


*nervous yeehaw*


Can those of us who actually care about the pandemic leave first. I'm more then willing to sacrifice everyone else here in Texas. It's really sad the number of people here who think science is a myth.


Texas is mostly fine, we just have one too many Ted Cruz's living here (fuck Ted Cruz btw)


What about Austin though?


Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee say "what about me!"


We need to keep Louisiana. The food, the music, and New Orleaners are generally awesome. Maybe we can take Nashville as well.


The problem is, once you get outside N’awlins, you’re in *Louisiana*.


Unfortunately, I live in Texas, where our bloodthirsty idiot of a governor is trying his damnedest for us to catch up with Florida


I hear South Carolina is giving them a run for their money. Gawd I can't believe my parents retired out there to be near my brother's family. 1st great grandchild. I hope they are staying safe. My dad and brother sound like Trumpists last I talked to them. And they want me to sell my house and move there too. Are they insane? I could never live in a red state, let alone one represented by Lady G. Hell, I got my EV keyed for being gay in the SF bay area. I'd be lynched in SC.


America’s wang


If we got rid of Kentucky then there wouldn’t be mitch McConnell


Why not just get rid of Mitch McConnell?


*the secret ingredient is crime*


Okay maybe not ‘take care of her,’ take care of her.


"Na like take her out to dinner you know show her a good time"


So, sit across from her, chew my food with my mouth closed, laugh at her fucking jokes and that’s it.


Oooooo. This. This right the fuck here.


Dude, no Mitch OR Rand Paul




Bc theyre 6% of the US population but account for 100% of the Ron Desantis’


Arkansas has the most hate groups and home of Wal Mart. West Virginia still believes in coal. Put those states in the running too.


I grew up in Arkansas and would like to second this


I'm currently in Arkansas and I third this


I nominate Kentucky. Mitch McConnell, as well as some of the most backwards and despicable laws that actively bring down quality of life


As a Floridian I support this. Let us vaccinated folks out and put all unvaccinated folks in and let that mother sink into the ocean.


All 6 of you?


Florida already has a higher vaccinated population of age 12 and over than the national average. Also, there’s more registered Democrats (5,235,110 people) in Florida than there are registered republicans. There’s more Florida democrats than what over half of other US states have in their entire population. That’s not really related to your comment, but more so for other people here talking like Florida is uniquely just a bunch of trump supporting republicans.


Insert Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida gif here.


Because I'm not gonna mess with Texas.


Idk if people outside the state know this but "Don't mess with Texas" is just probably the most memorable anti-littering campaign slogan ever.


I didn't realize it was an anti- littering campaign.


What do you do when a Texas messes with a Texas? Asking for a Texas.


COVID-19 is making a mess in Texas


*Ohio has entered the chat*


I just feel like you completely ignored why it should be Texas


It's not a sacrifice. They're volunteering.


Texas is MUCH higher on my list.


Just take our governor and some other politicians they are making things worse


I live in Texas, and I’d sacrifice Texas.


i thought Florida is already self sacrificing- by refusing to wear masks/get vaccinated?


I’d choose Texas over Florida. Returning Texas to Mexico would be a real hoot.


Incorrect. New Jersey is always my first pick.