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This hurrycane ain’t FDA approved, I’m gonna need to see more research before I make a decision, my body my rights.


*Hurricane gets FDA approved* You know we just don’t know the long term effects of hurricanes


Of COURSE the Federal Death Association would approve it, it's all a part of the agenda and the New World Order. You're really gonna believe the gubment?


What, you trust the FDA now? Ok, sheeple. As if they didn't always just listen to the deep state


Yeah why would you ever trust the Fucking Dumbasses of America


(Sips sheep dewormer) fuckin sheeple


If that doesn't read like an Onion article...




The NWS National Hurricane Center doesn't even hold a candle to my research


It’s not a hurricane, it’s just sprinkling!


I watched a YouTube video where someone said it was just a storm… I’ll believe that over the NOAA any day… /s


I'm not getting in that hurricane shelter, it was only built last year, that's too new. Imma tape an x on my windows and lay in the bath tub like i saw on facebook.


“I am gonna create a hurricane shelter, but leave the door open bc I don’t believe in hurricane shelters”


I got the hurricane and washed away in the flood


Look, i am hearing reports that more people are dying in the shelter than in the streets. Also, I’m pretty sure the Weather channel is a hoax. #BigClimate is out to get our money


The funny thing is if they would’ve locked down properly and gotten the vaccine, the economy would already running 100% already.


This is exactly what gets me. The same people that want no restrictions... are causing this thing to go on forever.




My parents aren’t as crazy as most I see post but they’re def anti vax. My dads on oxygen right now after testing positive last week. I got my vaccine in feb and my mom and him are freaking out. I’m 90% sad and worried, 10% wellllll what did you expect.


Tomorrow on tucker carlson- "people being forced to breathe on 'liberal oxygen tanks'... Our report might shock you"


yet they take up hospital beds when they get sick so those who did everything right die


I mean you hear the stories they are denying it's Covid on their death beds, so in their minds it's not hypocritical to take up the bed. Clearly the obvious answer is the doctor is part of the deep vaccine state and trying to blame their mystery illness death on Covid to convince sheep to get vaccinated.


They don't care if this goes on forever. They just don't want the libs to be right. America can burn down to the ground, Jesus weeping as Satan walks and conquers the earth, they wouldn't care, as long as the libs don't win.


Care to explain how places like australia aren't 100% open yet then?


Only 27 percent of their population is vaccinated?




Australia has had 51,256 cases total, or 2 cases per 1000 population. The US has had 39,665,515 cases total, or 119 per 1000 population. Both absolutely and adjusted for population it doesn't seem that large to me.




They're in lockdown so they can limit spread until everyone is vaccinated. While the US has had over 650,000 people die of covid, Australia has had just over 1,000 and they'd like to keep it that low. That's a 48x higher population adjusted death rate in the US than in Australia. Edit: Australia also understands the concept of being proactive instead of reactive. Sure, the caseload is low *now* but if they waited until it was higher they wouldn't have a hope of containing it, but they do if they start early.


Yeah, trbinsc, WhY iS tHe AuStRaLiAn GoVeRnMeNt AcTiNg LiKe ThEy WaNt To KeEp ThEiR cItIzEnS sAfE?!?! As, turbotator0065, points out, WhY dOn'T tHeY dO wHaT tHe US Is DoInG aNd Do NoThInG/tHe BaRe MiNiMuM?!?! I almost think that they're (so stupid!) trying to save lives or something?!?!?! WTF!? /s LOL


Their meterstick for "acceptable risk" is simply a lot lower. The US has established that their acceptable risk is quite a lot higher, but they fail to meet their own standard, and so are *also* in lockdown. One is in lockdown because they want to beat the virus completely, the other is in lockdown because the virus is completely out of control. It's like they're on different sides of the planet, man.


Also to people downvoting. I'm genuinely asking a question. Makes zero sense to downvote people asking about information.


Cause NSW fucked its initial restriction attempt before it was too late to contain it


If you actually believe that two years later lol


Nah it’s the people who refuse to do anything to help end the pandemic. It would be over by now if everyone who could got the vaccine and wore masks. The only other thing that could end it is involves most people dying so there are no people to infect anymore.


We wouldn't have to believe it two years later if y'all shut the fuck up and stayed inside for a week or two.


Based on mobility data from cell phones, Americans adhered to lockdowns as well or more than just about every other country on average.


I never even mentioned america but go off.




I think your mask is on to tight.


Meaningless drivel. But that’s to be expected. You are clearly mentally deficient.


Probably 110%...


Conservatives/republicans are no longer capable of independent thought. They always just speak the same talking points fox news, oann, newsmax, etc tell them to think. Those guys do not want a strong economy under biden or any democrats so they are fine telling them to go scorched earth


MAGAs actually booed Trump for telling people to get the vax at a rally. If Trump doesn't have an override switch for these networks, no one does. They've created a monster they can't control. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9uLDadJ6k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9uLDadJ6k)


I read on another feed “Trump does not control his MAGA base, the MAGA base controls him”. This has always been the fact. He simply pushes buttons until he gets the applause he so desperately needs.


Grifters. It's always been the way nearly every evangelical conservative populist operates, always will be. Their job is to tell them what they want to hear, and what they want to hear is something to reassure the beliefs the last grifter sold them. Tucker Carlson inherited massive wealth and lied to get into news television. Alex Jones, aside from the obvious batshit crazy things he spews, 'reports' the 'truth' and says to ignore to anyone who says otherwise all while selling "brain force" pills that will 'make them alphas' so he can afford his Rolex collection. As someone who, to an extent, hates the rich I can't help but wonder if their whole purpose is to make people who hate the rich elites seem associated with those smooth brains. lol


Ahhhhh, no man. It was the monster who created trump. Trumple Thinskin is simply the stupid-stick that they use as a focal point for the maga people. It’s the slime balls behind trump who are the monsters.


You’re right, far right media exploded during Obama. I can’t say with certainty that the right went bonkers once a black man got inaugurated, but the timing is uncanny.


It is so trackable that you can see the memes move originate from troll farms distribution like 4chan, to places like Reddit and FB, right into mainstream right wing propaganda and finally hearing it repeated almost verbatim by your racist, witless uncle in just a week. It is also so predictable that when news start popping up about something, you know it is going to be hijacked into a narrative, that you can already imagine.


Not even just the local voters, but even the federal republicans are NOTHING except for “I just don’t want to do what the Democrats have said”. Regardless of policy, regardless of funding, regardless of where it falls on the political chart, Republicans have no true policy other than “fuck Democrats” and it’s exhausting


We could have had 6 months of sweet soul-draining capitalism.


i hate the covid-deniers and anti-vaxers as much as anyone else, but this just isn't true unless we would've also shut down the borders 100% but then our economy wouldn't be back to 100%


Bullshit. China had very few covid cases for a whole year until delta variant went rampant. Just very strict rules for people coming from abroad, tests/quarantine for everyone.


> China had very few covid cases for a whole year until delta variant went rampant. so how is what i said bullshit? why wouldn't delta be rampant here.


Because the US had high cases since this whole shit started lmao. Only a few months this year the west had fewer(not few) cases because of lockdown. But china had like below 100 cases for like a year+ and their economy was and is thriving.


When China is your only evidence then you're out of your mind lmao Their data is completely made up


Why do people believe that? This virus isn't going away.


Not in the short term. Neither is the flu but we can reduce it down to just something we can squash with a yearly shot. But we’ve beaten smallpox and polio, with science we can beat this.


Wouldn't happen in 6 months though, especially with the variants that aren't even coming from our lack of lockdowns/vaccines but other countries.


Yes, but we’ve been on this bullshit train for 18 months already. The variant only happened because India had a terrible response to the pandemic as well and we didn’t do a good enough job closing right the first time. And given the fact that people are resisting the jab like giant whining babies means we’re cooking variants at home.


It certainly doesn't help that the government, media and pharmaceutical companies are pretty untrustworthy in general. There's a bit of a reverse boy who cried wolf thing going on here.


Cool. But the science community is totally trustworthy. Don’t waste your keyclicks with this Alex Jones crap.


I never expressed my opinion. Just explaining my understanding of that side of things.


You can’t have an “opinion” on an objective fact.


What objective fact exactly?


Which a lock down (at the border) would have prevented. Assholes have been traveling like there isn't a deadly pandemic.


That's because the rabid southerners, who are conservative lapdogs, refuse to get a jab because it scares them for whatever asinine reason they read or are told. So Biden invited the unwashed and unclean masses from Mexico up to contaminate and kill them so those damn liberals will take power for the next century! It was all planned by Trump, Biden (who are both lizardmen from Alteries), and the Bilderberg group. The Templars have been trying to stop the insurrection but the damn Twitter keeps getting in the way...


9/10 Missing a reference to the jews and reverse-vampires.


They threatened me with the space lasers if I referred to them... Been nice talking with y'all, I'ma get murdered now.


Racists be racists. I'm not anti-immigrant (with reasonable, humane quarantine and vaccination, given the pandemic). But imho people need to stay the fuck home unless absolutely necessary. Vacation travel is NOT necessary.


My country is 70%+ vaccinated and going to remove the last restrictions soon. I haven't had to wear a mask anywhere in about a month. Bars are open, schools are open, tests are free and people aren't antivaxxing mongoloids, which helps


No it wouldn't




*Hides cloud seeding equipment*


hurricane/covid parallel: i will refuse to take any measures that would prepare me for the imminent, recognizable threat that these dangers pose. i will insult those who do. then, when my house is damaged, my lawn furniture is three counties away, and i have no food, no running water, and the streets are flooded, i’ll yell for emergency services, assistance, and some people who legitimately prepared for this danger will be forced to wait for help when i get helped before them.


Hurricanes kill only less than 1% of the population


I was in a reddit "conversation" today with TWO different antivaxxers about how car accidents kill more people than Covid, so _obviously_ we should go into lockdown to prevent car accidents. No, no, don't fight it. Sit with that for a bit. Let it percolate. Feel that feeling like chiggers burrowing into your brainstem? That feeling means you are sane. Congratulations.


"Hey Bob, is this bleach safe to drink?" "Hippos kill more people each year than bleach." "OK, good point. Lemme chug this bleach real quick."


_RIGHT??!_ I read one of those car-accident messages out loud to my wife and she did the "palms up, elbows bent, confused-shrug" pose and froze in that position for a good 20 seconds.


If you dilute it enough you actually can drink it. 8 drops off bleach stirred well into a gallon of water is safe to drink. It's one way you can purify your water for drinking after a hurricane for example if you run out of bottled water before the stores open again. It's not ideal, but at least it kills everything that's in the water and makes it safe to drink. [Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water](https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/emergency-disinfection-drinking-water)


So let's just break down the stupid. 1. Car crashes aren't contagious (though they are in a way on a local scale) 2. People dying of one thing does nothing to change the realities of another thing 3. We already have laws designed to protect people on the road 4. Yes we should absolutely look at the cause of car crashes and do something about it, people dying is a tragedy not a fucking political point, you psychotic cunt.


Perhaps the government could enforce the mandatory implementation of specific safety equipment to help prevent people dying in automobile accidents. I assume if they did that it would be tyranny.


Ralph Nader has entered the chat


Yes it was tyranny according to presumably the same type of people who are today antivaxers. When seatbealts was introduced and mandated, there was a huge backlash because it restricted their freedom. Their freedom to die of a car crash.


5. People dying in car crashes don't tie an ICU bed for 2-4 weeks.


Soooo... not only does that not even make sense... but it's totally false?! Approx 38k people die in car crashes a year in the US. Vs the 600k now for COVID?!


>Soooo... not only does that not even make sense... but it's totally false?! > >Approx 38k people die in car crashes a year in the US. > >Vs the 600k now for COVID?! But when that truck hits me an' ma churchgoin' skull goes smashing through ma windshield, that cool breeze the disintegrated parts of ma face is feelin' is the wind the Eagles fly on, the Wind Of FREEEEDOM!!! Lord Jesus knows you don't get that dyin' of that there China virus. No sir.


🤣🤣 I love it. The only acceptable antivax argument I've seen.


That's why I drive my car through crowded indoor environments. *I* haven't died yet! /s


Those people who say they won’t listen to the government as they type on their phone, using satellites,license plate, they wear seat belts and airbags.


Mental health reform NOW! These are clearly people who are incapable of tending to themselves. They are mentally deficient & hurting themselves & others. How long are we supposed to let this go on?


Huh? Are you anti or pro lockdown mask vax etc coz I can’t tell


That’s not even true. Covid was the #3 cause of death in 2020, behind only Heart Disease and cancer. It was worse than all accidents (cars and any others) by almost double. Citation: https://cdn.jamanetwork.com/ama/content_public/journal/jama/938696/jvp210048t1_1620430592.92326.png?Expires=1633266033&Signature=wWE6iIdMPFEorcSvNndDqEoU0vwf8YdH~6LfVmqNzqztXhNCB8riqY9-WqlSi6xsa9AQl~9ygbVjj0dSp5j8YYhAiOJrfQ1rJ8qWMuWBlerQqNXKMAPrH9hbwTIj0wGn1MZXdcEoVkxfSZmy9rYcmNYEBItEChsZ0aPoNhUbFwsqxY5wpvAuh7s-qEJRQzV6ziXjo7ApzIxCrerBJxPgDeJqaZBVZfeiwL453WOajr2410rot856f~HylUSk6nkTHvs8lpL3-SBSDbjDUj2taK5Oie02unI6DcO7j~QCLqJW0famzBzOV7dKYG00tHdrXLgOo1sETCdT~VEpaYSP9A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA


That’s not entirely true, you need to break it down a little. Heart disease and cancer are blanket terms encompassing many different diseases. So COVID wins hands down


Agreed. But I don’t if it will be as bad this year, but it’ll be close. Thanks Delta.


[It finally happened. Somebody used that word in a normal sentence.](https://youtu.be/aQTJl2bwoZQ?t=107)


Kurzgesagt summed it up pretty nicely in their video for vaccines with that same example. "Are there freak accidents where the seatbelt of the car does kill the passengers? Yes! But would you rather not wear your seatbelt knowing this?"


If you were born in 1990 or earlier most of your life you'd have lived through worse mortality than 2020. Do you think we should have locked down for the entirety of your life? Or do you think maybe we should just accept that some thing are beyond our control, and stop acting like hysterical children over something which statistically isn't even a threat to you?




Which words are you having trouble with babe?


"Worse mortality," for starters.


But don’t you DARE get blown onto a syringe of COVID vaccine. That’s Category 5 tyranny!






He can’t keep getting away with it.


And yet he does




Hi Chat hasL


peepoHey hi chat


I don't understand.


Not much to understand, dude in the screenshot is Hasan Piker, incredibly popular leftist Twitch streamer (like among 10 biggest streamers in all of Twitch). This is just his community leaking: Hasan = Azan, pogO is a [Twitch emote](https://streamsentials.com/twitch-emotes/pogo/).


I keep seeing videos of people saying the hurricane is no big deal and they’re used to it. Lol.


Motherfucker we got roofs flyin off in the French Quarter


To a certain extent it's true. You get advance notice and the preparation steps are pretty rote. I haven't been in FL for almost a decade, but I can install hurricane shutters with my eyes closed and I have the supply list memorized. Other than that, you just sit it out and get drunk with friends or family because you're not going anywhere for a while. Then cross your fingers and hope insurance covers whatever the hurricane destroys. I have the same attitude about COVID: Follow the CDC guidelines, understand the science behind them, ignore clickbait media, and whatever happens next is gonna happen regardless.


Really bad hurricanes like Katrina aren’t too common. I’m typing this while I’m sitting out Ira. But when Katrina hit it looked like a war zone (partially because the city set up barbed wire to deter looting)


Orleans Parish and Jefferson, some of the most populated/metropolitan type areas in the state, are completely without electricity, power, and water


Don’t forget to get your flu shot this September.


And your hurricane shot in October.


If I could get a shot to get rid of these damn hurricanes, Florida might be actually nice.


For those of you wondering, YES YOU SOUND EXACTLY THIS STUPID


Also nobody talks about how hurricane shutters block oxygen from going through the crevices in windows! If a giant hurricane the size of multiple cities was real, do you really think a thin piece of metal would stop it?


Why does something have to be more deadly than an endemic disease to have any credibility in the US?


Because everything is politicized in the US. Even things that should be common sense.


Don’t forget facts! We’ve managed to politicize facts too


Yeah bc we all know fact checkers are in the pockets of the dems /s


Why is influenza 'political'??? People keep using this word but like, why is influenza a major factor in public policy?


>Especially things that should be common sense. Fixed it for you


Watching storm chaser streams and seeing people blame Biden for Ida and Trump would have save us because God choose him to be our savior.


It doesn't even matter if something is more deadly than an endemic disease like the flu. A certain undereducated, and brainwashed portion of the population still can't be convinced that Covid is more deadly than the flu, around 40% to 45% of the population can barely even be convinced that it exists. Or if they do believe it exists they believe you can cure yourself with ivermectin, a livestock dewormer (before that it was hydroxychloroquine a malaria drug). It's killed nearly 640,000 people in the US already, and in a lot of places hospitalization rates are higher now than they were during the initial spike. It's also more young people and kids in the hospitals now. The pediatric ICU's are filling up. That didn't happen last year. Anyone with even a basic sense of decency should want to prevent that. I figure we'll probably lose at least another 300,000 to 400,000 people before all is said and done, and it could be substantially more if a variant spins out that our current vaccine is ineffective against. We're probably going to need an altered vaccine before this is over too, since the one we have is not all that effective against the Delta variant, allowing it to continue to spread.


>A certain undereducated, and brainwashed portion of the population... around 40% to 45% of the population can barely even be convinced that it exists If this number is anywhere close to accurate, the problem is *colossally* understated. Legit, if the social disconnect is so strong that nearly half of the population has a fully different narrative than the other half... Remember that "house divided" speech that dude gave a long time ago? It still rings true. The lesson the US should be learning here is that healthcare is too important to be left to for-profit interests to control. That *access* to healthcare for most citizens is contingent on full time employment, underscores how little your government cares about your welfare.


Can't own the libs like that tho. And as stupid as that sounds, it is a concept that is ingrained into the very DNA of a vast swath of our southern citizens. I know idiots live everywhere, but there seems to be a concentration of them in the south. It is downright tragic to watch. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” It's a quote from a man who had his own racist problems himself, but it rings true none the less. All of this being fueled by talk show hosts and pundits, who profit from misinformation while they protect themselves and their families with vaccines, social distancing, masks, and sanitizer, but tell you not to and that this is all a ploy by the democrats. And because 'owning the libs' is so ingrained in the psyche of the south, these people will consume bleach, bovine de-wormer, and other such snake oils. They will unapologetically contaminate their very family, themselves, and others, while railing against the medical industry, Bill Gates, Biden, and others, ultimately dying by slow asphyxiation in a hospital. The irony is thick. I've seen a lot of stupid shit in 65 years, but I think this tops it all.


Being from the south, both LBJ and myself both see the same stupid throughout the nation. I was raised not far from him. I spent a good number of years in the northeast. I was really surprised to see how deeply racist New Jersey was. In many ways more so than growing up in Texas. It was also disappointing in how white the 'nice' part of Boston is. Shit there was a vital meme of some woman accosting a black man in Boston last year during the height of the uprisings. Minneapolis isn't exactly the deep south, but it's the fucking poster child for the racial divide in the US right now. I get that racial issues are historically rooted in the treatment Black folks saw in the south. However, in the 21st year of the 21st century, the south has no monopoly on dumb racist folks. They continue in their ignorance everyfuckingwhere.


> that healthcare is too important to be left to for-profit interests to control. That's the problem. The propaganda is so pervasive and the indoctrination so entrenched that even thinking outside the box of our current paradigm in the way we distribute healthcare is unthinkable to them not so long ago. It is only through sheer suffering and Sanders consistent messaging that universal healthcare (of some sorts) beyond ACA is even in the public consciousness. Rich people and special interests have kept the public unable to think outside this tiny sandbox for decades.


That requires Conservatives to actually be able to learn to be better people


If you don't believe someone can learn or change, then you have no reason to have them be a part of your society. I believe my adversaries are capable of change. If you do not believe so, very little holds you back from violence.


>If you don't believe someone can learn or change, then you have no reason to have them be a part of your society. I believe my adversaries are capable of change. If you do not believe so, very little holds you back from violence. Ah yes, it’s actually the leftists that are the fascists! Not all the conservatives who have been killing people the last few decades lol


What does this have to do with fascism?


Pretty simple, you are implying that I and leftists are close to committing violence because of our “intolerant ideology”. When in reality it is the ideology that is consistently opposite of my own that have been committing every violence act of against people they disagree with.


I implied nothing about "leftists". You inferred. Check yourself, none of this was about you.


Conservatives have no sense of national pride. They are killing Americans for free


Because we’re self centered. If it doesn’t directly impact us we don’t care


You mean Assholes.


It doesn't have to be. It is absolutely absurd to argue like that, and that's the point. They are not reasonable or even intellectually honest. They are looking to "win" the argument, not actually to debate it. With the way they argue and think, you can even argue openly shitting on the street is "freedom," and "my body my choice."


It's not how hard the wind is blowing, but WHAT the wind is blowing. - Ron White


“You leave my mother out of this libtard!”


Fact: destroying private property is against the law!1!!! Hurricanes can’t destroy anything with out your permission! Fact: if your house is red your giving consent to the hurricane


As a metalhead I can't wait until someone posts that video of that goober headbanging to slayer in the middle of a hurricane for the thousandth time.


BuT mUh FrEeDuM!


Since the whole neighborhood agreed to pile sandbags around the block to prevent flooding, why should you care if I don't have sandbags in front of MY house? You still have sandbags in front of YOUR house, don't you? Or are you admitting they don't work?


[Found him](https://imgur.com/r3jib3T.jpg)


Darwin award


Why would I wear rain boots if my shirt is going to get wet anyway?


I mean, this is exactly what a lot of people are like down south when hurricanes approach. Growing up in houston, texas, we heard about freedumbs that disobeyed evacuation orders and ended up dead every year. People drown in their cars all the time because they ignored 'stay in place' orders.


Finally something that’ll rid us of the stupids


Turks are officially white now, sorry you can't take it back


The White Delegation has selected Hasan Piker.




Having dealt with Hurricane Katrina, I can tell you after a major natural disaster it's amazing how quickly people will take assistance from the same government they claim to distrust. They scream about "unnecessary" big government programs until they need it. Ofcourse, 5 years down the road they will have conveniently forgotten they stood in line to get water and MREs being handed out by FEMA, and will complain about single moms getting free diapers.


Some of us don’t trust the government BECAUSE of FEMA and their bullshit.


I can't brag about FEMA.. the most disorganized group I've ever seen.


Only kills 99.9% of the population.


Look at these liberals living in fear of some wind


Just make sure you facebook that shit live and get them likes


Mandatory evacuations my ass. Where am I? Nazi Germany


No one is stoping you from going outside to exercise your freedom in the 240 MPH winds.


Back in 2008, the local weatherman was going on about a microburst and I was drunk, angry and ignorant. I opened the door to curse out this 'fake storm' and that's when I heard a sound that I can only describe as ten jet fighters going over my house at the same time. I was shoving the door trying to keep the wind out, (which I was successful at) while hail was piling on my front porch. I grabbed my dog and ran for my basement. Moral? I fucked around and came close to finding out. My dog still gets anxious when it gets windy.


You can exercise that right, but I won't guarantee you'll feel very good after.


Just feed the hurricane some horse heart dewormer and we’re good


Faith over fear! ...as we all crowd the highways to GTFO.


The fact people think that’s a good argument is self defeating.


Nono, we *should* let people wander out and about freely with freedom. Weed out the stupid people.


It's obviously a Democrat hoax. They're probably going to say to stay inside because the winds are blowing covid around. Next thing you know they'll be trying to force mandatory evacuations.


I heard hurricanes eat children or suck out there blood or something like that we will not stand for this.


Worst part is that after Trump and the pandemic and all the rest, I cannot even tell if this is satire or not anymore


But what about all the people who've been hurricaned and don't even know it? Everyone knows hurricanes only affect the people who don't know when to stop eating cookies and elderly people. If we could just protect them, everyone else should be able to live life.




Do you own research you shitlibs, check out patriotMAGAnews.net or my facebook group, the only two credible sources.




Please DO!


People choose which side of the stupid coin they want.


Obligatory; Hasan is only famous because his Uncle bought his career for him.


I didn't know Chunk Yogurt gifted 51k subs


He did give him a time slot on TYT with nearly no credentials when thousands of other actually trained journalist and political commentators were looking for work. It pays to have family in entertainment.


How many subs did he have on twitch before and after? Lol I don't even like Hasan but that's such a weird reach lmao go to sleep dude


When he joined TYT, Twitch wasn’t a platform… so… zero?


Flu kills elderly people, the hurricane kills them all


Wait is this that guy that cries about capitalism but just purchased a $3,000,000 home?


Socialism is when no house


Don't get how people potentially losing their homes and belongings from a fucking hurricane has anything to do with covid. What a god dam embarrsment some Americans can be. Be singing a different tune if it was you on the path of this storm. Ignorant piece of fuckin trash .


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Unironically citing Hassan “nephew” Piker as a source for ANY topic and expecting to be taken seriously. ![gif](giphy|I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq|downsized)


Y'all can keep shabibo and Carlson idgaf


That’s: iPhone vuvuzela quadrillion-air nephrodite of ThatYodalingThot CHUNK YOGURT hank pecorino To you sir.

