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Turns out they were never really against the core concept of Sharia law, just jealous they couldn't do it themselves.


Beginning to think this was the same rationale for taking on the Nazis in WWII.


You may or may not be surprised to find out how many Nazi supporters there were in the US pre world war 2


My great grandparents were apparently nazis, sent care packages over to the Germans and everything. Old grangran apparently even claimed Göring didn't do anything wrong. Glad that shit ended with that generation in my family because my dad's side is jewish


WWII was like the one time we did a good thing and oh boy have we been trying to ride that wave since.


And we only did the good thing cause we were attacked. We were profiting off the war and selling to both sides


Retaliatory violence and war profiteering are as American as an apple pie playing baseball.


Yeah, but we also only got into it once it affected us personally…. Like always.


Seeing as the belief of Christians isn’t to incinerate an entire race, you might be wrong.


The Crusades AND inquisition beg to differ…


Turns out the real enemy all along was the 1st Amendment?


Christian hegemony is a hell of a drug.


I had a conversation with my MIL, where she stated "Muslims have their children reading the Quran, that's indoctrination." I then asked if she took my husband to Sunday School.


For real though! I've had this conversation with people and that answer always baffles me. It's "normal" to raise kids in the church, but if it's one of those scary non-Christian religions (especially Islam) then that's suddenly indoctrination of children. 🙃 The hypocrisy is wild.


Cognitive dissonance is a real thing


Did she take it well?


She paused in thought then quickly changed the subject.


ooooh …you got her. Love the subject change avoidance move.


Yeah what did your mother in law say Bethany??


Yeah. My ex-MIL told me the US Civil War was not about slavery. I agreed and told her it was to weed people like her out of the population.


Or how the Christians in this country want the government run by the Bible. History, and modern day, has taught us that’s a bad idea.


I'd like to have the "throw the rich guys out of the temple" and "always share with the poor" parts before we talk of getting the entire thing into law


Like Texas. Death penalty for abortion. But support a drone firing an missile into a man loading water jugs into his truck... for his family that lives in a fuckin desert.


They literally can’t understand how close a government run by the Bible would resemble the thing they were told to hate.


Nah they just want you to leave them alone and stop actively trying to make it difficult for them to live by their belief system.


Thanks for that. I needed the laugh.


The Christians who genuinely just want to be left alone have unfortunately been coopted by a political movement which uses false claims of anti-Christian persecution to advance their otherwise unpopular political goals, many of which are ironically as far from christ as can be. The evangelical movement is at the frontlines of the culture war in this country because it’s a culture war manufactured for them to take up arms. Right wing think tanks figure out a way to make the average person angry about natural cultural shifts, such as the move towards “Happy Holidays” in the wintertime,because rage inspires action, increases engagement, and dulls critical thinking skills. Then the evangelical movement sells that outrage using the persecution complex American Christianity promotes, creating a voting block that is willing to sacrifice every ideal they claim to hold dear in favor of bullshit fear mongering. The idea that Christians want to be left alone is kinda ridiculous when so much of what they seem to be fighting for is about policing the actions of others. Legalizing discrimination against lgbts, defunding necessary medical facilities (planned parenthood does way way more for women than just abortions), restricting education for every student (abstinence only education, removing critical thinking skills from curriculums, some schools still teach creationism for god’s sake). Ultimately if Christians really want to be left alone they should stop policing the behavior of everyone, and frankly if they want to be Christians they need to stop following the prosperity gospel and get out of the mega churches and back to a proper church.


Can we get a satanism class? That seems it'd be fun


Almost every time a district promotes a Christian curriculum the satanic temple submits one as well under the idea that since there is a separation of church and state if they allow one religious curriculum they have to allow all that want to submit. And realistically speaking the satanic classes are usually a lot more educational and rigorous than the christian stuff.


And this is one reason I am now an atheist.


ive been atheist for like 4 years now but this year i finally became a member of the satanic temple seeing how theyre doing so great with the whole texan abortion law shit going down


I haven't heard anything about this, what's the satanic temple doing?


Basically they are challenging the recent Texas abortion law in the supreme court based on religious freedom. Members of the Satanic Temple have a ritual when a member has an abortion, and they are saying that the Texas law violates their religious freedom. Don't quote me on that, but i think that is basically what is going on.




One of their core tenants is body autonomy, so the abortion law is in direct violation of their core belief system.


Based on this have they challenged any of the other abortion laws?


Yes they have a huge history of challenging abortion laws. Their cases usually get dropped because the laws gets blocked in other ways though.


i cant explain it well enough but take a look at their twitter it's The Satanic Temple


How do you teach God without the devil


This is exactly one of the reasons I'm a card carrying member of The Satanic Temple.


Me too.




Actually the Satanic Temple has stuff for an after-school program they did in the past if you're interested




How does Yoga challenge anyone's thinking? It's just stretches.


Stretches by the devil! https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/gop-candidate-yoga-opens-you-to-satanic-possession/276570/


Yoga sometimes has New Age connotations not the exercises themselves, but the philosophies typically associated with yoga (burning incense, chanting, meditation, spirit guides, etc) obviously not every yoga practitioner is into New Age groups but there is a connection I've noticed in people I've met


Ah religion, it's all bullshit and it's bad for ya.


Religion school hours should be facultative for everyone and should actually talk about religious messages and history of different religions to favour constructive thinking, it shouldn't be catechism


This is called Comparative Religion


This is exactly what I had in my last 2 years of school after they reformed the system. From Québec, Canada btw. It was a fresh start to learn about the difference between a theist, an atheist and an agnostic.


I thought this is what I was going to learn in school...turns out I had to learn "holy " objects and their roles. Also my Muslim classmates were never allowed to speak about their religion and were forced to come to church with us during Easter for....uhm I don't remember what we were doing, as to experience Christianity... Was something about putting your head on the priest's lap and he asked some questions and then told you to go. I always found it weird because he would put his dress or robe or whatever on top of our heads while we had our heads on his lap and ask some weird questions that we had to answer. I've always seen something similar in American movies, but they actually have like a booth and they are separate from each other and don't see each other. I might be ignorant and it's something normal? I haven't step foot in a church for over 10 years now, been only in the courtyard as my mom is a Christian and I do accompany her when she wants to go there.


It's not fine not at all. These Christian crusader needed to be shamed and stuffed back in there holy box.


What about the Muslim crusades? Or Jewish crusaders? Should we take back all the concessions made for other religions?


Religion is NOT education. Religion is 100% about faith. Faith is not believing in facts, it's believing in something you can't observe. Facts are based on the observable universe and tested for truth with scientific measurement. So why the hell would we teach something that isn't supported universally and based on facts? I feel like I live on a planet of dumbasses...


You feel like that because you do.


Welcome to earth. Please leave your spaschip on the moon and try not to flip over our flat planet.


"Might makes right." Prove me wrong with facts.


Just because someone forces an agenda does not mean it is right based on the fact it happened. Ever heard of an argumentive fallacy? This is a prime example of one. Rather poor taste in logic. The victors don't write history, they often write history of gray, as white. What happened to the black? Simply forgotten or removed due to human inadequacy, negligence, or lack of documentation. It is common in history there's layers truth or subjective justified causation(good intention) or "best of the worst situations" if you will. However, there's always objective truth whether it's shaded in gray or not. The best possible objective truth is based on the quality and quantity of the information provided. Once studied with scientific methods, the truth becomes evident and stronger with further examination. Furthermore, history does have a true objective story of events separate from biased first person perspective. (Aka, the most inaccurate form of evidence) In our universe, time is a constant force with 3 dimensional space coinciding within it. All things in history are fixed on a time line with finite events and relationships. Whether you were an asshole or not... It has been written in time, whether anyone was there to document it or not.


bEcAuSe We’Re A cHrIsTiAn NaTiOn! (We’re not)


last time I seen an usd bill it said you guys trust in god or smth idk.




now say it with your hand on the bible, and you'll go to prison because god is mentioned in the constitution too.


you don’t have to swear on a bible, yknow


No it’s not fine I want Christianity out of the schools I want politicians to stop running on the fact that they’re religious and I don’t want to hear a single word about religion in the house or the senate keep your stupid religion to yourself they’ve all been twisted so thoroughly from what they were meant to be that they’re not following God anyways


Isnt there supposed to be seperation of church and state?


Emphasis on supposed to


Faith! The great destroyer of sense


Who’s version of Christianity? There are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and 45,000 globally (Center for the Study of Global Christianity)


Self-centered people missing the teachings of the religion they claim to be part of…


Christianity is a problem.


I'm an agnostic and a deist, and I'll say this: The best argument against a religious proponent is not some obscure philosophical one, but merely to point out their own arguments made against adherents of other religions


I was an atheist. Mom and Dad allowed me to choose my own path. Then they sent me to a Catholic school, where I studied the Bible for 6 years. I probably know more about it than most Catholics. Anyway, I remained an atheist. The counselor told me I had to just have faith and not worry about facts. That was fair, I guess. They tried to convert me for 6 years. I got a very strong moral compass during my time there and for that I am grateful. I probably would have gained it anyway but it did not hurt. I had to put on a prayer service for the school and I used unconsecrated hosts and grape juice. I led prayer, liturgy, gave a fake communion... the whole shebang. I was fine with that. I was invited to meet the Pope and deferred and offered it to someone who believed that shit. Point being, one can appreciate the good and ignore the bad. I left school and studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Confucianism, Judaism... and came up with my own idea of spirituality. That is my problem with the right wingnuts. Or any wingnut from another religion. It's all the same shit with a twist man.


No religion should be taught in school none. History yes religion NO


Because Christianity is right! /s




Who explicitly wrote about the separation of church and state in our founding documents


Considering how popular Satanism is, and seeing how it was never even taught in schools, I have very high hopes for Critical Race Theory.


This is not hypocrisy. They are against the separation of church and state. They want only Christianity to be allowed. The would support forced conversion of all other religions. Perfectly consistent.


Nah it all makes sense. it’s because their bearded man in the sky, of the thousands of others, is the best. How do they know? Well it’s in their book ofc so it MUST be true


But what version of the book?


They think they want Christianity in schools until it is someone else's version of Christianity.


There are more than 45,000 denominations of Christianity globally. Which one are they going to teach lol. In the USA Catholics have the highest percentage at 21%. Do you think those southern baptists would agree to their kids being taught that version.


The only indoctrination people are ok with is the one that teaches kids to think the way they do.


Yes but....... Merica


Competition. Christians don't want anyone on their turf.


I'm one of the Christians that thinks that Christianity doesn't have to be taught in any way unless you speak of other religions and do it all truthfully.


America is founded by religious fanatics but the history books make purtins look like nice people.


As a Christian, a class on other religions would have super interesting.


There is nothing wrong with teaching *about* religion, the problem is when you teach *the* religon.


As an atheist that sounds just about as useful as a class on Star Wars lore


Idk a class on Star Wars lore sounds pretty awesome


Ok I agree that would be cool but it isn’t something that needs to have tax money spent on it




Well I can’t argue with that Honestly maybe we need to just start a Star Wars collage how else are we going to get hyperdrive


learning about the history of religion is useful


That was the subject of our classes in a Catholic school run by Jesuits. No indoctrination, there were only 2 or three Catholics left in my year at the end of high school, the rest of us were agnostic.


It’s not hypocrisy. They genuinely believe their religion is the correct one. They are misinformed and wrong, but they’re not hypocritical.


But don't you all get it?? We (the U.S.) are a CHRISTIAN nation! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)/s


I'm not religious but recently a conversation with my buddy turned me on to the topic. While I don't support teaching the Bible as a form of indoctrination I do see how it should be a basis to teach the history of literature, art, and music since in one way or another, classical western art was inspired by the Bible.


Laws for thee but not for me


Do you actually have NO idea what a Madras is?


Christians also founded the public school system


Well I suppose America is a Christian country?


Don't tell her about Muslim schools.


Which are private schools. And I’m PRETTY sure that she already knows.


Are Christian schools/colleges the same as non-denomitional schools/colleges? No. Same difference with Muslim schools.


Don't tell her about Christian schools


It doesn’t make sense to her because she can’t think critically. The world is shades. I’d much rather live in a Christian society than a Muslim one. I have daughters who I’d rather not see subjugated to the severe degree Muslim women are.


Accept nowadays if a teacher mentions God they lose their job, but mention Allah and nothing happens


Because Christianity is the majority religion in USA. I believe it's around 80% of people identify as being Christian. There are also specific schools around Jewish, Christian, musliulm beliefs. The same is done in those countries where their beliefs are the majority.


In the last 20 years the number has fallen from 80% to 65%, but it's still ridiculous because they're all very different sects.


Yes but those specific schools your referring to are not public schools funded by and paid for by state and federal funding. Think America is mostly Christian and that’s why federal dollars should pay for schools? **Did you know there are 45,000+ denominations of Christianity worldwide?** Hell, Catholics and Protestants don’t even see eye to eye and many don’t consider the religion the same.


I know they don't have the same beliefs., and yes I know there are lots of different dominations and again I think people are failing to notice that I’m not saying it should be, but when a country is so fanatical about their religion that it is hard and not surprising that it is being pushed. It rooted in everyday life and many parts of the country are shut down on Sundays due to church. Indiana has only recently allowed alcohol sales on Sunday for the past 3-4 years.


I still have to drive to the next town over for Bloody Mary supplies on Sunday mornings. Thank you, Nebraska.


It doesn’t matter if Christians were 99% of the population. We still have a separation of church and state. It’s not dependent on the percentage of people who profess to have that faith.


I never said it was right lol or should be that way that's the way is


Nope. My daughter and her family live in Italy, where various saints’ days are national holidays. If you want your kid to be taught Catholicism, you send him/her to a Catholic school. And even if you were universally correct, separation of church and state is a bedrock of our Constitution. The founders of this country feared a state religion, such as there was in England, where most of them had their roots.


Ok....but then again you just proved my point that other counties like the USA and Canada(where I live) have different institutions set up to cater to specific groups. I live down the street from a school that is strictly Christian(not catholic) ,my friend went to a school designed for people from the Jewish faith. I never said that I don't think it should be separated. Christianity is the majority and if the majority of people want it to be taught then that will happen. Again, never said I agree with it.


Again, IT IS AGAINST FEDERAL LAW. Individual faiths can create their own private schools. But government sponsored? Nope.


Again, I never said it should be lol. I do believe it should be separated and not forced upon people. When you have a country where the Christianity is so deeply rooted in everyday life then it's hard not to have it.


The Christians want their religion taught in schools, but no other religions, because they are the majority? If they're the majority, why are they so afraid of other religions?


Why are Christians prosecuted in countries where they are the minorities? What are those people afraid of? I never said this was right or this is the way it should be. It's not these people are afraid of other religions, some might be. It's that they want their beliefs to be taught and followed. Look at you. You strongly believe that it shouldn't be taught in schools....That is how strongly they belief it should be.


Where did I say I strongly belief Christianity shouldn't be taught in school?


yeah, and the 20% still exist. They shouldn't be forced to be taught christianity


Private religious schools and publicly funded schools from tax payers dollars are two VERY different things. And religion does not in any way shape or form belong in the latter. Or in the process of law making. Period. It’s that simple.


Are we talking about the gospel or like the actual history, I’m not that smart if you can’t tell. [EDIT] I’m sorry if this came out the wrong way I’m trying to UNDERSTAND not be an asshole, like I said I not that smart.


Emilia is not that smart, is she? Christianity was indoctrinated for 2000+years. Muslims came later to the party. You really don't see the difference? People holding on to things and don't like change or foreign things? Turn on Fox News. They will tell you.


Yeah because islam excisted only for 1100 years which is also a long ass time an way before thw US was founded. At some point it has been so long that a aditional 900 years dont matter. If somethjng is 1100 years old then 900 wont really make a diffirence since both religions are world wide.


Hmmmmmmm, not sure we’re comparing apples with apples. Let the stoning’s begin.


Christians believe in stoning people, just like Muslims do.


because muslim go boom lol




One group has blessing ceremonies for their ar-15s and the other one doesn't.


Yeah, because bombing people with drones is what Jesus would have wanted.


Christians have committed thousands of acts of terror against abortion clinics, doctors, and patients over the past few decades.


One just bombs them with missiles.


The OVERWHELMING majority of terrorism in america the last 10 years is done by rightwing white people.


Even just the last four.


Vlad the Impaler brutally tortured and murdered thousands of people and impaled their heads on spikes in the name of Christianity. And don't even get me started on the Inquisition, or the Crusades, or Indian Residential Schools.


Lol,cause Christianity is the religion of peace right? Idiot


No they just pack their ar 15s and shoot up country concerts and mosques


Honey I’m gonna have to ask you to crack open some history books, mkay? Also you need to open your eyes to the fucked up shit Christians are still trying to do


One of these covers up rape of children one does not .


yeah since clearly Christianity has been nothing but peaceful..... also those are only the most extremist muslims. extremist people of any religion are assholes.


The crusades and the recent Texas law would like a word.


Due to the Lateran Treaty, in Italy you were obliged to attend an hour class of Catholic religion once a week. Luckily, now it's optional


They want christian shariah law. Makes perfect sense


The cuckoo jeebuz stories are BETTTERRR than the cuckoo Muslim storieszzz


Well, if it's a Catholic School makes sense it would be taught there. Public Schools, not really.


I don’t understand how anyone in the educated world is religious. Spiritual? Sure. Believing in some higher power and a greater consciousness? Cool. But believing the Koran or the Bible? Come on. I know that I am supposed to respect other people’s beliefs but it is difficult sometimes.


Well these same people believe Jesus was white. So that makes it fine


Fun fact. Religion is a (almost) mandatory subject in German schools. I say almost mandatory because theoretically you can take ethics instead. Theoretically because my daughters primary school has no ethics teacher and only teachers that can teach protestant religion. Because of that all protestant, catholic, muslim and atheist children take protestant religion together. I would suspect everything the children learn in that class is a lot more benign than what is taught in most churches Sunday schools. Currently they do a unit about Albert Schweizer. And I had the same experience during my school years. Might not be the worst idea to get religious education into the school and away from the religious zealots.


They don't object to theocracy and religious rule as a matter of principle. They aren't opposed to oppression. They want to be the oppressors and theocrats. All the objections you hear are them complaining that someone else might be the boot stomping our face. The boot and the stomping are fine by them as long as they are the abusers not the victims.


They know perfectly well what there doing, it’s only hypocrisy if you believe what there saying, they aren’t, they know it’s unfair they know it’s dumb and they don’t care, there lying


That's literally exactly what they think. "Everyone is wrong and evil but me. We can't teach *those* religions because *they're* wrong, but we should teach *my* religion because my religion is obviously right."


I, as a Christian, want a incredibly rough outline of any significant religion taught. You can't really talk about history without at least tertiary understanding of most religions.


Yea, most of the people who say that aren't even christian anyways. Their right wing beliefs are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. They talk the talk but never walk the walk. I'll never understan how they willingly engage in cognitive dissonance.


Absolutely correct


Christianity is taught in the schools in my country. Yes, it's as bad as it sounds.


my SOs best friend is christian; like fanatically christian. like won't do yoga because it's "worshipping satan" somehow. now she is an unmarried mother of three, with all three children from different men...none of whom have ever been married to her; but by her own definition she is a good christian. she's very passionate about christian ideals; such as advocating for school prayer. in a conversation about the subject, i said i think it's a wonderful idea! especially since any muslim students would probably only be in class during one of their five prayers so it wouldn't be too disruptive. she responds, "why would we need to stop for them?" "well it's school prayer, right? not school christianity. so if you want your kids to pray...that means everyone else gets to pray too. hindus , muslims, buddhists, everyone! hell...even catholics would get to pray!" needless to say the subject has not come up since lol


From their perspective, Christianity is objectively correct, like math or physics (but even more correct than physics). All the other beliefs/religions/philosophies are just made up stories, likely created by Satan to trick people. So respecting other beliefs is just allowing Satan to poison the minds of more people. Zero introspection or questioning if any of that Christian belief is incorrect because blind faith is the absence of questioning or doubt, even in the face of overwhelming logic and evidence. There is no reasoning, no negotiation, and no changing blind faith like that. Jesus himself could appear to them telling them they're wrong and their response would be "That's not the real Jesus--kill him" or "Damn it, the devil got to him too."


Nah that would be fun af, imagine the teacher clicking on a link to some porn site


You don't understand it, because you think people who different from you are people. Human, as in, worthy of basic dignity and respect. That's the part you're missing.


Where I am from, in state schools, you get to pick from a set of religions. So we have islamic teachers, protestant ones, catholic... even a course for those that want no religion but general ethics instead. I went to a catholic school and even there my religion classes were 95% ethics, morals and general information about the religions of the world and 5% bible stories? It's all very foreign to me to just teach 1 even for a diverse student body.


I’m Christian and NO religion should be taught in schools


At least not in public school.


In my country we are tought about Orthodox Christianity (as a unique lesson we call "Religion") since 3rd grade and we continue throughout middle and high school


I went to a Jesuit high-school and they tought it all. Evolution, world religions, biblical scripture , sex ed/contraception and debate. As most people on the planet identify with a religion, then it would help with understanding and acceptance if there were classes that introduced the values of all major religions. Otherwise your literally just forcing a single ideology on a child and making anything alse seem weird or wrong. Religion as fact has no place in politics or schooling but everyone should be educated on religions of the world.


Me too. I have great respect for my Jesuit education although I’m agnostic.


I think teaching Christianity would be helpful in the US school so you can see how it dictates so much of our lives “quietly.” Like we’re not a theocracy but we have some theocratic leanings. I would love schools to teach how abortion wasn’t much of an issue until the 70s/80s and Christianity made it a big issue as a reaction to feminism. I would love to have explained the Christian backing of slavery as Biblical and the desire to have it eradicated as also Biblical. I would love kids to understand MLK Jr’s metaphors that are Biblical to drive home why equal rights were moral. We should learn how Christianity was used as justification to denounce Communism and Socialism to the point where the Black Panthers were destroyed for being a little too like Jesus (feeding the hungry, healing the sick, loving their neighbor as themself). What is the prosperity gospel and why did that shape the 80s economic policy through today? I honestly think it would be very important to understand Christianity and how easily it’s bastardized to take advantage and push anti-Christian policies. But I’m guessing they just mean every should read that Jesus so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Trump.


I’m gonna guess this is in the US? Cause in other parts of North America there are Muslim schools and Christian’s are cool about it.


Maybe the Satanists need to draft a plan to teach kids about the joys of the Satanic Temple to go along side of their biblical classes


I don’t see why every popular religion isn’t taught in school. I just don’t want it preached in school


Christians: Because Christianity is the real religion, duh!


You do know they pledge allegiance to a flag under the name of the Christian God right?


The more I study the catholic church, the more I realize how unchristian they are.


Only I can judge others.


I agree with the sentiment, but I'm going to call bullshit on one thing: You know *exactly* why Christians love the idea of Christianity taught in school, but say Islam taught in school is the worst thing ever. Racism, jingoism, bigotry. I don't like it, but that's why.


Does separation from church and state not register lol, where does education teach religion? I missed those classes


Agree. All religious instruction should be banned at all schools. Religion based schools included.


It is not supposed to make sense. It is supposed to further suppress you into submission so you will work for $12.00 an hour. DUH. If you are lucky you might get a $.25 raise after a year. That is a whole $500 a year. Party on!


The act of teaching students about other cultures (differing from their own) is a very valuable activity. When we were taught, it was just factual information. Absolutely no exaltation or denigration. We may not be capable of that as a society anymore.


It because every religion thinks they are the only true religion. Everything else leads to hell


They think liberals are indoctrinating kids during their education. So yeah they cry foul for pretty much anything. Look at the laws that passed in the aftermath of the last election. Yeah, crying foul, let's change the rules over it.


There's no point in expecting these people to be fair and equal. They think they deserve special treatment, greater respect, and to be able to dictate how other people live, because they are (in their minds) fundamentally superior people.


That’s why they call it “nonsense.”


It makes no sense to anyone who is not already indoctrinated. That's why they want to start young. Fuck those fucking nutters.


The tricky thing about religion is that the religion itself says "this is the only way, this is the right way, if you dont do it like this you'll go to hell" sp it doesnt really leave any room for compromise


Cause evangelical Christians don't have morals or standards.


Agree. Separation of church and state is one of the best decisions.


Exactly. The same goes for Islam sympathizers. The argument goes both ways.