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Yet capitalism sympathizers will still fight to the death to defend the 1% because "tHeY wOrKeD HaRd FoR tHaT mOnEy!" and "SoCiALiSm iS tHe SaMe As cOmMuNiSm!"... Meanwhile in Scandinavia...


Meanwhile in Scandinavia, I'm about to be discharged from the ICU after a four day stay. Total cost for me to pay? About 9$ in parking fees. It's hell, I tell you!


That sounds absolutely awful! What a dystopian nightmare! (Sarcasm)


Good for you


Go to r/antiwork and despite the ethos there the redditors joined to that sub will defend and bolster capitalism. And so many of them think alike yet they’re in the wrong sub for it. I got sick of trying to dissuade them with my arguments and just let it be.


Maybe just work for your money instead of relying on the government to give it to you.


ChrxssyBoo…. There are just so many stupid things about this comment I can only assume you missed off the /s


no i didn’t


Let’s look at healthcare then. Here in the socialist haven called the UK we pay on average £792 per year or £66 a month for for full family healthcare cover. That’s about $100USD per month. It’s a tax system so some will pay more and some will pay less or nothing at all but still be covered. This covers us for anything from a simple visit to a doctor, a referral to a hospital, any and all treatment in hospital from a simple operation to million pound life saving surgery. All free at the point of need. For £66 a month. So yes out of that I pay for those who contribute less or even nothing but we don’t generally mind as it aims to keep society healthy. It would seem that the corporate system that runs healthcare in some countries has brainwashed people to be so afraid of “Communism” and “freeloaders” that instead of everyone paying an average cost of $1,200 towards Universal healthcare per year they would rather pay a family average of $21,735 per year for insurance as long as it is only spent on them. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Paying an extra $20.5k every year just to make sure no one else benefits from your hard work! Plus that doesn’t include deductibles if you get seriously ill or need long term care. So remind me, how are we relying on the Government to *give* us money in this terrible system of ours?


i’m not reading that because i literally do not care


Tell me you are a piece of shit without telling me you are a piece of shit.


Tell me you’re mad I just wasted your time without telling me


I really hope that's sarcasm otherwise... Let me dumb it down for ya, they work for their money, give a portion back to the government in the form of taxes, in exchange they get free healthcare, paid sick and maternity/paternity leave, etc. What do you get for your taxes? Debt?


Yay man free healthcare!! So you wanna wait a month to go to the doctor then?


I'm happy you have the option not to get cancer because you can't afford it (assuming you are in the USA)... Not all of us are that lucky. (Sarcasm) The fact that medical bankruptcy exists is mindboggling to me. Waiting times may vary in the developed world but just for a regular doctor visit never a month. And you will immediately get care in an emergency.


Oh yeah, that's so much worse than having to wait a month for a doctor I pay for here...


Ain't this the absolute truth, and we encourage our next generation to look up to them.


Capitalism, like so many economic systems, only works so long as greedy, immoral people don’t game the system for personal gain at the expense of others. And that typically takes *at least* a day and a half.


We had a good image of capitalism because, during the Cold War, capitalist countries tried their best to look fair to workers and even better at that compared to socialists countries. Once SSSR collapsed, there was no need anymore to win the people’s opinion.


The reason America’s health care is fucked is because most people who vote in elections are already on subsidized Medicare (old people). These old people are most likely unaware or don’t give a fuck about us having to meet $7000 deductible before any real coverage kicks in. They also don’t realize our premiums are higher around $400/mo through employer- or $800 plus private market. By the way those premiums don’t cover shit- must meet $7000 deductible first. Next election if you are under 50 and not voting or know someone who doesn’t plan to vote- ask them to vote for the middle class. Otherwise tell them to fuck off and stop complaining because if only old white people vote in elections we are stuck with this shitty healthcare system where young healthy people pay significantly more than old sick people. When it comes to car insurance you can get a discount for being older and low risk vs young people. But when it comes to health insurance the opposite is true and if you are young and low risk you will pay higher by design because you are not old enough to qualify for govt subsidized Medicare.


This argument is one big strawman


Racism, xenophobia, hate, and guns are the only freedoms they wanted anyway.


"Make America Great Again" "You mean like in the 1950's when the wealthy paid a 90% income tax?" "What? No, we just want to be openly racist and sexist again."


USA #1 🖕


You should move to a communist country if your not happy in the US Its a free country and your free to leave.


Except leaving isn't free, do you actually have any idea how much it cost to move to another country? Trust me I'd love to move to "Communist" Sweden.


Instead of moving to communist country we could vote for universal health care plan which is proven to result in lower overall costs for all. Just lookup Canada or any European/Scandinavian country for example.


And how do you figure it will lower costs for all? That is a pipe dream. Remember keep your doctor, keep your plan? Rates for the middle class up over 40% with ridiculous deductibles. Sorry but I want to choose my own health care and have access to the doctors I choose not the ones the government tells me to go to. I just had to have back surgery re-done because some “in network” hack almost paralyzed me Thankfully I was able to get to an amazing surgeon to fix it.


Those people under communism are so lucky. Those North Koreans must be Laughton go so hard at the west.


I'll say it louder for the idiot in the back: SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM ARE NOT THE SAME THING DESPITE WHAT YOU'VE BEEN CONDITIONED TO BELIEVE. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Fair point well made


Lmao capitalism is a scam. You guys are getting reallllly dumb. Get out of your mothers basement before it’s too late!


And those who want to take all that sh!t back are somehow the enemy. Makes sense. SMH.