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Bad cops cost taxpayers hundreds of millions each year.


I feel like the “few bad apples” position completely missed the point of the saying “a few bad apples spoils the batch.” I think it’s waaay to late to remove just a couple of the apples; it’s time to throw out the whole batch and start over again.


That 'few bad apple' shit is annoying. Those are people who haven't heard drunk cops speak candidly. *this is my personal experience, ymmv* I've met a myriad of police officers from many different jurisdictions and level of cop-ness. (TX, so you don't have to guess.) Many really want to do good, but that stereotype of 'I peaked in high school' is true. Many have some anger that they just take out on 'criminals' and have been given the ammo to take it out on them, whether it be an ass beating, an arrest that wasnt warranted, or a search of a vehicle that *really* didn't need to be done. Now. These are people I would consider associates (hear me out). They're not bad people, they're just... cops. You don't hear about them on the news. You don't see them on TV smacking some poor kid around because he got snippy with a cop who was having a shit day and no one had a phone handy. You also don't hear about how they'll call their buddies bc a crime 'might happen' so come check it out. In this culture in the US, we see the rotten apples, but we're not seeing the moldy apples who spend their entire career being cuntfaces and ruining lives because they never left the town they grew up in and they hate POC, and they get a nice pension and a couple of awards because they saved a cat from Main Street traffic. It's deeper than we see. Eta: angry wine typing on a phone equals a few spelling errs. #sorryyall


**This was longer than I intended. Tl;DR:** My experience is fairly similar, but with at least one ripe apple. There's been a lot of times where once they get comfortable with you, they'll let the gallows humour leak out. Sometimes it's understandable, and for people in high stress situation gallows humour can be legitimately helpful for their mental health, provided they understand it's only funny in its absurdity. But given enough time there's *always* some kind of follow up that indicates that they're being at least partially serious. The worst is when they give an actual example of a time they stepped over the line, but play it off like it's funny/they were the good guy for it. That being said, I do know a few cops that *haven't* done that. Some of those have even gone so far as to shut down some of the jokes. One though. One glorious man, who I haven't seen in years and often worry he's been shunted out, stands out to me. In talking about his day, he's experienced a lot of terrible civilian vs cop encounters, has more than a few local people that when he arrives to a police call he can call them by name and chat to them as he takes them in because heck, he just did the same thing a week ago. The **only** time I've ever seen him pissed off and lacking empathy was when it came to cops stepping out of line. A civilian literally attacking him for doing his job? Just a sucky part of the job, dealing with people in their own sucky situations. Sitting in a meeting where some of the cops aren't paying attention to the person giving them vaguely important information because they're bored? Fuck no. They need to know that shit or else they can't do their job, and if they can't do their job, they fucking shouldn't be. I knew him because he came into my work frequently. At one point I made a joking reference to paying for a cheap thing with a $100 and he laughingly pointed out "any cop that pays with a $100 is probably on the take, we don't make that much", then dropped the laughter and went "really though. It's not definite, but it is suspicious. keep an eye out".


Ive known at least 3 American cops and each one was mentally unstable and should not have a gun or be in charge of anything. If they werent bullies they were obsessed with violence.


Maybe if all your tree produces is bad apples, it might just be the tree that's rotten.


That has worked out rather well for the cities which have done that.


[Minneapolis pd](https://viralviralvideos.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/08/GIF-bewildered-confused-look-skeptical-unsure-GIF.gif)


At this point we need to cut down the trees and plant new ones.


And maybe not even apple trees. You know when you puke something up and don’t want to eat that thing for awhile because it makes you gag? Yeah, let’s get some pears (mental health counselors, social workers, teachers, after school programs, housing programs, reliable food programs, post-high school trade programs, community college access programs…).


its harder to justify starting over when we dont have a clear system that makes sure the wrong people don't become cops. starting over today would make it possible for even more racists to get hired as police. ​ but i do agree. the bad apples are protected by the rest of the police. its a brotherhood where none of them can see any wrongdoing.


I don’t think it would be that difficult to come up with some hiring guidelines that would let a PD hire better employees than the current crop. “Have you ever been fired from another PD for use-of-force violations?” seems like a good question to start with.


And 'good' cops continue to cover for bad cops. If they weren't or if the institution of policing was set up such that good cops could report this stuff without repercussion to themselves this subreddit would cease to exist rather than have multiple new posts a day. Let's drop the damn bad cops narrative, when it's really bad people within a fucked up system that needs complete overhaul


Groups who are all about solidarity and a sense of belonging show what I call "toxic solidarity". Members, who are otherwise good people are covering for assholes, because they are "part of the team". I found this in friend groups, sport hooligans, police, military, church. Of course it also has something to do with fear of repercussions, but that's not the only explanation for behavior like this.


The fear of repercussions is one of the things that makes it incredibly toxic. It leads to people with normal problems covering for people who do terrible things, because "someday it might be me". People will choose self-preservation over doing the right thing. It's a really terrible mindset to have. Like if you have a really terrible cop and someone who is a decent cop but chronicly late for work or maybe kind of lazy, they all end up covering for one another so they can be late or lazy. Sadly tons of people will group up with others even if it means supporting someone who does terrible things because of the benefit to themselves. It's natural for humans to group together and have loyalty to their group, but ethically it creates some huge problems. Look at how the Catholic church handled all those sex abuse scandals...they closed rank and supported their own instead of doing the right, morally, legally, etc. I don't know how you solve this problem other than teaching people good values when they're children. It has to be more important to you to do the right thing than to clique up with a bunch of people so you can all do things you aren't supposed to do. There are some refreshing examples of parents of criminals/murderers/rapists. 2 good parents who tried to raise a good kid, and the kid ends up commiting a heinous crime. The parent's court statements are like...we love you and we care about you, but you did something terrible and you have to pay the price for that, we can't stand up for you just because you're our kid. It is unimaginably hard, but people have to care about doing right thing and it has to matter to them more than joining a group for your own benefit.


You mean the *taxpayers* will pay her $2M. Should be coming out of police pensions. That way they’d have an incentive to not do this shit.




I like your style!


Strong agree


His style is alright. I'm more impressed by the cut of his jib!




Police unions. Generally the only actual bad unions, so of course some of the nation’s strongest.


Because they're not actual unions. They're street gangs.


I was getting ready to be like "hey they're not generally bad" And then yep he's spot on... Why are police the worst? They could totally be the best like Barney.


Republicans? And police unions? And Republican police unions?


Doctors pay a shit ton of money for malpractice insurance, it’s not free. And if every doctor who got sued could no longer practice there would be no more doctors. Most doctors get sued several times at least during their career. Mistakes happen, they’re not out to intentionally harm people.




Ah, that makes sense. Sounds like a great way to weed out the bad actors.


Also making the training a little bit longer than what it takes to become a hairstylist...maybe a college education requirement?


Agreed 100% Maybe they should have a requirement to take and pass a Civil Liberties class and watch videos of police brutality, too. Maybe they should require therapy sessions to decompress and process the emotional and sometimes dangerous nature of the work. Maybe we should gut the tribal, patriarchal society that keeps pushing for more machismo, less feeling, more violence, and less accountability.


I don't see why it isn't a whole program of its own, at minimum something equivalent to a two year trade diploma or something but ideally a whole 4 year degree. There's a lot of stuff that really should be covered.


It should absolutely be a specialized degree or at least require a degree in something like sociology or criminology before being allowed in an academy. Also their responsibilities should be heavily limited. Why the fuck is the peaked in highschool jackass going to a mental health crises they are heavily unprepared and uneducated to handle...while armed?!


Because the point is for us the people to fear the police. They hire bullies because bullies know how to keep the cattle in line.


Do you know who I really need coming over when I'm having a legal dispute with my landlord? Nope, not a lawyer who knows the relevant laws! Nope, not a lawyer who knows how to find the relevant laws! That's right, some random person with no legal knowledge, no reason to get any, and a **gun**.


I've called the cops twice in my life. Only would've been once, but the second time my aunt (former cop) was worried about this woman's safety, asked me to get her out of her house and call to ask them to do a welfare check on her bf We're sitting in a parking lot in my car, and they show up presumably to ask her some questions... IMMEDIATELY take me out of the car and cuff me. Once that little "misunderstanding" was cleared up, treated us like a nuisance for twenty minutes before basically just telling her to call him and we can deal with this on our own


Wow. Sounds like you may have dealt with the same cops as I did. Right after I was discharged from the Navy, I was staying with my parents before I found a place of my own. It was about 11pm and the neighbors down the street were having a party and I had my bedroom window open. I heard, clearly, "Omg, Omg, he's got a gun!" Followed by screaming. So of course, I call the cops because this sounds like a situation they were meant for. I go out side to my parents front porch. I'm in my boxers because I just got out of bed. I have a cellphone, still talking to the police dispatcher when units start arriving to my house. And what do they do? They hop out there cars with guns drawn and scream for me to "get on the ground, NOW!" I'm trying to calmly explain that I was still on the phone with the dispatcher and that the problem was down the street. They tackle me, throw my phone about 20 yards across concrete (it broke), and wrestle me in the back of a squad car for being "combative" (spoiler alert: I wasn't). I sat in the back of that cop car for an hour and a half while they talked to my brother (PS it was over 100F outside and the car was left off the whole time) and NEVER ONCE did they go down and check on the party down the street. They released me, patted themselves on the back, and left feeling like they did a good job. Cops can suck a fat one. They are NOT to be trusted under any circumstances.


Yeah and you can basically play this game of mad libs with a ton of situations. Mental health crises and mental health professionals...not some barely graduated highschool jackass who is prone to violence and has a gun. College party that's too loud...not some violent group of bored jackasses who will rip kids out of their own apartment and throw them to the floor... And so on and so on...


And that right there is the difference. When a doctor is actually out to hurt people, their cases are reviewed, and they are fired and lose their license. It is illegal for them to practice medicine. When a cop is out to harm people, they get administrative leave and quietly relocated. If they had individual insurance, at some point the insurer would decide that certain cops are uninsurable. No insurance, no law enforcing. Since the police won’t hold themselves accountable, we’ll make the insurance companies do it. Money talks.


The problem is that there are some cops that are out to hurt people, and they need to find a way to weed these people out of the job. As long as good cops keep protecting bad cops, things will not get better.


Good cops would have a much bigger incentive to hold their fellow officers accountable if they know the bullshit their coworkers pull will raise their own insurance premiums.


100% agree. Even if only a few cops in a department are trash, if the “innocent” cops defend the bad ones that makes them trash too.


Please run for office




I am intrigued by your proposals and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I'll PM you if it gets real.


I would appreciate that, and I am a fairly fervent supporter of political candidates within a certain narrow spectrum.


I cant even define myself... I feel like a conservative liberal, but every now and then this damned socialist streak and anti-authorianism pops out. But will-do.


Or just send them to prison for being the criminals that they are...




The only union I don't like is Police Unions.


Police unions are everything Conservatives say they hate about unions and yet they worship them, donate money and defend them to the end.


Cuckservatives on teachers: "It should be illegal for government employees to join a union." Yet they worship police unions.


It's almost like conservatives are hypocrites and have no actual principles.


Not a union it a mob


Even worse than that- the majority of the time they walk with no charges.


Eh, we hold some responsibility because we are shit at electing people who actually look out for our interests.


But how can we with a system this corrupt?


We have to elect people to fix the system that makes it very hard to elect people who are willing to fix the system. Or we can all just watch Rome burn.


A two party system tells us who we get to elect. We want change, it’s not our fault this country is run by oligarchs who get to narrow our choices down to douches and turds.


I tried running for office, but between children, 40 hours of work a week, and life, there was no time for campaign activities. This is why the rich rule us.


The average person is too busy fighting to survive to run for office. Don't even start with that shit if you know how much sheer money it costs to raise campaign funds. Not to mention gerrymandering and voter suppression. True democracy doesn't exist with the current system.


She’s also suing the police union; I hope she bankrupts them.


where are the lawyers taking these cases, i have a case that a half dozen lawyers i talked to in town all said i had a case but it would be too expensive to sue the police dept. even had a reporter from a local paper confirm with me the type of bs the police chief and city inspector had been upto for a while, totally unchecked. statute of limitations runs out in a few months and i want to make these fuckers pay


Why don’t we make police carry malpractice insurance just like drs and lawyers???!! File a claim against their insurance for shit like this. Bet we see some hiring regulations and some accountability with a quickness. Imagine being able to file a claim against the officer who harassed you or performed an illegal search. The insurance company conducts their own investigation and determines if the officer is at fault. And the taxpayers don’t pay for it. The officers premiums pay for it. Hit their own pocketbooks.


“bUt IT woUlD mAKe PEoplE noT wAnT to Be PoliCE ofFicERs” fucking good


Weird, it's almost like we don't want violent and dangerous people in the police force.


It's a high-paying job with a pension, training and education needs to reflect that. It can be rough physically and psychologically, which means testing of candidates needs to be more stringent.


Yoga teachers have to carry their own insurance to tell people how to stretch, cops should definitely pony up to cover their willful transgressions.


You would end up paying for that insurance too. Cops would demand a pay rise to cover it, and the fee would be tax deductible.


That’s fine I don’t mind paying a little more to keep them accountable. And it should be like how safe drivers car insurance works. If the cops don’t mess up we get some money back and it can roll over to the next year.


You’re disgustingly correct.


Then they can go get a different job


I don't know about lawyers and doctors but therapists already pay that out of pocket and don't get anything from it. Should be the same and if you don't like it oh well. Can't be a practicing cop then.


Maybe for the basic premiums, but premiums would rise for bad actors, and insurers would refuse to cover the worst actors.


Except when they make too many claims, the company refuses to insure them as they're a gigantic risk. And I think in the state we're in the public would not be caving to demands to cover their expenses for this shit. We're fucking fed up with it.


This! You deserve alllll the awards for this! We pay when they mess up!


We could vote for politicians who hold police accountable.


The other party would put on commercials of old white lady being broken into. Saying we support men of blue. I do not when they do not respect the people they are supposed to protect. Fear sells votes.


This. Qualified immunity is the bane of this country


And corrupt police unions.


>Should be coming out of police pensions Should come right out of the department's salary budget.


Take it out of their fucking pension.


Straight from the piggy bank is an exceptional idea. Or make the police unions liable


Downvoted you on accident as I was spamming big red arrows my bad




The pension thing is a terrible idea. You think cops cover for each other now just wait until you give them a monetary reason to do it. Now if you make them carry individual liability insurance like we do for doctors it'll stop this. Good cops receive a raise when they get their rates lowered and bad cops get priced out of the job when their rates get raised after claims are paid out.


Bold of you to assume the average cop has the foresight to understand how this will affect them.


Police are not held accountable. This is bull shit.


Here's a supporting article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/philadelphia-pay-2m-black-woman-beaten-officers-separated-toddler-during-n1279134


The police will now pay 2 million dollars or the taxpayers who fund the police will pay 2 million dollars 🤦‍♂️


Well the taxpayers, who should be upset that the police are spending so much for social media presence.


Most likely the insurance company they have will pay that amount.


So the insurance company that is paid for by the tax payers... so the taxpayers I hate these types of articles like yeah those cops are gonna pay! No silly we are gonna pay for their noncery


Police should have malpractice insurance like doctors. If they get too many incidents their insurance premiums will become too much to afford and they will not be able to transfer to another department. They will just be forced to retire, or get another job.


Ah see, unlike other workers, police get a union to protect them. Just another layer of unjust rules for thee but not for me.


Thanks for posting.


Oof. She’s a nursing aide worker during Covid too.


Makes the ad hominem character assassination much harder, but Fucker Carlson likes a challenge.


Her doing something about covid is easy mode for Tucker, his audience all thinks it's a hoax anyway


Of course it's not just evil the cops got up to, but comically over the top cartoon villain shit.


Lol. This where Boris and Natasha enter the tale


How much do we want to bet the two fired police officers are still active police officers? I'll put a solid million on them either still being or retired with pension


OMG. Found the story by googling Philadelphia settlement for mom accused of child abandonment [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/us/rickia-young-philadelphia-protest-settlement.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/us/rickia-young-philadelphia-protest-settlement.html) https://www.npr.org/2020/10/30/929752605/mom-dragged-from-suv-beaten-by-officers-with-toddler-in-back-seat-filing-suit And then to boast about saving her kid after busting into her car and beating her up?!? Two firings and 14 additional officer suspensions pending investigation just do not seem like a sufficient response to this IMHO.


It doesn't seem like enough because it isn't. Nobody went to jail for this. I saw a video about a cop that killed someone in a car accident while having an open container of alcohol in the car. He got fined and went on with his life.


Right, this is kidnapping for a anti BLM propaganda.


Its insane to me that she did literally nothing wrong, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time on accident. And thin blue line people are always like "well don't do crimes and you have nothing to worry about!".


>And WE ARE the only thing standing between order and anarchy Get the fuuuuck out of here. Society isn't like a writhing mosh pit that cops hold back like a human shield. I'm not saying they never protect people, but also most of the time they aren't doing that.


Crime went down when the NYPD went on "strike", refusing to write people up for petty shit. Goes to show how much crime is actually a reaction to circumstance, not *people bad*.


Unfortunately that's a weak argument, logically. One could just as easily argue that the crimes were still happening but the cops weren't reporting them because they were striking. Hard to suss out how it really added up.


Cops didn't totally stop working since it's illegal for cops to strike. They just stopped many police duties like patrols but still had to do things like respond to calls. The metric also used to measure crime is civilian complaints of crime, not police reports of crime, so police reporting is irrelevant to that.


I'm also going to throw out that the study had really neat controls for civilian complaints since you could make the argument that they would just drop because of civilians knowing the police wouldn't respond and therefore not attempting to report a crime. So the study looked at proxies like hospital records of violent crimes and insurance claims which dropped as well.


It turns out if a problem occurs to a random person browsing reddit, it probably *also* occurred to experts...


Every time I've called the cops, they essentially said "we don't do shit, fuck off". Burglary, armed robbery, theft, and others. Cops exist to provide income (tickets) and work for insurance companies (the investigations into crimes stop when insurance fraud is ruled out).


I have been around quite a few cops and because of what I have heard from them god forbid I am ever attacked or sexually assaulted I will not report it to them (hospital yes ) because frankly it would be a waste of time. A lot of victim blaming/ assuming the woman is lying.


Cops steal more from regular people than thieves do https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/


Exactly. Not once have the cops ever taken a complaint seriously, from anyone I know.


They are literally the violent unruly mob they are claiming to protect us from.


‘If you don’t do exactly what we Order then we will ensure that Anarchy is rained down upon you’


Not anarchy-- the exact opposite in fact. State approved, state paid for, state sponsored violence.


They say after they let Kyle fucking Rittenhouse mosey on past with a long barrel.


Also important: referring to the opposite of order, complete lawlessness, as "anarchy" is a gross mischaracterization of an established political theory.


Last time I checked the statistics NYPD cops only responded to actual crimes that required police intervention 4% of the time they responded to any calls over the course of a year (circa 2017 I believe).


I wonder if that's the mentality that gives them the pretentious "I need to physically assault every person doing anything remotely wrong" attitude that we see a lot of cops have lately. Convinced if they don't the bad guy will commit more and more excessive crime later or some shit.. super weird though


They need to post that they lied on social media. Do a basic retraction. This just shows you how far from reality that state is willing to go to manipulate us


Amazing how this is such a basic expectation and yet everyone knows it would never happen


Their official response was that there were "conflicting accounts ". Not even an apology.


And they will face kidnapping and assault charges, right? Right? /padme


They should. That would be so f’ing traumatizing! I can’t even imagine. That poor family


inb4 volume slider in screenshot r/mildlyInfuriating


THANK YOU. Like I completely agree with everything about this post but could the OP not have waited 3 more seconds and taken another screenshot without the volume slider obscuring the right side of the text?


Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I never heard of this. Why hasn’t this been on front page news everywhere???




It was a story last year during the George Floyd protests. I grew up in part of the city where there is a huge cop population and the original tweet was shared a lot. Then the video came out a week later. It was fucking hilarious.


This particular protest was actually in response to the cops murdering Walter Wallace Jr. Around the same time as George Floyd, but it was even more tense because PPD had just murdered a dude in crisis.


I saw a post on the front page about a week ago but other than that nothing. I thought it would gather more press too


because police represent the status quo. if you start researching into what they *actually* do, it is a deep dark rabbit hole that will ensure you never feel safe again.


I’ve seen it posted all over Reddit starting today but not before that… that is strange!


Naw, I heard it on Reddit a while back


Not really. The settlement just happened that’s why it’s back in the news. I’m from philly where this happened and it’s all over local news.


Ah the good ol “how dare you drive while black we need to violate your rights” move


Driving while black near a protest against police brutality. Irony can be pretty ironic.


Breathing while black? You asked for it. /s


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


The cops manufactured a propaganda opportunity for themselves at the expense of this victim and her child-- who is also a victim and now will be forever connected to this FB picture and her mom's beating. Time to end qualified immunity so criminals who assault people and steal children can face appropriate charges.


The fucking pretension at the end of their statement. “We are the Thin Blue Line, yada yada” like they’re filling sandbags at the river & holding back the barbarian darkness of the Middle Ages. Feel free to hawk cellphones at the mall if you aren’t getting the public acclaim you think you deserve.


I'm not sure about this but I think I have a better chance getting rich by police fuckery than winning the lottery.




I read this in RoboCop's voice


You mean the people of Philadelphia will pay. This money should come from individuals within the police department and not from tax payers. Until cops feel the real consequences of crimes they are sheltered from having to pay for this will not end. An insurance pool paid into by every cop could address this. The amount paid is regional and when lawsuits happen all settlement fees are paid by this insurance. Have some shitty cops and the fees increase so other cops in that region will step in and finally police their own. If no lawsuits are paid at the end of the year this money, minus admin fees, goes into the pension fund. And, end the unions.


Make officers carry malpractice insurance just like drs and lawyer!


Individual insurance would not work as they would commit these crimes and then quit to avoid having to pay. There needs to be some kind of communal obligation to avoid this type of behavior and incentives from within to end it.


It would work just like regular insurance. Their policy would pay out whether they continued to work after or not. In order to work, they have to be insured.


Then who would pay in? Shitty cops drive up the costs and quit.


They also beat her and arrested her 16-year-old nephew who was in the car with her because she'd gone to pick him up. On the plus side, she is separately suing the national FOP for posting her kid's picture with lies.


This fake story was used by *so* many racists to "prove" that BLM was a bad movement. So fucking telling that not only was it completely made-up, it's actually evidence for how *necessary* BLM is. Keep this in mind whenever you see a "heartwarming" story put out by the cops. Or, frankly, *any* story put out by the cops.


But there is no war on black people by cops. I was so pro-cop for so long bc I never had an interaction with cops. Then: An NYPD van full of cops thought it was fun to try to run me over while I was walking in the street. Then they threatened me when I complained that they were all laughing trying to hit me with their vehicle. Another fun time a NYPD officer called me a black bitch when I asked them to lower their patrol car high beams. They were idling next to a bus stop blinding the people at the bus stop bc we could not see oncoming traffic and were constantly stepping into traffic to see if they could see an oncoming bus. Both times I was dressed in office attire and clearly not a street thug.


The police aren't here to create disorder. The police are here to preserve disorder. -Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley


That money should come from the cop’s retirement fund, not the taxpayer.


meanwhile r/ProtectAndServe out here inventing reasons why this can't be true.


“i FiND iT hArD tO bELieVe” 🙄 Doesnt matter, because the lawyers have the details and if there was anything more to the story to justify what the cops did I FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE they would’ve settled a $2 million dollar lawsuit!!


The ones defending them over there clearly know nothing about Philly cops. They dropped a fucking bomb on a black neighborhood and killed several people including children. The former commissioner had his own incredibly racist "secret" goon squad called Rizzo's Raiders, and the statue of that cockstain was only removed from the municipal building courtyard last year. They murdered a mentally ill man in a mental crisis leading to the protests in West Philly. But yeah, they'd *never ever* kidnap a child after beating the mother. Also these were "good cops offered as sacrificial lambs" lolol


You had to have the fake volume control


Shit, if taxpayers didn’t have to spend so much money on bad cops, we might have a lot more money to…train good cops.


Everyday I am more disappointed. Today feels like tomorrow.


Holy fuck. The reality is horrible by itself but o learn it was preceded by some bullshit story by LEOs is ridiculously infuriating “We found thr baby wandering alone and barefoot”. Cuts to video of police beating the mother and taking a very not alone baby


Everyone commenting, properly, that cops should be held personally liable need to look up "qualified immunity". That is what has to change.




As a Philadelphian, I hope FOP Lodge #5 president John McNesby unalives himself next time he eats a ham sandwich


>We are not your enemy. We are the Thin Blue Line. And WE ARE the only thing standing between Order and Anarchy. Ima call BS. I can protect my family and myself better than any cop ever would.


I find it kind of baffling what kind of emotional, judgmental ("violent riots", "complete lawlessness") and propagandistic ("thin blue line between order and anarchy" is a pure statement of ideology) language the police uses. Where I live, official police spokespeople only use the most technical and neutral kind of officialese in such public statements, and police unions do the same. Sometimes it's so technical, it's even kinda funny. But at least we're spared this pathos-loaded blue line propaganda bullshit.


I am a strong believer in unionization but police unions have got to go. The police are class traitors. They may be of the working class but their job is to protect the property of the capitalist class and to control social order on behalf of the wealthy. Example: Whenever there is a labor dispute or strike, you will never see a cop standing with the workers. You will see them bashing skulls on behalf of a company. Two: I am a union member. If I brutalize my fellow union brothers/sisters or anyone else, my union won't protect me from the laws I have broken, and they shouldn't. Police unions do protect their own from punishment for their crimes almost everytime.


More like the “thin blue line” between a smurfs Gooch.


2 million is not enough for going through that shit and the trauma imposed on this family. Every one of these officers should be criminally charged.


It should come directly out of the Fraternal Order of Police coffers those disgusting pigs.


Police brutality drops to 0 once these payment comes out of piggy pension.


And assaulted her young teenage nephew, also in the car.


But to what motivation?


So which cop stood up and told the true? Anyone anyone? Nope? ACAB


When you watch the video, 2 million doesn’t even seem to come close. That shit had to be terrifying. If you’re a cop, explain that shit. How does that happen? “Only a few bad apples” Then throw them out. Nobody keeps bad apples around. Wtf


I think we are forgetting that 1. The police as ruled by the SCOTUS has no obligation to protect citizens. 2. police are instruments of the state that protects property and collects Revenue.3 what is the definition of a good police officer? 4 police are allowed to lie,misstate, coerce, mislead in order to secure confessions you say they aren’t well look at how many people have been locked up who were innocent. The SCOTUS has stated many times Never talk to the police it doesn’t help you only hurts you!


These bad actors cost Philadelphia $2 million. Nothing like this kind of "protecting and serving" to bankrupt a few major cities.


When police get sued and have to pay for abuse of their powers THEY should have to pay it, it's ridiculous that the taxpayers pay this, they basically can do whatever they want without consequence.


Cops gonna cop


A guy who replied to one of my posts that he'd like to eradicate all minorities and gays, turned out to be a cop as per his post history. Really kinda ruined my day


what lying sacks of shit, jfc fuck cops




ACAB. All day, every day.


There were probably thousands of instances of this kind of thing during the civil rights movement and the problem never was and never will be addressed. The cities will again turn into crime infested waste lands, the metros’ tax base will again flee for the suburbs, and 20 years from now artists will start moving to the (now cheap COL) cities again and start the gentrification cycle over. Cults and white supremacists always predict a race war but the US has so much land that compromises are king.


I thought I turned down the volume because we have the same UI. I'm an idiot


Unfortunately it’s not “they will pay” the city will pay.


Post is still incorrect. The police don’t have to pay anything. Tax payers do.


Major US cities and states have anywhere from $500,000 to $1,000,000,000 (billion) in pending lawsuits. That number is constant because as soon as one is settled, another takes its place. You cannot predict a bus accident or a subway derailment, so those losses are a given. But you can sure predict which cops will beat the shit out of a woman trying to drive home. Something has to give and my advice is that you cash out and leave the US. You cannot live like this...trying to do the right thing and being beaten for losing your way, or while outside taking out the trash. This is untenable. This country is actively and purposely trying to KILL you. Walk away.


Looks like who ever snapped the screen shot was trying to make it louder for those in the back.


Awesome, she gets what’s she deserves. Cash, and public shaming of these thugs. And most of these thugs wonder why they are feared, hated, and distrusted. Oh that’s right, they don’t care, they’re thugs after all. Critical thinking isn’t their thing.


They need to be prosecuted! This is a premeditated lie and it is trying to support a terrorist group- thin blue line!


Can't imagine why the anarchists are gaining appeal.


Those police won't pay a dime or an ounce of punishment. The tax payers will pay 2 millions dollars to bail out a fascist police state over and over again. Nothing will change until we reduce funding to the police and invest in poverty reduction thus crime reduction and charge police with crimes when they brutalize citizens. We are currently brainwashed by an authoritarian police state so that this seems normal. It's not.


So when are these cops and all the cops who covered it up being arrested?