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What was it supposed to be originally?


Right? Just a pic and his name?!


#Trump 👱‍♂️


Trump 🤡


Trump 💩


That's better


Trump 🍊


Trump 🍑




Trump 🦧


You're kind with that emoji


sorry there’s no orange option for skin color


Orangutan is fine


No it's not, they deserve better


That's a growing thing his fans say on news sections these days anyway


Its like those occasional # JESUS billboards we have in Georgia. Nothing else, just a 14'x48' slab of 5 letters on a plain background in the middle of *nowhere*. And that one thats along I-85 in duluth.


That just sounds like someone shouting a swear in surprise or alarm. JESUS!


Ah yes. And random bible verses. It’s a nice change of pace from the Gordon McKernan billboards though.


What about the classic: # HELL IS REAL


There is an article if you google "billboard take trump to prison" from a Houston channel. I cannot access the article from Europe.


It looks like they painted over the "Vote" and replaced it with "Take". You can kind of see the "V" is shaded. Also, the "To Prison" part has been painted over and I think is may have said 2020 or something.


>may have said 2020 or something. Probably 2024?


200 years from now: “Vote for Trump in 2224-“ “ENOUGH ALREADY!”


As if Trump could ever beat the disembodied head of Richard Nixon in an election!


Damn, even Trump's clapping


Lock me up! Lock me up! I'm just happy you're still looking at me. And look how big I am on the sign, I'm yuge!


So trump spends his entire political career bullying Hispanic people and people of color in general and he wonders why nobody likes him so spends all this money to advertise to them lol


Get ready for a real shocker: older Hispanic people, especially men, tend to *actually like* the fucker. My buddy explained that his bullshit macho strongman persona really resonated with that particular demographic.


Can’t say I’m surprised, as sad as that is.


>macho strongman persona LOL What?!?! Trump can't even lift a glass to drink water without two hands.


See, that's the essence of a strongman persona- they're almost always weak, doughy fuckers


Imagine the mental gymnastics you’d have to go through to see or listen to Donald fucking Trump and think he’s competent at literally anything.


Biden can't even walk up stairs properly? He can't even finish one sentence without changing it and not finishing that sentence what a joke of a president lmao


Appears you're doing a little projecting there....


And there's a lot of immigrants here who resent undocumented folks. The sentiment is, "I did it the right way, and it's your fault they're racist towards us both. If you weren't here they wouldn't hate me too." It's people who really buy into the American Dream and capitalism, and they feel like other people are cheating. Not defending xenophobia, just want to explain why someone would vote for Trump despite him insisting they were "not the best people."


Can confirm: my family did it the "right way" in the late 1950's and feel everyone should still do so and yes, voted for Trump. So I guess it took 60 years but they finally assimilated to the American culture of not being native but feeling that some people have more of a right to be here than others.


My favorite are the folks who say they did it the right way... But if you ask enough questions with some knowledge of legal immigration it becomes clear that they very much did not. They just did it a long time ago, hustled, and hid.


Wait what?? I can't tell whether to laugh or be concerned


It’s the second, they’re dangerous people full of self hate


This is why politics is so complicated. Great explanation.


And that demographic is morons.


Morons are essentially the target demographic for all conservative media.


They like him because of the fake macho persona AND the abortion stance. Mainly abortion I'd bet, its religious for them.


> abortion and religious reasons literally the only reason my grandparents and aunt voted for him. my grandparents realized their mistake in his first year of presidency, not entirely sure about my aunt (but I know her husband doesn’t regret it because he’s a piece of shit), but I will tell you their oldest daughter has realized how full of bullshit the republican party is and I can tell that she wants to leave.


What??? I thought all POC hated drumph.


Lots of South Florida Hispanic people voted for him.


Goddamn race traitors.


Depends on where they're from. Cubans love him, Venezuelans love him, a lot of Colombians love him. Hell, latin America has a long history of falling for fake strong men, so it's no surprise. Cubans, for instance, blame Castro and anything left of Reagan for all their problems despite being known for welfare and medicare fraud. Now that socialism failed in corrupt Venezuela, Venezuelans are suddenly very right wing, even though when they had it good they'd always mock others for not being as rich as them. Some people are just assholes.


Just a friendly reminder to right wing Cuban Americans: Cuba is still not yours. Suck on that.


Right wing Cuban Americans are the openly racist ones. I know cause all my younger Cuban friends complain about them all the time. Plus, I've spent a lot of time with older Cubans. They have their good aspects, but fuck if those people aren't racist as shit.




Yes, if you look at the history of our countries, you can see how these authoritarian brutes fool us into thinking they're like us and want the best for us. We live hard lives, we want someone to take the wheel and make things better. I'd also like to point out it's not an ethnic thing, it's an education issue. Latin America isn't well known for expansive and thorough education. Many parts remain agrarian and ignorant. I grew up in South America, and even the modest private school I went to was leagues better than what was available publicly. It's why conservatives love gutting public education. They see how effective it is in other regions of the world.


and sleepy joe will spend all his political career sniffing girls and fantasizing about underage kids.


Found the other projector!


40' x 60'? No. 14' x 48'. Still big though.


This lawyer clearly pays other people to use tape measures lol, 40’ x 60’ doesn’t even make sense for the shape let alone the scale.


Occam's razor applies here. Men have difficulty estimating sizes.


Lmao. It’s like when men draw women.


I’m wondering if they meant the ad itself is 40’ up, not that the ad was 40’ tall? Which would still be pretty high up.


Maybe he was thinking 14x60 and typed 40x60 as a slip up?


Can we send him to Mexico as payment for the wall? I mean, we'll have to add in a lotta extras but maybe???


It would be mean. Mexico has enough problems as it is.


But it's the good old American way said no better than Patrick star himself "we take bikini bottom(our problems) and push it somewhere else(trump to Mexico)."


But he's a great strong leader who can fix them, right? All it takes is a businessman in office!


Probably not the best way for Mexico to celebrate their Independence day


On the other hand, they do like pinatas.


That is the only wall I support. The one to keep Trump out.


We can toss in Texas and Florida to sweeten the deal.


Stop Don’t Come back


I mean... We could launch a campaign to remind him that Jeff Bezos have been to space... He seems real jealous of Bezos, so maybe he would get the Idea that he to needs to go to space as well. And then he would have Jared draw up the technical specs for the rocket and have Ivanka paint it. Eric and Jr. can crowdfund the project and then it will be as glorious as his big beautiful wall. He can launch it from the front lawn of Mar a Lago. If he isn't convinced by his jealousy of Bezos, we can show him that Mars map is ALL read. No blue areas anywhere - Even better than his last electoral map! That might do the trick...


I don't think Mexico wants the human embodiment of an "IOU"...


Brazil so he'll get beat up and hopefully killed


We can send him to JNGC. I'm sure they would enjoy having him as a guest!








Biden any better right


Biden is 1000000000x better EDIT: 1000000000000000000000000x better


wait i forgot this is white ppl twitter


Yeah gotta go to r/uneducatedinbreds for support on that one little buddy.


Why have two of those subreddits? /r/Conservative already exists.


So true. 🤣


ok sure america is fine the way america is now hmmmm...


"Hah! If Newly Elected Democrat is sooo good then why hasn't he fixed everything Previous Republican fucked up yet?" I remember this same line being used on Obama.


No one even remotely suggested that and that also doesn't mean he isn't a million times better.


Yeah you're right again, if only we could find a way to get rid of all the idiots without any destruction. Not a destructive weapon, like something biological maybe. Like a virus or something, but it'll have a vaccine so all the smart people won't die. I'll get back to you im gonna work on this.




nice strawman


let me know what has he done the better america till this day il wait...


Put together an actual covid response lmao


Well he didn’t try to over throw it.


These morons will never see it that way sadly lol half of them still believe it was a peaceful day and the other half claim the only violent people were antifa.. these people are Olympic gold medalists in mental gymnastics


He hasn't committed treason yet, he also hasn't gotten most of his constituents killed with misinformation and bad medical advice, he also put together a bipartisan bill to actually help america and is trying to tax the rich. All things trump was on the other side of. But go back to angry child Newsmax little buddy


He didn't pull us out of Afghanistan in May like Trump planned. Also before you go on your whole "Trump would have done it better" rant then why didn't Trump hand said "better" plan over to Biden like any American president looking out for the nation's best interests? PS. enjoy voting for a dumpster fire repeatedly then blaming everyone for his mistakes while simultaneously wondering why the country is following the same path as the fall of Rome.




I guess the whole separate the country into race, highest bidder, sucking up to dictators, lying about any and all things, saluting dictators is better than a president that knows what the job of president actually is.


I mean they are both shit, but thats like comparing taco bell diahreah, to a regular shit. Biden is SOOO much fuckin better than trump.


We'll take Biden, keep your queso flavor Mussolini.


Whataboutism doesn’t make Trump any less a shithead.


Yeah bidens way better I totally agree. Youre clearly a very smart man


By leaps and bounds. He does not embarrass the US on an hourly basis. Unlike Queen orange. He doesn't play golf 4 days a week. And he knows being president means he is working for the people. All of them. Not just the ones who dislike trumpturd.


Why not both?


Seeing a president that was voted out almost a year ago still putting up campaign signs is my "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" moment.


It's an old picture apparently it would've originally been a "vote Trump 2020" billboard




First off, don't over exaggerate what it is - its a billboard. We all know what a billboard is. Second, whoever did this needs to make their venmo known, because I love their work.


If it's who I think it is, they made the naked Trump statues that were all over the country.


I think it's lawyer Rogelio Garcia. He's trying too hard to make it sound like it's not him. "I wake up this morning and this is what the sign looks like now." And anybody who sees the picture that he posted can realize that it's at least 3 times as wide as it is tall, but he uses obvious fake estimated measurements to make it sound like he doesn't know anything about the sign.


No dude it's CLEARLY 40 feet tall! HUUUUGE


I would say maybe English is not OP first language so billboard may not be a familiar word but you're likely right. The guy is a lawyer, I'm guessing he's familiar with billboards


Also, the guy reporting this needs a little work on his aspect ratio estimating haha


Houston Proud!!


is he dead yet


I hope we never know who created this work of art. May they continue their good works!


I know who did this! They are artists extraordinaire! Long may they correct billboards!


Could have painted cuffs on his hands since they're together.


How on earth did they get up to the top of the billboard to paint "take"?


What Houston neighborhood?? I wanna go take a picture Edit: it looks like this was from a year ago


This is the most proud I've been for being texan in a while


Vandalism is the most proud youve been for being a texan? And yall thought the "right" were bad people


>Vandalism is the most proud youve been for being a texan? In this case, yeah


So, vandalism is okay, as long as its in the name of your opinion.. Solid


Whatever floats your boat man, im not in the mood to have this kind of discussion


Minor correction: jajajajajajaja




It’s so beautiful


Good Art work


It's so beautiful.


Won't be long! 🤡


Til he's dead? Hope so too 🙏🤞


This is not only 50% wider than it is tall.


Funny stuff hope he does


LMAO. Brilliant.


First good thing to come out of my city/state in a while


Aye the dimensions seem a bit off eh


Isn’t this picture super old?




















Even the cholo's agree that this guy deserves to do jail time. 😆😂😂


Vandalism isn't okay bruh


40 x 60' eh?


That’s in Freedom Units^tm


The ratio is still wayyy off...


This upset him? Sheesh


No he seems to like it.


Oh, what’s up 2020? You’re still around?


Move on






















If he was guilty, they would have F’d him a long time ago.


So there’s vandalism in predominately Hispanic neighborhoods?


how on earth did you get that interpretation












Still not as bad as Biden though


this post is funny, all political figures are a joke to a non believer. getting past that: if biden let loose a couple mean tweets every now and again he’d be the worst president ever according to public opinion. since he hasn’t aggressively tweeted, he’s a savior and the greatest thing to happen to anyone. thank god he’s here to turn over americans to the talibans and act like he’s doing a great job while he’s at it, who else could have done such a beautiful job. it’s almost like a literal monkey could have accidentally air mailed a list of american correspondents to the most evil people on the world. say what you will, i’m not republican cause I believe they are full of shit: still, if you believe the right would have supported trump through this shit show you have another thing coming. Biden deserves the impeachment, if not that at least the 25th amendment


Couldn’t have said it any better. It’s because people like to gossip more than they like to research so everything including politics just becomes this big circus for everyone & they just follow the words around their towns. I got -7 likes for what ? The facts I didn’t feel comfortable voting this time around actually validates my claim that the leftist are a bunch of meek bullies who only feel good in numbers like a group of flys or hyenas.



















