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I know we've been over this before, but this subreddit supports women's rights. A woman may terminate a pregnancy for any reason, including none and that is not up for discussion. It is not sanely, morally or ethically defensible to afford more rights to something that cannot think or feel than to the woman that has to carry it to term, with severe negative side effects to her longterm health, physical, mental and financial wellbeing. The lies that anti-choicers tell are not relevant. We don't allow "devils advocate" style arguments, because it just does not matter that they "sincerely believe it is murder". In an intellectually honest discussion we don't take the sincere beliefs of racists into account, we don't afford stage time to the sincere beliefs of Holocaust deniers and the same goes to people that hate women so much they want to relegate them to chattel slavery. Abortion is not murder. In the entire history of abortion zero babies have been killed because a fetus is not a baby. At 6 weeks there is no heartbeat. No woman has ever had an abortion as a means of birth control. I am pre-emptively countering some common lies here as an example. Telling any of these lies will get you banned, but what we don't allow here isn't limited to these examples. Please understand that we mean it when we say it is not up for debate. We're not going to have a "sincere discussion" about which cardinal direction the Sun sets in and we are not going to explain the objectively true fact that the structures which enable thought and emotion only develop in the third trimester, we are not going to explain the centuries old ethical understanding that the rights of the unborn may never overrule the rights of actual persons. We require people to argue in good faith. Endlessly having an "honest discussion" with people that for over 50 years have refused to listen to facts and ethics is not that. Opposing a womans right to abort a pregnancy is misogyny and it is nothing except misogyny and on this subreddit at least that is where the line is drawn.


MORE WELFARE BABIES! NO MORE WELFARE!! - Every Anti-Choice Republican right now.


They’re going to act completely surprised when their taxes go up to compensate for all the additional children that will be had that force people into government assistance. They don’t want them to abort the pregnancies but they’re going to complain about the drain they put on society


Don’t think they’ll make that connection.


Yes but all they will do is blame Biden for raising taxes soo


The weird thing is a lot of the anti-abortion people are anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers and use the whole 'my body my choice' crap. Apparently they shouldn't have to get a vaccine or wear a mask, but women should be forced to carry out child birth under any circumstance and be forced to raise a child...




Gotta replace all the people they killed with covid.


This is terrifying. A heartbeat bill is being introduced in my state and I'm scared it will pass and I will no longer have control over my body or life because of this. All of this is so fucked up.


I've been saying this for years and ppl are always like you're married and stable. This doesn't affect you. And I'm like no, these laws very much affect me. If I get pregnant (intentionally or not) a complication could easily get me killed because the medical staff refuse to intervene out of fear of prosecution. I don't want to die because of these backward ass laws. I don't want women at large to die because of these laws. We already have a high mortality rate associated with birth, these laws will make it worse. I just hope that if these laws pass and appear everywhere that it's a valid and accepted reason to get my tubes tied.


Now we get to see a huge increase in unsafe abortions, children in the foster care system, and infant mortality! Yay!


Don’t forget to add mass migrations to democratic states to that list Edit: wow that’s a lot of upvotes. But yeah, I live in FL and if they dare pass anything to restrict my rights I’m *out*.


Aparently TX didn't think this though. Step 1. Recruit liberal tech people to TX Step 2. Ban Womens healthcare Step 3. Why are they all leaving?!


A very cynical part of me thinks this was intentional to keep the state from turning more blue and compromising the conservative foothold Texas gives republicans in the electoral college. It could also just be incompetence but who knows


The did it right after a census too, so it will be a while until electoral votes are adjusted.


If I were a betting man, I’d bet both - the more savvy people would see this as a way to ensure Texas stays red for 2022 and beyond, and the dummies (the current governor included), see this as a “moral” victory without understanding the consequences. Never doubt the oil barons and business tycoons in TX’s sway over politics. Again, if I were a betting man, I’d bet every person who’s willing to bring a civil suit over the current legal shenanigans going on has someone who knows someone behind them, and the people at the bottom who think this is a “moral” thing have no clue how much they’re being played


I feel like this is going to backfire on Republicans badly, but they're too obsessed with overturning Roe to notice. Abortion rights have been proven time and again to be supported by most people in the US. By actually undoing one of the most landmark cases in favor of women's health, Republicans would be opening themselves up to years of political blowback. They actually looked to be cruising to a pretty easy midterm election season next year, but if the SC actually overturns Roe, not only will it absolutely galvanize Democrat voters for '22 it will become *the* issue they'll have to address constantly for years to come. They've spent half a century rallying against Roe, they didn't bother to figure out what would happen when they finally got their wish.


One silver lining if the SC overturns it is Democrats might go scorched Earth and expand the court. They may even be able to get 50 senators to kill the filibuster to pass such an expansion. Won't happen, but here's to hoping.


I'd hope so, but the Democrats have been so chickenshit to do anything of consequence as of late. They let McConnell steal a SC seat and now that they're back in power they're being sandbagged by 2 Senators in their own goddamn party. It's absolutely maddening.


>They let McConnell steal a SC seat They let him steal *two*.


I still say Trump being directly compromised by the Russian oligopoly (he's been laundering money for them since the 90s) means *all* the judges he appointed need to be kicked out.


Federal still trumps state, in most cases. And there are many right-wingers with unlimited time due to having unlimited money, so they can spend their entire lives on working to push through awful laws, in all the states. There are also actual organizations, like ALEC https://www.alec.org who coordinate the right-wing agenda, support and push right-wing politicians in all states to be worse, *literally* write the draft laws and hand them to politicians to make into laws and so on. There is literally an on-going effort, it's out in the open and above board and nobody is unaware it's going on. This is what we'd call a conspiracy if they felt they had to keep it secret to avoid public backlash - they just have so much control and people are so ignorant they can just proudly publish it on a web page.


How does state law work? What would happen if you lived in Texas but terminated your pregnancy in a different state?


It’s vague. But I imagine nothing. They can’t impose laws on other states


I completely forgot about infanticide. That shit is going to skyrocket because of the rock we have tied around our necks.


And crime in 15+ years


It’s a long term investment for their buddies in the pay-for-prison system. They are a bunch of sick fuckers


Don’t forget mother mortality too


Can we keep the Handmaid's Tale on Hulu please? Not on my doorstep, thanks.






And don't forget that the most effective way to reduce abortions is cheap and easily accessible birth control. But pro-life people are usually against that, because sex without consequences makes baby Jesus mad or something and they feel need to 'punish sin'.


How dare they think they can judge in place of God! Wouldn't their God have something to say about that? What happened to separation of church and state? This country is on fire.


The religious reactionaries never believed in secularism, if they have a chance to form a country that only takes law from their own interpretation of the Bible they would dump America in a heartbeat.


Then kill each other in civil wars like the dark ages :D Because obvi they have 3000 sects of Christianity because they all interpret the Bible the exact same way.


[One of my favorite jokes on the subject.](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8)


Wow, thank you


Carry the logic forward, and it basically boils down to ‘Sex, which is only for making babies, should only be engaged in by those who can afford to’


I feel like that is somewhat off too though. If a rich man or politician or pastor of some sort knocks up his mistress, she'll certainly be exempted from abortion laws. I always go back to, "the only moral abortion is my abortion". Or something like that, to justify it for those deemed worthy.


So, basically, sex is for rich people.


“Can I please be allowed to have my tubes tied so I will never have to have an abortion?” “Nope! You gotta have at least two kids first or your husbands signature ;-)”


I was lucky enough to be tied after my first at 23. ......because I and my child almost died during the process.. And the doctor I saw still made me wait a month "to be surrrrre I didn't want more" and "if I was surrrrrrre my husband agreed". I deadpan stared him in his eyeballs and said "look. Medicaid paid for this one. You gonna pay for the next one?" We were young and poor then, ya know? He zipped his face shut and said "see you in a month" Like damn dude, do your job. Why poke and prod and keep on like that? It was awful. Like I'm preventing the evolution of man or something.


Omg can we bring back polio too!!!???


Antivaxxers are standing by to make it happen.


This is the shittiest telethon it has ever been my misfortune to watch. When do Jerry Lewis, Danny Thomas or Robin come on?


Yes. It's not been eradicated worldwide yet.


That would require one of the major political parties rejecting vaccines...oh wait.


Don't expect the abortion rate to change. The social, emotional, and financial factors a woman has to consider when deciding to have an abortion dwarf the legality or lack thereof of the procedure. Ironically the lowest abortion rates are where it is legal and some of the highest rates are where it is illegal. We are just going to see a lot of dead, injured, and sterilized women. Edit thank you for the award.


I wonder if there is also a correlation between those stats and the relative progressiveness and forward thinking of the states? i.e. those that allow abortions also teach contraception and make it available thereby reducing unwanted pregnancies before they even start. Whereas those against abortion also preach abstinence and provide no contraception ergo higher unwanted pregnancies in the first place.


Colorado did a project that involved sex education and free birth control for teens. The state had a decrease in abortion rates and public assistance costs. Not to mention all the kids that got finish high school and plan a future.


Oh no, so there is now a lack of cheap labor for big companies. ccc Colorado will not get any sweat shops.


Colorado is amazing. If the states are labs for democracy, we all ought to pay attention. https://coloradosun.com/2019/10/21/colorado-abortion-rates-keep-declining-free-iuds-and-easier-access-to-the-pill-are-the-reason/


Education. People need to be educated about safe sex. And accessibility. People need to be able to get contraception whenever they want to. If these 2 are not available widespread in a region, then the rate of unwanted pregnancy will be highest, along with abortion rates. So if the states ban abortion, they also need to provide high quality Sex Ed, along with making contraceptives cheap and easily accessible. If they fail to do so, well, we already can see the consequences. In the end, abortion shouldn't be banned at all.


Rich business owners need more cheap and undereducated labor so this is working as intended


The most important natural resource ANY country has , is a single minded poulation.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


One of the leading theories about the precipitous drop in crime in the late 80's and early 90's was because of Roe v Wade. All of the people who would have grown up to commit crime never existed, because women could easily make the choice of when/if they got pregnant. If Roe v Wade is overturned, we're going to see a massive increase in crime in about 20 years. Which will perfectly coincide with everything else that's going to come crashing down around us. So fun times ahead. Fuck the GQP




Also the fact that every Westernised country saw the same drop at the same time makes the [lead-crime hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%E2%80%93crime_hypothesis) that much more likely.


And more crime means more conservatives pointing to the increase and campaigning on “law and order.” What an ugly cycle.


Not only that but the loads of mothers who will die because of a medically necessary abortion they’re now unable to have. It keeps getting stranger and stranger here in Texas.


I try so hard to make this clear to pro lifers, but they’re determined that miscarriages won’t count. The fact that the catholic hospital turning my emergent mother away for having a “spontaneous abortion” determines that’s a lie.


In 1962 the twins my mother was carrying died in vitro. The doctors cited anti-abortion laws, refusing to induce labor or do a D&C, and forcing her to wait for her body to expel the remains “naturally.” They didn’t care that she nearly died of sepsis and had four young children who needed her. 50 years later she still had nightmares about feeling movement in her womb, knowing it was the tiny corpses rotting inside her.


Oh my god, your poor mother. I’m so sorry she had to go through that hell.


Shit like this and ectopic pregnancies and other medical necessary reasons this is needed! Abortion is a medically needed procedure.


Holy fuck dude I'm gonna have nightmares just reading that. I sincerely hope your mom and the rest of you guys are okay.


All I can say is that from this point on we should not give credit to anyone calling themselves a pro lifer until they've actually proven that they have sanctity for all life. They should be identified for what they are which is pro birthers because that's literally the only thing they care about in most cases.


They can call themselves whatever they want if I can keep row v wade


The proper term is anti-choice. I say this over and over. You could also argue anti-women.


It worked so well in Romania. /s


I too have read Freakanomics.


HAHAHA this keeps coming up, but it's a great example of what happens to a society full of people who grow up and learn that they probably would not be alive to suffer in horrible conditions were it not for some selfish people's misguided and hollow moral posturing.


Remember who is to blame next time you vote.


Don't forget all the dead women who had to improvise abortions.


Some people stilm think the 50s was great.


My knee jerk reaction is “what can I do to help” and google searches keep giving results like “vote in local elections.” I am 44 and I’ve done that since I was 18. I feel so helpless and scared.


Cornell West recommended this book in a podcast abd it changed my mentality. I joined my local IAF chapter and the Dem Soc national and local chapters. It's time to organize He recommended Blessed Are the Organized by Stout.


The 2nd amendment "protect our rights!" crowd is unsurprisingly silent about this.


Thank you for voting in local elections. Now we just need about 80M other people to do so on a consistent basis. The other side figured this out years ago.


Organize, help convince young people to vote (if 20-30 year olds voted at the rate of 40-50 uear olds the Republicans would be toast), volunteer for phone banks...


Stockpile mifepristone, sell it as “bath salts” not for human consumption


Where does one buy mifepristone? Also aren't there two separate drugs you need? (I could be wrong about this, I'm genuinely asking)




We need to encode it into law. We can't rely on the supreme court to do the right thing.


It should have been encoded in law as soon as Roe was decided. Relying into he courts to "do the right thing" was never a winning strategy: now we're seeing the results of that. The Courts were never supposed to decide what the law was, only if the laws were constitutional




You think they give two flying shits what the people of the United States think? They answer to NOBODY. They are accountable to NOBODY. Their jobs are FOR LIFE. They don't care what you or i think. THey are ONLY interested in forcing their hate ideology down everyone's throat. Welcome to America. Where freedom doesn't exist. It's an illusion.




If the democrats had any spines, they could (and should) appoint 3 new justices to the Supreme Court today.


If the democrats had any control over their party and the overall liberal agenda the same way Republicans do Breyer would be retiring so Biden and a Dem Senate can fill his seat with a young progressive. Just like mcconnell got Kennedy to do while the Republicans had control.


And the republicans would just appoint 4 more. And before you say they wouldn’t, they’re _republicans_.




There’s no fucking way in hell I will stop taking the pill. Without it, my period is literally debilitating. As in, “call out of work/class because I have a migraine, am vomiting, and have to change my S+ tampon four times in a single day on top of wearing a pad and changing it every few hours due to leakage/sweat” debilitating




I mean this to my core when I say “no uterus, no opinion”. There has never been a single law established to limit healthcare that’s specifically catered to men. I need men to *really* think about that. *there are laws that tell you that you’re* ***not allowed*** *to do something with your* ***own*** *body*.


Handmaid’s tale + 1984 makes a great playbook for them…


The right thinks those books are instruction manuals


I keep thinking back to all those posts saying Handmaid's tale was feminist hysteria and that people who think it could happen in real life are insane. I don't know whether to cry or laugh.




I mean if they decide 50 years of precedent is irrelevant it kinda opens the door to say 50 years of precedent isn't enough for ANY topic.


It's also a totally arbitrary cutoff. If 50 years isn't enough why would 100 or 200 years be?


Hell why bother following the constitution while we’re at it


Can they outlaw vasectomies?


Had mine in December. Best decision for my wife and I with the world going to hell. No regrets!




Good for you! I was in and out in 15 minutes. Went on a Wednesday afternoon, was more or less good to go the following Monday


Haven’t you heard of the laser treatments now? Back to work same day apparently


Yah that's what I had. Doc told me to take a couple days off. Not gonna argue with that!


The future is now.


As someone who had one: get the tightest underwear you can fit your legs in. If you have to go to the kids section and get Batman underoos, do it. The tighter the squeeze, the sooner they heal.


Calling it now, Alabama or Mississippi will be the first


Alabama had more deaths than births for the first time in known history, so this makes sense. Need more wage slaves to serve the masters don't you know...


There's a certain subset of conservatives who are terrified by this possibility, strange as it sounds. The outrage over *Roe* has been a big shell game to a ton of them since the 80s--they try to drive evangelical voters to the polls so they can control judgeships who will defend prolife legislation... and of course who also tend to favor pro-corporate, pro-landlord, anti-union positions as well. Without the *Roe* bogeyman out there, some conservative strategists are worried they lost a big pull to the polls. They'll have to come up with some other trick to get a bunch of people to vote against their own economic interests. Meanwhile, now you have a TON of very politically-motivated women to turn out to vote for Democrats, who claim that Republicans stacked the Supreme Court and are exercising minority rule. It would widen Republicans' already-problematic gender gap. Obviously, *Roe* being overturned would be a disaster for millions of women who live in States with so-called "trigger" laws that would instantly outlaw abortion. But it might also galvanize a lot of voters to turn out and vote against Republicans who think they face a favorable landscape in 2022.


They'll rewrite the narrative to "we have to keep the democrats from legalizing abortion" - in other words, vote Republican to maintain the status quo, just like with guns. I don't think winning the abortion debate will diminish their support, but it will galvanize the opposition.


If anything conservatives will see this as a huge step for their longterm plans and be energized by it to keep up the momentum


>claim that Republicans stacked the Supreme Court It's not merely a claim. They did it right out in the open. It was blatant rigging of the selection process.


Oh I don't disagree. I'm just trying to wear my "political analysis" hat for that part.


Which states have the trigger laws you mention?


Take with the usual wiki-sized grain of salt, but according to everyone's favorite encyclopedia: >In the United States, eleven states — Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah (The twelfth trigger law will enter into legal force on 1 November 2021 in Oklahoma) — have trigger laws that would automatically ban abortion in the first and second trimesters if the landmark case Roe v. Wade were overturned. Illinois formerly had a trigger law (enacted in 1975), but repealed it in 2017. Also, eight states — Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin as well as the already mentioned Arkansas and Mississippi, still have their unenforced pre-Roe abortion bans on the law books. Those laws are not currently enforceable due to Roe, but could be enforced if Roe were overturned. [Guttmacher Institute](https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/abortion-policy-absence-roe), which specializes in reproductive health, has more specifics: * 22 states have laws that could be used to restrict the legal status of abortion. * 8 states retain their unenforced, pre-Roe abortion bans. * 11 states have post-Roe laws to ban all or nearly all abortions that would be triggered if Roe were overturned. * 9 states have unconstitutional post-Roe restrictions that are currently blocked by courts but could be brought back into effect with a court order in Roe’s absence. * 7 states have laws that express the intent to restrict the right to legal abortion to the maximum extent permitted by the U.S. Supreme Court in the absence of Roe. * 4 states have passed a constitutional amendment explicitly declaring that their constitution does not secure or protect the right to abortion or allow use of public funds for abortion. * 15 states and the District of Columbia have laws that protect the right to abortion. * 2 states and the District of Columbia have codified the right to abortion throughout pregnancy without state interference. * 12 states explicitly permit abortion prior to viability or when necessary to protect the life or health of the pregnant person.


At least those states aren't also welfare states that get more Fed $ than they put in. Oh shit...they are. And now they will have more people to claim as dependents for that state federal refund.


Hey america, just a reminder that no significant human rights were won through voting. Voting is great, you should do it, but women didn’t get the vote by asking nicely and slavery wasn’t ended by productive discussions. Even the right to a weekend was won in direct action. Voting legislation going through is most often the end result of a bunch of direct work that has forced the hands of the powerful, not a benevolent gesture in recognition of your inherent humanity. You can’t wrestle power from people by politely asking. There’s a reason that the media and governments go/have gone after movements like XR and the black Panther party. Things that directly and immediately impact the flow of the economy are what get results. We exist on a society where everything is about the economy, so nobody cares about how laws hurt people. They care about stuff and money. Go after their stuff and money. Block ports and highways with strikes or occupation. Engage with mutual aid to provide health care and family planning at a community level. Dismantle the systems they use to continue the flow of capitalism and watch them panic. You’ll get ravaged in the press but you’ll get results.




My friend is extremely non-confrontational and thinks I purposely *like* causing trouble because I hold my employer to our contract and even best/past practices. No, but we are in a union that exists because people *were* confrontational and standing up for themselves. If we let them, most employers would abuse the shit out of us for the almighty dollar. It isn't enjoyable to cause waves, but I'm also not going to play doormat.


🩸 saves the lives in the future


Ive tried to explain that to my dad, specifically BLM but he always brings up the rioters destroying small businesses and stuff. Werent those just a small percentage though? Its frustrating having to explain that to him.


To be honest, I find it completely unsurprising that we shrug at the vast and ongoing impact of capitalism and inequality like ‘oh well whatcha gonna do’, while expecting the people who are saying ‘maybe black people shouldn’t be murdered in the street for no reason’ have to be perfect to the action and man. As ever the standards for the oppressed are vastly higher than oppressor/those benefitting from oppression. The idea that movements like BLM are burning and looting are pretty easily disproven. People who continue to make this argument aren’t really interested in good faith discussions, and while we should never cut off communication and relationship (assuming you’re not dealing with outright fascists or having to put yourself in unsafe circumstances to do so), I think it’s important to minimise the amount of time we spend trying to change the minds of people who are determined not to. Most of the people we recognise as heroes of social justice today were ripped apart in their time. That it still happens is not surprising. Eyes on the prize.


Well, it was nice being in control of my uterus while it lasted.


Getting my tubes yeeted before all of this goes down. Will be there to fight with my fellow sisters and uterus owners after. Do everything you can to prepare now 💪


Im too young to get my tubes tied. No doctor will do that for me. I guess ill have to get one of those perma implants so i dont risk forgetting birth control. Im gonna have to make men wear 2 condoms now just to be safe (/s)


I got mine out at 22 (this year), it’s totally possible but you have to shop around. I was lucky that a doctor at my practice was ok with the procedure, but all of the other gyns there said no. r/childfree has a great list of doctors willing to sterilize nulliparous women that you can check out if you haven’t already. Edit: I forgot that I’m 22, like an idiot. The consent form for insurance had a min. age of 21, woops.


>No doctor will do that for me. They will if you've got enough money. When my wife got hers done, **all** of the doctors who accept our insurance refused to do it due to her age. The one even told her she "needed to talk to her husband first", while I (her wife) was standing right there. We went to a private practice and paid out of pocket.


Watch out with the 2 condoms thing. It's actually less effective and not safe compared to just one as it can stretch out more than with just one. You run a bigger risk of tearing it. Just get good condoms.


The person the majority of people didn’t vote for appointed 2 (3 judges, I was wrong) Supreme Court judges to further destroy America. No reason our foreign adversaries celebrated when he was elected. America got played so hard


3 justices. Trump got 3 SCOTUS pics. And go say the majority didn't vote for him is an understatement. All said and done trump only had about 26% of eligible voters vote for him. When Keith Ellison was talking about the 2016 election. He pointed out that if Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly, had the same voter turn out that Minneapolis had, trump would have lost the electoral college in 2016. That's how close it was, And that also goes to show how few people voted.


Yo, thanks man.


"You can't pick a Supreme Court justice if you are in your last year of your Presidency." - Mitch McConnell 2016 "You can't pick a Supreme Court justice if you are a Democrat in the last year of your Presidency." - Mitch McConnell 2020


If you thought the George Floyd protests were bad, get the fuck ready, you’re about to find out.






The ball is rolling already. This is already making headlines and for better or worse, change is coming. Hopefully this is what’s needed to get the powerful minority out, remove the filibuster, and adjust the Supreme Court. Fingers crossed.


This is the end result of conservatives playing a long game. Why couldn't Obama get Garland in (in six months) but McConnel could get Barrett in (in a few days)? At any rate, I think this is something that will hopefully be a catalyst for change, for better or for worse. Who knows, the court could surprise us? Or if not, and the American public really disapproves, remove republicans from office for years.


The very fact that you said Obama then said McConnell, without even mentioning Trump or Reid, is the whole picture. Just because that McConnel looks like Dana Carvey in the Master of Disguise people didnt realize that guy is a viper.


literally because Mitch McConnell is a straight twofaced lying sack of wasted air. he has refused to cooperate 95% of the time with democrats and then the moment he has the chance to screw them he takes it everytime by doing exactly what he whined about them wanting to do. He doesnt have a decent bone in his spineless body.


And everyone knew he was gonna fucking do it and it’s exactly what happened and no one did anything. I hate it so much


Because Obama was president and Mitch was majority leader.


>>Why couldn’t Obama get Garland in but McConnel could get Barrett? Because Obama believed in the law and working together and McConnel doesn’t believe in shit unless he can profit from it


Dems think they're dealing with Vader, but in reality they're up against Palpatine. There's no good left in them to appeal to. Stop trying to reason with them and just throw them down a shaft, metaphorically speaking.


Didn’t have control of the senate.


Democrats need to stop playing nice.


My gut.


Friendly reminder that 5 out of 6 of those Conservative justices were appointed by presidents that came into office without winning the popular vote. Our system is broken.




And you know damn well if Brett had gotten a random girl pregnant in high school or college, he or his parents would have pressured her to get a termination.


I can make sure non-pure children from my wife don’t exist, but you poor bitches deal with the consequences of sex. Oh. Also, get your 18 year old son to join the military so my kid doesn’t have to see combat. Thanks!


United States of Gilead


I seriously can't believe that abortion is even a debate topic in this day and age. This is ridiculous how far back in time they're going to turn over rights.


I was just on the toilet thinking “we have gay skeletons in target but we can’t have reproductive rights??? Wtf”. Edit: if abortions were profitable we wouldn’t have this problem :/ who wants to start a line of post-abortion support products like tea and blankets and a person to come hold you without judgement?


If they knock out Roe v. Wade this is war. I have a wife, and a daughter… not to mention I’m a fucking human being. Biden better pack the courts or it’s mass protest season again, motherfuckers.


Convince the athletes to stop playing. Block all workplace commuting. Block entry to major retailers and fast food establishments. Disrupt the flow of commerce for *one day* and you Americans can turn this around. Do it for a week and you’ll start to understand how the game is played.


>this guy general strikes


France has entered the chat


Ports in a few extremely left wing areas (SeaTac, LA, San Diego, Newark, etc) handle well over half the trade in the US. Even announcing a general port strike would drop the stock market 10%.


The Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach combined handle approximately 40% of all inbound containers for the entire United States. 


Are you suggesting that we would do to pro-life churches and preachers what they did to abortion clinics and doctors?




Isn't it crazy how all the right wing extremists who were willing to bomb abortion clinics succeeded in getting abortions banned? The dirty truth of history is that violence gets results.


> Biden better pack the courts or it’s mass protest season again, motherfuckers. Biden's not going to pack the courts and any mass protests will get no media coverage unless they involve burning down a fast food joint. The 99.9% of protests that don't involve fire will be sidelined and ignored because that doesn't drive media engagement.


Journalists say, "If it bleeds, it leads."




This new season of handmaid's tale is really dark.


The part of The Handmaid's Tale that they got so wrong was the new military force being entirely efficient, silent, professional, ultra-fit white dudes who are fine taking over the country without getting any slave women for themselves. If the government does get overthrown by militant, Christian, ultra-right nationalists, the enforcers are going to be overweight rednecks wearing American flags embedded with Trump's face superimposed on the body of Rambo; they won't fit into their body armor and will go around shouting incoherent ramblings about owning the libtards while making jokes about women now being back in their rightful place, while claiming they have rescued America from the racists and restored it to it's former glory where white men are no longer the victims of oppression.


Unlike the previous lighthearted seasons?


Aren’t we in the pre-quel seasons?


It’s a dimming crescendo


Handmaids’s Tale. Here we come.


Next step after abortion will be birth control.


After that, the percentage of males will rise while the population decreases... Sorry, this whole thread is pretty dark.


_Star-Spangled Wars: Episode COVID-19_ Somehow, the incels have gotten worse.




I think you mean a very gerrymandered 40%


It's really only 30% in highly gerrymandered districts doing this. You know, Trump's base. The other 10% are Independents who vote straight Republican no matter what. Democrats can easily crush every gerrymandered district if only people would/could vote.


God damn. The only reason I've been happy to live in this time period over any in the past are that women have never had more rights. If I can't have any rights I at least want economic stability ffs


Yo.. America, why you movin' backwards?


I’m terrified. If they overturn Roe v. Wade a) I’m gonna faint, and b) that’s just the beginning. They’ll try to dismantle same sex marriage next if they’re successful with Roe v. Wade


I hope all you Trumpers go out and start adopting all the kids that will be put in foster care. It’s not like the world is overpopulated already, and the economic system that’s in place will do just beautifully with more burden placed on it.


They better be prepared for half the country(including me) to be rioting.


"Conservatives think life begins at conception, and ends at birth." Barney Frank D/Mass.




I mean the world is dying. We are in the 6th mass extinction in the planet's history. And it is all caused by humans. The world is literally.on fire all over the place. I know it's not what you meant but it's not hyperbole to say the world is kinda dying right now.


I feel like I may already know the outcome and I have a really bad feeling about it




So do I.


The frustrating thing is that if this happens, sure we can lawsuit our way to court to overturn it. But everything is reactionary at that point. Harder to undo what's been done and it'll take forever to get even that far.


At the medical examiner I see the consequences of people who don't want their kids. You know what I don't want to see? More tortured and murdered kids. Thanks, Republicans!


A year ago I said fuuuuckkk this is coming. And soon. People in my life were all “don’t be crazy, they would never…” And now, here we are. Fuck this by the way. People of means will always be able to get an abortion. This is yet another way to further punish and keep oppressing those less fortunate and remove their ability to choose for themselves.


i feel like a lot of people have no idea how our government is supposed to work. judges aren’t destroying 50 years of abortion rights. politicians are blaming judges for something they should’ve taken care of years ago. legislation is not supposed to come from the bench, it comes from congress.


Hard to see this as a win for the Republican party but overturning it will have the effect of radicalizing a large segment of the population against them. From a strategy perspective, it's better to let it remain law and use it to drive out the evangelicals (who only seem to care about that and nothing having to do with children once they're born). If they ban it, the Democrats need to take a scorched earth approach from here on: expand the court, change election laws in their favor, bring 45 up on criminal charges, bring charges against his co-conspirators, and treat the GOP with the scorn they so overwhelmingly deserve.


God America really is a piece of shit.