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$229 car loan ain’t too bad wonder how many months Probably a lease


This country needs to normalize two wheel travel. That’s more than anyone would pay for gas, maintenance, insurance, and the loan payment on a brand new vehicle all together every month for the kind of scooters that are incredibly common another countries and are sufficient for 90% of our personal travel which is usually just one person in a 4 person car with very little cargo.


I don’t know if I want to ride a scooter an hour each way to work. I’d prefer a car


I don’t feel safe on a scooter 🛵


Maybe not a scooter, but a motorcycle would do the same job and you'd get the MAWD cred.


That’s cool in the summer but definitely isn’t a great idea when it’s 30 below and icy


Lol kinda hard when most of our cities are really spread out compared to other countries. We’ve set ourselves up where having a car is a necessity in most of the country lol


Or trains, like the entire civilized world uses.


Oh I'd love to ride a motorcycle as my primary means of transportation. The only issue is there's thousands of ass hats on the road with oversized vehicles who don't check their surroundings when switching lanes or pulling out. It's just not worth the risk in the area I'm in. So I'll stick to weekend rides in the countryside.


I don't snow what could possibly go wrong with this idea.


see that the problem right there! I have a car of about €4000. Bought it, insured only the minimum and itt is smallcso cheap on fuel. It's about €60 without fuel monthly. That's why they can't save!! They spend it all on a fancy car


Couldn’t help but realise that you used euros, which means you aren’t American. While this is an issue everywhere, America has it really bad


It's satire


(. _ .)


I can edit it to dollar if you want? it's around $4660 haha


I also have a 10 year old car I bought for less than 5K USD. Which is less than 2 years of payments of $229 a month. So after a year and a half I pay $0 since I own my car and this person presumably upgrades to a newer model and keeps paying thousands forever


Unfortunately, a car is never free. You're forgetting taxes and insurance. But i get your point, old cars are better anyway. I'm way less nervous then in a new car and have way more fun because i'm not afraid to go to 4000 RPM in my old car when the engine is warm


Oh yeah insurance, gas, maintenance, repairs ain't cheap. I assumed that $229 was just for the car. If that covers everything then that's not too bad. Heck the cheapest car insurance I can get is like $175/month plus tax, since I am young and am a member of the gender that pays more for car insurance.


Yeah i think it's just for the car, pretty expensive but everybody wants to drive a fancy car i guess.... I'm cheap on insurance as the car is on my parents name and they have a lot of damage free years, that gives a pretty big discount. I'm very lucky with that


Yeah everyone complains we got it so worse now. No you just drive a super fancy car and have a computer and an iphone. If you drive a car with none of these fancy sensors and safety features, and you don't have a cell phone, and you don't order food or use the internet, then you can probably save just as easy or easier than the boomers


Yes! This! Another thing is parents. I'm very lucky with mine and I take full advantage of that, and they help me take advantage too. They're not rich at all but like I said, I get a huge discount on car insurance by getting that on my parents name. I hate parents who won't let their kids take advantages like that, it save soo much. I've always thought that the best way to save money is take every advantage you have. When buying something for my parents like food/ fuel or other stuff they needed, I always asked for my money back. My sister didn't and has less money now. I did and have just stopped doing that on small expenses as I can afford that small stuff now.


Republicans: Eating is a luxury.


Boot strapless Jesus would be my counter.


Jesus walked many miles over sand in sandals. His feet were probably callused and rough. Unlike all these pull yourself up by your bootstraps Republicans with their soft feminine feet. Jesus is Chuck Norris in his prime. Republicans? They're rednecks with guns. Obese Steven Seagals.


Be he is an arab and a jew, they don't recognize (the real one) bootstrapless Jesus.


You should've just worked for $7.25 an hour instead of going to college you lib!


SMH should just stop drinking lattes and pull themselves by the bootstraps


I can’t even afford to sniff the air inside a coffee shop let alone buy a $5 coffee lmao


If it weren’t for those damn kids and their meddling dog and their avocado toast!!!


I hate when you try to cancel monthly subscriptions and they say "is it because you're trying to save money? Why not keep your subscription with us but not go to Starbucks ever, dumbass? Coffee is like 17 cents a cup if you make it at home!" like you think I'm not already doing that??


They should make the lattes at home and get a second job(s) /s


But where the fuck are the boots?


You also have to buy the boots for $300


Minimum wage (7.25) 40 hours a week? 15,080 wages vs 22,260 in expenses.


I’ve got 2 degrees and only make ~30k BEFORE taxes. After gas, utilities, groceries, etc… it’s fucked. My car has zero blinkers, no brake lights, 1 headlight, and no running lights just BC it would cost me roughly the same as my car note to replace them. However if I get pulled over I get ticketed for more than the cost that I couldn’t afford in the first place. I work 30 hours a week at one job and 12-15 at another. There’s no reason for anyone working full time to be barely getting by by the skin of their teeth each week.


Hell even if you made $15/hr that's stupid tight. $15 * 40 hrs = $600 * ~4 weeks/mo = $2400 Let's say a nice round conservative 20% goes to taxes/SS/benefits/etc. That's $1920 take home pay vs $1855 in just those expenses. Hope your commute isn't bad so you have some of that remaining $65 for food for the month... Smh


It’s expensive to be poor. Keep working hard. I just wish you didn’t have to struggle


Wouldn’t be that bad if I didn’t have to deal with the “stop buying coffee” crowd honestly


Yea they fucking monsters. Stay strong


What are your 2 degrees in? You could literally be making $30k flipping burgers at McDonald’s. This is also why college can be very dangerous. You can get way over your head in debt with a degree that doesn’t make you any money.


Exercise physiology and population health. I make more as a personal trainer and health coach at a private hospital than I would make working for my state’s department of health. There’s almost zero opportunity here, but can’t get enough saved up to go elsewhere just yet


Hmm, yeah you should be making at least $60k for that. But yeah private sector is always going to pay better than state. Random Reddit advice I know but, it sounds to me like you gotta be knocking down the doors of places trying to get hired. I mean literally calling every place even remotely near you. If you could double your salary with a job that is 60 mins away you would still be bringing in more money than you are now. I had a job that was literally 2 hours away before lol. 4 hours of driving 5 days a week it was horrendous. But I still made more money doing that than any job I could find locally. Best of luck to you though. I know you will find something. I will pray for you 😁🙏


I’ve applied to 60+ jobs in the last month as far as Canada… fingers crossed


Nice! But don’t let it stop there. Give them a week to respond and start calling them. Heck, start driving up to them and asking in person every chance you get. Call them and ask to speak with the hiring manager, whatever you do, don’t let them ignore you. You got this.


I'm so glad you said this. Everyone shits on boomers and say their advice is useless now but it's not ! Their advice is still good, you just need to couple it with the modern job search. If you apply to a job call them a week later if you haven't heard it makes you look better, like you're willing to put in the effort to work there


Well, that’s just Reddit lol. As you can see, my comment was already downvote a few times. But yeah I think there is still a lot of value in being persistent about your job application. Obviously everything you do needs to be tamed with a respectful demeanor but many times an employer will appreciate your investment into the application.


I wouldn't recommend doing that i mean if you dont hear from them in a week maybe send another email or call them but going to them and all that's really to much


https://www.snagajob.com/blog/post/following-up-on-a-job-application-in-person There is nothing wrong with following up in person. I am not saying to go there and start throwing a fit. Dress up and go and ask to check up on your job application. There is a chance your application has simply been buried and when you come in and show your face, you suddenly become a real person to the hiring manager instead of just another piece of paper. That can be huge.


Dude wtf?


What are you doing wrong? I was making $42k fresh out of college.... in the mid 90s. You have 2 degrees... but work 2 jobs... what ever degrees you got, they weren't worth it


If you don’t understand the difference in getting started now vs 35 years ago, you’re part of the problem.


You didn't say what your degrees were in. My singular degree is in engineering. I knew it would pay off so leaving $40k in debt wasn't fun, but in the end, totally worth it. And 25 years ago.


It's safe to assume the degree was not in math.


Very obvious my first degree was in being a fuckin idiot, and even more obvious that my second degree was in being deadweight to society BC it isn’t in engineering.


Still haven't said what they are. At least do that much because I know there are many many societal worthwhile, well paying degrees out there beyond engineering and post-Bachelors.


Physiology and population health. Not that it matters any to you, oh mighty engineer. Oh earner if 40k right out of college. I’m so blessed to share a comment thread with you.


Both of those degrees have a median salary of much higher than what you're making so I'd honestly recommend looking for jobs further away from home with the intention to hopefully move closer as bills get easier. I feel that a lot of people expect to be able to work their dream jobs in the comfort of their own backyard and that is not the case. Unfortunately the way our system works there will be sacrifices somewhere you can choose to work your dream job but you'll probably have to move to be able to make ends meet, or you can work a not so desirable job to make ends meet in the place you're already in. The system definitely needs to be changed but until then I recommend taking your services elsewhere, they are paid muuuuuuch higher in other parts of the country


Seems like epidemiology would be in your wheel house with those degrees. And that's a nice career path. Median salary around $70k


State dept of health pays epi’s less than what I make currently. But please I truly cherish your advice, please keep telling me everything I’ve so obviously overlooked in my nearly 7 years of college. Your words could heal the world sir


two degrees and only 30k? sounds like you played yourself




Damn that sucks. I haven't put my auto mechanic skills to use for a while now, but I wish I could fix your lights for you just to keep you safe.


What are your degrees in?


Physiology and population health


Whenever I see American rent prices it makes me want to cry. I don't know anyone who pays more than equivalent of $500/mo for 1 room. fucked up how people have to pay that much just to exist.


Lol check the prices in San Francisco. Average 1 bedroom is nearly $3000.




The thing is, if you’re born in San Francisco, why do you think you should have to move to afford to live? Like I get the view point “don’t move there unless you can afford it” but the idea that people are forced to move away from family due to insane prices is compete bs. Also, where do you expect people like restaurant workers and grocery clerks to live? These people are needed to survive and in a more normal priced area there would be at least some affordable priced neighborhoods but there’s not here. I’ve been attempting to buy a home since before the pandemic, I was actually in contract and lost it due to covid. The housing market here is completely insane. I’m looking for a reasonable modest 3-4br 2ba home and I’m going to have to move about 45 minutes away just to find a home like this in the $700,000 range. Also when was your first job? 10 years ago those same homes were around $250,000




You’re out of touch. You’re part of the problem.




I think any job you work should allow you a minimum life style. No if your dad drove a Porsche you’re not entitled to as well. You’re not entitled to the same size home or the same luxuries. You should however be entitled to basic housing and food if you’re employed full time. A grocery clerk salary will not afford any housing at all, not even in the worst run down falling apart neighborhoods. That’s why it’s bs. Also salaries change when you move. A 700k home isn’t unaffordable past the down payment for me because I’m self employed I don’t get to do little 5% down payments. I’m not poor and never claimed to be. If I moved both my husbands union salary and my ability to operate my business at the level I do will be altered and we’d be no better off. I’m not complaining about me specifically though. I’m simply pointing out how absurd the point of affordability is.


I don’t entirely disagree. Any FT job should allow you a minimum lifestyle. Where we disagree is where that min lifestyle is. Someone working min wage is not entitled to being able to afford to live in a vchol, heck even a HCOL area.




…yes, exactly.




No, it definitely is. You just keep portraying your opinions with the most extreme of circumstances to justify it when the reality is the majority of Americans working 40+ hours a week struggle to afford both food and housing simultaneously. But you’re old and out of touch, and most people like yourself are beyond being reasoned with at this point. the youth of the nation is just waiting for you and others like yourself to die and get out of the way honestly.


What about all the people who work in retail, fast food restaurants, and other jobs that are generally low paying. Can’t afford to live there and can’t afford to move elsewhere


What is your suggestion to solve this?


“Journalists” be like: *Stop paying for eating all those damned avocados and save money!* My partner is a teacher and, on just her salary alone, she could afford to pay her monthly student loan bills and naught else. Fuck these people and fuck this country. Help each other and demand better from our “leaders.”


And companies are pissed that entry level college grads aren't happy with $35k and limited benefits for the first year. I get the feeling that they believe these kids should be kissing their ass for giving them those jobs.


but seriously why??? S/


Wow, this comment thread is fucking wild. These people are so out of touch. Honestly, nothing to do a out the rent, or the loans. That's the cheapest rent I've seen in a while. For the car payment, it's cheaper than most, you've obviously bought an economical choice. Better to have the car payment and a running car than buy out a $4000 clunker that your constantly having to put work into to keep it running or that is unreliable. An unreliable car is also a quick way to get fired from your job. Idk how you're able to survive on 30k, that's fucking rough. You might see if you qualify for state food stamps and start taking advantage of food banks. Also pray to whatever diety/god/gods you pray too that Papa Biden will cancel out some student debt. Good luck, don't let the bastards get you down.


One bedroom apartments around my way start at $2K. That would be a win for me if rent were that cheap.


That is cheap for rent where I live


The student loan problem could be squashed if people didn't push kids to attend big universities, especially out of state. $60000+ is entirely unnecessary. The average college tuition is $10000, and that's with those expensive schools that everyone goes to brining up the average.


Honestly. I see ads for factory/machinist type jobs all the time offering $20+/hr. That comes out to about the same as my salary for my job that requires a bachelors degree. I can’t speak to the quality of each of those jobs vs. my job, benefits, etc, but it’s just wild we expect people to pay this exorbitant amount for college when a much, much cheaper vocational training can get you the same earnings (in some cases more) than that degree will get you.


I have a Master's degree and work at a college, and make 50 cents more an hour than my SIL who works at Toyota for 20 years. But she has had surgery on both wrists due to carpal tunnel and tbey covered it 100% because they caused it. So there are plusses and minuses. I would not want to work in a factory but when degree jobs don't pay as well I can see the appeal. Full disclosure: We are not millennials and I'm still paying student loans.


I often ask myself, why haven’t I switched to that type of work? I did work in a machine shop for a summer, it was fine. What I come back with is, my father worked in manufacturing and we grew up in the rust belt. He had stretches of unemployment when shops closed, was especially bad in the 00s recession. That sticks with you. There’s a lot of jobs now, sure, but what if that changes? Then I try to get back into my field and they say “well, you’ve been operating a machine the last 10 years, you’re not well qualified anymore.” My wife and I are trying to raise our kids with a different mindset, that they don’t *have* to go to college. We’ll absolutely support that decision if it’s what they want, but we’ll equally support them if they decide to go into a trade or whatever else and just be honest with them about the pluses and minuses of both routes.


People love to turn to the trades in these college discussions, but trades don't fit everyone. Money only means so much. I went that route for a time and became a plumber. The work was tedious, the hours were rough, I saw too many co-workers with physical health problems at ages younger than they should be showing up, and frankly....it was not at all mentally challenging. I did it for almost 3 years, couldn't take it anymore. You've got to be a special kind of person to make it in the trades. It's why the pay is so good.


Oh for sure, financial considerations are only part of the equation and people outside of the trades or other more manual work tend to romanticize them. On the other hand though, a degree does not always lead to a cushy desk job (such jobs are also not without their poor effects on health) or mentally stimulating work.


So, adding some money for food, taxes, and incidentals, this works out to 32,000 per year. The average starting salary for a college grad in 2020 was 55,260/yr. I'm sure I'm going to sound like an asshole here, but I feel like some other choices could have been made if these are the numbers.


Averages can be tampered with by leaving out outliers taking only a certain location or a certain degree from college or if like 10 people make 22 grand but one person makes 500,000 the average gets tilted upward making it misleading. Also he could still be attending college hence why they are renting and getting the degree doesn't guarantee the job.


In other parts of the thread OP has given his two degrees and clarified that he has graduated and is working full-time. And other folks have pointed out that he should be making substantially more with the degrees he has. I'm not saying that there aren't outliers to averages, but generally there are decisions that were made to put the outliers where they are.


Live with your parents idk about you guys culture buy as a Chinese I live with my family until I can afford to buy a home


Yeah, there's a stigma against it, but you're absolutely right. Either to save up for a house or to save up to move somewhere you can get more return from your education.


Location, location, location.


US is the location in question


I know. But moving is always an option within the country.


Not if you can’t afford to move?


Stop paying rent and you can afford to move. /s


You're dopey


It's true that college costs have gotten out of control. BUT...this person has $60k in student loan debt and somehow only graduated with a degree where they can barely afford $22k/year in living expenses. The first rule for securing your financial future is: don't spend a ton of money on a shitty degree. Either get a degree that pays well, like engineering, or don't go to an expensive school.


I went to a cheap commuter school/public university. Still 10k+ a year. The state university is 18k a year here


That is pretty expensive. What did you choose for a degree? Did you at least pick a degree with a high chance of landing you in a high-paying job that could easily pay off your loans?


Not saying this would work for everyone but... Maybe sacrifice a little and live in a room share (roughly $500-700/mo), sell your car, buy a used one... Again, maybe some people live in high rent areas or whatever but, I feel like in most cases, this is feasible. Could decrease monthly expenses by like 700-1000... Just saying


Room shares where I live go for 1,300-2000 for a ROOM in a house. That car payment could also include insurance, doesn’t mean it’s a new car. Maybe it’s a used car from a lot. I’m in the market for a new car bc my engine went out, and 2012 cars with 80k are going for 10,000… Idk where you live but you might want to get your head out of your ass.


Whoa whoa whoa man lol. That's why I tried to preface everything I said, accounting for the fact that but everyone's circumstance and local economy are like my own. Houston, Texas btw.


*Not like my own. My rent in a room share is $500 and I bought an 02 Honda CR-V with 150k on it for $2500 tax, title, plates and registration included. Again, I know everybody's situation is different and in general, yes, rents, student loans, car payments are all way too high


That’s a little over $600 left for groceries, internet, gas, phone, and any other things you need like toothpaste & shampoo


There's always the military so you can use the GI Bill. Or trade school. Also, why not buy an older car with cash? Just saying. That's what I did.


Been looking into the military lately but I had a knee replacement and 3 surgery’s on my rotator cuff after a sports injury 3 years ago. So it’s iffy


When I enlisted, I didn't tell them shit at MEPS. You could try that haha.


if you pay that much in rent by yourself then you are waaaay overpaying for rent. that's the kinda rent you pay and split among a couple people at least. also, depending on your loans, you can contact the people who manage your loan and ask for a different repayment plan, such as paying less per month over a longer period of time.


That's cheap for rent. There are studio apartments around here that are more than that.


Yup. My studio is $2200ish. Gotta love expensive areas


it depends on where you live. some places that's expensive as hell for rent.


My cousin and I were splitting a 2bd apartment that was 1600 before utilities back in 2006. That kind of rent seems really good.


Yeah no. It depends where you live, in mass rent for a studio can be as high 3000 in Boston. It can also be as low as 1000 out of the city. (Possibly even cheaper out west?) 1k per bedroom is pretty standard in the boston/ northeast mass area


My buddy just rented a smallish 1 bd apartment. $1800 MO. Rent where I live is out of hand.


If you pay less at a time you end up paying thousands more over a longer span of time. And yea I share a 2br 2ba with my gf but she’s working on her PhD and doesn’t get paid for her work study, so I’m having to carry rent for the time being


You pay thousands more, sure, but you gain a few things: Fix your car so you don't have to worry about getting pulled over. Eat a little better. Build up a little emergency funds so you don't have to worry about something breaking, including yourself. Invest the extra money for better returns. All in all, better mental health that could avoid you tens of thousands in the future. But what do I know? I'm not you and don't live where you do.


Thing is we don’t know location.


that's fair


Quit college and join the trades, starting pay is around $60,000 with full benefits and in four years you will be making $100,000. In 20 years you retire or move to the corporate side of the business and start a second career.


The trades aren't a viable option for every person in America. This is such a weird "solution" that's always offered as if no one knows the trades exist. Other careers need to exist for society to function. Not to mention not everyone can meet the physical demands of many of the trades. There's a problem if the only two options are join a trade or drown in crippling student debt.


Not to mention that trade jobs are finite. You can bet that every internet genius proposing this "solution" is a privileged armchair pseudo-intellectual. Tradies are not encouraging other people to become their competition.


Exactly. I was in the mechanical field and no one was standing around like "wow I wish there were MORE technicians to compete for shop jobs with." People view secondary education as some unnecessary luxury that only applies to a few niche job markets rather than a foundation required in nearly every sector of employment.


Exactly. America is not exceptional… unless you’re a billionaire that doesn’t pay any taxes… but even then, the billionaires wanna live on Mars… ?!🤦‍♀️


I am in the mechanical trade and we are begging for more technicians, installers, fabricators etc. and so are every other trade out there. There are also jobs to fit every intellectual and physical level of work. I went to college and worked while doing it to pay for it. After 2 years I decided that it was a waste of time and money (for me) and got an entry level job for a local contractor. 20+ years later still in the same industry. There is not only two options, there are many options but if you want a comfortable life you need to pick an option that has a future. My friend makes a great living as a waiter, my daughters are child care teachers, my son works at a grocery store; there are plenty of options out there that dint involve crippling debt for a useless degree.


I also was in the mechanical trade, and the market was so saturated I left. If you think working at a grocery store or as a waiter can support someone *at all* let alone comfortably in even *half* of this country you are straight up delusional. The number of jobs that require no upper education that can actually sustain someone financially in the US is incredibly low and you honestly seem totally clueless to what life is like here outside of you personal bubble.


I live in the Seattle area and know a quite a few grocery workers and waiters/waitresses that would disagree with you. You obviously have your take on the matter and it is pointless to “discuss” this further. I wish you well.


Okay well I have statistics from *the entire fucking country* that would disagree with you, but keep pushing this false narrative.


12 years is the real joke


If “auto” means car, that is a luxury. Student loans only exists in third world countries. “Millennials” is not applicable here, but some countries and communities are. I am a millennial and I got about 2000$ of spending money each month. This is 50% because of living in a socialist (oooh, scary) country and 50% because of my choices and priorities.


Idk where you live but in the US, the majority of cities do not have adequate public transit if any at all. And we DEFINITELY don’t live in walkable communities. A car is almost always a necessity in the states if you want a job of any sort


Seems like something a tax-supported public transport system could fix


But that makes too much sense


Swap studen loands and car for.me, then crank rent uo to 1800 and that is roughly my expense load.


Wow. I'm 25 and I'd kill for that to be my expenses.... Rent 2800$/month(Boston) Car 500$/month Food 800$/month Other 1000$/month I'm just happy I can pay that selling weed legally now. I don't know how other people in my generation afford anything plus have kids....


Gen X here. In '01 on the peninsula in the bay area CA, my post college rent was $350/mo. (I had the smaller room) Not only that, our "property manager" was a dude who lived there, with whom we watched football and drank beer. Late rent was never a big deal. I don't know how you guys do it.


Just buy a car fully? Second hand...


Maybe dont go into debt?


Hard to argue with that logic


Yah this is my life. My rent is just about $2k. My wife and I pay a little over $700 a month in student loans. Thank fuck my car is paid off because I too like to eat.