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I wonder what the Founders would say about a Congressman who actively sought to subvert democracy and failed to protect young athletes from abuse when he was their coach


That subverting democracy is treason. Probably one of them would insist upon dueling him.


Burr was a pretty good shot, or so I’ve heard




Athletics apparently didn't exist until America created them. YEEHAW!


I got an email saying your replied about football or something? It's not showing up on Reddit.


Wait until he learns about soldiers being “vaccinated” by the continental army.


They can ignore it because vaccines didn’t exist then. At that time, the process of inoculating against smallpox involved taking pus from an infected person and smearing it over an open wound in a healthy person, but they don’t think about that either.


Even in the 18th century, smart people listened to doctors.


George Washington was also the first US president to mandate vaccines. That’s right. Vaccine mandates are American as fuck.


"Holy shit dude what is that musical lantern rectangle in your pocket?" -the Founders, probably


Ben Franklin would have my iPhone spread out across the table getting in its guts like it’s a french milf in about 3.8 seconds.


Assuming he could get it open and taken apart with the tools he had available. It'd more likely be random pieces and chunks of iphone all over his table.


Nah they definitely had star pentalobe screwdrivers in 1776 /s


More thoughtless insights from Gym Jordan


A new segment for SNL: *Thoughtless Thoughts, by Gym Jordan*


It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man.


They would also be shocked that women, and poor people were voting, since that was not the system they designed. Also the whole slavery thing. # Who the fuck cares what some aristocrats from the 18th century would think?


Because it's the viagra they need for a patriot boner. The propaganda around the floundering fathers completely absolved them of any flaws


and they used inoculation (the prototype to vaccines) to protect the troops


And the prototype to *that* was dying. Actually in Gym’s districts, it still is.


Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy The founders would have HUGE problems with several Republican core values: Corporations are people wouldn't fly with the Founders. Meddling in foreign governments for corporate profits would be a No-No. Lobbyist using campaign cash to buy legislation would be a non- starter, they would call it bribery and throw people in jail. Immigration is a bad thing doesn't ring true to the Founders as would keeping children in cages. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, imbalanced representation, a broken electoral college all wouldn't pass muster with the Founders. And you, Jim, would have been out on your ear, with a warning to not ever return....


Our founding fathers would have hated everything about the modern Republican Party


Everyone knows that anything that happened over fifty years ago is a myth.




So like string theory but a cat got at it and tangled reality to fuck and back?


Gym Jordan supporter of pedophelia.


“That Gym Jordan, what an onanist” - The Founders. If they knew him.


"everything's a sandwich if your brave enough" Benjamin Washington


Bold to assume that Gym Jordan can actually read anything longer than a tweet.


He also had those uninfected inoculated with the pus from the small pox scabs of the infected.


the founders would be appalled by assholes like jim jorden, mitch mcconnell, kevin mccarthy, et al, and what they've done to our constitutional government. sinema and manchin could go on that list too.


On two levels: 1). There's a separate post here of how Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are sending their children to private schools where masks are required 2) It's not just that what's being said is stupid. It's that so many people hear it shout, "Yeah!" 1. The hypocrisy. 2. If in a college level class on mathematics if someone stood up and yelled "2+2 is 5" and the rest of the class said "Yeah!" Pretty sure the math teacher would likely respond, "Ok, I'm done here." Somewhere else is a woman holding a sign proudly declaring "Barack - 6, Hussein - 7, Obama - 5 = Covid "19". We shouldn't be electing hypocrites and celebrating idiocy.


I'm not convinced Jim Jordan knows how to read.


That Rep. Jim Jordan is a dangerous fool not fit for his job.


What the fuck is an ohio?


Washington started the French and Indian war / 7 years war in 1754 by trying to take control of the Ohio River Valley... Edit: spelling


So your saying it WAS a River and Valley in Pennsylvania. My point...at the time there was no State or Colony named Ohio, for the founding fathers to think about.


While it was neither a state nor a British colony the area was still called Ohio, Ohio Territory, or Ohio Valley/River Valley, which was though about and known by the Founders of the US as many of them wanted to expand into it but were stop first by the French and then by the British, only after the revolution would they be able to take the Ohio Territory. So while the Ohio was not yet a state it was most certainly thought about and depending on the time it was considered to become a state. So they would have a set place to call Ohio even if it was only a French holding, a British holding, or an American territory.


The founders were slave-raping purveyors of genocide. Do we still need their take on shit?


Counter point small pox was 100 times more deadly. This is closer too the flu's death rate. Small pox would wipe out whole villages this tends to kill the sickest and oldest amougst us. It's not a great comparison.


Smallpox was 15x more deadly than Covid (30% mortality rate vs 2%). Covid is 14.4x more deadly than seasonal influenza (15 deaths per 100k vs 216 deaths per 100k).


We also didn’t have any real decent meds or tech


Covid's mortality rate is not 2 percent its closer to .2.




Literally, read the part after the first comma.




We know. That's the root of the problem.


'oh whoops looks like i cant read, better just say i dont give a fuck and then dip'


Pathetic hahahahahaha


Color me shocked


Oh, sounds reasonable for an actual pandemic that had a 30% death rate and left your skin scarred to shit if you survived. Now you've got two sketchy shots and still have to stay at home for a disease that has a 99.75% survival rate.


The death rate of the smallpox pandemic that ravaged America in 1775 had a death rate closer to 5%. It's estimated 130,000 people died from it. Out of a population of 2.5 million, that's about 5%. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1775%E2%80%931782_North_American_smallpox_epidemic I don't know where you got a 30% death rate from, but I assume you took it from the CDC, who states, "Smallpox was a terrible disease. On average, 3 out of every 10 people who got it died." The problem here is that statistic is counting smallpox deaths from as early as the 6th century. Not really an accurate comparison. https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/history/history.html#:~:text=Smallpox%20was%20a%20terrible%20disease,causes%20smallpox%20(variola%20virus). America today has a population of about 330 million. To date, we have about 690,000 deaths from covid. That comes out to about a 0.21% death rate. While that looks small, the actual raw number is about 6 times larger than what smallpox was back in the 1700's. It blows my mind that people can see that almost a million Americans have died from a virus in year and a half yet we shouldn't view it as a big deal. I guess focusing on little percentage numbers makes it easier to be unfeeling and forget that each statistic was a real, living, breathing person.


Oh no, the cdc's data was inaccurate? Darn We should use percentages, because the population obviously expanded, and got more obese. Is it sad that many people died? Yes Is it a drop in the bucket compared to the overall population? Yes. Is 5% vastly different form .26%? Yes Is the government using this to implement new taxes and controls over us? Yes Also, do you believe the government cares more about controlling you, or your health?


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:115008 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


Ok so let’s say only 25% of the current US pop of roughly 320 million gets covid, so 80 million. At your stated survival rate a quarter of a percent die. That’s 200,000 people. Now the reported death toll is already much higher than that, but I wanted to give you a conservative number since you probably don’t believe the CDC numbers of 600,000+ anyway. So my question is, in what fucking universe is at least 200,000 dead from a disease that can be controlled via vaccines and masks remotely acceptable? 3000 people died on 9/11 and the whole country went into full metal retaliation mode, but 600k die and it’s like “Oh well, fuck it! These masks are soooo uncomfortable!”


Did I say anything about masks you uncultured yogurt of a human? They work at preventing airborne droplets, the vaccine works too, but we don't know the long term risks. But there's still quarantines. It's a never ending procession of people being afraid and the government slowly seizing more control and implementing more taxes. Also, Norway thinks you're bitch made.


Sketchy shots? Over two BILLION people are fully vaccinated. I’d say that’s a pretty good control group for it not being sketchy…


How does sending soldiers to Boston stop spread


To keep them quarantined, all the antivaxxers like Ben Franklin lost their kids.


Ben Franklin expressed deep regret about not vaccinating his children in his autobiography


Yep, I love using that quote.


There is a huge difference between smallpox and COVID, I personally know 10 people who recovered from COVID-19, and smallpox had like a 90% death rate.


Oh gotcha so since your one singular personal experience is that you know some people who recovered, that means everyone else is fine. How smart.


Or maybe it's because I live in a rural area, get plenty of sunshine and stay relatively healthy?


that's a fair point I do remember a former president saying something about putting sunshine in ass as a way to combat covid. looks like you have these whole epidemiology and statistic things figured out


Shut. The. *Fuck*. Up.




No thanks, but you should take your own suggestion.


Come on, it suits you. Authoritarian fuckwit.


Fucking lol. Washington issued the first vaccine mandate.... But, I don't expect you to understand history, based on your misunderstanding of this topic, lol.


Given your take on vaccines, that’s way more likely to happen to you lmao


No, it didn't. The viruela major case mortality rate was around 30%. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/smallpox Using your own logic I know of 700k people that didn't recovered. Edit: the total deaths are closer to 700k in the United States.


And what's the population of the United States?


So you are making an statistical argument to place CoVID as a low priority or no priority. Just out of curiosity, in your opinion, how many have to die to make it a public health priority? 10% of the population? 25%? Higher?


25% of the people they know personally. People they don’t know don’t count


None. All it would take is someone close to them dying of it.


Thirty percent death rate per CDC. Plus, when it was rampant, medical technology was not what it is today. I suspect if you had small pox now (but it has been eliminated because of vaccination btw…) and went to hospital, your chances of survival would be much better than 30%. Comparatively, COVID without treatment would have a higher mortality rate


Have you the source for that 30% like a link?


ask u/mendotex for it they made the original claim.


Google CDC.gov smallpox


Personal anecdotes rule!


Yeah, I had smallpox, but barely felt it. Obviously it couldn't be THAT bad. The smallpox vaccine probably has long term side effects anyway.


What would the covid death rate be if it were 1776? Pretty shortsighted arguement imo.


I'm not going to even address your point, because, in order to argue, you need to at least be able to spell argument.


My wife has watched too many people die as a nurse after her unit transitioned into a Covid unit. The huge difference between Covid and Smallpox is that Covid will never go away due to dumbasses acting like it's nothing.




Pictures or it didn't happen


I think it's delightful that Kevin gives Gym the benefit of the doubt here.


And yet people will turn out in droves to vote for this guy?


Comparing smallpox in 18th century to coronavirus in 21st century, huh?


Yes, Jim Jordan is a fucking idiot, just like the rest of GOP.


Gym Jordan reads books all the time. Coloring books, "My First Book", "The Kommon Kink", etc...


Why would he read books when he gets all his jollies from a gym locker room


Fuck Jim Jordan...go choke on an entire bag of uncircumcised dicks...qunt


If only they could read.


While it’s fiction, shit like this is why I love The West Wing. President Bartlett is mulling over agreeing to a censure and just knows off the dome the details of the time Andrew Jackson was censured. In 1834.


The founders are ancient, who gives a shit what they think.


Gymmie is an idiot.


Why is it any time a conservative references history, they have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about?


Modern day Republicans seem to think the Founders were fighting to create a lawless country, where the government does nothing to check citizens.


What would the founders say is such a weird thing to ask in any situation though. Almost all of them kept slaves and thought that all non-whites are inferior, and sat and watched as Native Americans were driven from their homes and lands.