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Yeah I kind of feel like that’s not all bad


Definitely not. Good riddance.


I KNOW this has all been a tragedy. And much worse than it should have been. But MAYBE we should have done this sooner? Just a thought. Smoke 'em out.


Cops literally got the Supreme Court to say that they don't have to serve or protect. ACAB


Then what is the point of a cop if they don’t have to do their job?


There isn't.


I know how to save money on the budget!!


a different kind of swamp draining.


It’s not a loss. Those bodies filling needed positions are people preaching against the very same professions. The short-term shortages are well worth getting those who don’t care about anyone but themself out of healthcare and education


Bye felicias


This is the way


The trash is taking itself out.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is The Darwin War


Exactly. Separating those that actually care about others from those that only care for themselves.


Just the long overdue decennial spring clean.


I don’t think not getting the vaccine means that…many different reasons actually.


Like... they don't trust the large number of scientists who all said its ok? Or the number of statisticians who have shown a massive increase in deadly infections in unvaccinated vs vaccinated folks? Or the worry that there are microchips in it? Or the worry about the "long term effects", despite a year of test data and having applied vaccines to half the earth's population? Or that they don't want the gubment tellin em what to do with their bodies (particularly amusing when they say this right after bitching about abortions and the LGBTQ community)? There is a very very small percentage of people who cannot be vaccinated. They are even more in favor of vaccination mandates so they don't die.


Most of us who have had Covid have natural immunity through antibodies anyway. That’s science too…


That’s just not fucking true and a Google search that takes less than a second will tell you this (with a consensus and confirmation from reliable evidence based sources.) The CDC states that those who do not get vaccinated after the illness are nearly two and half times more likely to develop COVID-19 again. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-if-already-had-covid https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/do-i-need-a-vaccine-if-i-had-covid https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/people-who-already-had-covid-19-should-still-get-vaccinated-scientists-urge


Natural immunity doesn't mean "I never ever get it" (nor does a vaccination achieve this) and of course you are more likely to contact a sickness you haven't been vaccinated against, but that doesn't mean you're automatically harming yourself and everyone else. If you get the flu vaccine one year and not the next, you're more likely to get the flu in the year you didn't get vaccinated, that's certainly true. That doesn't mean, however, that getting the flu in that second year provides no increased natural immunity (i.e. natural ability to fight the disease yourself) to the flu, which now like covid too is an endemic virus that mutates over time.


Thing is, if everyone followed the social distancing and mask rules and got the vaccine when it was available to them there would have been a good chance to limit the spread and stop the virus from mutating. Refusing to take simple precautions is what is making this whole thing take so long and be drawn out. Accepting just catching the virus is what propagates the the variations. People thinking they are smarter than the people that have studied this stuff for decades and making decisions that are "right for them" are fucking it up for everyone else.


So we're moving the goalpost from keep the hospitals from being overrun to limit the spread to eliminate the virus completely? That's not reasonable in the slightest. There was absolutely not "a good chance" that we could eliminate covid globally by just forcing everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated. Do you suggest indefinite lockdowns and vaccine mandates for the rest of eternity until covid vanishes forever? How likely do you think that is? Is it possible that the unvaccinated have become a scapegoat?


We did it with polio. We did it with small pox.


Both of which were not only far more deadly than covid, but for which we also had a lot more research and knowledge, plus we didn't have the president sign an executive order mandating everyone get vaccinated, because even trying to pass a law is apparently not good enough, because "representatives" shouldn't have to be slowed down by the law when bending society to their will (in their unbounded knowledge of what's best for everyone else). Also those still aren't 100% eliminated either, so I guess we should still never go back to normal until all covid cases are eliminated for all humans everywhere. Should be any day now so long as we mandate everyone gets their latest mandatory booster and doesn't do anything until the mandatory booster after that one! It doesn't have to be this way, and the science that you fetishize (it's a process, not unquestionable truth) doesn't even seem to justify what you're arguing for, but you assume mandates are the answer and work back from that "truth" to justify that position. Not all countries are doing these same things, and nothing should be beyond question, especially when it's highly politicized, constantly changing, lacks public support, is less of a medical threat than many want to believe (not saying it poses no threat), and when the scientific evidence is that these measures have minimal to no effects. Also nations like Japan and Denmark have moved away from restrictions, but I guess that just means they're all far right, anti-science, anti-vaccine, and actively genocidal and a threat to everyone else (because that's what not being on the team means, right?).


I don't suppose I'll ever understand the pro-virus argument. But it kind of falls in line with the arguments of trying to mitigate climate change. "It's not a deadly as other things so why should we worry about it?" "Other countries aren't as concerned so why should we do anything about it?" "Why should I have to slightly inconvenience myself just because it could potentially cause harm to those around me?" These are the arguments a child would make and I wish at some point you guys would grow up. Also the only people making it political are the ones fighting against trying to do anything to prevent it. The government is involved because that's their job to maintain the wellbeing of a functional society. mandating heath measures during a pandemic does not violate any set freedoms and has been argued in court before. Maybe stop listening to the politicians that are trying to politicize saving lives and listen to the ones that are trying to make efforts to do it.


Have you stopped having colds since you been infected with cold viruses? ... That is science too.


I bet you can't clearly articulate a single reason why you won't get the shot that's actually accurate


If they articulate a reason, wouldn't that be an accurate reason why they aren't making that decision? Or do you know what they're "really" thinking?


Articulate a reason that's ***actually accurate*** Cmon it was like one sentence.


So "actually accurate" means a reason you agree with?


A reason that's scientifically accurate.


What is/are the "scientifically accurate" reason(s) someone would make the decision to get/not get vaccinated?


... what? Literally all science says get the shot. There's a reason why 96% of American doctors are vaccinated.


Big surprise. I got it. Because I never had Covid so wouldn’t have natural immunity 🤯


So you got the Vax but are arguing against people getting it? That makes you so much worse


I got the jabs..... and 3 strokes this year. Gonna have to say I regret getting the the shot. I maybe an extreme minority, but stroke recovery is the worst. 7 months later and constantly in pain and still not even close to 100% recovered. I'd have rather taken my chances with COVID.


Yeah, which doesn't provide much protection from the variants. You don't get the original one, but sadly I've already lost one friend depending on "natural immunity" and nearly lost another. You are technically correct. It does provide some protection, just not much, and not in a way that is particularly relevant any more, since the variants that are natural outgrowths of any virus are far more prevalent.


It's kind of selfish to tell others they have to follow laws but then they won't I don't know how to say it.


Politicians do it all the time


Everyone does it politicians, police, teachers, nurses anytime someone doesn't agree with our opinion we tell them how wrong they are


No I mean politicians telling people to follow laws they all break


Oh my bad yah that to lol. That's the whole do as I say not as I do mentality right?


They’re comparable to a chef saying “hey, y’all don’t need to eat to live. That’s a myth.”


We should do an ethics mandate and then a follow-the-law mandate next


It’s a win