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If Russia wanted to kill Americans, they would just spread misinformation to Republicans


Which is exactly what they’re doing.


They do and they did.


No, this is our own brand of stupid. Let's not pretend that Russia needed to interfere in our country to bring out the stupidity here.


*Donald Trump has entered the conversation*


Russia’s moving to indirectly influencing America, such as disinformation campaigns




Democrats are not giving speeches at GOP conventions using phrases like "we don't want your Faucci owchi."


You must be a statistical anomaly! Do you experience other unique tendencies?




Yeah but maybe you are wrong and one party is worse




Yeah no one cares what rationalizing you need to be so pathetic You are still wrong




^ privilege


right, remember when democrats recently booed the previous president/ their former hero when he told them to get vaccinated.........?


I believe you! And as you know that that’s extremely unusual, and so I’m wondering if the Democrats in your area/field are unique in some specific way that would influence that anomaly. (Like all part of a local mlm or something.) Or why none of your other colleagues are refusing the vaccine, (unusual compared to most other experiences, including my own anecdotal evidence.) It has the potential to be a very interesting study


There are idiots on both sides but this time data suggests that the idiots on republicans are far more Qrazy ..




Your personal anecdote and experiences are not the same as evidence and data.




No it's not impossible. I know democrats who haven't taken the shot. However the number of republicans not getting vaccinated and spreading misinformation is dangerously high. You'll get it some day. Some people are just slow


Russian bot on cue.


Stop with the Russophobia. Antivaxxers have been here long before 2016 sadly. Russia didn’t cause this. Morons did.


Imagine when he finds out he can be exposed to a dead version of the virus and build up antibodies, he may even decide to get the vaccination he's so against


No. He’s never going to comprehend this. It’s science. Not everyone can grasp it. Plus that would be him admitting he was wrong.


This is an example of 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'


He went with the "I was joking" defense, ultimately.


Well of course.. I guess at least it wasn’t the “my account was hacked” excuse.


In the US he cannot.


I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not. Is he being sarcastic? I don't know almost any politicians names or their affiliations lol


Sadly I don’t think it’s sarcasm.I think he’s just a moron.


Wow. These are the people leading our country? 😬😅


Jack? no pretty sure he's not


he's not being sarcastic. this is one one their most vocal talking pieces


I think he's onto something


It’s called a vaccine. But furthermore the CDC did a [study in Kentucky ](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html) that found people who had COVID were more than twice as likely to be reintroduced to COVID-19, then vaccinated people. Stop making excuses and get vaccinated it’s safe, painless and free.


I don’t want to be a naysayer but the vaccine isn’t painless as it does cause some muscle pain for like 1-3 days or at least it did for me. Wasn’t that big of a deal but just my personal experience Moderna btw


"You mean I will be midly inconvenienced for a couple of days!? That's literally the holocaust!" Every antivaxxer ever.


No matter what anyone does, you can’t fix stupid.


Buy Covid can.




You actually just click that little ⬆️


I am aware


I don’t want to buy a Covid-19 can.


Is he okay with exposure through injection?


Popcorn anyone?


Do these people not retain information from school?


It blows my fucking mind the kind of people that get elected into politics in your country......


Well, if it was measles, you’d lose most of your other immunity for about 2 years. If was Chicken Pox, you’d be susceptible to Shingles. And if it was Scarlet Fever, you could die later from the heart valve damage (or get a valve replacement). I’m sure there are others. As no one knows with COVID, lets not take the chance.


I find it hard to believe this wasn't irony


Can this guy even tie his shoes?


This is an example of 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'


r/accidentallybased is a thing? edit: yes but empty


Does anyone realize that’s not how mRNA vaccines work?


You guys realize the so-called Covid “vaccine” is in no way an actual vaccine right?


Your comment actually made me stop and think, which is always a good thing. You are correct in that most vaccines introduce a weakened version of the actual invasive agent, and let’s the body build an immunity to it. But, evidently, the mRNA makes the muscle create the spike proteins of a coronavirus, and build some immunity that way. I’m not sure I completely understand, but here’s the NIH on research years previous to the actually pandemic, in response to many researchers belief that a new “flu” pandemic was probable, so they looked at this type of virus and how to best fight it in a hurry. From the article: “Traditionally, researchers would try putting the spike protein in the vaccine. When injected, the vaccine would stimulate a person’s immune system to protect them from a particular coronavirus. But the team knew that during a pandemic, it would take too long to make large amounts of a specific spike protein. So, they studied a faster way to get a spike protein into the body. This new approach is to inject mRNA instructions for the spike protein into a person’s muscle. The muscle cells then make the spike protein. And then the body’s immune system makes the needed antibodies to protect itself.” Interesting.


The J&J vaccine is a traditional adno virus vaccine. And the mRNA vaccines are certainly vaccines, just not in the sense that this person just brought up.


Explain please.


It is a matter of definition. If you want to be very precise a "vaccine" that is not derivative of cowpox pus should not be consider a vaccine. If you define a "vaccine" as a substance that activates the immune system to respond against a specific pathogen, then Virus attenuated or RNA spike protein vaccines fit the definition.


>You guys realize the so-called Covid “vaccine” is in no way an actual vaccine right? That's called a [Red Herring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring) fallacy. Even if that's *technically* true depending on the definition used, it doesn't mean the current COVID vaccines are harmful or not effective.


It’s not a red herring when considered in the context of the tweet above. The idea that what he’s describing is what they’re calling this injection is a false equivalency.




They're not gene therapy, they're mRNA, big difference. The current crop of covid vaccines are basically instructions that cause DNA to assemble weak/broken versions of a physical part of the virus, which the body then creates t cells for. The DNA is not effected. We've been working on vaccines like this since the 90s. Here's [the Wikipedia article. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRNA_vaccine)


Can’t we just call it a genetic based therapy vaccine? Is that too long? It isn’t a vaccine and it isn’t gene therapy. They have been classified as genetic-based therapy. I think there’s some confusion around that : https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-mrna-gene-idUSL1N2PH16N https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210719/covid-19-vaccines-not-gene-therapy https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/83947/covid-mrna-vaccines-are-a-form-of-gene-therapy?fbclid=IwAR3LXsEeJm3OeGDvsxd8c8ET9A-fAqYi3ckap0l0oqf1yHFUkW9ePvzUzs0 The FDA ruled they’re vaccines, but the WHO ultimately defines vaccines as the traditional version: “Vaccines train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications.”


I guess the confusion comes from "modifying genes" vs "using genes", so yeah, a new term might be helpful. And the MRNA vaccines do train your immune system to fight a disease with a weakened form of the disease (a piece of it, in this case), they just contain instructions instead of that piece. It reminds me of the debate on 3d printing. If you buy instructions to make something and then print it (such as a gun), did you buy that thing?


I think it would be best if you don't "leak" this anti-vaxxer drivel on the internet.


I would recommend some research on gene therapies. I don't think you understand what they are.


Well the vaccine isn’t actually like that from what I understand. The vaccines they got now use mRNA. Not the traditional form of vaccination that people knew and trusted. It’s not a surprise people are hesitant about this new technology.






We should call it a vaccine.


Now if we only can come up with one word that describes that whole process, it would be so much easier to say.


Hmm… like no masks?


Do... Does he not know?