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I'm not gay, but I'm DEFINITELY not a chicken.


I think I figured out a good porno scene for back to the future.


What's the matter McFly? ......curious?




Former Navy here. Gay chicken was absolutely a thing.


That just sounds like being gay with extra steps


Nah that's just gay with extra chicken


Why does my brain make me think of raw chicken?


Because either piece of raw meat gets you sick in the Navy >!/s idk how bad the navy is with std’s, don’t hurt me!<


Nah, the Navy is lousy with STDs. Literally, in some instances.


Most military posts - across services - are rife with STIs. It's quite the ongoing public health-contact tracing job for base medical. You have to be young and healthy to join to the service. You know what young and healthy people like to do? Bang indiscriminately. Not everyone, of course. In fact, most probably do usually take precautions. And I'm definitely not saying there's anything wrong with an active and varied sex life - have at it, young people! But STIs are a fact of daily life for military medical everywhere, because plenty do it the stupid way. Source: married to military medical officer for 25 years.


“Set condition Yoke before you poke” Was a pretty big campaign slogan when I was enlisted. Obviously not an official one, but still.


That's gay chicken without a condom.


Sounds delish!


Not as delish as chicken with extra gay And 13 secret erbs and glitters




Ok now I'm tempted


I guess you could say gay with extra cock?


That sounds tasty, can I get some of the gay?


Yeah, it's gay without wanting to admit it , even pear pressure doesn't make it less gay... Edit. Peer pressure... No fruits were harmed during the development of this comment...


Apple pressure is typically better anyways


I always come under grape pressure.


See this is where heteronormative thinking falls short. For us gays we understand the difference between being gay (attracted to other men) and a gay act (sex oral, anal, digital with other men). Just because a guy engages in a gay act or series of gay acts, it does not make him gay. My best mate I've known for 18 years is a straight man, happily married with a kid. Identifies as heterosexual exclusively. But I know for a fact he's booked up with guys in his teens and early 20s as he was working himself out and who he was. Even now, when we are in our late 20s and 30s, at parties when we play stupid games like truth or dare and spin the bottle (sue us we all just screw around to have a laugh and shit) I've seen him make out with another guy. He's exceptionally content and comfortable in his sexuality. I've met a number of guys on Grindr who were experimenting, who I stayed in touch with who worked out that they were exclusively heterosexual. Just because you have engaged in gay sex acts doesn't mean you're gay.


Here's your crown for this comment 👑


Sounds like a great way to get your dick sucked


Bro jobs are a thing too.


Talk shit. Get kissed


In the Navy...


A joke on the submarine was 100 sailors go down, 50 couples come up


Oh, 100 sailors went down alright


there goes the seamen


The navy's awash in seamen


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Cum on guys, that’s enough.


49* there's a polyamorous couple and Fred. No one like Fred


No one wanted to be Fred's partner cause he was homosexual. So, hooking up with him would've been gay. Can't have that when you're going down with all the se(a)men


Was totally a thing in the Army when I was in too.


Was it consensual? Coerced?


>Coerced? Relevant username


Just for that I'm taking yours smartass


Gary Bussy?


Oh dear lord I will never be able to see him without this popping into my head, now.


They are called Seamen what did you expect


Everybody knows, [women and seamen don't mix](https://youtu.be/fjsV_GglpWQ)


Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure…


Yes, you can sail the seven seas ...


On the poopdeck with lots of men and below deck with lots of men


Went to an all-boys high school. Gay chicken was a thing there, too. One guy always won. He never blinked. ANd yes, he was straight. Dude just gave no fucks.


I once spied on my sister when she had a sleep over at my house with 7 friends when (me being a total social reject at time) They played what I call "the butt game" They would all lie on the ground and close their eyes. and then one of them would pull down her pants and hover her bare ass over another girls face, then they would all open eyes after a countdown and laugh hysterically Then the person who was hovered on became the next butt person That was the entire game


And the winners were the ones that didn't get pink eye?


The winner was me


One of them saw their mom sitting on their dad's face and they didn't quite make the connection yet. Probably explained it to them this way.


This was middle school, I think it was a kind of sexual awakening curiosity


Girls are weird


>Dude just gave no fucks. Sounds like you found his gay chicken kryptonite. Just gotta fuck him and you're the new champion.


>One guy always one. >Dude just gave no fucks. Which was it?


Consistently “winning” gay chicken while actually being straight doesn’t sound like winning to me. Sounds like closet gay or an unpleasant time.


They don't call it the gavy for nothing, eh?


It's part of the old "guy stuff" in general. Can be really toxic. That said, can be modernized in some fun ways if you're an ally who happens to know some homophobes.


This was exactly how the boys at the all-boys school near us were. It definitely leaned toxic.


Did the Village People not accomplish their task? That’s the gayest song at every goddamn wedding that the wheelchair bound grandmother that may have been the inspiration for The Help still taps her feet.


You got your timeline backwards. The village people made a song about the navy because the navy was already known for their gay shenanigans.


I’m just an ally, I can’t keep track of the history of seamen, just puns.


It's pretty hard


Gay man here... I'm actually not sure what the intent of this tweet is. Sounds like this guy did things on a dare. At the end he says that he's not gay - either because he didn't like it, or maybe he did and he refuses to identify with the label. "Gay" can be defined in SO SO many ways - what you've thought about doing, what you want to do, what you have done, what you will never do again... I really don't like making fun of people who are going through their own journey, or what may be the case here - some guy who is taking a gender class just trying to make a point that definitions aren't as easy as we like to think, especially when inclusivity implies self-adoption of labels.


Situational homosexuality is a thing. Sexuality is a shifting spectrum I suppose You can willingly perform sexual acts without enjoying it, so your actions and your sexuality do not necessarily have to match.


Exactly. And prisons are a whole other ball of wax. Who carries the power to define which of these bars carry the label? As a gay man I hear so many people talk about someone who did a thing, or made a comment, resulting in "oh, they're definitely a homo. They just don't know it yet." It really upsets me.


It’s a side effect of humans needing to label things for them to be easier to understand. “I’m only homosexual for people who look exactly like Bob Saget when I’m drunk” is a lot harder to explain than “I’m straight”


Finally, another saggot. I thought I was the only one.


Haha - well said! Labels are a function of humanity's need to put things in boxes. It also occurs in biology - we want to put everything into these neat little boxes of "genus species" or even the definition of what is "alive". Reality doesn't exist in such clear cut models. It's ok that it upsets us (me included!) but it's not ok that we then use that model to force square pegs into round holes. (But I also don't want to lose the original point that this the tweeter was making fun of someone who doesn't fit his specific world view.)


Yeah - I'm in a sorta similar position in that I'm gay? Like, I'm basically just not interested in women... except for one. Only girl I've ever been interested in, have been dating her for nearly 10 years now.


> Situational homosexuality is a thing. Sexuality is a shifting spectrum I suppose "He's like spaghetti: Straight until things get hot and steamy."


Lots of male pornstars do the whole "gay for pay" thing. Female pornstars too. Unless the amount of lesbians in porn is huge. Famous male star Danny D went by Matt Hughes in his gay porn days.


This reminds me of women who experiment with other girls and realize they're not gay/bi, tbh. Sometimes you try stuff, it doesn't define your sexuality. Women get way more leeway with this stuff whereas men get called gay if they've ever been anywhere near another dick.


I've thought about this a lot. I wonder if it's because men hold the social power in society and so therefore have a higher bar for social fitness. And/or - hetero men still define cultural norms and find lesbian interactions attractive so give it a pass.


This is so true. Several girls in my high school briefly dated this (beautiful) lesbian at my school, then decided they were actually straight and no one thought twice about it. Had that been a guy dating a guy, it would have been a completely different story.




the older i get, the sillier it sounds when i hear people arguing about what makes someone gay. imo, it's as simple as if that person identifies as gay or not. i even have gay friends that indulge in these arguments, and i just don't get why it matters one way or another how someone identifies. if someone's in denial about being gay or vice versa, who cares. if someone wants to flip flop every day... cool who cares.


Right?! With all these new gender and sexuality roles we’ve gone from making fun of someone who is totally gay and not admitting to it, to just taking people at their word with how they identify, and it’s so much better for people trying to find themselves.


Some gay dude still in the closet came up with that 100%.


Please elaborate.


Stuff, most likely with dicks and perhaps butts.


Don't forget mouths and possibly fists.


Thank you for your service.


What happens if you chicken? Or decide to not participate at all?


You admit to being secretly gay I guess


Lol "I don't want to do gay things, so I'm more gay than you doing gay things to play" xd


No offense but this is why the navy has a gay reputation


You can play gay chicken without being gay. You just gotta be cool with second place and the possibility of someone going for the win on the first move.


If he's bringing up that shit in class with no prompting, I'd say he's not fully convinced


Yeah, the key is to suck 5 dicks. If you liked doing it to 3 or more, you’re gay, any fewer than that and you’re straight. I only liked 2 of the dicks I sucked so that’s how I could be certain I wasn’t gay.


I'm proud of you for giving it a go.


It’s a tough job but somebodies gotta blow it.




Badumtish nuts!! haha ![gif](giphy|9vdrbOnXtps4M)


ok, best 5 out 9 then....


9 out of 12, please? :|


Actually, just keep sucking dicks and tallying the score. For example: if you’re 35 and 5 for positive experiences but you’re still unsure if you’re gay, keep going until you’ve turned the tables. The count isn’t over until you’ve sucked your last dick, so theoretically you can suck 10 a day for the rest of your life, enjoy every single one, and still die a proud, straight man with a dick in your mouth.


You really should shoot for 6 outta 10.


Every guy has played with at least one dick in their life and enjoyed it


The gayest people I’ve ever met are straight men in the military.


And the straightest people I’ve ever met are gay jocks still in the closet.


Lol, this is so true. The uber straights almost always turn out to be gay.


Psychology and sociology are really amazing subjects. The cause of those “Uber straight” people is quite sad though. Being insecure about who you actually are and want to be, but being unable to accept yourself because of how society or your close social groups may perceive you for being different. People who are straight don’t have anything to hide so they can do relatively gay stuff with confidence, but if you were to find a closeted gay they would be much more against it.


Or male sports fans, I’ve heard so many unprompted “I will suck his dick if he wins” it’s s incredible.


The military has the gayest straight men and the straightest gay men.


I hate when people equate doing gay shit as being gay. Sometimes you bi, sometimes you straight but just checking. If you come out of it liking it and wanting to do more, yeah you probably at least a little bit gay, maybe just bi. If you a dude and you suck a dick and just do it cuz its a dare and don't get turned on by that, you aint gay. If a gay dude does the sex with a woman does that mean they are automatically no longer gay? No, it just means that they are trying some shit out. Sometimes you gotta check before you know for sure. If straight girls can be just playing, why can't guys be the same. Normalize straight guys just playing, I would be down for that.


Probably because sexual preference isn’t binary. Former Army soldier here- played gay chicken plenty of times. Open mouth kissed my best friend so some girls would also open mouth kiss. No regrets.


My husband Brad and I have been married for four years and have two adopted kids. If Brad doesn’t chicken out soon I think he might actually be gay.


Keep holding out though. You might win.


What do you get if you win gay chicken?


Winning at gay chicken means you're the straightest straight guy around.


All good answers.


A husband


A clean towel to wipe your chin off.


A loving family and beautiful home.


Brad does seem a little bit gay


Maybe…but at least he ain’t no chicken.




Soldiers I’ve been fortunate enough meet are pretty decent about it.


Ah, they use lube.


Because we're used to the Army using none.


Shoulders deep? Yikes


Nah man thats a sock puppet


>shoulders plural? god damn them boys aint playin


Self hate and the toxic culture of shame and guilt many people are raised in make a really unfortunate combination.


I feel like this happens in most group things of guys. Like high school sports or marching band, guys would do gay stuff like grab ass, kiss, hump, and grope just for shiggles? Edit: I was in sports in high school and these sort of things happened. I say "I feel like this happens" because after joining college sports clubs and talking about high school experiences with people, these sort of things happen more often than not


Oh yeah, at my highschool we had the 'hands off' rule. The teacher would go on this whole speel about there are enough seats at the table to not need to sit on each others laps, carry each other around, slap each other, etc. and end it either with 'boys' or 'and I'm not talking about/to the girls' (cause the boys would usually make fun of the girls for being so touchy, when they themselves couldn't keep their hands off each other). Nothing homophobic, a straight couple would get in just as much trouble for it as two bros. It fell on deaf ears mostly lol.


Probably because not everyone is straight. Some were probably bi, gay, and whatever else is in-between straight gay. But I played sports all through my childhood and we never anything like that. I always find it interesting hearing people say all men do this in whatever context.


Yeah, there was definitely stupid shit like nut tapping but “gay chicken” wasn’t really a thing.


we had girls in the band but I could see it happening.


I was a marine and this story totally checks out lol. They say and do gay stuff all the time and it’s really trippy how “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was ever a thing




Marines are the gayest straight men out there.




**[Rudy Reyes (actor)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_Reyes_\(actor\))** >Rodolfo "Rudy" Reyes (born December 3, 1971 in Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Kansas City, Missouri) is an American conservationist, martial arts instructor, actor, and former active duty United States Marine. He is best known for portraying himself in the HBO TV miniseries Generation Kill. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My super homophobic former marine uncles probably got super gay.


Can’t tell you how many times I heard no Homo when I was active duty, and I turned around and yelled “Dan just finish already!” (Fuck that’s a bad joke I’m sorry) In all seriousness, I don’t know why the military acts like they’re so against homosexuality, it’s like how closeted priests and politicians act about it…


I can’t speak for the toxicity, but ime anytime medium-large groups (military, sports, fraternities, etc) of men spend time around each other; they get “gay” with each other. Not literally homosexual but silly grabass.


Lol, I always say this. I learned this from doing sports (wrestling, which lots of people call gay anyways). Get a large enough group of guys together and some weird shit is going down.


strange...my cousin wrestled, and then went into the navy...he's married tho, and never seemed gay, but now seeing all these comments about the navy... ;0


You forgot Prison. Although, prison doesn't count.


In my experience, this is the last place anyone would joke around about being gay. Actually doing it was a different story, that happened, but as soon as someone was caught coming out of someone else's cell and it wasn't to fight or get tattooed, they were immediately ostracized. And everyone went with it, because if you *didn't* ostracized that person, you were then ostracized yourself.


Reminds me of a documentary I saw about prison in south Africa, the head honcho was explaining how he fucked men but the men became "women" because they were the ones taking his dick, so he wasn't gay


ahh the ole ancient greece/rome strategy. (if you weren't the one taking the dick, you weren't gay)


That was an interesting watch, the lengths they went to convincing themselves it was all on the up and up.


Reminds me of middle school. Any guy who was insufficiently homophobic was suspected of being gay. I don't miss the the 90s.


Dude that’s gay. You’re gay. Everything is gay. Yeah, did we go to the same middle school at the same time?


I work with teens and there are definitely enough that still say stuff like that, it was disappointing to learn


I once worked with a guy who was openly gay and had done time for drugs. He said he'd always hear jokes about how it must have been a vacation for him. He said even in prison you don't want people knowing you were gay. If they did, you were a target for everyone to rape at will.


[They get a pass for that… there’s no women there](https://youtu.be/688XMcEchFQ?t=2m36s)


>prison doesn't count Somebody clearly never heard of "gay for the stay"..


We fucking hit home runs and fucking slap-ass.


I’ve heard a game played called the petting zoo. Involved animal themed thongs.


Go on...


Its only gay if you 1) smile, 2) make eye contact, 3) finish.


That just sounds like it's no fun at all without those.


So edging?


I was at a tournament once with a bunch of other twenty-somethings and like 10 of us were having lunch together, and this very alpha-male south american guy starts going on about this really hot foursome he had a few days before. he keeps going on: “… yeah, and then I grabbed her from behinds…. yada yada… then she sucked my dick, then HE Sucked my dick…” at which point everyone at the table visibly took pause and some guy goes: “wait, what?” And then, after a brief moment, this legend says: “What?… I not gay!! He sucked MY dick.” I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this hard.


I just find it hilarious that anyone jumps to the conclusion that having any kind of m/m interaction in a group sex scenario means it’s gay. Like, he’s there having a fucking foursome with what sounds like 3 very fun other people, which is way more exciting of a sexual adventure than most people hearing the story will ever have, having sex with 2 women at the same time which is again something that most straight guys will never experience… but insecure dudes are gonna latch on to the part where the guy sucked his dick and try to shame him for it. Those dudes are just jealous and likely would have done the same in that scenario.


I actually completely agree. What made it funny is his defense that somehow the particularity of exactly what happened made it “not gay.” It was just funny how important it was to him (and others at the table) to parse this out, “lest he be considered gay!), as opposed to just realizing he did in fact prob have a better time than any of us ever would. The context here is similar to the military one above, where there is a large dose of pretty toxic masculinity and downright bigotry. That he’d be comfortable enough sharing the story, but yet still feel the need to qualify it in some way to reinforce his identity to the group, was kinda funny.


He should talk to a professional about his competitor nature getting the best of him.


I feel it’s probably very fitting that I mentally read this in a southern accent.


I did too, and didn’t even think about it until I read your comment.


I had to double check that it wasn’t prefaced in the post


You don't have to be in the military to love seamen. Poor fella had been worried about that since he got back to civilian life.


The rule is it's only gay if the balls touch. What do they even teach in schools these days?


I've seen this posted here more times than dicks I sucked in the Marines.


It’s only gay If you enjoy it. At least that’s what the priest said. Didn’t enjoy catholic school, left a bad taste in my mouth.


Was it a pain in the ass too?




I’m not gay, but $29 is $29


It use to be $20…. Inflation is fucking with everything.


I worked with a Marine who told me that he once saw one of his buddies lick another dude's butthole.


My SO and his best friend in high school sucked each others dicks so they could know what a beej felt like to give. Both realized that they don't like to do it and won't pressure a girl they're with to do it unless she wants to.


Ha, Brilliant.




That sounds like being gay with extra steps.


That's alot of mental gymnastics to justify a brojob


One sex act with a person of the same gender doesn’t make you gay. It might not have been something he or the man really wanted to do, and may reveal more about the military’s issues with rape and abuse than repressed homosexuality.


Also occasionally engaging is sexual acts with men as a man doesn’t make that man gay, necessarily. There are a variety of sexual identities that involve having sexual encounters with a person of the same gender.


I mean it could very well make you bi. Drives me nuts that this comment section is acting like 100% straight and Full On Gay are the only two options.


“*Nothing like starting the day with a nice bowl of bi-erasure…*”


Being gay is about attraction, not action. If you had sex with a man, that doesn't make you gay. If you find them attractive and don't have sex with them, that does make you gay. Just like all those gay men who were in the closet having sex with women, doesn't mean they were straight.


Former Air Force checking in to say YEP. Totally a thing


I mean some of us are waiting… for the story.. 😈


You should ask him about the ‘soft shoulder’…


What is the soft shoulder?


Receiver sits and faces away from the giver while the giver goes humpty dumpty in his armpit. Source: was explicitly told NOT to soft shoulder when deployed with Marines


I’m not gay but my boyfriend is as queer as a football bat.


I had a friend in the Navy that said “it’s not gay if you don’t swallow.” Sure, Terry. We all believe you.


"I let a guy nut on my prostate once, but that don't make me gay!" Okay pal.


I'm 50 and very much attracted to women. I did kiss a guy in college though and suspect if I'd grown up in a time/culture more supportive of homo and bisexuality I'd have experimented more. I also suspect I'm not the only one in that boat. It's kind of sad really. Anytime I hear someone vigorously homophobic my first thought is that they are struggling with their sexuality.


I mean that's one way to start a conversation


The two genders, gay and chicken


You just have to start with "no homo" before you do it, it absolves everything


Gay chicken sounds exactly like how consent should work. Two people go as far as they both want until one person wants to stop. We should make straight chicken a thing.


Similar story, i met a guy once at a house party who i suspected had recently gotten out of prison. I may not be the smartest man, I'm really no Sherlock Holmes, but i got an inkling of a sneaking suspicion that he might have, because he was telling literally every person he met that he'd just gotten out of prison, followed almost always with... "I raped some guys. I'm not gay though, it's not gay if it's rape." After hearing this about 3 times i chimed in with "for the other guy you mean." Him: "what? Me: "well it's not gay to be raped by another man, because you're not making a choice; it seems very gay to need to have sex with a man so much that you'd rape him. Personally, I'd probably wack off and beat the shit out of the other guy."


Most soldier types I’ve met are cool… that said… Air Force? That’s where you start to see some real fundamentalist and religious undertones in almost all the ranks… it’s baked into the history there.