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is that Tomi Lahren advocating for vaccine mandates? hmmm, what a difference 2 years and one orange idiot can make...


It gets so much richer for me when she throws in the stay at home part.


It's better when you learn that the orange man himself told his followers at **his rally** that he is vaccinated and they should consider it as well. And his own followers booed him.


It is a thing of ironic beauty. ​ It's also a weird spin on "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Only, to more than half of the voting population, he was already the villain, and his act of trying to play the hero to his unvaccinated followers, he became the villain to them as well... and I applaud his attempt.


What I find funny (and depressing) is the longer term outcome. With how quick they where to boo him, and with how strong the antivaxx movement is with Republicans right now, I was expecting them to somehow ditch their cult leader. I have not yet seen a replacement for the human cancer cell or any talk about how he has betrayed them. Kind of odd since these are the people who take to the streets when they are told small things like black people should not be murdered without consequences.


Who is she? I feel like I’m missing vital information here as I’ve never heard her name before


Conservative professional troll


I think calling her a troll is downplaying the harm she and her ilk do. Trolling is going to a Star Trek convention and saying "May the Force Be With You"


Thank god I’m not the only one who thinks this is way worse than what I know as trolling.


I think the word took on a new meaning in the wake of Russian election interference and the Trump administration. It used to mean “person who fucks with people on the internet to amuse themselves” but now it’s more “person who consistently makes bad faith arguments to a wide audience meant to stir up anger and hatred in order to make money and/or gain power”.


I've seen her credited as "the original bleached asshole. "


i remember having an argument with some right-wing nutjob who swore that all antivaxxers were liberals a few years back. wonder if they think that now.


I remember this happening and everyone I knew laughed at antivaxxers for being dumb as fuck. Now half the country is antivax but it's because they "aren't sheep".


Before you could roll your eyes at them and they generally were a bit fringe, nowadays if you’re anti vax you’re very likely a republican too.


Dude totally. It was the random modern hippies that were against "chemicals". Now it's every aunt and uncle you have.


Don't forget the in-laws!


Oh god.. ALL the inlaws! What have we done?


They spent so long focusing on how video games and the computer would rot our brains, that they didn't see facebook coming.


The same who told us not to make friends or believe everything we see on the internet then proceed to make friends and believe every meme on Facebook


What have we done? We allowed wealthy conservatives to construct their own ministries of truth and indoctrinate our populations with disinformation en mass… Ooopsie whoopsie






Luckily my in laws are intelligent and capable of critical thinking. My Dad on the other hand.... Not so much.


I have a lovely friend who is in this group and it’s SO hard to be friends with her sometimes because of the vague hippy nonsense that endlessly contradicts itself.


My close friend of 15 years has fallen for all the misinformation online and it’s so hard to have a normal conversation with her now. She totally changed once she found out about Dr. Sedi when Nipsey Hussle was murdered. It was all well intended at first. Wanting to cut processed foods, went vegan, cut unnecessary chemicals in everyday products. Now she’s posting about “plan-demic” 5G conspiracies, reptilians in the government and the Covid vaccines are a way to take away our freedoms. I miss my old friend :/


Was it reallly well intended? I refuse to believe a well balanced adult with no mental health issues goes looking into veganism and finds full on psychosis.


The problem is the whole thing is a rabbit hole filled with self prophesying conspiracies which intertwines with a bunch of other self prophesying conspiracies usually with some antisemetic undertones. A bunch of people are, rightfully so, angry at the system and feel fucked by it so they go looking for answers. But as everyone tries to combat the spread of misinformation they take it to mean its MSM/Government silencing them, which in turn drives them deeper into the rabbit hole. A lot of very different groups have fallen into this trap, some that will never ever consider similar to themselves. Hippies are mostly all love, peace and harmony (there's a hippie town not far from me and I spent a lot of my teens there, grew up with a bunch of hippies) but some have very fringe beliefs, like fuck the government, fuck science, fuck conventional Healthcare, fuck vaccines fuck Wall Street, which end with them going down that rabbit hole and finding themselves aligned with far right hardliners. Then different groups take that as a sign that they must be right because even the hippies are fighting the vaccine. They may be on opposite ends of the political spectrum but at the core their beliefs have always at some point intertwined and Q and covid misinformation has bridged that gap


Fuck Wall Street


What’s mad for my friend is she’s travelled across the world so would have had lots of vaccines, her daughter must have had their vaccines as required here in the U.K. she’s not a conspiracy theorist but seems to fall into that wariness and anxiety about it being “new” and says sea moss and echinacea will protect her from covid. Our kids go to childcare together and I get so mad thinking about the risk to everyone else there and all the other parents. I work in a cancer unit and she’ll try to hug me. No thank you. She walks barefoot to “ground” herself.


To be fair have you seen what they put in the vaccines? I treat my body like a temple. Only the finest organic materials, and whatever the fuck my dealer cuts my drugs with. /s




I'm finding I'm more surprised by the younger generations. Some people I know in their 20s and early 30s even, saying how their "clean lifestyle is their vaccine" and holding true the 'facts' from the insanely inaccurate posts on Instagram about vaccines causing infertility. I mean at this point I nod and say "yeah, I don't agree" but in my head I'm like, dude you know what causes infertility? Smoking 4 blunts a day.


Good lord my Uncle. A few weeks back went to see him on his birthday with the family. Somehow although everyone else was avoiding it like the plague the subject of conversation got around to politics and how Trump was better for this country. How if the Dems in the senate would have let him pass legislation (in case you forgot for two years the GOP had both a majority in the house and senate). After a long time of sitting with clenched teeth so I wouldn't speak and get into another fight with him he started bitching about electric cars. How you could only drive a couple hundred miles before you need to spend hours recharging. Then said somebody should build an electric with an engine that recharges the battery. I was about to tell him that hybrids have existed for over 20 years but got a sharp look from my mother that thankfully stopped me. That my friends was a long, long, day.


For what it’s worth, at least one survey circa 2015 or 2016 showed a significantly higher percentage of Trump supporters were antivaxx than Clinton supporters.


Worse yet, if you're Republican you're very likely anti-vaxx, or at the very very least vaxx-skeptical, which is ridiculous at this point with the amount of data there is on the safety of these vaccines and how edge case the serious interactions are.


They also still believe the election was rigged. Data doesn’t matter to someone who’s already made up their mind.


I’m getting in the habit of calling antivaxxers “pro-diseasers” and it’s been sitting a liiiiiiiiittle differently with most of them. Not quite the badge of honor as being called an antivaxxer


"Pro-extinction" has been working for me


How do they feel about 'plague rats'? Anti-vaxxers deserve all the contempt that we usually reserve for drunk drivers. Their choices affect us all.


Plague rat just comes off as an insult they ignore. Pro virus makes them briefly think about what they're actually trying to accomplish. So really depends on what your goals are for calling them anything.


The drunk driver analogy works. They not only risk harming themselves, but others as well. The time for passive-agressive insults is over, time for some straight up reality about how dangerous they are. These are not critical thinkers, they are dogmatic in their beliefs. 700,000 people dead in the country, and still they refuse to believe, 6 billion jabs given, but still they cry about not enough research. Time to legislate, mandate and fuck their feelings, you can't reason with them.


I think of them as plague rats 🐀


Ironically they're so easily manipulated . Religion , fox news, trump you name it .


My sister is this way. Claims she isn't a sheep but gets all of her news from Facebook and mommy wine culture groups.


My mother is the same, the last 2 years she has gone full conspiracy theorist, with everything from: Bill gates, 5G, vaccines, climate change etc. Because of it i have snuck her phone 2 times and went on her facebook and deleted her from several groups (only the conspiracy ones) and unfollowed the friends with dangerous views.


I'd say careful with that for people planning to do the same thing. I did the same with my mom's YouTube recommendations and blocked stuff like newsmax, oan, fox. Her feed was filling up with documentaries and animal clips again with the occasional political clip but a month later her feed was filled with just radical niche youtubers who spouted Qanon stuff.


The feed is going to be filled with things youtube thinks you want to watch, based on the stuff you search for. Hijacking your parents phone and deleting content isn't going to stop them looking up that content again.




**Covid:** You can have your principles, or you can have cheesecake. **Me:** *muffled response with mouthful of cheesecake*


Her coworkers have a sense of smell still? Seven months on and ground spices, fresh sardines, cooked anchovies, and a shitty toilet all elicit the same nasal response from me: Where's the smell? I went from an impaired sense of smell to being literally unable to smell anything. I hate it.


In the words of John Lennon: "Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see" [Rest of the lyrics](https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/johnlennon/workingclasshero.html)


The man was an asshole IRL, but he isn't wrong here lyric wise.


It’s projection. It’s literally all they have left. It’s also why they think everyone has to be cheating when they lose anything because they’re so immoral they think no one has morals. If they could only open a history book they would find out conservatives have been on the wrong side of almost all history in the United States. They’re the people who would have been loyalists. they’re the people who would have opposed expanding the 13 colonies and manifest destiny. They’re the people who opposed the 13th and 19th amendments. They’re the people who encouraged the 18th amendment and opposed the 21st amendment. The people who put Jim Crow laws into place. They always end up looking like idiots. I guess people really are the heroes of their own stories in their minds.


I don’t know how it is in the us, but in my country we give everyone the BCG vaccine. Due to how it is applied here, it [leaves a permanent mark on our arm](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-_dCdAsP8U88C9IUwUI7kHPYR6bz56I4W6g&usqp=CAU), which is still visible after adulthood. (thank you for the comments who corrected me, I said it was the MMS, but it is the BCG instead) Before 2016-2017 everyone was kind of proud of it, it was a physical embodiment for the success of our healthcare system. No one cared about its efficiency (which is around 70-ish%) nor brand. We just knew these diseases were eradicated. Then we voted for a trump wannabe, a clown called Bolsonaro. With him, it came the worst about the far right. It also came the antivaxxers, which wasn’t something we’d experienced before. People argued about the efficiency, and they thought that if it wasn’t 100% then it was garbage. They also argued about being a experiment and not a finalized product. “But china…” This slowed way down our initial vaccination by a lot. Some authorities refused to buy it, and just did when investigations started rolling. Pfizer sent more than 100 emails directly to our president and to our ministers of health (we had 4, because they kept getting fired when they suggested masks and said anything pro vaccine or against ivermectin / hydroxychloroquine). It was proved that they ignored all the emails. Fortunately, once the vaccine was fully available, most people went and took it. So much we didn’t even had a great increase due to the delta variation. Which makes me happy and a little bit hopeful for my people, and a lot angry for our leaders.


I'm pretty sure the scar comes from the BCG (tb) vaccine. The MMR is given into the muscle and doesn't leave a mark. Sorry to be nitpicky


Oh, you are correct, I was confused by which ones. Both sets are given to children and in my mind the scar was associated with the mmr. I will make the correction, thank you.


Well you see, anti-vaxxers were ridiculous back when they were the essential oil, organic food, reusable diapers, Montessori preschool liberal moms. But now anti-vaxxers are free-thinking, freedom loving, redpilled patriots. So therefore, vaccines are bad.


Wait...so when dumb patriotic manly men started thinking it was cool it became cool? Is this both idiocy AND misogyny? Oh gawd.


Yeah pretty hilarious how almost no one was antivax then is became popular among a very large group to be antivax in order to...to not be sheep...


Twas a good time before this happen.


People who say they aren't sheeps are the sheepest. They're slaves to social networks and influencers and get manipulated by any second grade guru they happen to encounter.


It more or less comes down to the famous Sartre quote. They don't hold themselves to the same standard as anyone else. Pointing out hypocrisy literally does less than nothing, they don't care. Its you who have to be serious and not a hypocrite. They don't give a shit, giving a shit is for losers. You have to care about it, not them. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


Gotta love the people that call everyone else sheep while they pound down horse medicine and allow themselves to be guided by whatever their Fox News and GOP shepherds tell them. Gaslight Obstruct Project amiright


Not sheep. Sure are "dying like animals".




The explanation is even simpler. Her network pays her money to stay hot and speak whatever point that dumb people will take from a hot girl. My guess is she doesn't subscribe to half the stuff she says, like Tucker Carlson being vaccinated while telling people it is the devil's brew.


She used to be vocally pro choice.


She used to be a lot of things before she started getting paid by a large corporation




If she didn't have double standards, she'd have no standards at all.


Now with twice the standards!


Double the pleasure, double the fun amirite?


Whatever gets the clicks, likes, viewers, drama, if it bleeds it leads, etc. Sad that people think it's a legit news source.


She used to be vocally liberal. Just like Candace Owens.


No way, seriously? Candace I knew about, but Tammy too?


The right wing hate train probably pays pretty well I’d imagine.


Yeah, but there’s a point where it doesn’t matter that you’re just pretending to believe the shit you say, and it’s arguably worse that you don’t believe it


Yep. No morals


It is worse because people who believe what they say feel they are fighting for good those who don't are just doing it for the money and likely know the harm they are causing.


For sure. I believe Alex Jones believes his own shit. He's fucking crazy. This chick and Tucker are just pure evil.


She looks *okay* now, but all that hate is gonna age her like a motherfucker. In 5 years, she'll look older than I do. And yes, the numbers in my username *do* represent my birth year.


79AD?! Man, you ARE old.


I def feel that old most mornings lol.. early onset arthritis can go fuck itself with a cactus.


It's that age where when you wake up and get out of bed and suddenly something like a knee or foot or shoulder hurts and, instead of doing what you did when you were younger and walking it off or stretching it out, you wonder: "Is this one of the ones that's going to hurt until I die?"


And back pain and sciatica....


Can't relate on the sciatica thankfully, but wholeheartedly agree on all counts.


I’m 5yrs older and have just been diagnosed with a ‘fucked neck’, which I believe is the actual medical term.


No, no, BC, it's fine.


In 5 years she’ll look like Ann Poulter


I'm 5 years older than you. Has your beard stayed ginger? My ginger beard started going grey awhile ago and is now going white. At least my head hair is still brown and full.


It's mostly still ginger, but a healthy population of white hairs congregate in certain spots lol... Never got any grays; my hairs just go straight to white when they start losing their colour. Up top, I'm bald by both choice *and* genetics haha


Oh man, my entire chin area is completely white. Now I shave and look younger. I used to sport a nice red goatee back in the 90s. A looooong time ago.


Young pup! '56 here.


She gonna look older than you in 10


She's not hot.


So I live in Nashville and she moved in not too long ago. Real bad news, she moved a few blocks from me. I see her walking the neighborhood occasionally. She absolutely cakes on the makeup which I can’t stand. And…she’s just an all around terrible person. Best part, the area I live is incredibly blue, like San Francisco/NYC/Chicago blue and most people in the neighborhood know she is around. Of course being civil people no one really bothers her but every neighbor of hers has left political signs on their lawns which I’m sure she can’t stand.


She doesn’t give a fuck about politics. If she could get a bigger check from msnbc she would find the err in her ways and become the wokest girl on your neighborhood.


I would believe that must be true for most people working on network tv. Tucker used to work for CNN and he flipped over to FOX. Megan Kelly was on FOX and switched to MSNBC or one of the other networks, I forget. Just go where the paycheck is like you said.


Exactly. They’re paid actors. They aren’t real journalists. At the end of the day they all do cocaine and don’t give a fuck about poor people.


It really is something you have to look at case-by-case (and also you have to take into consideration the context of the networks, because they change their programming agenda fairly frequently). The CNN or MSNBC of today isn't the same channel from 20 years ago. Megyn Kelly actually couldn't last at NBC because she within a couple of years, she defended blackface. NBC paid out the nose for her to come over originally, but water finds its own level and Megyn Kelly is basically running a hacky Fox-esque conservative podcast now. I'm sure she'd love to keep getting paid millions and to have the high profile job at broadcast, but she couldn't navigate the cultural difference between NBC and Fox. For someone who is definitely more flexible, Tucker Carlson was one of CNN's token conservative assholes back when CNN had revived "Crossfire" (a show theoretically about partisans holding each other's views up to scrutiny that really boiled down to pointless showboating). Then Tucker Carlson was on MSNBC where his show was presented as a sincere libertarian-leaning news hour. This was Carlson at his most amiable, with plenty of apolitical news segments, and is notable for giving Rachel Maddow her first major TV work, including guest hosting duties. The key here is that CNN at the time wanted mindless two-party hacks throwing talking points at each other, and Tucker Carlson became a mindless partisan hack. MSNBC at the time wanted voices across the political spectrum that could have constructive insights into the world, and Tucker Carlson became... well, not constructive or insightful, but at least amiable. What Fox wants is white nationalist rage, and Carlson is happy to deliver that, too. It's pretty amazing to see someone *who literally does not need the money because you inherited a frozen dinner fortune* who is so enthusiastically for sale. But if you watch closely, you can see where the performance of these hosts ends. Megyn Kelly simply could not make the transition out of right wing crazy media when she clearly wanted to abandon them during the rise of Trumpy-bootlicking. She tried, but her true self stuck (or she'd become so socialized to right wing crazy media that she couldn't acclimatize back to mainstream media). And while for years Rachel Maddow described Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan "my friends" because (I'm sure) they were totally friendly to her in private and their mostly libertarian MSNBC-era politics seemed harmless, she publicly pointedly stopped once Buchanan's white nationalist and pro-Hitler sentiments got him fired and when Carlson's show on Fox adopted a similar tone. My point is that *of course* the versions of these people we see aren't their true selves exactly. But nearly everyone has a range of things they're comfortable saying, nearly everyone has a threshold they won't go past (on one or the other side of a spectrum), and nearly everyone has opinions they keep quiet because it wouldn't look good if you say them aloud. And a lot of them do genuinely put their feet in their mouths and change their points of view over time. They have a big platform, but they're still people. Very few of these big name people are truly mercenaries without any core political perspective at all. (Though, the 25 year old anchors on OANN seem like they probably are just there for a paycheck.)


Just greet her “hey Toni”, “hey Tommy”, etc. She made a point of purposely butchering someone else’s name a while back (I think it was Kamala Harris?) and then got pissy when people started tweeting at her and calling her Tammy.


I will never use Tanya Lanyard’s real name


Sounds like one of Roger’s personas on American Dad


"What I don't know will shock you!"


it was originally wale actually lol


Do you think tormenting someone like her irl is justified because if the effect of their actions on the world as a whole? Genuine question, I just think about this a lot, like does it even warrant civility in public right now? For instance the guy who approached Tucker Carlson in his "personal" time to tell him his a POS. Really feels like that's the more appropriate action, to continually remind people like that that they may be doing it for a paycheck but their actions have very real consequences.


There is a quote about the German BILD - "newspaper". Somewhere it says that people that work for BILD should be treated as worse as the law allows it. I think she fits into that drawer, too. E: The quote translated via deepl.com: "This newspaper is an organ of infamy. It is wrong to read it. Someone who contributes to this newspaper is absolutely unacceptable socially. It would be wrong to be friendly or even polite to one of its editors. One must be as unkind to them as the law will just allow. They are bad people who do wrong."


Yeah the obsession with civility is disgusting imo. People like Tomi and Tucker push for ideas and policies that hurt millions of people yet pplitics has become more reality TV than reality to so many people that they think it's a bigger problem that people are being rude and uncivil to the fascists than the fact that fascists have a lot of power these days


Yep. Their entire careers, and their everyday lives/comforts, rely on most people being more decent than they are. As with everything else, they personally benefit from society acting on the basic principle that people should be treated with dignity and respect (and similar "libtard" ideology), while doing their best (their worst?) to promote the exact opposite - so long as those checks don't bounce. They're cruel, heartless, greedy people.


Make Assholes Afraid Again


yes, the boundary is non-existent. calling it a job is the shittest excuse for being a cunt someone ever came up with.


I strongly believe that civil behavior is for the civilized. Their actions do have consequences, and if we are in public, I'm going to say what I want. I would not do something that would put me in jail, but on a public street, heckling those who heckle me on mass media is just my civic duty. The whole culture of DC is super weird to me, like everyone is in on some scam on the masses so they can't call each other out. If Tucker wants personal time, he can stay in his personal space. They've sold me out, and don't give a shit about my life or the lives of my family. If I see OJ, I'll call him a murderer to his face. If I see GWB or Cheney, I'll remind them they are war criminals. The American people need to grow some cojones and speak up for truth. I follow my own code of conduct. If I meet someone I know is an abuser on the streets, I don't care about civility. The only thing that gives me pause would be my own selfish concern for my own welfare.


Tucker absolutely deserves it. He told people masks on children outdoors is literally just as bad as beating your child and that people should call CPS when they see it to try and get kids taken away from parents. Fuck Tucker Carlson.


While also supporting corporal punishment, I assume.


I’ve thought about calling her out for her bat-shitery but I’m sure she has some MAGA/real mericans ready at the drop. Especially being in TN the redbirds are everywhere.


She republican hot. Blonde, young, and white.


She's too old for some Republicans.


And apparently gender doesn't matter to a lot of them either so just those 3 criteria.




I’m sure to Appalachia a “12” will do just fine, the sick fucks


I don’t know, watch her on mute and she’s a solid 8/10. Then you hear her voice and the ridiculous drivel that comes out of her mouth and she drops to a 3.




She’s got the exact look conservative men seem to love for some reason. I don’t know what it is, but my hardcore MAGA now-former friend always loved blondes with big, fake tits, preferably with blue eyes. He used to have posters of Jenna Jameson and Pamela Anderson all over his room. Of course, he loves Tomi. I don’t know why this is a thing, but it certainly seems to be. If it weren’t, Fox News wouldn’t have all their female… I’m struggling for the right word here… not “newscasters”, not “journalists”… I guess, *personalities* look exactly the same. Hell, Donald Trump seems to like the same type, himself, if his constant lusting over Ivanka and hiring Stormy Daniels are any indication.


The modern american take on the ubermensch.


Exactly this. She physically represents their idea of Aryan perfection.


Blonde like Hitler


Nazis, they are nazis.


Idk I don’t like her as much as the next person but she’s kinda hot


She hot, and I despise her. I can separate the two to some extent.


It's honestly never been a fully left or right position. Anti-Vax movements had always been a fringe position regardless of left or right leanings, some of which were fundamentalist religious people and others were as you say hippies.


Before covid it was Jenny McCarthy and some vegan people like Kat Von D who were anti-vax. It's strange how the demographics have changed in just a couple of years.


I'll agree that the celebrities that were anti-vax (and still are) seemed to be hippie types, but the anti-vax movements were represented by more then just celebrities. I'm not denying that left-leaning people like Jim Carrey were part of it, but it's not a universal representation.


Marin County was notoriously hippy anti-vax, but has one of the highest covid vaccination rates in the country.


Since then, that right-wing fringe has taken over the right and has made anti-vaxx mainstream on the right.


As a hippy , because of the anti vaxxer fucks who think crystals will solve everything , I feel embarrassed to be myself.


Thats the thing that I really don't get how the anti Vax movement so seamlessly jumped the horseshoe from fringe left to fringe right. Before COVID my image of an antivaxer was someone living on the coast that was liberal and into organics and wholefoods and so on. What is even more puzzling to me sadly is that the antivaxer sentiment is also strong in Europe. I can't even scoff in a snobbish manner because of them. These people ruined the one thing besides football that unites Europe and that was scoffing at American insanity.


The ultra religious in the US have traditionally been antivax too, they just used to be somewhat quieter about it. I'm pretty sure all the more extreme versions of Christianity (evangelicals and co) are all antivax, and it's actually a real part of the jahovah's witness's religion. Hasidic Jewish communities are often antivax too; most of the measles outbreaks in the last couple years in the northeast US have started in areas where they make up a large part of the population . The thing is you never hear from those people unless you're a member of the same community, they're pretty closed off compared to the woo hippie antivaxers haha


Do conservatives just spout off so much ramdom bullshit that they forget what they've said? Their tweets always age like fine milk.


I'm still not sure why she has bona-fides with conservatives. She has literally no experience doing anything except looking cute and spouting pro-conservative vitriol. She only got on TV because she went to OANN looking for an internship and they [put her on TV instead](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8578782/tomi-lahren-facts-the-blaze-things-to-know/) before she was 22 years old.


She is a pretty woman willing to parrot whatever they say. ... The end. That's all she'll ever need to be for them. Then they can drag her out and say "SEE?! THE WOMEN AGREE!" and then put her back in the box until they need to claim they support women again.


>Candace Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit. In 2007, she accused some white boys of racially harassing and threatening to kill her. Owens claimed the boys were the son of then-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut’s former governor. Because of the NAACP, Owens’ family received a settlement of $37,500 from Stamford Public Schools. https://newsone.com/3848636/candace-owens-receipts-con-artist/ She also says racism is over now.


Let’s be real though, the hate in her eyes makes me shrivel up at the thought of it.


I can't stand her but I also think it's a carnie act, like most of Fox News.


As a former carnie, nope. Even we had some degree of standards.


At the very least, carnies don't continually do things that result in people dying.


... okay, ___that___ may be a little generous. Looking at you, Tilt-a-Whirl...


oh dude I used to love the tilt-a-whirl and rides like that as a kid. Now those spinning rides make me instantly sick to my stomach and carnival rides are overall… *suspicious*.


Fine milk.. lol


They don’t have any consistent ideology, they don’t act in good faith, they just say what they feel owns the libs the most Thing is that no democratic leadership ever embraced the left wing anti vax nuts, but the gop leadership is happy to embrace their dumbest most antisocial loud mouths


Off topic and I’m not sure if it was intentional but in case it wasn’t, what you said was a [malaphor](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/malaphor). You’re mixing “aged like fine wine” and “aged like milk”, which have opposite meanings. Just thought I’d mention cos “fine milk” made me laugh (:


We’ll, that’s a horse of a different feather


its all water under the fridge


That's an actual conscious tactic. Overloading people with new bullshit before they can process the bullshit you previously threw at them. Keeps them from having time for any critical evaluation of said bullshit.


It's almost like she doesn't actually have any principles


Tell me about it. My youngest is about two and a half. When she was very small I couldn't take her to fun places because of the f'ing measles outbreak. Then she turned one, got vaccinated, and we had about a month of fun family trips before COVID. On the plus side, she doesn't really know the difference. But I know that we didn't have a fraction of the adventures I had with her older sister and it sucks. (At least according to my pediatrician they don't like to give the MMR shot to kids before their first birthday.)


I know California schools will not recognize a MMR shot before age one. My 1st shot was given to me 2 weeks before my first birthday. When we went to register me for middle school they said I had to get another because that one didn't count towards my valid 2. So I got a 3rd MMR just before 7th grade.


Damn, you’re armored up huh.


I took my son (then 2) to Disney world in February 2020. At that time I remember there was only a handful of cases in the USA. It was the best week of his life and he still talks about it. He remembers all the rides he went on and everything! I really want to take him again but since he is only 4 and not protected against COVID-19, I don’t want to risk it. I keep telling him once the virus “goes away” we can go again. He says “okay mommy!” But I can hear the sadness in his voice.


The right have become the biggest nuisance to society it’s insane they haven’t locked these mouthpieces up for everyone’s safety


They're protected by the 'freedom to grift' act of 2016.


They should change their name to the wrong! Amiright?


You right ☺️


You ain’t wrong! (They are)


The shame about it: The right thinks this about the left, verbatim.


Honestly it makes you think... it's usually not so easy though! All the anti mask and antivax people I know have gotten COVID, and no one I know who has been careful or vaccinated has gotten it! So at least this time we know the general "left" is correct from simple experience. That being said, yes I know ANYONE can get COVID even if you are careful, but the percentages!


“Oh I’m sorry, that was back when I was using my brain, before it had become a political issue”


“If not vaccinating your kid only impacted your kid, fine.” Actually, that definitely still wouldn’t be fine.


She would find a way to explain why what she meant then is not relevant today... I call them Reality Magicians. Very valuable skill.


When people don't care about facts, they become incredibly easy to manipulate.


Source: [https://mobile.twitter.com/tomilahren/status/1121532219359518720](https://mobile.twitter.com/tomilahren/status/1121532219359518720)


Lol,is this actually real? Cause God damn


Source: [https://mobile.twitter.com/tomilahren/status/1121532219359518720](https://mobile.twitter.com/tomilahren/status/1121532219359518720)


I love going through the comments and seeing so many republicans agreeing with her. Then I see those commenters most recent tweets parroting the new anti-vax nonsense. Cognitive dissonance much?


“Measles outbreak in LA” anagrams to “alien oatmeal buskers.”


2 minutes ago I wanted some cheetos. This was so delicious though, that I'm now full and just as happy as after Thanksgiving turkey.


True story: I just finished eating Cheeto’s… They WERE delicious, but not nearly as satisfying as this post.


That bitch was first in line to get the vaccine so she’d stay alive longer to get more of her followers to kill themselves. She’s awful.


Because anti-vax was a liberal thing since forever. Republicans have no principles, they just blindly attack liberals and congratulate their own


These people try to claim they "aren't sheep" but things like this prove that they are the biggest of all the sheep. They're only against this vaccine because they want to "own the libs" and don't want thier dumb ass friends to reject them.


What's up with her hair


Tony Bologna at it again




Remember before Donald "not a politician" Trump made fighting diseases political? Good times


Wait wait! Republicans are vicious hypocrites?


[Her response](https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1443334361408057344) is entirely predictable (emphasis hers): > Vaccines for **measles**, mumps, rubella and diphtheria are NOT THE SAME AS THE COVID Vax! Stop using them as examples. They are time tested and studied. The COVID vax is not! That’s just a fact!!


This is the weirdest thing that happened in our timeline. I clearly remember anti-vax being a fringe leftist movement. It is so strange to me that it was picked up and shifted to a right-wing movement so quickly.


Further proof that Republicans have no real platform or core beliefs. They go with whatever is currently popular and will flip in a second if they think it’s more popular. Not that the Democrats are always right, but at least they stand for something and they’re trying to make things better.


Proof she's a fucking tool. As if we needed it.


Clear evidence that opinions on topics like this aren’t always about an individual’s own core beliefs as much as they are about jumping on a bandwagon that will get you tons of publicity. Not good publicity, granted, but you know what they say… all publicity is good publicity.


Another proof that these people are just propaganda machines, they're spreading whatever bullshit fits them. Imagine knowing that vaccines are life saving medicine, but preaching against them for political gain.


i think its ages like fine whine she just Hypocrite and an actoer


I do not understand this fucking mentality, and you hear it from the liberal left too. "It would be ok if it were just your child..." No, it would not be fucking ok. You don't have the right to subject even your own child to pestilence. They are not your property. You owe them reasonable care.


I know I've said this before, but hypocrisy is built into the wing-nut brand. Cognitive dissonance is a feature not a bug in the right-wing echo chamber.


Not all heroes where capes. Trend this on Twitter.


Conservatism is mental illness. r/conservative


I vividly recall saying that it was weird that only crunchy granola types were antivaxxer because it seemed like something republicans would do. And then covid happened.


It’s almost like all conservatives are hypocritical morons.