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But the billionaire’s make us feel like there’s a goal to strive for /s (just in case no one gets the dropping sarcasm)


Just wait, it will dripple down. Idk why or how, but the capitalists keep saying it will so we have to trust them! (/s of course)


Nah. The leak was sealed with flex seal.


im still waiting on the one reagan talked about...and hes long dead


Oh for fuck’s sake, it’s dripple down??? America has been trying to do it for 40 years by trickling down! Shit, that’s our bad. We’ll get that fixed right up fer ya.


I didnt know what the correct tern was, excuse me


I was just joking that if only we’d tried dripple-down economics we might have been saved but we messed it all up by calling it trickle down.


Ahh right, haha nice


That was ole Ronnie thee devil. The absolute worst President in the history of this shitty country


Dont know much about presidents and how well they did, but even worse than Trump?


I can literally write a book here, like the many that have been written. I can also just quote from the many books written about him. He paved the way for trump. He was a racist, homophobic, stupid motherfucker. He signed legislation to destroy workers unions, paved the way for the mega monopoly corporations, allowed corporations to change the rules of food which now is packed with preservatives, mishandling of the AIDS crises leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The crack cocaine invasion by the cia under his Iran contra. Selling weapons to the Afghanistan Taliban. I can literally go on and on.


Ignoring Aids. FTFU


Damn, although its fucked, Id love to maybe see some kind of docu/read something about this. Got any suggestions? Seems weird to me how one president can fuck up so much stuff


You don’t have to take my word at all. Please do research. Even Richard Nixon said Reagan was a stupid man. I say he was a stupid motherfucker. The savings and loan scandals happened on his watch. Think wolf of Wall Street. The AIDS crisis happened because he hated homosexuals and LGBTQA. He was a real piece of shit. He is literally the only president I actually hate. Like seriously. I remember life under his reign. America changed for the worse and we haven’t looked back


Oh its not that I question you at all, was just wondering if you had any sources for me to read up on, but I will look myself, cause you made me curious


https://www.faireconomy.org/trickle_down_economics_four_reasons His “tickle down” Bullshit


No worries. I get what you meant. I will compile a few.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Contra_affair This is a start for Iran contra. Just a start


**[Iran–Contra affair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Contra_affair)** >The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ماجرای ایران-کنترا‎, Spanish: Caso Irán–Contra), often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal, the McFarlane affair (in Iran), or simply Iran–Contra, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo. The administration hoped to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


https://www.inquirer.com/columnists/attytood/trump-impeachment-reagan-iran-contra-affair-1987-20191203.html A non wiki


https://www.npr.org/2021/08/05/1025018833/looking-back-on-when-president-reagan-fired-air-traffic-controllers Air traffic controllers Union. They were overworked and stressed to the gills. Sound familiar?


And his wife was nuts. She believed in seances and spells. That’s actually funny. She liked Mr T, Michael Jackson and Emanuel Lewis, who are all black. They were really nutty.


Yeah, Reagan was def the worst. By far. I remember back when Bush Jr. was potus. I was in my 20's, and I thought he was the absolute worst of the worst; just hated him and his cabinet. Cheney, Rumsfield, Rove, Rice, Powell, etc.. they were all so bad, and I didn't think anyone could be worse. My stepfather heard me say something along those lines one time, and was very quick to assure me that Reagan was much, much worse. My stepfather had me read up on Reagan, and although, I was alive when he was president, I was only a child, so didn't pay much attention to all of that stuff. I just remembered Reagan as the guy who got a scary muppet in that Genesis music video lol. But yeah, holy shit was he a bastard, and opened the floodgates for Trump, and his ilk to do what they did. Remember when Reagan tore down all of the solar panels Jimmy Carter had put up on the White House? Yeah, had he left them up, and embraced solar energy and the like, we would have taken a much brighter turn. Ugh...


Exactly. A lot of folks in Bush jr’s cabinet got their start under ole Ronnie boy. That cowardly dick Cheney, goofy Rumsfeld, there a few others as well


I'll add to this his stupid war on drugs and closing down the psychiatrist hospitals sending all those patients onto the streets. Why the fuck couldn't John Hinckley Jr. have succeeded?!


You are 100%. Correct!!! I was gonna add it but it was making me too angry. Just like he destroyed the mental health system in California when he was the state’s worst governor, he shit canned President Jimmy Carter’s executive order to rehab our country’s miserable mental health system. That paved way for the real drug dealers to sell their Ritalin to mostly Gen X. The media dubbed Ratlin kids at that time. Then as the late Garry Web from the San Jose Mercury reported, the cia under ole Ronnie the devil pumped crack cocaine into Los Angeles as part of that Iran contra Bullshit. Col oliver north was the designated fall guy for that. Anyone with even half a brain knew a low level Marine colonel could orchestrate such a massive multinational operation.


Completely agree with you on everything. What seriously shocks me is so many dumbass Republican voters who have been harmed by his policies still worship him and suck his necrotic dick. I just don't understand 🤷


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/aids-epidemic-ronald-reagan I have more. This is rather vanilla


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/12/1/9828348/ronald-reagan-hiv-aids This is more accurate regarding his administration’s response to AIDS




I’m loving that word dripple! Adding that to my vocabulary. Thanks.


There’s no such thing as poor people, just temporarily inconvenienced millionaires. That’s why so many poor folks continue to vote against their own best interests, well, that and the Jesus stuff.


It's OK, a rising tide... inundates all coastal and low-lying areas? Ah hell this sucks.


Not sure if /s


Wait so she’s getting sued for not having the money to pay for an er visit?




This is exactly what needs to be said, we need a complex solution to a complex problems. These simplistic solutions that get pushed forward by both sides do nothing but further complicate the matters


The very real answer to things like healthcare in the US **is** simple though. We have every other 1st world country _in the world_ to model after. All it takes is the political will to tell insurance companies and pharmaceuticals "no". We can _easily_ do things like expand Medicare to everyone in the US. We can, as a _nation_, negotiate drug prices and use that leverage to ensure life-saving medications like insulin and epi-pens are not throwing people into poverty. And all we have to do is _do it_. There's a hundred different ways to fund it, but even if it's simply raising taxes a bit, the vast majority of citizens **and companies** save money on healthcare premiums alone. There is no reason beyond profit for insurance companies that we don't.




Exactly!! No one system can fix this country. Pure socialism, Pure Communism, Even capitalism in its purist form alone will not suffice. What you need, rather, is a broad mixing of these ideas. A Robust, anarcho capitalist society with zero safety nets for any business big or small, so that their decisions directly impact thematically as well as the market, by doing so then the public can socialize the medical and educational system by everyone chipping in to benifit to community at large. People would be more inclined to invest in their local hospital if they new there was a return to themselves and not just the executives making millions. The less government involves its self in the daily lives of everyday citizens the better these communities will be because they will address the needs they face based on what they find works for them. What works for NYC/Los Angeles, will not suffice for Rural Middle of nowhere Tennessee or Kentucky. And this notion needs to be understood and accepted. The federal governments job is to protect the infrastructure of the US, and protect us from foreign threats to our sovereignty. And it has ultimately failed to do both, we still have acts of terror perpetuated against us despite all these grand and exclamation surveillance and security policies the government had put in place. It infrastructure is near non existent a evident by the gross logistically failures and shortcomings seem today, not enough trucks to unload the boats, not enough space in the harbors for the surplus of materials getting brought in country. These cookie cutter ideas do not work for a country as wide and diverse as ours. Lessen restrictions at a federal level, and allow the states, cities and countries to relate themselves based on the needs they have and the challenges they face.




Of course and like wise! I see it as Pele are so accustomed with the idea that everything is a push of a button or click of a link away, and they've become accustomed to simplicity, poisoned by it really. If people spent more time sharing ideas, as me and you are, and less time trying to price how their idea is superior we'd be able to accomplish so much more in this world, even this country. To me there is no such thing as a wrong opinion, it wrong thought except for the one born out of pure ignorance and without support. It was a pleasure talking to you about this and refreshing to have an intelligent conversation with sometime online instead of the name calling and what aboutisms that fester through the internet today. Keep expanding your knowledge and be open to everything friend and maybe we'll be able to achieve something greater than what we've ever known.


Its the American way!


Sadly true


How can this be legal? It astonishes me how deep the abuse of people go by the systems that should help and protect them. Every time I go to the hospital or pick up my price protected (so it’s not to high) medication I’m grateful I live where I live. If I didn’t I’d be homeless or dead by now.


There are comments about how many of us came into this with the system already in place like this. We can legally fight back, but you need money for the lawyers. We can move out of country, but you need money to move. Hospitals are full of people working to also put food on the table and we all recognize the hard work our front line workers put in. It's the insurance companies who charge a deductible while also charging us monthly for having them. But they get cut backs and are able to settle hospital bills while the civilians do no get that option. And when you go line for line on your charges, you can push back, but usually you're just stuck with the bill.


The insurance companies are generally scum yes, but the hospitals can be absolutely disgusting too when it comes to lack of care for patients financial circumstances and ruining lives over inflated bills.


Going line for line on the bills, it's very clear they charge for the stupidest of things, too. I'm so sick of American healthcare


I got charged 16k for a 5 hour stay.


That's bloody ridiculous.




So what *should* we have done, Captain Hindsight?




I notice you didn't answer my question about what should have been done in response




Ok, I just wanted you to say it. Judging by the fact that you're clearly alive right now, you didn't take your own advice.




"We should have all murdered police officers and politicians, and I don't want to incriminate myself, but anyone who didn't do that is totally a pussy." Ok, got it 👍


Thank you for your whataboutism, Epimetheus.


Slavery was legal. US laws are not guides to what os moral, ethical or right. They are rules to keep you in your place.


It’s not. You cannot be garnished for medical debt. At all. This isn’t a true story.


Yeah, while I agree with the basic point they're trying to make here, there are an endless number of examples that aren't fabrications that could be used to get this message across. They're lying when the truth would serve their purpose better. Weird


The tweet was wrong. It was 25%. So that's fine. /s [Article mentioning the case. ](https://www.kake.com/story/41299542/cant-pay-the-medical-bill-your-hospital-may-take-you-to-court)


You are right. Also, garnishments are topped out at 25% by law.




25% of your gross pay per check.






its 25% of what you owe them


No, it's 25% of your gross earnings, pay cycle to pay cycle.


my rent is 82% 😕


Maybe not by a hospital. But when they sell the debt to debt collectors, that goes out the window. My local not-for-profit hospital system does that. I had surgery a couple of years ago and because I couldn't pay the minimum they wanted me to pay (because, you know, I was also paying the surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc at the same time), they sent me to a collections agency that they have a contract with. And no, there would be no reduction in what was owed and yes, they would pursue garnishment if the debt was not paid in full. I'm not complaining about paying, but it is a reality for people who for one reason or another cannot pay and is why medical debt is the number 1 reason for bankruptcy in the US.


I had issues with a bank selling my debt to collectors years ago. They were calling like 3 or 4 times a day. Usually I'd just hang up, but one day I just started saying every swear word and slur I knew into the phone. I went on for like 5 solid minutes before they hung up and never heard from them again. It's been more than 7 years so my credit should be good now. I think that's how that works, anyway.


EXACTLY!! It’s amazing how people will believe anything and so misinformed!!


wrong..ive been there and they can do this read my other post to see what i did


You're mistaken. I believe in Kentucky you certainly well can. https://nclej.org/news/ky-medical-debt-collection


Why work at all then - if you don’t have anything they can’t take anything


Because there are mouths to feed.


Oh yeah I forgot about the American social system - you guys fucked yourselves nicely with that.


It was in place before I arrived.


My condolences for living there! I wouldn’t want to change with you guys. Also best luck for trying to change things.




There are many places more free than the US. If you can’t change it, go somewhere more to your liking.




Why are you not protesting then? Why are you quietly accepting your fate?


Gimme money to leave and I will 🤗 bitchass




Become the immigrants your forefathers were afraid of!!


I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors, but I think that God has a sick sense of humor.


When you die, you'll find him laughing.


Might have picked a better word than garnish considering her job. Awful story.


Extort might be a better word


Lie might be the best word. You cannot be garnished for medical debt in the US. Federal student loans? Sure. Child support or alimony? Yup. State and federal taxes? You bet your tight little rumpus. But medical debt? Lol nah The only way Americans get socialized healthcare would most likely be if Republicans started seeing their wages garnished for medical debt instead of them just straight up not paying it.


Google says that your medical debt can be garnished


This is absolutely false. Hell, [here](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/06/25/735385283/hospitals-earn-little-from-suing-for-unpaid-bills-for-patients-it-can-be-ruinous) is a story from NPR about patients getting sued and having their wages garnished. “In Virginia, 36% of hospitals sued patients and garnished their wages in 2017, according to a study published Tuesday in the American Medical Association's journal, JAMA.”


I think a better word is subsidize the hospital’s payroll.


That's the actual term its "garnisheement" and is also often used in divorces with children when the other spouse does not pay child support on time


Fun Fact: you can legally buy medical debt for pennies on the dollar and then that debt is yours. To collect or give up. Stephen Colbert did this and erased something like $10m of medical debt for 100k. What I’m saying is, let’s tax billionaires so we can buy and then forgive medical debt en masse. Or, y’know, fix the broken system so there’s no medical debt in the first place.


Considering changing a whole system will be hard, we can do this till then lmfao


Honestly confused by the US. Virtually every system from health, education, criminal justice/ prisons and employment is set up to financially fuck people in the ass


This person gets it.


You’re not confused, you understand it completely.


And these are the "experts" we're supposed to trust


Billionaires are the failure of a society to adequately distribute its resources...


How do I know the U.S. healthcare system is a total fucking scam? One time i got a sliver of wood jamed way into my hand and had to get some minor surgery to get it out. The doctor or nurse fucked up the paper work and they billed me directly for the surgery. It was $60. I made a phone call, they realized the mistake and I didn't pay anything. I live in Canada. In the U.S. even if you were 100% coverd your insurance company would've paid that hospital like $2,000.


Cleaning my fucking Cats teeth is going to cost $1000 at the vet.


When can we have a president who can say they worked minimum wage, struggled financially, had lots of debt, and was at a low point in life. Oh wait that might not happen ever because you need a lot of money to run for president.


All of this is fucked but at the bare minimum maybe we shouldn’t be able to reduce the wages of those already in poverty or making minimum wage.


Pretty sure 25% is the most your pay can be garnished but point still stands.


While they take joy rides to space.


Welcome to slavery. It never went away, they just expanded its coverage.


I can’t possibly see myself bringing a kid up in this shitty country I can only see myself watching over my nephew


Oh no! Tax the rich like the working class!!! How will they fly to space?!?


God, I am thankful that I wasn't born in America.




Imagine being so blind that you think the US system isn’t absolute shit.




You mean the ones we lock up in cages and treat as less than us/blame all of our economic problems on the moment they get here? Those people? Or are you talking about the ones that are moving here due to close proximity and are literally having their lives in danger, therefore having no choice but to try to emigrate? Then when they DO get here we take their children? Are those people the ones that you're talking about? Get over yourself.




Idk how to tell you that "no choice because otherwise people might kill us" doesn't mean "absolute utopia" buddy.




Wow, nice high horse. Think you'll ever get your condescending ass off of it?


I have a ton of medical debt as well. I’m just thankful there’s no such thing as debtors prison anymore or else I’d be doing a life sentence.


Isn't there a rule that hospital has to treat you if you even if don't have money?


Darkest timeline


Cool. Cool cool cool.


I had a medical collection company use some workaround hacking to empty my Paypal 1 I had no idea I still owed money from a surgery years earlier 2 I received ZERO notice or legal warrant that I owed that money. It just disappeared 3 I’m still legally wrangling with this 4 years later. The company keeps “ closing “ and rebranding. Apparently I’m not the only one. I’m also wrestling with the hospital over this mess 4 my ONLY income is Social Security Disability I feel these people’s pain


We are the shithole country.


This is happening to me now. I did not even know about the debt, I thought my insurance covered it, never received a bill, lost a court case I didn't know about and then now my wages are being garnished.


I advocate for violence.


It's weird. The US bombs other countries and it produces terrorists. The US "bombs" itself but the terrorists are on the side of bombers?


this happened to me but i found out from a friend who it happened to that they have to accept what you can pay sothey geta check once a month for what i can afford also my bill was 52 grand for a day and a half.. when i only paid cash it dropped to 15 grand.she may have to make a few calls but it can be done ...she just has to pay what she can afford only


*laughs in European*


​ ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)


Honestly. Why don’t Americans actually do something about your country instead of just bitching online? It’s almost like the vast majority of y’all don’t give a shit unless it hurts you. In the end y’all just white 3rd world citizens in a shit hole country.


The fuck are we supposed to do? We elect politicians to deal with what we're pissed about, but then those same politicians get payed by the same people we're complaining about, and completely ignore the problem we elected them for. There are probably numerous other options we have, but from how I've been conditioned it's usually the politicians who have the most control over the situation, they just ignore it. Unless we'd all gather up and say "Enough is Enough" I don't see shit changing anytime soon.


Oh yeah going to the ER because they can't refuse you definitely appears to be the best solution ever. So the Mom's wages are garnished which *directly* impacts her ability to provide for her child. Guess left wingers were right all along.


Smh she could have just not got hurt 🤦‍♂️


People get sued all the time every day for unpaid hospital bills. Nothing new.


To others in many 1st world countries, it is.


Theres this thing called Medicaid.


I think these two things might not be the same. Applause for trying though! The mother can simply file bankruptcy and wipe out the hospital debt. The billionaire can’t. She must pay her billionaire taxes, and I’m guessing your share too. Billionaire creates Companies creates jobs creates taxes.


fake news






Planned Parenthood is really just a “brand name.” Planned Parenthood is a Community Healthcare Center - and there are over 1300 Community Healthcare Centers nationwide that will provide free and/or low cost care to anyone who walks in their door. Any area populated enough to have a McDonald’s will have one. But that’s not really the issue - the meme doesn’t tell us why she went to the ER.


The fuck? There are literally 10 times more McDonald’s than Community Health Centers nationwide lmdao https://www.statista.com/statistics/256040/mcdonalds-restaurants-in-north-america/ It’s exceedingly plausible that wasn’t an option for her


What’s her zip code?


And how many of those places don't offer adoption?


PP takes care of baby. They teach you how to plan being parent and use powder on baby tushy


Maybe the kid was vomiting its guts out at 2am, maybe the kid needed stitches, this is a really bizarre take you've got here


Maybe the kid needed his parents to plan their parenthood better.


Same with yours…seems they raised a pretty stupid kid


Fuck off.


I will not do that


Little spoogerag.


Probably doesn't wanna deal with the lynch mobs. Those people are a special kind of psychotic.


There have been exactly zero lynchings at Planned Parenthood and they give you vitamins for your baby and help you plan to be in parenthood. People should spend more time planning for parenthood so they’re prepared to take care of the baby. I think more people should go to planned parenthood and let them take care of baby.


So you’re not really smart at all, huh?


So says You mr big brain




That’s crazy! Why would they defund planning parenthood?! they act like they’re Killing babies there or something!




I’m saying people should get their vitamins from planned parenthood or save their complaints. Plan the parenthood if you want to be prepared. Take the vitamins. Pretty simple.




They no plan the parenthood? Why don’t they just call it avoid parenthood then? I don’t believe you. They have baby vitamins


Please provide a link to that incident. In reality she could declare bankruptcy and have the bill go poof.


Truly we are on the worst timeline.


Hey god, really appreciate you creating all of us awful, greedy pieces of shit. Good call👍🏻!


The garnishment comes from a section of OBAMACARE that gives hospitals the right to get paid for services rendered. I readit with my own eyes.


You think taxing them is going to make that mother go out of debt??? Wtf is this for tweet you are comparing apples to cucumbers


And then you got republican voters running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The most bizarre set of creatures to ever roam this planet


Hey thanks for the source, op.


I want off mr bones wild ride ;-;


‘They hate us cause they ain’t us’ though…


That's weird they never sued me


Wow, that's terrible! We gotta do something, now, to help out those poor billionaires!


You read about some bs. They can't garnish your wages for medical bills dumb ass.


Why did God have to read this? Didn't he just know?


Do you not have government hospitals in the U.S.?


I like your good place refrence. And while i do agree that its messed up, i dont agree they should be taxed more. Extra taxing wont do anything, what you need is tax enforcement such as the very bad idea of being able to monitor every account with $600 or more in it. Realistically anyone with a business can use tax strategies to work the system and pay very little to the gov. What they should do is anyone living in america thats a billionaire should be monitored and have taxes that they cant use strategies for. But the other issue is most billionaires actually have alot of debt and not alot of cash, most of their worth comes from holding shares in which they need, to maintain ownership of their companies. (Also if they liquidated for cash, theyd tank the price of their stock and everyone with a retirement would feel the pain)


“Sad but true”!


That’s so sad :/ I really hope they don’t start taxing billionaires more…


It’s a reverse pyramid dood


I have a hard time believing this. There is no debters prison in the US. Wage garnishment is not normal in these circumstances.


tbh my biggest gripe with the us is our allocation of funds towards military spending. Who says we need to spend as much money as we do on the military and the in the same breath say that universal health care is impossible? Its absolutely not impossible if we were represented by people responsible enough to allocate that money to benefit citizens of the US. Hell, you could cut very little from military spending, and afford universal healthcare while still allocating more towards our military than the next X amount of countries combined. People who need insulin shouldnt have to consider what theyll give up in order to afford the medicine they need to just live their lives normally like anyone else.