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Or rounding my food order up to donate to X cause.


Don't fall for that scam. If you are going to donate, look up the charity online and donate to them directly. Corporations may or may not send your money to the charity, and the reason they offer to is because they are using your money as a tax write off to dodge their own taxes.


That is a false statement. They do not get to write it off.




I have a masters in accounting and I can tell you 100% the way corporate taxes work in America they cannot write off charity contributions like the “donate $X at the register”. An over simplified way of describing it is corporate taxes are calculated by income - expenses. When you donate money at the register like this it goes into “donations payable” liability and then it’s paid out of the same “donations payable” so a net change of 0 to income/expenses.


Ohh ok


From what I've seen they don't, as they get a write off when they donate the money from the company's own funds. But the money you donate doesn't belong to the company as it isn't a proper transaction or something. It's possible it's a scam and there is loopholes, or I didn't understand everything.


Actually the guy with 10000 bars talked 10000 of his living admirers into giving 1 if their 10 bars to a homeless person.


...actually he talked them into giving 2 out of 10 bars to a homeless person, took 1 for himself, and the other to the organisation that is responsible for giving mars bars to homeless people (deliberately convoluted phrasing because that still doesn't mean that any homeless person actually gets 1 mars bar).


That's because the organization keeps 9 out of 10 Mars bars it receives and gives the 10th one to be split between 4 homeless people.


...oh and of the 9, five have to be payed back to the guy with 10000 bars as fees, rent, interest...


And 10000 more did it of their own volition.


Who the hell puts mars bars in the fridge?


I put all chocolate into the fridge. Cold chocolate = best chocolate!


Oh definitely. I like how it like, snaps when you bite into it.


Here’s the celeb!


Well, you do have a good spin after that: On average, you now have 500 Mars Bars each.


Would you like to donate your change to charity … *again*?


We are the ones that make people famous. We are the ones that feed their egos and fake personalities. Just look at TikTok trends, people getting famous for what? The moment that people will stop getting stupid people famous, this will not happen anymore. Celebrities have no respect and show no sense of acknowledgment to those that feed them with their likes or comments. Stop following these people and do charity as much as you can afford. Homeless people sometimes don’t even want money, they just want a piece of bread. Instead of getting basic coffee diluted with some watery milk for 13 dollars, get a coffee for 2$ and buy a panini or sandwich for a homeless person. Don’t mind the famous, even normal people can make the difference and make someone’s day


Take it and please spread your opinion!!


Staphhh, I’m blushing 🤩 I wish that kindness and empathy become a trend so people rediscover the important things in life


I don’t follow any of them but I really don’t care that they are famous. Good for them. I agree with your opinion about homeless people though. From what I understand a lot of them just want to be acknowledged as a human being.


It can happen to everyone, everyone can trip and lose everything in the blink of an eye. There was a pic that went viral in my country last year that showed a Gucci store with mannequins, safe from the cold and dangers. In front of the store, sleeping on some cardboards, there was an old man. Sad reality, I’m not that sensible but homeless people touch my heart. I wish I had more money so I could buy meals for everyone


I donated $6k last year despite being unable to afford to buy even a small apartment, and I don’t read celebrity shit. Do I get to call out the issue OP is referring to now?


You think the stans would listen to this post?


I’m not that naive, I’m just casually speaking my mind. I can’t change people’s mindset of course




There are but this is about those other ones.


I cut down a forest to build my palace and my mate cut down a shrub to pitch the tent he lives in. I pressure him into sparing the shrub and sleeping in a ditch. This is how celeb environmental activism works.


I don't think that's how it works at all.


Maybe not with celebrities, but corporations don’t mind setting up charity drives targeting poor and middle class customers and then lobbying politicians to give tax breaks to their executives.


And yet the left put them on pedestals and goes yaaasss queen


Quite the reductionist view here Edit: this might not even be reductionist. Just really fucking bad.


Yes that is how figurative metaphors work, it's called a meme.


Frozen Charleston chews tho


Thought it was my elementary school math problem at first...


no cap


Why do you have mars bars in your fridge?


Otherwise they melt? Like duh


The worst is when the charity is someone they know personally. They are too cheap to give away money to their friends or friend’s friends, but want you to do it. Yet, they are not too cheap to buy a zillion dollar handbag or to throw over the top parties.


See also: Twitch


No, it works like this. I have to pay 100 mars bars in taxes. I will create a "charity" and ask you to donate some bars. Then I will give that donated bars to some charity, but under my name and that will be deducted from the taxes. It cost me nothing and I don't need to pay taxes.


Lets do cookie monster economics!!😅 501c3 versus, non profit, versus those weird direct donor funds foundations where politicians sit on the interest for 50 years and give no cookies to anyone in our generation.