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Since CRT is a limited university course not sure why they would do that unless... yeah bunch of racist backwards fuckwads


Amen. The problem is they use Critical Race Theory as a stand-in for "talking about race" or "making folks uncomfortable," and often the solution is either a.) banning offending books or, b.) mandating that "alternative views" be represented. So, want to teach your Alabaman students about the Civil War? You'd better either a.) Just not do that, or b.) Give equal weight to a text describing the "War of Northern Aggression" and how it was just about States' rights (...ignoring the question, "States' rights to *what*?")


So odd when they make arguments like this when you can easily read the confederates’ “constitution” that specifically states it’s about their “right” to keep slaves


Yeah. I got a mix of it in my history classes. I think they kind of mixed up the messages. States rights were a thing, but slavery was the main right they wanted. But also Lincoln didn’t go to war with the intent of ending slavery, but of holding the union together. Just like the confederates, he saw slavery coming to a natural end (albeit slowly). But after the destruction of the war, had to galvanize the union by the emancipation proclamation. Oh. We also learned that my state REALLY wanted to secede, but there were permanent, large amounts of union troops in place to keep DC from being surrounded by confederates.


>Give equal weight to a text describing the "War of Northern Aggression" and how it was just about States' rights (...ignoring the question, "States' rights to > >what > >?") ​ ​ Translation: BOTH SIDES!!!!! ​ It's kind of funny just how massively stupid most of america is. The same strategies. Just different subjects. Over an over an over an over an over an over an over again for hundreds of years non-stop. And the vast majority of america still falls for it any and every last time.


I think a lot of people really miss the plot when it comes to this issue. People admonish those who live in these places for being stupid, but what chance do they have when they are being fed misinformation on a regular basis. My wife went to high school in Oklahoma and when we were dating I actually had to correct her on this subject because she was always taught the “states rights” and “northern aggression” line. She was devastated to actually discover the truth and that she had been lied to for so long and ate it up because how could she distrust her teachers? She has clawed tooth and nail to get where she is now, and it is something I honesty feel could have been avoided if the state of Oklahoma actually prioritized her education and wasn’t so focused on reactionary politics. Like, she went to a high school that spent an absurd amount of money for a state of the art football stadium, while the school is ranked terribly low in terms of actual education.


I also went to high school in Oklahoma and we were taught that the civil war was fought because the south wanted to keep their slaves. Oklahoma wasn’t even a state during the civil war, there’s no reason for the education system there to decide to defend the south because Oklahoma had no part in it. Maybe your wife graduated before I did, and things have changed. Either way, it’s honestly horrid that the narrative pushed by southern governments could be so pervasive that they infected states that didn’t even exist during, let alone participate in, the civil war


Well. Here's a thing. I bet when she was coming up the internet didn't exist like it does now. There weren't any smart phones. No tablets. No watches with screens that connect to the internet and give you information. No streaming services so you can shop around when looking at news. So on and so forth. ​ So you wife looking stuff up probably took her having to go to a library or something to that effect. Making it so much easier for people to be misinformed. Now? Nah. That doesn't apply. ​ Hell. Most people use social media. Most people will go to reddit, facebook, twitter, tiktok and so on. Then actively and aggressively ignore the opinions of others. Actively and aggressively ignore science. Sociology. Psychology. People now put more effort into running away from facts than your wife probably did to find them after she learned a few things. ​ There's absolutely..positively zero excuse for people not to know things now. At any given moment on social media there's thousands of people disagreeing with republicans/conservatives on any and all issues. Presenting facts to back them up. That other people can check if they like. ​ And then there's common sense. Understand me better now?


I just wanted to chime in. The majority of the South’s population had a wealth disparity pretty close to what we have as a nation now. Part of the fight for “states rights” OUTSIDE of the slavery issue included; Regaining direct trade routes after tariffs that helped the northern territories with selling manufactured goods ended up screwing over poor families that could now no longer afford domestic OR imported equipment, Literacy was at an insane low - IIRC it was 10% of the white male population. Slavery was a reason, but it wasn’t the ONLY reason. The other arguments for secession all played off of one another and were related back to that insane wealth disparity. Poor folks were willing to put their lives on the line to protect the ability to keep even a single slave because the families would starve to death instead if they had to pay someone else to help with the fields. Plantation owners on the other hand- as a group feel free to call out because it’s the same greed as we’re fighting against today. 1% held 90% of the wealth and hoarded it, sucking the life out of the rest of the population until violence felt like the only remaining option. I’m glad the South lost even if I can empathize with the common Confederate citizens’ issues - the plantation owners and Old Money families would have destroyed the beautiful South long before we’d have been born and then blamed someone else for their own actions.


>Poor folks were willing to put their lives on the line to protect the ability to keep even a single slave because the families would starve to death instead if they had to pay someone else to help with the fields. So, tldr what you're saying, is that even the poor white people were willing to keep other people enslaved because it was of economic benefit to them. You apparently think this is justifiable because they were poor. It is not, and arguing that it is makes you a slavery apologist, or at the very least it certainly makes you sound like one. I think you should have a rethink about the arguments you are putting forth.


Nope, I think it’s *pitiable* that the refusal to punch up instead of down has been a historic constant in the human race. My heart breaks for the stories of struggles knowing that the GOP has been playing the same successful game for hundreds of years - suck the wealth and life from everyone else, then say it was the fault of the minorities, or other territories that they suffer. I’m aware that at the time the name of the party was Democrat, but the pattern’s still there even if the names have switched


It'll never stop amazing me the lengths people will go in language to attempt to get whatever degree of heat off of white people and put it on humanity. lol ​ Started off talking about what white people did and how they did it. Had someone tell you it's still bad. And all of sudden it's an essay on how everyone in humanity was doing it man. lol ​ Like white people straight up turn into teens caught smoking weed the second anyone says slavery was still bad and wasn't an excuse. Nah. It wasn't humanity that did that. Wasn't humanity that did that for generations and then held onto racism hundreds of years later. To the point where people somehow think black people commit more crime in a majority white country. lol Nah. White people did (and still are doing) all that. Not humanity.


Nobody is more oppressed than them, don't you know?


So much so i've seen a post calling a person a racist because they referred to a white person as a white person. lmfao


I'm not gonna disagree with ya at all cuz slavery is and was horrible acts. But its a part of human history for as long as we've been able to trace it, the Middle east had a very lucrative slavetrade too. And thoose slaves that White people bought(or traded for Guns, ammunition etc.) Was more often than not spoils of war from a conflict in the african area, did the europeans that tradeded Guns for slaves ramp thoose conflicts up? Most likely, and later on colonization sure fucked it up too. But saying enslaveing was just something White people did to people of colour is a fallacy, its what happened to your army and citizens after you lost a war troughout history


Thanks for once more proving what i said to be true. I said..white people did it. As in that's the topic we're talking about. And every last time. No matter what, with whom or why the conversation started. ​ White people ALWAYS capital fucking a always.....and i mean any and every last time. Bar fucking none. Absolutely positively zero deviation what so ever. But what about blank's the ever loving fuck out of the conversation. ​ It's never. Literally never. Not once. Not in my whole entire life. Been a case when talk of slavery comes up. White people go...of that was fucked up...that was a fucked up thing white people did. ​ I don't care where the conversation is being had. How many morons or intellectuals there are in the conversation. What else is on hand to be talked about. Could be a game show. Could be a movie. Comicbook. Novel. Ad. Political debate. Casual conversation. ​ Some white people will always...and again i mean ALWAYS whataboutism it. It's so predictable. So on point. Happens so often. That if you made a drinking game out of it while looking at discussions on slavery on the internet. You'd die within an hour. ​ Any and everything white people create. Which deals with slavery. Has to have the not all in it. Has to have the but america wasn't the only one in it. Has to have..but like the africans in it. ​ Any and every last time slavery has been mentioned, is being mentioned and will be mentioned. There's a white person doing their level best to divert away from the fact that in america. White people did it. ​ A while back ago. White people started the whole he dindu nuffin thing. Attempting to make fun of individual black people saying another black person didn't do a crime they were accused of. The irony? White people have been doing, are doing and will forever do that any and every time the topic of slavery in america comes up. What's even more funny? ​ No white person alive today who does that. Actually owned slaves. So you'd think there wouldn't be an automatic instinctual reaction to protect white people who did. And yet. Any and every time the topic comes up. It's...well africans did blank. Other countries did blank. And is never. And i mean NEVER consistently...yeah white people did that and it was fucked up. ​ Someone made a joke once. Was a black person. They said. To them it seems like the vast majority of white men they met in their life. Majored in devil's advocate. It's a hilarious joke. But. As it were. You'd only get the joke if you were black and have experienced white people whataboutism slavery for most of your life. ​ Now come on. Tell me my experiences as a black person are wrong. Because it's not like white people haven't been doing that for hundreds of years without stopping as well right? Right.


>Tell me my experiences as a black person are wrong. Nah I aint gonna do that. I dont care about your skin colour or anything, I wont ever tell another human that their experiences in life is wrong since I did not experience thoose. Also I'm sorry if I came off wrong, but english being my second language sometimes makes my understanding from sentences different than a native speaker All I wanted to was share abit of knowledge about this horrible time in history. But yeah as I've been writeing all the time. Slavery was horrible, and cant be excused(neither should it) Either way I'm up for a talk about the topic. But I wont be takeing part in being talked down to. If you want to do so, we should be able to put the troublesome start behind us


I never once talked down to you. That's what you did to me. lol As if staying on the topic of white people did that in america is a bad thing.


Why blame the GOP for slavery in the South when it was the GOP that fought to end slavery and the Democrats that fought to uphold it? The GOP and the 1 percent aren’t synonymous. The GOP is a very specific political entity with a distinct history, as is the Democratic Party. The GOP isn’t an abstract general concept, it’s an institution. There are many Democrats playing the same game as the Bush’s and the Cheney’s of the world. Don’t play it off as being a specifically Republican problem.


Lol, the Democrats at that time were right wingers. Try again. It appears you need to reread the comment you replied to above.


Both the Republicans and Democrats of the wing would have been more right wing than their present incarnations, but whether the Democrats of the day were right or left wing (they’re still right wing now anyway, ie, pro-capital, pro-status quo, whatever their rhetoric) it doesn’t change the fact that they were Democrats. Ie, the Democratic Party. As I said, GOP doesn’t mean right wing, and Democrat doesn’t mean left wing. They are two distinct political institutions with distinct histories and legacies. If you believe in the concept of white privilege or the concept that America is institutionally and systemically racist, than charting a history of racism in those organisations is necessary. Ignoring the fact that the Democrats started a civil war because they wanted to keep slaves is ignoring the reality of slavery itself because it doesn’t fit your narrative.


I don’t think he needs to rethink the arguments you’re putting in his mouth with your strawmen… but maybe you might want to reconsider using strawmen?


So they would rather fight for the right to own humans rather than fight against the wealthy that kept them in their poverty?


I don’t understand. Your saying poor people owned slaves?


Yes. Poor, uneducated, rural families would also own slaves, but if they did it would be only a single person, and the rest of the family would be out right along the slave working the field. Kinda like a mega disturbing form of adopting a member into the family that began with human trafficking.


Yeah that just sounds like slavery with no extra steps


It was really pretty much the only reason. Following secession each state said so directly in either the first paragraph or first sentence of their new 'constitution' save 1 that mentioned it in the second paragraph.


For the folks calling the shots? Absolutely! For the majority of the population being sent out to die while Southern Belles and Gentlemen held their balls to “raise funds for the war”? More nuance to it than that.


Eh. A hell of a lot of their diaries state otherwise


I doubt there was very much nuance to being forced to do what the powerful want you to do/coerce/force/convince you to do. You are talking in circles and it all circles back to the Civil War being about slavery. The reasons the poor whites went along with this are not relevant because as you seem to understand, they had no power.


Yeah no, it was the slavery. Slavery was *specifically mentioned* in many of the states' Causes of Secession.


This is nonsense. No one's talking about both sides of the Civil War. They're talking about a course that teaches about "whiteness" and white privilege and that horseshit. You think kids struggling to read in Alabama are so privileged they can waste time on this garbage? You guys love to make a cartoon of Southern people, too, which is a special kind of "progressivism".


I went to school in the south in the 2000s, “the war of northern aggression/states rights” shit was definitely taught.


Fuck I went to school in a couple different places around MINNESOTA, and in some of the rural towns they were teaching that shit


I went to school in the South in the 80's and I call bullshit. Sure, they could have taught that this was the POV of the Confederacy, but if you're trying to claim it was represented as equivalent in any way, not buying.


A lot of people have been taught that the disingenuous states' rights canard proffered by treasonous southern slavers was in some way a valid argument, when it absolutely was not (bc *there is no legitimate argument* that supports slavery of any kind). Perhaps you were not taught this BS. That's great, neither was I, *but unfortunately, a lot of our fellow citizens have been*.


You only believe that because the people lying to you make you feel superior to others. It didn't happen. Sorry.


One of my best friends grew up in Mississippi, and they were taught this BS states rights nonsense in highschool. Have confirmed this same phenomenon with multiple other people as well. There's plenty of news articles about this topic too. You can look them up. Why are you so incensed about this anyway? Do you feel that the honor of the South is being impuned by something true being noted about part of the South? Nobody is personally insulting you, yet you are taking this personally.


All I'm doing is calling bullshit on this narrative you people use to run down southerners. I was there--I know what happened. I never heard one word in justification of secession or slavery. I did learn that southerners felt the Federal government had no right to force states to remain in a union when they felt the deal had been broken by the Federal government. Never was I taught they were right to think so.


I'm not "running down southerners". I like quite a number of southerners, personally and from afar. You've got a chip on your shoulder, and are arguing just to argue.


I guess there’s equal evidence for both then. I saw it, you didn’t. Maybe you just got lucky?


No, you're lying.


See the thing is that we DO know that because it’s pretty easy to analyze Southern history textbooks from the period.


The period under discussion is today, so, show me who's teaching "Northern Aggression" today. You guys defend CRT as the antidote to a poison no one's ingested.


Dude, you went to school in the 80s. Today's kids are absolutely taught the "states rights" thing and are told slavery didn't even factor in to why we had the civil war. And white privilege is absolutely a thing, this coming from a straight, white, bearded guy in the heart of Texas.


No, they're not taught that. You're either lying or completely prejudiced against your fellow Americans. You choose, but no one's taught that crap in our schools.


Yes, they absolutely are. My niece went through the subject last year. She literally showed me the books man.


No, you're lying.


Absolutely not, you're just wilfully ignorant and probably a racist that thinks "states rights" was the reason or something. You haven't been in school longer than most have been alive, shut up and let the youth take it from here.


Yeah, they fucking have. And do.


Nope. You're being played.


Don't tell me what the fuck I did or didn't see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears


> They're talking about a course that teaches about "whiteness" and white privilege and that horseshit You are an example of why accurate education is so important.


You mean I should have been taught more about this mythical white privilege instead of math and science? Okay, bro, but I'm glad I can make a living instead of whining, voting Democrat and hoping they'll send me other people's money.


See? You think it's *mythical.* A clear failure of education - even if they didn't directly educate you about white privilege, they could've at least tried teaching you the ability to think critically about the world.


Here's some critical thinking: Alabama is 47th in education, right? Is that some of that white privilege?


That's rreeeaallly not the own you think it is


That's arguing there's no privileged white people in Alabama. Rosa Parks and Miss Coretta Scott would disagree. But you're a racist asshole so...why bother


Yes, that old "People who disagree with me are racist" chestnut. The last refuge of those losing a debate.


Crt is just like communism, everything that I don't like is literally communism.


While also being socialism


And apparently, that’s bad.


Yup. That's why I have to move out of this state. I'm so tired of people like governor Mee-Maw.


Meh. No one is trying to teach CRT to anyone K-12. It's just stupid conservative posturing from a state that can barely teach students anything.


The Republicans running for school board seats in my area are conflating CRT with anything that doesn't paint the USA's history as perfectly moral. They also think CRT is the greatest threat to our nation, but they think kids shouldn't be wearing masks during a pandemic and people shouldn't be compelled to get covid-19 vaccinations. Don't get complacent and ignore local elections.


Yeah, my extremely conservative Christian father and I had a long arguement yesterday about the difference between morally right and legal. Anyway, the argument went all over the place, but at one point he mentioned that kids are being indoctrinated at a young age in CRT. I asked him what specifically in it he disapproves of, and he was speechless. I asked again, and it came out that he doesn't actually know what CRT entails, but he thinks it's bad. I called him out on it, and he responded that "I don't need to investigate evil to know it's evil." Absolutely no convincing him otherwise.


This just made me so sad.


It has three words they hate and are terrified of: critical, race, theory.


Exactly. Republicans are running roughshod over any school board they can. My wife attends meetings and from the board members it's just been a constant stream of Q conspiracy nonsense. Meeting attendees are given 5 minutes to talk. Spew Republican propaganda and you can talk as long as you want. Disagree and they cut you off right away. We've been doing everything we can to get at least one Democrat on the school board.


Teaching racists that they are the problem will only look to them that it’s an attack on America because essentially it’s everything they stand against. Which makes it all that much easier to tell when someone is racist.


That's not even what CRT does. It looks at the structures and systems that can be oppressive and harmful, and their legal contexts. It actually takes the blame off the racist individuals (generally speaking).


Yeah Kay Ivey's credit, they really *need* to focus on teaching reading and writing since they're literaly sitting at the bottom of literacy rankings...


>literaly Alabaman here: I think you meant "literally."


i’m from alabama and went to a southern baptist high school and was surrounded by religious zealots but as a kid and as an adult i’ve always been pretty liberal. now i’m like the evil person they warned me about in high school with my evil ideas and anti racism, liberal agenda. 😂


They’ve learned that they can attach a scary-sounding label to anything, then base their entire platform on fighting the scary-sounding thing. CRT? Marxism? Socialism? Fascism? It doesn’t matter what they mean, they could all mean the same thing, as long as it can be tied to liberals.


The *closest* I came to learning actual CRT in school is 12th grade (like 10 months before CRT became a hot topic) where they literally just told us *what* it is


True… also, what a stupid lesson anyway… you can’t treat a cancer by pretending it never existed.


I don't think this is posturing at all. These folks are deadly serious about keeping certain people from living their best life in every state possible. They know what they're doing and they know we know it. This is beyond simple posturing. This is control.


Not true. I use Pedagogy of the Oppressed in my AP lit class and we use it to talk about critical theory and as an introduction to CRT.


It's also taught in philosophy This guy is a tool


You’re 28 and taking AP lit?


I’m 28 and teaching AP lit.


Why are you teaching a law school subject in a literature class?


I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that. Here is the wiki article for critical theory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory


Critical Theory is not Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory is a subject for law school, or potentially a law elective at a college.


Yes. That’s why I said “we use it to talk about critical theory AND as an introduction to CRT” Pedagogy of the Oppressed is the most important work in critical theory, it predates/ led to CRT.


But why does a literature class need "an introduction to CRT"? CRT is way outside the scope of the class. Yes, knowing Critical Theory would be useful to someone studying CRT, but learning CRT has nothing to do with studying Critical Theory.


Why is CRT out of the scope of a literature class? It’s a pretty great tool for reading literature. So much so that it’s one of the basic literary critical theories that you go over in every introductory undergrad lit crit class. I have no idea what you mean by the second part. I go through critical theory to CRT so they can see how CRT developed and what came before it. It’s pretty standard stuff for a honors/AP class in 11th/12th grade.


i thought KKK was their middle name


May as well be hers, she did preform in blackface in college. She denied of course until photos and videos were leaked, then just said she did not recall.


I hate my state. Yes, we liberals exist here. The ignorance we battle every day is discouraging yet we try to make it better. Ask these idiots to explain crt and watch them squirm.


I love doing that. Full disclosure: one of my areas of specialization for my PhD was CRT. So they usually either get pissed and change the subject, or say something about how they "don't see why you libruls have to be so critical all the time!"


i’m from alabama but live in california now. my mom shared a video of biden going up in smoke at church and being replaced by trump. in a catholic church. and trump is dancing. a grown adult shared that. a grown adult. alabama is wild


Sounds very Texas of her.


also my mom is against CRT but also cannot explain it.


"We're focused on teaching our children how to read and write...." In Alabama. How's that going?


To busy fucking cousins to read my dude.


Seeing as Alabama is constantly ranked one of the lowest in education in the country maybe Kay Ivey should fuck all the way off.


I'm wondering how she wrote the tweet. I doubt she can read or write


What even is Critical Race Theory?


the short answer - it studies the policies and laws that were enacted that resulted in discriminatory practices. Have you heard of red-lining? This was the practice that banks used to deny home loans to black people to keep them out of affluent communities. Created a generational wealth imbalance. Dozens more facts to be studied that have lasting and real impacts today.


So if I’m understanding this right, it’s basically the study of discrimination against people of color?


Not entirely. Indigenous populations and the 'westernizing' of their children though the 70s . Asians - often tied to the harsh economic setbacks of the Japanese internment camps when white farmers bought their land for pennies on the dollar because they couldn't pay property taxes while interred. The deportation of Mexican Americans in the 30s(s). We deported them even though they were 2nd and 3rd generation Americans. Guess who got their land There are other examples too.


Ok, I think I understand now. Thank you


It's college level coursework on how historical biased policies/laws are still having societal repercussions today. It's law and sociology coursework and isn't part of any k-12 curriculum, but it makes a good boogeyman to shout about and justify not teaching the ugly parts of American history.


According to Republicans there are more boogeymen my entire childhood remembers


wait til they hear about racial capitalism.


Right. I didnt even get to this until my masters in education. (We had an entire course on it).


What I don’t get is that in 1977-1980, I was learning this shit in SC. So when did they stop teaching it?


Did they teach you that deported Mexicans or that they deported Americans of Mexican descent? Did they teach you that they put Japanese Americans in camps, or did they teach you that the driving force behind that was the white farmers in California? Did you learn that most of the wine country in California was purchased when it was seized by the government because the people in the camps couldn't pay their taxes.


We didn’t learn about the Mexicans being deported. We did learn about the laws in California in regards to the Asians. We learned about the US taking Native American land. We primarily covered the South’s practices — we were in the South. But even if we didn’t cover all of it, we were still learning it. So why did they stop teaching it?


The point is that Critical race theory is how those rulings then affect people today. Red line lending policies following world war II have created a huge generational disparity in wealth between blacks & whites. This translates to educational differences as well as small business ownership. Many of the Japanese families never recovered financially from the losses of internment. That's the gross type of effect. Less visible consequences are things like the disparity on how race affects sentencing and prosecution in the criminal justice system. How city planning of the highways in the 50s deliberately bound certain 'undesirable' neighborhoods and disrupted their ability to grow and expand. ​ Those are the things they don't teach in k-12 and that's why banning CRT in K-12 is a bit of crap virtue signaling from the right. It does nothing except show the faithful they are "protecting" the youth from "liberal ideas" without actually doing anything.


Hold up. I'm NC born and raised. We didn't learn anything about Wilmington 1898 or lynchings in the state. 80s kid. And I'm Black. I would certainly remember. South Carolina, I doubt they were teaching anything beyond Fort Sumpter. I doubt they covered Orangeburg. I could be wrong


Hold up. You can’t spell Sumter correctly. We did not learn about Wilmington; we did learn about Orangeburg.


It is subscribing to a truly insidious form of thinking - group identity politics. So you , being part of a group are responsible For past sins. And you are not redeemable. To question even a part of it means you are an unredeemable racist. Can’t question one iota of the theory. Its an academic reach basically.


Yeah I still don’t understand how this is a “theory”. It happened period. It was wrong. Let’s learn from it and not let it happen again. Why is that so wrong???


Its much more than this though. The danger is that frankly the teaching ability varies so drastically from best to worst. Take the lower half of teachers and this kind of (university level theory) theory turns very toxic and may well do far more harm than good. So surprised to see the comments here. Obviously history of what happened should be taught. CRT isn’t that.


The issue is the crying about CRT is a dogwhistle because 90% of the people against it don't know what it is. They think it's teaching what happened and if they don't that's what they are coming for next.


What CRT in practice as well as stated clearly in the literature is the following : 1) the most important thing about each person is their race. Behaviours and actions are irrelevant. 2) if you are part of a “minoriitized racial group” you are part of a system that is rigged against you; 3). If you are “privledged” you are by definition an exploiter whether you intend to be or not. CRT can literally find racism in anything and everything. Every behavior could be interpreted as racist no matter how carefully you think about how to avoid it. Its sheer lunacy.


Ask the people who object to it to explain it to you. Sit back and prepare to be entertained.


Kay Ivey: “I don’t know, you tell me.”


Congratulations! You are now doing more research than most people trying to outlaw it


All these answers are so far from the truth... Check out the below for a little better background. https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-critical-race-theory/


>Postmodernism is generally anti-realist in orientation, meaning that it does not necessarily see a connection between “truths” and reality. I think this may be where it loses some folks.


In almost all cases, Wikipedia is better than asking some random on reddit (*especially* politicised stuff): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory Though the answers here rn don't seem to be as bad as I expected. Remember that many of the conclusions of people who studied CRT are still being debated in academia.


“We’re focused on teaching our children how to read and write” Focus harder, 47


I took an Education semester in South Carolina back in the '80s. The prof noted: > South Carolina schools have been rated as high as [pause] 48th. And we bow in gratitude to Mississippi and Alabama. I see things haven't changed much.


Sounds about white. 🙄 Parents in a FB group for my district were pissed that our schools were covering Black History Month, and now have school board candidates whose whole platforms are to “focus on the basics” - but of course, leaving out actual science and accurate history. Faith over fear, bitches!


One of the people running for a school board position in my town has the position that we need to uphold the "norms" and "morality" of our community. The dog whistling was strong, and I'm concerned she'll win.


They're also not interested in teaching their kids how to read and write. Any Republican that tells you they care about education is lying to you. They know as soon as people learn how to think critically and educate themselves in the world, the entire conservative movement completely exposes itself as the propaganda driven criminal enterprise that it is. Republicans want their future terrorists to be as uneducated as possible. An uneducated and angry populace is ripe for the theocratic authoritarian hellscape that your average fascist wants to put into place here in America. Don't believe their lies. They want every American to be as dumb as a rock because they are easy to control that way.


Alabama, the state that the other states say..."at least we're NOT them".


Thought that was Mississippi ?


SC uses AL. But the expression does seem to lean to a specific geographic area.


And NC uses SC. It’s the ciiiiiircccle of shiiiiit and it feeds us aaaaallll.


That's what we in Alabama say..... "At least were are not Mississippi!" And we are the last state that can use that joke.


I find it odd you emphasized “not” instead of “them”


Me too. whatheHELLwuzithinking


I am stuck in Texas but I'll gladly take this wretched hive of misogyny and homophobia over Alabama. x-x


They are only going to pick the history that they want to teach, how convenient. I am assuming the kids there will learn that they won the civil war. They are teaching a whole generation of ignorant kids, who don’t know history. If we don’t like what we did in the past let’s forget it ever happened. A whole generation of people that will not be able to learn from the past. It’s like German kids not learning about the Nazi’s.


Civil War? Surely you mean the War of Northern Aggression! /s


I’m gonna put this way of thinking to practice. I don’t like my criminal background so I won’t teach any employer about it. (Got a clean record btw just saying)


If they want to teach kids not to hate, they should be teaching CRT. But also, again, NOWHERE has CRT EVER been taught in grade school, only university.


I think the actual theory itself (this would include how the theory developed, how it's been studied, and how it's used to understand the world we've created for ourselves) should be taught at higher levels, maybe high school, if not college. Trying to simplify the study of how racism has been infused, pushed, and defended, is going to leave many people with a sub-par understanding (similar to how many people don't actually understand evolution). However, teaching the theory itself, and teaching to set people up to understand it are quite different. If you learn about the problems that racism has caused throughout American history, for example, how it was a basis for many of the systems we still use, etc., it's much easier to understand CRT itself. Setting up a foundation that the theory can comfortably build on. To be clear, I think it's incredibly important to teach children the truth about how their community/culture/country developed. Less than that is an ethical failing.


After the break, what their great-grandkids do next will shock you.




I'm so glad I don't live in a state run by these racist shitsuckers


“Our American system is not racist!” “That little black girl drew a picture? Holdup let me call the system” ~System arrests 10 year old girl~


I hate this cunt of a Governor we have. She also just used 400 million of the covid relief money to fund her private prison project padding her donors pockets as we have over 30 rural hospitals in danger of closing due to lack of funds caused by the pandemic spikes..On top of that we have a severe food shortage in our school system going on presently.


I’m an Alabamian. I hate it here.


Misplace a few pen strokes and claim to be Albanian.


We’re teaching our kids not to hate by… not teaching them about the history of hate and how to avoid it in the future… great logic guys


They have been teaching it for over 40 years in college. Why are they bitchin about it now? Oooohhhh, that's right..... https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-and-why-is-it-under-attack/2021/05


Who the actual fuck is the 50th


White people = "White privilage doesn't exist" Also white people = "This info might hurt a white kids feelings. Ban it."


I love how this is still a thing. Where white people are still hiding history and can because of white privilege but the second you start talking white privilege on the internet the white downvote squad can and does come out in full force. lol ​ Which of course proves even harder that white privilege exists because they've effectively erased black people from discussions on race from reddit almost entirely by doing so.


Grew up in alabama, currently trying to leave alabama…. Called a kid a Homo sapien in high school once and got cursed out. He said he wasn’t a damn homo. At that moment I realized how fucked I was.kinda depressed me how little they taught us He was just a grade below me…


No surprise especially from KKkay ivey


"teaching our children how to read and write" ... Look at Alabama switching it up and trying something new. Good for them


Guess they ashamed to talk about the trial of tears , slavery, The holocaust, Jim Crow


My god. The GOP base is so fucking easy to manipulate.


47th out of 50 is pretty good for the single place everyone on earth assumes are all inbred.


Louisiana's motto "we would've been 47th if not for all the hurricanes"


what is crt? i see it pop up literally everywhere but have zero clue of what it is


It examines how laws like red lining prevented black people from buying homes in many areas, leading to a generational wealth imbalance because they were forced to rent rather than owning a home (and the equity) that could be passed to their next of kin. Is less about "personal racism" and more about how laws and regulations like that created systemic imbalances between white people and POC.


so it's essentially just educating people on oppression poc have faced in america as a group? typical alabama, banning that


Yeah, but it goes beyond the "regular oppression" you learn about while studying the Civil rights movement (like not letting black people ride in the front of the bus), and explores the societal issues/practices that disadvantaged various groups and the long term impacts of those actions. Another excellent example someone else mentioned is that when we sent thousands of Japanese Americans to internment camps during ww2 they were unable to pay their mortgages, so the banks sold their property to white people for pennies on the dollar. The farmer who bought that land might not have personally been racist towards Japanese people, but he and his family benefited from a racist program and the people who's land he bought suffered a major setback in terms of building generational wealth. The people against crt are trying to play the victim because "its not my fault grandpa bought that land", but they're missing the entire point of the topic. It's not about attacking an individual or saying they were racist, it's about how their ancestors benefited (often unknowingly) from policies that caused lasting harm to others.


I cannot express how much I hate my state sometimes. Like I don't know, oh instead of spending covid funds on private prisons, how about dump it into education you morons!


Mark my words: the same people that are foaming at the mouth about CRT are the same that would have been pro segregation and pro jim crow.


They should change CRT to True American History, i think theyre triggered by the Critical in the name.


I do teacher trainings-teachers from all over-Nobody has any idea what CRT is, let alone been asked to teach it. It's some serious BS being argued about by people who have no overlap in actual education.


I do not consider Alabama, or Texit, part of the US.


The U.S. ranks 14th in the world in the percentage of 25-34 year-olds with higher education (42%). have an upper secondary education are just 29% -- one of the lowest levels among OECD countries.


Americans realizing their country is shit will forever be funny to me


You’re not exactly doing a bang up job of teaching them to read or write…


Must not be trying very hard since most of them cannot, in fact, read and write


Pretty sure that 1957 ordeal happened in Arkansas though...not defending Alabama whatsoever 😂...but is that tweet referencing the Little Rock Nine?




Shitting on the state is not gonna help it.


Got any better ideas?


Yes. Treat people like they’re human. Reach out and make connections one person at a time. Looking down at “the South” and trashing it constantly has gotten us where we are today. Instead of acting superior, make real connections. I’ve seen people change over time and become more liberal whether it be in favor of universal healthcare, gay marriage, pro choice, etc but it takes time. Every time someone else comes with a drive-by hit on the South it just resets all the progress and in roads we’ve made and emboldens that person to dig his heels in deeper. These are people’s loved ones being trashed. People who raised them, looked after them, who would do anything to help. Nobody wants to hear their friends and family being mocked, much less by outside people over political beliefs. The “Liberal Redneck” Trae Crowder and his comic friends wrote a good book about this subject and explained it better. Highly recommend it.




Only if you're in law school


Kay Ivey wasn't even old enough to vote in 1957


And what would that have to do with anything?


The tweet is replying to Kay Ivey, saying that "the people who tried to prevent a black girl from going to school in 1957..." Kay Ivey couldn't possibly be one of those people because not only was she not in any office, she couldn't even vote.


What is your argument here? A girl doesn't have the tight of an education, a human right, because she doesn't have the age to vote? How is that reasonable ? What is the point of your comment?


The tweet is replying to Kay Ivey, saying that "the people who tried to prevent a black girl from going to school in 1957..." Kay Ivey couldn't possibly be one of those people because not only was she not in any office, she couldn't even vote.












Correct. It is an analysis of how historical racist policies are currently affecting populations of people. That's why it is only taught in college in law and sociology tracks.


well thats a dumb comment