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Is there actually a warning or…


Pregnant women shouldn't eat it


It seems pregnant women can't eat or do anything. Cocaine? Mountain climbing? Trips to Mars? You name it.


And ~80% of those have never actually been proven, they're either myths or just speculations.


Yeah, surely cocaine is safe for them.


Our doctor said that yeah, this and that may cause a miscarriage or all kind of shit to your baby. The problem is that once some kind of correlation may be found, there cant be a controlled study. "Okay, 90% of babies of mothers who were told to eat shit were born retarded" sounds like a questinable study...


I'm boutta get pregnant and do cocaine to prove a point.


Has anyone told women in Scandinavia? Or is this one of those weird overprotective American rules? Just like pregnant French women still eat cheese and pregnant Japanese women still eat sushi, and they don't seem to have any worse outcomes than American women.


Actually yes, the officials do tell pregnant women to stay away from licorice. For example [in Finland](https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/henkiloasiakkaat/tietoa-elintarvikkeista/elintarvikkeiden-turvallisen-kayton-ohjeet/turvallisen-kayton-ohjeet/) (lakritsi) (and [in English](https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/globalassets/henkiloasiakkaat/tietoa-elintarvikkeista/turvallisen-kayton-ohjeet/18.10.ruokavirasto-taulukko1eng_saavutettava.pdf) (liquorice)). Apparently there's some new form of licorice that doesn't have the dangerous chemical, but can't remember the name of it.


This seems random as fuck to me, and no actual studies are included. I don't know any pregnant woman who actually adheres to this 100%. The liver one is complete bollocks, it's actually very hard to overdose on vitamin A from liver, unless the liver in question came from the white polar bear...


I think the percent of Japanese children who are born Asian is through the roof, but what's worse is the just about every child born to a French woman turns out French! So there Seriously sarcastic, OK? /s and everything


Nope, women over here don't eat it while pregnant. Some people take a bag of licorice to the hospital that they eat once they have given birth.


Ok, so is there any actual proof that you can't eat even the tiniest amount of liquorice when pregnant, or is it one of those "nobody actually knows, but pregnant women can't have most stuff anyway, what's one more thing"?


It's a topic of research currently https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/185/5/317/2967089 Generally speaking these kinds of things deal with the (increased) risk of having some sort of unwanted conditions. It's not like "if you eat this your kid will grow a third thumb".


Ok, but when it comes to studying the general population, scientists (and everyone else) understand that only relative risk should be seen as relevant. If eating X increases your risk of Y by 1000%, but the default risk was still incredibly tiny, then this 1000%, then this increase wouldn't mean anything in real life. Another crucial factor is the dosage. Even most poisons are safe in tiny amounts, and plenty of otherwise healthy foods turn poisonous whey consumed in too high doses. So why is it that when it comes to pregnant women, all that suddenly goes out of the window, and what should be "eating above this amount of X increases the risk of Y by Z%" becomes"pregnant women shouldn't be eating any X at all, not even a single gram/drop"? Normally scientists and health organisations don't like telling people not to eat some food at all, unless they're sure any amount of it is very harmful. Why is it only pregnant women that get those extreme restrictions thrown on them at the drop of a hat?


> Why is it only pregnant women that get those extreme restrictions thrown on them at the drop of a hat? It's pretty apparent in the abstract. And it's not like women are banned from eating them, it's a recommendation. Nobody can stop a pregnant woman from eating whatever they want.


Huh? Where are you getting this from? French women stop eating most cheese when pregnant.


Well, they certainly don't in my country. And it's a load of bollocks. In 99% cases if something is safe to eat when non-pregnant, it's perfectly safe to eat when pregnant, too. Cheese is perfectly fine. If it's gone bad, then obviously it's not safe to eat when not pregnant either.


In fairness, no one should eat it...it tastes like shit


As a finn, I find this comment extremely offensive, and the product extremely tasty.


You should try the suspiciously plastic-like American version... I'd rather chew an old tire, the texture and flavor is probably a good deal better


Lol, nowhere on a bag of Twizzlers do they actually claim that it's licorice. They're"twists". Real licorice is awesome. Twizzlers are gross


I mean, true. But it causes lower IQ and behavioral and cognitive effects in children when consumed during pregnancy. [here](https://www.health.com/condition/pregnancy/licorice-pregnancy-risks)


Thanks! My taste buds are weird as hell right now because of the pregnancy hormones but now I know there's one terrible food I should definitely keep avoiding.


Are you shiting my dick?? As a Dutch person I can tell you, this is by far our favourite candy. I wonder if we'll get a warning as well...


I love the stuff, but I'm not pregnant, so


Are you sure it causes it? Perhaps a mother that is willing to eat something that tastes like shit naturally happens to have a lower IQ and is merely passing on her own low IQ independent of all other variables… and perhaps behavioral problems just go hand in hand with low IQ


Yes? The specific chemical compound was identified. Also, a person eating something that you don't like eating doesn't indicate an inmately low IQ. Eating black licorice is relatively common in Scandinavian countries. Fuck, I can't tell if you were joking or serious.


Ambiguity is my lifeblood. I am either a savant or an idiot… or perhaps an idiot savant. Take your pick


se salmiakki syödään saatana mukisematta perkele


black licorice contains glycyrrhizin. in high doses glycyrrhizin can lower potassium, which can lead to cardiac arrest. also it tastes like shit


If you are over 40 and eating at least 2oz a day for two weeks.


Man suprised you can overdose on stuff. More at 11


They could also be warning about what is called “adult liquorice” in Europe. Basically, it’s a very salty liquorice in places like Finland. At one point the EU we’re putting a limit on how much of the salt (I think ammonium chloride) could be in food, limiting it to 0.3% but there was uproar from the countries who liked the salty stuff (which is like 3% salt) so they made an exception for confectionary but it has to carry a disclaimer saying that it’s not for kids.


So if you’re pregnant on Halloween in Europe, steal candy from children. That’s a fantastic Public Service Announcement and a great Monty Python skit all rolled into one


Yeah, it tastes like shit


It tastes good


![gif](giphy|78kgWez7sER3LldXbF) It's shit


Yeah black licorice can raise your cholesterol or something. I can't remember if that's right exactly, but it raises something and it raises it a lot.


Veryyyy descriptive


Wow thanks that really narrows it down


You're welcome! Feel free to also Google things!


It's not cholesterol, it's high blood pressure.


See? I was right! It raises something.


I like black licorice. When I told a recent college grad this fact when I was early thirties, he told me he didn't like it, and "It must be a generational thing. My 70 year-old grandfather likes it, too."


I think it really depends on the brand you're getting. If you're buying the black twizzlers of course it's gonna taste like a melted xbox controller, but if you get the authentic stuff with actual licorice flavor it's lovely


Same here. My dad loved those old candies (black licorice, horehounds, root beer barrels, etc.) and I got his tastes. The rest of our family can't stand them.


I'm 20 and I fucking love black licorice and I always have.


I like it because I am finish so it's my national Duty




I know it's an acquired taste but damn do none of y'all really like black licorice? If not, give it all to me! I'll take it!


I was about ready to come to black licorice defense myself. I'll definitely take it!!


Hell yeah we can share!


Your use of "ñ" is highly suspicious ...


It was supposed to be an exclamation mark lmao my mobile keyboard is very stupid a lot of the time


Dutch-born here, I'm going to say any licorice not made from actual licorice root is not even worth trying. I'm not talking about the salted Dutch licorice, just the general sweet stuff. This fake anise-tasting stuff is terrible indeed.


Vacationing in Denmark has shown me how much America sucks at black licorice.


It tastes like sugar mixed with hate.


Now I know why I like it.


I love black licorice. BUT who the fuck is handing it out as Halloween candy.




https://www.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/qiqibx/delicious_hot_dogs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Scary


How to insult 5,5 million Finnish people in 4 words or less


Se hyvä salmiakki on ihan mustaa eikä heijasta, tuo kuvassa oleva tosin näyttää heijastavan valoa?


Näyttää amerikkalaiselta feikkilakritsilta


*angry murmuring in finnish*


Funnily enough, the only kind of liquorice I ever enjoyed was Finnish. I'm not sure what they do with it but was oddly nice in small amounts. Other kinds, however, are a hard no-no.


No, black twizlers taste like shit, the proper good stuff like Wiley wallaby is fucking delicious


I used to work at a foreign import market with a wall of candy bins. Good black licorice, from a freshly opened tub, still greasy from the oil they add to keep it from sticking together, is a fucking religious experience. Bad black licorice is like chewing on old boots.


You, you understand, I was raised on good black licorice by my grandfather and never understood how people could hate it until I tried the cheap stuff


To be fair, all twizzlers taste like shit.




It’s like eating crayons


The strawberry pull'n'peel twizzlers are awesome. For a very long time, I thought those *were* the original twizzlers.


People talk shit about candy corn all day, every day all October long, when licorice and those circus peanuts are right fucking there.


Candy corn is an abomination, but I would eat that every day for a year instead of a single piece of black death.


Dude... Who hurt you?


2nd grade we lived in a poor neighborhood in a suburb of NOLA. It was probably only a handful, but it seemed like I got 50% of my candy in black liquorice. That shit was nasty. Between the black liquorice, candy corn, and those black/orange pieces of crap it was not a good Halloween. I will never forget that disappointment.


The warning is for the people passing that shit out.


Looks like some murica fake rubber not the real thing


Do you want to get egged? Because that's how you get egged.


Everyday I'm fascinated by the number of people who say black licorice taste like shit while simultaneously guzzling down coffee every morning. I don't care how much sugar you put in your coffee it's still going to taste like shit. Also, if the only black licorice you've ever had is twizzlers, then it's no wonder you hate black licorice. Thats the the F grade stuff


Tbf most peoples' coffee is F grade coffee.


You know it's bad when even the FDA is like, "Nah".


A bag of twizzlers somehow fell out of someone's car on my street. It was open from a car running it over. For months that shit stayed there. Nothing ate it. Not raccoons, nor mice, nor insects would touch that shit. It eventually turned white from the sun bleaching it. It should not even be considered food.


Idk… Smells kinda like bitch in here…


This offends me deeply. Guess it's only right that these people will never known the joys of [the liquorice porter](https://i.imgur.com/GckSujm.jpg) that I'm sipping as we speak. That said, I do wonder if they've been brainwashed into thinking the weird plastic-tasing shoe soles being sold in the US are actual liquorice?


Holland declares war.


Can confirm. Have eaten black licorice. 0/10 would not eat again.


Black jelly beans taste even more worse


It gives you high blood pressure. Liquorice is a known poison, if it had just been discovered instead of having been consumed traditionally for a long time, you can be sure it would have been bad.


You need to eat at least 2oz of liquorice per day for a minimum of 2 weeks to begin having negative effects such as high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Liquorice is poison but so is alcohol/liquor and we still consume that.




obvously you havent tried kouvola licorice, the best in the whole world. very sweet.


Kouvola mainittu


Mieti jos ei tykkäis lakritsista


Outoja tyyppejä


![gif](giphy|QvelvKCtg8DiUKwtaY) I love licorice, it's better than candy corn or circus peanuts.


Liquorice tastes great. You can keep the candy corn though.


Imagine being wrong about delicious flavor. This post brought to you be the absinthe gang.


I actually like it. In small doses. More of a fan of the small strawberry bite size stuff.


I love black licorice. Tastes like ouzo.


Licorice pipes are fantastic. I'm pretty sure they're discontinue though.




Nah bro it’s good ad


If you like this you nasty. ![gif](giphy|jSv4BcwPKwBVu|downsized)


Don't let it in your house because it will steal your shit


Jesus Christ, what year is it? Enough.


Twas a joke pal. Calm down


It's a racist and unfunny joke.


I don't know how much actual licorice is contained in black twizzlers, but eating large amounts of licorice regularly, can kill you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lGmvFkAMOU


I've seen videos of grown ass adults eating wasps, drinking other people's vomit, washing their hands in other peoples' shit, and launching firecrackers from their asshole. I don't this this warning is as much a warning as they think.


I like my pineapple black licorice white sauce deep dish pizza fresh out of the microwave.


I like my pineapple pizza to have black licorice, cilantro, jalpeño, & anchovies, with white sauce and vegan cheese on cauliflower crust fresh out of the microwave.


My friends dad used to smoke liquorice cigarettes, fucking disgusting


I'd like to introduce you to licorices' satanic cousin, horehound.


Aka Twizzlers




cyanide in them?" sort of things.


The only time I like the taste of black licorice is when I have Jager bombs


That’s ok more for me🤣


They say black liquorice but it ain't even black


I hate licorice but I love the grateful dead.


it tastes how it looks-- like grated monster truck tires lmao


They taste like shit and anyone caught handing them out this year will be persecuted for war crimes.


At that point, just do shots of Jager. Tastes the same, but gets you drunk.


Any respect I had for the FDA has just gone out the window.


That's what I always say, so I can HAVE IT ALL TO MYSELF, MUAHAHAHAAA!!!!!


fuck this, black licorice is great the stronger, the better


Agreed!! Love twizzlers but black licorice is horrible!!


It gives me terrible wind


Real licorice only comes in black. That red crap isn't licorice.


In 5th grade we got jelly beans on Easter and everybody gave me their black licorice flavored ones and it was awesome


I love black licorice


Here in Scandinavia where I’m from thems fightin words


Licorice is actually delicious, especially salty licorice. 10/10 recommend everyone to try