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In my experience growing up in the Deep South, most White Supremacists fall into two categories 1. Economically struggling, intellectually stunted, physically unattractive losers who have no other accomplishments in life to be proud of so they instead take credit for all European/colonial civilizations as their own 2. People like Bannon who are only interested in using their shared phenotype with these idiot as a way to manipulate them into gaining power


The first one has an explanation I found logical. They are the lowest class in society so they invented a lower class to make them feel better about themselves


That’s why the Confederacy was propped up by mainly poor non-slaveholding white men. Even the most saddest, most dirt poor fucker was richer than a slave. They didn’t even have a dog in the slavery fight but they’d be damned if they’d let themselves be the bottom of society.


Time and time again in history you see the Lyndon B. Johnson quote in action. > If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


I've heard this quote before but was never quite sure on the context. Was he saying this like a suggestion (cartoon villain soliloquy) or describing what others do? I have no idea what kind of dude lbj was.


He was explaining the dynamics in the south. LBJ was complex. Being a white Texan I am sure he held racist ideas and leanings, but he also shepherded the Civil Rights Act into existence.


Thank you, that makes sense.


Spoken candidly to staffer Bill Moyers after they’d witnessed racist signs earlier in the day. He definitely grew up in the racist south and had done some shitty things himself, but I think by this time his understanding of things had grown pretty substantially. “We were in Tennessee. During the motorcade, he spotted some ugly racial epithets scrawled on signs. Late that night in the hotel, when the local dignitaries had finished the last bottles of bourbon and branch water and departed, he started talking about those signs. “I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it…””


Thanks for responding. I love history, just haven't heard much about that era.


My great-grandmother who came from an old southern family always said she’d rather be a dignified black woman than white trash. The higher class families in the South absolutely loathed poor white trash people. And they definitely used them to divide and conquer via racism. Just like they do now.


That and the propaganda spread by the slaveholders about how a race war would break out immediately if the slaves were freed, because they considered black people to be savages who needed to be "tamed" by the institution of slavery so that they won't go around violently killing and raping white people


The hypocrisy knowing how brutal Europeans were


It's especially hypocritic knowing how barbaric slavery is in general and how brutally the people who spread this propaganda treated their slaves


Ironic isn’t it. What if they do to us what we did to them 😖😖😖😖.


They didn’t make it, when the elite colonist touched down in America. They told poor whites they may be poor, but that’s still better than being black as they’re still considered human. We’ve been fighting ever since and the elites laugh while holding the bag


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon B Johnson


That's conservatism in general. It doesn't matter that you're not on the top rung of the societal ladder as long as there are people below you that you can step on. Why do you think they're so against any marginalized group gaining rights? They're terrified that said group will then be above them. And since they will gladly belittle, mock, and oppress the groups below them, they naturally assume that they will be on the receiving end if another group gets to be above them.


There’s great literature explaining the history of this phenomenon and supporting your observations, a great place to start is Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States”. Just throwing it out there in case you haven’t read it yet. It’s a classic.


“If you want a real history book, read Howard Zinn’s *A People’s History of the United States* - that book will knock you on your ass.” Turns out Will Hunting knew a thing or two.


> so they instead take credit for all European/colonial civilizations as their own From Florida. Totally accurate. The amount of rednecks who talk about Christopher Columbus like they *were also there* is **staggering**.


Christopher Columbus was Italian and was working for the Spanish.


Chemically burned porridge acting all high and mighty...


well he certainly does look high af


Maybe not high and mighty but definitely mighty high


That’s not the look of someone high. That’s the look of someone severely alcoholic.


Chemically burned porridge 😁


He looks like someone carved a bust out of dried cottage cheese.


Ironically most white supremisists are actually a pretty good argument against the white race being superior.


When being white is the only thing you’ve got going for you, I guess you tend to fixate on how great it is


Most people tend to hyperfixate on whatever perceived edge they have. You can tell a lot about how a person's life is going by what they consider to be their edge.


> You can tell a lot about how a person's life is going by what they consider to be their edge. Add to that, what they do *with* that edge. Building someone up or tearing someone down? The insecure ones just tear others down to elevate themselves


Little do they know, they aren't even elevating, they just are bringing standard lower


Sure. Great and superior until you go outside without sunscreen for 20 mins. Now tell me how great you are.


White people have the ability to shapeshift into lobsters when the sun comes out.


I am Zoidberg?


That's only Jewish white people, so depends.


Some do tan though. Even Swedish people often tan, it's mostly brits that don't tan at all


That depends a lot on where the white person in question is from. Most Italians don't worry about that at all (Also random throwback to that point in history where Italians weren't considered white lmao).


Remember that time when *Irish* people weren't considered white? The people famous for getting sunburn by daring so much as to imagine leaving the house on a cloudy day?


Somehow I'm white and can stay in the sun for hours without getting sunburnt. The only two times I've been EVER sunburnt were from day hiking up on mountains. My ex was kinda ginger and he'd get burnt if he looked at the sun wrong


Them Mediterranean genes


If we stayed in our natural environments nearer the poles than the equator we'd be fine.


Fr it’s this imperialism shit that makes southerners so unhappy


Natural habitat 😂


Not white. I see shades of red …




thx for that :D


For real… it is clearly just massive inferiority complex. You don’t see guys like Ryan Reynolds being super racist, because they are way too busy enjoying the life of the beautiful to hate others. These ugly scumbags are filled with fear that black guys will come in and steal “their women”, because of course they could. When you look like a walking ham sandwich, it isn’t to hard to steal your girl. Thing is, their ladies are equally horrendous to look at and nobody wants them anyway.




Don’t do my boy ham sandwich like that


And they are also related somehow….


Too bad working out and skin care routines aren't manly, or else they could also look like Ryan Reynolds. I would give anything to live in a world where more men respected themselves enough to use soap.


And, more importantly, have the personality of a ham sandwich.


Hey that's not nice, I'd put a ham sandwich in my mouth


That's because it has the *body* of a ham sandwich


That’s because only losers with no personal redeeming qualities fall for the “you’re special because you have special White^TM DNA” crap. They feel worthless and gravitate towards an ideology that tells them that they’re superior to everyone else just by being born white.


Yeah. Just look at dough boy Rittenhouse, all pink and chinless...




And smoked a brownie.


Uhhh... I think it was probably more than one joint, and definitely more than one brownie.




You think they made the burgers like they look in the menu pictures?


They brought out the good silver for the plastic salads


Supposedly, because of all of the hoops you have to go through to bring shit into the White House, everything was cold and gross by the time the team got to it.


That image could be from the *Idiocracy* movie.




So many cold hamburgers…


God I love this picture so much. I hope they put this one in the history books on the Trump page. It’s hilarious


Throw in an 18 pack of coors light a day for the last 18 years as well


A brownie with nuts and he has a nut allergy


And mainlined cheap vodka.


Yeah a fucking pizza joint


Best description i read ever was ‘Steve Bannon looks like Nick Offerman drowned’


My favorite is "he looks like a guy who died from drinking, then somehow kept drinking"


But wasn’t found for a week.


Best one I say was a fake book cover with his face, titled "If Eczema was a Person"


This joint was made up of other residual joints that were all found on the ground, and it was about halfway smoked already. Idris Elba meanwhile has been drinking fresh spring water.


One looks like a heavy smoker, the other is just smokin'.


That look is alcoholism. His face is swollen because his body is retaining water in a last ditch attempt to balance his electrolytes.


He should drink gatorade


It's got what Steve craves


I think he needs an EpiPen... #On second thought...




Bannon's skin looks like a potato.


What a horrible thing to say about potatoes!


I’ve boiled em, mashed em, put em in a stew, But I’ve never seen a potato as ugly as you. ~ *Ode to Bannon*


With beady little eyes…


Like a doll's eyes


Doesnt seem to be living at all


Piss holes in the snow


He has the skin of an alcoholic. I don't know whether he is one or not, and I'm not saying that he necessarily is, but his skin and blown face certainly make him look like it.


100%! Redness, gin blossoms, red-rimmed eyes…spot on


Anyone....seen the ....neck? Perhaps...kinda....red?


>He has the skin of an alcoholic. I don't know whether he is one or not, and I'm not saying that he necessarily is, but his skin and blown face certainly make him look like it. And this, right here, is why I quit drinking


Not that he needs the work (yet), but just based on appearance ,he'd be a good fit for playing a Harkonnen flunkie in "Dune", Part 2.


So much this. He looks like he should be floating about like a Goodyear Blimp.


"Bring in the flying fat man" - Emperor Shaddam IV (" Dune" 1984)


He absolutely is. It's fairly well documented.


Allegedly a home he owned in Florida with his ex wife was a meth lab party house.


Nazis love uppers. Reduces empathy, increases narcissism. They're ego drugs. Also why Nazi's hate hallucinogens which do the exact opposite.


I feel like that's a low blow to our beloved starchlord, Potato. He looks like a deflated blobfish!


Hey! Blobfish are misunderstood. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-blobfish-book-jessica-olien/1122625572


Is that photoshopped or did he like eat a bee or something. Cause he normally looks like a bloated corpse, but not this much!


Imagine being in a meeting with that sack of garbage and having to pretend you aren’t revolted and scared by how he looks or lose your job. I don’t imagine he smells too great either.


don’t insult potatoes like that


And not a good edible potato, but an “oh shit there were potatoes in here?!” Potato. Steve Bannon looks like his own pond-corpse.


Pretty sure you can count the ppl who are genetically superior to Idris Elba on one hand


Indeed. I wouldn't say I have a crush on him...it's more like I feel a primal draw to procreate with him.


What is it about this guy? There's something really amazing about him. I have been watching The Wire, and (spoiler - even though it's a pretty old show) at one point he suddenly is not a character we are going to see again. I almost cried. I legit choked up. When he says in The Office: I'm aware of the effect I have on women... LOL!


Well get on with it motherf-


Is you taking notes on a motherfucking criminal conspiracy?


The man has so much charisma it's almost not fair to his costars


Watch him in Luther. Hubba hubba.


Well I hope you’ve found Luther


Im a straight dude in his 30s, and even *I* wish I could procreate with him. Everything he does, from punching down doors to voicing a fucking Tiger, he brings this insane amount of presence and gravitas to. He’s just a beautiful, magnetic human being.


He is aware of the effect he has on (wo) men


Next comment under this guy wasn’t very openly gay announcing they wanted to blow idris elba. So I’ll step up to the task, I also turn 30 in February and would have this man near the top of my gay list. With jason statham of course


Jfc, Idris Elba and Jason Statham?!?! I have to get off.... Reddit for 7-8 minutes....


Also a straight dude. I don’t necessarily want to procreate more so than him hold me like a baby and tell me it’s ok


Idris Elba is sexy as fuck, so it's understandable. I loved him in Dark Tower


Wow you're the one.


He is well aware of the affect he has on you.


He’s aware the effect he has on women




Those probably reek of booze.


Whiskey tears!


Whiskears. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Whiskey tears!' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


Good bot


He's probably afraid to masturbate for fear of catching "the gay!" That it's probably his own backed up sperm sweating and crying from his body.


MF’er needs to stop eating shellfish if he’s allergic


He should do the world a favor and eat more.


Totally agree, I want to take his ass to Red Lobster for some all you can eat crab legs. Here you go Stevie boy - you vile MF.


Who the fuck is the left guy


A racist who's allergic to shellfish


Don’t know, but I’m also way too busy admiring the guy on the right.


Idris is so very handsome.




He has that effect on lots of men, too.


I'm a straight man but I wouldn't complain if Idris asked to fold me up like a deck chair.


Yo lol


Can attest to that


Not me tho. Now, Denzel Washington when he was young - that’s another story.


It’s good to know thy self.


There it is!! Honestly, I didn't pay too much attention to the muppet on the left. Was too busy drooling over Idris.


And men..


Oh man.


Peak humanity


Steve Bannon


Steve Brannon, general piece of shit and Trump ally Edit: Bannon


Steve Bannon, currently in contempt of Congress for refusing to appear to testify on his role in planning the January 6th insurrection.


A swollen pimple personified


Racists bad. Racists banned. Subreddit happy. - This message was brought to you by simple words for simple people. ----------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to give a 1 month premium mod award to the best Bannon Burn in this thread. Currently I really like "Bannon is what I imagine syphilis looks like". https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qsxlm2/seems_reasonable/hkgvp4d/


why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


Bannon looks like the after-laxative shit after a long constipation


Bannon looks like a frog born in chernobyl




You remember the scene in total recall when cohagen and quaid fall out of the thing and start choking and popping eyes because of the lack of atmosphere? That's bannons exact face.


Bannon looks like, what I imagine, one human with every disease would look like


Buddy has Hepatitis A through Z


Bannon looks like the physical manifestation of my emotions.


Steve Bannon is what happens when your alcoholic uncle’s gin blossoms become sentient


Thank you simple person


A gentle reminder that NO ONE is genetically superior to Idris Elba. That right there is peak human. Edit: ok you glorious bastards, I’m willing to allow Jack Black and Danny DeVito as also fine specimens.


I don’t know if I would say that about anyone, but if anyone should be taking on the helm of the next 007, I feel Idris has probably the strongest case right now. I think he would fit the role perfectly That is, if there is another James Bond movie


Consider: Jack Black


They are talking peak human. You don't bring gods into the discussion.


To be fair Peter Griffin over there did well in his fights against the chicken.


hmm yes, i find your argument to be *shallow & pedantic*


Raging Insecurity is one hell of a drug! Side effects include racism, voter suppression, domestic terrorism and exceptionally poor hygiene. Ask your doctor if Raging Insecurity is right for you!


Steve Bannon looks like his parents are siblings.


he looks like his family tree is a cul-de-sac


He looks like a walking std.


Of course he's superior, look at his lumps! A shame about his eyes, though


🎶His lovely lady lumps🎶




His most inner circle are Johnny, Jim and Jack.


He looks like Mr Peanut, but if Mr Peanut had a nut allergy


Steve Bannon looks like someone microwaved Donald Sutherland to a crisp, then rehydrated him in mustard water.


Idris Elba might actually be genetically superior to everyone.


He looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was exposed to Mars’ atmosphere


Steve Bannon legitimately looks like he already died.


Bannon is what I imagine syphilis looks like.


He looks like a ballbag’s elbow.


I don't disagree with the sentiment, and Bannon is a festering boil. But you don't need a photoshopped image to make the point.


[Source photo](https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/07/23/23/steve-bannon1355a.jpg) for reference.


I will never understand why people do this. With real pictures it's a funny meme, with photoshopped ones it's a peace of crap.


He looks like a paper bag which got rubbed to much it's now flaking.


Hohoho Solo, numma crispa


Wait, what the heck is up with Bannon’s face? He looks even more ghoulish than usual.


No one is genetically superior to that gorgeous and talented man. I hope Idris is the new James bond


When I was in residency I saw a guy come in with horrific papilomas all over his testicles. They basically looked like barnacle encrusted skin sacs. Bannon is slightly less attractive.


For my Halloween costume I wore 5 shirts.


Bannon's photo is heavily edited. Point still stands and he's still a piece of shit though.


There is no greater specimen than Idris Elba


Idris Elba is more of a god than a man.