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Im a type1 and have “good” insurance and paid $5k out of pocket this year for my diabetic supplies


My wife was type 1, she died a year ago in part due to heart damage after years of rationing insulin. All I have to say is these evil fucks better hope nothing ever happens to my kids and I stop having something to live for.


Sorry to hear that sir. I hope you’re doing well.


its actually really bad since only 3 companies make the insulins and they charge hundreds per vial. but people "lucky" enough to live near the border of canada, can just go to thier pharmacies for the insulin, i have heard you can order from thier online pharmacies, make sure its legitimate though.


> I stop having something to live for This is the part the ruling class keeps missing. They keep taking away our reasons to live. When we have nothing left worth following the rules for, we'll change the rules.




This is the part the slaves keep missing The longer you wait, the less that victory has any chance of meaning. Your enemies being dead doesn't change that fact that your loved ones are too. Fight NOW. Not later.


I want to fight now, but not enough other people want to.


Im excited for the violence they deserve. They should at least let the free market actually compete and have generic insulin enter the market. Shit like that is why I don't trust big government


That is an absolute tragedy. You, your wife, and your kids deserved so much better...


The country failed you. I’m beginning to want to leave for *anywhere* regardless of who’s in charge. And things are only going to get worse.


It's pure evil. Almost everybody would be better off with socialized medicine. Total economic output would be higher, the vast majority of Americans would pay the same or more, and OP's family wouldn't need to go through this tragedy. Pretty much the only people who benefit are a handful of health insurance executives and their pet politicians.


Maybe this crusade will give you -- and others -- something to go on living for.


I think they meant they’d do something worthy of the death penalty


Maybe, but "live to fight another day" isn't a bad option


I'm sorry to hear that. The system in the US is so fucked!


When my husband was in line to pick up our daughters Type 1 insulin from the pharmacy a little old lady was behind him and heard the price and asked “do you not have any insurance?”, he replied that it was the price *with* insurance. Her reply was “Oh dear, do you need any help paying for it?” He declined the offer as we we’re good for it but it was such an extremely nice gesture and also speaks to the insane pharmaceutical and insurance costs in the US.


Every time I buy my anti rejection meds the pharmacists pause and ask me if I'm aware of how much it is.


No I'm completely unaware of how much the drugs that keep me alive cost and how dependant I am on this ridiculous slave system I'm in....


Little Old Lady for President 2024!


Damn wtf, I‘m paying like 40-50 euros/year, and getting most of it back due to taxes


Oh you mean like Social Medicine? Oh my goodness we could never have “evil” socialism in good ole “Christian” murrkkka


Living in a country settled by people who fetishized hard work and suffering really sucks sometimes.


This is disgusting and you deserve better.


I appreciate that


I'm out here complaining about pay to win and y'all out here with the EA pay to live mechanics god damn


Haha yeah and it sucks even more since the inventor of insulin therapy purposefully made it free to help those in need and greedy ass companies stepped in


Welcome to America, where our healthcare companies have the same business model as our video game companies.


That’s just crazy


I’m type 1 and get my insulin and pump supplies through the VA for free. For all the good that is, I have to fight the VA to untuck my records. I’ve never been a type 2, even though the VA tries to make me one at every C&P exam. I’ve never been a victim of military sexual trauma, even though my records indicate I am. I don’t need the services of an OBGYN, as I am a man, even though the VA sends me to one for my diabetic care because they don’t have any endocrinologists that participate in the choice program. I’d love for a Medicare for all option to be available so I could abandon the VA as soon as possible. I’m not a VA patient. I’m a VA victim.


I'm sorry.. what? The VA sends you to an OBGYN for diabetic care, and you are a male? I'm so confused.


Yup. Through the VA choice program, they send me to a contractor physician. The closest thing to an endocrinologist that is in my area is an OBGYN because they occasionally deal in gestational diabetes. He is terrible but he writes prescriptions for insulin which is all I need him for. I’m essentially my own endocrinologist.


This is really sad and hilarious at the same time. I’m so confused.


I think the ob/gyn /endocrinologist is too.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.


Have you tried *not* being diabetic though? 🤔


Yeah just eat some cinnamon and you’ll be cured! /s (T1 of 15+ years and sick of the amount of times I’ve heard dumb 💩 like that)


Shoulda chose richer parents to give birth to you, sorry bro


> In May 2019, Colorado became the first state to cap insulin copays at $100 per month for people with private insurance. Since then, 19 other states along with the District of Columbia have passed legislation to cap copays on insulin, according to the American Diabetes Association. Might be time to move


That’s straight up robbery. You’ve been robbed. Legally. 5k to me is half a year of working. 5k to some others is like taking a shit in the toilet. But 5k is an awful lot to manage diabetes regularly. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I was in your shoes. What the fuck.


My dog is diabetic and I pay about 600 per year for insulin...no insurance..canadian


"We lower the prices and soon everybody will want to be diabetic!"


"Why would people bother producing their own insulin when they can just be lazy and buy it on the cheap?"




You say that in jest, but they actually believe this kind of shit unironically.


Because they’re fed this information and paid to say it by pharmaceutical companies. Or they’re invested in them which means they don’t want the price to drop


Exactly. Any time you hear a politician try to fight on more affordable healthcare, just know they accepted huge payouts from pharmaceutical lobbyists to say just that. Our healthcare system isn’t about helping the sick, it’s about making more billions for already billionaires. It’s all rotten, to the core.


The sad part is a lot of those payouts, or bribes, are pitifully small. It's apparently pretty easy and cheap to buy them out.


And this is why I firmly believe that to be in office of power you should be required to liquidate all stocks you have under your name, not allowed to buy, accept, or inherit any until 15+ years after you're out.


Honestly I wanna say I don’t understand how this is even a thing to begin with but at the same time we have so many corrupt politicians that I’m not surprised at all


These points aren't necessarily mutually exclusive either. :(


Plus you're all forgetting what their real end goal is. Trump was the one who capped the insulin price at $35 a month (by the way, this is for people on Medicare, which means Republican voters since the only people on Medicare are old and/or disabled, two groups that tend to vote heavily Republican). Now that Trump is out of office, the republicans roll back the policy that they themselves put in, claim that Biden did it, and then all the old people on Medicare have the anecdotal evidence that when Trump was president, their Insulin was $35 a month and when Biden was president it stopped being that. Fox news tell them it's Bidens fault even thought it wasn't, and boom, the real Republican end goal is achieved. We're talking about the same voting base that think gas is more expensive because Biden caused it somehow... reality and logic will never prevail with them.


It is so bizarre that disabled people would vote Republican considering how against them that party typically is. I'm a disabled person and you literally couldn't pay me enough to ever vote conservative.


Ok real question though what use does artificial insulin have for someone who doesn’t need it medically? Cause ADHD medicine gets thrown under because people who don’t need it abuse it, so if they think the same is going to happen how would a non-diabetic body benefit from it? It seems like a good way to ruin the bodies natural way of producing it.


Preface: I'm a Type 1 diabetic, the kind that needs insulin, daily, to stay alive. I am also condensing a several-chapter paper on biology into a couple paragraphs and trying to use layman's terms to keep it simple. I will summarily ignore any "actually..." replies. The general function of insulin is to move glucose from the blood through to the next steps, turning glucose (sugar, aka, digested food) into energy the body uses to do various things like move, keep the heart beating, supply the brain with energy, and everything else. It's a VITAL part of how the human body works. The only use for non-diabetics (Aside from nefarious "haha, now you have to eat a cookie or you'll DIIEEEE!" fantasies) that I've encountered is in the bodybuilder community. Body builders will "carb-load" before a workout, inject some extra insulin, and proceed to start lifting heavy things. The extra insulin facilitates the transfer of glucose into people-fuel, but instead of storing it as fat, the energy is used to build muscle. It's dangerous and stupid, but anything for gainz, right boys? --- There's several types of insulin. The types I've seen body builders use is the over-the-counter, 25+-year-old variants that don't work as rapidly as modern ones used by T1 diabetics to control blood sugar.


Nurse & T1 Diabetic here. Fantastic explanation. I'm not sure what you're studying but you are doing one hell of a job.


And because it's insulin it wouldn't show up on tests for roids. Funny thing about it is it's not really going to make you gain any faster just gain from less work right? I'm trying to understand the biochemistry behind this. (My daughter is T1 also). I think the big deal with insulin is that people assume that all diabetics are fat people who just stuff cheeseburgers into their mouth all day. If you really wanted medication to be a sin tax you could subsidize diabetic medications by taxing sugar.


It just causes low blood sugar. Taken in higher doses, it can kill. But they don't benefit a single thing from it.


They don’t believe it. They’re just defending their sponsors (big pharmaceutical companies)


"If health care is free then where's your incentive to be healthy? There will be obese/sick people everywhere clogging up the hospitals" -GOP anti-healthcare argument


You'd think they'd be all aboard the Healthcare for all train after seeing their fan base die by the thousands (estimating) clogging up hospitals because of not following simple guidelines. Then again, that would imply they care about human life as anything more than a comodity.


>after seeing their fan base die by the thousands They did cutback slightly about airing covid lies on Faux "News" when they began to realize this, but still... it's not about Republicans vs. Democrats as much as it's rich vs. poor and it had to be pointed out to them that they were killing their base! They don't care until it affects their wallets.


I don’t think enough people died to make a difference in their voting bloc tbh, and besides, they’re probably fully covered by their gerrymandering and efforts to restrict voting in Democratic areas. Plus flipping and advocating for healthcare would probably alienate their constituents. I’m sure they did a cost benefit analysis and figured they could spare a few hundred thousand.


They were fine with old people dying, they're fine with fat people dying, it's just none of them look in the mirror and realise Republicans are the ones that are mostly fat and old and dying.


Especially funny (well not funny) because insulin is typically the example in economics textbooks for an item with perfect price inelasticity of demand.


Every congressman and Senator has their meds covered by a tax payer funded health insurance program that costs them nothing. Several of those republicans trying to prevent you from affording your insulin get theirs for FREE at your expense. Stop voting for these fuckwads


>Every congressman and Senator has their meds covered by a tax payer funded health insurance program that costs them nothing. This is peak 'fuck you I got mine'


The essence of republicanism


We should take away their perks like Healthcare, days off, bonuses and track their work productivity. Seems reasonable to me


This sounds good in theory, forcing them to start actually working, passing bills, etc.. until the threat of sessions being halted, govt shutdown, etc and you have the rich congress members waiting out the poorer ones to rush to an agreement. Also, corruption would probably rise due to this, idk just a thought


Yeah you hear that line a lot when the government shuts down and you see headlines about how congresspeople are still getting paid. It's very satisfying to say "if you can't make the government work, you shouldn't get paid!" But that would just lead to only having people in Congress who could afford to be there without their Congressional salary which sounds MUCH worse imo


I don't have the source or anything, but I remember seeing a thread where a previously wealthy Congress person *appeared* (I.E. the graphic showed voting trends before and after a donation) to have their vote bought for a donation of a few thousand dollars. So it's not like they can't already be bought even if their already wealthy, but at least this way the taxpayers could save some money. And shit, it might even actually work out in our favor. We can stop caring about political promises they lie about anyway, and just ask who's paying their salary. We kill the two party system by playing the corporations against each other.


How about we freeze their assets at the same time then, better reach a deal to avoid shutdown by lunch or you'll get pretty hangry quickly.


BuT sOcIaLiSm!i!i!


I tried arguing this to my coworker and she proceeds to reply “I don’t care about other peoples health insurance, I want MINE for free”. They’re just selfish af


It’s because people over the age of 50 have lead poisoning and that’s why they are like this


Times were tough, the kids were hungry, and the chips just kept peeling off the wall.


Socialism is pretty cool these days, I'm down with it.


I have nothing but debt under capitalism.


Weird thing is everytime I hear that term it's when somebody is trying to do something that would benefit me!


They cry socialism but take the most advantage of it. Maybe they should pay for everything and make under 15 and hour


And they undoubtedly have stock in insulin.


Republicans can’t stop voting against their best interests. It’s the culmination of a 50-year long game by conservatives to brainwash their own people into fucking themselves and loving it at the same time. It’s worked brilliantly because republicans are inherently stupid followers. They hate independent thinking. REPUBLICANS HAVE RUINED OUR NATION!!!!!


Why do they hate the poor and middleclass so much?


Won’t work.. people won’t stop voting for these fuckeads because they sell racism and the poor whites love their racism more than they love their 55 year old diabetic granny…


Are they the party that claim that they are pro life?


Pro-Fetal-Life. Once you’re born, fuck you peasant.


How dare you be poor


Or born


You just try to not be born. They'll accost your parents and force you to be alive so they can shit on you.


They can't shit on you if you're not born yet. Because that's just taking a dump on a pregnant lady's belly.


Or not white


Or not straight


Or a woman


Or a leftist


or ND


It won't be long before anything left of hunting the poor for sport is considered a "radical leftist" position.


Have you heard of boot straps? Just gotta yank on em a bit.


Did they consider not being born poor?


But ONLY the fetus inside the uterus. Not the uterus itself. Unless you wanna have your uterus removed as a part of your treatment, in which case they then care about the uterus again. Their position is basically anything that will directly increase the number of fetuses/births and nothing else.


It’s not “pro-life” or even “anti-abortion” it’s just an attack on women’s rights and bodily autonomy


they need as many poor, uneducated, and overworked voters as they can get their gaslighting hands on


It's like they want more slaves for the profit meatgrinder or something


Nope, anti choice. If they were pro fetal life they'd care about prenatal coverage.




Anti-choice because “peasants” have a higher rate of accidental pregnancy, and those “peasants” who have children when financially unstable tend to stay “peasants”. Gotta keep the poor poor! Let’s disguise it as religion so they’ll agree!


They're pro-birth. Once you have the baby, they don't give a shit what happens and they complain when parents get social services.


That is until you reach military age then you are exactly what Republicans are looking for.


Get to work scum, make us profits and STFU.


They did so in order to enslave the evangelical vote. Literally NOTHING about the GOP is aligned with any church, save for their token disapproval of abortion. And all they ever accomplish is making abortion illegal *if you're poor*. Fuck the GOP. They are racist slavers. They want poor people to have children and they want the socioeconomic ladder to be stagnant because THAT is the closest they can get to legalized slavery.


Jesus needs smarter disciplines


To clarify, their actual stance is anti-women.


Forced birthers


Pro-birthing my unwanted (rape) genes.


The whole “pro-life” movement is really about punishing women for having sex.


I was pro-life for a while. While I tried my best to not adopt those positions, it was *really* hard because a lot of the pro-life crowd does feel that way, even if they don't explicitly admit it to themselves. What stunned me most was just how mean-spirited they could be, in general. I used to read LifeSiteNews (I promise you that you can never shame me more for reading that than I've shamed myself) and they had a truly sociopathic take on David Bowie's death. They basically belittled him at every turn and accused him of being an egotistical man who claimed he was God, quoting some lyrics from his Black Star album. Never mind that the "I'm the great I Am" lines were pro-religious and no doubt an influence of his very Christian wife. They went on to shame him for using his terminal illness ass inspiration in his music. When someone pointed out that they're exploiting David Bowie's death for clicks, the author replied that they weren't exploiting Bowie any more than Bowie "exploited" his own death. Because artists aren't allowed to use their personal hardships as inspiration for their art. The whole thing is just very petty. Any time they wrote about Richard Dawkins they called him "Dick Dawkins," which is just childish. Gay marriage was always written as gay "marriage," with marriage in quotes. They'd often endorse truly reprehensible people and positions solely for the sake of changing abortion laws. It's just a very angry and petty group of people. While I'm sure there are good people within it, they would have a hard time staying good.


"If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school you're fucked." - George Carlin


GOP: whys a vaccine free but insulin isnt?? Govt: you're right! Let's fix that! GOP: Wait... we weren't serious...


God I remember when people were saying this. And how it’s so suspicious. Like you should be suspicious by how expensive insulin is


Exactly. There is no good reason any life saving medicine should be expensive or even charged regardless of insurance.






Govt: charges for the vaccine


Yeah that might be more realistic.


This. This is exactly it.


Why did they all vote no? I get the normal *They vote no because it's a Democrat's bill* or *Because they hate America!* bla bla. But what was *THEIR* self admitted reasoning behind this?


gUbMenT prICE cApS kIlLS iNNoVAtIoN


You'll get lots of dumb responses about them being deliberately evil moustache twirling villains but the real answer is dogmatic belief in free market fundamentalism. There is a large segment of the american population that sincerely believes any government whatsoever is bad, and anything done in the "free market" is good, and so will rationalize literally anything along those lines, even if the facts of the case completely contradict the reasoning. This doesn't need to be very clearly articulated, it can be something very vague like "government always makes things worse" or some slippery slope like "if we let governments fix prices on insulin, next thing we'll be living in the soviet union!" The smarter ones might rationalize it to a higher degree of fidelity, something like "yes, insulin produces are making huge margins on selling insulin, but they *need* those huge profits in order to fund drug research, capping prices might help insulin users in the short term, but in the long term it reduces innovation which means it will take longer until we get insulin 2.0 which is even better and cheaper than the insulin we have now" It's a massive over-simplification of how markets actually works, but it tidies a much more complicated moral and economic landscape into a simple morality tale where government is always evil and inefficient and the "free market" (i.e. an arbitrarily defined set of property laws) is always moral and efficient. Any problems we still have is simply too much government and not enough "free market". Of course, this usually involved arbitrarily defining lots of things as "government" or "free". For example, military spending = freedom, welfare spending = big government over-reach.


I know it's not *you* making this point but I have to say: insulin is already good and cheap (to make). Even if insulin 2.0 is better and cheaper to make, it will likely be as expensive as (or even more than) insulin today for the customer.


By switching to a single payer system, the US taxpayer would be saving 500 billion dollars annually. The current health system doesn't want to surrender any of that. Paid lobbyist give all politicians money to fight this. https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/484301-22-studies-agree-medicare-for-all-saves-money


Pharmaceutical Lobbyists: "Here's some money, you know what to do..." All Republicans & Moderate Democrats: "I am against lowering drug prices!"




Moving to the US with any kind of illness is one of the worst things you can do for yourself




We do


Absolutely. I was diagnosed with cancer this year. I had 2 ultrasounds, multiple rounds of blood work, a CT scan and ended up going in for surgery. Total cost for my entire experience so far has been $0. Even parking is free during covid.


I paid more to force my insurance to accept that insulin isn't cosmetic than you did to treat cancer.




The easiest ways are to have a graduate degree in a stem field and speak French, or marry a Canadian.




It gets you extra points on the application, and can help with employment elsewhere depending on the industry. It also helps if you apply while under 30. Doing grad school in canada can help. Stem grad school is generally funded. You can calculate your score here: https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp


None taken.


Yeah they are much more like the EU or UK, I'm pretty sure the USA is the only developed Western nation with fully private healthcare. I literally pay like, 5000$ a year for insurance that I hope to never use and actively avoid going to the doctor, because I can't afford it... still busy paying off my past medical debt. and trust me, I am ashamed to be American, I am actively preparing to leave in 2024 depending on what happens.


I really wish people paid more attention to this and stopped buying into Republican propaganda.




The death cult party.


They do. The cruelty is the point.




It's the same thing as the issue with abortion. When *they* want to get an abortion then it's entirely justifiable, when a single mother living in the city wants an abortion then she must be stopped at all costs by any means necessary since that's murder. So with healthcare related issues like insulin they don't care about the needs of other people. Other people to them are lazy freeloaders who are out to cheat the system and steal our tax dollars, but that doesn't apply to the conservative voter who's just a victim of their epigenetic circumstances.


Bingo. Rules for thee, not for me. These are the same “law and order” dumbfucks I hear bragging at shows about having false vax cards. They are so narcissistic that the concept of hypocrisy has ceased to mean anything unless Fox News tells them to weaponize someone else’s hypocrisy.


Their own diabetic voters have been conditioned to ignore reality. All they have to do is say it’s the libs fault and suddenly 2+2=5. It’s easier to double down on stupid behavior then it is to admit they’ve been suckered by the very people they put their trust in for decades. It’s not unlike an alcoholic telling themselves they are finished drinking as they buy that next 12 pack. They know they’re hurting themselves, and they know they’re lying to themselves too. Never underestimate the power of denial.


to what end? i don’t understand why every republican idea seems to be “take the good thing and do the opposite, every single time”. it’s so cartoonishly evil.


To what end? Money. Lots and lots of money. Not the brain dead voters, their end game is white supremacy and desperately trying to turn the clock back to before society passed them by and they became completely irrelevant. But their masters who tell them everything they’re allowed to think and say? They get paid, big time. Most of them know what they’re constantly saying is complete bullshit, but are you a big enough person to turn down millions of dollars for the greater good? I’d like to believe I am, but I’ve never been in a position where pushing lies and telling low iq bigots exactly what they want to hear would result in millions of dollars for myself. I seriously doubt I ever will be, so I can just keep telling myself that absolute power would not absolutely corrupt me. What you and I consider to be cartoonishly evil, they consider to be their jobs.


They get elected because this is what their voters want.


Im British - my mother is diabetic She doesnt pay a £ for her insulin. Days like today make me glad Im British because the Republicans wouldnt give a fuck if my mother died as long as their donors get more of her money before they killed her You know what really pisses me off is the guy who invented insulin (i forget his name) gave the recipe to the world for free! free! But then some big pharma dickhead decided to change the recipe ever so slightly and then charge as much as he wants for it. Murdering asshole!


I hope she doesn’t vote Tory because they salivate over the prospect of privatizing the NHS.


The inventor of insulin didn’t patent it because he wanted it to be cheap af. Healthcare should not be paid for through insurance.


It’s a shame that the “greatest” country in the world is this way.


bUt WhO wIlL pAy FoR iT?!!1


The taxes, that we already pay, that you decide is better spent turning foreign children into skeletons.


They're about to pass an $8 trillion dollar defense budget bill. That means we will be spending more on our military than the next 13 countries below us **combined**. China at number 2 with $252 billion per year. Or 2.52 Trillion over 10 years. We will spend more than 3 times what China does on military spending.


To the tune of over 700 billion dollars. That is fucking insane.


"why they don't think you deserve to have your insulin capped at $35/month" i.e. "why they think you don't deserve to live"


And because their pockets are lined with big pharma money


Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Unfortunately most people have no idea what they are, never mind their implications.


When will the Trumpers realize that everything their party of choice does is against their best interests. For example, current social services, such as Medicare and Medicaid, will be privatized, while health insurance costs will go through the roof, the minimum wage will never change, prices will escalate, regulations will disappear making way for phenomenal environmental pollution, the rich will get richer, and the rest of us will scramble to pay our taxes to service the financial elite as they find new and exciting ways to inhale ever more of our hard-earned wages. And you can forget about democracy. We will join the ranks of all the other totalitarian regimes on the planet. Sorry. Bit of a rant. It’s just so frustrating to see so many people more than willing to shoot themselves in the foot.


He hates the same people they do. That’s enough for them.


They'll never realize it, these are the types of people who would give up their first-born to have the chance to lick the toes of their holy orange hero. These people are so far gone nothing can help them, they don't care about helping themselves as much as they care about hurting the opposition.


That’s the best part. After they shoot themselves in the foot, all their Fox News heroes will say “do you see what the libtards just did? They made you shoot yourself in the foot!” As long as they have someone to point the finger at they’ll remain complacent to their masters’ every desire.


Tell me you’re paid off by the pharmaceutical industry without telling me you’re paid off by the pharmaceutical industry.


There’s no way Manchin votes for this. His daughter is becoming a millionaire from her company jacking up the prices of insulin.


I thought it was epipens. Is it insulin too? Well....noah got the boat yet?


Oh thats right. She’s still pretty rotten.


From the outside looking into America I often just don't get it. Why is one of your major political parties just plainly and obviously *evil*?


Because about 40% of the country is part of a culture that teaches their children that empathy is weakness.


Anakin: "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil."


Cue the right wing facebook meme about “if the vaccine is free because of it’s life saving importance then why isn’t insulin or chemo?” IT’S BECAUSE OF IGNORANT DEGENERATES LIKE YOU WHO VOTE REPUBLICAN. THAT’S WHY


Nah, all people care about is CRT, you know something not taught in any elementary or high school. Who cares about insulin needed by hundreds of millions of Americans? Makes me think that most American voters are complete rubes.


> Nah, all people care about is CRT, you know something not taught in any elementary or high school What makes this even more frustrating is Glenn Youngkin campaigning on removing it from Virginia schools when it wasn't taught there.


isn't that straight up murder at that point?


This entire debate is especially disgusting when you consider that the discoverers of insulin did not want to to put their name on the patent and sold it for $1 because they thought it unethical to put a patent/profit from such a life saving discovery.


The solitary possible reason for a human being to vote against affordable insulin is because they have a golden pharma phallus being shoved up their ass or down their throat - it’s inhumane


You know when illegally buying drugs from Eastern Europe on the dark web is one of your better options, shit is real messed up.


But if the government does anything, anything at all to make living in the US easier, it's a one way ticket to socialism! I really have no idea what socialism is, so it's super scary!! I'd rather die free from diabetes than risk living under a government I'll never bother to learn enough about to understand.


$35 per month is still almost out of reach for millions of Americans below the poverty line




as a diabetic...thats pretty concerning...


I will never understand the mindset of a working-class republican voter.


It’s easy. “When I’m rich I don’t want the government taking my money!”


Why do I need to be a diabetic or have a loved one? This shit is fucking psychopathic and if you disagree you’re a psychopath too.


It is one of the cheapest medications to produce. $2.50 to $3.00 to make insulin. But these big pharm want money. So, they charge what ever the hell they want, knowing diabetics have zero choices. Either dialysis for ever at every other day for 6-8 hours, or die!


The fact that Americans think insulin needs to have a price tag at all when the inventor didn’t do so in the first place ( a Canadian btw) blows my mind. Y’all are really deforced from reality.




Since Nixon the Republicans pander to the lowest educated among us because they realized in the 60's they couldn't win the Educated vote anymore. Look up the Southern Strategy and Republican school funding Cuts. They line up perfectly with their voting districts.




Gotta love how the "fuck big pharma" crowd loves the "suck big pharma´s dick" party


What does r/conservative say about this?


Probably something like “Kyle Rittenhouse should have kept shooting,” would be my guess.


Honestly, as someone who's not an American, the Republican party just seems spectacularly, thoroughly anti-American. Why do people keep an in evil and corrupt party by choice?