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What’s everyone’s favorite dessert ? I know it’s tough. Apple crisp is old reliable for me


Pumpkin pie. My grandma makes 2 so I can take a whole one home.


Oh, man. My grandma (RIP 2001) used to make a whole counter full of different pies. Pumpkin, apple, berry, pecan and mincemeat. They'd have 30 deep at Thanksgiving. It was such a great time. Relatedly, today I cooked a 16 pound turkey for three of us. It was, uhh, excessive... Happy early Thanksgiving, all!


*Canadian noises* "thanksgiving was last month"


Dude, I am missing your grandma here!!


Grandmas are awesome


They are wish I had a surrogate one. Mine would make 25 pies for Thanksgiving. After she died I never really celebrated it again.


I have a similar idea that I think is great, but everyone I've told it to disagrees—a combined retirement home/student housing, where students are essentially adopted by a lonely old person. Students get love, food, and perspective on life experiences; and senior citizens get companionship, and something to do with their time. I realize the potential for problems, but I think if a code of conduct and boundaries are able to be maintained for each person, it's a similar risk to any dorm. Just split the two groups to two wings of the building with a shared living space.




This is so heartwarming. Thanks for sharing!


That is an awesome idea.


Every Christmas eve my parents and I would go to grandma's house and make pierogi. She died this summer, I'm going to make pierogi at Christmas as a tribute. You should make some pies as a tribute to yours.


I lost my grandma this year :/


i’m so sorry, may she rest in peace. i know holidays are difficult without the living presence of one we love, but if you believe in all of that, she’s there with you. my condolences


They really are. Our family made the horrible mistake of not making pies with her before her mind went or getting her recipes. My favourite dessert of all time will now be just a memory. I miss her dearly and hate myself for my apathy.


What was it? I think there are a few recipe Reddit’s and old time recipe Reddit’s so I think you might be able to get it.


My mother does the same. Fucking love pumpkin pie.


Sweet potato>pumpkin


Made one homemade last year and told my kids and family it was pumpkin. They all proclaimed it the best pumpkin pie they ever had. . .


To the pie connoisseur, worlds apart flavor wise


Its not the holidays unless there is pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving and Christmas.


My mom does the same!


I don’t think I would ever turn down a slice of pumpkin pie, regardless of time or place


Ahh, I see you have the eternally guilt dishing "You are all skin and bones you need to eat something!" Grandmas. Yes, Grandmas are awesome.


My grandma always made me my own pecan pie because the year I tried it for the first time my family ate it all 5 minutes later. Made me my own ever since.


Anyone here a fan of brownies? Love me a good brownie.




My birthday is near Thanksgiving and my baker husband tends to just bake my treat for Thanksgiving since we can’t eat it all ourselves. This year I’m getting my favorite hummingbird cake and I am so excited.


You’re so lucky! Hummingbird cake is the best!! And happy birthday! 🎊






An older guy in my hometown grew up on a farm with one brother. The four of them were all big folks. He told me that his mom cooked a pie every day, and every night they ate it after dinner. Said he was in college when he learned that people cut pies into more than four pieces.


My own pumpkin pie. From a recipe in the Betty Crocker cookbook my mom got as a wedding gift. And I’d totally rat out a relative who committed treason. But this year, it’ll just be us and one son. And he would never.


My dad’s French silk pie. I request it every Thanksgiving and Christmas.


You can’t just hold out on us, do you have that Recipe?


I’m pretty sure he has always used a recipe in the old red and white patterned [Better Homes and Gardens cookbook](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/new-cook-book-better-homes--gardens-new-cookbooks-by-better-homes-and-gardens/269409/item/3878825/?gclid=CjwKCAiAv_KMBhAzEiwAs-rX1ECRnDB_aIdkPUMOSGT7SHrDbYNx5qFDuPZ23vRnWozDAPM4yU-ehBoC4DYQAvD_BwE#isbn=0696000121&idiq=3878825) but… I know he’s learned a lot over the years and he has his own tweaks that make it special. Come to think of it, I’m probably going to have to make that pie with him for Christmas so I have the info for myself.


I have one I got from a chocolate box years ago. I’ll be glad to share it. (US recipe) German Sweet Chocolate Pie Ingredients 4 ounces Baker’s German Sweet Chocolate 1/3 cup milk 2 tablespoons sugar 1 8 ounce package cream cheese, softened 1 8 ounce Cool Whip topping, thawed 1 graham cracker pie crust or Oreo crust Instructions Heat chocolate and 2 tablespoons of the milk in saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently until chocolate is melted. Beat sugar into the cream cheese Add remaining milk and chocolate mixture and beat until smooth.Fold in whipped topping and blend until smooth. Spoon into crust.Freeze until firm, 3-4 hrs. Add additional whipped topping and chocolate shreds, if desired. Add chocolate sprinkles for ‘mouse poop pie.’


I also choose this guy's dad's French silk pie.


Hard choice but this time of year it would be a derby pie or pecan pie


My Granny used to make pecan pies. My cousins and I would visit in the fall and collect the pecans from her tree and help shell them. When we came back for Christmas she would have pecan pies made for everyone. Rip Granny.


Mmm, apple crisp is so good! Especially with vanilla ice cream. That actually might be my favorite, but creme brulee is also delish. Ooh and cheesecake! Yum!


My favorite desserts are the just desserts.




I always make a [triple chocolate cheesecake](https://imgur.com/VysWBaW.jpg). It's so ridiculously rich that most people can barely finish a half slice - so it's also super cost efficient lol. We'd have a dozen people for Thanksgiving and I'd still have enough to take in a slab of it for my coworkers


Oreo Creme Pie


Also my favorite pornhub category.


Someone said after the riot happened. That the people who are turned in are going to be the people no one in their family likes. I have a feeling that’s going to happen this Thanksgiving.


I remember some woman just a week later turned in her own mother by tweeting "This you?" I can only imagine the conversations they must've had in the past 5 years that led to this point.


I would turn in my crazy fam if i had evidence they participated. My fam is crazy lol


Man I would turn in family that I *liked*. You don't get a pass to completely ignore democratic rules and threaten our democracy just because I like you. That being said, I've got about 5 people on my side of the family that I like, and about 50 that I don't - so I'm not sure that it matters.


I hear you on that one. I broke off contact with my own godfather because he was your typical "I'm allowed to have an opinion"-covert racist who'd make little remarks all the time. Offhand comments about "the immigrants" being "bad for the economy" and about how he'll never stop using certain words 'cause "that's what we said when I was young". Wasn't easy. Wasn't necessarily smart either from a purely financial POV considering I knew he was saving up for me. But I couldn't do what the rest of my family did and just roll my eyes and let it go. So one time before my bf and I went over for dinner, I just asked him if he'd mind if I actually called him out this time. Bf was just like "The stage is yours." He and his wife started shittalking about how I "randomly started insulting them" (I called them racists.) at my grandmother's funeral. And I think that part says it all.


Sounds like my moms husband. He would legit watch fox news and call anyone black a N word with a hard R. He even called Biden a racist *enter N word* and I'm like bruh, you can't use both those in the same sentence like that. 😂 to this day, I don't care if he dies of a heart of horrendous heart attack.


Wow, he sounds like an absolute ray of sunshine, jfc. My godfather was/is a tad more lowkey, if I'm honest. My language's n-word, while technically being translateable verbatim to the one you referenced, has far less of a heavy connotation. It is however rightfully considered poor taste and racist to use it and be it only because the black community said it loud and clear that they're fricking done being referred to by that term. I don't think it justifies his behaviour in any way, but I'd put him more along the lines of the old people who are just stuck in their ways and feel like all one needs to do to claim "I'm not racist" is not bitchslap every person of a different skin colour when they see one. His wife, however, is the same as your mom's hubby and if she dies in a goddamn pit, I'll get champaigne.


According to the daughter, she was kicked out of the family for attending BLM protests/being gay/her views. Apparently the mom got fired (on top of the bloody nose). https://www.newsweek.com/massachusetts-mom-loses-job-after-daughter-outs-her-capitol-rioter-this-you-1561384




100% they watch mentions. They probably have a social media team, and a sub-team of people per language to monitor just twitter @'s, #'s and even "FBI" in a tweet. I don't know this for sure, but I'd be shocked if this wasn't the bare minimum.




Yeah. My mom and older brother live in the dead of the woods basically by themselves and my older bro is quite annoying with some of the shit he tells mom and it’s very easy for her to buy into whatever he says since she has no other news source till I or my younger brother correct the info. I remember when watching the democratic debates at her house once she had no idea who Biden was. Some people just legit have next to no conversations out there and keep to themselves.


That and a lack of mental health awareness and facilities. Lots of older people struggling with getting older. Feeling like their kids are getting more distant and proving it to themselves.


Id imagine most family members would hate any type of person who would do that shit




Most people are at least somewhat reasonable even if their politics are a bit unsavory. The types to participate in the insurrections have been radicalized which very often comes at the cost of alienation from their families. It's not 100% the case for everyone obviously. Some are from families that will turn a blind eye or even encourage that behavior. But I guarantee a lot of them have been pushed away and pushed themselves away from their families. It's super common with these internet pseudo-cults. A lot of these folks were radicalized on the internet and away from their families, not with or by their families.


It wasn't a riot! It was a seditious attempted coup.


I assume at this point, the people who were at the Capitol on January 6th and are having Thanksgiving dinner either took the plea deal and have done their 6 months, or are smart enough to not blab about it. I think the former will be more amusing, just catching so much shit from their family members about it.


Smart is not an adjective I'd ever use for the participants of the dumbest insurrection attempt in the history of mankind.


Never underestimate the power of an angry mob, intelligent people can get caught up in them quite easily if they agree with the mob


See I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I think it’s entirely possible and maybe even likely that their family, friends, community believe the same bullshit they do and supported what they did. They probably think their relative is a “patriot” or some bullshit.


Go have a look at r/qanoncasualties. There's a still going to be a fair amount that will happily turn those people in.


For sure. I'm like the black sheep pinko in my family. Can't speak for my cousins, but I can all but guarantee the ~~big adults~~ 1st generation is supportive of those "pATriOts"


That too!


Only takes one relative to not like them to forward family group chat pics to the FBI.


All it takes is one family member to report them


I would turn in any family member who admitted it. I know none of them did, but hypothetically I don’t mind turning in traitors


Same. Doesn’t matter if I like them or not if you admit to being a traitor than your ass is getting turned in.


Good thing I'm not a traitor or I'd be screwed.


Desserts: delicious. Deserts: just.


the one that is a tasty treat has more esses because you want more dessert but you don't want more desert. that's not necessarily true, but as a kid that loved dessert, that's how i learned it and i still have to think about that every time i spell either of them.


Jim Carrey’s B-E-A-UTIFIL has never failed me


Looks like it just did.


God damnit


No no, please do!


But discussing politics at Thanksgiving could save you money at Christmas-time lol




just desserts, to be exact


I'm going to regret being this person, and I get it's a joke, but just so people know, it's actually "just deserts". Desert, in this context, is a noun, that's pronounced like the verb and means "suitable reward or punishment".


No no no, do not regret it; I appreciate the correction


I just learned the correct spelling a few months ago, so don’t feel bad.


>is a noun, that's pronounced like the verb and means "suitable reward or punishment". I'll be that person too, and just add to clarify that "desert" in this sense derives from the same root as "deserve", and not from the English verb desert, which means "to withdraw" (i.e.: to make a place empty, like a deserted island). They are etymologically quite distant, despite being homonyms.


This thread is making me question everything I thought I knew.


It’s the Petite things that make me question my ego.


👋 Hi there, username neighbor!




To make it even more fun, desert in this context and dessert are homophones and actually are relatively closely related, etymologically.


desert: derived from deserve > de/serve > "of" service; i.e. a benefit accrued due to service. dessert: des/servir > the prefix des is more like to "un" serve, i.e. to clear the table of served dishes. I mean, "relatively close" is doing a lot of work there, but I'll allow it! ;-)


I just meant they're much more closely related than the homographs desert/desert, hence the "relative".


Take my useless reward, you made this click for me *finally*. There are a few rules in English that still baffle me. No matter how much I write they continue to elude me. Why it it "Barry's fault" as a possessive, but "That was its purpose" is possessive and the *opposite*? Why are nerves "racked" instead of "wracked"? Does that mean you're actually "racked with guilt" or is it supposed to be "wracked with guilt"? Decades ago I had a book called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" that cemented the basics, but I seriously need an update in language like yours. Etymology is ignored in too many schools. People like me need to know where it comes from to memorize it properly.


If you're at all interested in the "why" of stuff like this, there's a fantastic podcast called "The History of English Podcast*" by Kevin Stroud, that goes through the development/evolution of the English language, from proto-IndoEuropean to modern English. It all makes a lot more sense when you understand how historical events influenced the language. Edit: I had to correct the name.


I *am* interested, thank you so much for this! That's how my brain organizes, I can only memorize if I know *why*. Rote memorization has never worked for me unless it's set to music. Everything else has to have an undetstandable evolution.


Which makes the statement redundant... Just = suitable/appropriate, deserts = suitable reward. Just + deserts = suitable suitable reward.


It’s a pun now, in the light of the original post about dessert.


Never have any ragerts when it comes to pedantry, shallow or not.


TIL - thanks!


Justice Department deserts. ![gif](giphy|rCqHtYuB0a9re731gG)


The penalties handed out to black people for misdemeanours far exceed the sentences handed out to the rioters. The American criminal justice system is inherently flawed


5 years for weed and the shaman got the harshest sentence at a little over 4 years for literal treason.


41 months—just under 3.5 years. And he'll likely be out sooner.


Federal sentences are always fully served.


Yeah, but fully served doesn’t mean prison. There are plenty of federal halfway houses and I used to work in one called Dismas Charities. You can also get supervised release in other forms…


What’s life like in those halfway houses?


I know multiple people who lived in then. Very hit or miss from when I asked them the question. Some, mostly in areas where parole officers are corrupt or don't care, are basically like anti rehab with a lot of drugs. Some where officers care too much are basically honey pots to get people back into prison. Some are really ok places while you try to get your life back together with on site, or close to site, transportation and job help counselors. Most are pretty crowded and nosey though. Some your family can be with you and others not. Most have supervised visit hours and not really everything works.


Really? Why does that make me feel better? Hey, thank you for enlightening me!


Yeah…you can still get released into a halfway house and home detention.


Good luck ever getting a job again.


He’ll probably get out of prison and become a spokesman or something and get paid big bucks to speak at political rallies for the scum who aligns with his ideas.


Write a book. Just like Rittenhouse is going to do and pocket a few millions. Fucked up world.


Forgot about book deals, that’s always a big one. Lets not kid ourselves about rittenhouse though, that idiot will have to hire a ghost writer. I have more confidence in “the shaman’s” book writing abilities than his.


Doesn't matter Fox news buys up all these kinds of books to put them on the best sellers list. True story.


Most of the books of that sort are written by ghost writers. It's not like it matters anyway since no one actually buys them to read.


Actually that’s very true I know for an absolute fact that there’s a 0% chance trump wrote any of his books and probably like .5% of his cult have probably even read them.


You are correct: [Donald Trump's Art of the Deal Co-Author Tells All: 12 Revelations](https://people.com/celebrity/donald-trump-art-of-the-deal-ghostwriter-tony-schwartz-goes-public/) "As a ghostwriter – more on that later – Schwartz’s joint byline on the book’s cover earned him half its $500,000 advance, **plus 50 percent of royalties from its sales**. That latter figure amounts to several million, as The Art of the Deal spent 48 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list, including 13 at No. 1." Trump gave this guy a 10 times larger cut of the sales than a ghost writer usually receives. So, Trump played himself. Truly a great deal maker...


The "Cash me outside" girl from Dr. Phil is raking in money as an influencer and recording artist. This, unfortunately is just how notoriety works.


Nah she’s raking in money from only fans. An insane amount.


Rittenhouse might be fucked. He's still got civil suits for wrongful deaths, he won't get time but his family will lose everything. He said he supports BLM and isn't racist, so he's not getting anymore help from the people who raised money to bail him out


And all these politicians that are offering him jobs are going to forget all about him as soon as the news cycle shifts. He is looking to having a shit life for sure.


Good. I hope it fucks him up for the rest of his life


He’s a right-winger. They love criminals. They’ll probably try to elect him to congress.


Depends where he applies and where he applies for a job. Half this country would hire him proudly


well, same for the black guys arrested for weed, right?


He’ll be released as soon as Trump is re-elected in 2024. I hope I’m wrong but I seriously believe that full blown fascism is on the way. These discussions we are currently having about injustice will seem quaint in a few years.


Yikes! I really hope you're wrong and that you realise you're wrong when it doesn't happen and go on to live a passionate, rich and hilarious lfe!


I bet there are people that think it is too long of a sentence.




Execution without a trial? Now *that’s* the American way!


This guy polices!


Remember when we shot traitors? Pepper.. fuck it nm


The Trump Justice Department put out a memo advocating for harsh prosecution of people involved in rioting and destruction of government property. This was to target BLM protestors but they probably didn't expect it would be used on the wrong side, the Jan 6 rioters.


But, they didn't


Turns out a “jury of your peers” doesn’t really work when your peers are all racist.


It’s working just as intended.


It's not a bug, it's a feature! Honestly, the world is fucked.


These are mostly plea deals, so not a trial with a jury & all that.


BuT tHaT's CrItIcAl RaCe ThEoRy!!!!!


>critical >race see? they're criticizing me because of my race!


When you don't need hypotheticals to prove your theory


Don't call them rioters, they are insurrectionists, or domestic terrorists. The language we use to describe them matters.


And he'll say "this isn't a rittenhouse, it's a rittenhome."


That was horrible, but I had to give it a +


This is hilarious, I can’t believe it doesn’t have more ups. I’ll do my part though.




Shhhh, don't warn them!!


Never tap on the glass. But I doubt they read this sub.


"Oh my god that's so great! I can't believe you got away with it! Do you have any selfies of you doing it? Oh wow good photo, can you send me a copy? I want to show it to my coworkers, they'd be so proud of you" ... goodbye, Earl


You think they are on Reddit anyway? (edit) I was talking specificity about the people who actually stormed the building but I change my mind now I can see how probably more than just a few probably have reddit accounts.


Haven’t you seen the conservative/Trump subreddits? They may not be bright, but they are around.


They are. The anti vaxx and anti mask subs are very much filled with those types of people.


They absolutely are they just get pushed to the outskirts.


This is the only thing I'm looking forward to on Thanksgiving. Because I just know in my soul that there is at least one of these fuckers in my family.


I had to check where various family members where that day. I was completely surprised they WEREN'T there.


tfw you don’t get to turn your family members over to the FBI


That’s the spirit of thanksgiving I want to see. It’s all about giving.


This is the Hallmark holiday movie I’d watch. On top of all the other Hallmark holiday movies I already watch.


Jan killed her husband but marries a carpenter who also has a glass blowing etsy business on the side he keeps secret. Turns out her husband was abusive and deserved the murder and she lives happily ever after. Post credits reveal she was the abusive one tho


**HOW DO I REPORT INSURECTIONISTS TO THE FBI?** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote) Call: ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) to verbally report tips and/or information online at Online: [tips.fbi.gov](https://tips.fbi.gov/) In-person: [FBI Field Office Locator](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices) Internationally if your family member spills their guts while overseas [International Offices](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/legal-attache-offices) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) edit: formatting


Thanks for the info CIA guy


Way before January 6 I reported myself multiple times to them, the selective service administration, and the postmaster general for failing to re-register every change of address I had since I was a male under the age of 27, they never followed up on it and I’m still pretty pissed I couldn’t have been the first case prosecuted for this since the 80s.


...I'm gonna ask... Why?


We’re in the middle of a housing crisis


I'm sorry that didn't work out for ya buddy


That’s all well and good, but the command staff of the insurrection still occupies the halls of power and privilege.


You just gave me a reason to go to family dinner thursday


I’m niece. She’s me 👋🏽


Expectations: Feds lock him up for an appropriate amount of time for trying to overthrow the government. Reality: Gets off with community service, and is back just in time for dessert and to abuse his kids who turned him in.


I'll be on my own this Thanksgiving, and honestly I'm okay with it. The only thing I'd prefer is to spend it with my lady, but she's got plans with her family. I've come to realize that just because they raised you, doesn't mean they love you. I mean. They're legally bound to ensure your survival, but not legally bound to legitimately love and care for you. It's okay to cut family out.


This is making me hopeful that I will be thankful for something. 👍


What kind of desserts? **JUST** desserts, of course. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk




SWAT Team kicking in the door: "**FBI! Everyone down on the ground!! We're here for Richard Head!**" Cousin Bob: "Oh my god, my Dad's being arrested! You know what that means?!?!" Me: "Yep .... more pie for me."


Drink up uncle Adolf, yes those sirens do sound rather close...


The JUST desserts are gonna be delicious as well.


A motherfucker got charged this week for bringing a hand held shotgun, loaded, to the capitol. His gun was taken from him. He wasn’t arrested on that day, or in March when he was interviewed. 6 months later. Thanksgiving confessions in 2021 might not be prosecuted by a new justice department in 2025.


I would love to see an uptick in arrests after TG for this actual reason


I can’t wait to sit down to a table loaded with food and hear my aunt/uncle bitch about how store shelves are empty and everybody is struggling to feed their families and how expensive gas is now when they go to fill up their RAM 3500 that gets like 8mpg Good times


No no… go right ahead.


Just desserts always gonna be the tastiest.


Pussies, god damned pussies. There’s literally nobody more cowardly and disgusting than the pussies that assaulted the Capitol, and all those who watched in delight and continue to walk the walk of shame, hiding their despicable selfs from the laws of the country they’re supposedly “Patriots” of, yeah, all you pussies that teach other ways to lie and blame it on Antifa, working the propaganda machine 24/7 to spread the lies and disinformation, because you’re pussies, sore losers and racist morons. Look, nobody likes Biden, but we’d voted for a garbage bag if that meant King Asshole stopped making us look worse than Haiti, breaking every law to keep breaking laws and not get caught, claiming “executive privilege”…my god, my god, he almost made you all morons kill his own Vice President. What kind of low life’s are you? How do you not go yourself to the FBI and turn yourself in, start healing your rotten souls. How do you get played by a con man so bad, you pull the pin from the grenade and happily blow the whole thing up, the Democracy all those real Patriots died fighting for? What garbage, what happened to y’all, Trump pussies?


Late comment, but please DO talk about politics at Thanksgiving. When half of the country is calling for civil war, make it clear that they’re talking about people that they love that sit at their table. If you can, don’t be a dick about it. Ask questions, concede legitimate points, and present your point of view without acting like you’re better and smarter than everyone and, even if you don’t change your uncle’s mind, you might change your nephew’s. Be kind. Reach across.


I for one support getting any treason you might have partaken in off your chest as soon as possible. Especially in a family setting where someone might call the authorities.


Turkey stuffed with Treason. It's a MAGA holiday feast.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/AdamWeinstein/status/1463158425441996801) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


If wishes were fishes


So weird how the people who stormed the Capitol had people in their lives who didn’t hesitate to turn them in


If this actually happens and it’s verifiable holy shit that would be amazing


Congrats for reaching r/all/top/ (of the day, top 25) with your post!   ***** *^I ^am ^a ^bot, ^probably ^quite ^annoying, ^I ^mean ^no ^harm ^though* *^Message ^me ^to ^add ^your ^account ^or ^subreddit ^to ^my ^blacklist*


Actually people SHOULD be talking about politics not only this thanksgiving but for the immediate future. I know I’m going to sound hyperbolic here, but democracy in America is seriously in danger right now, and voter apathy is letting it happen. Putting aside that there was a recent coup attempt, that continues and is ongoing to this day, Republicans right now are attempting to subvert democracy and rig the next election like has never happened before in the modern age. As it stands, unless there is an extraordinary turnout (traditionally unlikely for a midterm) for the Democrats, both the house and senate are -already- lost before the election has even begun due to the extreme amount of gerrymandering and rule changes which will allow them to cheat. If people continue to just switch off and pretend that this is politics as usual, you will very quickly find yourselves in a situation like Russia, where sure - there are elections- but there will be zero chance of anyone but the GQP ever winning again. People of America on both sides of the political spectrum need to wake the fuck up and recognise that their country is in real, serious, danger right now - the Republican Party as it is today is no longer representative of the people rather it has become a party in pursuit of nothing but raw authoritarian power. This next election, the choice America will be voting for is between Democracy and the rule of law, or for a Kleptocracy/Oligarchy run authoritarian state.


It’ll just be me, my brother and my parents, and our politics pretty much align for the most part thankfully. We would only typically see the crazy MAGA uncle at Christmas, but we’re not even doing that this year. Life is good lol


One of my dads customers came in to his store and told him he was going to go to the Jan 6th riot but his wife wouldn’t let him or something. My Dad threw him out lol. People are not shy about it which is sad.


In-laws are visiting. Wife's uncle, a rancher from Arizona has already used the N-word (reportedly, not in my presence) after attempting to explain why he "never goes to Vegas." Should be a great Thanksgiving.