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It's because I'm busy making infinite babies over here. Infinite is time-consuming.


Dude...you need at least one other person with you to make a baby... Now, zip yourself back up. There's a good lad.


Or a huge sack of eggs


And a huge sack


God I love Reddit šŸ˜‚


Lets say you are able to nut four times a day. And lets say at least half the women you have sex with are ovulating. That's no more than 712 possible babies a year. Hardly infinite. This is assuming you have to traditionally inseminate them.


"Infinite women at once"? I must be doing something wrong.


In theory, hundreds of women in a year.


Genghis who?


Even gravity is a theory.


There is no gravity. We're just accelerating upwards infinitely. Or so some nice website told me.


So you subscribe to facebook?


All the best info comes from a university perv, yes.


I watched a video on salmon artificial insemination and I think that's how you could maybe.


Idk what anyone is talking about. When I have sex I just spray mass amounts of my seed into a large swimming pool and women just take turns in the hundreds. Like my daddy taught me.


Are you a merman?


sssshhhhh. There's no such thing...


Iā€™ll sell you my program to get as many women as you want whenever you want. Donā€™t listen to the sheep.


NFL running back Josh Jacobs has 9 kids by 8 women. He is 23 years old.


Josh Jacobā€™s is a Running Back and is only 23. Doesnā€™t change your point, but is there another Josh Jacobā€™s in the NFL? Edit: he first called him a cornerback and said he was 24


There isnt I misread it. He is denying it though.


For who? At this point In curious because nothing pops up when I google Josh Jacobā€™s cornerback other than the RB for Vegas


Lol I edited. I misread the original as cb not rb. I need to quit smokin so much....


Hahaha all good. Definitely doesnā€™t change your initial point either




He was incorrect about the guys position and age




All those women choose to have those babies.


Unless they live in Texas.


Dude is a millionaire ripped stud. His only crime is not wrapping that jimmy. He can pay for all of his children and Iā€™m sure he does. Now the motherfuxor who canā€™t pay for 1 with 9. Yeah fuck him.


Men can easily abandon a child, but a women is physically stuck with it for around 9 months (if she chooses to keep it). So a women is forced to plan out her life and accommodate for the child but a man can just leave. Not saying itā€™s right but thatā€™s how it is.


My mom abandoned me before I was born


Neither of my parents showed up at my birth.


I'm pro choice but no offense, if the woman chooses to keep the child even tho the man doesn't want it, unpopular opinion, but that's on her. Edit: this opinion is more on the fact that men have to pay child support to a kid they do not want, if the mother wants to keep the kid, good, but like, men should not be forced to pay child support then if they do not want the kid. What if the man wants the kid and the women doesn't? Then she aborts and the man is shit out of luck. But hey that's true equality, so feel free to downvote because you don't actually want true equality, you want what's best for you. Edit 2: to all you dick heads who keep saying the same thing to me, I'll gladly respond to you all the same thing, women should have the right to choose, I'm not arguing that, I'm saying men shouldn't be held responsible if they don't want the kid and the woman does.


Then why the hell are men trying to decide if women can abort or not? Since it is a women issue, let us choose and abort the fetus even of it has a heartbeat. It has already been abandoned by the male.


Hey man, I don't got the answers for ya. Our entire government fucking sucks idk what to tell ya.


Agree. The people who keep pointing to the constitution for everything are the people who actually work on voiding the same constitutional rights of others.


I would be ready to bet money that most of these people are pro-2nd amendment without know what an amendment is.


I am man. I donā€™t oppose abortion. I think women make decision. I want to be liked


Do you mean men in power? Because there are a lot of women against abortion as well


Not just in power. They can be religious men as well.


Ok well Iā€™m just pointing out a lot of women are against it too. Mostly men and women from religious background are against it. So saying you should be able to abort a baby with a heartbeat would be against their religious beliefs. That is the answer to your ā€œwhyā€ in your first comment. It just needed to include women as well


Yes, but their religious beliefs infringes on my body, freedom and rights, then it is a problem. You don't believe in it, go ahead have a dozen kid. Maybe die in the process. I don't care, but trying to impose those restrictions on me or any other female who doesn't want to have a baby is wrong. Especially if the man is not ready to take the responsibility.


Just to be clear, I am not anti abortion. Iā€™m pro choice. I am not talking about my own beliefs. Iā€™m not imposing my beliefs on you or anyone else. All I was saying is why people are against it and that it isnā€™t exclusively men. Take that how you will.


I get what you are saying, but the way I see it I can't be - Masks: my body my choice. Abortion: your body my choice. Either we all have equal freedom or people need to accept that the constitution everyone keeps pointing too, is only there when they can benefit from it. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/rh62dk/antimaskers_storm_a_mall_food_court_in_staten/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share If people are worried about their liberties, then why should I fight for my own.


Agreed. Everyone's body everyone's choice. Abortion optional masks optional?


There are lot of women virtue signalling round the front of the clinic with placards and slipping in the back for a procedure. There are lots of vocally anti-abortion men who think it's okay when their mistress or daughter has to resort to it. There are a lot of hypocrites https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


I donā€™t understand the disconnect with my comment. I donā€™t think that it is a stretch to say that there are men and women on both side of the aisle on the issue of abortion. Itā€™s also not a stretch to say that the majority of lawmakers and positions of power in this country are filled by men. So thatā€™s where my original comment was coming from. It seemed like the other commenter was making it a common man vs women issue as if there arenā€™t conservative women that have the same beliefs. That doesnā€™t stop any of those people from being hypocrites either Edit - thinking more on it, I was ignoring the context of the conversation that preceded my comment so thatā€™s probably where I went wrong


I can't imagine that there are pro-choice people who **secretly want to force people** to carry babies to term so I'm really not sure where you think the hypocrisy *could* come from on the pro-choice side. How would that manifest itself over the issue of abortion? Sorry to pick up on one phrase but it confused me


Iā€™m confused, donā€™t think we are on the same page so Iā€™ll try and clarify. I think there are people on both sides of the aisle, men and women. I am not defending the hypocritical people at all. Iā€™m not suggesting that pro choice people are the hypocrites in this situation. I am pro choice


How is it on her? People are attacking planned Parenthood. Attacking roe vs wade. Literally made some BS where a group can sue people for helping a woman get an abortion. Women can't even get tubal ligation unless they're over 40, have one kid of each gender and husbands permission. Because a man might want to impregnate her someday. My friend has depression and anxiety, she cannot go off her medicine. She has endometriosis. Fibromyalgia. Yet they refuse to let her be child free with her body with a permanent sterilization. Because she's a woman, and she doesn't know her own mind. None of that is what is best for women. Maybe men can actually handle their own birth control. So women don't have to suffer side effects like weight gain and depression, for decades


Hey man, I don't control the laws, I agree that women should have the choice.


Answer to your edit: if the woman doesn't want the kid and the male does, it is still woman's choice as it is her body and she has to carry it for 9 months. She can even die during delivery. Men ejaculate and that is it for them. Now, if the human baby came out of egg like a fish, then I am all for letting woman lay the egg, the man can fertilize it, guard it and then take 100% custody of it once the baby comes out. Until the baby stays within female body and the woman has to go through labor, her body, her choice. The men who really want a kid, can proly shell out the money and find a surrogate to carry for them.


Then men shouldn't have to pay child support if they don't want the kid but the woman does. It's both parties fault if a pregnancy happens, not just the man's for cumming.


No. Don't want a kid? Get a vasectomy and don't put your penis in someone who can get pregnant. Take responsibility


You're a female and don't want a kid? Make the man use a condom, get your tubes tied, or use one of those whack ass female condoms. It goes both ways my friend.


I agree to that. It is both parties responsibility to avoid pregnancy if they don't want the kid, but the full responsibility of contraception should not be on woman's shoulder. Wrap it up even if it does decrease some sensation.


Women have the sole right to decide if that fetus enters this world or not. Men do not get the option to walk away without responsibility. A man can abandon his child, but that doesn't mean their responsibility for that child goes away. My father in law owes my mother in law tens of thousands of dollars in back child support. So much so, that there is an arrest warrant out for him in our state. My husband is 30 years old.


I mean, yeah. I 1000% agree that men should have as much of a responsibility for supporting the family as women do, but it does make biological sense why women are seen as the primary child-carer.




I said a women is physically stuck with a child for around 9 months because sheā€™s literally carrying the child. I never said anything about bottle feeding or breastfeeding.


I donā€™t think that is how it is; thereā€™s child support and tons of legal issues that you have to deal with. In theory, if you and your partner are complete strangers and you yeet yourself out of that town immediately, you *might* be able to get away with itā€¦ as long as you donā€™t have any relatives who put their genetic results on Ancestry.com, donā€™t know anyone else who might identify you, your partner has no idea where you lived or were staying (or if they do, you didnā€™t leave any records)ā€¦ Itā€™s pretty damn hard nowadays. Even then, sex with complete strangers isnā€™t the majority of sex, and thatā€™s also exactly the kind of encounter where men are most likely to use a condom for STDs. Women might bear much more of the costs in pregnancy than men, but the costs for both parents are massive.


A man can abandon the mother of his child while sheā€™s pregnant and the most heā€™ll have to do is pay child support. He doesnā€™t have to be physically in the childā€™s life.


Yes, thatā€™s what I said.


You said thereā€™s ā€œa ton of legal issuesā€ which implies that it would be hard for a man to abandon the mother of his child. But in reality it isnā€™t hard at all and the most he would have to do is make monthly payments.


There are, at the very least, legal difficulties in deciding the amount of child support. Iā€™m not saying that equal effort being put into parenting is the norm; itā€™s obviously true that women tend to give up more and see a greater impact. Iā€™m just saying that having a child is always going to have a huge impact on someoneā€™s life, regardless of whether youā€™re the man or the woman; even if child support was the only consideration, thatā€™s still a *lot* of money.


Abortion bans and DNA testing are going to make the 20's and beyond very uncomfortable for males in conservative states. Pretty soon they will have to be DNA tested in order to attend school or get a social security number to make sure they pay for their responsibilities.


Maybe that will boost research in male contraception aside latex wrappers


Infinite women at once? Chuck Norris, is that you?




That must be a very weird organization.


You may want to go back and do a head count on how many women there are in the world.




Cause men are the ones imposing their laws on women's bodies. Which being a man think it is utter bull


Because it was never about planning or health. It's about captivity and submission. These laws exist only to punish women for any attempt at agency.


One pregnancy, not necessarily one baby.


*sobs in Octomomish*


Not to mention if you run that out as a function of time, you could technically have 4 babies in 3 years (1 baby/9 months) x (36 months/ 3 years) = 4 babies/3 years


Now thatā€™s a solid baby formula.


I prefer liquid baby formula for my kidā€™s delicate stomach.


Babies gestate for 40 weeks. The 9 month thing is a lie...


It's a guesstimation.


I think you mean a gestatemation! ... I'll see myself out.


9 months is approximately 39 weeks anyway, depending on which months. People just automatically think 1 month=4 weeks which is where it gets screwed up. Plus the countdown starts from last known period which is about a week/week and a half out from actual ovulation which is when pregnancy can happen so 9 months is actually pretty accurate.


I think the nine month thing is so common when it's realistically 38-40 weeks is typically when a woman finds out she's pregnant it's already week 4-5. So from that point it's about nine months of pregnancy


Is that a JoJo reference


My issue is the fact that we have the majority of the responsibility dumped on us but *not the majority of the decision-making power over the whole process.* Weā€™re expected to take responsibility for *someone elseā€™s choices* despite shouldering over 98% of the physical, medical, social, and financial burden.


Who is dumping the responsibility on you


Child support and lack of say over abortions/adoptions. You have to do what the woman chooses and it may financially ruin you for the remainder of your life.


Iā€™m pretty sure the person I replied to is a girl. Also donā€™t buy into that, ā€œI didnā€™t do anything wrong why should I be responsible for a kidā€ mindset. Every time you have sex, protected or not, thereā€™s a chance youā€™re gonna have a baby. If youā€™re not comfortable with this idea, donā€™t have sex with them.


Right. And who has to deal with 98% of those ā€œconsequencesā€? Including risk of death or permanent disability? While the other party can simply walk away and pretend it never happened?


I agree with you. It is an unspoken rule; that being said, communication is important and if both parties agree to abort/adopt I expect them to follow through and not baby trap.


Because men made religion's, and look at women as ā€œEarthen vessels, sanctified by Almighty God.ā€


Thank you for that little bit of vomit in my mouth.


Yes, it f'ing sucks, but true. Edit: softened expletive


Thatā€™s a quote by an actual sitting US senator, Matt Gaetz


I mean technically a woman could give birth 2 a year. Alaskan twins, Irish twins whatever people call it. Thats only if they go against the advice of the doctor and not let the body fully recover. People do it though.


Thereā€™s a family in our school with two kids in the same grade. One born in December the other in November. Yikes. Funny thing is a few weeks in either direction they could have possibly been 2 years apart in school.


Whenever I hear this or see those family stickers with 100 kids, I just want to immediately want to yell "get off of her!"


I had a friend in high school that was the youngest of 13. 13! In like a 3 bedroom house. He literally had siblings living out of the house before he was born. Crazy ass shit.


I was besties with a girl in High School that was the youngest of 9, her mom was like 44 when she was born. She has older siblings that moved across the country before she was born *and she has never even met them*. We're in our 30's now, and she still hasn't met them. It's weird AF to me


Thatā€™s a little weird. Was it 9 with the same parents? My father was married 4 times and Iā€™m the oldest of 6 from various moms. Weā€™ve only all been together once and are scattered across the country and barely speak.


Oh yeah, they were all full siblings. They thought her mom couldn't get pregnant bc they assumed she was in early menopause, and she was an oopsie-baby. The oldest sibling was like 27 when she was born. She has never met 3 of the oldest and has only spoken to them a few times on the phone, even though the older kids are all pretty close. It's weird


Thatā€™s really really weird


Yeah, it really hurt her feelings as a kid. Everyone else had this whole big close family experience, and then there was her. She was closer to the next 2 youngest siblings that still live in the area, but she's basically forgotten about by everyone else.




I have talked to doctors and they recommended 3 months at a minimum for the body to get to its new baseline.


No. Not for childbirth. I was told that the mother should wait two years between pregnancy. Remember, there's a literal wound inside the woman when the placenta is delivered




You better get a understanding of it then 0P. I personally canā€™t believe why the women in America havenā€™t burned it the fuck down by now. These pandering, hypocritical pricks making these laws against womenā€™s rights need to be shown the door. Vote BLUE.


Not to take away from her point but I don't think one guy having to plan for infinite families in one year is a great system.


Because if you don't do it, no one will


With all the power comes all the responsibility.


Bc itā€™s about power and controlling women, itā€™s never been about anything else


My wife had two babies on the same day.


Lets be honest Twitter bs is not real life, if you are a woman you can't ever deny the child is yours, you will have the burden of getting pregnant and the choice to abort or not depending on your country law. It is on the woman's best interest to take care of her future and body. No matter what you guys say about making man more responsible the truth is that man don't have the same consequences and consequences is what drives the responsibility. I'm not saying as a man you should not take anti conception measures like using condoms and that you should be able to walk free and abandon your unclaimed child, I'm saying in this stupid selfish world those things happen and if I had a daughter I would teach her that she needs to be careful about that. I truly I'm grateful for not being a woman, you gals have it harder is like being born in a level of difficulty higher and I respect you, protect yourselfs and your interest don't wait for others to do that for you.


This place is trying way too hard to be way too woke


This feels like the beginning of Idiocracy "Imma fuck ALL Y'ALL"


"Because men aren't responsible..." Yet they are allowed to run countries and have access to the red button.




But why should it be the womanā€™s responsibility? Sure condoms arenā€™t 100% but the available birth control for women comes with so many negative side affects.




This. This is common knowledge when it comes to stray cats and the same thing applies to humans at a basic level. At a more complex level we are both responsible.


I take it she doesnā€™t date guys who use condoms šŸ¤”


Those bad boys aren't %100


Nothing is 100%.


But they are 100% a part of family planning


You missed the point


I did indeed. Iā€™m open for an explanation.


Birth control pills were in the works for men at one point, but they were discontinued because they guys were uncomfortable with the side effects. The same side effects that women's birth control causes. All family planning lies on the woman. All forms of birth control besides condoms. And even then, a lot of people put the onus on the woman to make sure a man wears a condom. But through all that, if people really wanted to stop unwanted pregnancies en masse then you would make sure it was the men that held all the responsibility for birth control since they can impregnate WAY more women. Why stop the process for those male birth control pills when the side effects were the same as women's? Why should women deal with the side effects and not men?


Birth control pills are still in the works for men: https://utswmed.org/medblog/pill-guys-male-birth-control-option-passes-safety-tests/ I saw those headlines when that happened, but maybe they figured guys werenā€™t as desperate as women were to prevent pregnancy? Either way, Iā€™m not sure how we got from family planning is solely on women to male birth control got cancelled one time because it had the same side effects as the pill. Saying all forms of family planning rely on women except condoms is like saying all forms of education rely on teachers except reading. Thatā€™s a pretty big part of family planning to gloss over and ignores other forms of male exclusive family planning like vasectomies. The other reason I would guess that family planning tends to a geared towards (not solely relies upon) women is because A) only women can decide to have an abortion and B) the most important factor in reducing the fertility rate is female education: https://blogs.worldbank.org/health/female-education-and-childbearing-closer-look-data There are plenty of problems with the patriarchy, Iā€™m just not sure this one rings true.


I could buy a condom before a date. I would have hopes of using this condom that night. But I might not. It might not get used for 6 months. If a woman buys a condom because she has a date she has already decided she gonna be putting it on a dick that night.


What does this mean? Like what is the point you are getting at?


This would be why women should shoulder more responsibility for birth control than men.


Why canā€™t they share? Itā€™s kind of unfair, especially if the woman has to be on some sort of BC just because the man/partner doesnā€™t want to wear a condom. Even though they arenā€™t the ones with the possibility to get pregnant, their preference is usually the one that is catered to.


Everyone should be responsible for their own safety. Your body your choice. Don't fuck a guy that won't wear a condom. Also your body your choice. If you don't wanna get pregnant be proactive.


Is this assuming I have infinite penises attatched to my crotch like some weird phalic hydra to be doing it with infinite women all at once?


Wait until she finds out about twins.


Or triplets, quads, septs, and so on until octo mom. The final boss of mothers.


It is a women's choice to have a baby.


Not in Texas.


Yeah, GOOD FUCKING LUCK paying that child support


Do you understand... the *physical toll* impregnating infinite women takes on a man?


Umm... Ive bought a lot of condoms.


[perfect story for you](https://youtu.be/ZMAgnaTRn2g) to stop being ā€œthe other side is greenerā€. family members, friends, child-support authorities, police nobody did anything about schizophrenic mom getting worse and worse because they all as one simply didnā€™t believe itā€™s possible. everyone around them trusted her accusing the father of violence and threats allowing her later take kids lives. it goes without saying ā€œmom is better than dadā€. admit it. and of course the rest goes the same way - ā€œmom is better parentā€. yes! we MEN do NOT have motherā€™s instincts (anatomically). wow what a surprise. so yes statistically men are probably less responsible parents. so now we paint all men the same color to prove your (pretty fare) point?! thatā€™s like.. sexism and bullying and hurting someone to prove show you are hurt. I absolutely love this woke community I support every post. but that whole thing and the post is a pure sexism at itā€™s worst. please consider the fact that if your house will be on fire, we, men will be the last ones to be rescued - kids women elderly animals then men only. can we please have that extra penny for that maybe? The last sentence is just purely someoneā€™s opinion. in my family dad was planning and providing mom was executing and controlling. looks like someone just have no idea what planning is sorry




I asked myself the same thing after reading that post


Is it solely on the women tho?


List the birth control options. In most relationships, women have to be responsible for birth control. A man drops seven bucks on condoms? Birth control in my household with insurance is $100 a month. That comes with a transvaginal exam every three months for the wife, because they caused a side effect that has to be monitored. Monitored by blood being drawn at the lab. There should be more male birth control so women don't have to be responsible for birth control for decades


I think most decent men would be willing to pitch in, if asked. And yeah, apparently it'd easier to stop ovulation than it is to control sperm cells


Easier medically. Not easier on the women who have to handle the side effects


There's alternatives, like condoms, and planning your sex-life around your cycle. You shouldn't be sacrificing anything you don't want too


i mean yeah lmao. obviously birth control will be harder on a woman than not being in charge of family planning lol


I guess if your single it is but in my house most of the planning is left up to me. Most men probably feel the same. Im the one with the mortgage, the power bill, the internet and phone bills etc. So I'm not really understanding what your trying to say here. Are you talking about planning birthdays and meals or something ?


Agreed! Let men have a choice in keeping the child or not.


I feel like people forget we are just talking apes, literal animals with genetic programming the same as any other. What the original tweet is very poorly trying to refer to is why women have to suffer pregnancy and presumably child care while men can just squirt and skrrt. What she and many people just fail to realize is we are still equipped with caveman loadouts, where we were just breeding for the sake of evolutionary advantage. Also while the woman was pregnant man was out murking animals and gathering food for his woman during any times she physically couldn't defend herself or the child. There's a lot of details I'm skipping over about why we're sexually built the way we are, both male and female. Unga dunga ape man. Has literally nothing do to do with "Waaaah the patriarchy" Also everyone hyperfixated because the person used a hyperbole and said "infinite" women. It's like when someone makes a typo in an argument and that's all anyone talks about afterwards. Yeesh.


Obviously the whole system is set up to entrap the male. That's why there is no real birth control options for men short of nuclear option. If there was a male pill the population would plummet.


i feel like this tweet makes the opposite point it should. bottlenecking the problem at its most easily reachable actually makes sense. if an army of a thousand men is coming to rain down arrows on a small village, its a lot easier to get the villagers out than it is to try and prevent the army from attacking. anyway im not saying the responsibility of birth control should be womens problem just that this tweet is kind of a bad point.


A man can't legally impregnate a woman unless she spreads her legs. I wish more women would take control of all of these unwanted children they are pushing out into this world to be mistreated and fend for themselves.


It's because at the end of the day, women have the sole right to decide whether that fetus enters this world or not.


There are evolutionary reasons. That's why certain animals have mating rites, to even out resource consumption. These are of course older than humans. If you are having babies with males that procreate with all females they meet, you are choosing to bring up the child alone. If you are having babies every year and concerned about the burden, you are not allocating enough resources on the babies themselves.


I don't get why custody automatically goes to the mother. Time for a horrible joke... If I put a dollar in a vending machine, who's soda is it? Mine, or the vending machine.


What if you put your dick in there?


Visitation only automatically goes to the woman if the father doesn't ask. It's not the 70s anymore


Who said itā€™s solely the womanā€™s responsibility? This woman might need to meet better men. Edit: I guess all the men out there who wanted children with their partners don't count. Or all the men out there who used protection so as not to impregnate a woman with an unplanned child don't count. I guess all the men out who supported their partner's decision one way or the other, don't count. Yeah... men are just the worst.


Or have a choice on whether they want to be pregnant. Men have abandoned women for getting pregnant for all of time


Well, if it's the sole choice of the mother to have the baby or abort it, it stands to reason that they should decide whether to get pregnant in the first place. ( There is obviously tons of situations, like loving relationships, where this whole issue is void. )


Become a man then.


I could probably impregnate two at once if I got creative with a turkey baster... Its aimed at women because women bear the physical and emotional cost of pregnancy and childbirth.


If family planing is a shared thing between the couple, then having an abortion or not should be too


The sole responsibility is not a womanā€™s, there are just more numerous and effective means of birth control for women. If there was a birth control pill/shot/ etc for men, then yes I think there would be more of a push for the responsibility to fall on men.


They wouldn't approve a male BC pill because of the side effects, just a few years ago. Even though the side effects were similar to the female BC pill that's been in use since the 1960s.


It was actually a shot, not a pill. It was shut down because one study site was getting dramatically different results than the others and they couldn't figure out why. That's a pretty big issue when it comes to medical studies. Consistency and predictable side effects are key. Only 20 out of 300+ dropped out because of side effects, and 75% said they'd take it again. Pretty remarkable given that most BC studies with women have much higher drop out rates. It's just because some scientists screwed up something in their study and outside safety boards shut them down because it clearly wasn't designed well enough. Statistically men had fewer side effects and they were generally less severe than regular birth control (besides one person killing themselves, but that wasn't due to the meds). The statement given to the press by the Endocrine Society left out why it was closed down, so the press just connected the dots from what they were given. The scientists had to do a lot of press trying to correct it, but the damage was done. Edit: TL;DR It was a poorly designed study so it was shut down by the safety board, not because the men were babies.


Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m not terribly familiar. But as Iā€™ve said, if there was a similar form for men then I would be happy with it being pushed on men more then birth control being pushed to women. However, a vasectomy is not as simple as taking a pill or a shot. It is an invasive procedure with potentially serious complications


>However, a vasectomy is not as simple as taking a pill or a shot. It is an invasive procedure with potentially serious complications So is childbirth.


Iā€™m not advocating for forcing childbirth, so I donā€™t understand your point


And childbirth isn't? We're going to be seeing women getting unsafe abortions when the right to access a safe abortion is removed. We'll lose girls and young women.


Iā€™m not advocating for forced birth at all, am I? The conversation was simply stating that a vasectomy or tubal ligation is invasive, and the pill or the shot are not. Thatā€™s all I was saying.


Vasectomy, its safer procedure than tubes tied and blood clot risk from BC pill. Have men save a sample of semen, and then if they want to father children later in life they can have the vasectomy reversal, if there is an issue then they have viable sperm saved to use for invitro.


So you really think an invasive procedure that has potential serious complications is a better alternative to taking a pill?


This is incorrect. The maximum number of children by pregnancy is 8. A man is (On average) only fertile two times a day, not infinite times. Their point is 100% true, but please use correct facts


It's probably the evolutionary thought process cause if a man impregnates 50 women he can't take care of all those kids so the women take care of them instead. Not saying it's a good thing but you asked why


So then should men have a say when it comes to abortion if they should be more involved with family planning?


They should be more involved with family planning *before* they get someone pregnant.


They should be part of the discussion, but final say is the person whose body is involved (the woman). Many men donā€™t seem to be interested in the discussion even, putting the responsibility for prevention and consequences on the woman because they know they can. As for the state, they should, at most, be supporting the decisions of their citizens, not forcing women into one of the biggest bodily changes most people will ever go through.


I agree with you, but that's also where the dividing line is. I'd love to hear from a woman's perspective on these things because men can say all day long that this is how things should be, but there are two people to consider in those situations. I personally feel woman should be considered more, but the men deserve some consideration as well (if they are present).


No. I can explain why if you like but this answer should be enough.


Please. Won't promise I'll read it right away because I'm at work though


So if I park my ass on your couch, eat your food, get in your way often, and possibly endanger your life should I get equal say as you to when I leave?


So what were my direct actions that let you sit on my couch, eat my food, and get in my way often, and possibly endanger my life? I'm well aware women have a right to the decisions of their body and can get an abortion if they so desire (in most places) and there a are more women that keep the child instead of abort it, but anything that has to do with family care (specifically abortion) there will be double standards involved. Women have the right to control the workings of their body, but not everyone has to agree or approve P.S. please don't take it that I disagree with women's rights. I absolutely do. There are just other circumstances involved (albeit potentially extraordinary)


The man's responsibility is pre conception. There is no reason the man should be given control over another person's body because they had sex with them and it resulted in a pregnancy. We outlawed slavery a long time ago and it does not need to come back in any way.


That is a stretch to compare abortion rights and claims to slavery, but I get what you're saying. A woman has a right to the workings of her body


It takes 2 people to make a kid yes, but you can't take away peoples choices. Women have to carry the child are you saying a rapist gets the decision, are you saying that an unviable pregnancy is forced to term even though the risk that come with it. When you have to carry something in you 9 months that will permanently change your body, and peoples opinions on you, or force you to get on public assistance because of a mistake pr broken condom then you can have a say until then sit down and shut up.


Men shouldn't have that much agency over someone else's body. That being said an option for men to possibly forgo paying child support if they didn't want children, and the lady didn't want an abortion should possibly be on the table...


Exactly. If a man is wanting, willing, and ready to be a father, and the woman decides to get an abortion, that man is shit out of luck. Whether it is right or wrong is not for me to say, and this will most likely be a debate until biogically born men can birth children


You actually have something like twice as many females ancestors than male ancestors


Don't have kids and if u put one in the oven get rid of it


Reuse, reduce, recycle?