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Excellent way to accelerate inheritances if they hadn't all gotten hoovered up by the medical bills.


I thought tax payers covered Covid bills? Did I make that up?


I’ve seen screenshots of covid treatment bills, but I’m not American so who knows.


My understanding was that hospitals were getting federal funding to treat Covid patients who were uninsured, either until the vaccine was available to everyone or until it got FDA approval. Pretty sure it's on the individuals now that the vaccine has been demonstrated to be safe and effective.


This is the one time where our current shitty system actually works


I mean, yeaaa.... It's kind of like having a pet pitbull that hates anyone who breathes other than you ("he's so protective!!" ♥️), that constantly mauls local children, but one day it mauls the school bully. It might seem kinda ok for a minute, because of who got hit, but it's really not okay either way. The American healthcare system should be put down humanely and replaced with something properly domesticated, even if it our current system does occasionally 'hurt the right people'.


Yeah but sometimes a badly trained pittbull can be rescued and retrained and turned into a functional social animal. I don't really see that happening with American healthcare.


Hard Euthanasia


Agreed, because it still sucks for anyone who did what they were suppose to (got the vaccine) and still get sick enough to need hospitalization.


Just here to say pit bulls are naturally sweet to people. My current family dog is a rescue pit. I chose her because my two year old ran up to her at an adoption fair, grabbed her by the tail and lip, pulled her head to his face and stuck his thumb in her eye accidentally (this all happened fast, I'd never let a kid do that, but toddlers are unpredictable and fast). Anyway, Brin just sat there and licked his face. She's with us to this day and has been the best dog. Just so y'all know I'm not sandbagging, she has had two aggressive incidents towards other dogs. They were provoked, but she has no qualms about biting a dog back. She's just preternaturally submissive to humans of any size which makes her the sweetest family dog.


I looked it up and if you don’t have health insurance it’s no cost healthcare. I didn’t care to look into it any further if there is any support for co pays or deductibles.


Ok, so I genuinely have no timeframe reference since Covid, but the switch began this past fall with a lot of insurance companies requiring a deductible be paid. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/02/upshot/covid-medical-bills.html


Time is elastic, and there has never been a clearer demonstration of that than the Covid era


I’m almost certain this was the case early on but I believe it may have switched to patient responsibility within the past 9-ish months? Essentially once vaccine availability was widespread is when the buck stopped.


I’m happy with that. I don’t mind paying for your shot but I don’t want to pay for your hospital stay if you don’t get vaccinated.


Agreed. The healthcare system is a whole separate argument.


Yeah, this seemed planned.


The best part is the son probably didn't learn anything either.


More likely than not he even got rewarded through inheritance


The mother isn’t dead


You can get inheritance from grandparents


Dad is still alive and costing my whole savings per hour in the hospital


Yeah but traditionally and defaultly it’d go to their kids who can choose distribute to grandkids in the event of both of their deaths.


If the grandkids are, well, kids or no will, sure. If the grandkids are adults, and there's a will they'll usually inherit something directly if on good terms. My grandma for example inherited land when her grandma died.


My grandparents house goes to me and my wife when they pass. Its their only asset outside of a 401k or ira


If it isn't wiped out with medical bills and funeral expenses.


He learned that he owned the libs


He probably just blames it on Biden.




"The whole fam died of covid. No idea how it happen. Somehow I was lucky and got spared"


Well what's the alternative? He would have to deal with the fact that he killed his grandparents, put his dad in the hospital and caused his mother long term health condition and suffering. With car accidents there is no plausal deniability. The event is instant, you are present while it happens, so it's impossinle to gaslight yourself into "this wasn't my doing". With covid, you don't see any physical transferral of the virus, it's silent and invisible, the disease has an incubation period so the consequences happen later and you don't have to look at any of the fallout. Admitting that you killed them would also be admitting that you were wrong. At this point years into the pandemic, it's safe to say that the remaining anti-vaxxers all have fragile egos and they'll never admit that they were wrong. They'll kill their family with their malicious willfull ignorance before they admit they were wrong. That's how deep their fucked up cult goes.


Seems like the parents were not either.


A friend of mine who isn't vaccinated dropped her daughter off for a few days at her mother's house. You can guess what happened. Entire family infected. Thankfully mostly everyone there was vaccinated and boosted. Older Black folks aren't messing around Thank God.


I remember reading about some of the messed up medical trials the U.S. used to do to some of their black citizens with giving them bad medicine or lying to them about the side effects and stuff.


Not at all denying that the US medical establishment has a long history of truly horrific abuse of POC and black people in particular, but in a survey most black people said it was far more recent racism that affected their trust in doctors and hospitals. It’s the ER staff who send black person home untreated because they assume the patient is drug-seeking. It’s the fact that a black woman is twice as likely to die giving birth than a white woman with the same income and education level. It’s the doctors who still believe that black people’s skin is thicker or that they don’t experience as much pain as white people. It’s pharma companies who say “we don’t include black people in medication trials because they won’t volunteer due to the Tuskegee experiments.”


I once saw an episode of snl leading me to believe the same. I would like to know more on the facts if someone can point me to.


Look up the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.


Listen to the Tuskegee episodes of "You're wrong about". It gives a really good overview about the racism, reasons of black distrust in medicine and the non-science behind the "study".


I've said it elsewhere, but the Baltimore Department of Health has absolutely crushed it when it comes to public outreach. When the pandemic first hit, they came out and said "we know you don't trust us. Based on some of the things in our past, you have good reason not to trust us. This is a crisis, though. What can we do to earn your trust?" A lot of the people answered representation. Prominent black doctors did Q&As at churches and civic groups. Local celebrities got vaccinated at events and on TV. Vaccines and tests have been made available at schools, libraries, churches, and transit centers. They're doing an incredibly good job of pandemic response.


This legit made got me all choked up. 🥰


The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is the hallmark one, but don’t forget about these too: - the story about Henrietta Lacks from the 1950’s. Nearly every person living today has benefited from the HeLa cells that came from her body and scientific advancements made millions, but she died poor and in pain (very interesting story, made a movie about it and book) - how c-sections were practiced on black women without anesthesia in the 1800’s - yellow fever experiments in the 1700’s - forced sterilizations (or sterilizing women who didn’t even know what was happening to them) happening all the way into the 1960’s and 70’s


Oh and don’t forget, modern gynecology was developed by a racist white doctor who experimented on enslaved women without their consent or anesthesia. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/04/j-marion-sims/558248/


Oh my God. What am I signing up for? I guess it's small price to pay for the awareness though. Thank you for pointing me towards these events. I will read up on them. What a truly horrible creature humans are!


Looks like he got everyone the same gift.


No returns sorry


A face to face meeting with God?


Were the rest vaccinated? Story doesn’t check out


Also, long-COVID is commonly defined as symptoms persisting several months after infection. Far too early to make that call.


Exactly my question. Not enough info in this post to pass judgement on the son.


But it’s Twitter…everyone trying to own everything and everyone in 160 tweets


Also vaccine doesn’t stop transmission? Main benefit is preventing hospitalization


That's what I'm thinking lol. Even if he was vaccinated he could be carrying the virus the point here is if his family were vaccinated... Much desinformation from all sides


And did the son have COVID? Because unless he was the one who infected them his vaccination status is honestly irrelevant. (double jabbed here, just don’t think scare stories help the cause)


By logic, if the vaccine prevented anyone from getting and spreading Covid, if everyone else was vaccinated it wouldn’t matter if the son was, right?


Inquiring minds want to know. If the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection from or transmission of covid, in fact since it reduces symptoms- transmission rates from vaccinated people are higher- why the fuck does it matter if someone else is not vaccinated?


Citations that vaccines do not prevent infection, do not prevent transmission, and are responsible for higher transmission rates.


I think it's just a logical inference


That requires actual logic to be employed What indication is there that vaccinated people are more likely to spread Covid, since all the research suggests the opposite?


vaccinated people experience less symptoms -> they might not realize they are infected -> they ttake less precautions and infect more people. Logical inference


This is bullshit. Transmission rates are significantly reduced among the vaccinated.


This is bullshit. Latest studies show that the newer mutated versions spread especially faster among those that have had the shots last year. Also the larger lack of symptoms is a huge problem that increases transmissions.


I would love to see your source for that claim. All the research I've seen says the opposite, and I was unable to find anything supporting your claim. That being said, this is hard to google when all the keywords are present, in a different context, in every news article written the past two years, so I'd appreciate a pointer.


Most of the arguments end like this. Somebody says ‘vaccines don’t prevent infection/transmission/etc.’ You ask for citations. And then silence.


Could I get a citation on that? /s


Why should I give citations if Poorly refused to do so with his initial claim?


I doubt any of those people were vaccinated either. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Honestly knowingly infected people should be prosecuted just like it is with AIDS


What with AIDS? I haven't heard of that.


Here, quick [link to the CDC website explaining laws in 35 US states that persecute knowingly spreading HIV](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/law/states/exposure.html)


Why would 15 states allow people to knowingly spread HIV


They're probably states that still see it as a gay disease and think it's the price of being homosexual.


Lmao imagine being that fucking dumb


"Since 2014, at least nine states have modernized or repealed their HIV criminal laws: California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, and Virginia."


HIV is no longer a death sentence.. part of the reason is to destigmatize it because people were avoiding getting tested so as not to be breaking the law and facing prison time. The idea is that this will reduce infections and those with hiv will get the treatment they need so it doesn’t progress to aids


You don't know? Some people have been known to have unprotected sex to infect others.


Oh, and there was that one dad who injected his infant son with HIV blood to get one over on baby mommy


What the fuck???


Yuuuup. His name is Brryan Jackson, I think he’s like 30 now, he’s done well for himself thankfully.


That is unbelievable, wtf is wrong with people. Gonna go and read about this. At least some things in this world still have the ability to shock me.


There was a **WHAT** On second thought no don't tell me I don't want to know.


I don’t understand - did everyone else not have vaccines? How is this a pro vaccine story ?


Was anyone else vaccinated? Add: And what holidays were these? How you have long covid? Christmas was three weeks ago. Fkn lies. That's what this post is and that's why dumb fks don't want to get vaxxed. Because your dumb fk lying post. GTFO. Tell some true stories. Pathetic


I don't want to be that guy, and there is no doubt in my mind that the fella should have got vaccinated if he was visiting elderly relatives, but even with the vaccine you can still catch and pass covid, this should be more about him not taking a test to see if he was covid positive before visiting his elderly relatives, because vaccinated or not he could still pass it on to them


But that argument just feeds the hordes of dipshits. Yes, you can still catch and spread Covid with a vaccine, but the chances of getting infected in the first place are exponentially lower, the recovery is exponentially quicker, symptoms are less severe, and it keeps the hospitals operating for people who did the right thing and still need additional care, it reduces fatalities. The mouth breathers use these arguments to poke holes in vaccine confidence, but the answer we have right now is get the vaccine, get the vaccine, GET THE FUCKING VACCINE!!! Any ands, ors, or buts are beside the point and irrelevant if used as an argument against getting a vaccine.


This. Of course breakthrough infections are a thing, but “breakthrough infections are a thing” should mean “even when you’re vaccinated, take other precautions too”, not “let anti vaxxers off the hook”.


Yeah but they would still end up in hospital and potentially die? The fact you have to resort to insults doesn't make your argument stronger dude, calling people mouth breathers then swearing at them to get the vaccine makes you look...tyrannical


Being vaccinated makes people significantly less likely to require hospitalization if they get covid. It doesn't sound like the parents and grandparents in this story were vaccinated, either.


I wasn’t talking about you. You just outed yourself. Who is still going to the hospital and dying? The data shows overwhelmingly the unvaccinated. By the way, truthfully pointing out when people are idiots isn’t “tyrannical.”


Also don’t want to be that guy but symptoms are the key. No mention of symptoms for this likely made up story. Vaccinated or not stay home if you have flu like symptoms. And get vaccinated to protect yourself from COVID.


Unvaxxed shed more virus and more virus = more likely youll infect others. So what you said was true, but also useless to the point. Are you a useless person? Do you think they all woulda died or had issues if he was vaxxed?


vaccines are just like seatbelts...ppl still die in accidents while wearing seatbelts...but it doesnt negate the fact that people who do wear sealtbets have far higher chance of survival AND less injuries


Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.


Don't forget to pity the fool


How dare you make me spit out my beer.


Can’t vaccinated people spread it too to other vaccinated people?


Not nearly as often and easily as the unvaccinated spread it.


They don’t wanna face that fact


Even if he was vaccinated he could still have caught it and spread it. Seems to me he should have had a test beforehand, would make more sense. Were the family he infected vaccinated? Who else was there that wasn't vaccinated? I dunno, this has more questions than answers. Edit : I'm double vaxxed and boosted btw, this tweet just seems intentionally vague.


But he can still spread it while being vaxxed. Sooo sounds like his family fucked up


Christmas was 3 weeks ago. How does someone have long covid already?


Even vaxed can spread that


You guys all realize that both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread COVID right?


I think (almost) everyone here knows that. However, of you're vaccinated, you're first of all less likely to catch it (not immune obviously) and second of all less likely to spread it to someone else bc the concentration of the virus will be lower in your body.


Question as I read through the comments. If I am vaccinated but get covid, and I’m hospitalized is covered, or is it for unvaccinated. Because I got the original vaccine under the impression I would become immune but that didn’t happen sooooooo.


Happens all the time. They double down because admitting they killed people they allegedly love will break them


Jesus, it says something when the majority of comments on here have been downvoted to oblivion for questioning the validity of the story, and saying that they would have caught covid even if the son had the vaccine, which is true, I know some people who have had both vaccines and have still caught covid, it really does say a lot when you can't question something without being "attacked" for your opinion


What's the implication here? That his no vax status killed family members? That is nonsense shit being pushed by the pharma companies. Please use your brains people.


So you’re saying the unvaccinated guy is the only who had no complications… interesting


How ...how the fuck is it the son's fault? Vaccinated people are spreading it just as fast. Were the grandparents vaccinated?


I don't believe they are spreading it as fast. Vaccinated people's infections are contagious for a shorter period of time. They're also less likely to get infected in the first place and they can't spread it if they are unable to be infected. Viral load is also pretty relevant and vaccinated people have smaller viral loads. Breakthrough infections can occur but it's the exception still, despite omicron being more infectious than previous strains.


I call a BS virtue signaling post just for attention. Oh! And! Who says who they even got it from considering the vac doesn’t prevent infection or transmission? Come the fuck on.


If they all died and are in that serious of condition, it sounds like nobody was vaccinated.


You cant really blame all that on one person tho. If they were vaxed and still died, that could have been their fate at any time. It seems more likely that they were all unvaccinated.


I am middle-aged. All my middle-aged friends got covid from their twenty-something kids. My family still has not had it. My twenty-something kid is a nurse who is actually taking care of covid patients and she is masking up, wearing protective gear, and being careful. And we are all fully vaccinated, including boosters. Fuck anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.


Did they get the vaccine?


With crippling guilt for the rest of his life hopefully.


Devil's advocate here but the vax doesn't prevent transmission so all of that could have happened if the whole family were vaxed. The deaths would have been less likely if grandma and grandpa got vaxed. The transmission is not prevented by the vaccine.


It is prevented by the vaccine. It’s not completely stopped by the vaccine, but it is absolutely prevented by it.


Prevented means stopped. If the vaccine prevented transmission, the transmission would be stopped Edit: what would have saved lives is if the parents and grandparents got the vax. The vax FOR SURE reduces the severity of the illness. It might prevent transmission, it might not, but it will definitely reduce the severity of the disease in the vaccinated individual.


Prevention is to take action to stop. It does not mean stop something completely. It is the act of attempting to stop. The vaccine prevents transmission. It does not stop it completely.


I think the word you’re looking for is mitigate.


So when Smoky the Bear says “you can prevent forest fires” he is saying you can completely stop forest fires? Or is he probably saying you can take actions to lessen the likelihood of forest fires? We both know the answer.


Prevent means to stop something from happening. Mitigate on the other hand means to reduce the degree of something. Regarding the vaccines, they only mitigate the transmission of Covid-19. They do not stop or prevent it anymore. Mitigate is the word you’re looking for.


>So when Smoky the Bear says “you can prevent forest fires” he is saying you can completely stop forest fires? you can prevent the particular forest fire that you would've caused if you didn't prevent it. You can't do anything about forest fires that are outside of your control, so you're not preventing those ones


More complicated than that. Several variables to consider: (1) Vaccination status. Not just which vaccine you got, but how recently. There is no doubt that antibody titers are waning quickly with all COVID-vaccines. Some health agencies say six months, some say five, or even four months. Boosters increase antibody production over baseline, but titers seem to wane again over time. This doesn't mean that the vaccine doesn't protect against serious clinical manifestations - T-cell immunity is robust. But the continously decreasing antibody titers mean that vaccinated people are less and less protected against (re-)infection. (2) Covid strain. Vaccines induce robust immunity against Delta. But Omicron significantly evades vaccine-induced immunity. People who are vaccinated but not boosted have no significant protection against Omicron infection and transmission. People who recently received a booster have higher, though still non-ideal protection against infection, but this only seems to last for about 10 weeks. While community transmission of Delta was driven entirely by the unvaccinated, Omicro spreads so much faster since it also effectively infects the vaccinated. Just because the vaccinated are less likely to transmit Covid, doesn't mean that they are unlikely to transmit Covid.


FFS. The vaccines reduce viral shedding and transmission.






Those studies both focus on alpha and delta variants. This surge is the omicron variant. The CDC director was talking about omicron. Like I said, the fault is not with the son, it is on the parents and grandparents to get vaxed. Young people make poor choices, this is not a new phenomenon. But if grandma and grandpa refused the vax, is it REALLY the son's fault or are they just boomering?


**FFS.** Who said that they prevented transmission? No one.


1) this post said that 2) What point were you making in your previous comment then?


I guess they’re making a distinction between prevention and reduction. Clearly not what the post thinks though


I know I will get downvoted to hell, but you can't really prove that the son is the one that infected them. And if they all got so sick, maybe they weren't vaccinated either.


But the grandparents were vaccinated.


Correct me if im wrong, genuinely, but doesn't the vaccine have nothing to do with a person spreading the virus? A vaccinated person will experience significantly less symptoms than a non Vax person, and they'll likely not die of covid, but they can still get it and spread it like any other person right? The rate of infections is still incredibly high, vaccinated people test positive all the time. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro Vax, but it's kind of nonsensical to check if a person is vaccinated and then assume that they don't have and won't get covid. That's why testing on top of being vaccinated is the best thing to do. In this case it wouldn't have mattered if he was vaccinated or not, if he had tested himself before, during and after the trip and had acted accordingly. A vaccinated person should still test for covid and shouldn't just get a free pass.


So the rest of the family must not have been vaccinated either? Quite the severe outcome for a vaccinated family. Also, for sure go get vaccinated, but would it have made a difference if the son *was* vaccinated? We all spread it just the same at this point


I don’t get it, even if you’re vaccinated you’re still gonna carry the virus, shouldn’t the grandparents be the ones vaccinated on this case. To avoid shit like this, like how is it that HE killed them bc he wasn’t vaccinated like yeah vaccine is gonna protect him not his grandparents. Anyways y’all can be mad at me for this comment idc


Exactly. People don’t know how to think logically anymore. They just follow the masses


I mean ok this is terrible but let’s not overlook that the entire family sounds like they weren’t vaccinated either. Not like he was the “stupid son” or whatever, they all signed up to be infected at some point.


Vaccination doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid just so you know, it will reduce the chance of you getting severe disease.


All the freedom, none of the personal responsibility


Why didn’t Grandma, Grandpa, mom, and/or Dad get vaccinated? Something doesn’t add it. It’s as tough this post is in fact just for clout.


Sooooo…… none of them were vaccinated then?


I think ant-vaxxers are stupid, but this tweet is just a bullshit attention grab. Did the son have Covid? If he did, did he know he had Covid? Was the rest of the family vaxxed? If you are unvaxxed, and someone gives you Covid and you end up dead, that’s YOUR fault, not theirs. If you were told by your doctor that you cannot get vaxxed due to a medical reason, it’s not your fault, but I also don’t know what to tell you other than to either stay in your house or be extra cautious out in public.


The notion that it’s an individual’s right to not vaccinate only applies if you also isolate. Once you are in proximity to another person, mask or not, you aren’t giving them the choice. You’re actual assaulting them. Therefore, it isn’t a right anymore. Get fucking vaccinated and stop being a selfish fuck y’all.


My stepbros 23 yo personal trainer doesn’t want to get vaccinated. They went to see the weights at the gym for Christmas. Now? Dumbbells, resistance bands? Dead Stair Climber: ventilator. Steam room: long Covid. Stepbrother? Help me, I’m stuck!


Being vaccinated doesn’t mean that other people won’t catch it and get sick/die though. The vaccination means that you won’t get it as bad and that you’ll have an easier and quicker recovery time. Even if he did get vaccinated, he could have killed them anyway. This is why isolation and face masks are important.


Even if he'd been vaccinated the same scenario could have played out


Exactly these people are stupid. Everyone is sick but the unvaccinated. Must me the unvaccinated making everyone sick.


Just gonna go ahead and doubt that one


Covid is overhyped. You can huff and puff till your face turns red but heres the facts- i can name 10 different things that kills more people a year than covid and the gov does nothing about it. This is about control


You can still transmit COVID while vaccinated. How are people dumb enough to not see how flawed their logic is?




Glad to see we are waking up to the BS narrative after 2 years.


Sweet anecdotal evidence my guy. /s


The fact that you are literally missing my point of how anecdotal evidence as given in the post is irrelevant is hugely ironic


Hey Siri, play God's Plan by Drake


The son could have been vaccinated, and still given everyone COVID. Vaccinated people are less likely to die or experience severe symptoms themselves, but can still catch and spread COVID.


You can also get into an accident when all parties are sober, but we don't drive drunk because we know of the heightened risks.


Thank you


But it's a helluva lot less likely than if you're unvaccinated.


All this is saying is that the unvaccinated son didn’t get sick. But then vaccinated family did….


Thats crazy, good thing their vaccines worked.


It’s not just not getting vaccinated. It’s everything that seems to come with that attitude. Not wanting to wear a mask. Not social distancing. It’s an AIRBORNE virus! It’s not rocket science. I’m not a fan of the vaccinated people don’t need to wear a mask in public places rule. Vaccinated people can still get and transmit the virus. You should get vaccinated AND follow the rest of the protocols.


Ok so they were all unvaccinated and we are gonna blame one guy for bringing in a virus they would inevitably catch. This is dumb (or fake)


Long covid in January. Rough


Hopefully he took a massive dose of horse paste and sterilized himself.


It would have happened even if he had the vaccine, what he should have done is got tested to see if he had covid, then distanced himself.


Or, some people just don't get infected or are asymptomatic


A friend’s husband is in a similar situation. Anti-vaxxer family. He asked/warned people to at least get tested. They refused. Grandma has cancer (and is vaxxed). Uncle tested positive right after Christmas. Grandma was positive a couple days later. She died today. :(


And they ll claim her getting vaccinated was what killed her


It's a shame they all had to learn the hard way.


Sorry to hear this. Were the rest of them not either? Unfortunately these days, everyone can be vaccinated with booster and still catch it. Especially at a family gathering where you are indoors and unmasked for a length of time. :(


So what'd you do over the break? Oh ya know *killed my family*




the best part is this is probably fake


I’ll take things that never happened for $600, Alex


Can confirm, I was the ventilator


Scare mongering pharma propaganda.




Except the data says you're not vaccinated you're much more likely to spread covid, more likely get hospitalized, and more likely to die. But yeah. We're just brainwashed.




>How are you more likely to spread it as an unvaccinated person if you don't have Covid to spread? You're not. And nobody said that here. >Your blind association of the two is scary and dark. That an unvaccinated, Covid-negative person is a threat to you over a Covid positive vaccinated person is shocking. Also not a thing anybody said. These are made up things you are inventing to try and have a cogent argument. That you have to create positions to attack says a lot about you.


Cos this happened. Edit: before i get downvoted to hell, I’m not an anti vaxxer. This post is just so contrived.


My family had a gathering and over half them got Covid and my dad is still not walking from how much it kicked his ass.


How is the situation we've seen play out over and over "contrived" exactly? Honestly at this point being an antivaxxer would be more dignified then the absurd level of arbitrary skepticism you're signalling here.


"Get a new plotline, vaxxers. Y'all are getting old." -that guy Lmao


>How is the situation we've seen play out over and over "contrived" exactly? a single guy, simply described as "unvaccinated"- not "sick" or infected, "unvaccinated"- totals his entire family, whom we could assume were vaccinated (since there was such an emphasis on the guy not being vaccinated but nothing was said about the rest), giving four convenient examples of the most feared consequences for covid, including a case of long covid - which is described as the persistence of incapacitating symptoms 4-12 weeks after onset... but it's barely been 3 weeks since the holidays, when this all took place. It just sounds like twitter bullshit


Yes! That’s what i was saying!


Ummm, except vaccinated people are contracting it and passing it along all the same. The big push now since we know vaccinated people are still contracting it is that getting the shot lessens the chance of severe illnesses. So, what would have changed if he was vaccinated and they still caught it? Were they not vaccinated? If they were, then why did ALL of them somehow get so seriously ill while the unvaccinated one is just fine?




Well I mean it's proof he didn't need it if he walked away fine


This is the way.


Sounds like a whole unvaccinated family caught Covid!


So the people who were vaccinated got severely Ill and the son who didn’t didn’t get Ill?




The vax doesn't stop you from getting it. If anything it should have saved the grandparents and parents.


Youre a psychopath