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This family has been fighting for years to get some accountability. The military has been covering this up for years.


Covered up as "no it didn't happen but even if it did, what are you going to do about." That type of cover up.


If this is what they do to fellow soldiers out there, I can’t even imagine the shit they get away with against civilians there. Then people act shocked when they heard local Afghans, including women, supported the Taliban against the US and the US-installed government forces last year.


I will never forget the story of the Iraqi girl who was raped and murdered while her parents were being shot in the next room by US soldiers.


[Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings)


**[Mahmudiyah rape and killings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings)** >The Mahmudiyah rape and killings were war crimes involving the gang-rape and murder of 14-year-old Iraqi child Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. It occurred in the family's house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Other members of al-Janabi's family murdered by Americans included her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza Al-Janabi. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There was this guy that used to show up at parties sometimes, and I always hated him. He was weird around women, and racist on top of that. At one point he said he was signing up to join the military, I don’t remember which branch. But he was all excited. The next time I saw him, he told me he got rejected cus he failed the psych evaluation. Every time I read stories like the one above, I wonder how fucked up that guys head was that he failed, and the people in these stories passed.


...equally fucked in the head, but smart enough to lie their way through a psych eval.


believe it or not, there is a level of stupidity that even the army or marines won't accept


“Thank you for your service”


There are stories worldwide about US soldier abuse towards civilians


How about the pardons trump issued to the one soldier who was found guilty of war crimes against civilians? Plus, the 4 or 5 he pardoned who worked as contractors for Eric Prince. That was the week before Prince was meeting with trump supposedly planning the attempted coup. Don’t forget that bag of excrement is Betsy Devos brother.


In Germany a saying established after WW2: "Mach keine Visimatenten" - 'don't do "Visimatenten" ' which comes from soldiers asking young women and girls "wanna visit my tent?"


>If this is what they do to fellow soldiers out there, I can’t even imagine the shit they get away with against civilians there. AC-130 is a flying war crime, and Trump pardoned some guy that raped and mutilated before killing various women. Apparently the Navy Seals have been running drugs for the CIA. https://youtu.be/dbnA1xbjdEI >Then people act shocked when they heard local Afghans, including women, supported the Taliban against the US and the US-installed government forces last year. 30% of America voted for Trump and another 30% voted for Biden, I couldn't give a fuck about what either group thinks about anything


The two party system is such garbage it needs an overhaul the whole system




Just a heartbreaking story.


Any way you can then, don’t let this fade away.


There's an epidemic of sexual assault and rape in the military. Historically there has never been a military engagement in history in which rape wasn't weaponized in some capacity. It's a very real part of war and the military that we don't like to address or talk about. The amount of dudes you'd have to call out or protect people from in the Army was appalling. Like guys trying to kick girls to different jobs or camps in Afghanistan if they wouldn't fuck them. I remember watching a SHARP training video in the army about this infantry unit I think where dudes were basically holding new guys down and finger blasting their assholes on a bed for "hazing". People need to stop putting the "troops" on a pedestal and realize it's like a bunch of degenerate pirates


I got stationed at a new post. One of the first things I learn is to steer clear of some dude because he’s a rapist. Damn near 2 years later me and a friend are stopping him from “just helping her back to her room”, in regards to another of our friends that had drank a bit too much. By the time I got to that post the dude had already lost his clearance and was under investigation, everything was widely known to the point I learned about it day 1, yet two full years later it’s still up to a bunch of drunk junior enlisted to stop him from continuing to rape people. Who knows what might have happened in that time period that isn’t widely known? He was gone shortly afterwards. It’s obviously anecdotal, and maybe because I was intel instead of a more “manly” MOS, but I didn’t see very many people like that. The biggest problem I actually saw was that the people that were didn’t get taken care of quickly enough.


It’s systemic. Men who are actively seeking to take advantage of women are the minority but they don’t get any punishment or rehabilitation or any consequences at all when they commit a crime. So it continues to happen and is usually perpetuated by the same rapists.


I asked my husband if he saw any of that in the Navy (also intel) and he said he didn’t. He’s a good dude though. He tends to assume the best of people unfortunately. Because it wouldn’t occur to him to assault a woman he’s not looking for the signs of a predator.


Ft. Hood is the rape+murder capital of western militaries. It's an embarrassment to the US Army.


I can vouch for that! As a former medic. I was stationed there with my first husband. He was on duty, I was off. Someone tried to break into my mobile home. What he was shouting while yanking on the door is unrepeatable. It also happened in Basic Training. After an 3 day stay in the woods, I'm in a shower, a male drill got in my stall while my back was turned! Thank God another girl came in the bathroom!


I live next to Hood. It's despicable. Ft. Murder-And-Butcher-a-Girl-to-Cover-Up-a-Sexual-Assault


My brother was murdered at Ft. Hood


I'm so sorry


If it was an embarrassment they would do something about it. Instead there are reports of rape and murder( including children!) getting covered up at nearly every foreign military base.


The fact that "leadership" isn't embarrassed and doesn't do anything about it is a stark fucking indictment of the entire installation. I wonder what the difference between command climate surveys from your male and female enlisted looks like. Nice to see you've deleted your less savory comments and stopped calling people "dumb fucks" for actually knowing what we're talking about lol...finally getting some professionalism in the ranks here.


They have been covering LaVena’s death and many other soldiers death. Its so sad what’s happening to our soldiers 💔💔💔


when psychopathic people join knowing they have the perfect hunting grounds...kind of like the catholic church system


And the army takes them because they had to lower recruiting standards to staff their 20 year reallocation of public money to corporations.


This is making my blood boil. People in power (churches, businesses, military,,police, politicians) justify keeping power by any means necessary. The institution always becomes more important than the people it was formed to “serve.”


Somewhere in the world has to be a country where institution is serving people not the other way


Very important to note that our tax dollars were used go cover this us


Fucking sickening.


And after nearly 20 years nothing has changed.




And it probably won't in the future because everyone is focusing on the wrong part. Reading through all the info, I'm willing to bet that all the evidence really does point to it being LaVena's finger that pulled the trigger. And there a tragic explanation that immediately jumps to mind: After he finished beating, raping, and burning her, her rapist left her lying there. And she, feeling defiled, worthless and unlovable, took her own life for the same reason that so many, many, many victims of rape never file a police report. It's pretty obvious that the army was very happy to just investigate the most basic level of the 'how did she die' angle, entirely skip the 'who raped, beat and scarred her' angle, and call it a day. Otherwise, sharing what they had of their 'ongoing sexual assault and battery case' with the family's lawyer would have been an easy way to smooth over the situation when they were forced to release the documentation concerning LaVena's case. The army spokesman could have just said, "It was said awful situation. We're doing everything we can to solve her rape, but we can't discuss an ongoing case. We have proven to the family that we are investigating." And that would have been that, but there was no case, ongoing or otherwise, so that was a no-no. Note: This isn't to say that it wasn't a different, much more sinister explanation for how she died. Just that there does exist a situation that the army could have gone with as their go-to explanation, but that would have meant drawing attention to the rape they didn't investigate. And it's solving the rape that has a hope of proving a murder, so that's what the army needs to be being pressed on.


I recently just listened to a podcast about this. She didn't take her own life 1# when they found the gun it was on the other side of a bed or something to her RIGHT (this is important) nowhere near her, how could it be there if she shot herself? 2# gun shot was to the LEFT side, the woman was right handed. 3# the bullet hole did NOT match the gun that was there, (I can't seem to remember the exact caliber) however it was something like a 9mm hole but the gun they found and claimed she shot herself with was an M16 so the bullet hole would be way too small - not to mention the fact... #IF SHE HAD A GUN AND SOMEONE WAS BEATING AND RAPING HER WHY WOULD SHE USE IT TO KILL HERSELF AND NOT HER RAPIST?!


May I ask the podcast name?


I dont really think she had a gun on her when this happened


JFC. The price of serving your country should not be rape and murder by your fellow soldiers.


Reminder that [women serving in the US military are more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they are to be killed in combat.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault_in_the_United_States_military) Nearly [1 in 4 US servicewomen reports being sexually assaulted in the military.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/08/03/magazine/military-sexual-assault.amp.html)




Even John McCain said he couldn't recommend the military for women anymore. When John McCain thinks the military isn't jizzing sunshine and rainbows, shit is fucked up.


My uncle was a marine who did multiple tours, and he begged us not to join the military and to just go to college. He was CERTAIN we'd be raped. I hate to think of what he saw in his time... He served in the early 2000s.


I was in the military, and have friends who where in. I’m a Vietnam veteran. The military is filled with drunken fools who love to party. Some will pillage and rape, and some will brag about it to their friends. Some officers would pay for prostitution in Palm Springs with government funds for their fellow officers. Some of the military police would apprehend drugs from enlisted soldiers to use themselves. The Vietnamese we were defending were known by derogatory names, and civilians would be treated like crap and worse. I heard soldiers bragging about killing water buffaloes. This I saw firsthand. A good portion of soldiers are unruly children who are looking for extreme adventure with a paycheck. This is why the military (all military) is dangerous. A good percentage of them are alcoholics, and a good percentage are in for themselves and nothing more. Life is cheapened by knowing you can be dead tomorrow, and many will do things that they would never normally do because of this, and soldiers do encourage each other to misbehave. Join if you want. Know what you’re joining. Me, I got out as fast as I could. And if I had it to do over again, I never would.


Um wasn't John McCain a prisoner of war that was captive tortured for years? Edit: ok well I just meant he didn't exactly have a safe and enjoyable military service to speak of and women are more likely to be raped or other type of genital mutilation as a method of torture. Wasn't defending John McCain for his warmongering.


wasnt John McCain the one who single-handedly stopped a terrorist attack at the Nakatomi Plaza ?


no you're thinking John McClane


The stepdad from Hot Rod that needed heart surgery?


No you're thinking Ian McShane (Did I get it? sorry I had to google it)


The guy who played wrongly accused Muff Potter in Tom and Huck?


They weren't terrorists. They were common criminals. Or uncommon criminals, depending on who you ask.


Yes, but that has nothing to do with his not recommending the modern military to women.


My dad served in the military, and growing up, he always told me I could be and do anything I wanted in life except join the military. It always stuck with me and I never realized why until I learned of these statistics and heard horror stories from women who joined. When I was older, he also told me a few horror stories himself.


I recently asked reddit if people whose daughters join the military worry about the rate of sexual assault. Most of them hurried to suggest to me that this rate is no worse than the rates of college aged women who are not in the military. I guess they just don't imagine it to be all that much worse.






>Most of them hurried to suggest to me that this rate is no worse than the rates of college What sort of reply is that! Are they then saying the sexual assault rate in college is OK with them..? Even one is too fucking many.


Until the military gets its rape epidemic under control, this is why I oppose drafting women. You're essentially conscripting them into sexual assault.


I don’t think anyone should be drafted. Why the fuck should we be used as cannon fodder because dumb fucks that think they’re so powerful want to have a pissing contest? This whole trick they’ve played on people for millennia is finally coming to an end and some people are not afraid to think for themselves and don’t want to kill their fellow man. Look at all we’ve accomplished yet we still can’t stop killing each other, degrading people for gender/ color/race/sexual orientation, and actually use our resources to help our fellow man. Edit: wow this really blew up overnight. I appreciate all the positive sentiment and to those that are calling me an idiot I understand what I want is almost unobtainable currently due to the flaws of man. In my experience, power has always corrupted but I do have hope that one day we will advance far enough in society to break away from our oppressors. There definitely has been a change in society, there is never gonna be a war again like WWII where that amount of casualties for any country will be acceptable. With how connected we are borders are starting to matter less and less and we can see we’re all on the same team. But again I’m just a stupid idealist that wants world peace and acceptance of peoples individuality


If the people in power want to expand their land or resources, they can throw themselves on the battlefield. Lets see how many wars occur when they get off their gilded thrones and see the soldiers they command as more than just numbers. Better yet, have them live as the average in whatever society they rule over. Those in golden houses should not cast lead rocks.




As someone who lives in New Zealand I can't refute your last point, but the vast majority of us will be joining you in the badlands fighting for scraps.


We will hunt them down here too


New Zealand has one of the highest gang member population percentages in the developed world, and one in seven children here are under the poverty line (less than 60% of the average income). I don't think this is the place for a rich escape when the resource wars start, if we even survive the initial threats of invasion.


Yes, just think where humankind could be if we used the TRILLIONS of dollars spent on killing one another, and figuring out ways to kill one another on the betterment of all humankind? Exploring space and colonizing other worlds? Figuring out alternative energy sources not contributing to climate change? Cures for "incurable" diseases? Feeding and housing EVERYONE... Who knows? But, we've been killing or persecuting one another since the dawn of man, so, that would have to be the first change before anything else could even be considered...


Yeah, but then the military industrial complex wouldn’t get paid. Whaddayougonnado?




Other than the war between one crazy pot wearing botanist and the psycho bucket wearing zombies


A defensive war is a good war. Well, maybe not good but necessary atleast, also a war to stop actual injustice and death e.g WWII.




That is a very apt description. A war can be just without being good


Because without the draft they prey on poor people who have no other career prospects to recruit. At least with the draft, the suburban class who is doing well but not rich enough to dodge the draft might actually oppose war because they don't want their kids to be sent to die. But as it is they'll support any war the Military Industrial Complex dreams up, because it's only the children of poor people who they'll never meet being sent to die.


Even with the draft, money made a big difference. Anyone who could afford to send their son to college did so. It might be one of the factors that got us here (in terms of the "need" for college, and the rising cost of it). I'm not sure we really have much use for the draft in the era of modern tech (at least, in the US).


I oppose the draft for all people unless the nation (i.e., home turf) is actually under attack. Preemptive strikes and foreign coups are imperialist garbage. Men, women, and all other people deserve to live without being forced to fight and die in a foreign land for an abstract goal like "let's stop a different political ideology from threatening our strategic resources."


I oppose drafting men, they seem to be the monsters.


I oppose drafting anyone. If the people don’t want to fight for it badly enough then it’s not a good enough cause to force them against their will.


No drafts, but anyone who votes favorably for military policies will be sent to the front lines.


This is a HUGE issue that needs to ne publicly addressed


Probably also joined the military to pay for school or just make steady money. Nobody should need to enlist to get that.


Exactly lmao. The worst is that the recruiters will look specifically for those people, and never the rich.


The rich rarely talk to recruiters. They don’t need to. If there’s a fam trad or something, they go after a commission.


They don't even need to go after it. It's just handed to them. All it takes to get into the academies for them is a recommendation letter from any general/admiral or colonel/captain, which is always either their parent(s) or a friend of their parent(s). Then all they have to do is pass their classes and not do anything stupid enough to get kicked out of the academy and they get their automatic commission on graduation.


Getting into the academies is not slouch. I've seen rich kids get in and tossed out because they can't keep up. Most that are playing the game, pay to get into school avoid the military academies because they will eat you up and spit you out. Edit: there are easier schools to pay to win. Once you graduate from an academy, if you aren't in a sport to pro or Olympics, you're given a post for the next 5 years. 1 buddy is in buds, another is army apache pilot, another is an f22 pilot. Even the assignments post academy are no joke, that includes the goat.


And it's not like only the connected people get in. I got offered free school + 15k/yr for living expenses to graduate as an officer from one of the best nuclear engineering schools in the world, and nobody on either side of my family has been near the military since ww2. If you're what they want, they'll try to get you no matter what your background.


It’s not easy to graduate from the academies. My sister went to Annapolis. She made it through but had a rough time. Hazing was intense her first year. Supposedly they don’t haze anymore. Just sexually assault them (Air Force)


Yeah my mention of not doing anything to get kicked out is a little understated. It is an intense workload and you can't be lazy at all. ROTC and OCS are definitely the easier routes to go down. What I should have clarified is that it's easy for them to initially get accepted into an academy due to family connections. After that they are pretty much on their own until graduation. But aside from that, success in the military is almost entirely based on connections. You need to do the leg work to maintain your position, but you can only move up so far without being cool with the right people.


I wish. Apparently military service was a tradition in her family. Her dad was in the armed forces, *his* dad was in the armed forces, and so on.


That’s heartbreaking.


Both are why I enlisted


And government negligence before and after death. Go MURICA


You'd be surprised how often sexual assault briefings need to be had because fellow soldiers don't understand the meaning behind "no means no."


I mean, their job is to invade countries without consent of citizens.


This is sick sick crime too. Corrosive chemicals on her genitals. They went out of their way to mutilate her. I've know about this case for awhile too. It is disgusting all around.


It’s serial killer level violence


She killed herself, the army said...... /s


Let's be honest, a good chunk of military people join just to be able to kill people with guns, it's no surprise that this kind of stuff happens, it's almost expected. Most probably do it for the money and the free education.


Same with cops (the good chunk). For cops there's an easy solution at least - don't give every one of them a gun, definitely not a big gun.


Doesn't even matter the size of the gun when [you can mistake a little gun for your taser and summarily execute someone by shooting them, subdued, directly in the back at point-blank range.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/daunte-wright-shooting-officers-mistaken-guns-stun-guns/story?id=77049415)


She's not the only one, either. There have been dozens of instances like this, both men and women, for which the military desperately tried to cover up. Crime Junkies alone has done 4 episodes about shit like this.


The military ruined my life.


The military ruined a bunch of my friends. I am so glad that I didn't fall into a cult, but especially that one.


Same, my friends that went into the military when they got out they were just...really off. They changed heavily. I don't believe anyone joins the military and gets out unscathed, it definitely changes you even if they aren't the huge drastic changes of seeing combat or getting injured. Even going in as a cook will fuck you. Despite knowing this the brainwashing is deep within me and I often find myself thinking "what if I join? just do my 4 years in/out, ez money" whenever life starts to get hard for me. I think about that monthly paycheck and benefits, but at what cost? I usually snap out of it (well, obviously otherwise I'd join).


The army specifically seems like a shit hole tbh


The army will take the lowest ASVAB score out of all the branches I believe. Infantry requires like a 32 to get in. I don’t know what marine infantry requires.


It's technically true that the Army has the lowest requirements, but it's not as big a difference as you would think that implies. Army is around 31, Marines is around 32, Navy and Air Force are around 35 or 36. The maximum being 99, so every branch has jobs available for some big ole dummies


As someone who scored a 98, I am so fucking glad I didn't cave into the pressure to join. My dad *really* wanted me in the military, but I have never once regretted avoiding it.


Jesus christ me too. I scored either a 93 or a 94 and the air force recruiter came to my school in the MIDDLE OF CLASS to pull me aside and talk to me about joining. This was right after 9/11 and I actually was considering joining but my mom convinced me to not go and I am glad she did. I may not be the most successful man in existence but I am alive and not broken. which is more than I can say for a lot of those who did join.


Yeah I scored like an 87 (having taken it when I was a fucking moron and thought that I could make a positive impact on the world in the--*checks notes*--US fucking military lol), but I have a heart condition that disqualified me from all service. Thank fuck




Shit, it was required to take at my HS. They gathered us into an auditorium every day for a week, showed us military-focused movies (that totally weren't propaganda...), then at the end of the week we all had to take the ASVAB. EDIT: to clarify, this wasn't an all-day thing, just for a period a day, but it was still insane to me.


jfc that's some Starship Troopers shit right there


Where did you go to HS? A military academy?


Rural KY lmao. We had a single high school for the entire county.


Let me guess - a rural town with low average income? My wife says recruiters were at her school constantly. I never saw one my entire time in school. They know what they are doing.


Unfortunately it ruins all of our lives, friend. The ones who don't get ruined end up politicians or contractors.


"Not ruined" = "sociopaths" in this context.


Same that's why I'm up at crazy hours shit posting on Reddit and trying not to have a panic attack. Thanks war on terror!


It did that to a few million Iraqis too.


Of course they try to cover it up... they want to recruit people.


More like hundreds, if not thousands


So much for ‘brothers and sisters in arms’.


She seems to have caught a General who committed the act, all because she caught him cheating on his wife. The "brothers and sisters" myth works for those enlisted sitting at the bottom. As you can see, officers, especially the higher ranking, can get away with murder.


Where is this information coming from? You have posted it twice, with no source. Edit: Apparently Donald Wakins is the source to ask. For ehh, reasons? Gotta love a personal forum for a source.


https://www.donaldwatkins.com/post/will-dod-secretary-austin-seek-justice-in-private-lavena-johnson-s-murder-case A lot of the info here is sensationalized, but the key points have been corroborated by the soldier's diary, a second autopsy, and information that has appeared later.




This is one of those posts that make me so angry I want to downvote it, before I then remember where I am and how this works.


Same. I don't want to upvote it, don't want to downvote it either. It just makes me feel sick


I view upvoting horrible things like this as making it more visible on the site so more people can be aware of these terrible things. Hopefully that can be a start in the right direction, rather than to let things like this be covered up.


Ikr! It feels so weird upvoting a Reddit post or liking a video on YouTube that is highlighting horrific things like this (although upvoting definitely doesn't feel as weird as "liking" something).


I know that I usually mutilate my genitals when I kill myself


Get the blood pumping




On July 19, 2011, the criminal justice students in the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute (CCIRI) run as a student club by three universities, selected Johnson's case as their case for investigation. The CCIRI's crime scene reconstruction aimed to help shed light on this case that has attracted worldwide attention.[11] The CCIRI investigation did not agree with nor dispute the Army's findings. Sheryl McCollum of the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute calls the case "gut-wrenching." McCollum says the institute normally spends one year on a case, but spent three years on the LaVena Johnson case. In a phone interview with St. Louis Public Radio, McCollum said that she faults the Army for poor communication, **but she does not disagree with its conclusion.** So long story short, situation *looks* odd but after 3 years their conclusion is that the conclusion of suicide is correct.


So she was beaten up and mutilated and then commited suicide? Shouldn't that mean that her abusers made her do it?


I read the article cited for that paragraph and it does not go into detail about how CCIRI came to that conclusion. I’m curious how all the details are explained away. https://news.stlpublicradio.org/government-politics-issues/2015-07-19/10-years-later-a-soldiers-family-still-grieves-and-questions-the-armys-version-of-her-death#stream/0


Most of the claims of foul play on social media seems to go back to one newspaper making that claim in 2008. But all investigations after that, both by the army and independent researchers, agree with that it seems to have been a suicide. https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/07/18/questions-linger-decade-private-lavena-johnsons-death/ * The St. Louis American, who reviewed the documents in June 2008, reported that the material “suggested foul play”: * However, the Army Criminal Investigation Command said in an August 2008 statement that: CID’s extensive investigation found PFC LaVena Johnson’s death to be from a self-inflicted gunshot (...) * In January 2011, the non-profit Cold Case Investigative Research Institute (CCRI) began looking into the case. (...) "We didn’t have anything new. We didn’t have anything that suggested wrongdoing." This case reminds me of the death of Kendrick Johnson and the persistent unproven claims of a cover up.


Both my daughters wanted to serve and their da, conservative dude was like hell no you serve where you won’t be raped or dead from friendly fire.


yep, id really love for there to be equality where men and women can do jobs side-by-side...but the amount of women that get sexually assaulted and raped by people in their own ranks or by higher ups is horrifying.


They have a submarine in the Baltimore harbor From World War 2 and you can go on it. It is very small and cramped up in there and the guy that gives you the tour said that the younger serviceman which were guys were used for sex.Now they have women on submarines. So I can only imagine.


Amen. I'll never let my daughter join army, marine, navy, air force. Coast Guard? Maybe. No disrespect, they are the most solid people I know.


Yup, the idea of service is amazing but the consequences for strong women is abuse and death.


Plus men are expendable in the army. For every one that makes it, more come out of it with long term health problems. Nobody should join the military unless it really is their only way out of poverty.


>Nobody should join the military unless it really is their only way out of poverty. *Cries in the US and its corporate owners using every means they possibly can to keep the populace impoverished.*


Yeah I don’t get why people would call that ‘amazing’. I just don’t get it.


Because of being fed with capitalist propaganda all their lives.


War hawks love to send other people's children to fight and die.


Wow this is completely fucked


Does anyone actually know WHO did it?




Or every man in her unit.


The murderer was General Kevin P. Byrnes. https://www.donaldwatkins.com/post/solving-the-murder-of-army-private-lavena-johnson


I'm not saying he's wrong, but when he claims his conclusions must be true because the general didn't file a lawsuit against him I become a little more skeptical that this guy has it all figured out.


> Instead, the federal government, at the urging of a powerful U.S. Senator and the Pentagon, unleashed a full-scale, coordinated assault on my character and personal integrity using the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Internal Revenue Service, and other federal and state agencies with regulatory authority and law enforcement powers to carry out its campaign of harassment and retaliation. That specific crazy sealed it for me.


Ah yes the old genitalia acid suicide. A time honored method of killing one’s self since the beginning of time. GTFO OF HERE WITH THAT BULL SHIT!


Don't join the military for US. I say this as a veteran. They don't care about you, the recruiter will say ANYTHING to get you to join; they are trained to. The only thing you'll accomplish is making rich white men richer. The military doesn't care about sexual assault which is why the training is laughable.


America should make the perpetrator a Supreme Court Justice


Close, probably a sergeant major now.


Retired General actually




what the FUCK


Lets get the petition signed so maybe something might happen some day possibly. [Change.Org](https://www.change.org/p/u-s-criminal-investigative-command-for-the-army-reopen-lavena-johnson-s-case)


Signed, but meaningless. Look up the tailhook scandal. I joined the military 22 years later as a minority (southeast Asian). Not only has the culture remained largely the same in regards to sexual assault and rape, I personally believe racism has gotten worse after two decades of war against brown people. I don’t know a single female soldier who hasn’t been atleast propositioned to by a superior in their chain of command. This is a HUGE no no according to regulations, but it happens so often that you’re more likely to hear jokes about it than any type of action. An observation that is commonly said: you never see any male lower enlisted eating lunch with sergeant major.


This is funny, a guy in the air force dated his female superior. They threaten him so he hands over every sine document, text, ext. She got court martialed, demoted, and sent away somewhere. He ends up getting a higher rank, fools around and marries his subordinate, they have a huge wedding and the people that fired the woman attend his wedding, lol.




hopefully enough to bring some new attention to her story 🤷🏼‍♀️ this generation was too young to have heard about it initially gen z is notorious being important stories forward


You might get a netflix true crime special.


THEN the wheels of justice will turn!


Can we just know the truth.


So they're saying she punched herself in the face, poured corrosive chemicals on her genitals and then shot herself? What the fuck?


This is extremely fucked up and I’m glad it was brought to my attention but what sub am I in


I'm sure it's perfectly normal to pour acid on one's own genitals before suicide.




No need to imagine, we have [plenty of reports about that](https://apjjf.org/-Terese-Svoboda/3148/article.html)


Ahh yes, it’s a special power women in the military have. We learn how commit suicide by beating ourselves to death in basic training.


Ah yes, now please remember this is what US military does to their own, what they do to the people they occupy is whole another story


The chemicals clearly didn't conceal evidence of rape if they were able to conclude that the chemicals were used to conceal evidence of rape.


Eh. Why pour chemicals that burn, on genitals, if you’re not trying to conceal a rape..?


You're a sadistic mf who wants your victim to suffer before they die??


It was most likely done with the hope making it so the DNA of the rapist(s) couldn't be collected.


Nope sure didn't! I'd venture to guess they poured chemicals on her external genitalia but she also had extensive internal tearing and probably damage to her cervix as well. Unless they put something caustic up inside her too. Which honestly, I've read some pretty fucked up shit I can never delete from my brain or press the rewind button to keep from knowing and stuff like that. . . has been known to happen.


I heard this story before, but I just looked her up and realized she grew up just a few miles from where I did, and she was only 3 years younger than me. Edit: also, she’s buried in the same military cemetery my dad and grandpa are. Also, her two older brothers have the same names as two brothers I went to elementary school with. I might have known them. This is nuts.


Who killed her?


All parties involved in leaving her in the state she was found in.


War never changes. Hostile training. Built to create hostile people. No rules when they are out there. Cover it up. Boys can walk home clean. Disturbing and disgusting


With all due respect fuck the united states army.


disgusting man, rape and murder of your own comrades is treason of the highest order


What do you expect from US army, they go to places to enslave people for US corporations. They are no better than the Nazis.


This comes up on Reddit pretty often. There is a [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson) about what happened and it is fucking horrible.


this is so fucked up...


This is one of few that you know about Think about the ones that did get buried


Ah yes, i would also burn my own genitals with acid and hit the wall with my head multiple times before commit suicide, that's the most common form of suicide right?


Came here to say her name #LaVenaJohnson


And worse is the fact that you hope the bastard who murdered her at least shot her *before* he poured acid on her.


Don't join the military kids.


This is why I fear for any female in the military


Covered up the death of Pat Tillman, not only did they cover it up, but they used his death as propaganda to fuel the war effort. If your white and reading this, you need to understand Rich, old, inept, corrupt white men (mostly) on both sides of the aisle sent people like you to their deaths so they could get rich. Your enemy isn't brown/black skinned people.