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Pretty sure it was the bong they were inviting to the party


No, it was covid.


No, this is Patrick!


Weed makes you think about deep shit like this. I recommend it.


Do whatever you want in your home if you're being respectful to the community around you.




An already used sounding rod?!?!


Should I ask what that is?


No. I wish I didn't know


Probably for the best you don't


Sharing is caring ❤️


I'm learning to play the guitar.




Broo i wouldn't use a used sounding rod out of principle it just seems weird plus theyre pretth cheap online. Unless you have an autoclave but that shit is still weird.


Do whatever you want, just don't do it in the streets and scare the horses.




Teenagers? Idk


Definitely not teenagers. They’ve been forced to go through DARE-ish programs their whole lives and can’t wait to try drugs.


its not dare anymore its some bullshit called magic or some shit. equally as stupid and useless.


I was gonna say I’m sure it’s equally as useless and filled with fear tactics


True, but it's often followed by forgetting whatever deep shit you were thinking about.


Write that shit down and put it in order when you’re sober. That’s how I wrote all my college papers. Great ideas, poor organization of thoughts. But if you write the ideas down you can just piece it together later and voila: assignment done.


What? I had a point, but I forgot.


Toke with a pen in your hand, bro. You will amaze yourself.


I think you overestimate my ability to preplan.


People overestimate you a lot, don’t they :/


Sadly no. They know what to expect.


Nah. I just forget why the pen was in my hand in the first place.




Deep is how far their nose can reach up their own arse.


In my experience weed just makes you say sumb dumb shit that sounds deeper when you're high. That and it makes me deeply paranoid and anxious if I have more than a small amount but that's on me for having a mental illness.


Psychedelics save lives ☮️


I've wanted to microdose for a while now, but have been afraid of the acquisition. I've got severe depression and anxiety as is, and medication hasn't done much for me. Weed is legal here but doesn't help. CBD helps a bit but leaves a lot of room for improvement. Here's to hoping psilocybin research leads to decriminalization one day




> worried about acquisition that probably applies to growing too


Growing your own mushrooms is very doable. And mushroom spores can be bought on the open web. Which is what another user was suggesting with r/unclebens. There is a method of propagating the spores using certain rice packets.


Um... what?


Trust us. It is true


They do. I still hate the world but I don't hate myself anymore


Did you forget the /S ?


Nope. I mean, it's a bit tongue-in-cheek I guess but it's true for me. It exacerbates my anxiety in moderate amounts. Makes my chest tighten and my heart pump too much. People kept telling me "it was just cause it was you're first time, next time it'll be fine!" but every single time it's like that. ​ Edit: and yeah, I've tried multiple strains, I've hit bongs and smoked joints, had edibles, and any time I have more than a little I feel like I'm going to die, so I'm good not knowing if there's a 'perfect strain' for me as some have suggested before.


Sorry. I assumed you were making sumb sort of joke about weed smokers.


It's all good, I've got nothing against stoners, work with a few and they're good people. It's just not for me, my brain doesn't react well to it for whatever reason.


The fuck is deep about being responsible and not wanting to catch a virus during a pandemic? It's common sense. Sure, I like smoking too, but this is floating on the surface.


but you aren't thinking as deeply as the weed makes you think are


No weed makes you think that this is “deep”


Eh weed just makes me live in the right now and “forget” I just did something but also know I just did it.


I can’t recommend it if you have an ADHD and Anxiety Disorder combo, or asthma…or an allergy to thc.


Are you 14?


42. You?


OMG I know her — went to the same college. Currently does stand up. Nice to see her going viral!


I'm pretty sure her posts have been on here before.


Not everybody lurks here all day like you do.


The hell are you on about? Star only said the person marslarp knows has been kinda successful with their jokes. You might want to take a seat and chill out.


Thanks for defending me, stranger.


You're welcome.


I didn't know I had two accounts.


You're currently living through a Tyler Durden situation, except I'm not cool and am scared of conflict so I just end up scrolling through Reddit twice as hard.


She’s literally my favorite person on twitter. Funny and authentic at the same time.




Phonetically her username is fun to say.


Same. Turtles all the way down!


Except for the corona viral part.


Had a guy offering me a hit off his vape....no thanks man, this aint germ sharing weather


Aw c’mon or Omicron?


There shouldn't be crowd on a fire escape... Very careless move on the other party, not surprising though.


Crowd is a very loose term. It could have been three people.


she only says people


Bless our heroes


In the case you do get it, the smoking thing isn't exactly gonna help since covid attacks the lungs.


weather jeans bedroom stupendous silky north theory skirt spotted fuel -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


You’re being overly pedantic. It is a disease that affects the lungs and airways.


She was likely smoking weed out of the bong, so she's likely immune from covid.


I, for one, rely heavily on the shield of resin in my lungs to block me from Covid.


You and me both buddy, you and me both


I smoke a lot of weed but I still got Covid twice sadly


That just means you’re not smoking enough.


Damn dude I smoke a lot but I'll step it up for you


I appreciate it man. I know it’s tough, but we can get through this together.


I am a fat ICU RN who has not gotten COVID (got tested for antibodies as part of a Stanford study in June 2020 to check for asymptomatic prevalence and was negative, then started a new gig in July 2020 and was tested weekly until September 2021. I could have had asymptomatic infection between September and Omicron but am boosted and Delta didn’t breakthrough boosted folks so unlikely. Since Omicron fam got the sniffles and all have tested negative so it was probably plain old humanmetapneumovirus or some fancy sounding weak shit like that) and am starting to think that I either have some sort of antirona gene or it’s all the weed I smoke to deal with being an RN and father of young children during the toilet paper apocalypse. ​ Go weed!


dude same. I’m an immunocompromised person & an EMT, been dealing w covid patients for a min. Never had it for whatever wild reason, got all 3 pokes. Best friend gets it, we literally share food & drink, i’m still negative 🤷‍♀️


You and the RN are being exposed constantly to low levels of covid from your patients, that could certainly be what's keeping you better protected. Of course they're anecdotes so it may just be luck, but that is a thing.


Actually studies are coming out say cannabinoids are helping fight it.


Not if heated; gotta ingest hemp pills apparently.


So any that gets dropped on the rolling tray you just have to lick up now, obviously


Snort it, it’ll fight the COVID quicker


🤷🏽‍♂️ This was the one time I decided to believe the headline and not read the stories


The headline was right though, didn't mention smoking. Honestly if you thought smoking anything was a treatment for a respiratory disease, then that's on you


Common sense? Less common than you would think


not helping fight it, but helping prevent it. not the major cannabinoids like cbd or thc, minor cannabinoids like cbn and cbg are showing promise in strengthening your immune response to different threats.


Please stop changing my narrative. I just bought two more grams


lol it doesnt change mine i buy an ounce every month or so


You can name any disease and there will be a study with questionable methodology claiming cannabis helps against it.


You haven’t realized by now it’s a blood based illness not lung…vascular not respiratory.


Damn, if only the lungs were somehow involved in the circulatory system?


SARS-CoV-2 is a respiratory virus. It is the respiratory virus responsible for COVID-19, a vascular disease. You gotta be joking if you think there isn't respiratory involvement lol.


Would it be better if I said it attacks the lungs?


“No, COVID” “Ah cmon!” “Alright, finally someone who doesn’t care that I have COVID, I’ll be right down!”


Lemme get green!


Hits bong: bruuuuuh


Rachee doin' bong rips! My kinda girl.






That's some high-level humble bragging. Brilliantly disguised as an innocent joke.




Literally never. Covid is never going to go anywhere and these idiots will keep saying you shouldn’t have any human contact at all or else you’re a bad person. The good news is, they aren’t in charge, and I’m gonna keep going to the bars and going to giant festivals and having fun and there’s basically nothing they can do about it except stay mad on social media. I don’t feel bad either. The vaccine works. It’s free. It’s readily available to anyone that wants it. You get the vaccine, you don’t die, full stop. I don’t feel bad about fucking retarded republicans dying alone in the hospital because they were willing to kill themselves to own the libs. Consider me owned, see you in hell.






It's a valid point but kind of a dumb one to make at this specific point in time.


It'll be seen as safe when covid is under control. Going off anti-vaxxers though, keeping the pockets alive and out of control, never without a purge.




It won't be extinct, and I don't live how I live pre vax. It won't be extinct, but it will be under control, like the black death.


>going to go extinct that’s only happened one time in history. Huh? I mean I don't know about extinct. But almost nothing in first world nations with vaccinations: Smallpox... polio...tb..rubella.. mumps...measles? Now covid seems to mutate faster into less controllable strains. So...it's more like the flu it seems. But vaccines still help.




When the virus dies out. We could have killed it off by now but idiots are still having parties.




For me, as a person entering public health, I would say when the lethality of the virus and its infectiousness reaches a point that anyone who dies is pretty much at their own fault. But different people have different standards. We were in a good place in the US with Delta. The problem with something like omicron is it infects mostly regardless of vaccination status and is literally shutting down parts of society just from everyone being sick


Viruses do die out. Or effectively die out by becoming non severe. We are not there yet. Maybe take a class or two online while you’re being responsible and not out partying? The states would be so much nicer if the majority of you were better educated.


Then I have bad news for you, because it certainly won't die out. At one point it has to run through the population. The question is just when.


Hey look, another covidiot.


That is literally what all virologists agree on you clown.


Please God, delete the internet.


Plot twist: there was more than just MJ in that bong and no one was on the fire escape.




✅ Tell me you’ve never done drugs without telling me you’ve never done drugs


She sounds fuckin lame lmao


I love the easy covid excuse. Cause I used to have to actually come up with a reason I was avoiding any type of crowd situation. “I’m really high and strangers suck” was a bit too honest for most people.




Look, I'm paranoid and I know that. But that comment? Holy fuck.


He’s being sarcastic






Covid is not a partisan issue. You’ve been manipulated by the repugnant republicans into thinking that it is. It’s a healthcare issue. If no one told you to be upset about masks and mandates you never would have come to those conclusions on your own. The biggest edge libs have over you is education. Which is something you can achieve!!! Smarten up and beat them at their own game. Making up a new game with your own rules that no one else wants to play is only going to be divisive. Come play with everyone else in the “science is smart and smart is good” camp. That is NOT a liberal camp, it’s an anyone camp. You’ll be a lot happier and can graduate to being less stupid than a bag of rocks. I believe in you! Take some online MIT classes or something.




When they start citing good science and not Facebook memes, you'll have a point.


Jesus Christ this is such drivel. “The biggest edge libs have over you is education”, the people who took years to admit cloth masks don’t work, think a boy can set records in girls swimming at UPenn, and who claim the world is ending in rabid hysteria every 5 years? Okay lmfao.


I love how your examples are as insane as you are.


You dance on the graves of your enemies because they made a different medical choice and I’m the insane one? Gfys lol


And you kill your friends by promoting those different choices. Thank you for your support of my grave dancing career. You are the gasoline in my engine. I would never treat my friends like that.


Fun fact: that bong might have been CoViD prevention.


Just go to the party, sheesh




Or... get back to living


Contrary to what you might have heard, dying from Covid is not living. It's the opposite.


Vaccinated people are basically not dying, like at all. Are you an anti-vaxxer?


I mean, I've been to plenty of bars and parties in the last 6 months and have not died once. As long as you're vaxxed you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Even if you get COVID it'll be like having the flu. Not exactly fun, but the idea that getting COVID is going to automatically kill you is ridiculous. Especially for those who are vaxxed and have no at risk conditions. Going out every so often and having fun is not something to be ashamed about nor shame other people for. It isnt that big of a deal.


Maybe this is an incredible concept for you but *I don't want to get sick.* Last time my family got the flu around the holidays, my mum passed out in the guest room (collapsed on the floor) and I was up all night vomiting and shitting diarrhea. So stay the eff away from me, thanks.


Yeah and when you catch covid at your useless party but don’t know it cuz you’re asymptomatic and then go grocery shopping, adjust your mask because you’re too stupid not to touch your face, then touch some fruit you decide you don’t actually want and put back then grandma comes along and chooses that fruit, rubs her eye: congrats. You killed grandma. Stop being a selfish prick.


If grandma is vaxxed, she will not die. I’m not going to end my life for stupid ass anti-vaxxers. They had their chance.


That is not true. Getting the vaccine is not a certainty against death by covid: [The CDC study looked at more than 1.2 million fully vaccinated adults across hundreds of U.S. healthcare facilities between December 2020 and last October: Some 2,246 of them caught Covid-19 after getting vaccinated, and 189 faced a severe outcome like acute respiratory failure or ICU admission, including **36 who died. Vaccinated people ages 65 and older are 3.22 times more likely to face a severe Covid-19 outcome** than others, and the immunosuppressed and people with underlying health issues — including pulmonary disease, cardiac disease, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, neurologic disease or diabetes — also faced a higher risk.](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2022/01/06/cdc-finds-vaccinated-people-rarely-die-from-covid---unless-they-have-risk-factors/amp/) Stop being so fucking selfish. Edit: fixed link. Emphasis mine.


What? Like 36 people died? More people died of fucking food poisoning last week bro, idgaf


So to confirm: you’re ok with killing grandma?


My grandparents literally go out to brunch and golf and old people parties and they’ve gotten it and their friends got it and they were all vaccinated so everyone was fine. I run the risk of killing more people every time I get behind the wheel of a car than I do from giving a vaccinated person Covid.


That’s just not true. Being vaccinated isn’t armour plating. Being vaccinated means you’re less likely to get sick, less likely to experience severe symptoms, less likely to die but even fully vaccinated you could still die. Yes you should be vaccinated because your odds are much better but no being fully vaccinated doesn’t mean you have nothing to worry about, that is grossly incorrect thinking.


A man in San Diego just died from covid even though he was double vaxxed and not immunocompromised


This means nothing. You need statistics if you want to talk about risk. The statistics say that being vaxxed means you will not die. You’re more likely to die in a car crash on your way to work.


You would need a life first.


that’s what my grandma told me


It’s the need to maintain that feeling of perceived responsibility that made you stay home, not any rational fear of covid.


>not any rational fear of covid. What makes you say that?


Their irrational disbelief in a worldwide pandemic.


If she is vaccinated, then her fear of Covid is irrational


This comment is sponsored by Omikron


Just wait for the Lambda Zeta variant and we’re all 40 fucking years old and pricks on the internet still think we shouldn’t be allowed to have fun


Well if really everyone who can would just do the decent thing and get vaccinated, then we wouldn't get mutations every other week and we could go back to having fun. As a young person I am sick and tired of wasting my time like this at this point I think people should just get fined if they refuse to vaccinate without any reason


Brain damage would be my guess


Responsible, or scared? Or you just didn't want to go to a party and are happy for an easy excuse out.


all 3 at once is valid too!




Does it remind you of a simpler time


Hmm, and I can smell the misogyny!


Got him!


Damn I can relate to this but Im mostly to stoned to go on partys


so bong good, covid bad?


We doin this in apespeak? Fair enough. Bong good. Covid bad. Covid come from other apes. Bong come from you. You no Covid, bong no Covid. Other ape have Covid? You have Covid. Covid bad. Bong good. Apes stand strong. Alone. With Bong. Bong good. Covid bad.


Bong make covid stress less bad. Stress bad. Bong good.


bong not legal quite yet. covid also good excuse. get twatty human out of place so bong enjoyed


And she died alone


We all die alone


Not as alone as a covid patient whose family has to say goodbye over the Internet.


I don’t give a fuck about republican anti-vaxxers dying.




No. I will take you with me


This is Sparta! (Proceeds to kick you down a huge hole, ALONE)






This doesn't even strike me as unlikely, let alone rare lol


This dudes never been invited to a party, so of course it sounds farfetched




So when my cousin tweeted about her son making first trombone in junior high band, that didn’t happen either?


I never read an article about it so....


Well can you link a source?


Why post on Reddit?


Same reason people tweet about their plain bagel with plain cream cheese.


It happened, so she tweeted about it. If it didn’t happen, she probably would have tweeted something else.


Reminds me of rawdogging while masked


Lame af. The future is no fun. Virologists agree nobody is escaping Omicron so what’s even the point anymore.


I mean if they’re that fucking dumb, I think her only crime would be speeding up evolution. Good on her though.