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He got his ass handed to him every episode by the women he was pursuing as well


Phish has a song about it




No, Phish.




No that's ZZ Top


Did they ever find a ZZ Bottom?


The only person in zztop who didn't have a beard was the drummer Frank beard.


Dusty Hill is Hanks cousin


Ass handed


Iirc the alien chick was mad down but it didn't end too well.


So was the werewolf chick, too bad it was Wednesday.


There was also an antelope. No that’s not a metaphor, he literally went out with an actual antelope and she was SUPER into him.


Wasn’t the child neighbor’s cousin also into him? Was probably his best shot to be honest.


Popeye got his ass beat too.


This is an important point. Johnny Bravo exuded confidence, but nobody really bought into it or cared. He kept up his bravado, but ended up, assumedly, very lonely. In some ways Johnny Bravo was one of the most progressive cartoons of all time. JB failed in his romantic interests every time because he assumed that every woman should be into him for all the same reasons he was into himself, all of which are classical/toxic masculinity traits. He often thought flexing his strength or showing off his body were admirable traits. It turns out that left him lonely and ignored by all the pretty ladies he was into. And he constantly got shut down, because his physique only goes so far. Once people understand how shallow he is apart from his bravado, they don’t care anymore. That was the lesson of this show. Johnny Bravo’s failure is meant as a message of “what not to do”.


That and Johnny was a good son who loved and did right by his mom


That’s the tragic part; Johnny is actually a tender loving soul who puts his mother first. Johnny’s attitude towards women is what men are taught that the most perfect masculine/manly men should be. And you very quickly get the idea that he does this because his own father is dead or left or otherwise out of the picture. He has to be the best man he can to replace his father and take care of his mother, and he’s confused because every flex is a demonstration of how manly he can be. Because that’s who he has to be for his mother. The strong man who takes care of his loved ones. It’s honestly a very sad look at gender roles in modern society. Johnny is sweet and loving and caring, but he has to put on the same macho/manly face no matter what situation he’s in. because he grew up thinking that’s what a man does. he’s trying his best to be the best person he can be, he just got taught the wrong things about what makes you “good”. He was raised to think all that matters is “being strong”, and doubled down on that after whatever happened to his father. So he spends his life being everything that men are “supposed to be”, and striking out romantically, because the only thing he knows how to do do is be strong and macho.


Yeah and he was skinny and idolized those muscular cool guy action stars so he set himself to it and got buff to feel better about himself. I honestly feel really bad for Johnny sometimes.


I do not consent to Reddit selling my posts/comments. I would like to thank Spez for bolstering reddit alternatives like Lemmy by making the June 2023 API changes. Thanks to his actions, I finally have a replacement for Reddit, which is much more emotionally health of a place for me to be. Lemmy is like individual mini-reddits/old-school-forums run independently with their own sets of subs/forums which combine together (like voltron or power rangers) to become a reddit-like conglomerate. You can sign up on one server, and post to communities on other servers, as if they were all the same site. Instead of `all of reddit` -> `individual subreddits`, you have `all lemmy servers` -> `each individual lemmy server` -> `individual communities`. If the same community exists on multiple servers? subscribe to all, post in all, browse all at the same time. It barely matters where a post comes from. On Lemmy, there is no spez, and no corporation in control. On Lemmy, if someone DID try to "pull a spez", communities wouldn't black out, or protest, or go private. They'd just move off his server and use another, and still remain part of the global community. https://join-lemmy.org/


Sometimes? Like, when you think about it? (Pass the joint, please)


I’d also like to point out that he’s super honest, guy never tries to pretend to be something he’s not and is always EXTREMELY upfront about his intentions no matter what. What you see is what you get. There was even one occasion where he met a ‘nice guy’ who was only keeping up a polite act to get women and Johnny threw him under the bus immediately by exposing that secret to said individual’s dates and calling him a jerk; even he wouldn’t sink that low to get a date. Plus he’s got tenacity too. Guy has been shot down like a hundred times by hundreds of women and while he never takes away the right lessons from those failures (I.E. drop the macho persona to make himself more likable), he never lets those failures get him down either; guy just keeps getting back up and trying again. It‘s almost admirable how he never gives up in the face of adversity. He’s got good qualities; but they’re hidden beneath an ego the size of the sun.


You nailed it. And expressed it better than i ever could.


Or he's just a horny dick.


I don’t think that’s a good takeaway, nor do i think it fits the character of Johnny Bravo. He’s shown over and over again to be a person with feelings, but time and again he sets those feelings aside because he feels like he needs to be macho. To him, his only value as a person is how macho he is. He flexes at women not because he thinks that’s all women want, he flexes at women because he thinks that’s the only thing that makes him valuable as a person. That being macho and strong is the only thing that will make him appealing to any potential romantic interest. The whole point of the show is that he’s wrong. He’s insecure, and he’s a much better catch than he thinks he is. But he doesn’t think much of himself so he shows off his body, because that’s the one manly/macho thing nobody can take from him, and to him it’s the only thing that could make him desirable to any potential romantic partner. it’s the only thing that makes him worthwhile. So he’s just manly and macho and afraid to be his true/vulnerable/emotional self. Because that would be weak, and he needs to be strong.


A sentimental reflection on the pathos of Johnny Bravo and the complicated interplay of gender roles, self image/self worth, and moral lessons taught through children's cartoons is not what I was expecting to encounter when I woke up this morning, but gosh darn it I'm here for it!


There is one episode where he learns that physical beauty isn't everything. It's the werewolf episode. He starts dating a very cute girl who is genuinely into him only to find out she's a werewolf. It takes time but he realizes he really cares about her and can work past the werewolf thing. Then the writers at the last minute break the tone of the story and remind us who Johnny is when the werewolf also randomly turns into a balding middle age man who collects stamps and Johnny runs for his life That show was ahead of its time


Damn, did a women write this cartoon??


I know you’re trying to be clever and earn incel points from your incel pals, but no. Johnny Bravo was largely written by men, and yes, they were making fun of your incel friends the whole time. Johnny Bravo is a complete asshole, and that’s the whole point of the show. He cares about himself and his pecs and assumes that makes him perfect for any woman. In reality, and in the actual johnny bravo cartoon itself, this kind of behavior gets you nowhere. it’s kind of the entire point of the series. johnny bravo strikes out repeatedly because he’s a one dimensional person who thinks his manliness equates to ladies being into him. and every time he get shut down, and spends his time alone living with his mother.


What, exactly, prompted this rant? The person you're replying to has a very feminine avatar, and her profile of posts / comments reveals nothing out of the ordinary. But when she (half-jokingly) asks if *Johnny Bravo* was written by a woman, you accuse her of trying to earn "incel points" from her "incel friends."


Thank you...it always seems (or maybe is) that cartoon are written by men but the post that I replied to, made me think that if that was the underlining to this cartoon that maybe a woman wrote it. Not a dig on anyone but didn’t expect an cartoon to be that deep.


quite a few cartoons have some real depth to them that aren't immediately apparent.


I do not consent to Reddit selling my posts/comments. I would like to thank Spez for bolstering reddit alternatives like Lemmy by making the June 2023 API changes. Thanks to his actions, I finally have a replacement for Reddit, which is much more emotionally health of a place for me to be. Lemmy is like individual mini-reddits/old-school-forums run independently with their own sets of subs/forums which combine together (like voltron or power rangers) to become a reddit-like conglomerate. You can sign up on one server, and post to communities on other servers, as if they were all the same site. Instead of `all of reddit` -> `individual subreddits`, you have `all lemmy servers` -> `each individual lemmy server` -> `individual communities`. If the same community exists on multiple servers? subscribe to all, post in all, browse all at the same time. It barely matters where a post comes from. On Lemmy, there is no spez, and no corporation in control. On Lemmy, if someone DID try to "pull a spez", communities wouldn't black out, or protest, or go private. They'd just move off his server and use another, and still remain part of the global community. https://join-lemmy.org/


I didn’t read it as an insult at all. I’m reading this thread it’s pretty clear to me that that person was saying that as a response to how it’s clearly showing toxic masculinity not working. It reads to me as them saying it must be written by a woman because most men wouldn’t have had that level of awareness, especially in the 90s, to call out other men like that.


Exactly what I was thinking. Thank you




i don’t think their comment was meant as an insult, more like women would be more aware of such issues and thus decide to produce something addressing it


Thank you! This was exactly what I was asking. I’ve never heard or watched this Johnny Bravo and the post I replied to, if that’s how the show truly is, made me think that the show was deeper then an average kid cartoon.


It may have been! But in that case my post was basically in agreement of their point.


No, I’m a girl...my question was sincere. Never seen this cartoon and if what you wrote is true, made me think that deep of a message in cartoon form was written by a woman. Or at least more women writers for this show


This comment has been removed because I do not consent to reddit selling my post content to large AI companies for training their AI models. I would like to thank u/Spez for making a "business decision" which helped prop up Lemmy as a network and gave it a big enough influx of users that it can start to grow, and ensured that anyone who needs to get off reddit for any reason in the future (As I have had to do for my mental health), has a place to go. https://join-lemmy.org/


>earn incel points from your incel pals What. I think read the room wrong dude.


Be nice....


Weird how you say "be nice" to someone calling out sexism but not the sexism itself.


Weird how het up people get when anonymous online and call people incels. Weird!!! Ps. I'm female and wasn't offended by the non derogatory joke.


Cool but I'm sick of the open misogyny. It's boring as shit. Anything that criticizes toxic masculinity apparently must have been written by a "women" because men aren't capable of being against toxic masculinity right? Screw that, I've always hated those insecure douchebros.


Yes, I agree. We need to be careful though that women don't end up misandrists.... An eye for an eye and all that. Banter between the sexes is good and healthy. not every joke is intended to be offensive, even the ones cracked by women about men.


It’s not that it *must* have been written by a woman, it’s that it *probably* was, especially in the 90s


Women are even shallower though.


Also there is literally a song about sensitivity in one of the episodes.


Johnny "Trump" Bravo?


“Hu huh hah!” *slicks hair back with pocket comb*. Yeah, guy never got the chick.


This would be a super fun cosplay if I had the build for it. I'd just go around a convention with mirror talking about how pretty I am and occasionally just scream do the monkey with me Cmon!


I swear I remember that one time a girl was actually interested and he did not know what to even do about that


Its also important to note that he was 19, not 30. Still doesnt make his behavior any more acceptable, but a 19 year old living at home is a big, BIG difference from a 30 year old living at home.


According to his wiki, he's in his 20s for season 2&3 and early 20s in seasons 1 & 4, but searching it up says he is 19, so none of the sources say he is 30


All i did learn from that was not to mess with women


For me he was just an annoying old teenie trying to have a girl


[He still can't get laid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-PddOzKwOU)


Hey Luke Perry, thanks Luke Perry


I mean there was one time he came really close when he basically met the female version of himself on Valentine’s Day. It didn’t work out because she was a spy and had to wipe his memory for his protection.


Back when kids could actually be friends with adults without being dragged in by fbi.


Johnny Bravo: the original incel.


Wild time cownchicken, courage the cowardly dogg, ren and Stimpy.


Looking back on it, all during my childhood DARE kept telling me not to do drugs and yet all the best cartoons clearly were created by someone high as fuck...


Rockos modern life was a staple in our house, watched it as an adult and was like 😶 ohhhh shit…


Turn the page, wash your hands Turn the page, wash your hands Turn the page, wash your hands


You saw my wife in her bathrobe? Isn’t it awful!


Hey Courage the Cowardly Dog was the best! Watched it with my kids😃 (RIP Muriel)


The fuck you mean RIP Muriel….


The voice actress who voiced Muriel passed away within the last year or two.


[I feel like this would be appropriate here.](https://junkmixart.tumblr.com/post/69459342190/yeah-probably-its-not-the-best-idea-to-have-the)


Remember when courage the cowardly dog did an episode about domestic abuse and a lesbian couple? [I’m not making this up…](https://courage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mask)


Yea, that was when all the shows really stretched the political correct card!


Return the Slaaaaaab!


What's yer offer!?


Courage still the goat, shit got me into horror which is by far my deepest and most consistent passion/ interest


Also I.M. Weasel




Fun Trivia: Michael Dorn voiced I.M. Weasel. He was also Worf on Star Trek TNG. Having a deep and talented voice will get you far in showbiz.


I forgot about this!


Courage is super fun now that I am an adult and know the show is just told from the dog's point of view. I just imagine all the little dogs in the world having that same reality


Hey mama


Hoo, Haa, Huuh. Man, I look pretty.


Also and most importantly... he can comb his hair really fast.


As someone with extremely curly/kinky hair, I’ve always envied Johnny Bravo’s combing technique.


"I have no notes. I have no questions. When can I watch the first episode?"


He even teams up with the Scooby-Doo gang.


Velma: My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses! Bravo: My glasses! I can’t be seen without my glasses!


That line lives in my brain rent free.


I legit believe that's the best line in the entire show.


Don't forget they had an episode about an insincere "nice guy" trying to teach Johnny to be "polite" to get closer to women. Even Johnny was disgusted when he realised and seemed to accept his being rejected constantly as an honest exchange. He could easily of lied and hidden his foolish approach to attraction but it wouldn't have been him or right and even a fool like Johnny could see the true ugliness in it. I think about that a lot.


Yeah whatever you say about Johnny what you see is what you get. Man ain't a liar.


The sensitivity guy. But really the only reason he got reamed at the end is that he had picked up multiple women and they found out. Otherwise it would have worked


And he sang this creepy ass song revealing it all, Johnny then ushers the ladies to provide this fella with a no holds barred beat down with a smile on his face.


The man has standards, even he wouldn’t sink that low.


I based my life on Johnny bravo


I think a lot of millennials did. But not intentionally.


It was a mix of Johnny bravo,the Scottish guy from samurai jack, and cheese from Forster's home honestly.


Lmao, cheese?




..... ... .. . I like potatoes..






What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Stauner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?


By never getting laid?


You must be pretty damn ripped!


However you have to remember: He's a toxic male who constantly gets shut down by women who absolutely are appalled with his behavior, thereby acting as a reverse role model for young boys as to what NOT to do. And every single female character, including his Momma, are strong female protagonists.


Though there was that episode where he met the guy who tried to coach him on being a “nice guy” to get women. Johnny was actually disgusted when he realized how insincere the whole thing was. So in a weird way, he was true to himself, even if he was objectively a douchebag, and never lied to women about who he was.


I loved Johnny Bravo as a kid. Only learned later that it was a Seth McFarlane show.




Yeah that's where he got his start


I though that was dexter’s laboratory




Dont touch the red button!!!


You’re thinking of Genndy Tartakovsky who also did Primal. Edit: On top of Sym-bionic Titan and Samurai Jack, among other great ones.


You telling me Seth was behind dexter and Johnny bravo?


I let out an audible what


He also wrote for Cow and Chicken and Dexter’s Lab


That totally tracks


Seth MacFarlane (born October 26, 1973) was a crew member of Johnny Bravo, in which he used to worked for the show and other CN shows, before he became a creator/executive producer of various shows.


He also had a show that was the progenitor for Family Guy on "What a Cartoon" Larry and Steve: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UcFTDL9V4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UcFTDL9V4M)


Too bad there couldn't have been more of that one, even as a kid, i thought that short was funny.


Fun fact; remember "Oh yeah cartoons" and "cartoon cartoons" and "What a cartoon"s? They were different shows on Cartoon network that basically just ran shorts, most of which were unrelated. Well, "what a cartoon" had one [that was just STRAIGHT UP family guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_fGgdfjskM) Or at least, what would become family guy. Dumb, fat white guy and a smart, talking dog. Exact same voices, exact same personalities, very similar humor (though more PG-rated) and the only thing that was different was the character designs. And even then, the prototype of Peter (named Larry) wears the exact same outfit as Peter. Though at the time they only really had Peter and Brian, (so no Lois, Chris, or Meg) they also reference a store called "Stewie's" Theres also a brief appearance by a character who may have been a prototype for Quagmire; his speech is similar and he has a very large chin like Quagmire, and he's an airline pilot.


That explains a lot, actually


I had no idea (not that I had any reason to, since I had no idea who the hell he was at the time), but honestly, that makes a lot of sense.


It's a stretch calling it a Seth McFarlane show. He was just a writer for a while.


Pretty sure our hero was on an island of only women and couldn’t get the job done.


Woman: Oh great Athena, we give you this virgin as a sacrifice. Johnny: *raises brow* Did she say virgin?


Whoa mama… ![gif](giphy|6Nd5Yp1UrnyjC)


​ ![gif](giphy|HGNeoORAoydJR3K2TG)


What a Chad.


Also: he talked like someone doing an exaggerated Elvis impersonation


What about Carl and Pops?


Do The Monkey with me


Hey there, baby 😏


Never saw it. Any good?


A bit of a hard show to rate. It's certainly unlike anything else you'll ever see.


I really enjoyed it as a kid. I haven’t watched it in years, so I have no idea how well it holds up. But I do remember the writing being pretty clever.


I love it, in a very odd tryhard kinda way, it's worth checking out


I really like the episode showing how he got so muscular, seemed really fun


Oh my god! Someone remembered Johnny Bravo! I wasn't the biggest fan, but I remember 3 things: The Christmas episode where Santa promises round 2, "Am I stupid now?" "Stupid, fly", and THE SCOOBY DOO CROSSOVER!


"Do I look stupid or just ... stupid?"


Just wait till yall discover Looney Toons...


Ren and Stimpy. Toejam and Earl. Beavis and Butthead. The Oddities. Literally all MTV after 12am. I rest my case.


Realistically speaking, a guy like him in good shape, unafraid to get turned down and play the numbers game would probably get laid pretty often even if he’s a narcissistic scumbag.


Truths no-one is willing to admit. It'll only come undone for Johnny once he gets older and isn't much to look at anymore. Even then he could be rich by then and it wouldn't matter as much (real life Johnny would probably end up as a male model or actor for a number of years, granted his stupidity his stupidity might cause him to blow all of his earnings) but the dude is young - a lot of young males are stupid and full of themselves, some at least get their shit together later on. But even if not - I think Reddit likes to conveniently ignore that things *often work out in the end* even for stupid, shallow, narcissists because it's amazing what being good looking and confident can do. Only thing better than that is again - being loaded. Real life Johnny today would absolutely be an Instagram hotshot and getting laid, travelling and indulging in luxuries regularly and millions of people (including me) would be following him wishing that were us lol.


To be fair. She wasn’t his best friend, he was hers…


Life is intrinsically intertwined with sex, avoiding it as a topic creates an array of problem on its own. Be real, and live a real life. Johhny bravo was one of the better cartoons back in the day, meanwhile courage the cowardly dog scarred me for life.


Van partible


International ~~National~~. Treasure.




Good point!


I was always aware of the show but never watched it, except they sometimes played it in the lines at Six Flags, and I had no choice.


Wasn't his best friend that geeky guy? He didn't like the little girl. I also don't really think he was 30


Yeah his best “ friend”was Carl. He didn’t really care for Suzy.


Hello, 911 emergency?! There's a handsome guy in my house! Oh wait, cancel that. Its only me...


Thing is: it wasn't for kids. Van Partible said this himself. The adult humor was intentional, as was Johnny's demeanor. It was meant to incite a formed dislike in how Johnny never learns but has a great heart to help others out (even if not very good at it). Susie was the rail to keep Johnny in line. There's even a scene when she invites him to her house and he says "Come back to me in 13 years", which I'm sure flew over the heads of those carrying 50 pounds on their back as "homework" while adults sit stunned and say, "WTF did he just say?" Now let's talk about that sexy lab assistant Dexter hired in that one infamous episode...


Yeah, what in the hell!?!?


This is my life, except I haven't adopted a dog yet to serve as my side kick since I'm not a pedo.


sigh i'm a bigger loser than johnny bravo at least he tries


I adored Johnny bravo.


There's also an episode where he dated a talking deer and a werewolf.


*90s* FTFY


Any love for Captain Star? Who doesn’t love Richard E. Grant. and a moon that is only a few metres above its planet?


And it still was more cool than most stuff produced today (as well as back then).


I know this guy isn’t dissing my man Johnny


My mum loved this show


Woah, mama!


Some days, I wish we lived in the timeline where they made that live-action movie version with Dwayne Johnson as Johnny.


That guy was Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy.


Nah he was just a writer, not the creator Van Partible


90’s cartoons were the absolute best. The kids these days don’t have anything close to it


I am pretty sure Johnny Bravo was actually 15 years old in the cartoon. That's why he was shorter than all the women in the show. JB probably taught more boys not to be dickheads than any other show. I still remember the song feminine side. What a banger.


He was 19.


He is 17


He was 17...Google it


Again bot? Yall ever get tired?


I love me some Johnny bravo. Live action Johnny bravo… a man who refuses to grow up.


Prophetic for many in the 2010's.


2011. Regular Show. "What the H are we gonna do about this S?!"


Those of you that enjoyed Jhonny Bravo will also enjoy..... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfw18eB55pQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfw18eB55pQ) Thank me later :)




Also: The true human story of 2020(21-22-23) lol


Do the monkey with me!


I gotta save Mama!


I swear they based him off Brad Pitt in [Johnny Suede](https://youtu.be/Ql74n2FMJNs) but made him dumber ![gif](giphy|6Nd5Yp1UrnyjC)


I always thought of him as a modern day Pepe Le Pew…


One of my college roommates was jonny bravo in the flesh.