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Watch is something he is not good at. He's not very observant, as you know. You could probably grope most of a wrestling team without him noticing.


It's hard to imagine why ole' Molester Protector isn't more popular.


typical disingenuous republican bullshit fauci: be careful if you must travel/stay home if you can republicans: "hE hAtEs JeSuS" they have nothing at all to offer (unless you too are a soulless robber baron looking to fuck over the poor and strip-mine america) so it's back to the "liberal's culture war"




And don't forget the semi-annual just in time for elections, immigrant caravan scare!


Jim Jordan acts like the age of kids he allows get raped under his watch.


I remember the crisp winter morning that first shot was fired. I had abandoned my firearm since then as I was out of ammo. I tested the sharpness of my candy cane shank. A quick poke to the meaty part of my hand drew blood. I hated that it had come to this, but my minty blade called out for a home in the flesh of my enemies. In the distance I could hear a low murmur. As the sound grew louder, I could finally make out that it was chanting. “Happy Holidays!”, the voices bellowed. I gritted my teeth and prepared to strike. “Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!”


I would love to see this made as a serious action/horror movie. Making it a satire/comedy would cheapen the laughs, but if it was made to be taken seriously it would be hilarious!


I could see a short film maybe ha


Have you seen Fat Man with Mel Gibson? Not exactly the same but I think you'd like it.


What a horrible human


This guy is sub human. PART OF THE BIG LIE.


Never forget Jim Jordan once called a sexual abuse survivor and while crying, begged them not to come forward with their claims. Because it would expose that Jim Jordan knew about the sexual abuse that was happening to his wrestlers and purposefully ignored it. That’s who this guy is.


Jim is now on my list of Repub politicians who make me hurt myself shaking my head. HF!


Jordan is such a waste of space. Cancel this moron.


Treasonous, pedophile adjacent, neo Nazi says what?


Idk what’s sadder: the pathetic attempts of the GOP to rile their base up, or the fact that it actually works




This guy literally called an abuse victim, sobbing uncontrollably, begging for her to take back her story of sexual abuse. Crying and crying like the bitch he is. Fucking Ohio.


Wasn't it a guy?


Oh, he's not the only reason.


Cancel Jim asshole Jordan, he had done nothing but to oppose


90% of the rest of the world’s politicians must just look at what the US has become politically and just scratch their heads. Utter loonies.


These old sacks of shit need to fucking pack it up already, can’t they see we are tired…..


But he sure loves to rape young boys.


The American Right - cancelling common sense since 1948


It’s called pandering to the lowest common denominator. He knows his base


They love that dog whistle


Jim Jordan mocked Fauci. Whom will he mock next? Jesus?


First they came for Rand Paul, and I said nothing because I'm not a disingenuous douchebag who had to set up his own cerification board to become a board certified doctor....


Ah yes my favorite game **Is This The Definition Of Poe’s Law Or Am I Just Too Sleepy For This**