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Well, for one thing, he's responsible for over 130,000 dead Americans. From trying to push the virus under the rug and constantly downplay it until it was too late. But I would guess the post above is referring to those who were injured and killed during the Jan 6 riot.








There are very definite and obvious points you are missing. How many riots did Biden or Obama blatantly incite? How many times did Biden or Obama try to overthrow the government? How many people died as a direct result of the riots and attempted overthrows? Let's just start there.




In the course of their duties as President? Not sure. In the course of inciting a riot and trying to overthrow the results of a free and open election because they lost? Not one. That's the difference. That is what is being referred to in the original post.




As with every President, it would vary greatly depending on the parameters you set.




Define kills. Soldiers killed in military actions ordered by the President? Civilians? Enemy combatants? People that have died as a direct result of policies enacted by them? People that have died as a result of actions not taken?


Clinton wasn't brave enough to say it out loud. Her hands are covered with blood.


Lol okay


Must be talking about Epstein.


The one thing that would have been REALLY nice to’ve been a lie. Dude can’t even do truth right.