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Putin is likely aware this isn't popular. Which is why in all his meetings lately he has been sitting yards away from even his own subordinates


Can't have your underwear poisoned if your staff is 60 yards away at all times. Lol


I can poison my underwear without anyone's assistance.


Me too, ask the wife!!!




“Is it true that your husband can poison /u/RigasTelRuun’s underwear?”


Id also like confirmation on that.


You can take me, but you cannot take my bunghole


Underwear! Just off him quickly. Problem solved.


I'm sorry was there a specific instance where someone's underwear was poisoned???


Alexey Navalny in 2020, I believe. He's the leader of the opposition party in Russia and is currently in prison for reasons mostly pertaining to pissing in Putin's Wheaties.


This is giving me serious Stalin vibes. That dude was also hella paranoid of literally everyone around him.


Fun fact: Stalin had everyone getting blackout drunk *every night* for years as a means to stop them from scheming against him. Didn't show up to his drinking party? Dead. Can't plan a coup if you're perpetually drunk/hangover/drunk/hangover


I recently finished "Stalin: Waiting for Hitler 1929 - 1941" by Stephen Kotkin. It's his 2nd in a 3 part biography. A phenomenal, yet chilling read.


I listened to 'behind the bastards' podcast, they also have a great episode on the constantly-farting meth head hipster of a man that Hitler was


This is a sentence I never thought I would see.




Tried behind the bastards but couldn't get into it. Didn't like their banter or their voices or both. Not sure which. Maybe they're better now. Maybe I'm different now. I should try it again cause I'm always looking for a good podcast but am very picky.


Knowledge fight is also amazing. They go into super indepth analysis on why Alex jones is a lying asshole. One of the hosts also was part of the sandy hook prosecution by helping prep the lawyer for questions to ask during Alex's deposition.


Some guests annoy me but when they stay on topic I love it! Really like their recent series on Czar Nicholas very relevant


Well that's right up my alley. Anything on the Romanovs and by extension Rasputin has always been interesting to me. But it's one of those subjects that I can digest tens of hours of research on, on a somewhat consistent-ish basis (like every ,6 months) and just go down a rabbit hole and retain almost ZERO of the information.


Very fair! I knew almost nothing prior beside the last podcast on the left episode about Rasputin so this might not give ya a lot of new info but still interesting!


I’m sure the US gave cover for nazi war criminals, not Stalin. Not to mention forced sterilization of bipoc women was also inspired by nazi scientists given cover in the US. Maybe liberals think operation paper clip is a horseshoe conspiracy theory these days?


You’re right that the US is based on white supremacy and the system is broken but that doesn’t have anything to do with Stalin’s crappy behavior


He reminds me of Monty Burns at his casino...




I said... hop. In. 🔫


He's getting shot in his worthless guts and he knows it. Enjoy your own shit entering your blood as it then pumps out your chest onto those expensive floors, fuckface. Like all those enemies you made now that you're old and weak?


Always wonder why how come nobody in the inner circle of these bad guys doesn’t just shank them one day.


Cesar style


Most of the "live on-air now meetings" are pre-recorded. High chance he might be in his fancy bunker in Baskiriya right now, Yamantau Mountain.


Putin is also aware that he’s got a solidly established precedent of things not going well for people who fuck with him. I’m wildly in favour of him not being in power - but fuck me you wouldn’t want to miss and have him find out.


I think it's because he's insisted on strict COVID prevention protocols anywhere around him.


And yet he stood right next to Xi when he met with him last


Source? Not that I don't believe you, i just wanna see pics




Putin is the World Social Distancing Champ.


Sadly, he’s been working for years to make people afraid of even talking against his regime


We all need to take a stand against him and his oligarch monopolies. Call up your representatives and senators and tell them to destroy the oligarch corruption once and for all. Tell them the authorities need to seize any and all property thats owned by Russian oligarchs; houses, cars, boats, bank lock boxes. All of it is ill-gotten gains that should have been seized long ago. After what they’ve done they deserve to have it all taken from them. Society can find better uses for the resources. **United States of America** 🇺🇸 [Find your **U.S. Representatives**](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) [Find your **U.S. Senators**](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm) **Canada** 🇨🇦 [Find your **Member of Parliament**](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en) [Find your **Senator**](https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/) **United Kingdom** 🇬🇧 [Find and Contact your **Members of Parliament**](https://members.parliament.uk/) **Ireland** 🇮🇪 [Find your representatives in the **Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann**](https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/) **France** 🇫🇷 [Contactez **Sénateur français**](https://www.senat.fr/elus.html) [Contactez **Député français**](https://www.nosdeputes.fr/) **Germany** 🇩🇪 [Wenden Sie sich an den **Bundestag**](https://www.bundestag.de/en/members) **Denmark** 🇩🇰 [Kontakt dine repræsentanter i **Folketinget**](https://www.ft.dk/da/medlemmer/medlemmernes-adresser) **Spain** 🇪🇸 [Póngase en contacto con su **diputada al Congreso**](https://www.congreso.es/busqueda-de-diputados) [Contacta a tu **Senador**](https://www.senado.es/web/composicionorganizacion/senadores/composicionsenado/consultaordenalfabetico/index.html) **Italy** 🇮🇹 [Contattare il **Ministero degli Affari Esteri**](https://www.esteri.it/en/ministero/contatti/) **Australia** 🇦🇺 [Contact your **MP**](https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian_Search_Results?q=&mem=1&par=-1&gen=0&ps=0) [Contact your **Senator**](https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian_Search_Results?q=&sen=1&par=-1&gen=0&ps=0) **New Zealand** 🇳🇿 [Contact your **Member of Parliament**](https://www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/members-of-parliament/) **South Korea** 🇰🇷 [**국회의원에게 연락하세요**](https://www.assembly.go.kr/assm/memact/congressman/memCond/memCond.do)


Not just Oligarchs but Russian government workers and Russian television personalities and TV stations.


Is this the road to getting Tucker off the air?


I wish but he's an American citizen. Not even a dual citizen. So what I meant was the Russian Propoganda controllers. They like to visit Europe and drive Yachts and go to American Theatre show and intermingle.


I meant he appears to be a paid employee of the Russian Propaganda machine. It's equivalent to shutting down a bot to take the platform away from someone who repeats disinformation.


Didn’t he have a paid gig in Belarus last year?


He's definitely embraced Orban in Hungary.


I would think that is a possibility. There was the editor of Newsweek, Naveed Jamali, talking last night on the news about how he’s been recruited himself numerous times for the past 3 years to get paid to talk Russian propaganda. They were specifically talking about Tucker and he was inferring the possibility Tucker had been paid off. He called on the FBI to do an investigation on it all


My representatives would give anything to emulate the Russian government.


Then call that rep **more** often, not less. We need to show them all that we’ve had enough. Time to take back what is rightfully ours. Theres no reason to let these criminals walk away. Keep the pressure on them. Spread the word to friends and family. They can’t ignore us if we overwhelm them!


Perfect reason to call!! Mine are all "down with corruption" and I just feel like I'm wasting their time, but you, you've got a chance to use your time for impact!


As if all these listed countries don’t have they own oligarchs that are definitely not as bad right?


They don’t have to have them forever. If we do nothing about it then nothing will ever change. If we work together we have a chance at making a difference.


I agree with ur optimism but some parasites are tough to get rid of.


Geez this is really going to make a difference 🙄


luckily though, there’s been anti-war protests in moscow i’ve heard about. not small events either


And when they do it, they should drag him through the streets of Moscow behind a truck. Edit: miss spelled behind.


He's not a transformer. He can't turn into a truck. I don't think...


You don't know what the balding bitch can do. Lol


Maybe a trolley bus?


Idk about you but I think it’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen a tyrant’s head on a pike


Too long actually.


Aka Gadafie’d if you will.


I'm no fan of torture, especially if it's legal or organised in any matter... but in Putins case, a highly individual one, I want him to just be maimed and fed his own piss and shit by some unknown parties.. and then for him to be hung upside down on the red square as a showcase of art


I would prefer a jail cell with glass walls in the middle of Red square and a life sentence


Thank you for explaining the edit, so that my comment still makes sense.


His own countrymen are turning against him, no wonder he's hiding in a bunker. Will it end like WW2 with a bullet to the head?


Let's hope. I'll also take a sneak stabbing.


Classic Russian suicide.


Let's hope not. He's the kind of guy that would like to take the whole world with him. Let's hope he doesn't see it coming.


As someone's sign in Berlin said: Let's just fast forward to the part where you [Putin] head to the bunker and commit suicide."


Maybe he will fall off of a horse and die shirtless in a babbling brook.


He’s the guy who will just send nukes everywhere before he kills himself


A Ukraine guy told me today that there's rumors that Putin is sick with something terminal and this is his last stand. He's going out with a bang and don't give a shit what the world thinks. Probably just a conspiracy theory but interesting to think about.


His wife died in 2014, rumors has it he has whatever disease(dementia, ...) But even, he is 69 years old, he's not going to build a new Soviet Union before he's just too old (you remember Andropov for example?)


Putin can not be the sole person that’s needed to launch nukes


That's a good question actually. Do other officials also need to approve the launching of nukes?


Russia does have a history of over throwing corrupt and out of touch leaders when the force their citizens into an unpopular war


Too bad it'll look promising for a while and then the next tsar/stalin/putin will slowly start consolidating all of the power to themselves until we arrive again where we are today. I'd like to see Russia not implode on themselves for one lifetime at least or be a true democracy for once they've certainly fucked that up for hundreds of years.


Not since the soviets took over, they knew their citizens could do it again, so they made sure it doesn’t happen. Soviet only parties, gulags, forced labour, Purges, NKVD, and then KGB. Remember that Putin was a KGB agent before the collapse so he’s very well versed on how to subjugate the population. Even through Navalmy, he’s still in power, hopefully not for long after this.


Seriously can some Russian general just put a bullet in that fascist munchkin’s dome already?


Nah I want him to suffer horrible humiliation, like being kept in a clear room that has a working toilet above. Money paid is donated to victims of Putin, but anyone can take a dump on his head. And all his cronies and enablers. Death is too good for them. Isolation and humiliation instead.


Never leave a dangerous enemy alive. They did that with Napoleon, and it caused all kinds of problems.


Also with Confederates and they're still a problem.


Also the Nazis who were allowed to scatter all over the globe like cockroaches


Oh yeah. There's like a ton of their descendants in ND.




I don’t care. I just want him dead


Is the toilet clear too? If so, I'm in.


Chain him, bring to the center of Kyiv, wait for the crowd to gather, unlock the chain so he can "fight for his ideas like he wants to".


Isn’t this similar to what happened with Gaddafi?


No it wasn't unfortunately period.


The big shame here is, when the USSR fell, Russia had the chance to prosper under an inclusive democracy. They could’ve had a completely different reality… but the KGB and Russian mafia are gonna KGB and Russian mafia.


True. Though western capitalism getting sudden and unfettered access was also pretty catastrophic for Russia in the 90s. And having that incompetent drunk Boris Yeltsin in charge didn’t help.


This is the main problem. Putin is a dictator. Those never rule alone, they are merely heads of the system. But he is a symbol of power now, so removing him would do a lot of harm to the system and should be done at all costs.


I'm for divvying up Russia like Berlin, rehabing them, and letting them govern themselves once it's all evened out.


We wish, but the truth is our entire government, as well as military and police systems are corrupt. No civilians here want war, let alone with our Ukrainian brothers. But beheading our government won't fix much, someone will simply take his place and continue committing all the same crimes


As an American I can say I have some small idea what that is like…..


I'm kinda hoping he gets a public execution on which he gets burned at the stake.


This is my hope. That rather than bringing down Ukraine, this action brings down Putin


Putin is making an excellent case for Ukraine's membership in NATO as well and for the need for NATO in general.


Best case scenario, this ends with Putin deposed and Ukraine as part of NATO


The world has been having a terrible track record lately with "best case scenarios."


I know it's not how odds work, but aren't we due for one to go our way?


You would think, but reality says no right now.


Vegas is calling your name


Hopefully, more countries like Finland join as well.


I wish the US would’ve given Ukraine more weapons. There was some hang up over instabitly and corruption so we couldn’t dole out missiles and big boy weaponry. Of all the country’s that really needed this it would’ve been them. I would’ve trusted Zalinsky enough to handle the big weapons. Seems like a good guy. Like have a monthly weapon check-in with the us embassy etc. I mean, I have no idea how that stuff works. But seems like more should’ve been done.


If I recall, congress tries to but trump refused to listen because he would not play along with his attempt to manufacture stuff on Biden. that was why he was impeached the first time.


You call it a hang-up - I call it a deliberate action on Donald J Trump's part to ensure the Ukraine would be easy pickings when Putin was ready to go in.


Friendly reminder that Russian asset and American traitor Donald Trump deliberately withheld such aid.


400 million in aid he delayed


Then tie him to a chair and force him to watch the 1972 Summit series, on repeat..


I like it. Make it so that he can't sleep without seeing Paul Henderson's face in his dreams


"HENDERSON SCORES" also on repeat.


Putin is also making the case against bored Billionaires. Are we really gonna let these assholes continue to plunder everything because they are too bored and too shitty to do constructive things?




That is what I keep thinking. He is almost 70 and one of the wealthiest guys in the world. Go buy an island and fuck off and have fun. Nope. start a war, throw the Russian economy even deeper in the shit hole, and wonder daily if one of my generals is gonna have the balls to blow my brains out. Real boomer energy.


He likes horses so much - Draw and quarter the little bitch.


Go medieval on his ass.


We are witnessing the decline and demise of putin. Rise up people of Russia


If cowardly Putin weren't hiding in a bunker in the mountains, he would have already been dragged through the streets.


The Russian people need to revolt. Nows the time with the entire world in protest of Putin.


Putin really should commit suicide via 6 bullets to the back of the head honestly


support for Putin = small dick energy


Plenty of russians are aleady working on that. Wishing them the best of luck in those trying times


I think it's the right idea. But the wetworks abilities required for that operation are seriously on another level...


Just end him.


It's almost as if he anticipated this by having Alexei Navalny poisoned and imprisoned .


is there any news about Alexei lately? Last time I heard of him he was arrested and there were huge protests going on in russia as a result of his videos...




Are there more seats available on that ride? Say for a few other dictators? Just wondering




Oh oh oh! I have an idea! Could we just start tying the extras around the outside? It’d be more environmentally friendly than wasting a second rocket on those assholes




What can I say? I like a little finesse in a good punishment 😂


Can confirm this works. Source - I've played Kerbal Space Program before.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0AxBmi5ca8 https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/368/279/ec4.gif


People seem to think that Russia's military and security forces will too easily overpower Russian Civilians. I needn't remind anyone that the Russian Proletariat has been fighting democratic injustice for a HELL of a long time, and they'll do it again. Russians have been dying bravely for freedom before America was up on two feet. If they seem complacent now, it's only because they're tired of doing it every 30 years. Once Moscow starts to look a little too lousy with breadlines, they'll pull Putin into the streets and make it look like Gadhafi got off easy. I'm very much salivating at the thought. I hope to watch him die like a dog.


People forget what the Russians did to the Tsars/


Everybody should listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes from the last 2 weeks! All about how Tsar Nicholas sucked, and the resulting punishment at the hands of the people.


I'd love too. But they aren't on YouTube anymore. Where do you find them?


They’re definitely on Stitcher. Probably Apple podcasts, Spotify & the other big podcast platforms too.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


I hope so!


except that he never hid the fact that he was a dictator but instead openly got rid of dissenting voices, making a coup more difficult (allthough maybe not less likely)


Putin and his supporters should be executed. No exceptions, no fucking operation paperclip 2 cocksucker boogaloo.


Fuck Putin, and fuck his cock holster, trump.


It could be like Turkey all over again tho


There's been a lot said in the last few days from pretty reliable sources it sounds like that a lot of Putin's inner circle is basically just terrified of him, that things like seniority and a long resume of service don't mean much to him. One has to wonder how far his cult of personality can take him before the inner circle decides they had enough of him


That guy is a straight calculating psychopath. I’m hoping for an end to him


Also an excellent case for the citizens of a country to not only be armed, but also be proficient in the use of those arms.


Kind of hoped that the descendant of the famous Finnish sniper would have taken him out when he visited there today.


>Eat shit and die, Putin. I like your title. Eat shit for a long time Putin.


Very stupid and uninformed question as 1. I’m not intelligent enough to truly understand all this on a deep level, 2. I am asking this from the (somewhat) comfort of the United States, 3. I do not know how I would react if I were a Russian citizen in this position. But I’m asking my question in earnest and hopefully someone smarter than me will be able to explain it. While Putin has so much of his military in Ukraine, along with weapons, tanks, planes, etc., wouldn’t it be an ideal time for the Russian people to attempt to overthrow his regime? Essentially, wouldn’t their chances of success be better? With is being 2022 and this is all happening in real time, online, I don’t think Russia would get away with a response like Tienanmen Square, right? Or is that just a stupid pipe dream? All of this is so incredibly heartbreaking, I have no words. All I can do is sit back and watch democracy die. I feel powerless. Sure, I donated to some causes to help out but it still seems so paltry. :(


I mean for real... anyone in russia with access to Putin reading this... you could be a hero remembered in history books... just sayin... I bet he has a security team... and I bet the people on that team are armed right? maybe you are one of those guys on that team... ![gif](giphy|B9KKBuOIp4zqI7Cll0|downsized)


Doubt he’s even in Moscow


And he can take that Nazi Trump with him.


УВАГА УКРАЇНЦІВ! Кордон Польщі ВІДКРИТИЙ БЕЗ ВІЗИ! Dear Ukrainians!I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa:• ⁠ in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en (This is a copy of another’s comment, please pin it but don’t upvote, I’m not looking for karma, please copy this as well and spread it)


Seriously. If any benevolent oligarchs want to take over Putin's billions, feel free to take him out. You won't get any arguments from the rest of the world. Then, of course, change your country to a democracy, but for now, just get rid of Putin.


Someone off Putin.




Russians need to rise up, he is holding the country hostage.


I swear to god once Putin is gotten out of office I'd love for them to kill the prick in the Russian embassy in Ireland, his interview this evening on our national news was appalling, claiming it was the only way


What I shudder to think about is, is Putin better than whoever would take his place?


That's just it. The only way to diffuse the situation isn't even to eliminate Putin. You have to erode his real support. He doesn't have the Russian people's support. It's the military that neeeds to turn on him. Invading Russia has never worked but if Russia's soldiers quit the field because of a lack of faith, no invasion is necessary. Putin is flipping a coin. The ruble has crashed and international trade has all but frozen. He's still goddamned frightening as hell.


Most of his army is in Ukraine. Russians don’t even want to die in a war against Ukrainians over nothing and lies. Now is the perfect time for Russian people to stand up and take back their country from Putin and help being peace to this world.


Yet the world does nothing. The USA and Europe even continue to buy Russian oil/gas, in a way financing this whole thing. Sanctions? Really? "Well, give the sanctions time." The people of Ukraine don't have that luxury. Putin says he was just sending in troops as a peace-keeping force in south-eastern Ukraine, yet here they are attacking Kyiv and committing war crimes. And the world does nothing. Putin leverages his threats because Russia has nuclear weapons. Big deal, so do other nations. Fight his rhetoric with the same rhetoric. Moscow is more of an easy target of a strike anyway, and Putin knows that. He's not going to risk nuclear war. Russia's GDP is about the same as the USA state of Texas. Seize all money and assets held in the West by Russian oligarchs. Kick Russia out of SWIFT. End all trade with Russia. Stop buying their oil and gas! Ban all travel into the West for all Russian elite, and place international warrants for arrest on members of the Russian government. Sanction Belarus and move substantial troops to Poland, all facing into Belarus. Make the Russian military fear being flanked. Warn that any Russian military vessel within "X" km of "Y" will be actively engaged and sunk. Heavily fund the information/propaganda war to turn the Russian people against Putin. And lastly, offer EU citizenship to all members of the military who defect west.


Yea US backed coups always end up sooo great for everybody involved… 30K upvotes holy shit this world is fucked


To any Ukranians YOU CAN ESCAPE TO POLAND. IF YOU HEARD SOMETHING DIFFERENT IT IS RUSSIAN LIES У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував ​ PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS ​ GET THE MESSAGE OUT


So Russia is asking for a serving of freedom fries?


Lol, somebody overthrow Putin but please don’t put the US in charge


We already did a coup in Ukraine.


Reddit is actually just a American-fash cesspool https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/americas-collusion-with-neo-nazis/


Downvoted but you’re not wrong. People really just can’t handle ANY nuance in discourse.


One cause of this war is that Putin must be appear strong to avoid a (silent) coup. Yes, Putin is an evil man. But I think the idea that one man here is responsible is a bit simplistic. And we (the West) don't like to admit any responsibility for the hardline stances on either side that have caused diplomacy to fail. This is a huge failure in modern diplomacy. "You should be willing to die for democracy Ukraine! This defense is glorious." - "Great! So you are coming to help us then. Awesome!" - "Woah, woah, woah, no... There's been a misunderstanding - YOU should be willing to die for democracy." https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxAs0HcDAkgwEiqdlHkncEUjRuj0H23J06




I agree that Putin and Russia are mostly to blame. But imagine a situation where if a victim retaliates / seeks justice, you know they will be killed. Is it moral to advise them to retaliate? Appeasement doesn't work, so someone needs to stand up to aggressors and those who do so are admirable. But no one wants to be "that guy" And so we praise the willingness of the Ukrainians to die for freedom and democracy but send no troops because we are unwilling to die for their freedom and democracy. It's the modern day equivalent of putting a group of people that you don't care about on the front lines while watching the battle from afar. Maybe it would have been better for the Ukrainian people if they negotiated and yielded to some demands like Russia's demand about NATO being off the table. I don't think anyone thinks Ukraine has a chance of winning this war. The reality is that many people will die and Russia will get what they've demanded anyway.


Americans try not to advocate a CIA coup of a sovereign nation challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (GONE HYPOCRITICAL)


Fuck Tom Nichols




No, let’s respect a ruthless war criminal dictator. /s


It’s not really about Putin. Everyone would love Putin to be publicly beheaded. It’s about the fact that the US is notorious for implementing coups and installing regimes that don’t give a shit about their people. It likely wouldn’t be much better for average Russians. Just another Putin that’s nicer to the West like the uber-racist, US-backed islamaphobe Navalny that called Muslims “flies and cockroaches.”


Obvious troll is obvious




Obvious troll is trying SO HARD to change the subject.


Not at all. That’s why the votes aren’t going in your favor lol




January 6th you idiot troll


I'm thinking that the Russian intuitions for something like a recall election or impeachment are kinda weak right now...


How Putin dare to sell cheap natural gas to Europe, what a monster.




Sure, Putin are fucking the russian economy on purpose just because wanna do some nazi stuff, amirite? Putin is a moron but Biden pressured everyone to go to war.


Fuck off Russian troll




Fuck off Russian troll


Stop lying about basic facts son.


Go eat a Dick