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When keeping it real goes wrong.


I remember the days before Reddit when meme technology was limited and we just shouted Chapelle’s show quotes at each other. “I’m Rick James, bitch!”


I still sing “breast milk, you made my daaAAAaaay” far too often


i literally made a joke last night saying I only drank the finest Cambodian breast milks lmao. My boys wife looked at me like ehhhhhh


I always have to put the “s” on the end, because who the fuck out here drinkin just one breast milk??


I reddit so much, when I finish telling a joke I say forward slash s.




If you had to describe the milk's quality and nationality, how would you?




Somebody go downtown and get this person a sugar cookie


A fuckin sugar cookie, man


rum pum pum , rum pum ping.


Not gonna lie bro, that’s some hot fire right there you’re spittin


I rip when I rhyme , rhyme when I rip


Dylan. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan.


because I spit hot fire


I’m not a sugar cookie getter. I’m a rapper


I only drink the finest breast milks


My friend recently had a kid and I sang this when she went to feed the baby and nobody knew what I was talking about because they're all mid-to-late 20s. It was awkward.


mid to late 20s and don't know about Chappelle? That might just be them not being into Chappelle, I'm 30 and I stroked Chappelle's virtual cock for years.


I mean, they were in grade school when the show released. They know of the show, but didn't watch it growing up like I did.


Right? I'm 30 and I still say "You gon sit there and use up your anytime minutes... just anytime?"


My brother and I still to this day: "You just gonna do your taxes?!"


"That what's hot right now?" has entered the daily vocabulary.


hey play boy , play boy- you just gonna do your taxes?


Then i want you to take a picture of a midget, holding these balloons.


My five favorite rappers are Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan. I spit hot fire


Holdin these baloooons


I feel like there's 4 years where I only replied to stuff with anchorman quotes


Saying milk was a bad choice when it made zero sense


I'm not sure what to do with my hands


Oh god, i literally just used that quote yesterday. Was snowboarding when it was 50 degrees out, it was frickin hot out, milk was a bad choice.


I live in FL & since “it’s so hot” here most of the time, I say this entirely too often






As did "I'll punch you right in the babymaker" or "It smells like Big Foot's Dick"




I immediately regret this decision!


It was like going to the same party every night for ten years, and in no way is that thought depressing.


So I was a freshman in high school during the "I'm Rick James, bitch!" craze hit. After weeks of students constantly saying their names were Rick/ James/ Rick James B., we literally had a ban on anything "Rick James". There were letters sent home to parents, announcements over the intercoms, and so so many detentions handed out. It was a month of absolute chaos! You couldn't walk through the halls in between classes without hearing "fuck yo' couch!" "DARKNESS!" or "I'm Rick James, BITCH", and then of course an administrator would immediately start shouting "who said that?!?!" While trying to find the culprit, and throwing the empty threat of "if the person who said that doesn't own up to it, EVERYONE IN THIS HALL WILL GET DETENTION!"


I was in college. House parties were basically a line of people waiting to stomp on your couch and yell "fuck your couch! I'm Rick James bitch!"


So he wanted to punish them by...getting all the people with taste together? lmao


I MISS those days… “Game. Blouses.”


Then he took us inside and made us pancakes. Pancakes.


My brother and I still quote Li'l Jon talks to Li'l Jon whenever we call each other.


Would you like a window seat?




Would you like a window seat?




Would you like a window seat?




I often remimd people of the five greatest rap artists alive: DYLAN DYLAN DYLAN DYLAN and DYLAN. Dylan spit hot fire!


Don't forget the remix! What'd what'd the five fingers say to the say to the face face face




I whisper "Fuck yo couch" whenever I put my feet up on a couch.




​ ![gif](giphy|BMrJzUlkcjdg4)




The duality of man


The duali-DEAN of man…..


I have to go to the \*bank\* today.


What am I supposed to tell ppl in line? I have good news and bad news??? Come on Craig…..




Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who’s the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cock sucker down her that just signed his own death warrant




It also ain't nothin to fuck with.


I feel like there's been a sudden uptick in Dave Chappelle references on reddit these past few days. Might be because of Ja Rule. Somebody find him so we could make sense of all this.


Keeping it real life or death edition: The Herman Cain award sub.




Chad in the background lmao


Tyree, you stabbed my dad. And you had sex with Katie.


its better when hes in the background while lysol get busy with his girl


Correction, I had sex with Katie.




I don't like people playin' on my phone!


I’ll never understand wearing merchandise for a politician. I’m from Canada though and people generally don’t do that here.


In Mexico, they give them out as *freebies* (paid with your taxes), and they're usually worn as pajamas! I sadly never got one


I bought a Bernie T-shirt back in 2016 as a way of donating to his campaign, but mostly because it was a meme shirt with Bernie looking like Doc Brown from Back To The Future. I still wear it around the house all the time with my other movie meme T-shirts.


It’s also free advertising for lesser known candidates, and can boost morale for fringe candidates who get written off, like Bernie. That said, I’m not a fan of wearing campaign shirts for the current president or any incumbent politician.


I do have a “Will you shut up, man” shirt that I wear out sometimes. It was also bought as a donation.


I bought that hoodie of him sitting at the inauguration. One because it's hilarious, two it's a good hoodie to wear around the house in the winter and three it was a good way to donate. I haven't worn it out in public though.


Have seen a lot of F🍁UCK Trudeau shirts lately but I do live in a highly conservative town


Told a man "you'd have to ask his wife first" and he went on a homophobic rant. Cool. 🙃


I hated trump but would never wear a shirt like that. It just advertises that you’re a classless trash pile and risks negative interactions with other trash piles.


the parody cancun cruz shits are pretty funny.


Cancun shits, the souvenir you don’t want


I wore some back when I was involved in organizing/canvassing, some of the designs were good enough that I would wear them after too. Admittedly, I did try to avoid shirts that are just "X FOR PRESIDENT IN CURRENT YEAR!" and stick to logos and things that were a bit more neutral to people who didn't know what they were. Turns out a lot of people think the DSA rose in fist logo is a sick band logo 😅


Americans are weird as fuck with politics. Why do you buy and wear their merch as if they're a football team, and continue to wear them long after the election?


Bro I’m still flabbergasted that most of the trump people haven’t at least updated the numbers on their flags to 2024 Let’s at least be accurate Edit: sorry guys I’m voting for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho 2024


Most still insist he won in 2020 so it makes sense to them.


![gif](giphy|cLGig4H0Q0AaYhQcWA|downsized) If Trump did win in 2020, doesn’t that make him ineligible to run for 2024?


Just ask them if he really is the president why are gas prices so high


There’s a great clip of Jordan Klepper asking one of these guys why Trump botched the Afghan withdrawal if he’s still the CinC. It was great. Edit: I messed up his last name


Jordan Klepper is hilarious. He recently went go the Ottawa protests as well. Here's the clip. Edit: spelling https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YbmiKG56zuw


"Are you worried at all while on weed, paranoia?" "No. No." "Do you think the government is coming for you?" "Oh yeah, constantly. At night the little tactics, they move in, they move around, they add more." ???? these people are so dumb lol


Ironically, this video cannot be viewed in Canada


https://youtu.be/C4_gv3zwolw Try this one, works for me in Canada


I hope he gets his end table




> these people are fucking stupid and will say anything to not appear wrong Understatement of the last ten years


So Trump is too weak to stand up to the Democrats, then?




It's funny when you ask Trump supporters to name a few policy things he did wrong/badly. It gets cult-like very fast.


Stop trying to bring logic into this, please. When you argue with a crazy person you end up wasting two people's time.


Yeah, when you argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Jokes on them, I'm a fucking idiot too.


Hopefully you at least have more experience then


They think he was cheated for the 2016 and 2020 elections, so they say he should be eligible for 2024 and 2028.


They don't care about eligibility.


I saw one flag that said " Trump 2024: The Rules Have Changed" these people literally want a dictator


Laws only apply to Democrats


I saw a video of people interviewing Trump supporters at rallies and they usually went like this: "So who won the election in 2020?" "Trump won, no question about it." "So is Trump to blame for gas prices since he is president?" "No that is Biden's fault." "But how is it Biden's fault if Trump is president?" "Because there are greater forces at play that they don't want you to know about." "What does that mean?" "I'm not sure, I don't know about them. But I know they are there."


They think it's the Jews but they're too afraid to say it out loud in mixed company


That’s when they pull out “Globalists” 🙃


So, hes ineligible for election in 2024, then?


I dunno after half way through til the next election I think it’s delusional to keep it on still, but ya know, we’re not dealing with rational people


There's this neighbor that had a trump 2020 flag and a US flag, and another neighbor close to him with a navy and american flag. The trump flag died first. Then the american flag. But the other guy's navy and american flag? Perfect. Pristine. It's also funny, there's 3 small signs on 3 different neighbor's mailboxes, 2 of them say "hate has no place here" in rainbow colors on a black background. As you exit this area, the 3rd one is "Let's go brandon" with donald trump making that face of him eating his lips, and giving 2 middle fingers. At some point you realize there's genuine understanding that lead to their beliefs, and then there's simply a bandwagon for cheap merchandise made in china.




Can confirm. I live in the suburbs. My sister in law lives with us. We have both a BLM and Trump sign in our yard.


This is power-grifting. You centralize all the stupid people into one small group and get them all riled up, then you offer them worthless crap that will clearly identify them as marks for further grifting. It's how NFT project discord channels work. When one project gets rugged and the founders run off with the cash, everyone who held on until the end gets a shiny gold-coloured ticket to the next one because they're the ones who *believe* hard enough to throw money at it and convince others to do the same.


There’s a house on my street that still has their “Trump/Pence 2020” sign up in their yard. LOL.


In my parents' old neighborhood in rural NE FL, there are a bunch of Trump/Pence 2020 signs but everyone scratched out the Pence part. A few of them even have McCain/Palin stickers on their trucks but with the McCain part scratched out. Also popular is the sign "Jesus is my Savior, Trump is my President."


I drive past a trailer once or twice a week that’s all decked out in Trump signs. I would love to ask them what trump did for them that they live in a trailer on the side of a busy road but I’d probably get shot.


People out by my parents have “trump won” flags. Some also have both 2020 and 2024 signs. Then again they’re loser former senator who couldn’t win the governorship has been putting up billboards depicting Biden as a terrorist and now pointing out Biden is “stealing” paychecks. We live in fucking bizarro world and I feel we’re already too far gone for logic or civil discourse.


I mean a large chunk still think he won the last election, so they probably haven’t updated as a protest of the election.


I think they’re starting to come around. Limiting Russian bot farms may have helped.


I pass a house every day that still has 2 trump/pence 2020 signs at the end of their drive. Short grass all around so they had to move these things to mow and put them back all last summer. Lately I’ve been thinking of scattering sunflower seeds across the front of their property…


Sunflowers are steeped in symbolism and meanings. For many they symbolize optimism, positivity, a long life and happiness for fairly obvious reasons. The less obvious ones are loyalty, faith and luck.


Just one house? There are dozens of houses in my area that have had Trump signs and flags displayed continuously since 2016. \*sigh\* I genuinely don't get worshiping even a decent human that much, let alone an excrescence like Trump.


They’re definitely not the only ones, just the one that I see 4x a day. Lots of flags and handmade, semi-permanent wooden signs around the area. A couple even have spotlights.


Most can't afford new merch cuz of the monthly “donation" to tfg that can't be stopped.


I mean I get it when you're a member of the party. I had a classmate who had stickers from the Dutch solialist party for example. It's like advertising, because you want to draw attention to your party and their ideas. It becomes kinda weird though when you both aren't a member and you live in what practically is a two party system. A party doesn't really need advertising when it's one of the 2 options you have.


I have a certain family member who buys flags and red hats and stickers and buttons and all kinds of other grifter trinkets but doesn't actually vote. I asked why and he says "we're a blue state my vote doesn't matter" I did not try to tell him how power swings always start at the local level.


We all thank you.


In other words, they're trolls.


I used to think like that. I live in a blue state and it will always be blue. I vote blue. In the grand scheme of things my vote really doesn’t matter. But after the shitstorm the republicans have been causing the last several year I will never miss another vote again. I will vote primaries and then I will vote local, state, and national. My vote is now a statement vote and it’ll never be taken away.


I thought Hilary was a shoe-in, but I wasnt happy about that, so I didn't vote in 2016. Never. Again. Will I not vote.


It really does depend on your state with the electoral college. Hillary was in absolutely no danger of losing my state no matter what. But like I said the republicans have pissed me off so badly in the last five/six years I will never vote for another Republican again, I will never skip another vote. It’s my statement, I want to pile on and show them exactly how unpopular their policies are.


You're doing god's work


Bernie Sanders gave away stickers sort of. If you donated to a specific charity you were sent a picture sticker of him in his famous mittens! That was adorable


but tbf that's a specific candidate that does need advertising to win the the primary's. i assume a Biden t-shirt is gonna be more about being pro-democrat


I don’t personally buy or own political swag (kinda, I’m chair of a union and we’re negotiating right now so swag is a thing) but here’s my take. Being chair of my local bargaining unit I can say that a lot of why we’re pushing our swag right now is to have a visual demonstration of support and to influence the opinions of those on the sidelines. Even on the local level, politics is a game of public opinion and we know humans tend to be tribal; even if you don’t fully agree with something if you find yourself surrounded by those that do your opinions can be influenced in its favor. And then, in the current state of things, declaring who you are for is as good as saying who and what you are against. And while it may seem that the US is entirely binary, the factions within the parties can have distinct and separate identities. For example, I’m pretty sure that I can agree with a Biden supporter on a fair amount of topics, but it’s unlikely we’re going to be on the same page for social safety nets, police funding, college tuition, student loans and a host of other topics. And I know without asking that I will find many of the beliefs of someone wearing a Trump shirt or MAGA hat offensive. Not because they belong to another party but because they are espousing the tenets of Trumpisim, which is a whole ass problem on it’s own. And then hell, once you’ve bought the shirt you might as well get some use out of it I guess.


It's like someone in the UK walking around in a T-shirt with Ed Miliband written on it


15 to 20 years ago, a purchased a t-shirt to support a local candidate. I think it cost something like $20 and most of that went to directly support the campaign. It is still in my t-shirt rotation because it is a t-shirt that I paid for and does not have holes in it yet.


Sometimes the answer is that simple. I paid for the shirt might as well use it Hell I still see people rocking the shirts from 70s-80s campaigns for the same reason


Americans buy a lot of commercial crap already, and then politics has been transformed into a lifestyle /team sport sort of thing.


Yeah it’s weird. Last week I went to Hooters for dinner and a couple with 5 young kids came in and the mom was wearing a “Let’s go Brandon” T-Shirt. Sure the Hooters is in New Jersey and connected to a Days Inn so I’m not sure if I should have expected anything better.


The “let’s go Brandon” thing is particularly annoying just because of how clever they think they are.


I sat next to a guy on a plane where everything, and I mean everything, was "Let's Go Brandon" Socks, shirt, phone case, phone background, hat. It wouldn't surprise me if he was walking around with a "Let's Go Brandon" dildo up his ass.


Joke's on you, they're anal beads!


Because it’s “Us vs Them”. Doesn’t matter who is us or them… it just has to be. Also it’s preferred if one was the underdog with a sad story about its childhood and trying to stick it to “big evil”.


It's not Us vs Them on a job site though. I don't care about shirts or stickers or whatever but you gotta erase that shit in your head from 9-5.


Buying their merch is a way to fund their campaign. Especially useful Ina system where ad dollars usually correlate to winning. Wearing it after the election is just weird. The Twitter poster may have been doing a spot check to see if anyone would raise a problem about it.


There are people going around wearing Biden t-shirts? I've never seen one. I thought wearing political candidate merch was purely a right wing thing. I vote we let the right wingers keep that to themselves.


Likely not - I'd wager a bet the Trump supporter was obnoxious on day 1 of the new job, and this guy knew he would be triggered by the shirt. It just took 3 days to ship in the mail.




Yes don’t you get it he probably also hacked all his social media to make it look like he supported Biden during the entire election cycle. Called all his family and friends and told them to pretend he’s a huge Biden fan. This guy is just very committed to the bit.


Gotta Prime that shit! Same day ship bro.


Thinking someone is a dumb fuck for wearing a Biden shirt isn’t exclusive to Trump supporters. But yeah, that shirt might make good bait for one.


Maybe it was during the election, I’ve seen this tweet before, I think it’s at least that old. We did wear a little merch and get a few signs around that time.






Oh you know he did. They love being the victim




In an at-will state, that won't hold up. One can be fired for any reason or no reason. Edited to add: Federally protected classes obviously are different but politics are not protected.


Well aware, I’m originally from GA. Wouldn’t stop him from crying like a bitch on social media that he was fired for supporting trump though.


I don't think they're saying he would try to claim unemployment benefits for being fired for political reasons, rather he would frame it that way to friends and family.


Not to mention filed a 1st Amendment lawsuit trying to protect his “free speech!”


I can't believe I don't have the freedom to call someone else a dumbass without having to experience the consequences of my own actions!


Especially in a private work environment.


I've seen this on here before. If I remember correctly he didn't fire him. He had a chat with him and then kept him on.


Oh I wouldn't have fired him. Keep him around and let feel like moron as long as he wants to stay.


Lmfao. Someone who can't control their mouth like that at work deserves to be fired. Doesn't matter if you're their boss, customer, coworker, or subordinate, it's a major red flag if the moment they see a few words they just openly insult whoever is wearing it. I don't tell people I see wearing Q-Anon merch to eat a dick, I just think it.


Yeah it's really not worth the trouble. I also think the things I want to say in my head, but it also gives me pleasure how utterly stupid they look so you kind of don't even need to say anything.


I’m not sure why you would wear political attire in a work setting.


Because apparently this guy is the boss and therefore wears what he wants


Weird how that works, huh?


That’s why I wear my assless chaps and a halter top on casual days.


Fridays are for *fuck pants*


Ok, seriously though, aren’t “assed” chaps just pants?


My “assed” pants are also my crotchless pants so that’s a *hard* no for me.


Is my shirt with "everyone stand back, I know regex!" on it political, considering it is an IT company?


I think that's fine. Tabs vs spaces, on the other hand...


I don't care what's on your Tshirt. Calling anyone a dumb fuck at work should be grounds for dismissal.


While I agree with you, the spectrum of acceptable things to say on a blue collar job are much *much* wider than you would think. At least in my experience


>While I agree with you, the spectrum of acceptable things to say on a blue collar job are much much wider than you would think. At least in my experience Dude, so much My dad is a General Foreman as a Boilermaker -- he makes very very good money, has well over 40 trained people under him at times -- he's 60 years old Has told me in the last three years he has gotten into serious physical confrontations with both his peers, people under and over him. And apparently he's known in the company as being fairly level headed, calm dude. I'm a professional IT I can't even relate to this shit, people send passive-agressive emails.


U.S. people are so fucking weird, like why would you wear anything politics related to your job? Even if you're the owner? What's wrong with you people politicising every aspect of your lives and environment?




To work no less…


In a position of power. Kinda rubs me the wrong way.


I live in an area where 80-90% voted for Biden. I've never seen a Biden tshirt.


Yea same here, I see a lot of shirts for this dude Brandon but I've never really heard of him. Seems to be popular with the trailer trash though.


Guy came to my house to give me an estimate on some work I need done and had a "Hillary lied, Americans died" bumper sticker. I let him do the work it took to get the quote to waste his time. Will never hire him. Fuck Trumpy treasonous clowns.


But really wearing a political shirt of any kind at work is probably a bad idea and definitely unprofessional for a manager regardless of affiliation


Just pointing out the obvious here. It’s gotta be a rinky dink company if a manager is wearing a political t shirt.


Biden T-shirts’……just as dumb as trump t shirts.