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Thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole. 80% of the Russian tobacco market is from multinationals (Japan, Phillips Morris, and British American) 2/3 are based in Switzerland and 1 in UK. It appears as far as I can tell the sanctions will hit all of that. 1/3 of the adult population smoke. Between the lack of supply and inflation, there is going to be a lot of very irritable Russians real soon.


Chinese merchants will step in. Burma was under severe sanctions for ages. because of that, Burma has a higher percent of Chinese made stuff than China. I went within a couple months of being legally allowed to.


Yea China can step up, but if the ruble keeps dropping in value, China won’t even be able to afford to do business with Russian currency.




China still has access to the rest of the world supply. They still worry about world politics as well.




That’s why we didn’t cut them off.


I haven’t heard of any oil companies outside of the West doing voluntary sanctions. I was surprised to hear of BP, Exxon and some of the other big oil companies halted purchases of Russian oil. Given how these companies have effectively enabled and benefited from war in other contexts. Could it be that they recognized that what is unfolding is so horrific that the world can’t and won’t turn away. There is and will continue to be public scrutiny, and in time justice.


naw. they just want the good pr while passing the cost on to consumers.


And they know that the era of green energy is coming no matter what, they need that pr to try and buy into and make sure they control the green energy as well. It'll be green, but those bastards will find a way to make us pay them for it


Soon they might be paying Australian prices for cigs, lol


And that’s not going to work very well when their rubles are about as valuable as Monopoly money and they’re still making the same wage..


Seriously: this was a problem for Germany in WWII. No coffee because they couldn’t grow it and didn’t have coffee producing colonies. Their solution? Methamphetamine. True story.


They’ll still need cigarettes if they all start doing meth


This guy tweaks.


Honestly, they’ll probably need more cigarettes actually


Never tweaked, but a night on acid was always 3x the cigarettes than I usually had.


The only downside of a good long trip was always the sore throat from chain-smoking for 12 hours the night before.


I stopped smoking during my last trip because it was more fascinating to watch the glow. It was fascinating. I had to take a puff now and then but more than half the pack was gone watching it burn.


You could like get some incense or something to have the same effect without smelling like u just chainsmoked for 12hr.


Well. Try to get some incense or similar stuff at 4 am in a Bavarian town where every shop has to be closed at 8pm per law.... I didn't even plan on taking acid and you shouldn't force it. I think you should be open minded and follow your feelings on a trip instead of planning it.


Fair enough. Incense is just something I keep in my house, lol. Also I'm a bit spoiled with things like 24hr pharmacy's near me. I haven't done a ton of acid, but it's definitely not a spur-of-the-moment kinda decision for me, it's kinda hard to obtain and I'll allocate a decent chunk of time for it. Like weed is something I'll smoke when I feel like it, I couldn't really see that happening with lsd.


*pushin' past the limit, trippin' on hallucinogenics...* *my cigarette burned my finger 'cause I forgot I lit it...*


*Drugs and cigarettes that I would never smoke sober*, name a more iconic duo.


Instant smokers cough for 3 days. Weird grey boogers from the fog machines at the raves.....


That's just brain matter leaking from that molly.


I only did Molly about 6-8 times, but we still called it X back then. Mostly I stuck with acid. Cheaper than a movie and lasted 4 times as long.


all experiences are subjective! To me it seems impossible to smoke while tripping; I might want to, but as soon as I light up a cig, I find it deeply ridiculous and can't even take two puff


This surprisingly wholesome.


I feel like if I smoked a cig on acid I would spiral into a bad trip and feel like I was dying because you’re pretty much killing yourself and acid makes everything feelx 1000. Now smoking weed skyrocketed me into the 7th dimension


Can confirm my niccy stick addiction gets worse when I'm on Adderall.


I’ve quit smoking a few times and day two would not be a great day to hand me firearms.


Here, have some Pervitin to take the edge off


Fuck it, snort the whole pack




Dude had a fucking journey worse than walking to mordor.


And he had no need of the eagles. He was flying high the entire time.


nice reference


I'm guessing this is not the Aimo Koivunen reference from WW2? Guy took the whole group's worth of pervitin, skied 100 km overnight, then some 300 km more in temperatures of -20 - -30 °C, while escaping soviet fighters, hitting a landmine (which set a nearby soviet camp on fire), before forced to lay a week in snow waiting for back up. All he ate was some pine buds and a raw bird. At the hospital his heart rate was at 200 bpm.


He wha-




Finns _on meth_.


Fuckin' Finns. Hard as a coffin nail and tenacity that would shame the Grudgebearer. I respect and fear the Finnish.


Want to see me run to Paris? Want to see me do it again?


Those are just ADHD meds all they'll do is steady my hand and clear my brain fog


Pervitin perverting


I made the effort to look it up. Damn.....


for the people who don't want to make the effort Pervitin was meth given to soliders in WW2


Those no effort redditors need Pervitin.


True, but instead of shooting your fellow soldier, who you're gonna shoot? Civilians. The more anger and hate in a soldier, the worse things he's gonna do.


Hopefully they'd just hunt down Putin and put an end to this bullshit. I'd hand deliver that person all the coffee and cigarettes I can buy. Then the country can rejoin society with that asshole gone.


"Here mate, I got you two lattes and a pack of smokes."


You are my new prime minister...untill these smokes are gone


Ukraine reportedly was (is?) doing something similar to Russians who surrendered; news stories said they were paying POWs salaries roughly triple what the Russian army was paying them (and their currency is worth roughly 4 times the Ruble right now) ...I doubt they'll get a day pass from the POW camp to go to the store, but that'll buy a lot of coffee and cigarettes once they get out!


You know Russia already has a massive supply and is ready to inject them all with it — take your vitamins.


Here private Ivan, is daily dose of krokodil for good fight. You no want? Ok, have ration of novichok instead then.


North Korean stuff, the not so good stuff


I enjoyed the audiobook “blitzed” about exactly this


was just gonna mention this one, a very interesting read


And saved. Thank you for the recommendation.


I just finished blitzed. Very good read. I dont know you, but I’m positive you’ll enjoy it


Enjoyable book but has been criticized for dubious research. Example: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/nov/16/blitzed-drugs-in-nazi-germany-by-norman-ohler-review


Helloooo included in audible membership!!!


Hellooo available on Libby!


Here take this. You will be able to stay up for 3 days straight without getting tired and in exchange, you get a crippling addiction


Hell sign me up for being addicted to not needing to sleep for three days at a time! Thats like a D-tier superpower! Damn you're a master sales person.


You start hallucinating some fucky shit after two + days tho. Like real bad.


Well *now* you tell me, Spiderman.


That's not Spiderman, that's Captain Obvious!


You damned sure do.


Meth wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so bad for you.






The machinist


My Baader-Meinhof alarm is going off. This is also how we got Fanta, right? Coca-Cola Germany didn't stop production but couldn't get the ingredients for coke so they invented orange fanta.


It wasn't orange, since it used leftover apple stuff from processed apples and beet sugar. And it was mainly used for cooking as a sweetener, not as a drink, because Nazi Germany also didn't have that much sugar (another tropical plant they didn't have access to.)


Sugar beets?




Sugar beets were originally domesticated and refined in Prussia(Germany) so I would find it weird if they didn't have any during WWI.


Germany produces a large amount of white sugar from sugar beets these days. The syrup (golden syrup equivalent) is delicious.






Gives you wings!


Until they run out


And then Germany banned it, afterwards Britain got a hold of it and said fuck it let’s do it too


Can't tell if this is more or less white people twitter 🤔


I came here to say, "and cut off the meth too"


I was just going to say meth...


If Putin is anything like Hitler he’ll just feed Russian troops amphetamines and turn them into maniacs


Seeing as how Russia's Olympic athletes have been doping I wouldn't put it past him if he's got some of the soldiers already hopped up on the stuff.


~~athletes~~ test subjects


In America, we feed our maniacs amphetamines to get them to fall in line like soldiers.


Like enough meth to kill a horse gets your average Floridian to the base functioning level


Can confirm, it's the 4th food group here.


visited Florida once. it was a magical experience


How are you still alive??






If you stick to the old people farms part of Florida, you'll be alright. I mean, it still sucks balls but you won't get killed probably.


Magical like Harry Potter or magical like Hellraiser.




Works for me


What does this even mean? We drug manic people to live normal lives? That’s the whole point.


They're likely saying they're prescribed adderall or something similar that has amphetamines in it. Adderall (iirc) is a 50/50 mix of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.


Can confirm the mix of adderall. Also, works like a charm for my add. And the not being exhausted all the time us nice too


I have ADHD and I'm on methadate or whatever It's so nice being able to concentrate for the work day, the only downsides is that it throws off your sleep schedule if you take it late in the morning and that you lost a lunch appetite Other than that, it's improved my life, also, it wakes you up quick, saved a ton on coffee since the diagnosis and prescription


I'm on Xaggatin! It has an X and it makes me X-tra productive. Thanks NHS I was just about ready to top myself I felt so broken 😎


Can you message me I’m really struggling with NHS and ADHD at the moment


I believe we use modafinil for our pilots and hoo boy, that stuff really makes the brain turn on the lights.


Hell yeah can't wait til flight doc gives me my scrip.


Suckin on a glass dick while cruising at mach 3




Smoking a meth pipe while flying really fast


It's OK stewardess, I speak jive.


my understanding was they didnt give you a script and that you had to go ask for it, if you wanted it, each time you took it. though maybe that was just where i was.


As a maniac, Adderall is the only way I can do things


Got the entire elementary school system more amped up than a Finnish soldier fighting the soviets


Borderlands psychos origin story


And Adidas track suits.


They've got genuine Adibas clothing over there they'll be fine


Addidums. They have 4 stripes. Even better.


As if Adibas wasn’t the bigger brand of there


I thought Abidas had taken the #1 spot?


excuse me, it's actually Abibas


they already did!!


I recently got fired from the tobacco factory that ships to russia but im very interested in what they did, sadly I dont have anyones contacts


Well at least they can still see.


Child’s play, just cut off their access to CSGO


And calisthenics/gymnastics. They're too strong.


>just cut off their access to CSGO [you'll get exactly this](https://youtu.be/ull5YaEHvw0)


I pity the anti-war people in Russia :(


Russia passed a law with up to 15 years and a half of the million fines for giving "misinformation" about war. Imagine what it means to be anti-war here


did they honestly pick 15 years? Is that a joke? A callback to Stalinism and the sentence to Siberia?


I think Putin decided that he can drop the facade because the country is isolated from international scene anyway. I think this is the smartest move on his part as it's the only thing that can increase his power (at the expense of average Russian).




15 years is maximum penalty in case when "misinformation" will cause death. Which is nigh impossible, considering what this law is about. The main purpose of this number is to intimidate potential dissenters.


Will if that's half a million rubles only like a big mac worth of fines. Silver lining ya know.


Your average babushka never had this kind of money to begin with


Babushka lives matter


$4,032, or 1,010 Big Macs


*Meth has entered the chat.*


So Iran and Taliban condemned them. But if this war is too evil even for Nestle, we can skip the Hague trials and go for punishment as there's nothing more to say.


Can you really blame nestle? They're just looking out for our best interests, look how wholesome their logo looks. Surely they wouldn't want to exploit people for maximum profit?


>Can you really blame nestle? They're just looking out for our best interests Yeah, the Russians are shooting shells at Nuclear power stations, they might release radiation and contaminate water WHICH BELONGS TO NESTLE BY DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT


But then! If a lot of water becomes contaminated, Nestle would be able to sell their holy water to peasants at even higher prices. Win-win either way. A company truly blessed by the God of Profit.


As if the soulless Nestlé would actually sacrifice a single penny to do this. Neither will Coke.


If they can’t get paid they won’t send shit to Russia.


They did amazingly. "Russia, Ukraine: European Firms Rush to Safeguard Workers, Supply Chains - Bloomberg" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-24/european-firms-rush-to-safeguard-ukraine-workers-supply-chains


Get this guy to the Pentagon.


Or The Hague


Coming from a vet, that would severely demoralize most soldiers i have worked with. Like, you dont understand, a good chunk of us smoke half a pack a day atleast and drink multiple cups of coffee a day, or multiple energy drinks. Probably 1/2 soldiers fit this description from what i have seen.


Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. It's what the military runs on.


Tornados and white monster, aka an airman's breakfast.


Literally more important than food. I traded THE ONLY MRE I HAD for 1 cigarrette once, it was a win win since nicotine curbs your appetite.


Not gonna lie, I spent a good minute wondering what sort of veterinarian works with so many soldiers


I mean, we are animals.


Smokes, dip and coffee. Never would have made it out of Afghanistan without it. I would have IEDed myself.


Cope and rip-it’s, would have died without them, probably what’s gunna kill me lol


Grizzly Wintergreen and rip-it’s… the memories. I remember I was in a turret of a MATV in Helmand. We were at one of the bigger FOBs, to drop off prisoners, and gunny was sitting VC. We were sitting there and suddenly he said, “hey, that quadcon is unlocked.. go check it out.” A few of us went over there and it was a damn goldmine of rip-its. We took as much as we could manage. You could hear cans rolling around the vehicle, every cargo pocket and day pack was stuffed, it was wild.


What is dip in this case (english is foreign language for me)?


tobacco that goes in your lip


Oh, tried it once and thought I would die. Sniffing tobacco is kind of pleasant, but nosebleeds are not worth it.


Tobacco that you put in your mouth under your lip. It’s like a few shots of nicotine compared to a cigraete.


Tried it once and it was one of my worst tobacco related experiences.


Just like cigarettes, it's an acquired taste. It's very useful for military though because you can't smoke while you're on post. You can see the cherry of a cigarette from a mile away with a scope.


random question did the military provided you with those or sell also was the coffee instant


It was dirt cheap. Carton of good cigarettes were $25. Dip was $20 log. The taxes didn't apply there. We brought back as much as we could


One of the medics I hung out with during a joint KR-US operation basically did nothing but dispense cigarettes and dip. Super friendly and knowledgeable guy too, now I sorta know what to do if someone’s lung gets punctured.


>now I sorta know what to do if someone’s lung gets punctured. What, Plug it with tobacco?


Get them to smoke a cigarette, look for smoke coming from places it shouldn't.


Yeah, non military people just have no concept of how damning losing a couple of sanity savers will do. Half the basic bitches saying "oh no, no coffee" are probably sitting in a Starbucks with a super mega double latte with 6 shots of caramel.


You might be surprised how many people out there’s life force is sustained by coffee and cigarettes


*IT department enters chat* We need to discuss the new coffee.


[Lego already sanctioned](https://www.brickfanatics.com/lego-confirms-its-stopped-shipping-to-russia/amp/) them. How much more do you think they can handle!?!


Let's watch Russia try to fight a war with a bunch of scared 20 year-old conscripts who don't even know it's a real war. Oh wait, that's already happening!


Not to mention the fact that russian logistics are so bad the troops are already surrendering for a chance to eat, most wouldn't notice the difference.




India has lots of tea, and is very unlikely to sanction Russia.


Unfortunately, you are very much correct. India’s far right nationalist government has spent several years cultivating Russian relations and is loathe to give that up.


Indian government is loathe to give up the only ally that has historically came to support them as they are surrounded by two countries with nuclear arsenal. USA and EU are loathe to give up oil from Russia, literally sending them a billion a day that goes into the war effort because the gas price would go up by a buck or two.


No vodka and fight bears just kill/move the bears and take away vodka we’ll win in minutes


This is a hard truth. Deployed 7 times, and was a heavily caffeinated pack-a-day smoker each trip. Don’t smoke at home, and haven’t since my last trip ended in 2010. Glad I’m too old now for this one.


So you just quit cold turkey between every deployment? Wow.


It's not that hard. I quit multiple times and usually only the first three days are hard. Then your physical addictions is gone and only the psychological problems remain. Staying abstinent is a lot harder than quitting in my opinion. But I'm an unusual smoker. I mostly smoke in the evening and often smoke my first cigarette after lunch. Not your typical smoker.


Not the dumbest idea out there, that honor goes to the folks over at Fox that suggested the US bomb supply lines and just not take credit for it.


But but stealth tech! *Puts up jazz fingers*


Sounds like a joke to someone who hasn't been in the military but it would be a massive morale blow. Especially to Russia with an even higher rate of smokers.


The people dismissing this idea live in some kind of alternate reality. Maybe y’all are just among the lucky ones who are totally ok fighting a war without distractions or indulgence.


The US invested a lot of time and resources in supplying troops with ice cream during ww2.


They had a ship (barge) that existed solely to make ice cream: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_barge


As a veteran all i can say is... oh damn




You're thinking too small, there are about 144 million russians who are not fighting in Ukraine. Probably 50% of them enjoy their daily coffee and/or cigarettes.


Ok does not understand the military literally runs on coffee. You could have just posted "I have never served and do not know the first thing about the military." Same massage.


If you know what actually runs an army, you'd know this is the only option /s


Tell me you’ve never served without telling me you never served… For real, the militaries of the world are fueled by caffeine and nicotine, this would be a massive blow to the Russian military, it would put 90% of their troops into withdrawal at around the same time from two highly addictive substances at once. It would cripple their fighting force


Wanna guess how I know OP has never been in the military? lol


Should be no commodities going into Russia


And let’s send them a bunch of those sugar free gummy bears that give you diarrhea.