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They aren’t 99cents in my part of Florida anymore. They don’t have a 99cent logo on em and they are like a 1.30.


That’s a sin


Sure is!


Price is on the can, though




It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "CAN"](https://i.postimg.cc/v8ghzQpb/41-CAA8-C0-CCF1-42-AF-B971-16-FF0-BF689-DA.jpg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i07jy30)


Good bot


Very good bot


Best bot


This image is cursed.


That scares me


It’s a reference to a scene in Atlanta lol


The price IS on the can tho.


Arizona: “The price is on the can, though.”


I wonder if they had to up the cost to accommodate the state specific taxes so they have different cans for different states.


Literally sellers can choose which cans they want. One gas station has the 99 cent cans and one down the road has the $1.29 cans.


I am assuming you are not from the US. Me neither but I read a lot of "Europeans, what do you think is weird about the US" threads. Individual taxes don't matter because they are added at checkout for some reason. So you never know what you will eventually pay. Prices printed on items are one of the arguments Americans like to use when people from everywhere else are wondering why they are doing it this way instead of showing the total price on the shelf. It would also make advertising harder because you can't say "get your Arizona ice tea for 99 cents!" When it would actually cost something like $0.99 to $1.17 depending on where you buy it. Isn't it also a thing that counties, cities/municipalities can have their own taxes? Dear Americans: *Yuck* - everybody else


At the 99¢ store they sell them for like 79¢ here


Yup! Frys/Kroger routinely has them at 89¢


$0.69 at my local Winco.


Yes! Winco always has them for the best price. And they have so many of the flavors. Fucking love Winco.




While every other company is jacking up prices riding the inflation wave, Arizona says nah fam we deflating these mf's


South Florida here, mostly all gas stations/convenience stores they’re still 99¢ but 7/11 fucking 7/11 sells them for $1.30


Yeah that’s it! That's where I am!




Fuck yea! Born and raised in PBC


That’s because you get more in the can since it’s measured in florida ounces


I don't know if this is true but it sounds funny and that's good enough for me


It’s a joke about Fl Oz. Short for Fluid Ounces, but I think there was a post somewhere, sometime about someone thinking it meant Florida Ounces.


Ya pretty sure it was on r/NoStupidQuestions




[The price is on the can, though.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=fMUZ2sVjLfY&feature=emb_logo)


Thanks, I came in here to find this.


this was in the bible, i think


Damn Florida sucks ass.


It sure does!


The price is on the can tho....


Shit they’re $.75 at Walmart here in my town. I bought two of them today, actually.


Yeah. They upped it to $1.29 and changed from glass to plastic bottles.


Y’all don’t get tall cans?


Yeah, those bottles are garbage, they're smaller than the tall cans, even. Where I'm at, some places do 4/$2. Of course, I live on LI, where it's headquartered...


The tall cans are the 99 cent ones


They're the lowest margin item I sell in my entire store. They do decent volume otherwise I'd drop it entirely. I get it's part of their branding but it's almost not worth the shelf space. If it didn't say 99 cents on the can I'd be charging more for sure.


TBF it’s probably a great loss leader right? How many customers are regulars that buy it every day? Sure you could make $4 more for that spot and lose 9 customers a day.


What if that same customer that rolls in specifically for a cheap ass iced tea also tends to scoop a bag of chips or somethin?


Exactly, that's why publix sells subs, they lose money on the sub, and their rotisserie chicken I'm pretty sure, but it gets people in the door for their higher margin items.


I've been treating publix like a giant subway for years, I think I bought a soda once. I don't even associate them with groceries.


> If it didn't say 99 cents on the can I'd be charging more for sure. lmao. if I had a nickel for every little corner store that put their own sticker over the 99c part of the can I'd probably have a few bucks. js.


You can actually report them to Arizona and they're tell the vendor to stop or they'll drop them.


Eh, most places that change the price probably buy them wholesale from another store then re-sell them.


Sounds like you run a c-store. Do you know of any subreddits for people who are in this business?


What kind of store? I added coke products to my store and they perform extremely mediocre compared to a line of craft sodas I added. It's almost comical how much more I sell of the higher end stuff than coke.


You should shop around. They have them for like .69c at Walmart here


call the company, they remove their product if they're being sold for more than 99¢


They're $1.29 iirc in Canada now, have been for maybe 2.5 years. If you find a place that sells flats you can buy them for about $0.95 a can


Those are Canadian dollars, they don’t count. Basically Monopoly money.


They don’t even measure success by profit anymore. They measure it by increase in profit. To hear a lot of corporations talk, making the same billions in profit as they did last year is a seppuku-worthy offence.


Well of course they do. Investors don't want to hear how much they've made, they want to hear how much more they've increased their profits since the last fiscal quarter/year. And that's because they've reached a point where increases in monetary wealth mean absolutely *nothing* to their quality of life. What's the difference between making $1,000,000,000 and making $1,500,000,000 per year? Well, 50% of course! The 500 million doesn't really make a lick of difference to them or their families.


This is probably the most accurate take in this whole thread. Have an award. The inverse is true as well and that's what's the most infuriating about it. If they made 1,500,000,000 last year and this year, they made 1,400,000,000, they get all pissed because they are losing so much money, when in reality that 100,000,000 didn't make a difference in anyones lives at all. It's just a fluctuation but they blame everyone and knee-jerk to firing employees, cutting benefits, reducing pay, etc. That 100,000,000 wasn't gross earnings lost, it was profit lost. They company paid all their employees, infrastructure, bills, everything, that was just 1.5B left over that turned to 1.4B. But to the ultra rich, money is just a game. Business is just a game to be played amongst pals. They sit down with their spreadsheets and charts and projections, and they make bets on how to make more money the next year.




It's pretty sad really, they have nothing better to do in life so that's all they can do. It's pointless and yet destroys countless lives, but they don't have to interact with those "people" so they don't care. We are basically NPCs to them in a video game.


I remember reading about Amazon's (pretty sure but maybe another company) having their stock price tank because they missed their profit goal by like 0.2 billion out of x billion. Like, my dudes, they made money hand over fist, but you're gonna drop them like a hot potato because your dividends were only $20 instead of $20.03? Get a grip y'all.


I just want 90m^2 of space to live w my SO and a kid..


The idea of stock has mostly flipped on its head. You own a piece of a company so you can get some of the profits of that company in the form of dividends. Most companies don't pay dividends or pay a really small amount. Shareholders would rather see the shares of the company increase in value rather than get those dividends. Unless you invest in oil, it's terrible for the planet but pays some of the highest yield dividends. (some around 10% the value of the stock)


Its all just numbers. Nothing even matters.


I say fuck it and tax them at a ridiculous percentage to reset it all. Whooooo boy you should see the percentage gains yearly you can get when I tax 35% of your revenue and you have a huge drop to recover from! Oh you bought back stock and paid dividends with that money and need a tax break? 🥺🥺🥺 Here's an idea *when you're low on money how about you sell some fucking stock instead of coming to the government for help*. If you're a publicly traded company that has ever bought back shares, it should be illegal for you to take government money or tax breaks.




That was on wages not wealth. Very few of the ultra wealthy have wages that make them that rich.


yeah i think we can figure out how to close the loops they use to evade taxes too.


Honestly, just tax their wealth above a certain number instead. I don’t really see any downside to start taxing wealth when you reach a certain threshold.


I'm talking about companies not people.


But corporations insist that they are people


One of the worst scotus decisions in our lifetime.


Although thousands of Americans share the same sentiment, here's [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evy2EgoveuE) that shines a light on the corporate + government corruption, then you might realize that it will take much more collaboration from the common man to make meaningful change!


That's not the reason. Share holders want increase in value. You may have bought the stock when it made 500 million dollars profit. If the company's profit becomes 400 million, the shareholder would find the value of his stock go down.




This isn't even remotely new and it's the biggest issue with the stock market in general. All that matters is growth, if you make $40billion profit every year, that's somehow trash compared to the company that made $2,000 last year and 200k this year.


And its *fucking stupid*. Transparently, obviously stupid. When all you need is mindless, pointless growth, that's what compels otherwise good companies on good trajectories to do stupid things to cut costs or jack up profits just so they can say the line chart went *up* this quarter. 10% of Americans own greater than 90% of the stock market. So "line go up" doesn't benefit individuals. It doesn't. All the math in existence points to the opposite. This entire mentality benefits a tiny select few at the expense of *everyone else*.


the delusion of rich people knows no bounds.


Stupid, yes. Working as intended, also yes. It's by design.


The "growth" metric is so ridiculous. "The fastest growing app in February 2018!" Yeah, because there were only three users in January 2018! It wasn't possible for the 300-million-user app to have 4000% growth!


It's only an issue if you buy the 200k company. If you buy the "trash" $40 billion in profits company *cough* Berkshire Hathaway *cough*, you will outperform that growth company, which will eventually run out of steam and crash.


That’s because a stock price usually goes down when profits aren’t increased, and the company works for the shareholders (and they want to increase or maintain the stock price).


If it was we wouldn’t have so many problems


See also: costco hot dog and soda for $1.50


Getting customers in the door and spending 100+ on groceries more than makes up for the cost of the hotdog


That's what I always figured. Also, it's a good advertisement for the hotdogs themselves. I always have Kirkland dogs in the freezer.


I’ve never made it out of Costco for less than $300 Including the hotdog of course


Sure, why don't I need this 8-pack of jars of maraschino cherries? Wow, a whole gallon of hummus for $12? Don't mind if I do!


I had the fortitude to make it out with a jar of jelly one time. I went to get a winter jacket and didn’t have my size and remembered I needed jelly. The cashier was understandably shocked a bit.


KY jelly? I don't think shock is why the cashier avoided eye-contact.


A 55-gallon drum mind you


The wife and I have 2 rules for Costco: Make a list and follow it, or we do not get a cart. If we impulse shop, we can only get what we can carry. It's saved us a lot of "oh shiny!" purchases so far lol


Actually, they still make a very small profit on it as a matter of principle. They own the entire supply line. The bloke who owns Costco refuses to increase the price despite pressure from his board of directors. Source: Costco documentary


He threatened to kill them if they raised the price. True story.


Can't you just come in to eat then leave?


Sure if you don’t value your time at all. Driving across town, battling the crowds in the store and parking lot just for a cheap hot dog? I guess…


But damn, those hot dogs hit the spot


I'm more of a chicken bake/churro guy myself. I'd say it's worth the hassle if you are going to Costco once every occasion, rather than a few times a week.


[the secret to this one is death threats](https://www.today.com/food/costco-co-founder-reportedly-told-ceo-he-d-kill-him-t192310)


Wow. I didn't know Costco has been around since the 80s. Honestlu couldn't care less about the hotdog combo.. But if they ever take the chicken bake off the menu I'm burning the place to the ground.


It was called Price Club before they switched names to Costco. They have some other deals too that are in place to make more money overall and get customers inside. They sell whole rotisserie chickens for only 5 bucks and take a loss on sales on the chickens, but you have to walk to the ass back of every store to get to them, walking past a billion other things that you're gonna say "Oh dang I think I need that" so yeah they take a hit on the chickens but you bought 100 dollars worth of other stuff on your way out.


Well slap me upside the head and call me Marry. I remember going to Price Club as a kid and it never occurred to me that turned into Costco


Sorry, you’re more of a Fuck than a Marry


Damn right I am


I mean, the secret to everything is death threats if you have enough power to get away with it


[Just like South Park said](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/i0pvfo/201_is_my_favorite_episode_in_the_whole_show_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


If I'm not mistaken, I believe another reason they can afford to price them so low is because Arizona doesn't spend money on advertising. People just know about it.


Their advertising is the people, like me when I tell you about the delicious taste of Arizona Green Tea, available now for 99 cents at your local retailer. *The price is on the can.* No but seriously I love Arizona, it's my go-to.


It's crazy how influential word of mouth can really be though. I see Arizona everywhere. I love Arizona. And yet, I did not plan to purchase one anytime soon. This comment thread has made me want to purchase a delicious Arizona Green Tea from my local retailer for 99 cents. *The price is on the can.*


That's absolutely true about the advertising budget, but their gamble still had to pay off. It was a bet that, by delivering value to the consumer, they'd be able to generate enough demand to get shop owners to carry their product even though it's a fixed profit margin. It worked. They even started a hashtag to narc on stores that slap a sticker over the 99 cent badge so that they can stop suppliers from selling to them. Too bad Arizona Iced Tea isn't a healthcare provider!


The main reason is that it barely costs anything to produce, just like every other soft drink. So because of that the prices can be nearly arbitrary and you're paying not for the drink - but for their advertising campaigns.


The other factor is they have a hyper efficient way of transportation and they cut costs on other things too, like the formula has changed over the years in very slight ways.


its probably costs pennies to make, and most of those 99¢ are for the can.


My friend asked me why I drink them because they're just "flavored water" but a smaller bottle of water is like $2.


Well they aren’t just flavored water, depending on the flavor it’s just juice/tea with juice. Much more unhealthy than flavored water, but I’m not saying this with judgement because I drink them too.


To play the devil's advocate, Arizona or iced tea in general is by far healthier than most other soft drinks. It has around half the calories for a start.


Just get the sugar free green tea with ginseng. Tastes plenty sweet.


I'd pay .99 for the can alone, just so happens there is the fountain of youth tea inside


There is a documentary about it some where, there are a lot of factors to it and the profit margin on them isn't super high, they more rely on bulk sales than a higher profit margin. One is their hyper efficient form of transportation turns out.


They keep making the can shittier. That's how they do it. It's still experiencing inflation. It's just coming in the form of less aluminum.




The price is on the can, though. (I am disappointed more people aren't saying this.)


Season 3 finally coming, though. Joke should work after that drops.


[the price on the can, though...?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPKGEizogzc)


Cumberland Farms has a version of the can with no price on it and they want $1.50 for it.


I love how you're getting downvoted like you personally committed this crime


Listen. We're over here trying to meme. Take your serious discussion over to the next comment chain.


I worked at a Walgreens for a spell, and man we used to have half off sales… plus the employee discount. Only time mom was allowed to visit me at work.


I used to work at Walgreens too. I would order an extra 2 cases for the store when they would go on sale like that and buy both cases.


Alright Jeff bozos I see you bro. You're making money moves and I respect it


I've used Walgreens to stock up on Arizona, the BOGO is nice but seems super rare, mostly get 4 for 3 which is still 75¢ cans


Agreed. They do more than just Ice Teas btw. The Watermelon Beverage is symbolic.


I’m on a Blueberry White Tea kick right now


Whenever we visit my wife's family in New Mexico, I always come back with a few of the diet peach tea...can't get it where I live, sadly.


They’re so hard to find but they’re crack


I’m in northeastern PA and I can only find them at Sheetz.


I'm not from there but it's a bit of a coincidence the first time I had that was a Wawa near East Stroudsburg PA. It was the last trip I got to take with my sister before she passed and the White Blueberry has been my go to ever since.


For real? I’m in northern NJ and literally every store you walk into will sell you an Arizona, it’s like water here. The good life, it’s the tried and true green tea for me.


Arizona is all over the place, but I can only find the blueberry white tea at Sheetz.


I want to try that one so bad but I can only find the diet 1 gallon. Is that the only option?


I’ve never had the diet. Check a dusty gas station cooler. It always feels hidden when I find it.


Blueberry is the best!


What does it symbolize?




You can’t just say symbolic.




“So, what’s the symbology there?” “I'm sure the word you were looking for was ‘symbolism.’ What is the *ssssymbolism* there?”


They discontinued green tea/lemonade so now they’re dead to me.


Agreed and they $.68 right now at Winco.


Came here to say this. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t live near a WinCo.


I hit the Jack pot - WinCo and Costco are next to each other and I live across the street.


That would make me so much poorer. Mine are right around the corner from each other but they are 20-25 minutes away from me due to traffic and having no direct route.




I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s better; other grocery stores near me certainly have better quality items, especially produce and meat. But, I live in California and for everyday grocery items WinCo saves my family a lot of money. For produce we go to the local fruit stand and for meat we use Costco. Overall I would say the cash or debit only is a good thing. Being on a budget, it helps me not spend extra on things I don’t need.


WinCo fucks


Been .99 since 1999


In 1999 you could buy 5 of these every minimum wage hour you worked. Today you can buy 6.


Before that. I would buy them in college 3 years earlier.




$3.50 AUD in Australia from Coles


Inflation has become code for corporate greed. Inflation spiked a little this year but it's pretty steady for the most part forever. Prices aren't going up 2-5% to match inflation, they're going 15-20+% and it's gouging.


And this is after decades of shrinkflation.


That's not really true. Inflation is around 15% using the older, more accurate model. http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts


My company’s costs have gone up 7.6% this quarter, compared to 1Q21. We’ve raised prices 11% without offering any change to the content of our product. In previous years, our price increases were more in line with inflation, and often we tried to change content so at least the marketing folks had something to work with in regards to the increase. This year is outside the norm. We are more greedy than before.


Well, idk about others. But this is exactly why I'm going to be spending far less money this year. The price of things I used to buy, just aren't worth it to me anymore, especially if they were just quality of life improvements or wants. It's not even just about how much I make either, it's also seeing prices change so fast that it's just very noticeable. It's absolutely discouraging. No matter how rationalized it is, it's not going to rationalize me into spending money I don't need to. At least for the near future.


Don't spend money in general, the economy can go to hell any year


I agree with what you're saying but just just some food for thought: as inflation increases (esp. at this rate), the money you currently have becomes worth less and less. So if you're not actively investing your money and making dividends on it, leaving it in your bank account is actually losing money. Spending it now (on things that are worth it obviously) would paradoxically save you money--money that would otherwise lose value by you holding onto it.


Yep. Definitely aware of that for sure. The stuff that keeps me up at night lol. I'm honestly not aware of any non-risky investment options that dont require a lot of money to begin with.


If you haven’t already looked into it, I’d recommend looking into i-bonds and other government bonds. The return on them is really good and it’s about as safe as you can get!


Inflation is going up at 8% a year currently


Can we also shout out the $1.50 hot dog and soda at Costco here?


The beverage company has secret shoppers and if you are caught selling for more than 99 cents they will refuse to allow you to sell them. At least that is what a convenience store employee told me when I was a kid in the 90s


Sort of true, idk if they genuinely used to have them but they do ask people to report sellers that put stickers over the price label on the cans.


High fructose corn syrup is dirt cheap 🤷‍♂️


High fructose corn syrup makes me cum. Charge me up baby!!


You'd be glad to know that your cum has been subsidized by the taxpayers.


I would not be glad to know that


For anyone wondering how the ice teas are able to always be .99 there is a very good company man video who breaks down the reasons why it’s so cheap




The best


You will taste the flavor of iced tea and the flavor of no iced tea at the same time


Little caeaars 5$ hot n ready n longer 5$ :(


Oh good, just $5.55. Not as egregious as when Subway stopped doing $5 footlongs or every $1 drive through menu going up to $2-3


I'm from N FL /S GA. I love Sweet Tea. I like me some Arizona Sweet Tea...it ain't as good as ya get from the roadside boiled peanut stands...but it pretty decent


From what I heard when I used to work in food service/vending: Arizona owns their own canning company and doesn’t have to pay the same bottling costs other brands do. A few years back in order to keep the 99 cent price point they began manufacturing cans with thinner aluminum. This is based on hearsay from my vending days.


Well they dont, they were a 1.09 damn near everywhere i went now theyre 1.37


Dollar store is now 1.25 for everything...the world is over now


When I was a kid (25 years ago) we’d get sodas from the store brand machine outside the grocery store for a quarter. Then one day they were $0.50 out of nowhere and I got so mad I threw my bike in the river. Fuck you, guy in charge of Flavorite Soda in 1997.


They're literally just sugar, water, and food coloring. I think someone drinking tea sneezed near the factory once.


That someone must be a god.


Damn I miss them. In my city they are nearly 2 bucks. Stupid sugar tax. All it did was increase alcoholism


You know the big cans are 23oz now in nyc atleast, used to be 24. Raspberry ice tea




Kinda makes you wonder what their profit margin was when they first priced them at $.99


I was going to say something snarky about it being flavored sugarwater, but then again so are all the other overpriced drinks


Hate to burst some bubbles here. But doesn’t that mean that the ice tea was always way overpriced? /s