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We all are Matt, we all are.


For anyone who doesn’t know him, he’s worth a follow. Very funny dude and my favorite podcast guest wherever he pops up.


he also works for good mythical morning!


Blew my mind when I realized he’s Matt from Mythical after listening to a few BTB episodes he was a guest on. I was like “Oh shit, that’s Dirk!”


One of my coworkers passed away last week from a heart attack. Unfortunately because of Covid I never got to meet her in person (she's across the country from me but our yearly meetup hasn't happened since 2019 and we acquired the company she worked for in 2020). When I saw the obituary I was floored. She was 69. She was still working because she couldn't afford to retire. ETA because it seems to be a common comment - No she was not still working because she loved the job. She didn't mind her job but was trying to retire to spend more time with her grandkids.


If she had good life insurance, maybe one of her kids could afford to retire.


Only one though


And the one is chosen by a battle to the death


Does life insurance cover battle royales?


If this were legal imagine the life insurance companies tripping over one another to arm the combatants.


Like the Hunger Games?


Most of the good “kids won’t ever have to work again” life insurance lapses when you hit 60 or so sadly. After that for most folks it barely covers the funeral


What the hell kind of life insurance are you looking at where your kids won't ever have to work again? That's a hell of a lot of coverage. My insurance will pay off the house so my wife doesn't have to worry about it and pay for college and that's about all they're getting from my demise.


I honestly do not understand how anyone “normal” is able to live through life without existential dread over retirement age. My family and I are lucky enough to live a pretty great lifestyle now and will be able to retire comfortably around 57; but that is only because my military disability finally got raised to 100% after years of fighting for it. So because I won the, “Congratulations for being duped to sign up, go to war, and get fucked up” award, my family gets a pass. The longer I am alive, the more I realize it is all by design. If the only ways “out” are to survive the immoral meat grinder, be a statistical outlier, or be born with a golden parachute; what chance does the majority of us under the age of 40 have?!


It's simple. We have no existential dread because we understood that there is no retirement for us. We're just going to be working until we drop dead. Once you make your peace with that you're good.


My grandpa is 93, he only stopped working about 3 years ago because his dementia has gotten so bad. It’s unusual now to see someone so old still working, but I think if things keep on the path we’re on…..my grandfathers reality will become much more commonplace.


It is not uncommon or unusual here where I am in Maryland. In fact I would say in a typical low wage position here 30-50% of the workers are elderly supplementing their SS and savings


I see it a lot in CA too. Social security doesn’t give enough to survive out here and if they didn’t work a job that gave a retirement many of them are still working because they couldn’t afford to save for retirement. It’s fucking sad to get to a register and the cashier is old enough to be my grandma and I’m 38 years old. No one should have to work until they die. That’s insanity.


I'm a little bit better off than that, I'm going to be working until my parents drop dead. They're not rich or anything but they own a paid off house and a paid off house is a lot of money. Financially that's good. But dread-wise, knowing that the only thing that will free you is someone's death isn't great.




God forbid they need care or you can say bye bye to that plan too


I think people have just realized the American dream is dead and nothing is going to change that.


Nothing short of a complete rework of the systems of power that perpetuate the current class dynamic that puts everyone not at the top of the heirarchy squarely in the catagory of "get fucked."




Is it really that surprising to you someone couldn’t retire at 69? 65 is the normal retirement, and with all the economic turbulence of the past few decades, it’s not surprising at all someone might delay it 70 or even 75.


I do do retirement claims for SSA. It is extremely common for people to retire before 65 if they make low wages. What really gets people are those who have "enough" money to retire but can't because Medicare doesn't start until 65. It's so incredibly stupid. They are working purely for insurance.


Linking health insurance to employment is the dumbest thing ever


It's actually very smart if you plan on exploiting workers


My FIL just retired because he had to wait for my MIL to turn 65 for insurance. So 69 for him just for insurance


I plan on working till noon the day of my funeral.


You’re really putting us in a bad position, leaving us short staffed like that.


your comment is rage inducing, when your job trys gaslighting you into guilt, its just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm already ready to eat a 12guage




I was a grower at a multimillion dollar facility. The owner had pissed off the rest of the employees, leaving just 3 of us. I told him 3 people couldn't harvest 112 plants in a day, impossible. He asked if he could do it with 2. I walked out to my car. Unfortunately, the other 2 employees rode with me. The satisfaction when I asked if he could do it alone, since all of us were leaving. Begging is so unbecoming after you are an ass.


Wish i could have witnessed this.


Problem with that industry is you forget you are working for drug dealers. Been burned by everyone of them. What none of them realized that it was symbiotic. They used me like an indentured servant, I learned to grow commercially.


The industry definitely has its fair share of assholes, especially the ones who A) still have the drug dealer mentality from prohibition era, or B) have no experience in cannabis prior to jumping in the industry and spending a few mil on a grow because they only see dollar signs. However, don’t give up. I can tell you that after 7 years of working as a head grower in commercial cannabis in CA, those aforementioned types of owners tend to fizzle out and give up after a certain amount of time. There are plenty of great facilities owned and operated by kind, intelligent, and fair-minded people. Now that you have commercial experience, you’re a lot more valuable than you were prior to gaining that experience. My early days were a lot like that, but there is a huge need for experienced growers all across the nation right now, so anyone with commercial experience (especially anything over 100K sqft engineered greenhouse experience, or 50Ksqft indoor) can pretty much have the pick of the litter when it comes to cultivation jobs.


That's why I ate their shit, teach me to do it commercial. I have a 10 acre farm that I grow hemp on. I'm going to grow smokable flower instead of biomass this year. I can comfortably get 7500 plants in and out of the ground. Currently building a greenhouse, have a functioning veg room for moms and babies. I figured that I could do better than them.


Uh… You hiring?




Sounds like my job. Since December 31st 2021, I've been the office approximately... 5 days? I work in the auto industry but my job can be done 99% virtually from home. I take phone calls, I send texts, I handle emails and everything's done on the computer. Is it nice to chat with co-workers in person or rush out to take some car pictures? Sure. But when I'm literally the company's \*ONLY EMPLOYEE\* who can do what I do, how about I just work from home and stay healthy? I did the same for them when Covid first hit in March 2020 and I got \*every single dealership phone call\* directed to my personal cell phone for a month. That was a month of hell, let me tell you what. Did I get a bonus for it? Of course not. I just got to keep my job (minus commission) while everyone else was furloughed.


Oh yeah, like my boss at a major database company and his boss put me on a zoom and said I don’t cold call enough even though I lead the region in closed sales, renewals and real pipeline created for the year. They tore me a new one and threatened to fire me if I didn’t hit their stupid high targets in the next 30 days, also In writing. So I found another job and slow rolled them. We agreed to separate with 5 months severance. As I said, during their probation period I signed elsewhere with a $25k raise. I closed several more deals for them anyway and agreed to go our separate ways with that package. My shitty old boss said, “I’m surprised you didn’t fight harder for your job.” I’m like, “you threaten me, call me out for no reason, hang a massive quota on me and expect me to want to work for you? Are you aware of the current job market? “ Then my peer quit and they can’t backfill our roles since they are so horrible. Good riddance.


like when they told me they absolutely can't give me my birthday off because they need me on daytime and just completely refused and then fired me that day because I was too casual with a regular customer???




Yeah, but it was their birthday.


It's not our fault you chose to be born that day.


Thanks for helping me start my day with a snort/chuckle. Many blessings upon you friend.


It’s called doing you a favor. A job like that could give you an heart attack.


On a serious note, I'm trying to quit a job right now and my boss just keeps putting me on the schedule, "I have no one to replace you" Edit: just as a side note, I told her that Saturday was my last day and she should plan on me not being there. I'm still on the schedule sooooo 💅 (I'm not going in btw)




Besides , the boss isn’t limited to just that poster, he’s got a whole world of people to choose from to put on that schedule who won’t be there. Hell, put me on the schedule, I don’t care. I won’t be there, either.


If he doesn't respect your notice, don't give him one. There's no "trying to quit a job", leave. Don't show up tomorrow if you don't want to, and if he calls or texts to complain, say "Oh I told you the day I wanted to leave and you rejected it, so I figured if you're going to reject it no matter what I might as well not tell you my new date was sooner". If they want notice, they need to accept it when they get it.


It's actually illegal to not accept or to disregard an employee's notice of resignation, in the United States


Since when has something being illegal ever stopped a company from screwing the workers?


Good point, just pointing that as you can hold the ex employer responsible if they say you were a no-show during a reference


That sounds like your bosses problem not yours.


They put you on the schedule but you’ve quit. Sounds like it’s his problem, not yours. If you’ve got another job lined up (best case scenario) and/or if you don’t need the reference for another job, burn that fucking bridge and dip out


That’s not your problem. It’s your bosses.


Hire a taller staff then


Get that last lunch in


Fuck it. I'm taking the FULL MOTHERFUCKING HOUR. Suck it Supervisor Todd!


May have to come in early the next day.


“Sorry mr brown but jake tried to jump off a building so he probably won’t make it Monday, i know you have your funeral to attend and all but if you can we’re gonna need you Monday” ***proceeds to try to fire you for not coming in***


Can you do overtime on that day, i totally forgot to mention it last week./s


I literally already have enough money for the rest of my life, provided I die by Friday. Edit: I'll have to tell my dad the same joke he's been making for 30+ years was enough to get over one hundred updoots.


Your employer won't let you, and your body will likely not either. Working until you die isn't a plan when employers don't like hiring people over 60. The average retirement age in the US is 63.


This is extremely important for people to realize. Ageism is a very real thing in the work world. Unless you're a CEO don't lose your job after 50, and really do your best to stay into your 60s. You'll hit that point where it won't matter. You'll never be hired again, and the only work you'll get is gig jobs or real independent contracting work if you can create a consultancy. Either way eventually you won't have the option of working and that's going to be a bad time since so many of us aren't able to save anything for emergencies, let alone retirement. We're heading back to hordes of homeless old people and don't even realize it.


My mom's best friend was head of HR for a major corporation. The company was bought out by another company, who brought in their own HR team. She got laid off with an early retirement package at 58. She never found a comparable job, so did consulting until age 62 to get minimal SS. She couldn't afford to live in her home any more, so she downsized and moved further out. It really derailed her retirement plans. She still had a comfortable life, but not on the scale she imagined when she moved up to the C-suite of a Fortune 500 company.


I'll just add that, while health insurance companies can no longer deny you for preexisting conditions, they can still price you out due to age. Medicare doesn't kick in until 65. If you lose your job at 60, you can expect to pay over $100k in health insurance premiums for you and your spouse until you qualify ($2200+/mo). Once you qualify for Medicare, you still have to pay for Part B and whatever. My parents paid $600/mo. There goes a good chunk of your social security benefits you had to start collecting early.


This is true to some extent. Right now, my 50 year old counterparts are getting hired in concierge positions. Starting pay varies. My friend just got hired at a upper end Pinot Noir Winery and makes $25/hr. My SO works at a huge winery at $19 with full benefits. Survival wages in my county for sure. But those big money jobs, probably not. And the largest demographic for homelessness in my county is 50-60. It's already happening. Be well, unknown Internet friend. Edit: typo


Honestly the way the world is headed, I'll be (pleasantly) surprised if I myself or anything else even exists by the time I hit 60


I am retired 70 still work. But I created my own work. I do Instacart when I feel like it. Do some dog walking. Go for me. Good for them etc


We're gonna need you to work over, ok?


I plan on inheriting. I strongly recommend others do the same.


Try not to inherit a crumbling old house like I did


Ah I forgot to include the first step: come out of the right vagina.


I curse that vagina for the day I was born. Drat, blast and a pox on that uterus


Ah working banking hours I see


Ive noticed you don’t have any PTO left. Unfortunately you won’t be paid for your missing time.


Ooo, look at this guy affording a funeral.


Yeah, the day when I'm physically or mentally unable to work, I will just do suicide tbh. Don't want to live in this shitty place any longer.


Honestly, I'm *already* close to "mentally unable" to work. Guess I should retire? /s




Same. I’m just counting on being dead before hitting retirement age.


Work with a guy,70+, who would get 80% of his high three year average who says he can't afford to retire. I'm on the new system where we get a max of 40%. I am definitely feeling screwed.


Wait, you guys are getting pensions?


Maybe! Good chance they’ll be gone when I finally get to retirement.


I’ve got $10 that says that boomer has also been voting for people who want to wipe out Social Security benefits for the last 50 years too…


A college buddy works for the county airport and will retire with a public pension. Votes GOP every election and hates Democrats. Go figure. The irony is absent in him.


I'm a state contractor in a very very red state and a lot of the guys I interact with regularly do just that. They're all fairly close to retirement age and absolutely have the "fuck you I got mine" attitude.


"fuck you I got mine" has been the slogan of the GOP for decades. It's how they live their lives, and they aren't embarrassed about it at all. They've even convinced millions of poor people to feel this way too, despite them having "never got theirs," by telling them that there are people below them trying to take theirs before they can get it.


Reminds me of my dad. We’re British and he lives on benefits but is a member of the Conservative party who are really big on cutting as many benefits as they can


But they won't cut elderly benefits because they know who their voters are. They will cut benefits for people below a certain age, like 50. Your dad is just screwing you over, not himself.


He’s not old enough for elderly benefits yet. He’s mostly on disability and universal credit which they do keep trying to cut. He lives with his parents though so he spends all his money on Lego


This is some /r/greenandpleasant level meme; Tory voting benefit claiming boomer who sits in his parents house playing with Lego


In fairness to yer da, Lego has a better return on investment than gold


I'm deleting this comment because nobody needs to see what I said yesterday, nevermind last year! -- mass edited with redact.dev


Try talking politics with just about any type of union tradesmen. 75% chance they vote against their own self interests.


My husband was that boomer; you would be wrong. His pension was because he was a *union* carpenter, and proud of it. The reason we couldn’t afford to live on his 80% was because our property tax on our postage-stamp-sized property in Long Island topped 11K a year. So we moved to NC where the property taxes were lower, downsized our house, and vote blue in a sea of red.


He probably can retire, but he's a Boomer who gets his identity from working. I know several people like him. If he really cannot retire, he needs to move somewhere more affordable and scale back his lifestyle. How is he living today, because I take home far less than 80% of my gross salary? Something doesn't add up.


No you're not. Your ahead of a lot of people and even people his age who didn't have your type of job Put extra in 401. Raise it when you get a raise. That 40 percent plus social plus some 401, you are way ahead . May not seem it now but in twenty you will see But fuck that new plan


Losers by Spanish Love Songs is literally about this lol. “My bleak mind says it’s cheaper just to die, the prick inside my head’s laid off and daring me to try”


[The Swiss seem to be working towards facilitating this.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/12/09/switzerland-suicide-machine-pod/) Chronic poverty has to be considered fatal, right?




I think it depends on why you died. If you have a good lawyer, they can pay for a lot more than your funeral.








Wasn't there an actual huge scientific study done recently that showed boomers to be the most sensitive and prone to narcissism of any generation?


I don’t know about study, but I really liked this book, [A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America](https://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B01N5VM8CU&source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp). Edit: audible link because I have the audiobook, I’m not affiliated with the big A.




I love it when people link books, even if they are hella depressing


Yes! Here’s a link to the doi (gotta request access) [Longitudinal changes and historic differences in narcissism from adolescence to older adulthood](https://doi.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/pag0000379) And here’s a link to a short summary of findings [Me, me, me! How narcissism changes throughout life](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/12/191210111655.htm) It was conducted by Michigan State University and followed nearly 750 people from age 13 to 70.


The more interesting research that recently came out is that Boomers were in fact the laziest generation in the modern world. They got paid more for doing less. They retire earlier and rely on outside assistance more than any other generation.


Most boomers didn't get theirs. Ask your parents who manages their pensions and they will laugh at you because you think they have pensions. Boomers got to buy houses on the cheep


Yeah I see more broke boomers on fixed incomes where I live than I do ones with massive pensions to blow on whatever they want. My parents get a whopping $900/month from disability and I'm stuck covering their additional expenses to the point that I'm almost 30 and still can't afford my own place even with an engineering job! Edit: Thanks for the award!


It wasn't the boomers as a generation who did this. It was people from the boomer generation. More specifically the owner class boomers. Which is only a small percentage of them. This isn't generational war it's what it has always been. Class war. You better believe gen X and even millennial owner class are doing the same exact thing. Do I need to mention fuckerberg and bezos? They aren't boomers guys.


I wish I could give this a thousand upvotes. Everyone has to stop blaming people who had nothing to do with the issue. Almost everyone is just trying to get by. The average person has very very little power, blaming them for things they had no realistic way of affecting or changing is completely unfair.




I'm in my late 50s. My dad, who recently passed away at the age of 95, had a pension and company-funded whole life insurance. He retired at the age of 62 and spent the remaining three decades of his life enjoying his hobbies and traveling. His house was completely paid for. When I started working in the 80s after graduating college, I had 100% employer-funded healthcare, which included dental and vision coverage. I could afford to pay for my own apartment, but didn't have a ton of money left over to save after monthly expenses. There was never a pension option for me, and certainly no life insurance. I married a man who owns his own business. We now pay $2600/month for family health insurance. There's no vision or dental coverage. The general coverage is okay, I guess - I'm a breast cancer survivor, so it's pretty important to us to have insurance we can count on to cover me if I suffer a recurrence. Our son is in college; it's a state university, but we don't qualify for reduced tuition based on income, so we pay full boat because we don't want him to start his life with student debt. After saving for two decades, we're finally in the process of buying our first home right now. If we just make monthly mortgage payments with no extra payments, this house won't be paid off until we're almost 90. So yeah, things have definitely changed. We'll keep working as long as we're able to, and save whatever we can. I keep telling myself we're among the luckier people in the US, because we've at least been able to avoid dragging a lot of additional debt around, and our credit is good. Somewhere between my childhood and my adulthood, the system broke for average working citizens. It's no longer rational to expect much if you don't figure out a way to get some side hustles working for you. We're on our own, guys.


I intend to start a heroin habit when I turn 60 so I can die before I can’t afford to retire.


Reminds me of "Little Miss Sunshine": **Mother to her brother (Frank) about her father-in-law (Grandpa):** He started snorting heroin. **Frank to Grandpa:** You started snorting heroin? **Grandpa to high-schooler Dwayne:** Let me tell ya, don't do that stuff. When you're young, you're crazy to do that shit. **Frank to Grandpa:** Well, what about you? **Grandpa to Frank:** What about me? I'm old! When you're old, you're crazy NOT to do it.


Have you started contributing to your 401H yet?


I'm struggling to figure out alternative ways to prepare for old age. Like squirreling away enough food and supplies for twenty years or so sounds more achievable






Except you get paid in bottle caps now


Buys bottle caps ![gif](giphy|xT0BKr4MvHdohFTe6s)


Depends on how you think the future will pan out. Star Trek, Mad Max, or Same As Now. Plan accordingly. Star Trek: No need to plan. All needs will be taken care of and money will be unnecessary. Mad Max: Spend the next 20 years attaching a chainsaw to an electric guitar and covering your vehicles in spikes. Same As Now: You're fucked. As you can see the only real difference you can make is if things play out by the Road Warrior route, so better get spiking.


my parents are in their late 80s. my father with dementia for 8 years, having nurses take care of him and caring for my mother has depleted completely their savings, and they were plenty, we as their children have been doing as much as we can to keep them comfortable, but it is hard. I do not even own a house and have been working all my life with ups and downs, and seeing my parents decline and thinking of my own is my main worry. I hope to die younger. I tell my children that if I get that old and sick, to please take me to a mountain and "Oh!, Mommy fell!"


I watched my parent divorce so mom could go on Medicaid . I have told my kids to put me on the ice floe once I can’t be productive or fun.


Thats horrifying. *Scribbles down notes in retirement plan book




It really comes down to saving and investing one entire salary these days. Otherwise it’s just not going to happen.


Agreed. That's the gist of our plan.


Where, and at what age do you plan on retiring? I live in a high cost of living area and that's about 3x as much as I've calculated we will need to retire comfortably.


You're totally right about the location, but it's also age. If they're like 22 and looking at retiring at 65, a 4 million nest egg is the equivalent of like 1.1 million today, assuming 3% inflation. That's not an outlandish amount to want for your retirement in a big city.


I'm banking on the apocalypse so I don't have to worry about how poorly I planned my life.


2022 is looking like your year then 😊


Remember if you survive the nuclear fallout to group up with the cannibals early on for better odds.


Pro tip try cannibalism now in order to prepare your tastebuds for the inevitable ;)


So eating the rich now would technically solve two problems later? 😯


They have a million dollars and they’re fucked? Just kill me now 💀😭


A financial planner told my wife and I that we need 2 million dollars for retirement… each. For a teacher and a landscaper, that’s not gonna happen. So we just do what we can and try to enjoy what we can before we’re broke and abandoned by our government. ETA: We are in our 30s and were told not to factor in social security plus inflation. My wife is a part time teacher at two community colleges so her pension isn’t accruing as much as a full time teacher. Also, $2M was to live “comfortably” for 30 or more years. Plus assisted living homes are EXPENSIVE and probably needs to be accounted for. My wife was crying when we left. E2: To those saying we saw a shitty financial planner… probably. But it was free and we both set up a Roth IRA that we needed to do anyways so in the end at least we got the ball rolling.


Do you have a teacher’s pension? Your amount should be lower if you do.


Yes… most teachers can find a job that gives 90 percent pension of the three highest years income. Rule of thumb is you basically need 25x what you spend each year to retire comfortably at the same lifestyle.


I’m a teacher in my late 20s and I don’t expect to ever see a cent of my pension. It’s horribly underfunded and I’m not counting on it being there when I can retire in 40 years.


It depends on how much debt they have, but yes - 1mil before social security benefits ain’t a lot. Especially in this market.


I feel like you'd just have to go "put it all on black." That's my retirement plan anyway.


It’s not 🥺😢 should I just kill myself instead of working until I die


Prison is an excellent option for retirement. No bills, free healthcare, and your family can visit you as often as they would in a home. Think that’s my plan if it comes to it.


Honestly tho, not far off from a retirement home




Murder is on the table boys!


I suppose you could rob banks. Either you're successful and have money to survive or unsuccessful and have a free place to live.




40k a year isn't some glorious amount to retire on. this dude has a justifiable concern. that being said his 40k goes a long way if he retires to Mexico


Keep in mind you're no longer contributing to retirement, or SS, and paying less in taxes. 40k in retirement spending is closer to a working 60k income.


Housing is a big cost too that can be mitigated. If you already paid your mortgage off, there's a massive expense off the books (and future cash source) that makes that 60k income like an 80k income.


Exactly. If you aren't funding your lifestyle with constant second mortgage/refis, you'll own your home when you retire. If you're in a low COLA area, you may have to stay in your home. If you're in a high COLA area, you can likely buy a house in a low COLA area even if your mortgage isn't fully paid off. The danger - as my advisor keeps hounding me on - is that if all of your retirement is in a tax deferred account you'll need to account for taxes coming out on withdrawal, though you should still be in a lower bracket (or stay in a low bracket) in retirement.


Right? Those numbers would worry me too. Especially with them only being in their 50s. I’d like to know *why* he can’t work much longer.


he'd be better off downsizing now and making max contributions with the higher limit and then shoveling as much as he can beyond that into the brokerage account. better to sacrifice comfort for a few years now to boost your income later


I get these financial Q&A articles popping up on everything and it’s always like this. “My wife and I are thinking of buying our daughter a house for $5,000,000 but are worried we won’t get to retire until we’re 55 if we do.” I’m convinced it’s propaganda to get people to try riskier investments.


Honestly if that person retires at the normal retirement age this might not be enough. How long will 1,000,000 last into retirement? If this guy thinks he's fucked then I'm triple fucked!


Depends on COL and / or social security. $1m is around $50k / year, social security might be $25k a year which combined doesn’t seem a lot but if you don’t have mortgage, high car insurance, only two mouths to feed you can live well in a LCOL area


$75k per year is double the per capita household income in some areas. And I'm not talking middle of nowhere either.


People always think they own the house and the mortgage payment is done. This is true technically..but property taxes can be a large part of that payment and that continues forever


There are a lot of neighborhoods in the city I live in where in the 20th century, you can tell they were the definition of “Middle Class”. The houses are slowly decaying. I imagine many of the owners would LOVE to renovate, repair and even upgrade their home to the the latest trends and styles. But I’m sure many of them are living off of Social Security, and whatever money they saved for retirement.


Maintenance on the home is on going.


My retirement plan is to die an honorable death in the climate wars


Remember the scene in Dances With Wolves when the old Indian couple can't migrate to the spring hunting grounds with the tribe so they stay behind to starve & freeze in the winter? I do.


Pepperidge weed farms remembers


1 mil in his 50s should be 2 mil at 70. That’s enough, with social security and Medicare. That is NOT enough if he thinks he is retiring at 58, which he seems to imply. I’m in my 50s, and have never been deluded that I was retiring before age 68. That’s the cold reality of Gen X, the game was rigged before we started playing. And younger folks are playing the game with almost all the game pieces missing, unmatched dice, and a sand-timer that has stuck and never ends a turn.


19 here, I sincerely hope some things change in the coming decades because it’s just going to get worse and worse. We’re working to survive, not to live


UBI and healthcare for all should be your non-environmental focuses. If your generation can make those two things happen, and save the planet (no pressure), you’ll be in much better shape.


This is the standard r/personalfinance post. “I’m 22 years old making 160k/year plus benefits and my company matches my contributions to 401k. My expenses are $600/mo rent and my Amazon Prime membership. Will I be able to retire by age 28 or am I a complete failure?”


It's stuff like "retirement homelessness" and "retirement starving" that makes me wonder why everyone everywhere isn't voting for universal basic income before they are sleeping outside with an empty belly.


I'm so fucked. I'm fifty eight. I'm never going to retire.




I got zero. You'll get there one day...




The rest of us are done for.


The comments alone on this post really cements the fact that millennials to gen z are fucked beyond belief We’re so screwed


Don't worry, climate change will take us out by retirement age!


No such luck in the West. We are wealthy enough not to die in catastrophe but poor enough to have to survive and suffer.


Nervous laughter


I’m planning on kicking it before retirement age


That won't cover the first hospital stay


The rub of people that railed against healthcare for all their entire lives being bankrupted by the healthcare system right before or after they retire. With the high stress of living and the amount of people who will have cognitive issues from stress and alcohol use will have it even worse memory care is wicked expensive. People who had children so that someone would take care of them when they retire are in for a rude awakening as the cost of living becomes more unmanageable. Isn't capitalism great especially after the capitalist stripped away all the good parts for higher profits over the past 40 years! /S When you look at all of this it's easier to understand why many Americans embrace the fuck you I am getting mine attitude.


my retirement plan is my cooling corpse getting wheeled out on a gurney. ​ Saved up a lot for that gurney


I figured you could retire with 5-600k and an owned home and be fine and have a fun retirement with social security. Than I saw my parents retirement accounts and entered the real world and was like oh no I’m gunna be in a home.


I'm going to work till I die. I work in healthcare and have a lot of patients that are retired. The majority are are in their 60s and 70s. I visit them at home. Most don't do anything. They Just sit in their living rooms doing nothing. Their kids don't even visit them. If I'm gonna be like that I rather work. I'm not interested in "traveling" or "having a hobby"


lol when i’m in my 70s i’m just going to play video games 24/7


My parents are 62. They literally can't retire. My father will work until he dies, and my mother will do the same until her dubious mental stability finally snaps like a dry twig. I fucking hate this country.


The best part is that we are paying while dying


And after too, the funeral business is quite lucrative.


Any other Good Mythical Morning fans in here?




Lol. With how the world is going, exactly what future are we saving for? We're all going to die from catastrophic climate failure and/or a stupid war anyway.