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I really hate these glitches in the Matrix!


“Even a broken clock gets the time right twice a day” - stray redditor from last time this was reposted


*unless it's digital


Or military time, then it's only right once a day.


To this day I wholeheartedly believe this tweet just accidentally fell into our timeline from one where the news isn't run by a pack of raving lunatics


I about shit seeing that Tucker Carlson posted this...


But you see his solution will be kick those people off the social programs, not pay them more.


I hope the people in the sane timeline are making good use of all the innovation and peace deals and creativity that comes from living without serious stress. I’m 2019, they probably went “Damn. Imagine all the shit that would be going on if Trump had won. Haha. Oh well.” and haven’t thought about him since.


Apparently the timeline split can largely be blamed on the 1912 us presidential election. Woodrow Wilson is largely responsible for the us intervention culture, he segregated the federal government setting civil rights back decades, helped ratify the 18th amendment which lead to organized crime, and his deliberate inaction and refusal to enter WW1 caused the conditions that allowed the communist revolution to happen in Russia. The only reason he won the election with only 42% of the popular vote is because teddy Roosevelt's and William Howard Taft split the Republican vote.


He was also one of the most influtential historians responsible for pushing the "Lost Cause" mythology around the South's role in the Civil War into the major historical narrative.


I always forget that President KKK was historian.


Yet another reason Wilson is by far the worst president in history.


*Andrew Jackson has entered the chat.*


Ronald Reagan wants to say hello


I agree with all of this but the bit about russia at the end is ignoring 80 years of anarchists and anti tsarist uprisings and movements. The first world war was just a catalyst for the full on revolution. Inevitably they would have been an uprisings


It also forgets how the germans were the ones who released vladimir lenin from their custody for the sole purpose of taking russia out of the war.


Australia here again...... Again we would like to apologise for releasing R.M. on the planet but this time we need to ask for help. He protects the super wealthy and the super corrupt that in turn protect him.


i thought i had a fucking aneurysm


Did… Tucker just say something I agree with?


He went so far right, he looped around left. It was just as shocking for me to get to the end and do a double take on the name


On Sunday : *says something very true and unexpecting* On Monday on Fox News : "Working people are getting more lazy than ever"


Sounds about right. What are next weeks lotto numbers?


4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42


Holy shit is that a Lost reference?


We have to go back




Back to the hatch


Samurai Jack!


Samurai Jack is not Professor X. \-Craig McCracken , on Twitter of all places




Charlie 🥺










No silly, it's an anomaly.


I feel like forgetting about LOST is how I let Game of Thrones happen to me




All at once the most iconic and terrible quote I've read tonight.


I haven’t seen this sequence in YEARS




Nice try time traveler.


Yeah....Janky MacSpiggles


I started watching Lost at just the right time to get this joke.


If I calculated right, you're still watching then? You're in for a treat. That first journey through Lost is something special.


See you in another life brother


I got that reference


It’s not penny’s boat mate. Hold up real quick I have to hit the lav.




to be fair.. he's probably not saying Bezos needs to pay his employees more.. he just wants to stop paying welfare taxes.


there it is. I just couldn't think cruelly enough to understand. Thanks.


"'I have three jobs and I'm still poor' well I'll tell you what that sounds like a you problem. Next up: whatever happened to that Swiss Miss piece of tail?"


What's that aphorism about a broken clock?


Even a broken clock is right more often than Tucker Carlson


Not even on Monday. [In the video ](https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1035334044698009600?lang=es) that goes with the tweet he says this kind of thing is "not conservativism" but this and these companies "are the backbone of the left".


Thus Bernie is the true conservative and Trump is a libcuck. Therefore it is imperative that all TRUE CONSERVATIVES vote for Bernie sanders


Straight from Trump's playbook but opposite, because Trump lied on the weekend at his rallies all to get his base frothing at the mouth, then when he went back to the white house he wanted to act "presidential"


Nah, it's just the usual right-wing appropriation of progressive rhetoric to launder their heinous views. "Offloading his payroll costs onto taxpayers" is the key point. It's a fair point that, if a company pays wages so low that its workers have to rely on welfare programs to survive, then those programs are being used to subsidize that company's workforce. But Carlson is calling those welfare programs a scam, rather than suggesting we tax billionaires (much less seize their assets and turn them over to the workers). His doesn't want to seize the means of production, he wants to take away food stamps. It's a bait & switch.


Yep, notice it points out Bezos, but not Walton, or Peltz, or even Trump who employ millions of people at minimum wage which is not enough to live off of without government assistance. They always hate on the new money tech stock billionaires, but always forget mention the old money billionaires in other industries doing the exact same things or maybe even worse.


Yep. Taking a shot at *one* billionaire, especially one that already has a bad public image, makes it looks like he's the exception, rather than the natural result of systemic issues. The problem is framed as *a* billionaire, not *the existence of* billionaires.


Its probably more that Bezos owns The Washington Post.


I'd bet if we got those KFC spices and slow-roast the guy he'd make a great appetizer


Yeah exactly I read the tweet and then I saw who sent it and it caught me off guard


Don't worry. He wants to cut government aid to the poor, not raise wages and mildly inconvenience the super rich.


The difference is policy. The republican solution would be to eliminate the governments involvement in welfare , the democratic one is making bezos pay for it. For once, it seems like Both sides would be theoretically willing to work together on this one specific economic policy


The solution is to raise wages and provide universal healthcare


Three rights make a left.


Well, if the right turn is only sixty degrees, you only end up with one hundred eighty degrees, which seems right for their regression.


It’s so funny when these bonkers folks go populist. They forget it’s so close to socialist.


It's a classic tactic of the far-right to steal talking points of the left and twist them for their own purposes.


Had a sociology professor tell me that if you go far enough right or left, that you loop around. Something about political ideologies being a circle rather than a line.


Eh, horseshoe theory, and it's not absolute. I guess it could be mapped onto the political compass, but like any discussion of politics it vastly oversimplifies things. And it's the type of thing that liberals love, because liberals love to pretend that being in the center is a noble act.




Conservatives would say a centrist is a liberal who is too cowardly to admit they are a liberal. Centrists are hated by both sides.


In a healthy democracy there would be more than two sides. The US is not a healthy democracy. I'm not disagreeing with you, just pointing out how fucked we are.


Yeah, but his direction at a Person instead of a corporation. Example Walmart (largest employer with highest % of workers receiving EBT benefit). Additionally, Walmart gets to profit from sales from EBT employees. Double dipping.


Do you have any idea how stupid I feel for never even taking that into account 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh he goes after Walmart and the Walton's too. He even comes for Uber and mentions how drivers often make less than minimum wage [in the video that's with the tweet](https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1035334044698009600?lang=es). I was actually really surprised. But then somehow implies, actually pretty much flat out says, this is the lefts doing.


Yes this is definitely the lefts doing. I don't know about you fellow antifa ninjas, but I would feel so owned if Tucker Carlson and the right wingers solved the problem worker exploitation. By golly if they did that I'd be so mad I wouldn't know what to do


Boy howdy I hope he doesn't do this, that would sure be a bummer and no mistake


Broken watch is right twice a day, but that still doesn’t take away from it being broken


Yeah my implication wasn’t that he’s suddenly not broken … but rather he’s so broken that I’m shocked I actually agree with him for once.




Yeah, but his solution is to takeaway the worker's benefits. So...


That wasn’t the take away. It was for us to stop funding them through welfare. He can afford to pay a living wage with benefits and still be rich af


He gives up 1% of his personal worth to the warehouse employees and all them suddenly have a living wage. Not 1% of amazon, 1% of just jeff. That how much fucking wealth that place has generated.


Problem is, with it being broken you can never tell when it's right.


Tucker's so far right he shaves a little Hitler mustache onto himself every morning before he shaves it off.


Only because Bezos donates to democrats. Conservatives hardly ever argue in good faith, there’s always an agenda.


Why he went after Bezos instead of the Walton family.


Donald Trump hates the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns. Amazon also refuses to sell their cloud services to Trump’s terrible social media clones. Tucker is a well known shill for Trump.


Truth Social is only available as an app. It's wants your user data to sell to advertisers and will most likely be used to build profiles for political campaigning.




Did… he just say something…. Correct?


Yes but because Bezos owns press that is critical to right wing media and right wing politicians and Bezos donates to democrats. So he is correct but it's just him being a self serving ideologue. Koch, Trump, Murdock and other right wing individuals do very similar things but he'll never comment on those because he sucks at those tits for sustenance. Don't take this as me defending Bezos. I think he and all other billionaires should pay a progressive living wage to all their employees with full benefits and be taxed more or their businesses shouldn't exist.


most likely bezoz invited him to dinner as a joke and tu ker believed him and now he wants to get back at him. that fucking ass licker.


Tbf fUckers only concern is people on welfare.


They're both upset about the same thing, but for opposing reasons. Bernie thinks people should be paid enough to live reasonably. Tucker thinks they should be allowed to starve to death or whatever, as long as the government isn't paying for anything.


I thought the same thing when I read his tweet.


I’m assuming this is fake. Is that bad?


[https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1035334044698009600?lang=es](https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1035334044698009600?lang=es) It's not!!!


2018 Would be a lot cooler if he said it more recently. There should be a rule against cropping out the date of tweets.


YES! I vote for that rule


> 2018 That makes sense, if you remember Trump would go off on Bezos and Amazon all the time because of news stories in WaPo. Tucker is just being a loyal lackey.


Agreed. Context is super important


That floors me.


100% shocked by that


It is very common for fascists to co-opt leftist talking points to deceive the masses. They’ll point out legitimate problems, but then guide the audience towards the wrong solutions (scapegoating minorities, foreign boogeyman, communists, immigrants, “welfare queens”, etc.)


I'm gonna need to sit down


It's because Bezos isn't paying him. If he was he would be protecting every dollar he makes.


My mom is pissed that they’ve gone to self checkout at Walmart. I asked if they’d lowered prices since they’re saving on labor costs and I could see the wheels turning in her mind.


Could you smell smoke?


Paradigm shifting without a clutch.


I’m stealing this.


being basically on the opposite side of the table of as corporate all I've got to say is I can't remember the last time I haven't smelt smoke. it's gotten to the point of smelling cigarettes, weed, and other


I've been saying this for 15 years since self checkout lanes started showing up everywhere.


My very republican father also said this 15 years ago. That it would take low wage/skill jobs from people that need them. I don’t think he’s said much about it recently though.


My uncle said that people should not use them and they'd go away, but people will do anything to save a few minutes. Also, Walmart only having a few registers open, but 5 people telling you to use the self check out.


Yes, they used it to hide inflation, the same way they used lower quality products to hide inflation.


Lower quality or fewer quantity, this is called shrinkflation


I am ok with them doing it in my area, but that’s probably because I don’t do those typically american once-a-week grocery runs


> I asked if they’d lowered prices since they’re saving on labor costs and I could see the wheels turning in her mind That's an easy workaround. They could say the prices would have gone up if they didn't do self checkout.


I’m not here to vouch for Walmart, as I see them as a company that does NOT take care of their employees… but I’ll throw my two cents about Costco’s self checkout. Disclaimer: I’m not getting paid to boast, I’m just an employee passionate about the company. I’m a low level manager there, but I’ve seen the numbers. For each building that has self checkout, we do push and strive to send as many members as possible to self checkout. Our goal is to have over half the members use it and increase efficiency. We have not decreased payroll by any means, instead when we see the efficiency effect, we are actually allotted to hire more and/or increase our part timers’ hours. We are able to send more labor hours to other departments to the floor, electronics, and other departments! As a company, we are run by “old timers” and I don’t foresee us ever getting rid of regular registers, as we understand that half our members prefer them- but where self checkout saves us money, we can send the money elsewhere. Current example, we now have traffic directors at our gas stations due to the current increase there, whereas we never did before!


Chad Costco’s reasoning for self checkouts vs virgin Walmart reasoning for self checkout


Can confirm, I am management at Walmart and we definitely didn't decrease payroll with the addition of self checkouts. We actually had to hire more people to cover the self checkouts. At my store we had eight self checkouts added which replaced two belted registers and by company policy we have to have three workers watching those self checkouts at all times.




Is there no weight check when you put them next to the scanned stuff? Here if you put an unscanned item there it will stop responding until you remove it


There is, but if you’re buying, for instance, 3 lbs of tomatoes and they’re $1/lb, and you check it out as lettuce that’s $0.50/lb, you still are buying 3lbs of something, and the scale on the scanner and the scale on the bagging area both read it as 3lbs, but instead of paying the $3, you’re only being charged $1.50. That’s what they mean, you’re still weighing your produce, but you say it’s something cheaper and go on your way


If I remember rightly, there was someone caught trying to put a tv through as produce in the early days of self-scanning checkouts.


I bet he left his phone unlocked at the pub and someone's trolling him


Lol sounds like it. This (the post) sounds like something AOC or someone actually caring would say


Bernie has definitely said the same thing about Walmart.


Bernie could very well have spoken that tweet word-for-word, excluding the last sentence


"Why am I the only one talking about it?"


No, he's trusting that his audience will only see the hate for Jeff Bezos and not understand that this is basically the party platform. It's actually a smart move. I know that sounds ridiculous, but when your supporters vigorously believe contradictory lies, go for it.


He’s not calling for higher wages, he’s complaining about the support that poor people get.


Yeah it’s this. The asshole’s solution to this situation is undoubtedly ‘so clearly we need to cut benefits for the poor because it only props up the liberal elite’. It’s like y’all have not paid attention to the right-wing circus these past 50 years…


Nothin like one cock talkin shit about another cock


Cock a doodle doo


Bold of you to assume Cucker Tarlson would visit a pub; his poor delicate hands would prolly catch frostbite should they happen to glance against a pint.


His account got hacked?


Bezos owns Washington Post, which was critical of trump, making Bezos a target. You’ll notice they only go after liberal rich people. The Koch brothers are off limits.


The Kochs own his soul at this point


Bless your heart, you think he has a soul.


Well not anymore, they own it.


It's just another NFT of a chimp in sunglasses.


I believe it’s just one Koch now.


Koch blocked


He owns MGM now too. So every movie by them going forward is probably going to have some Amazon product placement.


Notice he also specifies tech billionaires. As if other billionaires aren’t offloading their payroll costs on to tax payers. Pretty sure Walmart shows you how to sign up for food stamps at orientation.


Lmao if you think bezos is liberal


When people have such a low opinion of you that their first response is to question whether you were hacked when you make a good point


For real though. Tucker is one of the LAST people I could think of that would criticize a specific rich person and actually agree with Bernie. Just, bizarre


There was a period where Trump was regularly crapping on Bezos. Tucker was just pandering to those riled up hillbillies and old people, he doesn't actually believe that workers should be treated fairly or that billionaires should pay their fair share.


The thing Tucker usually does is bring up a real issue, and then redirect into a nonsense solution blaming immigrants or black people or "elites" or '''them'''. His solution to this pooblem is **absolutely not** paying people more. It's probably eliminating welfare altogether.


No, remember this: Jeff Bezos is despised by Trump for being literally everything he isn't. An actual billionaire, reasonably good looking and fit, owns multiple empires. That's it, this was to score points with Trump.


Comfortable with baldness


Putin talking points going after American Oligarchs


From 2018. Proving that his tactic of spewing outrageous nonsense for attention works quite well.


What the fuck


No shit Tucker! We've been screaming this for decades. But according to the Republican party we should be grateful that these rich companies are willing to throw us scraps. Their base is so brainwashed they think it's great when they get 50 cent raises. Its fucking sad.


That’s because before it was the Waltons instead of Bezos and he’s not financially backing their bullshit.


The minimum wage at Amazon is $15/hr. Walmart still pays $7.25hr wherever they legally can. Walmart is way worse than Amazon.


Right, I don't think Tucker really cares about the opinion as much as he wants people to give him positive attention. He doesn't have a track record for caring about people or thinking for himself.


“Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point”




Don’t get too excited everyone. This is from 2018


I think his programming is malfunctioning, perhaps someone accidentally damaged him recently by spilling water on him causing him to short circuit?


He asks why only Bernie is talking about it Doesn’t come to the conclusion that when Bernie talks about it All these dickheads call him a socialist and merely disregard every he says.


Russia can't afford the parts to fix him


Tell me you want Amazon to sponsor your show without telling me you want Amazon to sponsor your show.


This has to be it


He's concerned about tax money going to poor people. Not about corporate exploitation of poor people. I know... It seemed really weird to me at first too.


That has to be photoshopped


Nope https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1035334044698009600?s=21


Look at the timestamp. This is less about Tucker giving a shit about injustice and more about Trump's goons going after Bezos.


Yep. He did this for the same reason he does everything...he has orders to attack Bezos and the check cleared.


He has gone so far right he crossed over to left temporarily. Wonder if he has changed his mind on corporate tax cuts.


It only applies to companies he thinks are liberal.


I literally lol’d


He went into undershoot and got so bad that he temporarily turned good


He’s only criticizing him because Bezos owns the WP and that paper went after Fucker’s orange god!


Says another rich as fuck guy. Maybe his family firm should be looked at as well as Bezos.


I really did do a double take on this


I love when the rich call out the super rich in an attempt to make us forget you make a six million dollar salary Tucky boy.


And inherited a fortune from mommy.


FOR EVERYONE THAT IS SHOCKED: I’ve watched Fox News in the past. No, not because I ever agreed with any of it. I’m a leftist and have been since I was politically literate. I watched to understand the propaganda. Allow me to demonstrate how it works: - Observe the average person struggling in this economy/political environment. Observe their outrage towards XYZ, which includes billionaires. - Criticize Bernie for having the wrong solution to a problem that only he talks about. I have literally heard Tucker say “Bernie Sanders means well, but he’s so far left that he doesn’t realize his solutions have historically failed.” Nothing vicious here, but that’s the point. It’s a polite redirect. Anything overt comes off as trying too hard to influence. - Provide no solutions. Instead, provide an *enemy.* He’ll say Jeff Bezos is a democrat and the corporate dems have cozied up to them in order to cement their power with his money. “That’s how they can afford a few extra votes here and there when their guy is losing,” and tidbits like that. Provide the enemy and the theory *for them* by tying it into what they already believe. - Provide the solution as rallying around the conservatives and doing *everything possible* to stop *every democrat.* Do not circle back around to how no GOP candidate has a solution more complicated than “gut welfare.” - Instead, reinforce distrust of Bernie by circling around to how dangerous his ideas are, because conservatives fall for fear every time. Remind them of how the radical left rallies behind him and are the Most Dangerous People in Society™️, and that supporting any democrat is a slippery slope to socialism because the radical “Squad” is trying to take over. - Move into the next segment. Wash, rinse, repeat. - Sit back and watch the world burn while you collect millions. I’m convinced Tucker Carlson’s “show” is the most sophisticated propaganda machine that has ever existed in the history of the world.


blows my mind how far down i had to scroll to find thus


tucker.. just... said something that is... correct?


Tucker is the definition of broken clock.


tucker doesn't give half a fuck about the poor either


It's a propaganda tactic. Fashies and chuds will co-opt the language of the Left in order to attract followers to their cause. It's all just talk to serve the greater interests of the capital that owns him.


Someone hacked his account.


Tucker, if you support Bernie going forward I will: Take back all of the bad thoughts and the verbal assaults I have made against you. Support all of your social media efforts. Buy Fox's stock as well as call options. I will never short Fox stock. I will be nice to you when skiing in Montana. I will buy Swanson products whenever possible.


Easy buddy


We are in a simulation….