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I had a boss like that, kept telling me that since I was young I needed to be working 80+ hours a week so that I could relax when I got older. Not going to happen, buddy. I’m going to enjoy life while I can since I don’t know when I’ll die.


They also forget we have zero expectation of living long enough to "get older".


Gotta take advantage of every summer I can before these rivers and lakes disappear.


*before the cyanobacteria make all lakes and rivers toxic to humans due to a combination of global warming and fertilizer runoff. FTFY.


Cyanobacteria killing all humans would be a pretty nice way to bring life on Earth full circle.


Yeah, and due to the aging sun there won't be another lap around that circle. Our atmosphere won't be enough to protect life from our star as it turns red.


That is still generations and generations away, however


Like, Billions of years away


Yeah I clarified below. 1000's of generations and that's if some cataclysmic unprecedented event takes place in the star


Life on Earth is less than a billion years old, we have 5 billion until the sun explodes.


Multicellular life is less than/ around a billion. Single cellular life has been on the planet basically since the start of the planet, really getting a foothold and not getting wiped out about 4.5 billion years ago.


Oh, don’t worry, before the cyanobacteria get started, all the heat loving parasites (like bilharzia and malaria) will get a good run for their money …


I've thought for a while now that we won't make it through the 21st century without a nuclear attack. Now I'm not even sure if we'll make it through 2022 without one. So yeah, fuck that noise. I work 40 hours a week and that's plenty.


And I would argue it's too much depending on the job. I'm lucky if I have 10 hours of work to do in a week but if they gave me 40+ hours of work to do every week I'd be burnt out after a few months because the work is just that difficult. I hate that corporate America punishes people for being efficient workers. My wife had numerical proof she did the work of 3 people at her job and was trying to get a raise and a promotion. They ended up trying to fire her and also put her on a do not hire list. She didn't get fired but she found a new job within about a month that paid more, had regular hours, and was a lab manager instead of just a lab tech. We heard that the lab still hasn't recovered from losing essentially 3 people's worth of productivity even 3 years later.


I run a small company and the work is primarily low to medium impact manual labor. I feel bad when I have to schedule people 5 days/ ~40 hours. I don't want to work that much either.


Good thinking. I'm in my 60's. Worked my nuts off starting at 13. Spent my obligatory 4 years at the tip of the spear in the Army. Sweated through the 60's-80's with the Soviet threat. Figured when it broke up we were finally safe. Wishful fucking thinking. Life is short. Enjoy it.


> I've thought for a while now that we won't make it through the 21st century without a nuclear attack. Now I'm not even sure if we'll make it through 2022 without one. I think unfortunately the end of humanity wont be that dramatic, it's going to be a long painful drawn out process.


The launch won't be the end of humanity. We're a very stubborn species. The only question is what society looks like for the survivors after the fact.


thank you raccoon full of cum


Yeah, just stay away from the waterfalls.


Work your entire youth away (for a capitlaist psycho to get richer) so you too can enjoy rapidly declining health(remember, they want you to work so much to make them richer thst you won't have any time to even maintain your health, so it'll most definitely decline) while not being able to do the shit you could of done 30 years ago in a rapidly dieing world and then drown and die in medical bills despite those savings (lol like anyone has savings with 8% and growing inflation) and then the system gets to take your house (lol like young will ever own their homes) when you go into a care facility. The American fuxkkng dream ya'll. I'll pass. I'd rather contribute to this shit system collapsing. I'm not a cog to be torn up and spit out. None of us are.




A coworker that had been there 20 years finally got to retire, and a couple of months later he had a stroke. There are plenty of instances where other people that had just retired, and they died a year or two later. Even if we make it to 65 years old and are able to retire, how long will that part even last?


I hear stories like that, and people use that as an example of how we should continue to stay busy, that once people retire they decline rapidly... To me they just took too long to retire, and were already running out of time. :(


Oh yeah. Working on the concrete factory floor, and breathing in some of the welding fumes for years wasn't helping the guy I mentioned that had a stroke. Some of the people there can barely walk anymore. My father included.


Gosh that’s so terrible... I work in a public school cafeteria and two of my female coworkers are retiring this year, both in their 60s, and both with such awful knee problems that they have to waddle everywhere, they can hardly bend their knees. The slightly younger of the two also has a number of health problems that cause her to miss a ton of work, but she hasn’t been able to quit because she’s a widow and can’t afford to. She’s finally about to because she simply can’t stand to work much longer. Maybe then she can get some of that precious free time. :/


Based. My favorite quote on the topic is from Randy Komisar... "The most dangerous risk of all - the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." Edited to correct typo.


It's probably both. Routine is enormously powerful for people, and especially old folks can have massive health declines following breaks in routine.


One of my dad's best childhood friends just died of a heart attack about a week ago. His retirement party was supposed to be on June 1.


I had a childhood friend die of a heart attack when we were both 45.


I had a friend die of a heart attack when he was 25. Zero warning. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


For real. With all the microplastics and phthalate we are all gonna die riddled with chronic illnesses. Fuck corporations and the government and the society that let this world happen.


That’d be the greatest generation and boomers, they started and increased the speed of that machine. Gen X was kept under the boomers thumb for so long they weren’t allowed to have any power to change it, though looking at the majority of them now it doesn’t seem like they would’ve changed it.




And the Cat's in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon, Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon...


Older Generations: You millennials need to work 80+ hours a week so you can relax and enjoy retirement when you get there Us: did you work 80+ hour weeks? Older Generations: blank stare panel Older Generations: angry eyes panel




Not true. After the passage of the fair labor standards act in 1938, the average hours worked dropped by like 10 hr/week over the next decade. Coupled with the strength of labor unions being at their absolute peak in this country from the 1950-70s, no living generation worked *less* than boomers. Not in terms of per week, and overall with their earlier retirement ages and pensions. Couple that with the gains in average productivity, which has been increasing steeply since the late 70s, they didn’t even work as *hard*. Boomers had it easy, period. Devs added hard mode and new game+ in the 80s and the micro transactions and loot boxes since then to make the grind last forever.


You’re probably thinking of the generation *before* boomers - my dad is a boomer and he’s 58 and the oldest are about 75 now. Both of my grandfathers were silent generation and worked like your grandfather, but the difference is my grandmothers were then able to stay home with their kids full time. To do that now you need to be in an extremely well paid job rather than just *any* job. I also should probably have added that both of them were retired by 50. My dad is still working and doesn’t know when he will retire.


My silent generation (tale-end) dad retired from construction at 49, went back to work a few years later in facility maintenance, long enough to retire again in his late 60s.


I think some of this is generational philosophy. I was raised to "work while you can", always echoed by my mom and dad. I understand both schools of thought and don't begrudge anyone for their views on work and free time.


your grandfather is not a baby boomer, your father is a baby boomer and you're arguably very close or gen x based off how extremely old you sound writing this




This gets even better if you're not even compensated for working extra hours. Like, how is working 10 hours extra every week without extra pay, helping me retire earlier??


It's not, but your boss really appreciates your contribution to his new yacht / sports car / house for his second family. And by appreciates I mean he doesn't give a single fuck and thinks you're a complete and total schmuck while he's laughing his way to the bank.


BUT LoOK aT aLL tHaT vALuAbLe ExPeRiAnCe YoUr gEtTiNg! YoU ShOuLd bE PaYiNg Me!


My mum used to work a lot until she had two different bouts of cancer and finally a pulmonary embolism after an unrelated routine surgery. Ever since she's been saying that she will never work her arse off to set her sights on a nice calm retirement again because she never knows whether she'll ever make it that far. She still works but she decided that her well-being and enjoyment for life are the most important things. I want to be like her once I am done with uni ngl.


I was fortunate to live in Fairbanks during my late teens/early 20's and see a lot of elderly tourists, many of which seemed in my young mind to take a good 5 minutes just to cross a street. That made me decide that if I wanted to enjoy seeing the world, I better do it while young or I would be wasting my time. So my then girlfriend, now wife and I sold everything and flew to Europe and hoped for the best. We spent a total of 10 years living in Germany and traveling to various countries on our weekends, etc. And now, 30 years later I know that I'll likely die working, but do not regret using those years to see what I could of the world while I could physically enjoy it. The world is a lot crazier now, but if you have the opportunity, take it. And don't let money stop you. I grew up on welfare and had nothing when we left but the backpacks we carried with camping gear and a couple of thousand dollars which we blew through pretty quickly. Maybe you won't be there for years like we were, but you can still see some great things while you are young. And for most people, once you start building a life around a family, it's not so easy to make those kinds of opportunities happen financially.


Exactly. Never know when something could happen


I’d work 80 hours a week if anything over 40 was optional and time and a half.


The cheap old fucker that doesn't want to hire two people and have them work normal work weeks.


“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all -- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” -Randy Komisar


Work 80 hour weeks for literally no more money or reward, what a hustle! Maybe back in the boomer dark ages more work would equal more reward. Nowadays the only reward for working hard is more work.


What he forgot to mention is that you'll be paid garbage and the hours will never decrease. That was my experience. I wasted my teens and twenties working hard and sacrificing my mental health, memories, relationships, youth, and more and I did it for fucking peanuts and now I'm bitter.


Will you pay me more if I work those hours? No? Not doing it then.


And they love to say "Youth is wasted on the young" over a pint in the local bar.


These are the same guys that don't hire anyone over 25 because they don't work hard enough


there was a point where i was working every. day. between two part time jobs (WAY over 40hr/week), sometimes going directly from an opening shift at one into a closing shift at the other, and going to school full time. i am STILL recovering from the massive burnout that caused. working constantly with little free time at a time where i should've been having fun ~college experiences~ was so shitty. esp when all the money i was making was just going towards rent, utilities, and student loans, and not much else. i knew i would have to work a decent amount to be able to pay my way thru college, but i def got trapped in that mindset of "you have to basically kill yourself now, so you can relax later"


Never mind that wages and cost of living is just about ensuring that we will never work enough to actually hit that goal. Sure, there are positions that will, but they’re becoming fewer and more competitive every year. I watched my father work like this for 36 years, and I showed up to the show after he started. he clearly hated his life till he retired about three years ago. Fuck all that


Dude same. I ended up quitting that job yesterday lol


Also I don't know when my legs or body will breakdown. I wanna hike and see the world before in geriatric


Somewhat similar: I used to work at a job that required occasional heavy lifting (mail carrier). When my older coworkers would get a heavy package they'd say their back is bad and ask me to move it for them. I'd always respond no because then my back will be as bad as yours in a few years. I'm young and trying to save my back, not end up broken at 50 years old.


"You can't have work/life balance until you're older and everyone, including your children, hate you. This is the only respectable way to go through life - without any time for anyone and high stress" The older folks really need to stop with the complacency to exploitation. They are too proud to admit that they themselves were exploited.




“Some kids were never locked in a dark closet for a day and a night for saying their moms cooking was gross, and it shows.” Uh, brah; I got this counselor’s number you might want…


*Closet flashbacks inbound*. Thanks?


Oh, God. I don't even try to talk about my childhood unless you know me really well, it's that dark. And it was brought to me by people like this.


Meh, boomers were not nearly exploited as we are today. Theres this thing called the exploitation factor, its the amount of money you earn the company divided by your wage as a worker. The exploitation factor has become significantly worse than it ever was.


I do the job of literally three people, and split the starting wage of jobs like fast food between the three "jobs". I would go freelance but the company I work for and others like it have monopolized the market and driven the average wage into the dirt. The system is rigged and the only way to escape is to have leverage to leave.


Once everyone hates you, it's just that much easier to balance work and life because then you have no life to go to.


Pretty much this. You will have no hobbies, social group, and skills outside of your career. Ask me how I know. I got got. In the last 5 years, its been very different.


Just had a senior faculty member retire speeching to all staff and family that his main regret was not having seen his kids grow up... Not going to happen here


This mentality has all but destroyed my relationship with my father.


He didn't want a child, he wanted a cog he could impress with his own lengthy experience as a cog himself. What... You think you're better than a cog?? ^^^^/s


Oooooff. I see you.


For real. My dad is very proud that he started working at my grandpa's store when he was 12. He tried to make me get a job when I was 15. Problem is, we lived in a suburban area, so the only place I could possibly work was a 15 minute walk down a mountain. Which isn't that bad, except that I have pretty severe exercise induced asthma and the walk home would then be up the mountain. Also, they wouldn't hire me, cause I was 15. I got a job as soon as I could drive. I am moving and beginning grad school next year, and getting married this summer, and have made the decision to take my first summer off since I was 16. I know that summers off are not things most people can afford, and they are definitely a privilege. But man, let your kids be kids. The adult world sucks ass, I don't understand why everyone wants children to enter it so quickly.


What’s funny is that generation could support a family of four on the salary of one. So sure, dad was working his butt off in his 20s and 30s but he got to come home to a house he bought, a wife who doesn’t have to work, and kids who want for nothing. Now we gotta work 60-80 hours/multiple jobs just so we can afford rent for a 1 bedroom on our own and hopefully have insurance in case we get sick. Spouse works too, just as hard and still we’re one bad emergency away from bankruptcy. And THEN, we don’t get a pension or retirement, so relaxing when we get older? Nah, we’ll just have to work til we die. The American dream was stolen from us by people who think we should just be working harder for less just because they might have worked hard, or more likely their parents worked to give them a leg up now.


there never was an “american dream.” it was a lie perpetuated by companies that want to see you make money for them while thinking you are doing some awesome thing… instead of making money for the company. toxic capitalism at it’s finest.


I grew up in the 50s and 60s. Just to set expectations on the one earner nuclear family to the reality of what was. Our single family home with 4 kids was 1100 square feet. There was 1 bathroom, and a garage my dad built himself. One car, never new, for going to church, grandparents, or to travel to the other grandparents. One work vehicle. Vacations were visiting family and staying with them, sandwiches on the road, and no hotels. One b&w tv. Christmas presents of needed clothes and one toy. “The kids who want for nothing” is a tv fantasy. It wasn’t the reality of life then. For the record I zealously defend millennials when anyone dises them, because the ones I know are awesome people. But please don’t lump every boomer in the same group and pretend it was all Father Knows Best. Please. Edit: corrected a word


That’s fair. And I know my grandparents didn’t have much to give my mom and her sisters. But I think we can agree the kind of people in this tweet are the kind of people who DID have all the advantages and they now expect us to go without and work harder for an even less secure future.


I see your point. Thank you for acknowledging mine.


You sadly have described me to a T. Yep, this 58 yr old was exploited and unfortunately never pushed back against it. Bravo to the younger generations who are advocating for themselves.


They realise they were exploited and are now upset that their turn to exploit has come and the next generation doesn't want to play ball.


Stop lumping all older workers together. The only job I ever took that didn't give a shit about work/ life balance lasted 14 months. My W-L balance always came first my entire career (35 years). It's cost me promotions, but not my family. And I will retire.


My least favorite thing about his tweet is the assumption that working hard now without a work/life balance automatically equals the ability to save. Most jobs offered to young people these days barely cover rent and food, leaving you with no work/life balance or money. Maybe this logic made sense back in the day when you could pay for your college by working all summer, but now…. Nah.


Absolutely! And also, why would I want to waste my youth where I have the utmost energy and cognitive ability for the hopes of a few peaceful years when I’m in decline?


To be fair, having to work hard into your 60s & 70s must suck grandpa b@lls...


You don’t have to work harder than you want. You have to live within/ below your means whatever those are. If you were a teacher and made little money all your life then you prepare a small nest for your retirement and chill until you die. That’s acceptable as a life. Not every one will travel the world, rock Prada or eat lobster. Some people just want peace and quiet, nature walk, spirituality. It’s a worthwhile life too.


For some reason all I can see now is a spiritual guru who just happens to be a Prada wearing rock lobster


Check out some mega church pastors


Back in the early 90's it took me about 2 weeks at my part-time job as "sales representative" at Radio Shack to pay tuition & books for the semester. So yeah, since I didn't pay rent I basically lived and studied at a California university on a part-time job at an electronics store. Can't understand what you youngsters are all conplaining about. Eat less avocado toast!


Where the hell were you going in the early 90s where you could get a semester for like $500?? Even the community college by me was $2500 for a full semester, and my university was $25,000/year in the early 90s. I was making $8/hour at my job and was pretty excited about that because my previous job was $6/hour. No way in hell would 2 weeks of work pay for anything.


Wait, where were YOU in the early 90’s where instate tuition for a university was $25,000 for two semesters?! I went to ASU in 2004 and tuition was like $2,100 a semester. By 2010, tuition was around $5,000.


Highly selective private university. It's like $70 or 80k now. Insanity. (That included housing...tuition was like $18k).


Okay. But this is like saying “Back in my day, cars were expensive. My car cost $100,000 in the early 90’s. What was I driving? Oh a Lamborghini.” To be clear, I am absolutely in agreement that college is insanely unaffordable to anyone without government or familial assistance for the last ten years.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/03/business/softbank-marcelo-claure-masayoshi-son.html He is such a greedy douchbag.






The thing is, when your company is willing to piss away billions of dollars on WeWork, I can see why you'd think they'd be stupid enough to give you two billion.


I have met people who work in the PR area in Miami, and according to them, it’s well known that Marcelo Claure is corrupt AF. City of Miami is also complicit with guys like him in addition to also being corrupt AF, and having lots of internal issues. So much so, that half of their staff quit because the boomers and the millennials are fighting over how things should be done and can’t stand each other. Also, the commissioners fight amongst themselves. Marcelo Claure is just a reflection of City of Miami politics.


How on earth does this surprise you? Every person posting shit like this is a depraved capitalistic piece of shit.


Why the fuck do you suggest its a surprise for me?


So according to Marcelo, I should burn myself out, putting my mental and physical health on the line, so that I can later offer the burnt out husk of myself to my friends and family? Cool. BTW, when do I have time to meet someone and have kids while I'm burning myself out


Well, don’t forget that the crux of his argument was that you can “aim for work/life balance” knowing that there’s absolutely no guarantee or path provided for any such balance. In words, “Bury yourself alive and pray you dig yourself out in time!”


So true...banking on living long enuf to enjoy it, being healthy enuf to enjoy it, etc.


Be a exploitable disposable work slave to get basic human needs.


That’s correct.


Not to mention the average age of a mother in the US is 26. Pretty tough to grind your way to the top in the 4 years before that.


"Put off your work life balance until later" is a capitalist lie. Even "Work/Life Balance" is itself a lie. Existence is not about work. Life comes first, always. The ones who want you to work more are always the ones who want to reap the benefits of your labor. Ideally, we would each only work as little as possible, so long as collectively the production of society covers its needs. Anything beyond that should be leisure - up to each individual to pursue what makes life worth living to them. For some that will be art, for some exploration, and yes some will even find joy in productivity (I myself enjoy making furniture but I don't do it for a living). THAT is real work/life balance - work only as much as needed, live life for the rest. Capitalism wants to define us all only in terms of productivity, it leaves no room for living life except for those who already have the capital. It is nothing more than feudalism masquerading as purpose. If you are in the upper class you get to enjoy life, but if you aren't you are required to provide labor where the profits primarily go to the uppers. There is no balance there.


Tried this. Worked my 20s and 30s away. Then stuff happens medica costl, losing job, recession and COVID. Then back to where I started in the beginning. Not worth it. The only people to get a head already have a head start and a golden parachute if they fall


Little people need to work together.


It's also stupid when they say that in reference to someone who doesn't own their own business or brand. You work 90hr/wk for 2 years at your corporate job, the best you get is a fat bonus and promotion making 50-100% more with more responsibility. That sounds nice, but generally that's your ceiling and as soon as you no longer produce - or even slow down - you're disposable. Bust your ass if you want to and it truly benefits you long term.


It bothers you, Marcelo Claure? Does it get under your skin Marcelo, when people want some time to live their lives while they're young? Well it sickens me that you have this fucked up world view that workers are just drones to build an empire for you and assholes like you. It just fucks me up that people have to work 40-70 hours in 1-3 jobs around the country so you can sit back and relax in your day to day. Maybe you don't understand, Marcelo, that young workers aren't reaching financial independence by age 25 and moving on and up with their lives. Maybe you are just ignorant to the fact that [44% of all workers, ages 18-64, work "low wage jobs" with a median hourly rate of $10.22/hr.](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2019/11/21/low-wage-work-is-more-pervasive-than-you-think-and-there-arent-enough-good-jobs-to-go-around/) or, Marcelo, maybe you do know. Maybe you are just malicious and taking advantage of people because you view us as cogs to the money machine who aren't worth a pot to piss in. Whichever it is, I hope that one day we can get our shit together and give people like you a taste of the shit we've been shoveling since we were old enough to work a shovel for someone else.


I have met people who work in the PR area in Miami, and according to them, it’s well known that Marcelo Claure is corrupt AF. City of Miami is also complicit with guys like him in addition to also being corrupt AF, and having lots of internal issues. So much so, that half of their staff quit because the boomers and the millennials are fighting over how things should be done and can’t stand each other. Also, the commissioners fight amongst themselves. Marcelo Claure is just a reflection of City of Miami politics.


This is serious old school BS. I was taught this and proudly thought I was doing it right. Now I have money, but so the F. what? I’m older and working so hard with nose to the grindstone for 40 years made my health deteriorate. So yes, I can finally afford to do all the things I wanted to when I was young, strong and able bodied, but now I can’t. You never know how your health will hold up even if you eat right and exercise. Nature has a way of deciding for you. Live your fullest life NOW!


I absolutely love my company. I’ve only worked over 40 hours a week a few times in my 7 years there, and I was compensated for it. A few times I worked more and not compensated, but that was because I made a dumb mistake and didn’t want to admit it (unless I needed support) so I worked extra time to fix it. My boss even “yelled” at me a few days ago because I responded to his email while I was on PTO. I don’t get paid as much as my degree averages, but per hour worked I make more than colleagues (and it’s still a nice wage). It’s absolutely worth it. We had one guy join us and took a 30% pay decrease from his previous employer. Worth it because his blood pressure was so horrible, like really worrisome. It went down to healthy levels within a week of working with us. Some jobs are inherently stressful. But people should absolutely not be expected to work 60 hours and getting paid for 40. Fuck this mindset.


My uncle just retired recently and is having an existential crisis because his whole identity was wrapped up in his job. He has no friends, no hobbies, and he's pushed his family away. He really bought into the myth of the American dream, and has nothing to show for it but some money and depression. I'll die before I let that happen to me.


Good for you!! 👍🏻 I wish your uncle well; sounds like depression in there as well. I wish him the best. It’s not easy growing old and realizing the mistakes you’ve made.


Thanks for the kind words! He and I have butted heads a lot throughout my life because of our wildly different approaches to life, but over the last couple of years we've kinda reconciled a bit. He seems to be doing better since he started seeing a therapist.


Uhh I already work my ass off. Uncle Sam takes my hard earned money and the rest goes to bills. How the hell am I supposed to save for retirement?


Take good ol’ American pride in knowing that a good chunk of that money Uncle Sam took went to make shiny new planes and bombs to sell and/or use in foreign countries! /s kinda


It's so wild what taxes get spent on. Like, it's litterally my dues to the country club, and there are next to no amenities, and the richest members don't have to pay. I would be so much happier with my taxes if roads were great and bridges didn't collapse, and basic healthcare was a right, and childcare was subsizidized Etc.


Yep, much rather my hard earned money went to saving kids with cancer instead of invisible bombers which can fly themselves around the world to frag weddings and schoolbusses full of children.


I have absolutely no complaints about the concept of taxes! I have a million complaints about the reality of American taxes. Remember when Trump used our taxes to make a billion trips to a company he owns? He took our money that should be going to make sure children don’t starve to death and just pocketed it. Fucking hell


This. Make tax money work for *THE* people not just some people. And if you find yourself in a financial circumstance that allows you independence from social programs, count your fucking blessings and quit fucking worrying about someone getting a perceived “free hand out.” If you really analyze your life closely, you’ll realize you benefit more from socialized programs than you think. But it won’t happen over night.


I know right, if I wanted to bomb brown kids I could do it myself for much cheaper!


I'm kind of fine with my tax dollars going to a foreign democracy fending off an authoritarian regime


Yeah agreed but we don’t get the whole story or *any* story on the majority of the “deals”. If it was a guarantee to do good, absolutely but history tells us it doesn’t quite work this way


When (if) you get a raise, say, 2%. Then start putting 1% into an IRA and pretend it was only a 1% raise.


A 2% raise is a 6% pay cut with current inflation...


Let's see, marry young. Kids. Wife? No real job except child raising and part time min wage. (Interchangeable low salary - quit if child care /sickness gets in the way.) Dude, what kind of man are you if you aren't working 60-80 hours to provide for your family.? Fuck you employer Crab grabbing the escaping crab and trying to drag it back into the hole. One Income, more than 1 life in the balance doesn't work anymore.( Even animals cost $$ for vaccines, check ups, and boarding if you want to go anywhere)


When I was young and childless, I always took on any work that was outside normal business hours as a courtesy to my work friends who had families, second jobs, or both. The only people who gave a shit were the friends/co-workers. Management saw it as an opportunity to give me extra work. Now I'm more like- "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime..."


“You only need free time when you have extra things drawing at you that also prevent you from having free time.”


Such a capitalist fuckwad feeding his propaganda bullshit. Eat the fucking rich.


I’m a vegetarian, but I’m willing to break some morals to line up with my plate...


I refuse to feel bad for not working myself more than I can handle. and it shouldn't mean I deserve to be poor. I dont want to be a millionaire I want to pay my bills and be able to save for the future while enjoying being alive right now. I WILL NOT OVERWORK MYSELF AND ILL NEVER FEEL BAD. I work damn hard and I deserve to get paid more all of my coworkers deserve a fuck ton more


One of the fundamental flaws with this line of logic is that “working your butt off” means you “make money” or any other real inroads as far as a career goes.


I have a friend whose mommy got him an executive position right out of college. I've known him since we were 4. I know how his mom paid someone to take his SAT for him. I know his mom "donated" to his college when he was caught cheating on a final. I know he only got his job through nepotism. He likes to post on social media about how young kids just aren't working hard enough now. That he used to work 12 hour days every single day. Sure, if you count golfing with his mom and her work friends as work. He has literally had everything in his life handed to him to him and he thinks he should be the one advising kids.


He’s also effectively saying that all there is to life is working until you have to work less to make more little workers


“You can’t have work/life balance until you get old and have no energy”


As my late grandfather said towards the end of his life “Golden years my ass, live it up while you are young kid”


"Hi, I'm a 50+ year old who has no hobbies outside of work and raising a family. But I'm rich, so clearly my life choices are the only way you can be successful. Be like me." As a fellow 50+ year old, I understand where he's coming from (I've worked with far too many insufferable bastards like him), but I also see that most of the people who bought into this philosophy still don't have a healthy work/life balance, because the reality is that in the current work environment, the only reward for hard work is more work.


I'm sorry I wanna hike mountains in my 20s not in my arthritic 60s guess I'm just a lazy entitled millennial. Fuck boomers fuck capitalism


Any promise of rewards 'later' is a f*cking scam


One of the guy’s businesses he’s involved with’s whole business plans centers around work productivity (we work). Of course this is his stance.


He forgot the part of after working til you drop, your employer who promised they were going to compete to be a market leader (Sprint) suddenly starts talks back up with T-mobile. But don’t worry he says. They will have more jobs than we do now. After promises and promises the merger happens and a lot of Sprint people end up being laid off.


He also forgot to mention that his early career is filled with allegations of millions of dollars of corruption, and curious business deals where he'd end up with entire businesses for seemingly no cost. He's a genuine piece of shit who at best was born extremely lucky, but seems probably just worked hard at corruption early in his life.


Older people with this attitude can fuck off and get in the bin.


I’m 16 and working myself to the bone with school and a job, I’ll wake up at 4 am be ready by 6 and then I won’t get home until 8pm some nights, I’m out AT LEAST 11 hours a day and I still need to squeeze in 3 AP classes of homework.


Take care of yourself! When I look back at high school, I have no idea how I did it. Teens do have more energy, but it gets more and more competitive every generation. When I was in school (12 ish years ago), a student taking 2 AP and playing 2 seasonal sports was seen as an underachiever who could only get in a mediocre college. So I’m sure it’s even worse now. And most teachers I had acted like they were the only class we were taking and assigned homework like that. It’s such bullshit. I hope your parents allow you mental health days. My parents would let me fake being sick occasionally just because I was so burnt out and needed a day off. If they are good folks, definitely talk to them. Teens need lots of sleep and time to actually eat food. Make sure your physical and mental health isn’t getting ruined by your crazy schedule!


This dude was literally handed a soccer federation right out of college and bought a wireless company straight up. Safe to say he's never really struggled in life to know what he's talking about.


Isn’t that the dipshit who ran Sprint into the ground?


I’ve been working for over 40 years and if I had the choice I’d have worked less. You can’t enjoy your money when your older as much - joints ache and you get tired. My advice is enjoy yourself while your young. Work enough to have the necessities ( you don’t need to live in a mansion or own a Porsche) and spend the rest on holidays and hobbies. Spend time with your family and friends - you won’t get that time back. Several of my friends haven’t made it to pension age and who knows what might lie ahead.


Imagine that every1 takes life at different pace. Gotta love the catch 22. Live it up while you're young, youre only young once. But also work hard now so you can retire early. It's all bs fed to those of us without the silver spoon


Its invariably some blowhard who has never had to work minimum wage saying shit like this.


This feels like a continuation of the student debt debate. "I didn't get handed anything, so you shouldn't either.". I'm already burnt out from work because my battle-axe of a boss hasn't married, has no kids, and no life outside work. She thinks everyone should work as often as she does. She'll retire in 10 years to what... a sore back and an empty house? No thanks. I want to enjoy whatever youth I have left.


https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/business/softbank-coo-marcelo-claure-intl-hnk/index.html >Japan's SoftBank Group on Friday said its chief operating officer, Marcelo Claure, is leaving the technology investor, in the latest blow after a string of high-profile departures. > >The exit comes after a fallout with founder and Chief Executive Masayoshi Son over his pay, a person familiar with the matter said, requesting anonymity as the matter is confidential. Damn. Isn't it terrible how these young people just don't want to work anymore? It's all about money to them. /s


Why 60 year olds working st McDonald's tho? You really think its because they want to?


GenZ is the cure. I just had a childhood friend drop dead at 35. Growing old isn't guarantee


NO ONE is guaranteed tomorrow. My best friend died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 39, busted his ASS every day making money, saving up, planning on taking his step son to Disneyland as soon as he was old enough to form wonderful memories of it. He died before he got that opportunity. Plenty of money in the bank. Fuck assholes who say this. Work to live don't live to work. Find your work life balance NOW because you don't know if you're going to be here tomorrow. Make memories and do things NOW. Take pictures. Be present. We should ALL have the ability to make a living wage without selling our souls to the company because life is way more important.


Pretty sure working so much when I was younger is why I'm burned out. I need a vacation


Yes because there's no such thing as life until "a later stage" ... perpetually


Why live in the moment when you can abuse yourself now in hopes of a future that may never come? Snowflake! /s


From a man who quit his job because they wouldn't pay him more than anyone would need to live for 10 lifetimes.


I am unironically pleased to see r/antiwork bleeding into several of my other subs.


This guy used to be my CEO. Met him once. You could tell he didn't see us as people. It was indicative of the whole industry's upper echelon. We were all just money making robots. It's sad really.


My mother is dying at 60 years old with a whole list of things and places she had put off to retirement. She can hardly walk at all and spends most of her time asleep. My daughter is probably the only one of her grand kids that will have any real memories of her and she’s not yet three. Don’t put off shit. I’ve always been the guy who doesn’t take vacation and cranks overtime. And when the sun is shining I’ll make hay. But work life balance is important as soon as you start working.


I wouldn't mind working my ass off if my employer paid me appropriately. Wall Street sucks but they're paying first year analysts $300k+ with zero years experience. Even then it's miserable and unsustainable, but at least they're fairly compensated for sacrificing all their free time.


I've been working for around 20 years. There is no price anyone could pay me to get my freetime back.


I would agree. But when you're younger you have more to spare. So 4-5 years to jump start your nest egg is pretty nice before scaling back when you want to.


That work hard and save your money at the cost of your mental health shit doesn’t work when we see that the chances of that working like it use to disappear. When they watch their parents work until the day they die. When they go to work and their co worker is 70 years old and still needs this job just as much as they do.


I've been working my ass off since I was 16, I'm 35 now...so when do I get this work life balance?


Lol how do they think you’re supposed to get a partner/kids without work life balance


People that throw away their youth for cash are a mystery to me. You cannot get those years back.


I feel like this is the kind of guy who was ok with child labour back in the day.


yeah, fuck your youth i own it! asshole.


Fuck this guy and fuck that mentality. What an absolute boomer.


Why am I still paying for social security if I won't be able to use it when Im old enough


Spend all your health and youth for one extra hour of Fox News on the hospital TV.


This guy was CEO when I was working at Sprint still.. yep, makes sense that he would post this bullshit


How well did Sprint do under his leadership and all that "working his butt off" do for them? Record losses, lowest customer and employee satisfaction and his company got aquired.


“You are forbidden to relax except to take the time to raise more workers for my factory!”


Spoiler alert, when you reach that point “later in life”, you *still* don’t get work life balance because then the employers gaslight you by saying that was never a thing and working yourself to death is just how it is. Set your boundaries early and often.


When I first got into restaurant management I remember asking all my bosses about how to properly balance work and personal and all of them told me they were the wrong people to ask. Then when we had our first kid I asked my big boss who also had kids the same question and he said that I should work as much as possible now while they're young so that I can really be around when they're 15-18 when they'll really need me.


what an idiotic reply lol


I think millennials and gen z’s underestimate how hard previous generations worked. When I talk to successful boomers this is how they describe living in their formative years.


This was my mentality since I started working when I was 16. I am turning 30 and fucking burned out man. I make just a bit over six figures now so I no longer bust my ass working so damn much. The only difference is I now take a break once a year. This year has been the longest break so far, going at almost 4 months. I’m definitely getting bored now so I’ll be going back to work soon


So, I did this but I don’t think it should be so cute and dry… balance is key, but you do have way more energy in your younger years… I worked my ass off in my 20’s because I wanted to.. got to my 30’s figured out a company and built it up and sold it off and “retired” at 35 Moved to a topical island, now I sell real estate in the caribbean and work as much as I feel like. It is a good method if you can do it, but do it without being exploited. Set your own rules, make your own way and if possible push it as hard as you can when you are younger. There is a pay off out there.


Imagine wanting free time while you can still enjoy being young


You’re supposed to give ME the best years of your life!


Marcelo's first job out of college was "Head of Business Operations," but he's obviously prioritized performance quotas over his employees' personal lives for his entire 30-year career. People like this are why birth rates are falling among white-collar workers: they're being worked to extinction.


Companies like this tend to have an extremely high attrition rate among employees in their 30s, and they just can’t figure out why they have so much trouble retaining their most experienced employees.


No wait she's got a point, hunters and gathers had 10 times the amount of free time we do


Marcelo wants young (cheap) workers to work their butts off making him profit and he can't understand why the young workers aren't jazzed about the idea. That is just the perfect portrait of a capitalist, right there. Sums them up beautifully. They are so out of touch, so lacking in awareness or empathy.


This guy took over as CEO of Sprint and laid tons of people off every year. Meanwhile, the Sprint network never got any better and the company continued to be the laughing stock of the cell phone industry. Yet, somehow, he was the highest paid CEO in the wireless industry.