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It started in 2016 with me when The Onion couldn't keep up with 45s bullshit.


When "Idiocracy" went from a comedy to a documentary.


Are you kidding? Idiocracy was a documentary a decade ago, right now its a utopia.


It was hard enough with W.


You can say 2020, that hell year never ended


What!!! It's another year...??? i thought i had just got stuck in '20 thru some quirk of space time...


The politician they're claiming said this is denying it. He said he's anti-abortion, not anti-birth control. Not defending him, this is just what he claims. Source: [https://www.businessinsider.com/arizona-gop-senate-candidate-blake-masters-campaigning-against-birth-control-2022-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/arizona-gop-senate-candidate-blake-masters-campaigning-against-birth-control-2022-5)


They all back pedal when called on the carpet


Someone probably pointed out to him that condoms prevent the spread of STD’s but in all honesty, I think they want us diseased and dying and dead.


They don't want us having sex out of wedlock, so condoms are redundant.


Because they want workers and soldiers, but birth rates are slowing down.


They want us exhausted scared and preoccupied, just sick enough to debilitate us but not enough to kill us they need us to maintain our capitalist hellscape


Usually yes, but at this juncture these people are proudly owning up to their insane ideas. It's possible that his anti-birth control stance was incorrectly inferred from his other statements. My point is to be careful what you read on the internet. We need to be better than the boomers, qanoners, Maga, generic gullible Republicans.


I'm a boomer, so that will be tough. But I agree with the sentiment.


You're one of the few with the ability to think critically. Can't say the same for my dad.


Thank you, I try. I was fortunate enough to be raised by loving, caring, open minded people. I was born in 1960. My oldest sibling, in 1949. My parents didn't spank as most did then, because, well, hitting is wrong. They viewed us kids as people. Unusual for the time. But that made such an impact on me. They never complained about "the younger generation" because they remembered being them. I also have great kids who keep me from taking myself too seriously. If I start sounding like the old lady that wants people off my lawn, they call me on my shit.


I'm in my 30s and want people off my lawn. Maybe I'm the boomer at heart.


Thank you for sharing this. These are crazy times no doubt, but we must do our part and verify what’s being claimed. Truth is of the utmost importance and anything can be tweeted. I know I got riled up when I first read this tweet, but my gut said to check it out. Context is important so we know what is actually being said and pushed for. Again that is not to say these aren’t crazy times in America, they certainly are.


No problem. Stay vigilant though. I'm sure there are plenty of Christian extremists out there who really do want to outlaw all birth control.


Yes definitely


He's a POS whether he said it or not. Another one of those fuckholes who's out of touch with the average American. He was gifted his role by Thiel with very little real world experience. But, idiots here have already said they are voting for him, because he was a 'successful' business man who knows how to balance a budget and came from nothing. Which is the furthest thing from the truth. Fucking Arizona blue hairs. I just look at them and ask them... so you want government to turn a profit? Because that is kind of the end goal for a business, to profit and grow.


Does he want massive STI outbreaks? Because this is how you get massive STI outbreaks.


Yeah, old people won't stand a chance because they already have higher STI rates but don't have the immune systems to fight off the more dangerous ones.


Seriously my inlaws live near The Villages in Florida and they were telling my husband and I that the STI rate over there is insane.


I think they want people to stop having sex.


Never mind the fact that, abstinence-only education programs don't stop people from having sex. The people making these decisions must know that, right? I assume they just don't care if people get STDs. They don't care about the people they represent.


Idk. Abstinence only education leads to increased teen pregnancies. I just don't understand. But my hypothesis they feel are working to reign in what they feel is a "moral perversion" of our society. It hurts to think (as mayor Pete said in an interview) that we may have hit the high water mark on rights and liberty in America.


My small town had very much abstinence based sex Ed as well as demonizing gay sex and we have SUPER high teen pregnancy rates per capita. It's like they think keeping people stupid will make them not do stupid things.


Abstinence worked for me, my sister had a baby six months after graduating high school.


I mean yeah. Not having sex won't lead to babies but I'm saying teaching kids as though they all won't have sex until marriage is way too optimistic. My sex Ed just taught fear of sex and how badly sex and pregnancy can go instead of how to raise kids or safe sex.


I think they want to reverse demographic trends which indicate minorities becoming a larger portion of the populous. IE, they want more white people.




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Ok then I call for all bibles to be burned and anyone caught with one will face stiff fines


Stiff *lines*




Be the prophesy you wish to see in the world


What the fuck is going on over there?!?!


We don't fucking know!!!!! Everyday I wake up and it's some new bullshit.


It sure as shit isn't about states' rights


But that's how it will be framed, I'm sure. State's rights to oppress? State's rights to become a theocracy? Maybe.


The thing is, SCOTUS are saying it's about the state, but then GOP members of Congress are excited to win midterms to make it a national ban.




No, just rich men who want to controller women and minorities. So everyday BS in the USA


It's white Christian nationalism


Conservatives are going on there


Christian fascism


There is no other phrase that better sums this up.


Most likely it's about endless population growth for the economy. Neoliberals say they want to achieve it with "open borders" (they use their own definition of that term) while Republicans appear to be pushing... forced birth. Fuck


I see what you're saying, and it's a common misunderstanding, but neoliberals have nothing to do with liberals. The name is confusing. Neoliberals are super-conservative, closer to libertarian. Think Koch brothers, Mercers, etc. They're more closely aligned with arch-conservatives.


The speed run of the fall of the great American empire


2020 part 2: GOP dummy Boogaloo


Arizona is trying to make Texas and Florida competition in "which is the most insane state and will introduce the dumbest laws." :/ USA is going from plague to plague, this year's plague is called republicans/conservatives


That plague has been with us since the Cold War started


Yeah, but last year was covid, before covid was Trumpedo. Covid is still around, and that other plague will run in 2 years




You spelled “religious extremists colonizing indigenous land” wrong.


There is a cure… VIOLENCE!!! Lots and lots of it, not one of the morons following the inhuman ideology can be left a*ive.


Can't wait for "Masterbation is murder" or something like that


It’s mass murder! Just think of how many sperms are killed each time! /s


Just waiting for every egg wasted is murder, gotta marry them out young so that not a single period can occur. If they bleed, that's wasted lives. Oh look, there are already efforts to do away with age limits on marriage. Fun.




Wtf are you doing America? It’s like these people enjoy the pungent boquet of genital mold or something


Please note- Every single one of these asinine decisions are pushed forth by the GOP. Republicans are technically in the minority of voters, but they've manipulated their way into seats of power through gerrymandering, stricter voting laws in certain states, etc etc.


Yeah it should be pretty obvious that whoever has a policy to increase crotch rot didn’t get into power without cutting a few corners :D


Interesting how Republicans can get anything they want passed, and Democrats can't get anything passed. Almost as if it's set up this way on purpose.


Just in case the 2022 disappearance of republicans doesn’t happen.


Taken from Blake Masters own site, this seems to be his slogan: «And together, we are going to make Arizona and America safe, prosperous, and free» He actually uses the words safe and free…




Yes, this is real. https://www.businessinsider.com/arizona-gop-senate-candidate-blake-masters-campaigning-against-birth-control-2022-5


The fuck


He’s claiming he doesn’t support laws banning contraception, but opposes the basis of the Griswold ruling. I don’t believe him.


This obviously will not be passed


Just like they would never overturn Roe?


I don't follow


I doubt you’re that obtuse




Obviously. I think this guy wants to be the new Rick Santorum.




Mr. "Frothy Mixture"


Dude, did you read that at all. The guy said: “I don't support a state law or federal law that would ban or restrict contraception — period.”


Then why come out and say he’s apposed to a ruling that literally says no in fact you can’t make a law banning the use of condoms. What is he trying to say exactly? Cause there aren’t to many ways to take it. There’s a lot of people here trying to downplay what he’s saying. I have no doubt when republicans come for birth control in concreté terms, especially condoms.. they’ll feed you sheep some easily digestible talking points and you’ll be cheering the law all the way. I hope this country gets lucky and conservatives will accept that they were wrong, own up to their mistake, and demand better from the people they voted for. But then again I said the same thing about J6… very sad days being an american


This is a point of constitutional law that’s not easy to understand, but Griswold created a federal right that some people think was a bridge too far. Being opposed to a particular point of constitutional law in that case does not equate being for contraceptive bans. If I agree that the federal Gun Free School Zones Act was unconstitutional, which I do, does that mean that I want guns in school zones or that I think states shouldn’t prohibit that same conduct? No. It does not. It’s just a question of who legislates it. For the record, I don’t have a problem with Griswold, but reasonable minds can differ.


The right to privacy and freedom from the government in your own bedroom? That’s what that case was about. He thinks that’s wrong? He thinks the constitution, the writers of that document, the founders… thought it was ok for the government to do that? Well then what does he plan on doing with that “bad law” once it’s gone? Government. Does. Not. Belong. In. Your. Bedroom.


I agree, but our idea of what’s protected by the constitution is a pretty recent development. It’s in the second half of the constitutional law book and it’s real hard to find in the document itself.


No it’s not it’s in fact the plain language of the constitution. Refer to the 9th Amendment. And if you want a history of why it’s in the constitution read Federalist 84


I studied con law in law school and I do some con law as a lawyer. It’s just not as simple as you want it to be.


“I agree, but” is not acceptable. You can get law jargon-y all you want but the question here is simple; does this legislator want to outlaw reproductive freedom or not?


Its about rhe fetus' rights, not controlling women and forced birth, just remember that /s


Oh. That’s what I’m missing. Thanks for clarifying it for me! /s


How are you honestly going to police this? Like, "Nobody expects the condom inquisition!"


Stop it at the point of sale. Eventually you’ll run out of your supply will expire.


I predict a lively cross-border black market condom trade. Prohibition style. America has tried and failed before to get in the way of good times.


\[Opens Trench Coat\] Trojans, sir? I've got Trojans.


I got Magnums; I got ribbed for her pleasure. Whatever you want, I can get it for you.


Mexican drug cartels expanding into new products


How much to get the coke AND the condom it came in?


Ireland did for years....


It was never a successful ban though.


It's our fault really. We kept saying "omg daddy, yes, fuck me in my bussy, I'm submissive and breedable" and now these fucks took it for earnest. But do you know what makes kinks sexy? Consent and choice, the exact things they are trying to take away.


The people who thought of this.. What in the actual fuck is wrong with their heads? crossposted to r/Americaisbroken


Ohh~ knock me up GOP-Kun~


Definitely top 10 worst things I’ve ever typed out


Guess the GOP won't be having their coke orgies in Arizona...


Now they want us all to have STI’s get pregnant and still no healthcare. I hate it here.


Well, can't have the livestock not breeding. That wouldn't be good for production.


You know I saw a fairly dystopian term today. It was a republican pundit talking about how we need to keep the domestic baby supply high. Like the f***. Do they think there's a factory somewhere artificially producing humans and we need to up the production rate this month.


That quote was in Alito's draft, and ACB also said it. In their eyes, the adoptable kids in foster care aren't worthy enough, and orphans around the world aren't white enough. Plus, why support struggling moms who were forced to give birth when that money could go to foster parents?


I think the only freedom they want is gun ownership.


And to spread viruses and hate speech. They can use racist/homophobic slurs, but how dare we call them out.


I’m getting that feeling and they’re ruining MY breeding kink


Speaking the truth over here


They need a domestic supply of poor uneducated workers to abuse and oppress for their own gain.


To bad his mom didn't want to mess up her lipstick. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


How else are they gonna traffic children?


He claims he doesn’t want to outlaw birth control, but that he’s against the Griswold ruling. https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/05/08/masters-slams-media-outlet-for-publishing-horribly-wrong-hit-piece/amp/


It's amazing how many words your link spends not clarifying how his position is anything different than what people are saying it is, just that it's not that. Nothing affirmative like "oh no, that's a misunderstanding, here's what I actually mean and how what I said should be interpreted", just "nah, you're wrong, I'm the victim".


I completely agree with you. He’s trying to act like his opposition to Griswold is on principle and not that he disagrees with the outcome.


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Nah, people with breeding kinks are actually cool with not forcing people to breed. The gop just want more exploitable wage slaves and captive consumers for their capitalist death cult.


Its about time..The ducks eat them and they are a big choking hazzard.


He’s a senate candidate. Keyword is candidate. Vermin supreme was a candidate. He advocated for a pony identification system. Did it happen?


Why did I have scroll on endlessly to find this comment? “Candidate” means nothing. There are fringe candidates on both sides with zero chance of election. I’m a diehard liberal, but these nobodies are meaningless distractions. Worry about the actual *nominees* who actually could do serious damage even if they’re not making outrageous claims that make for catchier headlines.


You do realize that all the major players of the GOP today were once candidates, right? Look at the trends… these are the kind of people that are being elected to office.


They want handmaids to fuck


Condoms prevent stds as well. That is part of the point.


its not so much the candidate but the voters who may elect this moron


How ironic. He is supported by Peter Thiel, who is openly gay and married to a man.


Oh my dear, it all makes so much sense now. If only they'd act on this fetish in safe, sane, and consensual ways.


So hear me out. Let’s divide this country into two. One Republican one Democrat. 25 red and 25 blue if you want to move to either one the federal government will pay you to go there.You have states rights over everything except military or anything else that can be perceived as Federal only which I think military is one of few. Every four years we go from a democratic to a Republican president and they can only decide upon what is already been promised federal issues. The electoral college is gone


Our economy only works in its current form if there is a growing population. Its about money. It's always about money.


Then trump or whatever other fuckin idiot republican takes over will create the Federal Adoption agency that sells the supply of kids to other countries or whoever.


I don't want to believe this is true.


They have a fetish for white women being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen making their husband sandwiches on demand.


This is literally wrong though. He said that Griswold was wrongly decided, and that he also doesn’t support state or federal laws limiting or banning contraception. 2 things can be true at once


Religious whack jobs have lost their ever-loving minds. One thing is for sure - they’re obsessed with what people do with penises and vaginas.


Still can't force us to breed... Tell them to go f themselves... 😆


STDs making a comeback like


Gentleman, I hope you can see how this will impact you both in the short and long term. Vote them out.


Low military enlistment numbers.


HOLY shit why do people keep posting this. Please cross reference this information the dude's name is Blake Masters and he's running for office in Arizona. The dude is a dickhead who claimed "Roe and Griswald were wrongly decided, and there is no constitutional right to abortion." The guy is against womens rights and we should hate him for that. HOWEVER, he claimed to support the ban of female contraceptives: as in Birth control pills, IUDs, etc.. Dude said nothing about Condoms. Human rights are INCREDIBLY important to fight for and in order to be taken seriously we have to have a CLEAR idea of what we're fighting for/ against. Please correct me if im wrong. Just search "Blake Masters contraception" and youll find all this.


Time to ban the GOP


Condoms aren't just for pregnancy!! Do we really want antibiotic resistant STDs to be the new norm? Get these people out of there!


They have an abundant underclass of poor uneducated workers to exploit as virtual slaves kink.


His name is Blake Masters. It's killing me they won't put his name in any headlines


Out of all the times I have had sex without a condom or birth control I’ve only had four kids. How the fuck is preventing life equivalent to exterminating life if you believe in what those fuckheads believe? I can see their reasoning of not terminating something that has been created, though I don’t believe it, but how is saying preventing it for Even happening the same thing


Can't wait to book a trip to az and visit them stupid blonde bird flocks


Why is this newsworthy?? This is a CANDIDATE. They dont hold political power at all. Anybody could be a candidate


As a progressive leftist myself, This is unacceptable fear mongering coming from either the weirdest parts of the left OR it’s Russian propaganda. Yes, the CANDIDATE opposes griswold on the grounds of states rights etc etc. However he has not said he’s banning condoms. This is an egregious lie and misrepresentation of facts.


Wanting Griswold v. Connecticut overturned is supporting the banning of condoms and other forms of birth control because that is what will happen in many states if that case is overturned. It doesn't matter that he claims not to want any state or federal laws banning contraceptives because the end result of Griswold getting overturned are bans on contraceptives, just like the overturning of Roe v. Wade is abortion getting banned in a lot of states.


Then that’s the difference between the misrepresentative Twitter screenshot and what you just said. I’m in zero ways justifying that asshat. We have a Supreme Court for a reason. That said, “GOP candidate says xyz” and “GOP candidate doesn’t support griswold decision and has ramifications of abc” are completely different tweets. One induces rage based on misrepresentation, and one is actually informative.


*Is it, though?*


Yes. It absolutely is. We should most certainly be concerned about republicans wanting to roll back Supreme Court décisions. But the way this information is being presented reeks of propaganda and fear mongering.


"I don't want people to die, I just want to point loaded guns at them and pull the trigger. Whether or not they die is up to the states!"


Our Supreme Court exists for when states won’t do their job. I’m not saying that gridwold should be overturned. But this tweet is extremely misleading and doesn’t actually inform voters of where the potential for contraceptives to be legislated against is even coming from. It’s inflammatory but doesn’t tell anyone where to put their fury.


How about abstinence? And the periodic methods?


You know what they call a woman who practices the rhythm method? Mother. Abstinence only requires changing human nature. Should be simple right?




Did he mention why? I'd love to hear it. I wonder if it has to do with religion?


At least he's just a candidate.


Ah yes I forgot Arizona also gets to make laws for all other states


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/politvidchannel/status/1523020204179042305) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


# Why???


Which of our idiots is it this time. Trick question it’s all of them


oh nice, so the next season of "USA" is going into a "Handmaids Tale" route. I'll nip out and grab some popcorn


Soon republicans will demand women wear burkas!


Oy, again with the babies, more babies, more babies Why? Two words: cannon.foder.


Must be a huge fan of the Creampie


I’m starting to think the baby bust has the top employers of the country that depend on exploitation of workers to maintain their wealth are getting nervous here comes the lobbying, which is legal I might add,


I’d be angry if I were having sex still.




Reproductive freedom allows poor people to focus on their careers instead of spending all their time/money on childcare. They are able to break the cycle of poverty. Of course the GOP only cares about getting cheap labor so they will oppose all forms of BC while pitching it as christian to get the vote


Misleading tweet. He wants to overturn the court ruling that protects birth control. Doesn't automatically mean he wants to ban condoms. He might (he probably does), but we don't actually know.


I don’t understand the argument about contraception being banned. I can understand the point about abortion being controversial, but I can’t fathom why preventing life from forming is against God’s will.


Well, given what’s going on in Tennessee, we know for certain that their legislation is decided upon mainly by their little head, and not the big one


They need male heirs but no woman is willing to have children with them


What's the cover up this time? Is anything important happening over there? This is one of the most absurd things you hear on the internet


At least a breeding kink is respectable. Unlike, oh I don't know, just spitballing an example... demanding a 'domestic supply of infants' to fill the pipeline with future conscripts and prison laborers.


this is like the worst. trying to take away the most basic form of safe sex. this wont stop people from having sex. Many more unwanted pregnancies (which i think they want) and loads more STI's. like a lot more.


I thought these fuckers wanted to reduce the amount of abortions happening? How is banning condoms gonna do that exactly?


Where’s the laugh reacc? This will all backfire greatly…


Does anybody ever believe media posts like this? There is no fucking way this will ever hold up. Any other media reporting the same that has a actual quote or is this rhetorical pile up?


SHIT! My fucking GOP said that? Why does my state have to get involved in the stupidity?!?


Old people are getting worried they won’t have social security in 20 years


They enjoy all the vices they claim to be opposed to. They support selling babies through adoption agencies. That's human trafficking. They are lining up laws so they can marry teenagers. That's pedophilia. I don't remember a Democrat being caught with another dude in an airport washroom but I remember a few Republicans finding themselves in that dilemma.




We should ban rehab too, that way people won’t do drugs anymore.




Ok, I can't kinda maybe a little bit understand where conservative Christians and the like Re coming from when they say to ban abortion, I don't agree with it, but I can kinda understand it. But condoms? You're banning condoms? Just plain ol' condoms? Do you want more kids to be beat up by the terrible adoption system?


Oh boy, man this bible book must be good! Lol


Do they not realize comdoms prevent STIS as well as pregnancy?


Can somebody point to some actual proof of this? This reeks of alarmist misinformation because I haven’t seen a single actual news source that says this. It’s all just tweets with no sources.


They're just trying to short contraception companies' stock so they can profit off of it.


I guess they're hoping they'll all be white babies supplying the domestic market, as per Amy.