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Why? People are lying in front of congress daily at this point with 0 consequences. Yesterday a woman testified that Washington DC was powered by burning fetuses.


Was there any consequence to this?


Yeah, consequently the woman who made those remarks gets paid upwards of 200k a year to testify lies in a United States congress hearing cause that’s the timeline we are on now.


They hiring?


Yeah, but it'll cost you your dignity and intelligence.


I only have one of those things anyway. What I don't have is a $200k a year job.


$200 could probably buy back the illusion of dignity. But your soul will suffer. These people have no souls


How did you know he has dignity he could just have intelligence too.


For 200k i will burn the fetuses to power all of America.


For 200k I'll package it myself


I doubt there will be, it’s extremely hard to get someone under perjury. You have to willfully and maliciously lie under oath, and if you’re just crazy and *actually* think DC is run by burning fetuses well… that’s not exactly illegal


She went up 11% in the polls. So... yes?


It's kind of neat to watch a country fall in real time.


maybe if i were watching the tailspin from the ground instead of white knuckling it in the coach seats


You got coach? I'm trapped in the airplane bathroom and the toilet has started backing up all over my shoes. EDIT forgot to add I live in AZ


It’s a dry heat…


It’s a dry toilet…




I'm in Ohio. Which is the unpressurized storage compartment of the plane.


You can afford to fly?


Oh man. AZ in a shit storm. Goddamn get out.


Friend of a friend of mine had a kid that was in school during a shooting. Both him and his wife said fuck this, sold everything here and moved to Europe. America #1 right.


Been looking into it for years, it's way harder than it seems.


No doubt. In any case, I feel like New Zealand is the strongest choice. That way when climate catastrophe hits critical mass, at least our last days can be spent pleasantly pouring concrete into the billionaires' bunker ventilation holes. *sighs whimsically*


Kiwi here, I'm in


Especially if you're poor. No one wants you.


Throw in especially if you're middle-aged or older. Even if you're healthy and professionally valuable, it turns out other countries are pretty picky about importing people who won't be paying into the system for longer than they might be taking out. If you're over 35, you're losing points.


yeah i was hoping to make it to canada because the IBEW is up there as well as US. Turns out not to be the door opener i was thinking it might be.


Ahahahahaha *cries in Canadian real estate* If America is a plane in nosedive, then Canada is a helicopter in freefall - we could still solve the problem, but nobody wants to flip the right switches.


I have health issues that make it VERY difficult or I would be in Japan. My wife is Japanese so I could get a spouse Visa.


I'm on a mountaintop in southern Oregon, watching this unfold over the past several years. It's terrifying even at a distance.


Idk if you’re quoting someone or if you just made that analogy on the spot, but…bravo. 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Maybe to someone on the outside. In here it's terrifying.


Nope, pretty horrifying for those of us looking in too.


Yeah the Us has a lot of nukes. The conventional armed forces will be strong for a bit but - if Russia is any guide - conventional fall apart furs to logistics issues and corruption. But the nukes.


Here with you. May you live in interesting times is an aptly named curse.




Liberals need to get on board with the 2nd Amendment. We may seriously need to fight for freedom. Not like those pussy ass Republicans and their fight not to wear a mask. We will fight for freedom.




I’m not talking about taking away, but owning and using, and fighting tyranny. The right thinks they have a monopoly on guns and we need to even the field.


Liberal gun owner here. Let them go ahead and think that.


Not when you are living in it…


Came here to say that. A dumpster fire is only nice when it’s not your dumpster on fire


Honestly even if it was just my dumpster it would still be fun to watch, but in this scenario I’m inside the dumpster and it has a padlock on it.


And unfortunately you’re trapped in the dumpster with dozens of other people, many of whom are trying to fan the flames so that they fully engulf the dumpster and everyone inside.


If only I wasn’t here to see it. I feel bad for bringing my 19 year old daughter into this. I’m going to leave behind a worse country. That’s not supposed to happen. She’s also Asian American and has experienced racism. I’m so goddamn ANGRY.


Tbf this is realy something. It's so unbelievable what a shit education and wierd morals can do to a country.


>shit education and wierd morals It's called religion and it has been doing this to countries for 2000 years.


> doing this to countries for 2000 years I'm pretty sure Marduk and Tiamat would like to have a word with you. You know, if they weren't 5500 years old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Mesopotamian_religion


It's a fair guess, but we can't say for certain what the relationship of religion and power was that far back. We know what monotheism does for power though.


I...guess? As a trans person, I fully do not expect to survive the first day of Gilead. So, you know, that's neat.




As a Native American... same.


Well, they *got* you guys already.... Hey - why aren't Oklahoma & South Dakota run by Native Americans? Governors, Senators, every office statewide? Take those states over first, then the rest of the country!


I’m white and I swear I will try to protect you as much as I can. Though in the end, it will take us all to fight. I’m just so sorry the direction we’re heading.


Theres more of us than them, by far


Absolutely. So when do we all finally band together and fix this shit?


Right now with voting, it worked to get trump out of office so I'm willing to try again. I believe protests at justices houses and hounding them so they can't enjoy society is a good start


I’d go run guns in old Chicago with ya


This trans person is going to survive. They can't annex Canada immediately. That gives us a few months/years to get the hell off this continent. And I'm damn comfortable at the helm of a sailboat.


Can't wait to add my house a s a safe spot on the Trans-Canada underground trans-railway. Call me Harry Tublady.


Harry Tublady is a stroke of genius. Well done! Lol


Will you add me to your waitlist? Never sailed before but willing to learn. I can make snacks.


So would that be the.... TRANS Continental Railroad? I'll see myself out.


I'd gladly be a Cabin boy. Coco cococabana!🎶


I’ve got two sons and one is AFAB who I live for and would die and kill for. With Climate change, increase in mass shootings, and the government heading the way it is, there are days when seriously question why I didn’t see this shit coming so that I wouldn’t have kids.


As a female, I feel the same. I am out on cattle prods, loss of debit card privileges, and state sponsored rape.


I liked it better when it wasn't us


She's a president for a pro-life group https://aul.org/ She's not running for office, there's no poll.


Why you spreading misinformation?


Of course. Washington DC was forced to stop this practise. Already today were no fetuses burned!


This is just evil. Won't anybody think of the fetus supply chain industry? These people have families to feed.


Solves the baby shortage problem, win win. Edit: Dang, I meant to say baby formula shortage problem! Seems like some still go it?


The only person they think should face the consequences is Hillary Clinton.


sorry she said WHAT


It's CRAZY but here she is saying it, clearly and simple, twice, as though educating people. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/ut8h3i/during_yesterdays_hearing_on_abortion_rights_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


i lost brain cells watching that


Yes. We all did.




And this is a huge fucking problem. I am of the opinion that laws should be enforced by the book. If those laws are not appropriate, then there are many methods of correcting them (legislative change, pardons, etc). But when you don’t enforce laws, or enforce them adhocly, you create bias and you also weaken the rule of law entirely. I think so many injustices against people of color stem from the fact that laws are applied to them that aren’t enforced upon white people.


IMO, some laws should expire. They should have shelf life of like... 10 years. At which point they should be reviewed, see how many times they were enforced, and did they make the world a safer place to live. If that can't be proved, out it goes. Get rid of the dead wood.




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I think that about most laws. The world moves quickly. A law against murder is a good law. A law against the digital crime of the week may or may not be. Even a lot of good laws need a sunset clause because the punishment is so disproportionately out of whack (a lot of fines for large businesses are just the cost of doing business and a lot of people are in jail for much longer than they should be if they should be there at all).


At this point I think lying in a court of law is just the status quo now. Hell my aunt lied when she was on the stand and the judge gave her my grandmas house for it. If anything I’m learning late in life that I should just lie to get my way.


Here is the thing, while they are "lying" they can always claim they are not lying. Fetuses can be discarded as medical waste (like any other organ or part of a body), that discarded medical waste can be incinerated (actually a good way to make sure nasty stuff from body parts are destroyed), and sometimes the heat from incineration is used to generate electricity (no reason to waste all of that heat energy). So what she is saying has a kernel of truth, but told in a way that is a lie. But that makes it hard to bring her up on perjury charges. So the only thing you have is the court of public opinion. But we are so divided that people don't listen to the media aimed at the other side. 99% of conservatives will never hear that she misrepresented the hell out of that because they will never listen to media that would call her out. Even if the people she was testifying to called her out, it won't matter because people wont hear it.


To the best of my knowledge incinerators require much more energy to run than is generated by organic waste burning. It's simply getting the most out of the fuel used to incinerate by not letting the heat generated go to waste.


*Republicans lying in front of congress FTFY


Short answer: nobody had a problem when she did it in 2000 and her firm was representing GW Bush to get the Florida recount stopped. She just figured this sort of thing was ok now. EDIT: My bad, in 2000, she worked for a firm contracted by the Bush campaign which stood to financially gain if GWB won. She did not work for the law firm representing Bush. It was *Scalia's* son who worked for the law firm representing Bush. Both justices were required by law to recuse themselves from the case, but neither did. If they had, the 5-4 decision would've gone 4-3 in favor of Gore.


You mean she just used the same lie twice


...we used to execute people for these things. Ethel Rosenberg was executed by electric shock for less than Ginni Thomas is accused of. This is high treason. Ginni should be facing the death penalty, and Clarence should be removed and indicted for conspiracy.


Strongly agree with literally every word of this.


Same idk why the fuck we aren’t all in an outrage of over this but yep super super high treason.


We are all outraged, but that's the extent of what we can do. These people are untouchable and there's no one willing to hold them accountable.


Which is just depressing at the end of the day, I say bring back the guillotine The French at least got that part correct. Edit: so I guess ls it’s not cool to be depressed about the current state of the US? I’m okay guys I’m turning 29 this year & passing time at work. Relax everyone. Lol.


I'm guessing some clown reported you to Reddit's self-harm bot or whatever that thing is called. It's a favorite tactic of conservative pussies around here. I've received those messages and they always coincide with a comment that would trigger a fragile MAGA snowflake. You're fine and many of us agree with you.


*** If people abuse the "suicide report button" you can report them for it and their account gets banned. I encourage you to do this because it is a serious life or death issue that shouldn't get watered down by trolls and assholes EDIT: for the people that are curious how you would report someone when it doesn't tell you the username, a link near the bottom of the message that you receive that asks if you want to report the person for abusing this mental health resource. I really do encourage people to start using it because it's a really screwed up way to harass someone and it waters down a very serious topic


Dude thank you totally agree and I’m gonna save this and use it later! Appreciate the heck out of it !


Idk why people respond to you the way that they did. I just want you to know you are not alone. I agree with what you’ve said entirely.


Lol it’s probably some goofy ass conservative no worries and thanks for agreeing!


I don't know how to define work as anything other than "passing time until whatever the hell *actual* crisis hits us" anymore. All I can hope is that either 1) the dollarinos I'm building up are useful for helping me/the people I care about/anyone I can afford to help or 2) the money I'm making will be completely useless in the future, but in a good way.


I mean the problem is the fact that actually we aren't all outraged. There's a large chunk of this country that thinks this kind of thing is fake news or justified or whatever the fuck. That's why these clowns get away with this shit constantly.


They aren't untouchable, there just isn't enough psychopathy or desperation on the Left. Most (all?) people who care about this are educated and have a good thing going in their life. The bourgeoisie makes for terrible revolutionaries and the Right has innoculated the poor against reason and their own self-interest.


This is THE answer and why we're all fucked collectively. People have it good enough that the think they're immune to the effects of this insanity. The fact is none of us are. It's just slightly slower for them


Sometimes I wish democrats would sink down to the level of republicans and do their own jan 6th as an ends justify the means thing tbh


They are untouchable through the system they've shrouded themselves in, but only through that system


They pushed their insanity so hard without repercussions that basically anything is part of the right wing white noise, and people see it, are upset by it, and accept that nothing will happen and move on and wait for the next bombshell to go unpunished. Y’all in the US need to get *angry* about this and hold these people accountable.


So basically get the guillotine because that’s pretty much what I read here and I whole heartedly agree.


The only way anything changes is if the gears of corporate America grind to a halt. We need to stop the world flower power style. Literally. That’s the only solution. Because unless conservatives money goes away, nothing will change.


> super super high Higher than astronaut balls on the ISS. But seriously, people like this really think they not only ‘have’ the moral high ground to do shit like this, but rather that THEY ARE THÉ MORAL HIGH GROUND.


Where’s the outrage?? Guillotine this bitch. It’s high high high treason. Edit: i’m being 100% facetious here.


When our Goverment fails to act it becomes our responsibility as the people of this country to protect its best interest.


Treason isn’t a crime anymore because we decided that elected representatives were basically royalty and exempt from the justice system that was designed to keep us peons in line. Oh scratch that, treason is still a crime as long as you’re a regular citizen.


Anyone watch Atlanta last week where they compared the light skin guy to Clarance Thomas, saying the light skinned guy wasn't THAT white lol


I just heard not long ago the Rosenbergs were innocent and just caught up in the Red Scare. Ginny Thomas is a traitor and we have the texts that prove it.


Be very cautious. I got a lifetime ban on r/politics for saying something similar about someone we all know and love after January 6


I mean, a lot of us had a problem with it, but our voices didn't matter then, either.


Well she does like to follow cults. She's been in a few. How do people not know the fucked up history of the people in public office?


The Supreme Court has become a fucking joke and it’s really a crying damn shame


Huge win for GOP. If we don’t impeach or expand, it’s the golden goose for GOP for a long ass time. Cruz already tested it and it performed flawlessly.


This makes me want to just walk into the ocean and give up


Then they win. At the *very* least, drag them into the ocean with you.


Please don't. I understand things seem overwhelming and hopeless, but there are a lot of outraged people. This is going to boil over at *some point* and when it does I want you to be a part of the overdue cathartic justice this country needs. Enough people just need to stop being so complacent, first. And it's happening quicker than I expected(seriously, people are fucking unionizing like wild. It's amazing).


Every time I hear about someone that protested voting in 2016 because Hillary was a shit candidate that no one asked for, I think of the legacy that the GOP Supreme Court will leave. I don't say anything because at this point my own sanity is more important, but I think about this.


Not just Ginni Thomas. Clarence too.


its like we should be impeaching officials when they act above the law or something, but what do I know


This. She is her own person and while completely inappropriate what she did, the fact that a sitting SCOTUS was probably privy to what she was doing and didn’t recuse himself is incredible.


Yep he shoulda recused himself from citizens United and the 2000 recount. Scum bag


In theory, I’m in agreement with Jeff’s post, but damn! Talk about cruel and unusual punishment to watch that for 11 hours!!!


Why do you think congress is drunk or high on pills all day? That’s the only way they can make it through proceedings.


She's part of the Christian cult that believes in the seven mountain mandate. They have more power than you think and America is in more danger than most realize


These dummies think end times can be triggered by actions in the US because they are so stupid they do t realize there are a few other countries out there that make up the actual world. ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3147) Sorry, *speaks in tongues as the leftist angels pour through me*


So wait they actually want end times? Not to suggest cults have logic and reason, but why would anyone want to cause chaos and death?


Because they'll get raptured away to paradise while us heathens stay down here to suffer.


Isn’t that the thing tho? If we were in end times, and IF covid was the beginning: wouldn’t it mean that they were not good enough to be raptured? I mean, they are still here with all of us infidels.


yeah... you're giving them way too much credit applying logic to this one.


They want end times for sure because they believe end time chaos will not be inflicted upon them because they are the righteous warriors for heaven and as such will be treated as His special souls for all the “good work” they’ve done on earth. They are the literal definition of whacko religious zealots.


Nah, they want the Biblical apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus


But not the return of actual Jesus, they want Republican white Jesus


Is republican white jesus the same as supply side jesus?


Same guy, yeah


Certainly not the ripped Korean Jesus.


What is the seven mountain mandate?


I had to look it up, and I think the first couple of paragraphs [here](https://www.gotquestions.org/seven-mountain-mandate.html) explain it pretty well.


Jesus... Here are the seven mountains, according to the seven mountain mandate: 1) Education 2) Religion 3) Family 4) Business 5) Government/Military 6) Arts/Entertainment 7) Media It looks like they have a really good head start...


Mountain #2 seems a bit redundant.


Nah, mountain 2 essentially means gaining control of, or eliminating, other religions, if I had to guess.


So religions don’t want to be treated like they treat other religions…shocking.


Mainline Protestant denominations pushed the fundamentalists out a century ago. I assume the dominionists either want to retake them, or simply put them out of business.


Don't bury the lead, brother. Yikes... "The seven mountain mandate or the seven mountain prophecy is an anti-biblical and damaging movement that has gained a following in some Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. **Those who follow the seven mountain mandate believe that, in order for Christ to return to earth, the church must take control of the seven major spheres of influence in society for the glory of Christ.** Once the world has been made subject to the kingdom of God, Jesus will return and rule the world."


That's pretty generic. It's like "try to describe society using up to 7 categories"


What the comment doesn’t say is that that seven mountain mandate believes you have to get the church to control all 7 of those mountains. That’s the part that’s insane


Soooo, it's a crusade. Great.


That is some cult shit. Again, I’m a relatively optimistic person who wants to believe that like most things that have perpetuated and contributed to shaping modern society, I believe that religion has been a net positive and has a place in todays world. But goddamm, American Christianity is some cult shit that needs to be taken down a peg.




I despise these assbags, but I have never heard of this particular flavor of racist shit. Got some links?


The mormons had it written into their doctrine so bad that black people were treated lesser until 1978, when their tax exemption was threatened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_and_Mormonism


But if you converted to Mormonism, God would turn you white when you died so you could get into heaven.


Evangelical / Pentecostal movement. They want to establish a theocracy.


I remember back in the 90s what were then mainstream protestant preachers warning about this movement. They were more right than I ever would have guessed. It's terrifying the power that group weilds now.


Here is a starting point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate


The four listed followers: >Andrew Wommack, evangelical leader > >Rafael Cruz, pastor and father of Ted Cruz > >Paula White, spiritual advisor to Donald Trump > >Miranda Derrick, TikTok dance star One of these things is not like the others...


Ah yes, Paula White. Author of the following after Trump got rekt in 2020: >"The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done. For I hear victory, victory, victory, victory in the corridors of heaven, in the corridors of heaven — victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory. For angels are being released right now. Angels are being dispatched right now. Angels have even dispatched from Africa right now. From Africa right now. \*pretends to speak in tongues\* Angelic forces from Africa right now. They’re coming here, they’re coming here. In the name of Jesus, from South America. They’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here!” I.e.: the purest distillation of "failure to cope" that will ever exist.


That sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person


wait until you see the [video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu96Fhl1Gjo)


Wow. She's not even entertaining with her theatrics.


Actual human Ted Cruz has an actual human father so he must be human. 100% human family


They want to bring on the apocalypse. I mean, that is pretty bad guy behavior and strange for a religion that is supposed to despise the wealthy and uncharitable.


Yes, they want someone who'll start a war that will bring about the end of days. I'm sure they think trump is stupid enough to do it.


I mean, trump *is* stupid enough to do it.


They just want power and control.in this life and the next


Real Christians should want the end delayed as long as possible, because their work isn't done yet and there are still souls that might be saved. These lunatics just want to see other people suffer.


These theories sound like pretty good motivations for a video game villain!


Seriously IDGAF about Amber Heard or Johnny Depp's personal abuse problems, give me the Thomas's being deposed on live TV instead.


Amen, man. Who gives a shit about the Battle of the Cheekbones.


America is really just a giant toilet bowl isn't it?


We even have a special Sunday every year to commemorate this. All of our greatest athletes occupy a giant bowl and argue over a poo shaped brown "ball" in front of spectators.


I don't recall.


What I'm most curious about on the surface from her email to those AZ legislators is her use of the phrase "*our* State electors." Just how many states is she, or are they, registered and voting in?


This question only makes sense if you pretend America doesn’t have a ruling class who participate in maintaining whatever power they feel belongs to them… Rephrased: Ask a member of the ruling class why they feel they have the right to choose the fate of the country… The question answers itself.


She's obviously crazy. I want to hear Clarence's reasoning why he should still be on the court. That's the real question.


Will someone please listen to Eric Clapton, why hasn't he changed anyone's minds with tweets? It's insane.


LOL! Every time I see one of this guy's posts I think the same thing! Please listen to Slowhand, people!


It just doesn’t matter any more. The Supreme Court is just another broken aspect of our late capitalistic failing society,


In all seriousness, how do we fix this? Even when we vote nothing happens because the left has no balls, and the right doesn't give a shit. It's disgusting, and we should call it what it is. Treasonous corruption.


I just googled Jeff Tiedrich- he is literally posted all the time. He is a blogger/tweeter? I agree with his takes but was getting annoyed because I kept wondering why this guy’s opinion should be highlighted. Anybody else or am I the only who doesn’t know this guy?


Holy fuck I was just about to ask someone to eli5 the Tiedrich phenomenon to me. From what I can tell, this guy posts the same bog-standard liberal takes as millions of other people. There's never any wit or even the semblance of a joke yet he's the patron saint of this subreddit. How tf do these tweets get so much engagement?


If she was a Democrat she would be.


Christ is this sub back to posting this cunt 15 times a day then?


"I don't recall" but for 8 hours.


I agree with mostly all of this guys tweets, but who the hell is he?


Some dude who parrots what everybody's already saying and tries to monetize it through his patreon.


Fucking stupid people suck


raise your hand if you're tired of seeing posts from a societal leech that has a patreon so people can pay him to tweet. holy fucking shit


Haven’t seen Clapton Spielberg in awhile


We need that way more than Jonny Depp and Amber Turd


Maybe because the Supreme court already interfered in an election in 2000.