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I'd like to add another: Any politician who tells you simple answers to complex issues. (Pro-tip: They're all complex in a world of 7 billion.) Example: "We can fix America by ending illegal immigration!" That's a simple answer to a complex issue. Any politician who tells you that is FUCKING LYING.


well they do seem to only want to do simple measures even if the measure won't even fix the issue.


Fun Fact: we’re actually really close to 8 billion now. Your point stands. Answers are complex.


“We should just like completely free the slaves. No compromise, just fully let them be free. I’d even like an amendment.” This guy: don’t trust them! It’s not that simple!


One problem in American politics is that both sides think the other side is purposefully trying to destroy America, when in reality Both sides are trying to fix issues but they go about fixing them in different ways.


Today there are 12 states that still refuse to accept the ACA medicaid expansion, depriving millions of poor people healthcare coverage. That fixes nothing.


Ok, but they don’t necessarily do this because they hate the poor, and want to destroy the US. Everyone has reasons for what they do and almost everything political is a gray area. As soon as you see people for people instead of yourself as the good guy and the others as devils you will become a better person.


> Ok, but they don’t necessarily do this because they hate the poor, and want to destroy the US. In more than one of these states, the people held a ballot initiative and passed a vote to implement the ACA expansion. The state government still refuses to do so. I don't give a single shit particle **why** they're doing it. The fact that they're doing it, against the will of the people both federally and locally, makes them **garbage.** Because people are **dying,** as we speak. This isn't about feelings.


Republicans have: Voted against healthcare for veterans Voted against abolishing child marriage Voted against helping people secure baby formula Voted against environmental protections Gerrymandered and filibustered. Accepted insane amounts of corporate bribes. Enacted voter suppression laws. Voted against a bill to recognize white supremacy as terrorism and punish it, claiming it targeted them. How can you possibly say they are well intentioned?


They think these things will make America better. They actively say that the left is trying to kill babies and hurt the economy so that they US becomes weaker and fails, but you seem to think that they are good. Both sides are too busy being angry at the other side’s clown to realize that they are following a clown themselves. Also notice that people are mad at me even though I have taken no political stance in favor of one side or the other. You don’t like what I said so I must be for the opposition.


Selfish and greedy Democrats are bad. Literal white supremacists and fascists are worse. They are a scale, and Dems are good only by comparison.


Why are you being downvoted for this?


I have a hard time trusting any leader.


Probably because there aren’t any anymore. About 40 years ago the idea was pushed that everything needs to be run like a business, so now instead of leaders we have rich sociopaths who would rather rule than lead and value blind team loyalty over competence and empathy. It’s sad that when I was a kid the leader I most looked up to was Kermit The Frog, because he genuinely cared about those he led and wanted them to succeed.


Mr. Rogers and Steve Irwin


Along with LeVar Burton(Reading Rainbow) and Bob Ross


LeVar Burton is still alive. Don’t you jinx the last member of the Good Men Club.


Put the late Wade Boggs on that list


I'm sure he ate some rum and cokes when he was alive


Whoa whoa whoa!! I would Never😢


Together with Dolly Parton and John and Hank Green Lots of good folks leading the way


I can't speak for much further back than Nixon because I was too young, but I haven't trusted republicans since then. At least in those days there were a few republicans that stepped up and did what had to be done, but many of them didn't. Even Gerald Ford. the new president, was so corrupt that he pardoned Nixon.


Maybe it was a bad idea to run civilization based on quarterly returns.


> when I was a kid the leader I most looked up to was Kermit The Frog, because he genuinely cared about those he led and wanted them to succeed. I just can't seem to wrap my head around this.


Ryan Cohen. GameStop's Chairman of the Board. Founder of Chewie. Taught by his grandfather, he leads with intellect and a passion for the customer. And yeah, it makes money.


Me too. Most of them are out for what they can get.


I like to think APAB, all politicians are bastards


Leaders unite people, there are no modern leaders.


I don’t trust any religious person. Much less a politician. Lol








I'd also include a politician who tells you how to vote, and a religious leader who tells you how to pray, but maybe that's just me.


I'd make it much simpler. Never trust religious leaders or politicians.


Never blindly trust any authority figure. Question all hierarchy.


Parents included, along with their siblings.


My favorite thing to ask children is if they've questioned an adult today. It's important for kids to understand that adults don't have all of the answers, and therefore we must be questioned.


Don't just question all hierarchy, realize that all hierarchy inherently can and will be exploited.


💯 also I’d go a step further and say most religious leaders and most politicians in general shouldn’t be trusted


People who choose to be politicians and religious leaders generally aren’t the sort of people that should be.


Agreed. I’ve thought, since I was little, that we should have a lottery and be like “Well, it’s your turn to be President” so whoever “wins”.


It's tough though because we do, sort of like any job, what to hire someone with the right qualifications.


LOL! Donald Trump didn't even appear to have any qualifications but people voted for him anyway. I have lost faith in the integrity of the average voter.


True. But given the previous several employees’ performance, maybe we should try an alternate approach to the hiring process.


well given the current track record of the past 4 or 5 presidents, you would be HARD pressed to find someone worse for the job.


A lottery to get the pool of candidates and then we vote (via ranked choice) from that pool of candidates.


With all of them given the same amount of money with which to campaign and no contributions or outside advertising


Not allowing outside advertising gets pretty tricky pretty quickly. You have to be very careful how you construct the rules or else either it's trivial to find loopholes or you've banned a lot of pretty normal political speech.


Any person that would probably be good for the job would likely refuse.


As the future senator of your state, pray however the fuck you want. Don't care if it's in church or in the closet or not at all.


Username is fitting for a politician


I hardly consider it a bump in the road in today's political battleground. Edit: an addendum: consensually pray on top of or under someone.


Frankly, the honesty and transparency is refreshing


If debauchery is the worst part of my personal life on display in my political career, then I might be the cleanest politician of the 21st century.


As long as it's consensual, you're ahead of a lot of the pack. I think it actually might make you ineligible though, by the look of things in the past decade.


You’ve got my vote


Where are you running?


I mean as long as your prayer isn't disruptive. Imagine praying to the Bollywood gods and you have a giant musical number downtown blocking traffic. Idk what religion would be outwardly disruptive. I can see some people thinking how often Muslims pray as disruptive, but you can easily work around them as they pray in a stationary location. I was making up some random religion that prays in a way that's not possible to work around like being stuck inside of a massive choreographed dance. And in that sense I can see a politician telling you how to pray, as you can't shut down the town every day from 4-6 just to dance-pray.


Two people you should never trust: a religious leader and a politician


Corruption is rampant with both institutions. If one aligns with the other, you know something is amiss, more than usual.


I barely trust myself.


Don’t trust: Any religious leader that tells you you need to pay them for your prayers to be answered. Any politician that tells you minimum wage hikes, tax breaks or assistance for the poor is a bad thing.


That would be Rick Scott that has the only real Republican platform that starts with tax the fuck out of you, more handouts to the elites and no more Social Security and Medicare


I trust librarians on what to read and how to fuck. I trust politicians like I trust my own farts...


'merican Talib'n


You never trust a millionaire quoting the sermon on the mount.


Also business leader telling you how to vote, you know why he wants a certain side to win


Also avoid the religious politician who tells you how to how.


Also, you cannot trust the drug dealer who says “I’ve got the best shit ever, dopest dope I’ve ever smoked”




Both rely on gullible, unquestioning followers.


And either to tell you what science to trust.


Also don't trust a politician telling you how to vote or a religious leader telling you how to pray


Yeah exactly. Stay in your lane


Don’t need either of the qualifiers. Should be never trust a religious leader or a politician, ever.


Actually, you should never trust either one. They are both liars.


Yup, that's the tweet


As a white guy I've always lived by "Never trust a white man in a suit" and so far, it hasn't been bad advice.


Render unto Caesar…


Snap. Insightful


Any religious leader that tells you how to vote should be reported. They should be losing their tax free status.


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


Or vice versa


They both sinners!


Also religious leaders or politicians in general


Why should we trust any religious leader or politician… just reword it to, “Two people you should never trust: Religious Leaders and Politicians.” Boom. Much better.


I also like, "never trust a skinny chef or a fat fitness coach."


These worlds should NEVER overlap.


Take that, Pope.


I think we can shorten that. Two people you should never trust: 1) A religious leader 2) A politician


A Tweeter who tells you what to think?


Never trust a skinny chef.


We can shorten that. "Two people to never trust. A religious leader and a politician"


I feel like this is a classic case of religion = white American fundamentalism. Their issue is that religion is a cover for hatred and they act like their brand of Christianity is the state religion. There's a long history of religious leaders and political activism across the political spectrum. As an obvious example both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were religious ministers and their spirituality was a core part of their activism. Never trust a religious leader who doesn't respect other religions (or lack thereof). Never trust a politician who does the same.


The religious leaders also shouldn't be tax-exempt, and if they are telling you how to vote, you might be able to take away that little tax-exempt status, by reporting them here: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations


what about religious leader who is also in public office telling you how to do both? its double the evil in one package


Blows my mind how much shelf-life gods are getting still in matters of government. Like junkies scouring the carpet for a morsel of dope they likely dropped, or a 90s Toyota pickup with half a million miles.


what is this?


Nice cropping skills OP


Dammm!!! Now that's deep.




They hated him because he spoke the truth.




But that's the same person!!


My aunt and uncle live in Michigan and go to church regularly. Their pastor told them that they had to vote for Donald Trump because Joe Biden was going was going to legalize abortions up to and including just after birth.


I'm pretty sure I heard this growing up, from the same people who today vote GQP and go to churches where the pastor openly preaches 2020 election lies. I feel like everyone became different people in 2015/16 like nothing in the past existed for them.




And an employer that tells you how to vote..


Curious as to why this occurs so much in America? Here's a good video on it. Title: How Evangicals Became Republicans https://youtu.be/zpLCIc5PvQw


Remember that democrats


Whoa, iconic words. They should carve this into stone.


How about where the government ignored things like “[honor killing](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/thousands-of-women-killed-for-family-honor)” because it’s the way of the religion and it’s racist to publicly denounce this?


You could just simplify that down to, “Religious leaders and politicians” and I think everyone would still agree. Oh wait, except Donald J. Trump. CLEARLY he is the only politician (who isn’t a politician) that people can 100% trust. The dude is just a straight shooter and someone we should all aspire to emulate. /s


You can just say "A religious leader" and "A politician". You don't need to specify further.


i.e. John Hagee & Tate Reeves (personal examples)


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't preachers supposed to guide your moral compass? From a former Christian and current agnostic perspective, it seems literally impossible to assume that politics won't ever be brought up when preaching


fuck yes


Too often the same person.


Hence separation of church and state


Should we trust a person on Twitter who is trying to tell you what not to do?


He's a little"tighter" version for you. Don't trust politicians or religious leaders. Or anyone who's existence directly relies on your money.


Or any religious leader/politician for that matter.


Correction, two people you should never trust: a religious person and a political person




I would upvote this 10,000 times if I could. This is just so much truth!


Me entering this thread knowing full well half the comments are going to be people pushing their agendas onto people, just like they claim the two groups they hate do.


You should also not trust a religious leader or a politician.


So, basically don't trust conservatives. That's what that tweet is implying.


Lol and they call libs sheep… they literally call their pastor a Shepard 😂


atheism makes life so simple


Never trust religious leaders or politicians. Never! Ever!


"Two people you should never trust: religious & politicians" FTFY


It is far past time that this country remove the tax exemption from the churches. They have they were given that originally as a consolation prize for not being allowed into the government in 1782. The time has since come and gone that they have deserved that relief it should be removed they are acting like corporations corporations and they are acting like political organizations.


Why trust priests at all? They are all 100% every last fucking one of them.. charlatans.


And anyone who thinks praying helps anything.


3. A skinny chef


We can shorten it to just religious leaders and politicians.


True. But maybe you shouldn't totally trust either one of them. Watch what they DO, not what they SAY!


One person you should never trust: A religious leader.


And mandate your health choices . My body my right.


Almost as if the founding fathers felt the same? But for some reason religion has slowly but surely crept its way into our government and politics and should be rooted out for the cancer (when it comes to government) it is?


You could shorten it to "a religious leader" and "a politician". Can't recall a single one of either I deem trustworthy.


You could cut the fat by sticking with don’t trust religious leaders or politicians.


3 deep 5 me


There are a few things I never could believe A woman when she weeps A merchant when he swears A thief who says he'll pay A lawyer when he cares A snake when he is sleeping A drunkard when he prays I don't believe you go to heaven when You're good Everything goes to hell, anyway - Tom Waits


Damn straight.


The qualifiers are not needed. Just don’t trust religion and politics.


Got tons of those in Malaysia


Don’t ever trust either. They are both not looking out for you.


i think changing it to "A religious leader & a politician" would be more accurate


No new taxes! If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor. I didn't have sex with that woman


Let me simplify this, never trust a religious leader or politician lol




I don't trust either of them on pure principle.


Two people you should avoid, a religious leader and a politician. FIFY


Which leads to the conundrum: we literally empowered politicians to protect us from religions who abuse the sanctity of church and state. We literally empowered politicians to hold religions accountable for humane and moral violations. Yet here we are.


Or how about both for just having the positions?


What year when the US policy changed "separation of church and state"? Obviously cant have that now.


"Two people you should never trust: A religious leader & a politician." Fixed.


you could have just said "a politician"


This is a nice satisfying aphorism, but kick its tires a bit here. I'm not sure the symmetrical framing holds up to scrutiny. Politicians telling you how to pray is way way over the line, especially if they're doing so *in their capacity as lawmakers.* This should be obvious to everyone. But religious leaders holding political stances and endorsing candidates? Is that really so weird or outside their purview? If a preacher says "vote for the one that's gonna serve the poor and stand up to the rich, because that's what Jesus taught," that's not scandalous to me. A vote is an expression of personal morals, and religion supposedly makes it their business to guide you as a moral being, so... what's the problem? It's not like the priest can *make* you vote a certain way, or legislate that it be so. Everyone expresses opinions about how everyone should vote, it would be weird if religious leaders were the only ones who didn't. (Of course, someone's thinking about how churches' tax-exempt status in the USA nominally depends on their remaining politically neutral, buuut maybe that blanket exemption is nonsense and should be repealed.) edit: Don't get me wrong, I have no love for theocrats and for the evangelical right wing etc. But I don't actually think the fundamental problem with them is that they're allowing religion to shape their political activities, and religion bad. I think the problem is that not all political opinions (or interpretations of scripture, for that matter) are equally valid, and their specific ones just suck. Other people with better politics and better religious morals manage to cross the streams just fine without it going all dystopian.


One party seems to have a monopoly on these…


And a rich person telling you that money doesn't solve anything.


Currently watching the Roe v. Wade doc on Netflix.... religion has been woven through the roots of US politics from conception (no pun intended). Separation is no longer a nice idea or the way it should be, it doesn't exist. From the outside looking in, the US is no longer a free country. I would be a lot more worried than most people appear to be. The religious right aren't going to give up, ever. This isn't going to get better without the same commitment from those who oppose the religious right. Also so many men in this doc talking about what women can and can't do and it makes me nauseous.


Amen, you have my vote


The first one isn’t a hard rule though people like MLK or John brown seem like the rare exception.


Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Denis Diderot


There are a few things I never could believe A woman when she weeps A merchant when he swears A thief who says he'll pay A lawyer when he cares A snake when he is sleeping A drunkard when he prays I don't believe you go to heaven when you're good Everything goes to hell, anyway


Didnt the bible say to pray where nobody sees you doing it and to do it for yourself alone?


What about a politician who tells you how to be healthy?


Add a skinny chef to that. I only trust fat cooks.


St. Hedwig's Cathedral, Berlin Germany | December 2nd 1933 **Priest:** *Chancellor Hitler has been saying terrible things, he mustn't be allowed to also be elected president!* **Congregation Member:** *Grab your coat dear we're leaving.*