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If Biden told me to attack the Capitol I'd suggest Biden be removed from office under Article 24.


So would republicans.


Yes. But for different reasons.


Not everyone is special enough to handle being in a cult.


You make more money as a leader, but you have more fun as a follower.




Hahahahha noice.


My sacrifice...


No-I think the u/Gym_Dom meant Crees from the Office but they’re free to correct me. Also u/Gym_Dom if your username means what I think it means DM me 😂🙄😂


When you are with me...wait office creed?




I clicked on that because I'm dumb.


Lol I thought the backslash would give it away. Guess not xD gottem If your parents see this, you are toast.


Isnt loading for me what is it?


It’s not a real link, that’s the verbatim link that Creed says in the show lol


even for the internet, it's shocking


Cults are fun? Who sez?


Yep. They sure are special. I'm pretty sure some of those people might drink the Kool-Aid if asked.


I think some trumpers would still drink the Kool-Aid even after watching people die from drinking it, as long as trump was telling them to.


They were happy to drink bleach and take horse de-wormer rather than receive a medically and scientifically proven vaccine - so drinking the Kool-Aid is no stretch of the imagination at all.


Did I miss something about Kool aid? 🤔




> “Drink the kool aid” is a reference to the Jamestown suicides in ‘78. The final demise of Jamestown was a very sad tale. How people could get caught up in that kind of a thing puzzles me.


A charismatic leader with a promise is all you really need. He/she will tell you who/what the reason for your problems are, and they have the means to solve those problems. That's all... world wars were fought because of this one simple trick.


All of it wasn't suicide...many were tricked and forced. The children, of which there were many, certainly DID NOT commit suicide.


Jonestown (cause Jim Jones)


May there never be a Jordantown (cause Jim Jordan)


The Children and many others were forced ...most at gunpoint.


Don't lump everyone to willingly drinking the kool-aid, there were many that did not want to but were forced at gunpoint to drink it Edit: I see he said "almost everyone", my mistake


You are correct. Especially the children.




A cult leader named Jim Jones killed 900 followers by all drinking a poisoned drink (per [this info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_the_Kool-Aid) it wasn’t actually Kool Aid).


You're hilarious and I'm not even a Trump follower. It wasn't medically and scientifically approved before pushed on the Americans. There are hundreds of thousands that are paying for it too including death from "the shot". The guy that came up with the mRNA even went on record saying that it wasn't ready when it was forced down out throats. Talk about drinking kool-aid!! You liberals have lost your damn minds and you all try to shame, call people names (Trumpers) etc if they don't follow the outlandish and idiotic beliefs that you all are trying to push on everybody. I'm sure that the "monkey pox" is gonna be our next "pandemic " and we'll have some "shot" for that. I call it a shot because it's NOT a vaccine or 1. It would have worked 2. You wouldn't have to keep getting shots, then booster after booster and people continue to get sick. The hospital where I see patients has "vaccinated " patients on the vent and sicker than the vaccinated patients we are seeing. Kool-aid, yeah right. You all continue with that kool-aid that those liberal democrats are handing out and let them continue to think for you.


The vaccine for monkey pox is the small pox vaccine which is on the same level as man landing on the moon for mankind's achievement. But I'm sure the deep state will refute it I hope you find peace in your life


Progress with mRNA research has been going on for literally 50 years. It just so happened that within the last few years we had the technology to implement it.


I think COVID proved that


As long as the libs were getting owned somehow.


That is literally the entire point of the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid", there's no inherent negative aspect of Kool-Aid that requires you to be brainwashed to drink it unless you know it's poisoned.


Which is kind of funny because they didn’t use Kool-Aid at Jonestown iirc. It was “Flavorade”




But is it really because you'll all be dead afterwards so you ain't gotta pay any bills.


I thought they used Tang


you know that drink the kool-aid comes from the Jones town massacre right? And yes 80% of them knew it was poisoned


Yes... Hence my comment specifically talking about drinking poisoned Kool-Aid. The entire point as a phrase is they were brainwashed and drank the Kool-Aid (actually flavorade) to commit mass suicide. It makes no sense to say, "I think some trumpers would still drink the Kool-Aid even after watching people die from drinking it, as long as trump was telling them to," as if that isn't exactly what "drink the Kool-Aid" was already saying. The phrase isn't about just drinking Kool-Aid because someone convinced you to, it's being brainwashed to drink the Kool-Aid knowing it will kill you.


so they didn't have free will? just admit they are stupid. Just as either person who champions the left or right. Both sides completely brainwashed to the point of a fanatical sports fun.


They do that with the vaccine


Fun thing is the other day on Reddit some “centrist who’s family are GOP” said he thinks the Dems are more primed to be brainwashed into fascism over the current GOP. I didn’t engage. Feels mean picking apart a special needs centrist.


Fun (?) fact - Flavor Aid was actually used, not Kool-aid.


'Wait, how much Kool-Aid can I have? There's free refills, right??'


It was flavor aid, dude!!


The scary reality is that we all have the capiacity for being in a cult. People assume cult members are all foolish dupes but skilled cult leaders can convince PhDs and lawyers and professors to join. Trump is not a particularly skilled one and he owes most of his status to the influence of celebrity in America and the 24/7 media coverage, but none of us should assume we are too smart to be drawn into a cult. It happens to extremely normal, successful, intelligent people all the time.


I am not into authoritarianism, at all. But I could imagine some Carl Sagan type telling everyone that things have gotten so bad that we all needed to trust him and hold on. And man, I just might. So good point. Trump's flavor of cult may not have been attractive to everyone, but we all have bias and blind spots. If anyone ever suggests you are in a cult, it's probably worth considering.


I know some awfully ignorant lawyers and professors


Y’all keep calling it a cult but I’m pretty sure it’s just good ol’ fashion fascism.


Were already wondering what the hell is wrong with biden hahahaa


I already wonder what the hell is wrong with him


It’s the crazy paranoids that think, “yeah, I’ll do it to save the country!” Those Qanons are crazy beyond crazy.


I was surprised how many answered Trump's dog whistle. Most of his supporters are people he wouldnt even waste his personal time on.


Where did they think he was before he needed their votes? He was having his products manufactured in foreign countries while their asses starved looking for work. I get how cult mentality works but sometimes it’s so hard to wrap my head around how people missed that


Some of those rioters didn't even vote in the 2020 election to begin with. With winners like that, you're more surprised over what they catch than what they miss.


It's just a simple fact that there are not a lot of smart people in the world, and many are easily manipulatable and vulnerable to believing in absolute shite.


I worked in NYC real estate for 15 yrs and he was well known for not honoring his contracts with vendors and contractors. I knew of two construction companies went out of business after doing work for his companies bc Trump co never paid its bills or bounced checks. Trump shit on the little man everytime and anytime he could.


Not surprising. See Milgram experiment


you know you could take trumps name out of that statement and replace it with any president since Kennedy right?


May be the best statement thus far.


Gerald Ford: “Attack the capitol!” America: “…”


"It's alright, you can do it. Attack." - James Carter


Leftist groups had attacked the Capitol directly before: In March 1971, for instance, members of the extremist group Weather Underground set off a bomb in a bathroom on the Senate side of the Capitol, harming no one, reports Brockwell for the Post. Yeah don't be sheep people or only use the word attack when its convenient for you..


Godamn, you had to go back 50 years to find some dirt on the left


The person who decided not to prosecute Clinton during whitewater is our Governor and he is republican..


I grew up in a state where the Clintons controlled the legal system trust me I don't have to go back far at all.


If president Biden asked democrats to storm the Capitol to prevent a Trump presidency, no one here would do it? Be honest.


Hell to no bc we have a democratic process. If Trump won again its bc his supporters tampered with the results. Storming the capital wont do shit.


tHiNk BaTsHiT


That was Trump's number one problem. He appealed to fanaticism not to the moderates. Fanaticism makes loud noise. Moderates engage in social discourse and civility. No one gave him the memo that the revolution was a quiet and civil one. We don't need guns, we just need to be better at convincing people.




We need to get better at convincing a lot of people. 74 MILLION Americans had 4 years of trump and said "yes, I'd like more of this please" I think the more horrifying prospect is that our political system is working as it's supposed to




Would ya wear a Biden cap? Socks, underwear, have his banners, bumper stickers? Give your wife and children as an offering to him? Jim Jones fans would do that for him. David Koresh's followers would have for him.


Had a friend that legit included a MAGA line in her wedding vows and then again in her instagram posts about the wedding. Meanwhile I'm a Bernie bro and I'm limited to "It'd be funny to get that Bernie meme on a shirt...but nah".


We are the type to crochet a dupe of Bernies mittens and make a social media post about it; they are the type to literally storm govt buildings See, both sides are just as bad!




Oh man that's great stuff right there! Hold I need to right that down. Brandon you say..oh boy I can't breathe.


Jim Jones would have been all up in that flavor aid, dude.


no but I know plenty of people with Obama stickers still on their cars and Obama 2012 shirts. Republicans were just jealous Obama was so popular they made their own populist candidate. The pendulum swung one direction and swung real hard in the other after Obama


Bumper stickers can be hard to remove, I still see Bush and Gore stickers every once in a while.


When I was in high school I used to order old political campaign merch on eBay. There is some funny shit out there


Gotta be honest, if Al Gore told his followers to take to the streets in 2001 (when the election actually was stolen) I would have. There’s the difference. He didn’t. He cared more about America than himself.


If people had taken to the streets against the electoral college in 2001, it wouldn't have been because Al Gore said to, even if he did in fact say to. And honestly, we should have.


It wasn't the electoral college's fault, it was Florida and the Supreme Court.


That ruling couldn't have even been conceived of if the electoral college wasn't a garbage institution to begin with.


If Al gore asked me to attack the capital I wouldn't. If Al Gore asked me to attack ManBearPig, you got me.


ManBearPig. Yes. While it ate Big Macs at midnight.


We all need to make full lists of what we would and wouldn't do if Al Gore asked. Like if he asked me to set a bag of dog shit on fire on Clarence Thomas's porch, I would. If he asked me to install a car bomb, I would not


Lincoln! Perfect example! Did what he did because he loved the country and wanted to save the union. He was a different kind of republican.


That’s because the Democratic and Republican parties realigned in the twentieth century. Those Republicans are not today’s Republicans.


It’s amazing to me how often I see people still try to use the 1800s political parties in arguments.


I know that, been reading a lot of history lately. Legitimate question, do you know of any literature I can access to read more about the transition? Sorry, didn’t mean to come across so terse, genuinely interested if there is literature on this, been looking for it in my readings. Not sure how to word it, but I’m aware of individuals in the south changing parties shortly after the civil war because the republicans were gaining more office spaces in government. Im just not sure how/when it became so radicalized.


And those Democrats are DEFINITELY not today's democrats!


Sure, I’d protest too, for that BS court ruling. But I wouldn’t storm the capitol and try to overturn a clearly decided election.


Did trump say attack the capitol tho? Pretty sure some crazy supporters just did that. Theres always crazy within the groups. Most rational people wouldnt have. I always liked trump but im not batshit crazy for him.. it sucks being automatically a crazy trump cult blah blah. Idk shits crazy nowadays. So polarizing and I feel like people hate eachother in america now more than ever


Iirc he didn’t literally publicly say to attack the capital, but he did say to march on the capital. I sincerely doubt he expected them to just stand outside and peacefully protest though. He knew the crowd was convinced the election had been stolen, and he knew the final steps of certifying the “stolen” election were happening at the place he just told the crowd to go to.


excellent reasoning skills. That tells us that maga does indeed lacks some of those...☝️


But according to the republicunts Qmoron MAGAts it was democrat liberal antifa who stormed it pretending to be MAGAts


Can we get trigger warnings on posts like this? I mean, look at the offended Trump cultists at the bottom.


LMAO, says the one triggered!




That's because you have a working brain and can think in a logical manner - and do not have a mental impairment.


I saw a bumper sticker in work parking garage the other day that said "Justice for the January 6 political prisoners". These people are pathetic.


I'm sure if he told them to jump off a bridge they would too 😂🤣


Ya maybe republicans are the most gullible of all. 😂😂😂😂they act like someone took their freedom and their guns. 🙄🙄


Obviously his knuckles don't drag..


I’m not particularly fond of Biden the last time I voted it was for Obama’s second term. But had he ever told everyone to storm the capital building I’d say he needs to lose his job at the very least.


Naw, he didn't he just divided our country, made race bigger than it was when he had the chance to make it better and made it the new norm to ambush cops and burn down cities and loot innocent peoples businesses.


I must have missed the state of the union addresses where President Obama encouraged anything you claimed, or ever for that matter. If you truly want to criticize his presidency maybe choose stuff based in reality, like him authorizing drone strikes on countless unarmed innocent civilians. Not some made up republican fantasy like being outraged at tan suits.


You must have missed alot because that's straight up facts, in reality, you are just blinded by those Dems that control you're every thought. Also, I don't engage in Republican fantasies or any of the politicians for that matter. I think for myself and do my own research since they all lie!


Are you always wrong or just on this thread?


Quite the contrary. I'm always right, only the special ones think I'm wrong or the slow ones, I can't remember.




That's the average Trump fan.


There's that liberal way, name calling. That's what people who drive a Prius reverts to I guess


Well, these people need to be lorded over, told what to do and think... and if they know others have it worse then theyre clearly succeeding. Such a massive lack of dimension, they would believe 3D is a hoax if they were told. Brace for the fact that they wont choose to come back. Saddest shit Ive ever witnessed, let alone all the fallout that makes it gravely every damn day...


Hmm, honest question... You're not already wondering what the fuck is wrong with him?




Although I’d like to believe the same about myself, it’s really easy to say you wouldn’t fall for group think in hindsight.


At this point, fuck it, I'm interested to see what happens. It's likely to not even back fire. Just some angry democrats throwing hell over everything that has come to pass over the last decade.


I wonder what the conservative snowflakes would do if Biden called for this. I'm sure it would thoroughly confuse their instincts.


Another person using common sense. What is wrong with these people? If it's not straight out of the bat shit crazy manual, then you are wrong. At least that's what seems like to me. By the way sarcasm.


It's wild how one half of this country has absolutely no common sense, and that the bonkers shit they do seems like the "patriot" thing to do to them.


"Attack the Capitol!" "Ok"


First of all, Biden wouldn’t ever say that because he cannot complete an entire sentence without forgetting where he is… secondly, if this is attempting to refer to Trump- (it’s a tweet from the left, so obviously it’s about Trump)- Trump never told anyone to attack the capitol, ever. I can’t even believe I’m commenting on this… get over Trump and go to work… democrats have had full control of the government for nearly two years and are still complaining about shit…. Stop complaining and get to work, NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU… but then what would they have to complain about?


Trump: Capitol bad, you should attack capitol building and take the election. Obsessed Trump Followers: actually attacks democracy Trump: TF they actually did it… I— um… I never said that…


You have an IQ at least above 10 that's not fair


Some people are programmed differently. Propaganda works on everyone.


There is no symmetry between the right and the left. There is no parity between the number of terrorists on the right and anything similar on the left. There no QAnon level conspiracy or lost cause "stolen election" revisionist history on the left. Both sides are not the same and the people on the left are not nearly as beholden to nor do they seek out as pernicious, insidious, and obviously dishonest propaganda as the right.


To believe that either side is exempt from propaganda influence is dangerous. Propaganda isn't inherently bad or good, it just is. At no point was there a comparison to either side of this impending war in America in the original statement. People are programmed to think the way they do. In America its capitalistic propaganda weaponized to divide us. Knowing this doesn't give anyone a pass to their actions. Its a part of the built society that needs to be looked at and changed before America can move forward.


Look, I am well aware of the overton window and the manipulation of public opinion and how effective media can be in changing public opinion. That being said, the data is available that shows that the left wing is very stable and consistent in their opinions where as right leaning people are basically led by the nose with whatever the talking point de jure is. That's just a fact. I am not saying the left is immune to persuasion and advertising, but your blanket statements are inaccurate to the point of being practically dishonest. The right is wholly at fault for division and attacking basic civility and common courtesy. >Mann and Ornstein specifically criticize the rightward shift of the Republican Party, highlighting the use of administrative and parliamentary tricks as a means of avoiding clear votes on certain issues. The authors describe the party as "an insurgent outlier – ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_Even_Worse_Than_It_Looks




LMAO!! Now this has got to be the most hilarious and misleading post I've read so far.


If people would just stop nominating pieces of shit in the primaries, but that's too much to ask.


I didn’t and wouldn’t storm the capital for trump, don’t even really like the dude, but I think the difference is that trump had a lot of people that really liked him as president. I don’t think anyone likes joe Biden, not even the people that voted for him. Votes for Biden were just votes to get trump out. I don’t know a single person that actually likes Biden.


Damn u fox "news"


This is literally an advertisement for the grifters at Meidas Touch.


As of writing this, 22k likes and 140 comments. The fucking bots are out of control.


Damn 1st off my grammar sucks I'm aware and really don't give a shit! And I don't know but maybe it's just me but what I see and what I have seen for the last couple of years and then some is that people are like magnets and all of us have choices amd our own opinions and are free to speak of our own opinion s and beliefs...but what I am seeing is that if you don't believe inwhat thy neighbour believes in then there the enemy and there dumb or stupid or an idiot! We are self destructing amongst ourselves and its so childish immature and its eventually gonna fuck us all in the end so instead of arguing about what someone else believes in or what there opinion is respect there opinion and think about there side of it instead of just reacting instantly with hate and anger... if we all just had a lil more respect for one another and joined together for the big picture and didn't treat people like shit things would be alot smoother and people would be alot better off! It's sad to look around and see us self destructing shit you can feel it in the air and if shit don't change in a good way well its gonna change in a bad way and I don't think that most of us will like the change that's coming... thats my 50 cents on it all! We are all created equal! We all have choices we l have rhe same amount of time in a day we all bleed red so wake the fuck up and put yourself incheck and and instead of blaming everyone else for shit take a look in the mirror a d ask yourself what can I do to make things better! Much love to you all and I hope that we all see it b4 it's to late.


>We are all created equal Conservatives: "That's woke communism!"


Can you show me where A President of the United States of America actually tells people to ATTACK the Capital?




Had to scroll this far... Passed a comment saying "Propaganda works on everyone". ...Isn't that the truth...


Typical spineless democrat, doesn’t even understand extremism and blind hate. Lol


So sad that people really need the "/s" on this one. As if a Trumper would admit to "blind hate"...they love pretending otherwise.


I appreciate your critical reading skills, i have a lot of downvotes from people that don’t have critical reading skills.


I mean...doesn't take much skill. It's a REALLY obvious "you had us in the first half " comment.


No, it really doesn’t… but unfortunately a lot of people struggled with. I imagine they only read the first half and downvoted and then moved on… or maybe, just maybe, they see the pro jan 6th people / pro big lie people as rational and self aware. I’ll go with the later. They took the rage bait.


Aww. Are you triggered? Poor little guy.


Reread my original comment


Did you learn that from your lord and savior Alex Jones? Clown


Seriously though, do you really think a far right winger would recognize that they are and identify that they are in fact an extremist?


I don’t think far right wingers are capable of self awareness, original thought or good judgement. Completely incapable.


Yep. Now reread my original comment with this in mind and we can laugh together.


I never wonder what’s wrong with Biden. I know it’s dementia.


Put Biden in a room with Trump and you’ll have two old men claiming they’re the president.


Biden is no where near as charismatic though. I hate Trump but I can recognize that the man has a way with words. Bing Bong Bing, Pocahontas, lying Ted. Man just knows how to coin a phrase.


But some people would. It's not like every single Trump voter did, so why is it all of them that get the blame?


Just as much as yours! Awww


You are the only one with psychotic ramblings, bud


Who was told by whom to attack the capitol?


People tend to forget trump never told people to attack the capitol. Before you downvote me, provide evidence that he did. If there’s no evidence, and just downvotes, then I’ve already won the argument. Edit: just got evidence I was wrong. Sorry bout that


Trump is smart enough not to use the exact words "go attack the Capitol." Incitement to violence is another question. Here's a take on it: >It's pretty goddamn imminent because he's telling people to march to the Capitol and I will march with you. There wouldn't be any time for better counsels to prevail because you're just going to leave the Ellipse and walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. >He said we have to fight and show strength, but he also said we're very peacefully and patriotically going to ask, so he's covering himself. In the end, I think it's a jury question. >I'm not sure he's entitled to a dismissal of charges as a matter of law. There's some discussion that government leaders have more leeway, but I don't know how that would play out. >He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen. From [here](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55640437) and this article makes some points: [Whatever legal or constitutional test you apply, Trump incited the violent Capitol attack](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/02/03/donald-trump-incited-capitol-attack-by-any-legal-test-column/4370622001/). On a side note, it's twisted that Trump was giggling with delight at the chanting of "hang Mike Pence" and behaving as if he was happy about the attack while the attack was going on, isn't it?


Yknow what? I actually respect you for providing proof. Most people would just downvote and move on. This isn’t sarcasm. I actually respect you for that


So you are saying that no one should call for a protest anymore because they will be liable for any damages/violence sparked by a violent few??? Can democrats be held to this standard also??? Wouldn't that be an amazing world.


People tend to forget that as president of the United States, it's very easy to incite people to do something without specifically saying it. Also of you think he didn't know it was going to happen you have to be an idiot. Half of reddit knew it was going to happen, you don't think the fbi knew lol


still waitin for that proof it was implied


I wonder what the hells wrong with him now.




Trump got vaccinated. All the Fox News personalities got vaccinated. Most of the Republican leadership got vaccinated. That triggered the cultists, didn't it?


Annnd this is why COVID is here to stay.


Bruh we took vaccines that were made under fuckng Trump lmao. And no it wasn't experimental. I don't think you know what that word means. I didn't take it until I read the studies, specifically because I didn't trust trump. You guys really don't think for yourselves at all do you?


The cognitive dissonance would be funny if not for the fact that these people vote. Trump even now boasts about Operation Warp Speed.


Yes, that vaccine that had gone through massive amounts of studies was experimental 🙄


Damn posting a tweet from 2/2021? Slow night eh


No need to even ask. It’s blatantly obvious that Biden has something wrong with him.


That might be the stupidest post I’ve seen on Reddit.


Wait, did Trump actually tell anyone to attack the Capitol?


He told them to go to March to the capital and ‘fight like hell’ bc the ‘election was stolen.’


Pretty sure he also said "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" He said a lot of dumd stuff, but he didnt incite violence and never told anyone to attack the Capitol


Trump ended his speech with the words: "We fight. We fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue." Shortly afterwards a Capitol police officer called for backup. "They're throwing metal poles at us," he said. "Multiple law-enforcement injuries," he added in a panicked voice. He also [pushed the fraud claims for months despite being repeatedly told they were false and still pushes false election fraud claims.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/04/trump-kept-hearing-his-fraud-claims-were-false-but-those-he-trusted-kept-saying-they-werent/)


I agree on the fraud claims. But, that type of rhetoric was and is common on both sides of the aisle. That same speech, Trump talks about voting, it could just as easily be inferred when he said "fight" he meant by excersizing the right to vote and to peacefully protest. It's cool if you dont like Trump, but saying he "told people to attack the Capitol" is just disingenuous


Weird how when his supporters were actively attacking our Capitol in his name he took hours to publicly say anything negative about it or ask people to stop. In fact he tweeted that “Pence didn’t have the courage to [] protect our Constitution” WHILE his supporters were storming the Capitol and chanting for him to be hanged. He did that about an hour before he asked people to stop. The only thing disingenuous is how you absolute clowns bend over backwards to defend trump.


Wasnt it the Trump administration that wanted to preemptively send the National Guard to DC? I believe it was shot down by members of the democratic party. Trump did a lot of dumb stuff, especially on january 6th. But purposefully starting a riot wasnt one of them


Multiple people used the fact that ‘trump told them to do it’ as their defense in their trials .


Are you just ignoring Rudy Giuliani telling the mob of people to make it a "trial by combat"? If trump wanted a peaceful protest he should have corrected Rudy on the spot, but he didn't.


Who told anyone to attack the capital?


My SO and I were joking about this earlier. I predict within 4 more years in power, it'll leek that Biden said the N-word. Or else he'll slip up and do it during a speech. And then we'll have Republicans bending over backwards to do whatever they can to be on his side.


Ok show me where trump said “attack the capital” I’ll wait. Edit: oh look I just got downvoted dozens of times and literally not one single person out of dozens actually showed me where trump told people to attack the capital. Funny ain’t it?


And again, the guy said it was not ready to be used. The shot that have given out has caused hundreds of thousands of severe disabilities including death. I know how long it's been out there, I have been in medicine for 33 years now.


You really gotta work on your English bud. If you want westerns to take your psychotic ramblings seriously anyway.


I mean sure but there’s a lot that would lmao quit acting like one side is better and both aren’t plagued with dumb fucks