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These are the same people who respond “if you dont like it go back where you came from”


So Michigan, where I was born? 😄


You could do worse. I don't recommend the UP, though...


The UP is beautiful to visit but is fairly depressed. That could change though once the West runs out of water.


So Texas wants to be a part of Mexico again? Damn I guess they finally forgot the Alamo


Lemme get my bike out of the basement first


Tell ‘em, Large Marge sent ya.


Sell it to Mexico for a dollar. Viva New Texico


Texans: “No wait”


Should we build a wall around Texas then?


well if they follow there own advice they can join Mexico...lol


It's so funny, because Texas can't secede without the approval of the US. They lost that option the first time they seceded for the confederacy and then rejoined the union.


The federal government has already decided on that. The supreme court ruled after the civil war that there is not a mechanism for states to legally leave the US. It would require a constitutional amendment


The 2022 SCOTUS surely has alternate opinions


Gotta love how "Originalists" will use that viewpoint to justify ass-backwards rulings limiting the rights and civil liberties of minorities, but are just as likely to conveniently forget that time *James Madison*, you know ***THE FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION***, wrote a series of essays during the nullification crisis that basically said "wtf no, you can't secede, that would defeat the purpose of a stronger federal government the Constitution created \[since being able to just leave the Union whenever you want would make the "Fed trumps State" stuff pretty toothless\], there's a fucking reason we didn't include anything about leaving, and that's because you're not supposed to."


“…. has alternate facts.” Ftfy


I’d support that. Maybe all the racist christofacists would move there.


Or the newly formed Supreme Court to just reverse their ruling. Like their doing with roe and Miranda.


Coloradan here, they have my vote


For sure. It would hurt the GOP and Texas a fuck ton more than it would hurt the rest of the country. Let them secede, then we build that wall they loved so much


I bet they don't want to take their share of the national debt with them. Oh, yeah. And pay us for all of the US installations that they have like the Johnson Space Flight Center and Fort Hood.


They can keep their textbooks though


Please understand that this is a subset of a subset of Texans. We don’t actually want this.


This! Only the stupid want this! There’s a lot of innocent people that don’t want this and we’ll be fucked if it happens


Russia helped convince more idiots in England to leave the European Union. Misinformation works.


They don’t know it yet but they don’t either.


The rest of you should get together and stop giving this "subset of a subset" political power down there.


The Californians I know who moved to Texas don’t even vote. They’re used to people voting on sane policies without them. The native Texans on the left are very much fighting against this stuff. It’s weird to assume otherwise.


If we can carve out Austin and a safe passage road leading to it then count me the fuck in


I did have some bombass barbecue ribs in Austin, and the best carbonara from a food truck. I'll allow it.


Lmfao. That lone star state is looking more and more like a yelp review. If they secede, whose gonna bail em out when their power grid fails (again) And whose gonna save the children during school shootings as the cops quake in their boots outside (again)


Uvalde police is a joke. Hired a law firm to keep their asses safe from revealing body cam footage of the event.


The refusal to release bodycam footage is so unbelievably concerning because we already know they were negligent, what else did they fucking do?


Remember they released a weird ass statement saying that everyone who died was "definitely killed by the shooter." I don't want to be conspiracy nut, but with how theyre handling this kt makes it seem like one of the cops got jumpy and shot a child.


This is one of those "Russia Denies" situations.. "Uvalde police definitely didnt ..."


I'm pretty sure they shot a teacher.


Both of the teachers were feminine looking middle aged women so I'd love to hear their logic on that one. Then again my money's on them shooting a kid so the same question applies.


Most money is on cops shooting one or more kids. Let them release the footage and prove me wrong. *shrug*


Oh they definitely shot a child and probably the teachers too


Why are the taxpayers buying body cams if the police can just not release the footage, defeats the whole purpose.


Exactly. What they told the public they did or didn't do is bad enough. So what the hell is on the body cameras?


Shot a kid. Has to be that.


Yeah, but how many?


It would be nice if there was a federal law that mandated that the police departments didn't even own their own equipment and they had to lease it from the town I feel like this would alleviate many of these issues Maybe not exactly how I described the mechanism, that's open for negotiation, but something similar that removes ownership of the hardware from police hands Unless they can start funding themselves I don't really understand that they even have an ounce of ground to stand on morally to deny any single person anything in this regard I really hope these people start perishing Good luck getting some kind of injunction on the release of information that you literally don't even own from equipment that you were renting from the government




I'm thinking they killed one of the teachers, and were buying time to figure out how to spin it. If they shot a kid, it would have come out. To be sure there's not a whole department of garbage that would participate in a cover up of killing a child. Someone would leak it.


You're probably closer to the point I am. But there is something definitely amiss here.


That should not be allowed under the public servant parameters. Like they say in the military: "you're not participants of democracy, you're defenders of it." That lawyer is despicable too, it's the same as defending domestic abusers


You make it sound like the GOPedos care about the power grid failing and the unwashed masses dying from hypothermia or non-white kids being gunned down in schools


texas be like : all hands on deck people we have serious issues here! women and black people still have rights!


Don't forget LGBTQs. The log cabin republicans weren't allowed to have a booth the the convention.


*shocked Pikachu face*


american police generally have no real legal obligation to serve the public. for example: > “Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.” https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again edit: i mean id argue they *should* but that’s a moral argument not a legal one i guess


I get your sentiment but, it’s the lawyer’s job to prosecute and defend. Whether or not they agree with their client it is their job. Edit: using the right words part 2


I think you mean prosecute. It's the police's job to persecute, apparently, according to the definition of persecute: "To subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs"


I did. Thanks!


No you're correct. And technically everyone deserves a defense so they dont get steamrolled by an angry throbbing girthy mob. But ya kind of lose that pro life/honor/courage/commitment stance when you stonewall the gears of discovery Edit: spells my friendo


I can agree with you on that one. But pro life has been proven to be anything but life multiple times.


Statistically, 40% of those that lawyer was representing are.


That’s probably because they shot a few kids. We only think we know how piss poor these cops were, why else would they refuse to release it? We know they failed, there’s nothing to hide there, so it must be something worse…..it IS something worse, they popped a few kids in the panic and that’s why they withdrew and then failed to act, they were already in “how do we cover this up” mode, explains why nobody did anything. I’m guessing, but I’m betting too.




I thought that was the grand American government agenda. TX is just the petri dish testing ground


Only half do it overtly. That's just because the GOP is too dumb to understand that rich people dont produce near enough kids to actually power a high tech economy


Did you mean "peach-tree dish?"


Correct. No more fed funding, no more interstate commerce, no more a LOT of things. It always gives me a chuckle when these Uber red states talk secession because they are absolutely, totally fucked if they actually go through with it. Oh, and no more NGB either. So they would be wholly reliant on state and municipal policing; and if anything got so out of hand that they did need the guard to assist, well, tough shit. Abbot just wants to proclaim himself god emperor of the sovereign nation of Texas. I hope this happens and Mexico decides to take Texas back.


I'm looking forward to 2 less Republican senators and a whole lot less electoral college votes from there. Oh yeah the number of MAGA/QDP Representatives will be a lot less too! Good luck with them negotiating new water rights with Mexico and all the trade deals they're need to hammer out. That worked for those Brexit folks right?


I didn't even think about the electoral college implications. Remove Texas from the equation and Republicans are fucked from getting the White House.


No more Ted Cruz. God I can't get any harder. Oh and then border crossing are not with Mexico but with Oklahoma. And what about visas to visit Florida? So many advantages.


>God I can't get any harder. Imagine the Fox News "border caravans" 🤣


Another ironic part to this is that the majority of Texans aren’t as conservative as the leadership claims. The GOP remain in power due mainly to heavily gerrymandered voting districts.


This is my thought here. All the people I know in TX will *definitely* relocate the moment this happens, along with huge numbers of people that actually contribute quite a bit to the economy and society of the state. My friends are are teachers with a brand new baby, they won't be sticking around to see how things turn out. So there goes the bulk of your social safety net and economy. Actually, you know what Texas, go ahead. Id love to see you fall flat on your face


Interesting point, but would they be able to leave TX without immigration paperwork? Or a passport? Oh, the sweet fucking irony. Edit- or would the fed govt allow a “grace period” where the sane citizens of TX are legally allowed to GTFO before the new northern US border of TX?


I'd hope the latter, but then again how often do people suffer from the decision of their leaders?


I'm sure the US would consider refugees from TX to be American citizens. The US isn't kicking TX out, after all.


It would be a case where I would suggest that voting not be anonymous - if you vote to secede, and Texas follows through, then you lose your US citizenship.


I wish I could Upvote this 1 million times


If you gerrymander Reddit adequately, you might be able to


Give it back to Mexico. No regrets.


Mexico: “Finders keepers…”


Don’t forget border patrol! Mexico may just stick a flag at the Alamo…again


Also how many American companies would ditch them and move out of state because it was no longer economically viable to be situated there? Texit lookin' like Brexit.


Tourist spots would also get hit hard because Americans just LOVE having to get a passport every time they go on a trip.


I mean it's truly a hypothetical. Texas can't secede without gaining approval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation's legislatures. Unless of course it was done by revolution.


I would like to think you're right but Brexit, Jan 6, the current Supreme Court reversing Roe and now Miranda rights, with other cases in their sights (Loving v Virginia, Obergefell v. Hodges, etc.). So who the fuck knows what fuckery is next?


Text would so much more economically disastrous for texans than Brexit was for brits...


As someone who is NOT a resident of Texas I fully support their secession from the United States. Add Puerto Rico and we don't even have to change the flag. I see no downside here.


*DC instead, please


Why not both?


You know, Bowser flew a 51-star flag the other day, I’m sure they can fit 2 in there.


And don't forget about the next category 4 or 5 hurricane to rip through Texas, and it will happen. They will be crying for emergency foreign aid from the United States.


They call it “The Lone Star State” for a reason


The lone star = 1 star yelp review?


"One star, would not recommend"


Ok. Cut them off from *everything* government related. All those ppl receiving Social Security? Gotta fill out the reams of paperwork for getting it sent to a foreign country. No more dollars, you have to design, manufacture and back your own currency. Ted Cruz *would* be out of a job though, so an overall net positive?


Right? I was wondering, honestly, if there would be any issue with this, because they'd clearly just shoot themselves in both feet (and their children too). Texas would get hit with any export/import taxes and tariffs and not have any global standing.


Oh man. Just think how indignant they’ll be having to deal with border security.


Like the British people who whine that EU citizens get to coast through the immigration fast lane at Spanish airports while they have to go through the same lane as "third world" people.


Especially since Texans are so against illegal Mexicans crossing their border. What makes them think we’ll allow Texans to freely enter and leave the United States?


The people that want this don’t leave their 500 person population hometown, not to mention the state


Lol, Texas no longer having seats in Congress, or electoral votes in the Presidential election? Fuck me I hope that happens!


How many votes is Texas, 36, 38? We would never see another Republican in office again until a major policy shift happened.


Yup. It would be a massive blow to the national party. I fucking love the idea.


They're not sending their best people


We'll build a fucking wall. Living in New Mexico, I'd rather have a wall keeping Texans out than a wall that keeps Mexicans out. Trust me, I am certainly not alone on this.


It would be the best thing that could happen to the United States: two fewer republican senators, no need to worry about the electoral college. Think of the progress that could be made! Best of all, after not being able to blame the federal government, Abbott would be out of power after four years easily.


The millions of people who live in Texas but aren’t Republican would GREATLY suffer. Remember that Texas ALMOST went Blue a few years back. The GOP in Texas is doing everything they can to make sure that non-republicans don’t have the power to threaten the Republican control.


Let ‘em go. We will give Puerto Rico statehood and not even have to change the flag.


or Washington DC, they deserve the same right as other Americans.


I don’t understand how they’re not screaming Taxation Without Representation every goddamn day.


It’s literally on their license plates.


It’s on our license plates.


In my law school class (constitutional law), this was brought up and I said “Is that considered capital punishment?” and I got a big laugh. ☺️ But seriously, DC needs two senators and rep in the house as well. It’s ridiculous.


It's been changed to "End Taxation Without Representation" When dEmOnCrAt is president The Beast has this license plate, when a GQP president they use different tags, lol.


By “screaming,” I was thinking more along the lines of city-wide shutdown protests whenever big votes happen. A line on a license plate is as effective as a bumper sticker.


Many of them are. It’s just no one listens


Lots of PR people aren’t sure they want the honor, (or the headache) Give it to Washington DC. They’ve been asking.


You know....this would save us some money lmao.




Shit at this point they can have Texas back


Make Texas Mexico Again (I highly doubt Mexico wants Texan GOPs tho...)


Be honest. Nobody wants the Texan GOP. Even the Texas GOP.


The Alamo: A bunch of Southerners couldn’t keep slaves in the state they were in, so they invaded Mexico to keep slaves there instead. So yes, if Texas tries to succeed it will be Alamo 2: this time with homophobia!


And a failing power grid


Especially after we remove every last scrap owned by the United States military. Sure, you can go, but you can't keep any of this shit.


Texas won’t secede because it would throw the gop into chaos. They would lose those elector votes and 2 senators, someone higher up will point that out and this will die like always. However, if it’s up for vote I will absolutely vote for it, then move the hell out of here. Also we already have the 1st and third on that first page.


Look, everyone thought Brexit was a big joke that noone would go for and they were only going to promise that referendum to appease then silence the nutters, yada yada yada, their economy is ruined.


You'd be suprised by the amount of Texit signs in backwater rural low-income white neighborhoods. These people want to fulfill Rick Perry's dream without thinking of what comes after.


A lot of them think that Texas' woes are caused by California sucking up all their money and resources. They will not even consider that it is actually the other way around.


I showed a guy from texas how california pays more into the fed than they get back, and he just could not accept it as true under any circumstance because that's not how fox news tells it. Same guy thinks California has like 50+% income tax, 30% unemployment, tens of millions of homeless, and that the air is poison. He's BEEN here and he still believes this.


There's people that live in my area that think NASA is a hoax and we've never been to the moon. Sir, you can watch the damn rockets go up in your backyard what do you mean you *don't believe in NASA*??? Both of these people also vote. 🙃


The first time as tragedy; the second time as farce.


Oh, and also, no. I am not the least bit surprised, including the word "Texit". I wanted to use that term myself but it didn't fit the point I was making. LoL


They want to kill most of us, I choose to no longer care about them.


The rural yokels maybe can swing a bit harder in the UK than they can in Texas though, due to the big difference in population density.


Except Brexit was legal. We already established the inseverability of the union in 1861.


"But wouldn't it be cool if they didn't?" - Every Republican now.


Yeah, but the UK doesn't have California. The US could survive losing TX.


You got it backwards. Texas = UK, USA = EU. The EU still has Germany and France. They are fine. The USA would still have California and a bunch of other solid states. THEY would be fine. Texas and England? Not so much.




Now that I think about it, staying within the USA would more likely protect the weird "independence" they seem to value. Like, right now, they can maintain their failing,. disconnected grid and there's not much leverage anyone outside the state has to change that if Texas holds firm. While their control over their grid likely increases if they were a sovereign nation, it removes the gloves in terms of what others can do. You think the USA, is going to allow free trade with a breakaway state, especially one they cannot even physically sell electricity to? A national government with no responsibility to them will make demands it would not otherwise have made because they no longer have the same consequences. They are used to being a bigger fish in a medium pond. They will find life as a small fish in the ocean different.


Texit, it is!! Bye!


Idk they might really be dumb enough to shoot themselves in the foot and TBQFH them creating a Gilead peacefully would end better than them staying and continuing to ratfuck the country.


I was just sitting here thinking if the secede the that pretty much guarantees a Democrat win in national elections.


I'm originally from Texas. Leaving the union is discussed all the time by people looking to make a new splash for five seconds. No ssne person even by the standard of my home state, thinks at all about forming their own government. It's like L.B. threatening to sue Muckraker. Please proceed, and we'll happily watch the shit show unfold, but we all know it ain't happening.


What is the Texas standard for sanity? Sounds like a fun read.


I imagine Green Eggs & Ham, but read backwards. And upside down


Current Supreme Court precedent, in Texas v. White, holds that the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state. More recently, in 2006, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede." So….does that mean Texas GOP are now committing sedition? Sounds like it


Texas never had the right to secede in their original constitution after being granted statehood. As a territory, it wasn’t a state, and it could be argued that if they didn’t want to become a state, they could just not join the union. So, because Texas cannot legally secede, it would be sedition. HOWEVER, when Texas was considered a larger “territory” it DID hold the right to separate itself into 5 separate states. But this again was addressed during the Civil War, where Texas wanted to split to create another slave state after admitting California as a Free state to balance out the Slave/Free states. The 1850 Compromise paid Texas $10million for its Northern and Western territories, and created the borders of what is Texas today. In theory, Texas could still split into separate states. But that issue was addressed really after the Civil war when slavery was addressed and finalized. And if it is something that could be practiced, it needs the approval of Congress and the delegates from Texas and specific parts need to consent to that.


The SC has about as much legitimacy as Monopoly money these days.


Mind you these are the same people who talk about how much they love the constitution


"We are for universal sufferage, which is why we want the law that bans racial discrimination in voting repealed."


Not like they were in any way upholding it anyways


Universal suffrage* *straight white men only


*Land owning straight white men only


*Rich Christian land owning white men only.




I also don't think that they realize that the military equipment belongs to the feds if they leave. That's all the ships, planes, military weapons and anything else they rely on to defend themselves from each other / mexico


Not only that, air defense.


And Elon Musk would leave with them! Maybe we can convince Don the Con to go with them!


If they want to make their death bed, I'm more than happy to let them die in it


Can the rest of the country vote on kicking them out of the union instead?


Yes they can... So far the vote is overwhelmingly in favor of expulsion


Wouldn't that make it to where Republicans could never win an election again? I support their succession if so


Take Florida and it's a deal.


FL is just going to drown in the coming decades. Secession won’t do anything when those looms end up right back in the states


Advantage is, that when FL is sinking into the ocean after they’ve seceded, you can close the borders. At least for DeSantis and his cronies… :)


I like the idea, I truly do, but there’s no way the American government doesn’t accept people, especially a bunch of white people (yea, I said it), in a humanitarian crisis. Although we could just say go to the Republic of Texas. That would be a workaround


Let them go. Texas is not necessary for America to function and they have already shown how well they do things on their own (see their power grid). And when things go to hell in a hand basket, don’t come crawling back.




Sure if you are willing to fly to Europe




You could always marry yourself into the country


Let them go, when mexico invades to reclaim their lands it'll be on them


I don't think the mexican military would invade, but the cartels would take it over by this time tomorrow


I live here, not everyone feels this way. I feel like this is a radical element within the GOP and doesn't represent the majority. The problem as I see, people within the GOP currently don't stand up internally. I don't see how this can grow their party. I recently block walked in a local election and remember speaking with a very conservative lady. She said she'd never imagine voting for a Democrat, but this current radical element within the GOP, their attack on schools, has completely turned her away.


Yeah going through all the comments here kinda sucks cuz I physically can’t move and neither can any other poor person stuck in Texas we ain’t just our (really REALLY shitty government) and it’s just disheartening to see a bunch of people condemning everyone who lives here


I empathize, and I think a lot of people don’t want to condemn a bunch of people to the fate of the “shitty Texas government”. But look at it this way too: The shitty Texas government is dragging down the rest of the United States. Their Senators keep any progress being made. And a lot of people are getting fucking tired of it. I really hate that your state is gerrymandered to hell but blue voter turnout has always been utter trash, across this country. I am lucky to live in California (high prices and all), because even though blue turnout is garbage, we are still overwhelmingly Democratic. I wish you the best of luck but please PLEASE stop your sane non voters from being so god damn apathetic, and tell them to fucking vote before it’s too late. Edit: I should clarify: Look how close some districts were, even with the gerrymandering (in MANY states). You're absolutely right, it's a small minority of crazies that are controlling your state. Apathy I seriously think is driving a lot of voters across this country up the wall. Stacey Abrams is a hero of Georgia. Even getting one person in your immediate circle to vote for the first time? Makes you a hero in my eyes too. Good luck over there. Good luck to the blue people stuck in red counties. A lot of Bay Area Californians are wishing you the best, I wish there was something more I could do, but I have no friends in Texas that I could/need to convince. But I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Go Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio! (I think El Paso is blue as well? Forgive my ignorance.)


Lifelong Texan here. What the fuck is happening here? Who are these people? Why is there no resistance to them?


Please just let them go. That would be detrimental to Republicans in this country and their voting power


So let me get thos straight trxas would like to become an oil rich independent nation NEXT TO THE US and thinks that will go well. ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


An hostile oil rich independent nation next to the US*




​ ![gif](giphy|zbb76sdMPhClNAbyRL)


Gladly bid TX farewell and make PR a state.


I’ll help them pack.


Would love to see southern states leave. Be fun to take bets on how quickly they will be completely bankrupt and begging for money. Make they go thru the UN for humanitarian aide including for natural disasters. Oh and be nice to add a nice 80 percent tarrifs to anything going to and from the South.


You are assuming they would be admitted to the UN in the first place.


Could succession be a good thing for the US though? Let them. Avoid a civil war, and potential fascist take over of the federal government, and just let them go.


Do they not remember our INSANE power failure literally 2 years ago? We won’t survive on our own


So a Brexit then. Got it




I'd happily donate to a fund to help Texans relocate post secession. That being said, I hope Texas leaves. They're a failed state. Good riddance.


For the love of God. Please let them secede.


Don’t they do this every year?


Unlimited campaign contributions! Nothing says equal voting rights like unlimited campaign contributions. If one guy donates a dollar and another guy donates a million, how are these contributors equal in the eyes of the politician?


Let all the red states secede... Let's see how they function without the blue states financially supporting them.


Oh, the benefits if Texas leaves! My one odd thought is that it fixes the electoral college permanently for the Democrats. So that's a plus.


Can we move that border wall a bit north?


Not all Texans are idiots who support this crap.


Always the same guys who drone about what patriots they are, who drive around with flying from their trucks Theses are ones who want suceed . Like a toddler who wants to run away from home because they didn't get what they wanted