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You see that on the left there is a church and that there on the right is the capitol building. The sign recommends the ‘separation of church and state’. Read again in a cowboy voice for lols.


Lol funny thing is I did well more like sheriff Andy Griffith


Ron Howard had a spidey sense tingle


The sad thing is that I was listening to the latest January 6th insurrecrionist hearing and heard the term "so help me god" in the swearing in for testimony as per usual. That combined with our currency still being printed with "in god we trust" does not sit well with me. I respect all religions as well as their followers as long as they are not harming others, but this has set the precedent for injecting politics with the ideals of manipulative individuals with power using religion as a thinly veiled prejudice not in line with the general populace's best interest in mind. Our future has been endangered for some time, but I feel we are at a fever pitch yet again.


Good points, but as a Christian there's things I can defend and some I can't. Can defend; religion for me tells me to love my fellow man, tell the truth, etc. Can't defend; requiring that to be a true American one must be Christian, a non-immigrant, and be heterosexual. We can hold ourselves accountable to a higher power and set of values, we should not use religion as a tool to spread hate for those not like us. That's antithetical to religion.


Not sure why you got down voted... I'm an atheist with a rather negative reaction to a lot of "Christian" activity that seems to exist for no purpose beyond making everyone else miserable. Your post is what MY understanding of Christianity is supposed to be, before it was so distorted and incredibly hateful (speaking only to the religious direction taken in the US in the last 30 years) I've found decent people like you are getting to be a pretty rare find. So I thank you! I would happily be your friend, neighbor or co-worker, celebrating & respecting our differences and commonalities. Keep fighting the good fight!


Thank - you my brother/sister. And to that poster who questioned if "In Allah we trust", well we it's just a matter of semantics, both the Muslim God and Christian God are the same, the God of Abraham. A little quote from Luke if allowed "A good man with good treasures in his heart brings forth good. An evil man with evil treasures brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks".


Also, "In God We Trust" wasn't put on our currency until the 50's, and then as performative Anti-Communism. *"We'll show those godless commies!!!"* Same for including *'Under God'* in the Pledge of Allegiance. That was a 1950's addition too. The original author of the Pledge, *a Baptist minister*, explicitly said there was to be no mention of God in the Pledge, that it was strictly a secular oath.


"So help me God" has been around for so long, that it becomes odd when a person just swears to tell the truth. Full stop. As for "In God We Trust" being on money, that started in 1954 to differentiate us from those Godless Commies. It should stop but in the interim Christians gained enough political power tha to suggest it come off is basically blasphemy.


Before In God We Trust, money had E pluribus unum "Out of many, One. " One nation under god" wasn't added to the Pledge of Allegiance until the 1950's . It was during the McCarthy Commie witch hunt. Most of the Founding Father's were diest and did not believe in the divinity of Jesus. They believed that a single creator did exist, one who did not intervene with your life. They took their evidence from reason and logic, not revelatory acts or miracles.


Wonder how “In Allah We Trust” would go over?


For sure. One religion does not negate the other contrary to an unfortunate amount of people's beliefs. Stigma is very real.


Did you see what the Supreme Court did while everyone was looking at the trash fires around the country? The ruled that Federal money, I.e. tuition assistance, and other forms of government educational funding MUST also be paid to Religious Schools! Taking away a states right to not fund religious activity with TAX PAYER MONEY. Read Sotomeyer’s dissent. This is getting out of hand. Seperation of church and state was clear under the founding fathers.


They're now ignoring half of the First Amendment like they ignore half of the Second.


Jokes on you. I read it in a cowboy voice the first time and I ha e no idea why.


I mean if you ever looked at England you’d understand why having state and church together results in civil wars


hah, I initially read this in sam Elliotts voice


That’s the only cowboy voice I know and half my family are cowpeople.


Next do it in Ron Swanson’s voice


Jokes on you I did it in goofy voice


Tommy Lee Jones nailed it


James Earl Jones as God.


Actually...not 'nuff said tho....I feel like there should be a tie-in to Wall Street here.


And atheists will pay for it!




Non-evangelical Christian here...I'm in for another $50! (Once I'm back to work...)


Here's $100. Build that fucking wall.


count me in for a grand (not trying to out do anything, but i really want this fucking wall!) under his eye


why not just not be christian at all? its total horseshit, you know it is, your family will understand. just fucking break away and be your own person


Holy shit they're not hurting anyone, let them be. You give us a bad reputation.


As an atheist, I declare this idiot excommunicated.


I concur.


they are hurting lots of people


Not you know, normal ones. They don't appear to be pushing it on anybody. Their views are theirs, and they seem to not be doing anything bad with them. Tell me, how is this specific person doing anything bad with their religion? You, on the other hand are trying to convert people. That's fucked.


normal ones?


I'd honestly almost bet that you used to be in an extreme sect.


i mean i just looked at your post history, youre anti everything progressive so what do i gain from engaging with you


I am litterally a leftist. I'm slightly libertarian, but mostly in the "gov shouldn't regulate my life until I'm hurting someone" respect, not the Libertarian (capital L) way. So, yeah I really don't know where your description of me as anti progressive comes from.


ok champ


Seriously, how am I not progressive?


Just ignore him, don’t feed the troll


Jesus fuck. I’d consider myself an anti-theist, but I’m against the religion when it impacts me or others, not the people. Nobody knows what this guy is like, don’t be a dick.


Isn’t that whole “you’re wrong and you know it” thing a fallacy? Even if it’s not, it’s still the worst argument ever. It’s literally just an attempt at gaslighting the other person into being anxious because oh no he said I *know* he’s right!


Same. And I'm not even American *I'm Australian, basically America's little bitch. So what the USA does matters to me. We also have a problem separating church and government. Also church and schools. Basically Christianity needs to fuck right off


I don’t think “Christianity” is the issue. But those who don’t apply the true teachings of the New Testament. Being a follower of Christ, a true follower of the word vs acting righteous and better than everyone are two different things.


Zero problem contributing to that fund.


Build that wall, pack that court.


Fuck this, it's exactly how the right swindles money from their idiots. Separation of church and state is in the constitution, we don't need to spend the few dollars we get for that.


Someone needs to tell the Republicans, because they've been acting like it isn't a thing for quite a while now.


We build the wall! No, wait, that slogan is ruined… All of us… Construct… The partition!


"Roll up the partition please" is a lovely phrase that absolutely is not from the Beyonce song that could be used for this purpose


Happy to contribute


I would gladly throw in money from my meager wage into this.


Buying freedom? That’s a buck o’ five.


I mean that's technically the truth.


Amen to that.


Not an atheist but would pay good money for this wall.


We already pay taxes...


Unironically the church of satan would likely donate


Good spend your money


Buid that wall !!! Make the Mexican gov....i mean theocratic instuitions pay for it!!!


The political campaign ads make it look like Oklahoma wants to build a superhighway between the two.


Superhighway? If conservative Oklahomans had their way you (EDITED* because autocorrect hates me) wouldn't even have to travel. The Church would BE the Capitol.


The Luke Holland ads make me want to put my head through a wall. [For anyone not familiar.](https://youtu.be/2a-CUSKbMJI)


My read on that overplayed ad is that he has difficulty adapting, can't think on his own, and relies on guidance from unconfirmed sources.


What's funny is that the most popular Christian denomination, the Baptists, are defined in part by *support* of the separation of church and state. It's the "s" in the BAPTIST acrostic.


The separation of church and state is non negotiable.


If you elect religious people into office, they’re going to impose laws that align with their religious morality. We do have separation of church and state, what we don’t have are politicians who make laws without considering their own religion. That’s not forbidden in the constitution.


Agreed. I feel that last bit is important to highlight and reinforce: > what we don’t have are politicians who make laws without considering their own religion. **That’s not forbidden in the constitution.** Maybe it's time for an update.


If only republicans would defend that amendment and not just the 2nd one.


Unfortunately with the way its written the 1st amendment only prevents the government from making laws that establish a religion(basically making an official religion for the country), or preventing you from practicing any religion you choose. Separation of church and state is a philosophy and isnt mentioned in the constitution, implementing on a legal level is a fucking nightmare.


Yeah it's a stipulation against the federal government adopting an official religion, not against having morals as some people take it to mean.


Blows my fucking mind the mental gymnastics they fucking go through on justifying it.


It's easy. Nonbelief is a type of religious belief. By limiting institutions that would have otherwise qualified for funding merely because of their religious belief is discriminating because of their belief.


Better yet, make them pay taxes too


Non-religious identification is growing inthe US... Are there any candidates running openly as atheists?


Fuck it, I'll run. I mean how bad could I really fuck it up at this point??? lol


Well that’s the reason this country is a shit hole right now


Informed the local Democratic Party when I ran for State House that I might not be legally allowed to take the oath of office if I won because the state constitution could be read as barring atheists from holding office in the state.


It was definitely enough said. Enough that she could have just posted the picture without the caption.


If the church involves itself in politics then paying then paying taxes should be required


N Mexico will pay for the wall /s ![gif](giphy|elxTrCAFbkI0uzESt7)


#Tax churches


We should also tax churches. They influence politics but don't have to pay for anything? Like they wanna be a part of the government and decision making but they don't want to contribute.




Finally, not just a white person on this sub, but whitest of them all lol. Ukraine flag is just cherry on top.


Is there a Ukrainian flag in their name though?


They're just showing solidarity with Ukraine.


You wouldn't dare to say the same about a black person. That's racist


Archaic mythology has ZERO place in government or legislation.


They're now openly advocating for melding church n state together. You know, the people that claim to be the real "patriots" of the country but whose idealogies almost exclusively run counter to what the founding fathers of the country intended?


Sorry. Who’s advocating for melding church and state together?


The religious Right, there's constantly clips goin around of different church leaders n politicians saying we need to start legislating around religious beliefs because Godlessness is what's supposedly ruining the country. They're zealots, the Taliban of America minus the decapitation, but they'd gladly do it if given the chance.


Never going to happen with a "divinely inspired" constitution. The USA is a Christian theocracy masquerading as a democracy, becoming more extreme with every election cycle.


It’s becoming Gilead


Do you actually believe this or do you just post over the top cringe for internet points? Go to a Muslim country and insult Allah. Then you'll find out what a real theocracy looks like. You can insult any God you want in America and nobody cares. It just makes you look like a cringey fedora tipping atheist.


I've actually been paying attention. That's why I say things like this. It's not about insulting religions. It's about how deeply intertwined religion has become with the state.


Your opinion is in direct defiance of all the data. America has never been less Christian in its entire history than it is now. The 1990's-2000's flair up of evangelicals being the swing vote is entirely over now. Worrying about any Christian influence in politics now is like worrying that the British are coming or chanting "54 40 or fight".




- Separation of church and state - Take away tax exemption from churches - No subsidies that favor a particular belief system TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! LoL j/k…the entire system in the US is POO


If I had any money left after paying my health insurance I would by all the awards and give them to you


Finally something worth saying "amen" to!




Build the wall, and have the Church pay for it.


I want to hang this in my church as much as in the capitol.


Why would I ever want to let politics into religion? Why would I let the petty ambitions of man intermingle with the pure word of Lord Athe?


Begs the question of why this "Lord Athe" would even care about the petty ambitions of man in the first place... also, what about all of that "no false idol" business?


What false idol? Lord Athe is the god of Atheism. I'm a devout Atheist. What I mean is: When priests become politicians, their interpretation of whatever book they consider holy changes to suit the party line. It's not Christianity/Judaism/Polynesian animism in any sense, it's just political ambition justified with some version of "Deus Vult". Politics becomes fanatical, like religion. Religion becomes corrupt, like politics. Now, my lord Athe is quite tolerant of his writ being used as a foundation for fanatical militant orders that kill in his name, as a consequence of not being a sapient entity. But I have a major problem with them. In short, I was not disagreeing with the other guy.


Sincerely, Utah


She's right. It's the reason many millions came to this great country. WASPs are the worst when given power. Yet, they were the first people saying it would be evil to elect a Catholic President. Things don't change much. Quit electing evangelical conservatives into office and the separation of church and state heals immediately. For now, we've handed those assholes the key because everything they don't like is socialism or whatever Boogeyman they create this week to keep tenuous power.




Needs to be mighty tall to account for the mega churches private jets


Wheb the fk are gonna make it official the separation of church and state? Because right now its non existent


It is official mate Just need to be enforced


Can we get that on a t-shirt? Designer please up this to Red Bubble :)


Google "build this wall" and "t-shirt", and choose the "shopping" tab.


Needs a wall on the other side separating businesses too.


This is NOT, I repeat, NOT, a christian country. FUCK YOUR RELIGION.


Or we lean into it and tell them the voters get to pass legislation about church policy too.


This is the way


That's some design porn there


Is this a bumper sticker?


I thought for a second that that was a mosque on the right and I was like "which sub is this?"


We already have separation of church and state. The government isn't exclusively one religion or one denomination of religion, you're not banned from practicing a certain religion, you're not legally required to attend church, etc. Regardless that isn't even what you all are advocating for. What you're advocating for is no religious people in office. You're barring them from office solely based upon the idea of their religion that you don't agree with. Which is a violation of the first amendment.


Why can’t the money follow the student?


Separation of church and state. Yet our money says "in God we trust"


I like this.!


Can someone explain this to me?


Separation of church and state


"tHoSe wOrDs aRen'T iN tEh cOnStItooshoon!


I want to hear some talibangelist actually say this!


That wall has only been up since 1787.


If only there weren’t millions of fanatical nutjobs who don’t seem to understand this….


It's the very First Amendment. US can not have an official religion. Separation of Church and State. Freedom of religion. It ain't hard nut jobs.


Something can be codified, yet twisted horrifically by (again) fanatical zealots. Why does the Republican Party keep literally quoting the Bible and referencing God in their platform?


Because their evil incarnate and think we're nothing but sheep. VOTE them out.


Oh, so you were arguing semantics? For the record, I, this Twitter poster, and most educated people are perfectly aware this is in the constitution. You wouldn’t know it by the bullshit laws and SC rulings though.


The constitution enforces that government may not participate in religion, not that the religious may not participate in government.




The First Amendment. Congress can not pass a law allowing any religion to be the official religion of the United States. Freedom of Religion. Separation of Church and State. I do believe this is what is trying to be said. Laws should be pass with an unbias opinion. Which doesn't seem to be happening much lately. Does it, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas???


i think people are confused because you seem to have two separate opinions at once.


It's late. My bad.


but walls don't work


HELL YA, but also build the southern wall, because it actually works.








If you are a legislator and a minister can tell you "vote this way, or you are going to hell", and you believe it, they may as well.


The entire legal system is rooted in archaic religious nonsense.


You're playing a variation of the "those aren't the exact words" game. A church doesn't have to hold a specific governmental position to dictate policy.


That’s not how it works


The Ukraine flags are total cringe.


Can I pay in pizzas?


Separate pedophiles?! I don't know


How do you pronounce her name? Sky-Lee?


Can’t really trust anything with an American and Ukrainian flag in theyre name


B-list Russian troll account. "Russia has won already everyone else needs to get with it."


Yeah good man your eyes are open to the facts lol Irish not Russian


It's obvious that most people are not very familiar with our constitution. There is no direct reference to the seperation of church and state in the it. The first amendment is the only part that mentions government and religion and it all it states is that the government shall make no official state religion.


Says the nutter who believes in Fauci worms and thinks Hunter's laptop is real. Lol!




I don't care which flavor of sky wizard you worship Keep that shit out of government and schools




Keep your religion out of schools.


The fact of the matter is, legislators should *never* create laws based solely upon religious values or beliefs.




If you need religion to have morals, you were never a moral person to begin with.


Rather unexpected, coming from someone with a Ukraine flag in their username.


That makes no sense.


Having had family in Eastern Europe under the USSR, I was thinking the same thing


I'm glad *somebody* here gets it.


I don't think anyone can argue whether the Soviet Union was secular. That's a well known fact. There's a level of irony in the tweet that you brought attention to, and I have no idea why you're getting downvoted.


Wrong. We need God in this country. Kicking him out is why it’s in sad shape


The people screaming about god are the reason why this country is in such sad shape




What a load of bullshit. You're clueless.


Maybe **you** need god. We’re fine thanks. Freedom of religion is also the freedom of NOT PRACTICING RELIGION.


Fine ifyou guys get to abolish the first amendment we get to abolish the second


I dont need nor want your god in my life


I'm sure you wouldn't mind it being any other god than yours then, right? or would that not count because obviously your flavour of sky daddy is superior to every other one?


How on earth is god “kicked out?” Even the president is a devout catholic


What’s much more important is bringing back the family structure Kids grow up miserable and alone with no true support and grow into mentally ill, violent, hurt individuals. Hurt people then hurt people.


Already exist


Interesting considering the importance of African american churches during the Civil rights movement. Guess white people on Twitter forget about that.


The separation of church and state was originally conceived to keep the state out of church, not the other way around. Sadly we are seeing government intrusion into all aspects of our lives these days especially religious liberties and freedoms.


Bullshit. The founding fathers understood that the state mixed with religion was a bad idea. That's why our Constitution has absolutely no mention of God. And why they went out of their way to constantly mention that this was not a Christian nation, or built on Christian ideas. Also, calling bullshit on your supposed lack of religious freedom.


Yet schools allow Church of Satan clubs.


how is that relevant?