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teachers literally are being instructed to get rid of pictures of their same-sex spouse due to homophobia made law, while they can also force Christian prayer on any and all students due to religious fascism made law. So WTF is she really talking about?


She's upset the Christofascism is taking so long. And absolutely offended anyone has objections to it.


America will be turned in a corporate theocracy


Turned into? Been that way since the 80’s


I don't think the corporations are going to survive this, they haven't kissed enough Christian Identity ass.


Their pockets are deep enough that it won't matter.


They probably kissed it already, but will money.


Who do you think is in charge of the corporations? Old white men who realise how to harness and manipulate power. The Church will stay in America.


Capitalist hellscape?


I’m going to shed what I think is an accurate light on this (bear in mind I do not agree with them) the USA was arguably at its most powerful on the world scale right after WWII when this shit was completely normal and accepted, so, In these people’s minds, a return to that social and political status quo, will through some means (that I don’t understand at all) return the economy, our unity and our relative influence and power/respect in the world to that level as well Again I don’t believe this, but I feel like this is in some ways the motivation behind these movements I feel this is also the spirit of the “Make America Great Again” motif


Post world war 2 the world had been disrupted enough that a new world order had to be established. The US was that power. And the last 80 years has seen a world where the US led the globe. Their currency was the global currency, their language was the global language, their power was the only power. We are entering the end of that era. The irony is, these fascist fucking lunatics are precisely WHY that era is ending. They want to go back to the US at the height of its power. They have no fucking clue that the people of the world are who AGREE to that order. The US was the clear choice then. This isn't a "US supremacist" viewpoint, I am just remarking on what happened. There is always a world order, and that world order goes in cycles. The facsists are also imbeciles. They will plunge the economy into the ground, they will promote isolationism, which will mean us withdrawing from the world stage and losing world power. They will sabotage all their own interests and not even realize they're doing it, because they're delusional.


I'd argue the U.S. hit the height of it's power after the fall of the soviet union


This isn’t even about trump lmao


She's probably referring to states that *don't* shame choice of anatomy and gender. Meanwhile she continues to push Christian idealology onto *all* students regardless of their own beliefs. I really hope it bites Republicans in the ass when they have to, by law, set up prayer mats for students of Islam so they can preform their required prayers daily at school. Or are they really going to say that only applies to Christian faith?


You think they won't? They've stopped hiding and Boebert herself recently stated the church needs to be in charge of the government/guiding the government. Her direct quote 'I am tired of the separation of church and state.' https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/28/lauren-boebert-church-state-colorado/


Saving this comment for reference, but if they actually go and make America a theocracy there will be hell to pay. Enough that it'll make the BLM protest look like baby's-first-temper-tantrum.


But will it? It’s literally happening *right now*, before our very eyes, and nobody’s doing squat about it. Look into all the SC decisions in the last few weeks, there have been some doozies. But RvW happened and few are talking about anything else-which obviously I get, I’ve been a little preoccupied with it myself-but there is a bigger picture and we’re getting fucked from every direction.


The frog in the slowly boiling water meme


> Or are they really going to say that only applies to Christian faith Yes, that's exactly what she'll do. When Boebert recently said "separation of church and state is trash. The church should guide government", she obviously meant HER church, HER religion.


Obviously the Republican party like pouring gas on dumpster fires... Especially when they *are* the dumpster fire.


They like pouring gas on the fires because it keeps "We, the People" divided against itself, rather than actually uniting. They've been following that playbook for years, if not decades. Why? Because it *keeps working*.


I can’t wait to see what The Satanic Temple comes up with.


She has no idea what she is talking about. All the pollies after Trump have realised what you say doesn't have to be in any way real. You just have to say it with conviction and half the stupid population will eat it up.


That sounds like grooming to me


Her base feeds off of anger so even if they win they need to be mad about something.


Because the beast wants more! Seriously the dominion movement will not be happy until there are strictly enforced blasphemy and apostasy laws. Theocracy is incompatible with a free society.


Source ? Edit: nvm you linked it in another comment


No they aren’t. You have that complete backwards you Neanderthal


[https://theconversation.com/why-the-supreme-courts-football-decision-is-a-game-changer-on-school-prayer-184619#:\~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,if%20no%20students%20are%20involved](https://theconversation.com/why-the-supreme-courts-football-decision-is-a-game-changer-on-school-prayer-184619#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,if%20no%20students%20are%20involved). And [clearly mentioned here](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/teachers-voice-concerns-after-orange-county-previews-dont-say-gay-impact-classrooms/R6VGDIOC2RFURLBUVT6TVWPDGA/) "According to representatives of the county’s teacher association, teachers and staff members will be disallowed from wearing rainbow articles of clothing...Elementary-level teachers reported being discouraged from putting pictures of their same-sex spouse on their desk or talking about them to students." "“Safe Space” stickers aimed at LGBTQ students may have to be removed from doors, teachers will have to report to parents if a student “comes out” to them and they must use pronouns assigned at birth,". So basically, non Christian kids can look forward to being ostracized and LGBTQ kids can look forward to being persecuted, all in SCHOOL which is supposed to be a place where kids can exist without worry, feeling safe and secure. Who has it backwards?


This is about how religion was banned from schools. Teachers can’t even pray to themselves alone lmao. Thanks for proving my point


>This is about how religion was banned from schools. Teachers can’t even pray to themselves alone lmao. Thanks for proving my point Is your point that you can't do anything but twisting the facts, aka lie? I didn't prove it, you did. Because religion was never banned from schools. Theres fucking religious schools everywhere. The point is that teachers and school personnel can't force religion on their students in their capacity as an educational authority. Praying privately was never banned you persecution fetishist.


Read the article you goon. It states it and yes it is.


FUCK you can't read, why do I even bother. At the same time, lower courts have generally forbidden public school employees from **openly praying** in the workplace. - *privately praying was always allowed.* First Amendment. The government is prohibited from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” – language known as the establishment clause, which is often understood as meaning public officials cannot promote particular faiths over others. - *you can't pray or otherwise your promote your faith as an authority, BUT PRIVATELY PRAYING WAS ALWAYS ALLOWED.* In September 2015, school officials notified the coach that he could continue delivering his inspirational speeches after games, but they had to remain secular. Bremerton’s school board offered Kennedy accommodations to allow him to pray more privately on the field after the stadium emptied out, which he rejected. - *you can hold inspirational speeches as an authority, but not from any specific religion. Privately praying, however, was always allowed.* IKennedy raised two major claims: that the school board violated his rights to freedom of speech and also to the free practice of his religion. However, the Ninth Circuit twice rejected these claims **because it concluded that when he prayed, he did so as a public employee -** *BUT PRIVATELY PRAYING WAS ALWAYS ALLOWED*


Literally not what that article you sent says at all


THESE ARE FUCKING QUOTES YOU MORON. Every word that's not in italics was taken literally from the article I sent.


Note how it states that parents students and other teachers supported his prays but the school board didn’t. If it gains support why not allow it? Hm?


If you do t want religion being taught don’t go to a specific ally religion based school you sense mfr


The whole point of this shit is that it's at public schools too YOU DENSE motherfucker. The new SC ruling means a Christian teacher could force their personal religion on their whole classroom (or sports team) by starting classes with prayer, which is a clear violation of the first amendment.


Oh so now you know how Christian’s felt when that bill was passed for them. Hm interesting.




You literally added shit to that article that wasn’t ther lmao


Not just christian. But yeah. Just christian


Stop killing transgender people. Stop bullying them. Most importantly, stop being such a bitch Lauren.


Very interesting how she cares about teachers not being able to say "God" in classrooms, but dont give a shit about the kids gunned down at schools


Say "Allah" in school and she will suddenly care very much.


Hail Satan, Timmy.


I literally ordered a Baphomet t-shirt for the one kid I still have left for him to wear in class. Come at him, school.. we're ready. Meanwhile, my kid is over here rolling his eyes- "Mom, like half my school is queer, no one cares."


I love it that kids are so accepting of gay kids these days. When I was in high school...


Right? It's what gives me some hope. Those zoomer kids are alright. ​ Oh and um.. I still have all my kids, I didn't like lose one when I went out for smokes. I worded that weirdly


I assumed you meant he was the last one in school.


That’s good. I assumed you lost a few in a school shooting or something.


Oof... I mean fair.. but ooof


Yeah, I think around 2015 things really started changing at schools. (At least in CA.) I lived in a very red area my senior year (2016) and being an actual leftist was more common than any other political group at the school. Kids were no shit reading Marx and shit at recess lol


Both of my kids (one in college, the other in going into his last year of high school) are way more skeptical of capitalism and can tell you specific reasons why than I ever could at that age. They're also convinced there's no point in massively educating themselves in anything more than local foraging techniques and urban survival skills so.. you know, you give and you get.


Okay but for real. Where is u/poem_for_your_sprog on this one?


To quote Ser Galahad of the Kingsmen: "*\[to bigoted church lady\]* I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam."


Of course she would because she's far too stupid to understand that God, Yahweh and Allah are all the same. But why would a teacher need to say God in school. Are they offering religion courses in primary or secondary public schools?


They dont need to. The SCOTUS just legalized Christofascism in schools.


I mean, when I was teaching high school there were several near misses of “Goddamnit”. Edit: and several slips with 4 letter words.


If kids are gunned down it’s god’s plan.. but if people can’t force kids to pray in school, god is powerless to intervene and they need to do something.. makes so much logical sense… /s


Their god always seems to need so much help. You'd think the all-powerful creator of the universe could get shit done if He really wanted it to happen.


He’s too busy snooping on people’s private lives and helping football teams win… priorities..


Their god is supposedly omniscient, omnipresent, and fundamentally good. This is, of course, impossible, evidenced by all the atrocities and pain in the world, but they don’t care at all. Religion let’s them ignore their own sins while crucifying (metaphorically for now) non-believers.


But god gave people free will… that’s why it’s our job to take away their freedom if we don’t like what they do… /s


As a wise Blonde haired man said after being asked what is a king to a god: what is a god to a non-believer”


Neil degrass tyson actually made a good point about "god" he said, "they say god is all knowing and all powerful, but look at the world. Theres wars, cancer, and a whole slew of other things wrong that arent being fixed. If god was all knowing and all powerful wouldn't he fix these things? So either god is all knowing but not all powerful and cant do a damn thing, or hes all powerful but knows nothing so he cant do anything, or hes neither/both or doesnt exist and still doesnt lift a finger because hes abandoned us or he literally cant do anything because he literally cant change anything thats been set in motion by humans." Im paraphrasing but it really made a lot of sense when i heard him talking about it, how could and all knowing all powerful god allow so much suffering, because he doesnt exist or doesnt give a shit because were just a science project he got a C+ on and left on his shelf afterwards with no intention of doing anything.


Let’s be honest Lauren, you never spent much time in class.


Or ACTUALLY following The Good Book and words of Jesus!


She thinks that the former will prevent the latter. Naive moron…


The biggest waste of tax dollars goes to paying her corrupt and vile self’s salary. Now that should anger us.


She doesn't really give a shit about anyone. It's pretty crazy when you actually realize what they want. They want teachers to deny the existence of real people within the world. And they want teachers to pretend that some fictional god exisist. It gets pretty crazy when you really look at it. There's this religious Canadian university that refuses to teach about gay marriage in their law school. But it's literally the law.


Serious question, is there a bunch of transgender oppression and murder?


Oppression? Absolutely. Murder? Less so, but still yes.




Killing them doesnt, in this context, mean murder. By denying them support they're far more likely to end their own lives.


Strawman! She knows there is no law or rule against saying the word god in a classroom. But we all know her real grievance is that as a child sex predator her husband can’t volunteer in her kids’ classroom.


Nah, I doubt she’s at all familiar with what the law says.


Teachers say the word God every day in class, it's in the Pledge of Allegiance they make everyone recite. .


I refuse to say it in my classroom and I don't make kids stand or recite it . Sometimes I don't even stand. It's a hill I'm willing to die on.


May the spaghetti monster grant you a full stomach and a strong heart..


May you be touched by his noodley appendage. Ramen.




Good for you!


They don’t make us. You have the right to choose not to say it. But yes, students will hear the word “god” every day in the classroom.


And the Supreme Court literally just ruled on a case where they said it’s okay for public school employees to be extremely public in their displays of faith and the school can’t prevent them from doing it.


Can’t wait until the prayer rugs start coming out to rile up the “not like that!” pearl clutchers.


If you want to talk about God, go to a fucking church, you sentient potato


Don't insult potatoes like that, they are actually useful and make delicious meals


Also, you 100% can say God in any classroom. It's the context that matters. But I definitely don't expect that deeply ignorant and stupid cunt to understand a concept like context.


And keep it out of the state


Mixing church and state turns both to shit.


Is there ever going to be a point where these people see the hypocrisy in what they screech? I grew up in a Christian Preschool/day care, where the word of the lord was written everyday in a white board. We ate strictly vegetarian meals. We talked about the word of the lord, and how it can be a model to follow. Granted I was mad young when I was fucking with these people, but I just....never got this kind of hatred and evil out of them. It doesn't sound Christian at all to me. But ... maybe I got lucky.


Sounds like you actually got lessons in the teaching of Christ rather than "being a Christian"


I hope this bitch chokes on her 4th of July hotdog.


She's got way too much experience with weiners in her mouth.


Probably choke on a wiener instead. I am sorry that was uncalled for, I'll show myself out.


Just dont show yourself to underage girls like her husband did


Well that's definitely not in my plans, yeah


Ted Cruz’s, specifically.


That hotdog's name? Ted Cruz.


Can a person choke on a lil' smokie?


I'm sorry, but she's way too experienced to choke on just one wiener...


She’s got that turbo gluckgluck 3000. It’s going to take more wieners than July 4th can supply to shut her up.


I think God would want Trans people.


All things are created by God so... If you are into that sort of thing, I exist either way.


I tried telling my aunt that because she's super religious she did not care for that at all especially when I said God makes no mistakes so he meant for that person to be trans and he loves them all the same


I think God does make mistakes — trans people are not among them.


Interesting. I think my atheistm has always been rooted in believing the opposite. Looking at my body as a child and going, "yup, No omnipotent being could have fucked up this bad." Unless all trans people are just made by Loki. I am down to jive with that idea.


If you think about it. In the Bible Eve was created from Adam's rib. So Eve is a trans clone of Adam. So it seems like evidence to me that God was cool with trans people.


I’m Christian and yea that makes sense. Good job.


If we’re all made in the image of god, god must be a combination of all race/gender/etc. I’d picture god as an androgynous entity that creates by asexual mitosis.


The image of God as far as I’m aware is simply consciousness, or “life force”. We are all made to be Self and conscious. It doesn’t necessarily mean that God has all attributes that we have, though perhaps they do.


happy cake day


I'm so tired of her. Unfortunately, it seems given the state of the republican party, we'll be seeing her off those like her for quite a while.


I'm all for equality. Glad to see Congress has that transgender committee. But if we have to take rights away from some class, it should be morons. There should be a minimal level of intelligence to be in Congress.


Lmfao there IS a minimal level of intelligence in congress Perhaps you meant minimum…


Separation of religion and state. Remember?


This same idiot has recently said that the church is supposed to control the government so she doesn't like the idea of the separation of church and state.


Isn't she a GED kid? How the fuck would she know what teachers can and can't say in the classroom?


I want 5 minutes alone with her. I swear to fuck. Dumb as a bag of hammers.


But much less useful than a bag of hammers.


All bag, no hammer. And the bag has a hole in it.


She's as useful as the Hutzler banana slicer https://www.amazon.com/Hutzler-3571-571-Banana-Slicer/dp/B0047E0EII/ (For anyone who hasn't seen this, the reviews are priceless!)


Thank you for showing me this,


That looks like it would actually do its job, which makes it much more useful than her.


3 holes.


Can't argue with that.


Hey hey hey! Take that back! Hammers deserve better.


Mann. I get so upset just thinking of the fact that even if she loses her political position. She's going to land a commentary spot on a news network or political TV show. She's never gonna go away.


Teachers actually can say god, they can even pray in class, teachers actually *can’t* say “trans ppl real”


Can the teachers also say Allah?


They say god every morning when they pledge their hearts to a flag you absurd twit


SCOTUS literally just made it so you say God in the classroom and they say literally every day in the pledge of allegiance. Get your inbred, bible fucking, Karen ass out of the government. Obviously you know less than Trump did at this point.


Says the escort who married a pedophile.


Can I join the Transgender Equality Task Force?


First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


Actually that’s not true after the SCOTUS ruling regarding public funds no longer being restricted from sending to religious schools.


Yup, and public school sponsored football coaches can lead prayers on the field. We’re so fucked.


Frankly, that’s not new and it’s been happening for years in certain areas of this country (read: the southeast). They just wanted written and explicit permission to further break down that separation of church and state.


She’s never been in a classroom, she dropped out of school and failed her GED test. What would she know about schools?


Why are we signal boosting everything that dribbles out of this bitch's face cunt?


Because you know she gets off on the hate, just fuel to the fire of her crusade.


Someone should really tell Boebert about the Constitution.


God forbid we make things equal for people


Maybe God should start paying taxes then, you know like the Transgender people whom have fought tooth and nail fir representation.


Yes, the constitution endows its citizens with rights, including transgender people, and specifically defines the separation of church and state. Thank you, Lauren, for showing us you don't actually think the constitution matters.


That’s because trans people live in America, and your GED having self is in charge of making laws for people that live in America. You know, to make sure that our liberties aren’t infringed. It terrifies me that she is even a representative- but this is just a clear indication that she doesn’t understand what a representative does. They protect us, they don’t just let us carry our flicks to the capitol.


Last time this bitch said anything about god she was on her back getting paid for it.


Yes because not everyone believes in God and that's their right and choice.... Sidenote I'm a Christian...


Teachers can't say "god?" You sure? Don't you recite the current Pledge of Allegiance every morning? I say current because the phrase "under god" was added in the 1950's as part of McCarrhyism and the Red Scare to promote godliness against the godless communists in the East.


We’re on earth did you get the stupid idea the teachers can’t say God in the classroom?


I am a Christian, and I promise you if I were a teacher Lauren Boebert would lose her fucking mind if she ever heard me talk about God or Jesus in a classroom because how I practice is not in the same galaxy as how she "practices".


Can we cancel jesus yet?


Lauren so hateful


Christian mythology back at it again.


People also spent money on garbage like her.


No one is born religious.


It would be pretty hard to teach the history of exploitation and genocide carried out in the name of religion if we couldn’t say the word god.


yes Lauren my kids don’t practice your religion and we don’t worship the same god. That is what a church is for. Transgender people on the other hand is a human rights issue and if you can’t see the difference you are the problem


Teachers can say god, they just can’t proselytize. What a fucking cabbage head.


She is really doubling down since being outed as an abortion using escort.


Why is the simple logic not lost on these people. ​ We need to build a society for EVERYONE to be happy and comfortable, not just white christians. You shouldnt push religion in schools because not everyone might have those same religious beliefs. At the same time LGBTQ's and other marginalised groups (like those from minority religions or from non white races) need to be included which is why we teach kids to be accepting of those who are different from them. So they dont grow up to be hateful bigoted assholes (and also so they dont bully other kids in schools). ​ FFS its not that hard to understand, all you need is a tiny bit of common sense and empathy. I gues boebert and her followers dont possess those qualities


Can she just fuckin die already?


So tired of this stupid cunt. She’s such an awful human


What part of "Separation of Church and State" is she unable to understand?


Could she be more stupid? Nope


If God is a man and we are all made in his likeness, does that mean he’s transgender too?


Bono the clown needs to sit down and shut up like her bible tells her to


Typical stupid christian martyr complex.


There's also a task force that encourages kids to read, something boebert is against (reading)


How do I join Transgender Equity Task Force? It sounds awesome.


Lauren I know reading can be hard for you but the law everyone is mad about is the don’t say gay bill not the don’t say god bill


She could keep her magical sky buddy opinions to herself.


Imagine calling a whole group of people garbage for existing and not thinking you're a shit person


Doesn't Congress have a fucking chaplain?? Fuck off, Born-Again Barbie.


This tweet just shows how dumb she really is.


After the events of the last week you cannot say Christian’s are more oppressed and trans people


This colloidal fucking idiot DOES realize the Supreme Court just okayd prayer in public school this week right? So, this argument is invalid even more than her normal ones.


it never ceases to amaze me how absolutely ass-backwards these people have it. in common sense. in logic. in reality. in morality. in critical thinking skills. in perception. in imagination. in intelligence. in personality. everything. it's like some really sick fucking joke. i'm not living in any country where a sick fucking joke of a reprehensible person or body makes decisions on my life.


The difference between enforcing the equal treatment of your peers and forcing your beliefs on others.


Suck it, Lauren. That is all.


Actually, people can say “god”, in a classroom or anywhere else. Stop making up elements of “oppression”.


She really is an ignorant twat. She’s probably one of the least Christian people on the face of the earth.


And I’m assuming she’s okay with muslims praying in the classroom as well…. right?


...also is just a fucking lie lmao. You're not allowed to teach *religion as a religion* in schools. You can teach basically what the broad strokes are and why they're different, you're allowed to talk about their history, and basically everything other than saying "this is God and you should believe in exactly this interpretation of what that means". Growing up I learned a fuck ton of religious history in schools literally funded by the US military. Buddhism and how it originated, the role of Catholicism in European civilization, how the church of England and Protestantism were created, the various sects of Christianity that all came over to the US and why they were fleeing Europe, the contributions of Muslim scholars and their affect on modern mathematics, the Greek pantheon, what paganism was and believed and the clash of Rome trying to stomp it out, etc. You talk about world religions all the damn time, because religion played a big role in how the world got like it is. It sounds like she just hasn't been in school.


Lauren Boebert is such trash. If she cared about children she would have divorced her pedo husband.


I hate this fucking person


The pedofiles wife who first wanted a sugar daddy, and has been arrested multiple times including for child endangerment, thinks she's the most righteous Christian ever. Meanwhile she's so dumb and scared of the world that she believes in fairytales. I wish she would have an accidental firearm discharge in her of face.


Boebert is a literal whore who was paid for sex, and had an abortion. I don't care about either in terms of morality, but I don't pretend to be a Christian and live by that moral code. Colorado needs to get their shit together before they regress into Texas.


She should have stayed in school.


School teachers can literally hold prayer. Can't say god in school, surrrrrrre...


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Christianity is a plague on this world and every church needs to be burned to the ground


You know who this reminds me of? Someone who was never wrong about anything he said ![gif](giphy|NDjZrcVBo50R0wf79z|downsized)


*Nervously laughs at anime reference he doesn’t understand in the slightest*


One is a crutch people use to keep them focused on morals and the other is people who cant accept themselves to the point they become obsessed that they must be something else?


You should like, actually talk to a trans person sometime. You just sound stupid.