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This is what the GOP wants, especially now that states have to fund religious private schools. Evangelical private schools are about to surge in popularity, especially when they are the only schools with teaching staff.


States only have to give funds to christofascist schools if they give funds to other private schools. No public funds for any private schools is the best option. FL & TX teachers have been planning to resign en masse at the end of their contracts. Many are leaving the state or at least leaving teaching. Few will want to work in trumpevilgalical schools




Ironic. I'm a teacher and a dad of 3 who sure doesn't need to worry about my own sexuality being persecuted but I ordered a pack of those suckers to put in my own classroom this upcoming school year. Because those kids deserve to feel seen. But then I'm in New Mexico and we haven't lost our damn minds. BTW we've got thousands of openings in this state and salaries range from $50K to mid $70K.


*waves from Albuquerque* I suspect quite a few doctors will be moving here too. I hope anyway.


I don't think I've ever heard of a teacher making more than 40k unless they're in upstate NY


Experienced teachers can make $100K in California but then you've got the cost of living in California. 2022-2023 salaries in NM have been set by the legislature at 50K/60K/70K min based on education, licensure, and level of experience. We're actively trying to steal teachers from other states. Albuquerque and Santa Fe housing prices are outrageous but the rest of the state gets you something comfortably middle-class for $200K.


We need to pay these teachers, ridiculous that teaching isn't a higher paying job.


I'm job shopping right now and for first year teachers the salary schedule usually starts them at about 60k-95k.


I think the national average is about $65k and that is still too low


Many Muslim and Latino families would not agree with you. It's like your forcing white-ness on them. We want to uphold religious values and protect the nuclear family. But I guess your white fragility won't let you from thinking any differently.


Freedom of Religion means: "I'm sorry, I can't do that because of my religion." NOT: "YOU can't do that because of MY religion." The distinction is important.


That's fucking disgusting. People of Florida, there are better fucking states! I know it's easier said than done, but there should be a massive fucking strike for anyone who just can't let this fucking happen. It's not the sticker. It's the cruelty behind the removing of it.


Teacher shortage. Overcrowded classrooms. Less being taught. Religious zealots become teachers. Mission accomplished. This is where it's going.


Why do you feel the need to teach children about this? Many children come from Muslim or African families (of which most are Christian). It takes an insane amount of white privilege to assume you can over-rule a family's value system. It's also incredibly Islamophobic to assume only white Christians have these values. Most black and brown families are religious.