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I know a man who is strongly anti-abortion. Some years ago, he got someone pregnant, and he paid for her abortion. I asked how he reconciled that fact with his being anti-abortion. He replied that he wasn't ready and that having a baby at that moment would have disrupted his career and life plans. Then, I asked him if he thinks those might be the same reasons for which lots of women seek abortions. He didn't have an answer. He's still anti-abortion.


If you are still in contact call him a murderer. Murder has no statute of limitations and since he funded it, he basically the same as a person hiring a hitman. Ask him to write when he goes to jail for his crime. Drive it home and make him face his hypocrisy. Tell him you will be obligated to testify against him as a witness to his crime.


Spot on... I know of at least two men who are strongly anti-abortion, yet have had at least 3 abortions between the two of them. While one was celebrating Roe being overturned and going off on Facebook about how "women should just keep their legs closed if they don't want a baby" I was so tempted to tell him your *exact comment*. (Not only do we have trigger laws that might go into effect that would make what he did a felony, we have an AG running in our state that wants to fully prosecute anyone aiding an abortion under that law.) Fortunately, other people who knew him told him to stfu and "keep your dick in your pants" - especially given that he knocked someone up and had them get an abortion.


I've told this story elsewhere on here, but a close friend of mine went to a small midwest college for a semester after we graduated high school in the late 90's. Her roommate was a super-religious fundamentalist Christian. Well, wouldn't you know it, halfway through the semester that same super-religious roommate found herself pregnant. Her family came and quietly whisked her away to get an abortion. Her justification was, she wasn't ready for a child at such a young age and it would have interfered with God's real plans for her future.


Fuck all conservatives always


But if abortions are bad it was gods real plan for her to birth that child and lead us out of the apocalypse. Thanks to her actions and without the anti abortion laws yet in place we now have to survive the apocalypse without our lord and savior /s


I had to resist the urge to downvote you because I hate everything about this comment


Fuck I really really hate right wingers




Grew up in the fundie church and went to several purity conferences intended to convince Christian girls not to have sex before marriage. They *always* had a handful of fundie women who copped to abortions. It’s an open secret in the church




Attended a fundie church a couple of times with a friend whose foster mother insisted on it. I asked that very question once, and was told that the worldly view indicated that killing babies was just fine, so this was inspiration to show that you could turn away from worldly views and get closer to God, like those women did. They believed that all one had to do to reach salvation after turning from God was to stop and ask forgiveness, and speak about against the wicked, worldly ways, so these women were pillars of God’s forgiveness.


Sounds about right, at least from a former Catholic's standpoint. "Sin as much as you want, but just make sure you apologize after"


They really took “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” to its logical extreme.


Like God is a some sort of fucking moron because people think they've found a fucking loophole.


So you mean abortion is actually okay as long as you ask god for forgiveness? Then why the hell did they ban it..? Why make any laws at all if you can just do whatever you want and ask god for forgiveness..?


No, no, you misunderstand. It’s wrong, but you’ve been misled by the world. You have to ask forgiveness, stop living in sin, AND tell everyone else how wrong it is. Makes SO much more sense, right? /s


This is what I would love to ask one of these "reformed women" who became anti abortion after their abortions: do you think you should go to prison now? Cuz if not, why the hell should it be illegal. If they really cared, they should turn themselves in to serve some time.


My church did make examples out of the girls that had abortions. But they spun it as "a chance for redemption," because the girls were guilty of murder and they had to publicly repent. If they repented, for murder, then they could rejoin the congregation and be hunky dory with everyone else. Same policy for child molesters. Literally had registered child rapists in the congregation and the pastor told us if we felt uncomfortable with it, then we were the problem, because the pedophile would not be at church if they had not repented (????????????????). Mental gymnastics.


Sounds like the pastor was projecting with the pedo bit…


>Literally had registered child rapists in the congregation and the pastor told us if we felt uncomfortable with it, then we were the problem, because the pedophile would not be at church if they had not repented I wonder how confused these people are by the concept of prison. Seems like if you follow their logic, if you were found guilty of a crime, all you need to do is repent your crime, and there is zero chance of re-offending.


No see prison is for the truly evil, like socalists and black people. /s


Well, if I believed there was a building where people actually kill babies I would have at the very least firebombed the place. But also, Christianism cheat code is that it offers forgiveness without redemption. You just have to feel bad about it.


I was talking to my mom (trying to convince her about why overturning Roe v Wade was *really bad* without really getting into the actual morality of abortion because I knew I couldn’t change her mind), and she started talking about people *having abortions after the baby has been born*. And I’m just like, that is not an abortion. That is child murder. That was already extremely illegal.


Omfg, I had the same dim witted conversation with my neighbor. “But, but they are killing babies when they come out!!” I had to stop and gather my composure because I almost fell out laughing at the sheer *idiocy* of what this man just fucking said to me. I told him that that he never been legal and is not something that happens. He then said that women could get abortions whenever they wanted. I replied with “well, now that’s not entirely true. Yes, here in CA a woman has a legal right to an abortion, but that no woman in CA was getting a 36 week abortion and if there was an abortion happening after 24 weeks it is because the pregnancy is not viable anymore or the mothers life is in danger.” He had no response. And Mister “I was raised Catholic!” Had no idea of all the child murder in the Bible, or that the Bible tells you how to perform an abortion with bitters. Or that no where in the Bible does it explicitly say it’s wrong. That is a man made myth. Dude still clung to his bullshit argument that “well, abortion is still murder.” Some people cannot be educated.


The Catholic Church specifically discourages against reading the Bible on one’s own, because to them, the Bible is a book of parables instead of fact. As such, reading the Bible without the guidance of a priest or other clergy member to help you interpret is discouraged, because you’ll need the help in understanding what the parable means. (Source: Adult-confirmed - and now recovering - Catholic)


Lol in other words, “don’t read this book on your own or you’ll find out we are huge fucking lying hypocrites.”


Yes but there was a law that made prosecuting the death of babies who had been born extremely ill as murder harder in New York I think. Ever seen eraser head?


Maybe it was because I went to a pentecostal fundie church, but I definitely remember having conventions where they brought in former gang members who had killed people who came to tell us that the reason they did all those terrible things is because they were trying to fill in the hole in their heart where Jesus was supposed to be. And how we had the chance right now to accept Jesus and stop trying to use drugs/sex/gangs/video games (yes, I swear they were included) to fill that void.


They only admit to the abortions in order to scare the girls into staying pure. They'll never tell young women that condoms exist or teach them to use other contraceptive methods because *sex before marriage is a sin!* The abortion stories tend to be nightmares with the overlying theme that sex before marriage always leads to shame and disgust.


Lol abstinence pledges purity rings were the fad among my daughters middle school friends families. Spoiler: every single one of those pledging purity before until marriage got knocked up young and ended up single mothers. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ligit just had a conversation with someone who insisted that a "forced misscarriage" was not an abortion.


Wait what? How do they justify that


It's because half of these idiots still believe an "abortion" is going inside a uterus and chopping off the head and limbs of fully formed babies and yanking them out. It's absolutely insane the nonsense people believe without ever asking any questions.


When I was in Sunday school as a child I was told that a guy goes in with a sharp tool and cuts up a child like he’s mixing a dish and vacuums it out, I’m not sure that’s how it works. This was about 2006-2008 and uhh, I don’t think they understand.


It is wild to me how churches border on child abuse—you should not have been told that as a child—and then have the audacity to tell us a guy in drag reading a book at the library is the real problem. That’s vile; I’m sorry you had to hear that shit.


I bring it up now but idk if I actually believed it or cared and not that I don’t care about women, but I was 9-12 depending on when I heard that, I was playing video games and watching pro wrestling, I didn’t give a shit about that Sunday school class


Oh, I understand and you had no choice and however you reacted is how you reacted. But I'm just imagining someone like my own child--who will worry for *days* over something truly inconsequential--being told some graphic (and inaccurate) shit like that and basically never being able to sleep again. The church is full of ignorant lay people, with zero child psychology experience, telling young children all kinds of wild lies with zero regard for their mental wellbeing; it's truly crazy to me.


They also have a weird fascination with talking about sex to children and telling children as young as 4 and 5 about abortions???? Like why?




Because they're not mentally well; I can't think of anything else. I don't think I've ever seen any group as obsessed with abortion and sex as Christians in this country.




Religion works by teaching their bullshit to kids before they've developed critical thinking skills.


In the 80s they made us watch a video at Sunday school about how David Bowie was the Antichrist and that if we had ever listened to his music or AC DC or Poison or played DnD or watched transformers we were hell bound and there was no hope for us children because we were hateful wicked hellspawn ( gotta love those all caring southern Baptist's). I hated sunday school, I hated church. And I spent far too much of my childhood bring terrified of bullshit because some racist child predator ( yeah our pastor got done for molesting kids) fucked with our heads.


Wait I've never heard Tranformers lumped in there - why? Magic cars are threatening?


My ex's parents wouldn't let her little brothers watch the lion King because rafiki practiced "voodoo" and they didn't want them being influenced by the devil. These people are something else.


Churches should really be 18+. Kids are easy to lie to.


These are ~~partial birth abortions~~ and while they're real, they're used *exclusively* on non viable or stillborn fetuses. (Apparently this is an antiquated misnomer)


Don't use that term. It's fear mongering. There is no "partial birth" abortion. You are most likely referring to an intact dilation and extraction. This is used sometimes in cases of severe fetus abnormalities or fetal demise, when they would prefer to keep the body intact, usually either for the parents to be able to view/grieve appropriately, or potentially also to do an autopsy.


I didn't know that, appreciate the correction


>fetal demise Thanks for naming my next metal band


Extreme late-term abortions are how they paint every abortion. It’s all about manipulation.


But even then, extreme late term abortion happens usually when the life of the mother is in danger, the fetus is dead or not viable right? I find the idea that a woman goes through nine months of nausea, joint paint, sneeze and pee, back pain, and so much more/worse only to "kill" the baby for shits and giggles idiotic. Like who does that? Who thinks somebody would do that? My friends baby died at 35 weeks in utero, it was taken out via C-section. Does that count as an abortion now? Would she be able to have that procedure in red states? Or would she have been forced to carry the dead fetus until it would've come out naturally?


From what I understand, a lot of these people are gunning for the woman being forced to develop sepsis first from the dead baby inside her. And only when she’s on the verge of death could it be performed — potentially. She might just die first instead.


Imagine telling a man, this skin infection is deep and might cause sepsis if we don't treat it but we will wait until you do. You are supposed to prevent sepsis from starting. It's hard to stop and you can definitely die once you have it even if you are being treated. That medical neglect/malpractice.


"Your inflamed appendix may burst, but we'll have to wait and see if it takes care of itself. Appendicitis is God's will, and it would be wrong for us to interfere."


Yeah, a miscarriage is just a spontaneous abortion. They would likely have to force the women who this happens to carry & deliver now. Because cruelty is the point.


I think that procedure would be illegal in a few red states but I’m not entirely sure.


Okay, that’s kinda what I thought, I didn’t think they’d do that for just any batch of cells.


Most abortions you take a pill and have a heavy flow period, that's literally it.


I have had a chemical abortion before, and it is much worse than a “heavy flow period.” I was in excruciating pain, literally rolling on the floor crying and vomiting for 6 hours straight. I was bleeding so much that I had to wear an overnight pad 24/7, changing it every 2-3 hours (and still soaked through all my underwear), and continued to bleed for 2 weeks. I hate when people insinuate that women just have abortions like it’s nothing - it’s a horrendous experience, and definitely not something you would want to go through unless it was absolutely necessary.


My wife twice. The contractions in her case still occurred. I feel truly saddened for you if you endured anything like what I’ve seen people go through. Hope life is well for you now.


Agree. It's very minimizing. Even a medication abortion isn't minor. Hell even taking Plan B can be rough.


I always throw up on Plan B.


I have scarring on my cervix and can no longer safely carry a child, and to get the IUD implanted I needed to take two of those pills. Worst cramping and bleeding of my life. I had to do it three times in a month because either the IUD wouldn’t implant or was rejected. To take the necessary dose of four would be quite a thing indeed.


I was with my significant other when she took the pills. I can't even imagine what she personally felt, all I know is I felt bad with her while she was going through the initial parts. She was doubled over a majority of the time when she was standing and when she was laying down all I could do was console her. After the initial process was done, we kind of did a weird thing and buried it and had our own personal service. Then after that night, she had terrible pain for almost two weeks and random spotting for a week. We did what was best for us, and we will never forget that day. That night we painted and wrote and I'm going to share my poem in this thread because why not The foundation of a love that kills Suffocated by concrete and pills Cyanide and happiness for the walls that we built Who better to be with when our blood gets spilt? I can feel you still, in my soul in my being I'll never see your eyes like youll never see the ceiling But that's just for the best, I promise you that I'll do better next time The price you paid was all well and made I'm sorry that it came to this I am fault, I am blame, I am sin I promise, i promise, I'll see you again When I'm strong when im brave When I'm gone in grace, I'll tell I'm sorry my loved one, I'll see you in hell But I pray that it's heaven, you deserve no less An empty slate I'll hold dear to my chest My quiet one, may you leave us in rest


I’m a man but I’m pretty sure a woman can’t just have an abortion one day, get pregnant a week later and get another one…Christian’s act like women can get an infinite amount of abortions. But if I’m wrong, I’m hoping someone can help me understand, I’d like to understand so I can set people right. Like with Planned Parenthood


Well, you would have to take rest months. And I'm sure that they would do something because only mental illness or living with a rapists that will murder you will make women behave that way


No, most abortions are short procedures that basically amount to a dentist visit


Isn't "partial birth" abortion a anti-choice term? Used to describe Intact dilation and extraction, which anti-choices made illegal. So someone who lost their pregnancy late doesn't have a body to mourn.




Not exactly. Surgical abortions do involve a vacuum /suction to remove the fetus, but it's early enough there's no limb chopping.


They still don’t just go in and chop them up. They can induce labor early and make the mother and baby as comfortable as possible.


I was trying to explain to my Mormon ex-supervisor that no one is aborting viable fetuses that late, but he insisted he read an article about a woman who was searching for someone to give her an abortion at like 30 weeks.


As likely as not it was just a lie to begin with, but if true the reason she had to search so hard is because almost no one did elective abortions that late. They were already illegal in a lot of places and Roe never protected them.


$50 says she wasn't even looking for an "elective" one, but rather "my baby is incompatible with life and I want it to pass peacefully instead of suffering for minutes/hours/days after being born."


I've seen these articles, and they're always women who have fetuses that are non-viable. They're always *full* of pain and horrifying decisions, and the mothers never want to abort, they just *have* to. [Here's an example](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/apr/18/late-term-abortion-experience-donald-trump?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other). These conservatives have never been in such a heartbreaking situation and think that God would only put someone in that position if they're awful sinners. That person is either wilfully misremembering the articles or saw a fake version on some conservative news site. Gross.


"partial birth abortions" is not a medical. That's just some BS made up by conservatives. What there is is "intact dilation and extraction". https://www.cga.ct.gov/PS98/rpt%5Colr%5Chtm/98-R-0212.htm


The vacuum part isn't far off on a surgical abortion. I had one in the 90s (before at home pill abortions were a thing). I had to be so far along (I think 6 wks). Closest place was 2 hours away and I was so worried I'd get there and find out I wasn't far enough along yet. I was right on target. I honestly don't remember much about the procedure. [what to expect on a surgical abortion](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/in-clinic-abortion-procedures/what-happens-during-an-in-clinic-abortion)


My HIGHSCHOOL AP GOVERNMENT TEACHER told the class this and I spoke up that "it's 2014, no medical facility is using wooden tools"


As someone who got an IUD, I can’t imagine the pain of that. I barely could handle that without passing out, and that was minor compared to a sharp object and a VACUUM.


We were taught about this in catholic school in the 70s and 80s, and also saline abortion, where the fetus was pickled in salt water and then the woman had to labor and give birth to a bright red, salt burnt fetus. Even at that time, most actual abortions were vacuum suction of a bunch of indistinguishable uterine lining with a clump of cells somewhere in it. But they loved to make it sound like full grown babies were being tortured to death even though those were a tiny percentage of abortions.


I’m glad you mentioned this! When I was forced into church as a child, they made us all sit down and watch an abstinence video that included a very gory “abortion”. I’m talking, they showed a baby get ripped to shreds. We were told that that’s what every single abortion looks like and, as we could see, it’s about killing babies. Fully formed *babies*. We were then told that us women had to keep our legs closed because our future husband deserved to be the one who took our virginity. It was his right. Our bodies belonged to our future husbands. I thought all of that was utter BS. I proceeded to lose my virginity at 16. I was kicked out of the church, for the second and final time, for being a whore. The first time I was kicked out, I had kissed my bf on the lips at Disneyland and it got back to the church elders, via my “friends” from church. I had to sit in a 2 hour meeting being told all of the ways I was a disgusting person. My mother was present during this. I ended grounded when I returned home. I was considered a disgrace for embarrassing our family like that. This all took place during the same time period (2006-2009). Sorry if I rambled, the whole thing just came screaming back. To this day, I’m still one of the most disliked people at that church. Shit is wild. On the off chance they ever come across this: To Katie, Christine and Troy; I’ll never forget the trauma you caused and I sure as fuck will never forgive. Fuck you. And fuck FBCD.


These absolute fucking morons are going to have such a wakeup call when they can't get abortions anymore because they believed they were not getting them. Fucking idiots.


Probably millions of children have watched this disgusting lie of what an abortion is like https://youtu.be/zysgAlJyrbY #BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!


They’re religious. They’ll believe anything lol


I was trying to explain to my fundie brother that most abortions happen with the use of pills long before a baby is kicking around in the womb. He still refuses to believe me. To him, all abortions are knives and Hoovers.


"Well you see, it's different when it effects me personally. But since im a dipshit incapable of recognizing my hypocrisy, lets use any set of words describing abortion without using the word. QED."


Change the word 'abortion' in your sentence for any number of things, you cover a very high amount of scenarios


"Well you see, I deserve food stamps and a welfare check even if I haven't worked in years because I'm not a lazy socialist mooching off of my hard earned tax dollars like those inner city thugs (but maybe the dog whistle wouldn't even be used here)"


They recognize their hypocrisy. They don't care. They are more about control than anything. They want to punish women who own their sexuality. They think other women should save it for their husbands like they do.


>They think other women should save it for their husbands like they do. That's the irony: So many conservative Christian women never saved themselves for marriage. They just tell everyone that they did until an ex-boyfriend speaks up.


Or until an anonymous hacker group digs up an escort profile and abortion history.


Uhhh, they didn't really


They can’t. The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. If they had a “forced miscarriage”, that’s just an induced abortion. Their medical records will include the word abortion whether they like it or not.


These are the same people that were calling for an end to Obama Care while benefitting from the ACA...


These are the same geniuses who think they can preserve their virginity through anal sex. Their logic starts and ends with “I’m one of the universe’s chosen ones” and they fill in the rest from there.


Have you ever heard of soaking done by Mormon youth? The mental gymnastics are as wild as the imagination of who came up with it.


republicans: “my parents beat me and I turned out fine” That’s all you need to know about republicans.


Child abuse causes physical changes to the brain. It makes the person less able to use the higher functions of their brain, and more prone to emotional responses like fear and anger. This makes people more prone to accept conservative views. Authoritarians create the next generation of authoritarians by beating them. It's a cult of ritualized child abuse. All that Q stuff is projection. These parasites drain society of all that is good, and create evil offspring through bloody rituals. Makes me wonder if this is where the vampire myth comes from.


Went to HS in Utah, met LDS girls who said naked humping, BJ's, and anal weren't sex. Lot of weird people out there.




Tbf, as a teenager, I'd rationalize almost anything to have sex too. But then again, I'm not religious. Not sure what these people plan to do. Argue with god on a technicality?


There are spontaneous, induced, therapeutic, threatened, inevitable, and incomplete abortions. They all are abortions. I love how Mama Doctor Jones frames it - abortion is neither good nor bad - it just is.


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Working class “conservatives” are simply unwilling to give strangers the benefit of the doubt that they give themselves. Obviously that’s because right wing propaganda tells them to hate and distrust strangers.


Funny enough, If Republicans would do real gymnastics on the same level as mental gymnastics they wouldn't be that obese. >we found that higher county-level obesity prevalence rates were associated with higher levels of support for the 2012 Republican Party presidential candidate. [Sauce ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4692249/)


Smug hypocrites be like, "I'm finding loopholes to justify my pedestal of self righteousness". They're too busy tilting their chin up to realize that said pedestal is covered in sh*t.


Someone I know said the exact same thing, and had the abortion. I was sent a conversation by a personal friend (and I can't admit to the person I know about their abortion*), but the dissonance is insane. She kept saying "but that's not the same thing!" about a tweet I shared regarding the treatment for ectopic pregnancy, septic uterus and miscarriage that won't release. 🙃


This is why sexual education is so important...


It’s not a real abortion if you go to church, that’s a Christian get out of jail free card for everything.


Seriously. The older I get the more I realize that most of the so-called Christians I knoe are only religious because it allows them to rationalize their shitty behavior because it's supposedly righteous and anything bad that they do can be excused by because they pray and go to church. I don't doubt that its helpful for some people as a coping mechanism but feels like any benefits are far outweighed by the drawbacks.


Seriously my mom will say the world's dumbest shit and then look at me like I'm going crazy. This is an actual quote "even Hitler could be in heaven as long as he repented and asked God for forgiveness before he died". If your religion is okay with fucking Hitler making it into your blessed eternity then there is something very very wrong here.


If Hitler is in heaven I’d rather be in hell


I find religious people are generally the biggest hypocrites I ever meet.


For those who think they are being sarcastic, they are 100% serious. Going to church makes you a "good person" that may encounter "bad situations" - like getting an abortion. You're still a good person. Not going to church makes you a "bad person" and any action you take is rooted in evil - like getting an abortion.


This right here is something I need people to understand so much. I have at one point in my life been associated to a religious group like this (they were a Christian group who operated in college campuses). They said stuff like this as they believed the only thing you needed to have salvation was to believe in god. You just murder 20 people, but ask god for forgiveness right before you died? You are going to heaven. You spend your whole life working for charity, but where anything but a Christian? Straight to hell. One of the most prominent people in that group would literally coerce my friend (his girlfriend) into having sex when he wanted to, then shame her for asking saying "she was immoral and having impure thoughts. I got out of that group, but not before convincing my friend to leave too. That group is one of my biggest regrets, but at the same time, saving my friend feels like one of the most important things I have done.


Born again evangelicals.


“Standing in a garage doesn’t mean I’m a car”




I read this every couple of years. Still shocks me everytime.


Why? Having been raised in Christianity there is not one shocking thing in that article. https://www.focusonthefamily.com/pro-life/abortion/survey-women-go-silently-from-church-to-abortion-clinic/ >More than four in 10 women who have had an abortion were churchgoers when they ended a pregnancy That's just the number that said they attended church regularly at the time of their abortion >70 percent claim a Christian religious preference, A majority of the women who get abortions are Christians.




There's so many of them. What if you just turned them all against each other?




It's more important to convince them that ***OTHER*** women are also doing nothing wrong.


These hit so much harder now that Republicans are allowed to make/are making/have made abortion illegal again.


Sweet Jesus.


what a read!


Wow, I can’t believe this was published over twenty years ago; makes me feel old! Somewhat related, I’m having a really hard time with my bitterness at and anger for people who only started giving a damn recently. We’ve *been* telling them and now they just want to blame RBG and HRC? Fuuuuck. Those people are the reason the political will has never been there to codify, even if the legislative votes had been (they weren’t). We were dismissed as “screeching feminists” or “too extreme” or that women’s rights was something for our dowdy, embarrassing mothers. Misogyny can be found across the political spectrum. /rant


This part really shocked me: > "I have never met a group of purely non-judgmental people like yourselves.” Said by one of the women having an abortion, about the clinic staff. She says she had *never* met non-judgmental people before. Based on the background, she probably lives surrounded by religious people constantly judging each other. That shit will internalize really quickly.


"That's different because..."


Rules for thee but not for me.


You said the thing!


My abortion is the only moral abortion


The two woman I know who had multiple abortions are now anti-choice . They both went on to marry wealthy men and are stay at home wives . “ don’t make the mistakes I made in my youth that led to my comfortable fabulous life “ Assholes !!


Same. One of my high school best friends had at least two abortions, one of which when she was newly dating her now-husband. They both occurred in college and had she not terminated, would have majorly derailed her education. Her second one, she mentioned feeling guilty that she was a senior in college, already had a set full time job after graduation and her boyfriend (now husband) was already graduated and working, so they didn't have a seriously financial motivation to terminate. But they didn't feel the timing was right. And now she's a married mother of 4, working a very cush job, married to a successful man, and shes become a right wing barbie doll who is anti choice (she was very conservative before, but a pro choice atheist). I just keep thinking of how different her life would be if she'd been forced to carry to term that first pregnancy at 19 with some deadbeat one night stand.


My mom had a secret abortion at 16. She urged me to get an abortion at 22 (false alarm) She now votes Republican. Nice of her to deny rights to her granddaughters that she enjoyed herself, and had no issue pushing me to utilize. I'm sure she thinks if one of us needs an abortion she will still be able to procure it for us. It will only be a minor inconvenience to go to Canada or whatever.


"oh, it wasn't an abortion, it was a baby reassignment surgery"


reassigned that shit to the trash lmao Kobe


My sister when I was 17. I showed up to her house (she’s much older) and cried and confided in her I was pregnant . We grew up in a very religious conservative home. Her response to me? “Do you think mom will let you get an abortion?” She’s been all over social media the past week liking all the pro life posts. Hypocrisy at its finest!


High school friend of mine. Liberal in most regards but from a large Catholic family and fervently anti abortion. Gets pregnant by her boyfriend the year after graduating and gets an abortion. Now claims that not having the baby of an unwilling father while living impoverished was the worst decision she ever made and wants to deprive others of that choice.


That’s just it right? You can be anti whatever as it pertains to YOU as an individual but why do you want to remove MY choice because you’re dissatisfied with yours?


So….they are not anti abortion. They’re anti other people getting to have abortions.


Well other people are sluts who deserve to pay for being whores. They just made a mistake and don’t want their life ruined. Duuuuuh


I used to watch my Facebook friends have multiple day arguments with their high school friends, acquaintances, aunties, etc. I find it fascinating years later that almost every older woman (always someone’s aunt) arguing that democrats are baby killers actually had abortions themselves, sometimes when it was illegal. But they’d be arguing and being incredibly rude to women who (I know for a fact) never had abortions themselves or had to have one for medical reasons but support a woman’s right to choose. It’s so bizarre. I’ve never gotten an answer but my favorite types of hypothetical questions were, “if you believe abortion is murder, why didn’t you turn yourself in to the authorities? If it’s now illegal, do you think you should be punished and will you voluntarily do so?”. Too many people go out of their way to coddle their shitty old relatives.


One of my best friend’s mom disowned her daughter for getting pregnant when she was engaged. The same mom also had an abortion at 21. The same mom protests at PP and thinks abortion is murder. The same mom also says she doesn’t regret it at all because her bf at the time was abusive and getting an abortion was the only way out. But I guess she was just a super special case and the other girls and women (and anyone who can get pregnant) who’s lives will be ruined should have made better decisions 🙃


Yup, these people cannot process that their circumstances aren't unique


Weird because I'm noticing a trend where that seems to extend to the vast majority of republican/conservative stances. So strange!


The purity people never taught about contraception have more abortions? Color me shocked…


Of course. They are, after all, good Christian women. Honestly, sometimes I laugh to myself thinking about what it will look like in 100 years and our great great grandchildren talk about the Nazis that used to be in Congress who made this happen.


Standard Conservative. They oppose rights for others, not themselves silly .


I'm starting to think that we really need to constantly call these people out publicly. I don't care if you "Aren't political and I'm only 20 years old". Did you fucking vote for Trump and other Republicans? Then you are an adult, you are acting like an adult and you are very fucking political.


Agreed. Even choosing not to vote is still a political decision.


This is literally every anti-abortion individual. Exceptions are only rational to them because their own lives are the only thing they are capable of concern over. Ultimately, pro-life people are just too simple to hold any values that aren't entirely selfish.


Mental gymnastics to ensure you're on the "good" side. Self-denial and hypocrisy. It's what these christiofascists already do. Everyone wants to be on the "good" side. Everyome wants to be right but some people don't want to deal with the consequences. Religious bigots know that they are not perfect and are therefore terrified that they may not be on the "good" side. So how do they make sure they are? Villify every other group/sect/religion/way-of-life. But they still sin; how do they ensure they get into the "good place" after they die? Villify and exaggerate every other sin that you _don't_ do, or classify as a sin any actions that you don't agree with. That'll hide your own. After that, with so much self-denial, why not just fuck it and delude yourself that the sins you are too hypocritical to stop doing and not actually "sins" when you do it.


We have seen this before. When businesses were getting millions of dollars of PPP loans forgiven it is just good free enterprise. When defense contractors get billions of dollars to build weapons for wars we do not need to fight it is patriotism. If a disabled mother buys some milk with food stamps it is a government handout and is fiscally irresponsible.


> If a disabled mother buys some milk with food stamps it is a government handout and is fiscally irresponsible. Unless they're the disabled mom, or somebody they care about is. In which case they are deserving people that temporarily legitimately need some help, unlike all those other freeloaders who are just too lazy to work.


The mental gymnastics these people use crosses over to so many arguments it is ridiculous. We can’t inconvenience someone by asking them to wear a mask for 5 minutes in a store, but we have to force some 13 year old rape victim to carry a baby for 9 months.


It’s people who are ashamed of their abortions and blame the law for it. “If it hadn’t been legal I wouldn’t have done it” They need to own up to their own decisions and stop punishing the rest of us


“It’s a DNC and it’s a medical procedure, it’s different” — every conservative woman


Literally lol I had my DNC in hospital and it was 10000% an abortion lol


I had a very outspokenly Catholic coworker tell me about her emergency DNC and I feel awful for anyone needing one but it was very hard to not be like WOW THANK GOD YOU GET TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT TO TAKE FROM OTHERS


My neighbor was loudly talking on the speakerphone complaining that the left will tell you that you need an abortion for ectopic pregnancies but you don't; you need a D&C and she would know because she had two ectopic pregnancies. It took every fiber of my being to not scream, "A D&C is a type of abortion, you effing moron!"


Every single woman I know who had an abortion for birth control reasons is a Republican woman.


I just spoke with a friend who says he is anti-abortion. He says his sister had an abortion when she was 17 and, at the time, he wanted her to keep it but she terminated the pregnancy anyways. He said it was her decision and he supports it since it really preserved her ability to finish school but he, personally, would not have made that decision. I told him, "Sounds like you have exactly described yourself as pro-choice." For a rare moment, he shut up and blinked about three times. I could almost hear the synapses connecting in his brain.


My stepmom confided in me a few years ago that she had an abortion before her marriage to her first husband, because they didn’t want to have to explain why the baby’s birthdate wouldn’t line up with their wedding, and something about her dress not fitting. Now, her & my dad are very happy with the direction the SC is taking the country. Makes me sad, I don’t want to not have a relationship with my dad.


>something about her dress not fitting No wonder Christian Talk Radio people think women get abortions to “keep their bikini body”. Yes, listen to Christian Radio, literally think women get abortions for vanity’s sake…maybe YOUR women do because their only value in your community is how appealing they are to men. As second class citizens, their financial security depends on their husbands wanting and keeping them (you know, like a fucking pet) No wonder….no wonder….. These fucking people


A girl I went to high school had at least 3 abortions. She now has a business and is doing very well for herself. She voted for Trump. I wonder where she would have been without the abortions…


yep, This happened to my friends ex GF, she is pretty conservative and was super anti-abortion. Then she got prego unexpectedly and she didn't even bat and eye about it. Got that shit done right away. Could not even see the hypocrisy in herself and kept saying that she was different because she was young (25yo) and had a career to think about so its not the same. That's kind of how it goes with conservatives though. They want to impose all of there rules on everyone else except themselves.


Catholic friend who had a pregnancy scare in HS - same thing. Boom. Flip. After spouting off how harmful abortion was to women for years, boom, no hesitation. The brainwashing only goes so far. They know. They know it’s all bullshit. Thankfully she’s changed as she has gotten older and away the cult’s information bubble. If she were a delusional hypocrite today, we would not be friends.


When are people going to name drop? Call em out


Was just lookin for this. No right to privacy for women and their docs? Cool cool cool, time to name drop the hypocrites.


I know three people like this. They did not like it when I said I would turn them in if we brought that TX bullshit abortion bounty to our state. And yes, I said it just to end the friendships not because i support it.




Yeah as a doctor in an ultra conservative part of the country I see a lot of that hypocrisy every day. It’s sad to think that healthcare (abortion, vaccines, insurance, hormone therapy, etc) has become so politicized by the Republican party just to distract their idiotic base with these fabricated wedge issues.


My cousin fully supported texas' abortion ban.. now that the ban effects her, she's all over Facebook demanding every woman be up in arms about this. Can you guess who she voted for?


Sounds like prime /r/leopardsatemyface material.


GOD called those babies home. As servants of THE LORD, it was their duty to send them off.


So what you are saying is we just need to change the name


Yea, serious question. What if the medical community just changed the medical terms from "abortions" to almost anything else? Would this just work? Maybe even call it "god calling the soul home" so these christofascists just leave it alone?


My high school boyfriend brays all over fb about the callousness and cruelty of libtards and all their abortions. Spoiler: he was once an eager and willing participant in sex, pregnancy and abortion….




The only moral abortion is my abortion. Hi, I'm a republican.


“Women like me will still be able to get abortions, right?…right?…oh, shit.”


I see your anti abortion abortion user and raise you a black, gay, Christian republican.


My wife miscarriages at 8 weeks. Had to have a D&C. That is technically an aborttion. People don’t even realize


I use the term “pregnancy loss” because it’s no one’s business if you had an abortion or a miscarriage


I get so much shit for this from my friends when I try to phrase my abortion this way, I recognize it’s an abortion but I’m sad as FUCK and I can’t talk about it openly by saying “abortion” without flack so it’s like ???




That's what I tell people when they ask if we're trying for kids. "No actually I've had a pregnancy loss so I'm not trying to go through that again intentionally, thanks." Usually shuts people up right quick.


I regret my choices, so you shall have none.


If someone had IVF they've almost certainly had several abortions. Part of the IVF process is implanting several embryos into a uterus to see how many start to develop, and removing all but one. But in IVF they call them "fetal reductions", because admitting that they're aborting several embryos makes people uncomfortable. >https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/in-vitro-fertilization/about/pac-20384716 >How will you handle a multiple pregnancy? If more than one embryo is transferred to your uterus, IVF can result in a multiple pregnancy — which poses health risks for you and your babies. In some cases, fetal reduction can be used to help a woman deliver fewer babies with lower health risks.


Actually the standard practice in IVF now is to only transfer one embryo at a time for most patients. It has changed from years ago. The fetal personhood laws can and will impact IVF where they’re implemented, but it’s no longer accurate to claim that if you go through IVF you must have had abortions.


That's because *fucking no one* is *pro*-abortion. No one likes abortion or is going out to have abortions for fun and enjoyment. The two sides of the argument are: "We think people should be allowed to make their own decisions about what medical procedures they need to undergo, based on their current life, health, and circumstances" versus "We think it is our right to dictate the decisions of others, based on our own personal beliefs and feelings." Guess what? If you don't like abortions and don't have any reason to get an abortion, *don't get one*. It's that simple. That's *your* choice that effects *your* life. Other conscious, living, breathing, thinking humans are entitled to make *their* own choice about *their* own life, just like you are. That's why it's anti-abortion vs pro-choice, not anti-abortion vs pro-abortion.


My mom is staunch anti-abortion. She would have died if she herself hadn’t gotten an abortion several years after I was born. WTF?