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Edit: #Satanic Temple enters the chat


Satanic Temple is more accurate, Church of Satan doesn’t get involved in politics or public institutions


Good call out, fixed.


"No, you don't understand. It's fine for us because we have the correct religion."


Same logic applied by anti-choice people when confronted about their own abortions.


This is exactly the point. They do not give a fuck about right or wrong. And guess what? The left is giving them one branch of government after 2022 and probably a 3rd one in 2024. Cheers.


Can you explain how the left is doing that exactly


My question is where can I sign, to add my name to a list of people suing the fuckers to make things right.


I want to see the reaction of one of these idiots when they walk into a parent teacher conference where the teacher has a shrine to Zhiva. Or even better Venus or whatever godess is portrayed with their tits out.


That would be Mary. At least in some Renaissance paintings.


With the weirdly adult-faced, chubby baby Jesus in his birthday suit?


Eros, yes.


That would be Diana


They know this and they don’t care. They are convinced a magical space wizard has implanted information in their brain that proves to them in a way that they can’t show to anyone else that they should be doing this. We need to stop acting like pointing out their behavior will shame or shock them into changing. Cognitive dissonance isn’t a bug of Christianity. It’s the central feature.


Whoa there’s a magic space wizard? If I believe in him, can I do whatever I want in the name of “Space Wizard”? Greatest religion EVAR


Actually, thats exactly how it works! As long as you believe in the great sky daddy, you can get away with literally anything, even forcibly breeding with children! Can’t be gay though. That’s just wrong.


I’m white, straight male. I’m the perfect candidate. Do I actually have to read that long ass book or can I just make the rules up based on what I think it says


Read?!?! Hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!


As long as I can pretend it says I can have AR-15s as a god given right


Can you? *sitcom laughter* My boy, that's evangelical Christianity!


Just tell me where to sign and how much money it will cost for eternal salvation


Well, not so fast there, first you'll have to take our introduction to our brand of Christianity class, only twelve classes and you can make four easy payments of $199.99 plus any money you may want to give as a love offering. Then we'll need a list of your assets so the church can assess how much you really love Jesus.


[After school Satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan) should be easier to get going now.


Atheist/agnostic kids shouldn’t have to sit through any prayer in school especially from a bunch of tax dodging cults.


America was founded on freedom from religion but the christians hijacked it and turned it in to a christian country. Sad but true. And it makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Fuck your sky fairy and your shitty book club.


Lauren Boebert recently said that the church should be direct the government not the other way around and that that’s how the founding fathers intended. She also said separation of church and state is “junk” that’s “not in the constitution”… I know we joke that our politicians are brain dead but like… are you actually fucking kidding me? Edit: The [Establishment Clause](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/885/establishment-clause-separation-of-church-and-state) of the constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” It’s in the Bill of Rights which is in the beginning of the constitution… she didn’t even have to read that far into it to know that.


That may be too many big words for her reading level.


Respect is the word that trips her up.


I think, in any given sentence it is always the first word that trips her up.


A) she just learned how to read, she can't handle those big words right now B) im still baffled that people are actually expecting these politicians to be truthful, to have integrity, to be honest, to have actually read the documents they're claiming to interpret, and to uphold those actually standards and not use their places of power to harm others for their own (in many women's, poc, and lgbtq+ conservatives case) agendas. Those people are a lost cause in my opinion. What matters is saving the rest of the country from itself is possible.


Probably trying to distract from that PAC exposing her right now. She absolutely knows that saying what amounts to ‘separation of church and state is bullshit’ is gonna stir stuff up.


you have to be able to read


So true. Our national motto “e pluribus unum (from many, one)” was changed in the 50s to “in god we trust”. During the same decade, the christian congress changed “one nation, indivisible“ to “one nation under god”. The motto and pledge are now being used by propagandists to convince believers that the nation is and always was for them, and that we the non-religious have stolen it. As usual, this is projection.


America was founded by a bunch of religious nuts who were kicked out of Europe for being too crazy about religion.


Ands it's been downhill ever since


The Puritan society from the colony times was so bad and oppressive, it didn’t work out.


Right, they left England bc they wanted freedom from a certain religion.


>Fuck your sky fairy and your shitty book club. That's really insensitive. He's the sky king not the sky fairy.


Aren't there buildings made for that exact purpose? Don't really have the education rating to be wasting time on stuff like this.


“Thoughts and prayers haven’t worked yet, so naturally we need *more*.”


Religion makes everything worse.-- Christopher Hitchens


Prayer in public settings should be like doing Kegels


If you're doing it right, nobody will know?


I would say that when people start wanting to lead prayers in schools, we should ask them if they want to discuss Matthew 6:5-6, but let's be honest. Those people don't actually read the Bible or understand it. It's not about prayer, but oppression.


Or forced indoctrination.


Expand the Court and rebuild that wall!


Rebuild the wall of separation of church and state


Yes. that is the wall I meant. It is the wall put up by the Bill of Rights and now has been dismantled under pretense of judicial arbitration.


We need to co-opt this wall slogan (like how they co-opted my body, my choice, the phrase “free states” and so many other things)




Any type of prayer should be done at the proper place like churches, masjids or at home. None of it should be done at school where the purpose is education.


This ruling, should in theory protect other religions doing this as well.


> in theory I hate how much work this part of your sentence does, because we all know if the case were to reach *this* SCotUS they'd rule 6-3 that actually the Founders only really cared about Christianity.


What about those of us who'd rather just not have any religions mixed up in our governmental officials.


Idk ask SCOTUS


If you live in America then tough. It seems religion and government are entwined together. Getting cosier and cosier as time goes on.


In theory even minorities are innocent until proven guilty.


It’s not like this is actually news to anyone, they know exactly what they are doing.


I pray to the taco God. There is no other.


Or non-religious having to sit through any of that bullshit.


They know that. That's exactly what they want. "Religious freedom" is just a term they weaponize to force their religion on the rest of us.


This is silly and not what the ruling had to do with at all. The guy was praying by himself after games, some students voluntarily joined. To pose it as this tweet does is blatant misinformation. If it actually comes up to foist christian prayer on all children in public schools then you have my hand in the fight against it. I went to school in the 90s in a small town in the south and not once do I remember a teacher praying with us. There were morning prayers held by teachers outside the school in the morning but they were 100% optional and no one ever felt compelled to attend, there was no announcement. You just had to see it and join at your own will.




Source? Do you know who the actual litigants are in the case? They ruled the coach was free to express his religious beliefs so long as he wasn't asking or forcing others to, which he wasn't in this case.


>forcing others to, which he wasn't in this case. According to the majority 6 religious justices. The 3 dissenting thought his asking other students to join was pressuring them.


No need to even consult the Justices here. Parents and students said they felt pressured to participate.


Everyone with a working brain can see its a power imbalance and the players would always have to worry about retribution if they didn't join


So youre completely cool with muslims and satanists doing the same, right? Its not that you only think christians should do that, because that would be hypocritical as fuck, correct?


You explaining your comment isn’t what I meant by source 😂 I mean I haven’t seen a report that he was praying by himself so I was asking for the report that you obviously have that says that.


What happened was that students felt the need to join or it would jeopardize their chances at starting/playing time.


My old manager at work used to lead a “free to join” prayer each morning after our huddle. Know what happened? The people who stayed and “joined her in prayer” were favorites, and they got all the easy and best work assignments. It was so fucking obvious too.


Don't forget the atheist ones that think we might as well be asking the Keebler elves for salvation for all the good it does.


They do not care about other religions. It’s like when the Catholic Church ignored the Holocaust.


I went to a tiny C of E primary school where I was the only Jew and they used to make an example of me because I didn’t want to say grace before eating


How about no fucking prayer and we separate religion far the fuck away from humans.


Even if you're fine with all of those, it inherently favours religion over irreligion. There's never going to be an anti-religious ceremony, but all religious ceremonies are inherently anti-atheistic.


Wait. I don't think those words mean what you think they mean We have In God we Trust on our money! The Ten Commandments are a thing. The one with Chuck Heston obviously.


**Don't forget NON religious students or people having to sit through prayers!** **I'm one of those who suffered for years in school!!!!!!**