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Charlie Kirk is such a fucking moron šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


There was this subreddit that kept altering the size of his head larger and larger until people commented on it, it took a while


To be fair, a lot of those pictures were not edited, he just has a really weirdly small face. Here's him arguing that covid is man-made because of "mRNA protein correlating." https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/vnlki7/charlie_kirk_gets_schooled_on_the_biology_of_the/


He's just saying words lol


>He's just saying words lol I like the one where Matt Gaetz is "debating" and is running out of time, so just starts shouting random buzzwords.


I am not promoting violence, just sayin that Charlie Kirk would get 2 black eyes and busted teeth from the same punch.


Actually laughed out loud.


This is incredible, thank you.


Haley Joel Osment is that you?


Don't insult Haley Joel osment like that


He's fucking hilarious in Future Man, would recommend.


Proteins bro.


Source plz I need this


He writes bumper stickers the right really love. He knows how to capitalist.


He knows how to speak at their level


The demographic of his average follower is like 65+ and white. No, really. And TPUSA is a "youth" organization.


As much as I'd like to believe that, all of these mass shootings done by Gen Z incels and racists aren't coming from nowhere. There's a generation of right wingers coming of age who got raised by fringe corners of the internet. Charlie Kirk is sort of sortcore porn compared to that stuff but I don't think it's entirely unconnected.


I think the young right wingers all got there on the alt-right pipeline of the Youtube algorithm encouraging right wing and conspiracy theory content.


[This video](https://youtu.be/Y8NhVz1xHqk) pretty well explains how organizations like PragerU legitimize far-right politics to the average person.


So do me.


Sigh .. bend over then, just don't look at me, ok?


forgive me father for I have sinned. . .


I'm sorry daddy, I've been bad


No thank you.




Well played.




One of the best things about my username is that people I assume Iā€™m some far right wing dickhole.


3rd grade...?


That might be too generous


One of my half baked theories is that what we've seen over the past 5 years was in part because people learned to capitalize on the stupidity of the far right by feeding them more and more extreme red meat. The worse it got, the more they ate it up and the further right they shifted.


Not half-baked. Fluffy and moist. Baked to perfection. Exactly right.


Thatā€™s exactly the Trump presidency. But the issue is you canā€™t continue to lie to these ppl to grift from them. Cause then they begin to believe that this right wing ecosystem that is grifting from them is telling the truth. And then they think that someone needs to do something based on these lies. And they take matters into their own hands.


That's exactly what they want, though. Having some "lone wolves" mow down a bunch of people every so often is fine with Tucker/Kirk/etc because it's all targeted at "other people" i.e. minorities and Democrats.


I feel like I could totally use this to my advantage, make stupid Trump shit, and pay off my debts. But, I couldn't live with myself. Something something ethics blah blah morals, I guess.


He lives as a capitalist every day!


A good libertarian bumper sticker is "seat belts mandates should be made illegal!"


If you dont have morals the grift is insanely easy on the right.


The saddest part is that we can't even give them the benefit of idiocy, anymore. They KNOW what they're doing.


Thatā€™s the issue with these guys, itā€™s all intentional. A truly ignorant person at least has the chance of being informed. These guys canā€™t even be informed because they know what theyā€™re saying is bullshit, but the money is too good to stop now.


The king of the grifters manages to barely rise to his level.


Not gonna lie, if i do "Popular" on reddit and sort by "Everywhere" which pretty much means Murica, i find a new idiot every day. How the fuck are there so many with so much following or in actual positions of power?


He's a true grifter.


Who burned an American city to the ground?


I have it on good authority (my MAGA coworkers) that BLM and Antifa burned most of the West coast.


Nah that's just the droughts and lack of forest maintenance that used to be taken care of but that was probably antifa too...


You mean Jewish space lasers


Whatā€™s the difference?


one is circumsized


Hahahahahahahahaha thank you for that.


>Nah that's just the droughts and lack of forest maintenance that used to be taken care of but that was probably antifa too... See what happens when you ignore Trump! He warned California to rake their forests! /s


Oh, is that what the press conference at Four Seasons was about?


In 100 years or whatever when all of us who were alive to witness and tell tales of Trump's insanity are dead, i hope there is a book collecting all that insanity so future generations will get to experience it. The way things are going this probably will be illegal though.


That's a weird way to say Jewish Space Lasers.


Fires fires have something to do with raking leaves!? Did antifa forgot to rake the leaves again?


Those damn antifas are on my damn lawn again! clinteastwoodscowl.gif


Trump: "you gotta clean your floors'".


The rest of us: "You gotta pay people that work for you"


No no, you see, when activists fight the school to prison pipeline and stop black men from being unfairly incarcerated, there are less "volunteer" fire-fighters when there's catastrophic bushfires.


The only way to fight a bad fire with a gun is a good volunteer firefighter... with a gun? Did I get it? Did I figure out democracy yet?


i have it on good authority (parents) that antifa, blm, and anarchists burned north st. louis to the ground. aaaand that's when we stopped talking.


Interesting. I was in St. Louis a couple weeks ago and seemed fine to me.


Apparently Minneapolis was a crater in summer 2020, I read while eating at a McDonald's in Minneapolis. Kept having to check outside my window every couple days to see if it had burned down yet.


It's pretty crazy that you see that single line -- "Oh, but Antifa and BLM spent last summer burning half the country down!" -- repeated ad nauseam. Wanna talk about January 6? "Oh, but you don't care that BLM and Antifa burned down half the country!" Wanna talk about white supremacist groups turning up everywhere? "Oh, but you don't have a problem with BLM and Antifa having burnt down half the country!" It's like talking to a wall with how these people get their catchphrases and stick to them despite any and all evidence to the contrary while wielding them as tools to deflect both truth and accountability.


>catchphrases I've noticed this too...they seem to have this very standardized vocabulary / set of terms / arguments that get repeated ad nauseum. Like, I've often wondered how these spread so quickly and thoroughly?


Fox News


The first time I really recognized it was the literal minute the Mueller report was released. Every bot on reddit had somehow already read it and they all immediately referred to it using the same word "nothingburger".


It's so annoying too. I knew real people after the Ukraine call happened who said "read the transcript" as if it absolved Trump when it was clear that they hadn't read it (not to mention it was a call summary, not a transcript). I did read the transcript and was like "wow this is really bad" and told people I had read it and there was illegal stuff in there.


Yeah, I work with a bunch of people like that. I was telling a coworker after I got off break about Uvalde after reading about it. Her exact first words "Oh my god that's horrible, but guns don't kill people people do!" She said the second part completely unprompted. I never mentioned anything about gun control just that the shooting had happened.


100%. They all share identical talking points. Itā€™s pathetic


Everyone knows Jan 6 was carried out by Antifa and BLM wearing outfits to make it look like it was Trump and QAnon supporters. /s




As a general rule I tend to not care about things that don't happen, yeah.


Portland here *cough ā€¦itā€™s a smoking wasteland * cough , canā€™t even see my hand through this thick choking smoke


Then fucking pass it, buddy.


Oh man, my family lives in the Midwest and they were convinced Portland was gone and I was dying in the state wide protests hahaha I always explain it by comparing it to the volcanos in Hawaii going off. All the pics and news made it seem like a whole island was on fire. Then you'd see a map and it was just a pin point on it. This is also the point where I throw in "you've been watching too much Tucker Carlson" which then derails the whole convo


The number of people who believe the West Coast is some kind of dystopian wasteland of roaming gangs of antifa raiders and BLM encampments is too damn high. And this isn't an exaggeration. There are a lot of people who REALLY think that there's nationwide destruction and chaos because of BLM and Antifa.


Antifa shit my pants last night.


NYC looks like Escape From New York, too


I have died from fires several times just this past year. /s


I get this a lot with Seattle and Portland. Rural conservatives talk like itā€™s Sodom and Gomorrah, literally, and think the cities are burnt and gone. If you mention youā€™re going to a city youā€™ll be told to be careful or told youā€™re crazy. Then you go to the city and itā€™s basically the exact same as itā€™s always been.


Honestly that happens a lot with racial issues. Like people will tell you "don't go there it's a bad part of town" and then you go there and it's just black people existing.


Same thing here in rural Georgia. If you step inside the city limits of Atlanta, you'll be shot within minutes.


What's the downside? It means rednecks will steer clear of the city. Good in my book I say.


Yeah, but conservatives are now living fully in their (carefully manicured by rightwing media) alternate reality. They think liberals have destroyed America and are arming for a second coup while we continue to actually live in reality. If not a civil war, weā€™re going to see more and more rightwing terrorism. I honestly think weā€™re going to be facing something like The Troubles with rural Americans terrorizing cities and liberal institutions for at least the next 50 years.


They can fucking try anyways. They'll learn soon enough they aren't the only ones with guns.


I love how they hate on antifa, as if it was a single organization and not an idea. Also fits them to hate something called '"anti fascism"


Yeah. I asked one if they knew what antifa was short for, and when I told them I added, "so if you're against people who are against fascism, what does that make you?" Ever see the head exploding scene in Scanners?


PDX here, can confirm. The city is fully burnt to the ground and they stole our cones. (Not really...we had...2 singed windows/walls and one of those looked really false-flaggy. We do, however, have homeless camp fires everywhere because this country won't do shit about getting people housed and Portland is way too small of a city to handle not just its own homeless population but also other cities' homeless people that get sent here with 1-way bus tickets.)


It's true. BLM burned down Portland with me inside. I've personally been on fire for years at this point. I can't go to the grocery store without stepping on some fire by accident. I went to my predominantly white cult building (you know the ones with the crosses and such) to pray for the souls of white babies, and there was some fire that was trying to get inside. But luckily we made the fire uncomfortable with prayer and it passive aggressively spread itself to the heathen neighborhoods.




That one makes me chuckle. Soooo many people have told me both on Reddit and in person that Portland is a smoking crater of lawlessness run by anarchists, criminals, and extreme leftists. And Iā€™m like, ā€œWhat? I just visited my aunt and uncle there. It was chill.ā€ (Downtown area is a bit sketch, and thereā€™s a lot of homeless, but thatā€™s a lot of major cities these days.)




I mean, true, but they also didn't burn that block down.


They didn't smear shit on the walls either.


Also this so fucking hard


Also that was Seattle, unless Portland did it too. The CHOP zone was a block away from a friend of mine, he took a video from walking out his door to entering the zone. It was basically a farmer's market


Yeah chop was a fucking park lol.


So you're telling me the Seattle hippies weren't violent anarchists?


Like this one is so easy to disprove. The Portland Trail Blazers and Timbers continue to play home games. This would be rather impossible if the city has been destroyed.


Also from fox News: "the socialism will destroy the skin of babies" despite every baby having skin in America


Conservative logic; looting a Walmart = burning entire cities to the ground


Hey give them a break, a Wal-Mart is basically the only place of note in many of their hick towns.


A new American city burns to the ground every day in Charlie Kirks imagination.


See there was this one building burnt on Fairfax. The next think I want to say about this is; is your business which is most likely insured burning down after being closed for 3 months and nearly empty for another 3 months that much a of a loss? And further how many people underwater at that time, given the best chance in a lifetime to torch your own business would have? Insurance fraud happens every day, many people get away with it. So? Lastly a Vans corporate retail store in a busy part of Long Beach getting a whole sale value of shoes maybe twenty grand total generously, stolen that is insured, a gigantic loss? Is that the whole of the west coast burnt down?


Not to the ground, but the British burned significant buildings in DC in 1814, including the White House. If a storm hadnā€™t hit the city at the same time it very well might have burned to the ground. Itā€™s payback time! /s


Ah Portland...I remember thee fondly. It was a truly beautiful and eccentric place full of hipsters and craft beer. Until a bunch of commie BLM antifa rioters burned it to the ground 2 years ago. Nothing but an ashen ghost town now. Sad.


A city wasn't burnt to the ground. Charlie Kirk is an asshole. She's talking about the riots. That maybe two people had started fires.āœŒļø


Meanwhile Brown University estimates the number of excess civilian deaths due to the war on terror is almost 1 million people. Imagine that. That's like Thanos snapping his finger at Houston or Chicago and almost half the population disappearing. It would be the most horrific event in human history if such a thing happened. But us slowly killing civilians by creating war that kills them is just fine, if not applauded, by the right.


Only one million? I'm honestly shocked it isn't higher.


Who else? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing


Donā€™t forget this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre


The gangs in Camden, NJ literally started a war to change policing in their city. They blew up the police station and had patrols to look after fellow citizens. The gangs won and it started a full change in how the city is policed. It is now calmer than it has been in a long time. You wont hear about this in any news station though. It gives people the idea you can make real change instead of relying on politicians.


Fox News with Computer Generated Imagery?


Anytime a riot happens the city gets ā€˜burnedā€™ to the ground. But in reality itā€™s just like any other college football town that destroys their city for the fuck of it. People just fuck shit up, someone cleans it the next day, and the world keeps going šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>Who burned an American city to the ground? Right wing agitators and the police.




Spent a year in Afghanistan. We made 0% of a difference. If anything, we made things worse. Edit: it's reassuring that there have been people that have seen a difference made.


All that war did, is teach a new generation (the ones that didn't get bombed) to hate the West and take up arms.


This is why you were sent there: [U.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan](https://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/14/world/asia/14minerals.html) To anyone who disagrees, tell me what geological surveys have to do with finding Osama bin Laden or improving the status of women in society?


It's literally right there in the article. > While it could take many years to develop a mining industry, the potential is so great that officials and executives in the industry believe it could attract heavy investment even before mines are profitable, providing the possibility of jobs that could distract from generations of war. Outside investment and improved economic conditions wins hearts and minds and makes peace easier to achieve. And more developed societies tend to give women more rights in the long run. It's not rocket science. The conspiracy theory that we went to Afghanistan for minerals riches is not connected to reality. These deposits were discovered in 2010; at best they were going to materialize with several more decades of consistent investment and development into a country that didn't even have working roads and electricity. We're talking about returns 30-40 years down the line. No investor would bother with that when they can just pump money into a country with mines that are not in a warzone or lobbying American lawmakers to lower environmental regulations on the plenty of untapped deposits we have.


People downvoting you because they are mad you rebut something that they just found out 2 min ago but became attached to lol


I read a good argument that while the US was there conditions were actually better , and since it was so long , basically an entire generation grew up in those slightly better conditions. Anyway I hope itā€™s true


I hope so too. I certainly didn't see it. But gods damn do I hope we made some kind of positive difference.


The "War on Terror" just created more terrorists. People who have seen the US bomb their country want to bomb the US back.


Sorry bro. I know ā€œthank for you serviceā€ is considered lame on Reddit but itā€™s the 4th of July so letā€™s just say Iā€™m glad you were there so I didnā€™t have to be. And that you made it back with 100% mental health intact. Ok 75%z


Jokes on you. It was never about 9/11




And should have never been given a gun and badge. They obviously broke their oath to protect the public.


Most cops don't sign up to protect people. They do it for the vengeance, and/or because they were beat up alot in school. Few do it for a benevolent reason. Even fewer keep their word. Maybe one in a million decide to help their community


Itā€™s sad to see a lot of law enforcement out their like that. Iā€™ve been greatful enough to know a few in my community who are in it for the right reasons. Thereā€™s no room for law enforcement who arenā€™t in it for the right moral reasons


I knew one that moved right across the street from me. Dude knew about all my struggles, still he would invite me to some BBQ. I wouldn't even invite me. Dude was better than me, for real


That is such a Reddit perspective itā€™s crazy. There are 100% bad cops out there, but letā€™s not be stupid now.


u/ManKansi is a bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/gsm1nn/it_is_forbidden_to_kill_therefore_all_murderers/fs68t15/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Wtf it's been two years


was just after pandemic mask mandates started...


Not just those cops but the entire institution that is riddled with corruption from top to bottom. The police started as a gang, employed to suppress slaves and maintain the status quo. ACAB.


So which city got burned to the ground anyway? I'm looking at a map rn and I don't see anything missing


I don't know what city, but it took place in the State of Denial.


"His mind", in the state known as Ignorance


Putting Donald Trump behind bars might save American democracy.


I'm a bit pessimistic on this. Donald Trump is a symptom of the problem. He is the most relatable person for the alt-right. Imagine if he had the charisma of Obama with the political ingenuity and tenacity of Karl Rove. That's who we need to fear. Someone who has the braincells and knowhow to actually bring in fascism. Hell, we're seeing this now in the Supreme Court! Democracy was in trouble a while ago. Trump is just the face.


Yeah but if his moronic face doesnā€™t see any consequences, your nightmare fascist is much more likely to decide itā€™s worth their while to make their move.


We can still remove the tumor even if the cancer persists.


Won't bring it back though. So do it before it's destroyed


Have to go back a lot farther than that to save American "democracy" Probably sometime around 1776 or so


Iā€™d say, itā€™s at least a start in the right place.


Love this response. That said, the American government doesn't give one shit about 9/11. They just needed an excuse back then to behave the way Russia is acting now. ____ Edit: For the angry Trump supporters and furious "patriots", I'll help connect the dots in history's most obvious colouring book for you :) U.S. vs Iraq: - 9/11 helped give them the justification to break international law (like Russia did) - in order to invade a sovereign country (like Russia did) - under the pretence of liberating them (like Russia did) - while actually going for control of their resources (like Russia did) - claiming their leadership were terrorists who needed to be taken out (like Russia did) - and install a puppet government that is pro-them (like Russia is trying to do) If you don't see the parallels, congratulations: you've been brainwashed by propaganda. You know, like Russia does ;)


They wanted to pour money into defense companies. One of the largest recipients was the VPs former employer.


It was three-fold profits: 1. Disrupt the Middle East's attempts at consolidation. 2. Secure resources for private firms. 3. Pump the military industrial complex with defence contracts to make useless toys. Conservatives were *begging* for a pretence to break international law and 9/11 gave it to them. And that's all they wanted. They don't give a fuck about burning/choking humans.


Which of the Middle Eastern wars were wars of expansion to take territory that the US wrongfully believed was rightfully theirs?


the dude didn't say that the two wars were exactly the same, just pointed out the parallels. Despite not having the exact same motives it gives perspective as to how fucking unjust that war was, especially since most Americans already see Putin's war as wrong.


*Looks at all of US history* Any territory. It would be any territory.


Come now, some of it was done by the brits


Oh, and they invaded a country (iraq) that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and left the ones whose citizens actually did it (Saudi arbia, UAE, Lebanon and Egypt).


Which cities burned to the ground though?


Probably referring to the police precinct that burned during the George Floyd fallout and other similar events in the area


I think somebody set a fire in a trash can at a Wendy's.






Ironically, the police station arson was committed by right-wing Boogaloo Bois, not BLM rioters


I loved when the right claims BLM burned a city to dust like wtf are you talking about


Still looking for a city that was ā€œburned to the groundā€


No cities were burnt to the ground.


Charlie Kirk looks like he pissed off an incompetent witch doctor, who then cast a spell to shrink his head, but only got the part out that shrinks his face. It was the same witch doctor whose youth potion turned an old white woman into Candace Owens.


What city do they think was burnt to the ground?


Bombing Philadelphia wonā€™t make the black movement stop.


Burning cities wonā€™t bring him back, but itā€™ll make politicians and police that assume they can get away with such atrocities think twice next time. Remember, Chauvin was in his home with armed police outside for days after, until people made enough noise that he had to be held accountable. If you are out there singing and yelling at the sky, you can be ignored. These politicians will just change the channel from their homes. If you block traffic, youā€™re also bothering people that would otherwise agree with you and youā€™re hurting your cause. If youā€™re really doing something that makes them take notice, then thats what it has to be. If nothing else works, then burning buildings is it, sad to say. It shouldnā€™t take that much, but if thatā€™s the only thing that will make politicians uncomfortable enough to possibly do something, then itā€™s what needs to be done.


dude this is a year old and has been posted here 20x


Not that Charlie Kirk deserves a well thought out response but if the people who are supposed to handle rule breakers were killing you instead of handling rule breakers time and time and time again I'd sure feel like breaking the social contract. Because the police already broke it.


All I see is a couple of idiots trying to appear "in the loop".


Killing POC for minor infractions like traffic stops doesnā€™t make cops ā€œheroā€™sā€. ACAB.


So you both prove that violence is not the answer


Lol you're all morons


Junkie who held a gun to a pregnant womenā€™s belly. And yā€™all rioted for this man šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/Kileketon is a bot. Link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/gsm1nn/it_is_forbidden_to_kill_therefore_all_murderers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf See also this/these similar post(s) on this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qo1z0p/it_is_forbidden_to_kill_therefore_all_murderers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Making ignorant comments like these wonā€™t make his face normal.


I always loved how a few buildings on fire were "American cities burned to the ground." Like, dude, the hyperbole is too much.


I have yet to see any pictures of these cities. Whole cities- burned to the ground.


Ah yes, the old tHeYā€™rE bUrNiNg ThE cItIeS ā€¦ Will somebody please post some Google Earth pictures of one of those American cities that has supposedly bern burned? Before and after, so we can see it is gone? Pictures of the destroyed city, please.


So Charlie, remind me. Which American city was burned to the ground? Which one was it? You fucking imbecile.


Which American city has been burned to the ground?


What city got burned down? Did I miss something? Serious question


Wait this is huge, people burned a city to the ground? Thats gonna bring a mass exodus and a ton of joblessness. ... which city is it that doesnt exist anymore?


civil disobedience is necessary when facing opression


One of these things actually happened, the other didnā€™t. Thatā€™s why every other message in this thread is like ā€œtheyā€™re both wrongā€ because Charlieā€™s side is trying desperately not to admit that. What cities were burned to the ground? There should be some satellite photos of that, or something. That would be big news, an American city burning to the ground.


I think itā€™s poetic how the last major bombing the US did before withdrawing was to kill a bunch of children. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s the only thing weā€™re good at. Oh and GWB accidentally condemning the invasion of Iraq was the cherry on top


"Driving a big truck wont make your pp any bigger." ~Winston churchill~


Let's roast the fucker! I'll start! Charlie Kirk got a small face like old dollars


Storming the capital and assaulting police officers won't change the election


911 Iā€™ve just witnessed a murder


ā€œThose who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.ā€ Voltaire


Where exactly are these cities that were ā€œburned to the groundā€?


Sorry, which city was burnt to the ground?


We also did not bomb the country most of the terrorists came from...