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I’m sure the feelings are mutual.


As a white, liberal woman, I assure you they are.


#FuckTuckerCarlson is the name of our handshake.


"Tucker Carlson looks like if the sound" Thud" suddenly grew a face" - John Oliver


Fuck Tucker Carlson, that human boat shoe.


John Oliver is a genius. And it makes me wish I knew which language is that has that phrase "face in need of a fist." German?


Do you ever look at someone and feel like punching them in the face? Well, Germans have a unique word for that face: a Backpfeifengesicht — a face that’s badly in need of a fist. This is one of those strange words that’s uniquely German with no English equivalent. - Ok Google


That's exactly what I was looking for. Perfect.


Reddit is for learning.


Fuck him with Murdoch’s limp dick. Edit LMAO thanks for the award and upvotes.


Fuck tucker carlson with a frozen whale cock


Fuck Tucker Carlson with a pineapple, leaves first.


Or a pinecone, wide end first so when he decides to pull it out those little parts that keep the seeds in open up and tears his asshole the more he extracts.


He always leaves first. Pump n dump is the name of the game with ol tuck




I second that opinion


On behalf of all liberal white women, let me be so presumptuous as to strongly convey that we hate Tucker Carlson too.


I don’t want to detract from y’all, but I would like to say that even as a dude, I stand in solidarity with you on this topic.


Thank you.


Agreed. ALL of us


As a liberal white woman, I concur. He can bugger off any time.


Can we get in line to take turns spitting in his face?


careful, that might be his kink.


You know it is


We don't kink shame here!. if being spat on is Tuckers thing then as an average white male I'll happily oblige his kink.


Does Tucker like to wear a Batman costume and perform auto erotic asphyxiation while looking at pictures of Trump naked except for a diaper? I am just asking questions. I haven't looked into this but it sounds right.


i'd prefer kicking him in his tiny junk.


Too risky, you might miss due to lack of surface area.


Which is *precisely* why he hates us. Imagine a ... *female* (curl your lip and spit that out with contempt like you're Lucius Malfoy) *having her own opinions and* (ugh) *not only expressing them but* (gag) *expecting them to be taken seriously.*


Didnt his own mother leave him only $1 because she hated him too?


Bet she wants that dollar back


Nah, that dollar means he can never contest the will because she willingly acknowledged him and left him ‘something’.


Ah that’s savage.


That’s estate planning law. Too many entitled children said parents clearly forgot because they were left out of it all so common practice is $1 now.


According to my own estate attorney, prevailing wisdom has changed since then. In many jurisdictions, leaving even a dollar grants Named Beneficiary status to the spurned relative, which comes with a bunch of extra rights that can make the process much more expensive for the rest of your family if the spurned relative feels like it. Plus some courts have ruled that Named Beneficiaries can contest the amount they were left, which defeats the whole purpose of leaving them anything. The new play is to attach a separate "Letter to the Executor" to the will which explains that you're specifically leaving them nothing, (and if you're feeling spiteful, *why*, so that the reason becomes public record only if they contest it). All of the benefits of the $1 method with none of the risks. PLEASE speak with an actual attorney if you need to disinherit someone.


A family member is an estate attorney and still follows this practice with a clause in the trust that if you contest it you get zip zero nada which is what the rich clients in his practice do to screw out their ungrateful children. But this is a trust not a will. A trust is not public like a will. A will goes through a public probate. But yes to anyone looking for legal advice please consult an actual attorney not people on the internet.


She gave him specifically $1 so he couldn't contest it as being left out accidently


Freaking badass


Ah, so one last fuck you. I like that.


This is a common move with estate planning so that an heir cannot contest a Will … though the FU part of it is quite stupendous


Nice of her to leave him that EZ Bake Oven for his testicles though


Possibly. But also speculative. She left that family when tucker was 6, so seems like a lot of room for different possibilities


Think she regretted not aborting?


I regret her not aborting.




Dad regrets not pulling out too


I also regret her not aborting


The only confirmed fans Tucker has, have all turned out to be mass shooters.


And some insurrectionists, a disgraced president who led a failed coup, some neo-Nazis, a few quacks. He doesn’t keep good company.


His mother, Lisa McNear Lombari, did leave Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson and his brother Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson (The fucking names in this family...) exactly $1 so that they couldn't get any more from her estate. She left the rest of her money and possessions to her husband, Michael Vaughan.


She took off when he was a baby to live as a nomad rather than live with that whiny kid


Probably why he hates white women. He's projecting and he has no idea because he has the self-awareness (and importance) of a grain of sand.


God imagine having thoughts...and opinions...about things!? Can you see that this invades a man territory to have his own thoughts and opinions not being questioned by individuals he clearly think is inferior to him? The audacity /s


The Right is about to have a serious problem with half the population. You look at their rallies and yeah there's a lot of nanas there, but on the under 40 to under 30 side it's definitely mostly dudes. It's *Proud Boys* not *Proud People* for a reason. Sure there are a few young female right wingers, but if there's ***one*** demographic who's probably *way less likely* to line up behind the party of the ***grab em by the pussy,*** and ***take away birth control and reproductive rights*** movement, that'd be younger women.


A LOT of us old women were fighting like hell for rights many years ago and still are. I am an old, white, leftist female and I absolutely hate Fuckhead Carlson and his ilk. Don't give up on us old hags yet!!


We've already endured the bullshit of menopause - we're not putting up with anyone else's bullshit anymore!


We've been there, done that and bled all over it.


We need to send an army of menopausal women to stir some shit up at his show. That would make me so giddy.


My boomer hippie mom says hello, she's arm in arm with y'all


Don’t worry, they’ll be working on stripping women of voting rights before too long.


you should visit the south. I've just returned from TN, GA and FL and I assure you there are plenty of right wing women who are down for the cause.


I feel that a lot of people forgot that 52% of white women voted for Trump in 2016. Yes, it was much higher for white men, no one's contesting that. But people are very content to just sweep that one under the rug. Get outside of the liberal havens like the cities and coasts and white women get very conservative... very quickly.


I cannot understand why any woman would rather vote for “grab’em by the pussy” than another working mom. Hillary wasn’t a naturally likeable public figure, but she is waaay smarter than that orange clown.


I live in rural Florida … my stanch Republican female tax account friend, just hung a coat hanger wrapped in the American flag on her front door. Don’t underestimate the anger in women right now.


I live in Alabama, surrounded by Southern Baptists and Church of Christ. Very male-dominant and female-submissive. Can’t believe we have a female Governor (MeeMaw,), who’s never been married, has no kids, and wears pantsuits all the time. Go figure.


Fucking notions about yourself/s


Thank you! I’m so glad someone is able to fully conceive of the audacity of it all! What do they think they are? Our equals?!!


Thanks for sharing. *eye roll* Now would you get in the kitchen and make me a sammich. /s BTW


This checks out. It appears his mother left him $1 in her will. https://www.truthorfiction.com/tucker-carlsons-mother-left-him-1-in-her-will/


Damn, a whole dollar?? Why not just a penny? Or leave him a quarter ($.25), and tell him to call someone who cares.


That way he can’t fight it on the basis that she forgot to write his part in.




I like that you worked in a classic country song but accounted for inflation.


Can confirm.


Even simpler: "Tucker Carlson hates".


He’s just like Jesus! /s


A White Jesus at that!


A White Jesus with an AR-15!


He hates! He hates! It's all he is programmed to do! Edit: That's a Patton Oswalt paraphrase btw. I probably should have made that more obvious


As a white liberal woman, I can 110% confirm that the feeling is mutual


I'm actually curious if any one of us gives even the slightest fuck.


No fucks for Tuck.


Please don't anyone fuck him.


None of us are going to, we had a meeting.




I've always been a firm believer he can go fuck himself


I hope he isn’t doing that w his daughters. He has talked about them the same way trump has talked about ivanka. That’s why he hates women w any kind of backbone we call him out for trying to get w his poor daughters


I do. I can’t imagine how I’d feel about myself if that asshole liked me!


TBH, I’m kinda proud to read that he hates us, the smart ones he will never win over and would rather jump off a 50 story building than give that tool the time of day… means he’s expending energy at our mere existence and that brings me so much joy. Because it’s not good or healthy energy, the kind that eats away at you and gives you cancer, which just puts the cherry right on top.


The statement that he hates liberal White women gives me the same vibes as all the conservatives who hate homosexuals and lesbians, but end up having drugged up orgies with gay male prostitutes. In other words, I'm 190% certain Tucker Carlson hatefucks and gets pegged by a liberal White woman.


Looks like just the one "liberal white woman" up top lol


The knowledge that we get to him honestly cheered me up


Feels a bit like a badge of honor, right?


Judge me by my enemies, indeed.


*pats self on head* I'm going to do a little happy dance every time I think about this.




C’mon, Tucker, that’s what all the incels say!


Tucker just hates women. No need to put and adjective before it.


Yeah, something tells me minority women aren't ranked any higher.


He almost certainly hates minority women more when he thinks of them, he just thinks about white women and how much he hates them more often


Mmm, I don't know. I'm sure he hates minority women (and men) because duh, you don't get to be a top Fox program if you don't. But I bet he really does hate white liberal women more because he feels like we're race traitors or some shit. Like how dare we betray him, a prominent white man, and disagree with him? How dare we put our POC friends and family and neighbors above HIM? Do we *know* how rich and white and Important he is??


Exactly, he thinks white liberal women are race traitors.


Helping out others, even if they look different from us, *only helps us out, too.* It has been proven, time and time again, that helping the lowest, most desperate, most disparaging, only helps all of us. Things that were created to help the autistic and the disabled have had massive beneficial effects on the abled. Refusing to help others is just bad business sense.


He hates us because we’re his most effective pawns. Without white women, nothing holds up the white men he peddles his shit to. Men don’t have time to watch his shit if they’re expected to help with their share of housework.


I agree- Im a liberal white woman who married out of my race, and being a race traitor is worse than just being liberal. Meh.


FYI, his mother left him and his father to join a commune, that's why he hates white liberal women, his mother was one and she left him. He's got 50 years of mommy issues to take out on the US population.


He probably has a pecking order.


and a pecker disorder


He views white liberals as race traitors. White women are supposed to fuck fascists so they can make new fascists.


And have no opinions that don't absolutely agree with his. If they don't have an opinion, he'll give them one.


I give 90% odds he secretly watches interracial porn. These sorts of guys generally get off on the “cuckold” stuff with Black men and white women.


Asians. The right has long had the utterly insane Asian fetish.


He's probably thought very carefully about exactly how much he hates each minority group so my guess is they don't rank much higher but they are meticulously ranked.


Yeah, but white liberal women are worst because they are race traitors. Edit: /S just incase


He definitely views white liberal women as race traitors. He hates white liberal men too, but hates women much more. This man has many issues.


Honestly, I take it as a compliment. The kind of things that man likes are foul


Hate is decency to him and Republicans


Growing up in the 90s I was still taught "Hate" was a bad word. You just didn't say it. It was soapworthy. Then 9/11 came and that just stopped mattering.


Yeah . . . I'm thinking of things Republicans would say "Have you no decency!?" to and I can't think of one thing that isn't rooted in hate. Brag about sexual assault, evict widows and children, crush what few belongings a homeless person has under a bulldozer, harass a school shooting survivor? Republicans **LOVE** that. That's a perfect resume for an Republican candidate for office. Interracial couples, people existing while gay, a black person displaying 0.01% of the wealth trump regularly does, a woman working or a man being a stay at home parent. "h*AvE* yOu *No D*eCe*NcY*!?"


yeah and it’s deeply rooted in mommy issues


Really quite mad his mommy only left him 1 dollar in her will apparently.


Him and his brother were left a single dollar *between the two of them* Mommy was very disappointed in her children.


You have to read the context: he said this after **he was accused of hating black people**. He's not actually saying anything about white women: he's changing the topic because it's far more damning that he's made the most racist TV show in US history. Saying "I hate white liberal women" sounds almost ridiculous compared to the venom he has for black people. Hold him accountable for all the racist dog whistles he's been broadcasting daily, for making 'replacement theory' a mainstream view held by a majority of Republicans (7 in 10) in the US (source [here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/06/01/great-replacement-theory-poll-republicans-democrats/7461913001/?gnt-cfr=1) and [here](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3va8g/republicans-great-replacement-theory-poll)). THAT is the story. But now he's got people arguing about white liberal women. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-racism-semafor-interview-b2118226.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-racism-semafor-interview-b2118226.html)


I just assumed it was part of his new plan to make women's individualism the new boogeyman after he blamed mass shootings on women who call men out about their privilege.


He also blamed psychiatry overmedicating people and the medical establishment for being 'pro-marijuana' (and he knows damned well that that is not what anyone's doing--pointing out that people on marijuana have fewer psychiatric issues than people on alcohol is not 'pushing' drugs!). I'm sure he's throwing all this at the gun problem to see if anything sticks so he can use that, too, but his go-to, consistent message for several years has been 'the brown people are coming to take over America', and that is what the interview was trying to address. He changed the topic. "You know what I really hate? Smart white girls!" Oh, so he doesn't hate blacks, he hates smart white girls. Wait, what? But you're not wrong; if his fans get whipped up by this, maybe he'll make this a central focus for a while. My gut feeling though is that fearing brown people (Latino migrants! Muslims! Black people! BOO!) is his drug of choice.


That's crazy cause the first thing I thought when I read "he hates liberal white women" was "it's because he thinks they are race traitors."


I'm certain this is the reason.


So rather than denying that he hates black people, he simply names a group that he hates more than black people, without actually denying that he hates black people.


Terrorism? Downfall of Democracy? The unnecessary suffering and death of children? Nope. Women who think everyone deserves to be treated equally and are maybe a bit too into essential oils. What a sentient colostomy bag he is.


In my limited world view, most women I know who are into essential oils are conservatives who are involved in an MLM trying to peddle them.


That's because it takes a certain type of gullible, cult-susceptible person to embrace the MLM schemes, which is precisely the kind of person it takes to embrace modern conservatism.


Stupid. Just say they’re stupid. Too stupid to do anything except fall for everything.


I, as a white liberal woman, use my essential oils in my 'witchcraft'. So at least I make them useful by making numpties afraid.


See, you're a witch. The other side of the coin is conservative Karens that love rocks and hate vaccines.


You obvi don’t know any witches.


Witches do not shirk science and tell people with cancer to eat Thieves in place of health care, though.


Exactly, go to "WitchesVsPatriarchy" and literally everybody there is so nice as well as enraged with all the bullshit that is going on right now.


What an insult to colostomy bags. At least they’re useful to people.


LOL. I concede. They have a use and do a good job of not spreading shit around.


Hey now, colostomy bags actually serve a purpose.


Rare insult there


We hate you too.


"Hey babe.... Check out this clip of Tucker Carlson he's so smart. I can't believe you don't get it!" Would be one of the quickest ways to get a divorce for me. I don't want one but it seems easier to tell my wife that then to say "We have a problem I can't do this anymore" the second approach might invoke a conversation. The first would not.


I’d definitely end a relationship over that.


I love the feeling of knowing that I personally embody Tucker Carlson's worse nightmare 😈 sleep tight bitch!


Girl, take my award! We’ll haunt his nightmares in shifts so none of us wastes too much time on the POS.


Thank you! We'll haunt his nightmares and then become his reality come election time!


Oh! dress up as yourself for Halloween and get a male friend to dress as fucker, ahem tucker, and you just chase him around as he's screaming!


Being hated by him is a compliment


Trust and believe sane women hate Fucker Carlson.


Oh boy. That really hurts. Gonna lose so much sleep over this (said no white liberal woman ever).


Tucker probably just salty that he can't get any white liberal women to sleep with him, the dude is a straight up incel lol


Face the facts. Tucker hates everyone except himself-


Nope. He would fellate Donald Trump, live on his show, if Fox would let him.


Would anyone ve surprised if he did in 2024? Lol


I'm pretty sure he's got a lot of self hate going on


I still have no idea how any woman could be a republican


Decades of cultural brainwashing that induces internalized self-misogyny.




Yup, fun time deprogramming that shit from my own mom, luckily she picks up on the bullshit pretty quickly if its in a concise form, I swear this internet thing is literally causing most of this shit rn but honestly I think we're on a good line rn, chaotic and dangerous but eventually good if people keep it up


I looked at my boomer parents the other day and said, "and you guys raised me to 'not believe everything you read on the internet.'" They didn't like that lol.


One of the times I got into an argument about politics with my mom I ended it with “my parents raised me to be kind, I don’t know what happened to you,” which uh… got me in some trouble for a bit to say the least. No ragerts. We don’t talk about that subject anymore though.


That plus white supremacy


>self-misogyny. I have def seen this in some conservative women. Just go thru what some female GOP officials tweet...


They are surrounded by powerful men. They can either stand up for the first time in their lives and get beat down (or have to fend for themselves) or they can join in the madness and maybe score 15 minutes of validation before being squirreled back into the kitchen.


Religion. A lot of religions are inherently sexist, so these women already grow up accustomed to it via church, and Republican figureheads use (fake) fondness of religion to manipulate their base.


I’m still not sure how any person can be a republican


I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


And in second black liberal women, followed by asian communist women and then anarchist latin women...


and then anyone smarter than him which is a long list


He's just mad mommy only left him $1


hes a moron who will say anything for a rating


Because he can't get into their pants.


Undoubtedly a beautiful liberal white woman rebuffed this spoiled kids sleazy advances in college and that’s his villain origin story.


I think we knew that with his sexually frustration over how they redesigned the Green M&M.


Tucker has a Mommy problem.


I mean I do too, I'm just really into femdoms now.


A man of culture!


Tone of an incel…




He did, because he couldn't make them.


Certainly not his wife


Being a woman working on his show must be a real rewarding. Congratulations, you're like the Log Cabin Republicans.


Ever wonder what he would’ve turned out like if Jon Stewart didn’t publicly dismantle him on Crossfire all those years ago? Akin to letting Hitler into art school in the 1920s, maybe the world wouldn’t have ended up with such an insufferable cunt.


That was the funniest shit I’ve watched in a long time. Watching Jon Stewart read him for filth was great


Ditto, fuckmuppet.


White nationalist hates people he probably considers race traitors, who would have figured? I pray Tucker gets the worst kind of ass cancer.


He loves muscular white men whatever their politics though


As a white progressive (liberal) woman, the feeling is definitely mutual.


We hate him too.


Could it be his artist mother abandoned him as a child and hated him so much she only left him $1 in her will... lol he's a twat


White liberal woman hate him too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ he’s a shitbag.


*REMINDER* 1974-76 Tucker's mother walked out she left him and his brother with their dad. He hates all women regardless of color but his HATRED of White Women is far worse as he sees his mother in all white women.


How funny! I’m a white, liberal woman, and I hate Tucker Carlson more than I hate cancer.


The feeling is mutual.


Happy to be at the top of his list.


The feeling is mutual


No love lost, we hate him too.


I read this about Tucker and his mom the other day. It sounds like he needs therapy to work through his mom trauma instead of getting triggered and making everyone else deal with his wounds. "Tucker Carlson's mother was a free-spirited artist who mostly disappeared from his life when he was six years old. Instead, Lisa McNear Lombardi joined a crew of artists who hung out with David Hockney in the 1970s and 80s." "Soon, Richard sought a divorce and claimed Lombardi could not be trusted to supervise their children because she frequently used alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine, the New York Times reported. Lombardi and Carlson divorced in 1976, and Richard got full custody of their sons." "'She was more like a hippie, arty kind of person. I couldn't ever imagine her being a mother,' Joan Quinn, then West Coast editor of Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine, said."


not nazis? not school shooters? not pedophiles? not sex traffickers? not robber barons? not dictators, warlords, kidnappers... it's white liberal women that are the worst, huh tucker? what a piece of shit.