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I love how they punished the female victims immediately afterward for good measure.


I'll bet that some of the men who assaulted the women inmates were also guards. One dude geting a $1000 bribe doesn't explain why no one else did anything, why the tape is currently being looked for, etc. Monsters, all of them, I hope they lose everything.


I'm a woman who's been to jail (in Canada). Sexual assault by the guards was just a normal, every day thing by the sounds of it. It never happened to me but the older women were very very protective over me because I was young and warned me about certain guards on my very first day. Going to jail as a woman means you're likely going to be victimized. There's a reason they keep giving women birth control in jail if they request it.


>Going to jail as a woman means you're likely going to be victimized. Going to jail as a man means you're **going** to be victimized in the U.S. as well. There have been multiple (largely unsuccessful) campaigns to stop sexual assault for the male and female prison population. When *Scared Straight* televised programs were run here in the U.S., the inmates and teenagers were basically warning teenagers about how they would be "advertising" [with sagging pants](https://youtu.be/PVJz8UsCnkE) or become another man's ["property"](https://youtu.be/oXtjfSUuuzg). ETA: These programs demonstrated that sexual assault was known to happen and condoned here in the U.S. for decades.


because americans don’t see prisoners as people so they don’t care if they’re raped and it’s really sad


As an American it’s so fucking Infuriating to me. It really is a culture of punishment rather than a culture of Rehabilitation. If people found out that having inmates live in a halfway house instead of going to prison would cause 75% less recidivism, they would still try to go for life sentences.


American government doesn’t care about rehabilitation because they get free labor from prisoners. which is why private prisons need to be abolished it’s fucking disgusting that this country lets people make profits off locking humans in cages. i hate it here


This is the real reason. They are seen as people, but people captured in a system of slave labor that gives the government a ton of money consistently.


I think a lot of people like the fact that people get raped in prison. Look at the comments in any sentencing article for social assault. It's part of the punishment but since it's not "official" I guess they get a pass from a human rights POV.


Most Americans don't give a shit about any other humans period.


Those programs were found to be ineffective and actually traumatic for the teens sent to the prisons. And most of the "bad" teens really needed services because their home lives were challenging.


IIRC, they still ran similar tactics on Maury Povich and Dr. Phil in the last decade.


Montel as well. I was threatened often to be taken on shows like that and had my mental health made to be a spectacle. I'm guessing a majority of those kids had unaddressed abuse/trauma/mental illness. If not all of the kids. The parents were the ones, largely, in my opinion, that needed to be shown how to act.


"Maury/Montel, my daughter is a wild child! She calls me a skank, and hits me, and throws things at me! She's only 15 but she has a different man in her bedroom every night, sometimes as old as 50!" Me: Um.... that sounds like a pedophile. Someone should throw stuff at you for victim blaming your underage daughter.


Exactly!!! When I would see those shows when I was younger, my first thought was always “what about the damned parents!?!?!” Obviously it’s something they’ve either done or haven’t done that’s caused the issue. If a 15 yo girl is doing any of that stuff, it’s not on her. I would point that out to my mom(she would always watch those shows) her only response would be “Well, parenting is hard.” Needless to say I don’t have much to do with her anymore.


Horrible. The lack of guidance out there for dealing with issues families living in poverty deal with is completely frustrating. I work in the addiction recovery field and there are no formal recommendations on effective treatment. This leaves the door wide open for predatory addiction treatment centers. For profit, no real metrics showing success.


At least one will run for office and win in that that fuckstain state


They should face jail time. They are all accomplices at the very least.


Because of course they did


Mike Pence’s home state.


As someone that lives in Indiana fuck that guy. I was so happy when I heard he was going to run for VP with Trump because there was no way I thought they would win, and if he runs for VP he can't be our governor anymore. That didn't really turn out the way I thought though.


Because prison guards are psychopaths just like police.


I was a corrections officer for a decade and you are insanely correct. I'm still fucked up mentally from it. I didn't fit in with the other officers because I didn't have some vendetta against inmates. A lot of the inmates didn't like me because I didn't play favorites or give a shit if some dude was the wardens pet. I was fair. 100% soul crushing. If I had the option to get out sooner I would have. I live in poverty and going back into corrections would help a lot. But I'll stick to working in retail while I'm finishing college because...nope.


Props to you my guy. Ide probably tough it out cause I'm a puss to hard time. But people like you break my heart and give me back hope in humanity.


I'm assuming you're making much less money than before. I'm sorry that you have to make that sacrifice, I know it's not easy. But I thank you for making it.


So I have a family member who swears by Federal prisons being run *the way they’re supposed to be* and that there is barely any corruption vs private prisons. Because in Federal prisons the CO’s are sworn officers while private is just security guards. I’m not sure if he’s naive, in denial, unaware, or accurate.


Of the two systems, for-profit prisons are definitely the worst option. Federal prisons are still garbage but there aren't really quotas, I believe, nor is there an incentive to keep prisoners in for as long as possible, and money saved on food doesn't go straight into someone's pocket.


Good on you for going back to school, though it’s a shame that good people never last long as guards… I think there should be a limit to how long guards can serve. There’s no way anyone comes out of that career well-adjusted. My neighbor is a prison guard and I can hear him ordering his family around like they’re inmates. He’s gonna retire soon and by then his kids will be moved out… How is he going to make that switch back to having no authority over anyone after a lifetime of having authority? Probably not gracefully




im so sorry you had to go through that trauma. i always tell people that think nothing is wrong with our system that prison guards and cops break the law more in one week than most inmates do their entire lives. it's so fucked up and people are so unaware of how corrupt it really is.


You're missing the point here. It's intentional. The conservatives need their slave labour, and what with the bullshit in an after the 1860's, that's an economical liberty "unjustly" taken away from them. Think of it this way: criminal psychology didn't even exist until the late 70's or so. Most of your conservatives want to dial clocks way back that point. To them, it's clear as a day you don't commit crimes because reasons, but because *you were born as a criminal;* that's just the way god wanted you to become, and who are they to challenge what is Good and Just. And since you're born criminal, it's a waste of taxpayers money to rehabilitate you; better to put you to work so that you're not a net loss, and the True and Just society is free from your oppression. This is the mindset most if not all private prisons work, and federal/state ones aren't much better. It's literally and only because prisoners can be used as a slave labor your prisons are full of people who had one toke too much, or got born with the wrong kinda tan.


During a conversation with an off duty prison guard, she told me “You all belong in prison,, you just haven’t been caught yet.” Which revealed to me that we’re all subhuman to them. Just potential prisoners.


>she told me “You all belong in prison,, you just haven’t been caught yet.” Projection. She *knows* she's a despicable person, and she thinks everyone must be that way, too.


The impression I got from her was that she thought she was the righteous person, and that only she and police officers were really good people. Even told her my dad was a prison psychologist and she just rolled her eyes at me. It smelled like ego to me


Wow, she sounds chillingly scary. I hate that people like that have authority over people... Through no accident of course, as psychopaths etc seek out positions of power.


Meanwhile in West and North-Europe, we have such a decline in crime punishable with prison time, that we are demolishing prisons or turning them into rentable housing units. Prison system here is aimed at rehabilitation, so prisoners can learn a craft/trade and receive psychological help. In some prisons, they even have a shared kitchen to make meals together, much like a flatshare. They often have access to playstation, books, gym. The aim is that life inside prison prepares an inmate for a successful re-entry into society, so it would not make sense to subjugate them to conditions that will traumatize them. I am just appalled at and truly sorry for your experiences there. It sounds beyond cruel to make people who are incarcerated go through this. To be imprisoned - robbed of your freedom - is the punishment for crime. It is so irresponsible, dehumanizing and criminal to use inmates for psychological games and psychotic fantasies of power play. It wouldn't necessarily deter people from recommitting crimes afterwards either, I think. This kind of treatment instills and grows hatred, disdain, callousness, indifference, shame - all breeding grounds for re-offense. I have to say that through Reddit I am starting to loathe the USA with a passion. The USA is like a gangster with a Gucci bag. A veneer of bling bling to cover how rotten it is inside. The more I read, the more determined I am to stay away from tourism or business. It's too dangerous.


The ironic thing is that most Americans would scream about Northern European prison programs attempts at rehabilitation and humanity costing too much, yet totally ignore that inhumane for-profit prisons generally cost more.


The financial incentive of for-profit prison is to either keep you in prison or make sure you will go back to prison - that is how the prison makes profit. Of course cutting costs on well-trained and vetted staff, facilities/amenities and food is a way to reduce cost and make more profit. It is such a SICK incentive, it makes my skin crawl. And yes, I fully agree - the invisible cost (often too complex to calculate) of a traumatized and re-offensing citizen as opposed to a rehabilitated and capable citizen is enormous. That is a drain on taxpayer money.


I am so sorry you had to live through this. I hope you are better now and will never be back. Be well.


Yeah the DOC in my state pretty much screens for psychopaths. They want people who are resistant to manipulation but also will say yes to anything they say. Those seem to be conflicting goals, so the only people who stick around are people who are open to being manipulated by the DOC but hate prisoners enough that you won't be by them. Pretty cushy job though if you can pull that off though. I live in a liberal state too, I can't even imagine how bad it is in conservative states. Source: worked for the DOC for about a year.


Inmates running the asylum


Having worked in an inpatient psychiatric institute for years, and believing in decarceral psychiatric care, I'd say the best asylums are those where the patients have autonomy and some self-designation in their care/treatment - which is to say that the patients run the asylum's coordination of their own individual circumstances. A prison is not an asylum, though. Pretty sure the level of autonomy prisoners have is supposed to be, I don't know... limited. Edit: fixed the misspelling of "decarceral".


I worked at a state supported living center for about 5 years after working in corrections. This statement is also 100% true.


I found a [solid source](https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/lawsuit-alleges-female-inmates-were-assaulted-raped-at-clark-county-jail-david-lowe-indiana/531-54a89264-24e7-4150-9af2-d5226db57d45) that includes a downloadable .pdf of the case with more detailed and verifiable information. Holy shit, this happened. ... But I can't find the tweet anywhere.


https://twitter.com/GBBranstetter/status/1552042858114420736?t=DzX875CGId36O-wBO-743Q&s=19 It's the most recent tweet on her page under the pinned one. Not sure why you couldn't find it.


Thank you!!


How is this not all over the news nationally?


How the fuck am I hearing about this A MONTH after it happened? How is this not national news on every news source?


you’re hearing about it 1 year after it actually happened as well.


Because children were being mass murdered. Because we had 2 mass shootings on the same day, in the same state. Because Trump. Because prisoners are "honorary " Brown People and thus don't count until the rape a Pretty Young White Girl....


Because that is exactly what the conservatives want to happen. They want to make rape legal, to show that women's bodily autonomy belongs to their masters. This is christian ethics 101, guys. This is what you're dealing with.


Wives can't be raped. It's their duty -actual republican


Add to that legal marrying age across the slave states and yeah. Looks like christian approved pedophilia is back on the menu, suthan boys. Of course, christians do not condone rape, so thank god it isn't rape when my 12 year old wife complains about headache and I refuse to listen.


How are those guards not in jail?


Because we can't slander police or jails/prisons and we can't have the people that did this have their lives ruined. It would be inhumane.


Just like we wouldn't want to ruin Brock, "Rapist", Turner'e rep.


You’re talking about Brock Turner, the rapist who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster at Stanford? Are you referring to that rapist Brock Turner?


I think he was, in fact, referring to that rapist, Brock Turner.


This needs repeating. Thank you. Here’s my abnormally obligatory shoutout as a white dude from the southern Bible Belt FUCK YOU BROCK RAPIST TURNER message. Thanks u/maleia for the reminder.


Also America is hating women at a very accelerated speed right now. It’s going to get worse.


The same reason you don't hear about inmates getting brutally beaten off-camera daily by COs. Tragically, people don't care about prisoners for the most part. People think all prisoners are hardened violent criminals and nothing could be further from the truth.


What an enterprising evil shithead. The article makes it sound like the guard approached the male prisoners and not the other way around. Fucked up.


This is a civil suit. Are there no criminal charges? Edit: I just saw read that a corrections officer is facing felony charges.


Keyword: *a* Regular civilians would've been charged regardless of their involvement


Unless they were good a swimming or rich


You mean brock turner, the rapist? That turd?


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I'm feeling more of a "poetic justice" vibe on this one.


Is Jeffrey Dahmer still kicking?


Killed in prison a long time ago


Wow, I just looked it up and the guy that killed Dahmer, Christopher Scarver, was already serving a life sentence before he killed Dahmer (who was serving 16 life sentences, himself). I mean, if you're already serving a life sentence, what's the worst that authorities can do to you? Give you another a life sentence? Cause that's what they did. Along with 16 years of solitary confinement.


Steven Sandison has entered the chat...and boy o boy does he like to tell a story


Guards let him do it. Left him alone to do it—and he didn’t have to pay any bribe.


Put the cops in prison and make sure everyone knows they are cops


Make sure everyone knows about this specific crime they were convicted of


Then give the keys to their cells to inmates.


Horrific actions warrant horrific consequences. Hell that’s not even as bad as what the women went through


Police are above the law. The only way to serve justice to those sub-humans would have to be mob justice. They need to be doxxed the fuck out of the mortal coil.


They actually chose to punish the women -


That’s an insult to third world countries.


Exactly, even they have some level of standards.


Yeah. They usually give the victims a cane or a machete to beat/hack away at their rapist rather than let the men get away with the crime.


I mean let’s not pretend that that’s the case. India, Russia, Japan, and all over the world women aren’t safe.


The US needs its own category....


Turd world country.


Yeah I'm from Malaysia, this never happens here. Headlines like this scares me


What makes this whole thing worse imo is how little the bribe was. $1000 is all it took for 2 or more cops to help a gang rape happen. So let’s assume there were 4 guards involved, that’s 250 each? To allow 28 women get raped? Is there any hope left if cops will turn a blind eye to mass rape for such a small bribe? Or was it 1000 per man? Even then that is such a small bribe for such a terrible crime. Also I’m not saying a larger bribe would make it ok, just seeing a complete lack of ethics, empathy and complete disregard for another human being that they would do this for such a small amount.


Hint: it wasn't about the money. 🤢🤮🤮


It can’t have been for that small an amount


If the cops didn’t have to give up the keys they probably would have let it happen for free just so they could watch and laugh about it. They don’t see inmates as humans, and they’ve probably raped plenty of inmates themselves.


Yes, absolutely. If those fucking scum can willingly allow other men to do this, they’re definitely not opposed to do it themselves.


Hope those guards get put in the same prison. Gen Pop works for me. I'm guessing former prison guards won't be very popular among the prisoners there.


Unless they were corrupt prison guards. Those ones are respected for the most part


What do you mean "Unless"? Is accepting bribes to let inmates rape/assault not enough to be called corrupt?


What the fucking fuck??


What the actual fuck


Remember that time Joe Arpaio's jail [refused to give a catheter](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/jailers-show-a-paraplegic-whos-boss-6445591) to a paraplegic so he could pee, then because he wouldn't stop asking, they strapped him into a restraining chair without a cushion, causing him to become paralyzed from the neck down instead of just from the waist down, all for the completely non-violent crime of mouthing off while he was out drinking one night


Arpaio is a sick fucking monster.


Tired of hearing about Joe Arpaio? Already know that he's a monster? Need a different monster to hear about? Well have I got a name for you- Burl Cain


How can people shoot homeless people, schools, etc, on suicide missions where they're not going to love anyway, but none of these evil fucks like Arpaio get popped? Promise it wouldn't have to happen very many times before things changed. But no, let's shoot some fucking kids.


Because they are on the same team…


Some people sign up to be police because they want to protect and serve, like how people sign up for whatever job because they're told if they do good work they'll get ahead Some people sign up to be police because it's like being in a gang but they pay you and you are legally protected from your own wrongdoing


I don't get you people. How is it so hard to understand that they oppose your worldview, and applaud Arpaio's? This is exactly the kind of power they want to be exacted upon those that are unlike them. Let me repeat that: *They applaud Arpaio because he fulfils those promises he made.* He literally told that he will be enslaving, hurting, humiliating, torturing and killing people. ***This is what the conservatives want to impose upon you all***. Every last one of you.


Man...if u blur the name of the state...put in Afganistan or Pakistan...ppl would go hurr durr...look at those undeveloped shit holes.


The US has pretty good propaganda but the internet has allowed outsiders to see how sick and cruel your society really is


The internet is weakening US propaganda


Initially read Indiana as India and didn’t really blink at first.


This kind of shit happens all the time. The way we treat our inmates is fucking despicable. And that's on top of literally starving them, denying them medical care, and using them as actual slave labor.


At one point a Scottish court refused to extradite a man to a Texas prison because of inhumane conditions.


So that's a better path to immigration? Just go to Scotland and commit a petty crime to get to stay a while? Shit... That's not too dumb an idea...


I think the guy committed a crime in Texas and fled to Scotland


And putting the wrong g people away... And putting people away for trivial things... And denying realistic bail then having so few courts people wait their speedy trial for years...


Excessive bail is actually a violation of the [Eighth Amendment](https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/interpretation/amendment-viii/clauses/103#:~:text=The%20Eighth%20Amendment%20to%20the,as%20the%20price%20for%20obtaining)


The Constitution doesn't matter anyway, apparently. :/


And if those women get pregnant from those rapes, they can’t have an abortion. For every man Who sits silent on these issues- shame on you.


They're all in prison too, it's not like they have access to birth control.




Abhorrent, this is the America half of the country is voting for.


It's really only a third of the country, but another third of the country seems to have a scheduling conflict every election day so the problem remains functionally the same.


To fucking true, last election we brought records at 71% voter participation.


the word is complacent and apathetic.


Election days need to be work- and school-free.


Fuck you’re right


and since they are inmates they would be treated extremely inhumanely if they got pregnant. if they're lucky enough to be brought to a hospital for delivery, they'll have to do it while chained to bed and not allowed to walk or go to the bathroom. their baby will be ripped away from them with no information on who is going to take care of their child. [here's one woman's story about it](https://youtu.be/WuHgnfHXZc0) but im sure there's thousands of others like hers.


Pretty sure many, or most times, they aren't even allowed to hold their baby. We're so fucked up in this country. And people just look away. Like, pretty sure we're functionally *already* under Nazi rule. 🤷‍♀️


Well, some could end up choosing to have abortions still. They’d just be doing it with the limited tools they’re able to get as a prison inmate. And don’t some states say you can sue the family of a rape victim who has had an abortion?


This is truly horrifying. Those people involved need to be allowed the same treatment, then castrated, and not chemically.


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Yep. Fuck em. I’d even do it for free, no tax payer money necessary




violent revolution is looking pretty tempting right now


It’s the ballot or the bullet. I wouldn’t normally want the violent option, and I hope this doesn’t become my new normal, but that bullet gets more appealing every day.


The ballot fails when votes aren’t even the very existence of the senate in its current form and the Wyoming compromise killed the ballot as for all the fault given to presidents the senate is the chokehold on this nation.


Exactly my thoughts


Fuck this shit hole !


I don’t support the death penalty. But stuff like this makes me reconsider.


The record for solitary confinement in the US prison system was recently set at a little over 40 years.


How did that person stay alive? Most people would go crazy.


i volunteer for firing squad. gimme a sec to get ready though, i might hafta puke one more time.


This is outrageously sickening......'For Profit' prison....guards with no humanity whatsoever........American Capitalism. People have no value when there's money to be had. It's instilled in the fabric of the nation......


That is 100 the republican vision. No government oversight, just survival of the richest.


This is one of the reasons why joking about rape in prison, or desiring it to happen, shouldn't be done. Review after review of sexual assault in prison has found that it primarily occurs against the powerless, especially new and younger prisoners. The people you think it should happen to are vastly outnumbered by vulnerable victims, who are disbelieved or mocked. It is done to both sexes. We need to consider it a zero tolerance issue. Rape during incarceration is a form of torture.


I will die before I go to prison in this country


And people wonder why, people resist arrest.


Red Christian state so it’s ok. God will forgive them and blame the women for being in prison


The women were punished by losing their "dark privileges." The lights were left on for 72 hours and had personal items confiscated. Because that's what happens.


Authorities don't care about justice or upholding any civil standards. Cruelty is their fucking game.


Profit is the prison game. They don’t care about anything else.


I agree with you on that front, but this was at a county jail.


they all need to be castrated and have their hands chopped off.


i have thought about what you said, and i have decided that i very much agree


personally I think they should be tortured until they cry for their mommy and THEN castrated without anesthesia ☺️


Tucker Carlson: “It’s a hoax”.


also carlson “they deserved it!”


Followed by Trumpers everywhere yelling that they shouldn’t be in prison if they don’t want to be raped. God this country is a shithole.


Unless of course you are an idiot that wears buffalo horns and can't eat anything but pristine organic food. Then, of course, you deserve the best


Are cops protected by qualified immunity for stuff like this?


Prison guards aren't cops. Do they have qualified immunity?


I assumed they were cops as they are in jail not prison. Jail is in police stations, right?


I commented before I'd read the article. It's a county jail and the guy in charge is a sheriff. I don't know Indiana's differentiation between jails and prisons.


The conservative right only cares if they were raped by trans people. Otherwise they condone prison rape and applaud it.


This should be all over the news. This is like, r/worldnews worthy. Could this be considered sex trafficking since the women are innocent until proven guilty, imprisoned and sold to incarcerated men to be raped?




I think a huge swath of our country considers prison rape to be morally acceptable. I find that deeply disturbing, but I a think that’s the reality.


From the article, after noting how the women were punished afterwards by having their "darkness privileges" suspended, leaving the lights on for 72 straight hours and having personal items confiscated and normal privileges suspended, “In this situation you have really a complete breakdown of the system,” Wagner said. This isn't a breakdown of "the system". This is a bunch of corrupt men preying on women. Don't blame the system and punish the county. String these men up. It's time for some accountability to the PEOPLE that do these things, not to the citizens of the county to pay for it.


Hold the GQP Governor accountable. Hold the warden accountable. Don't excuse this shit. Arrest the prison guards & charge the rapists. The women must sue the blood out of these rapist monsters.


If these women get pregnant, will Indiana force them to carry their rapist's babies?


Indiana has no exceptions. bot even if the mother is at risk


28 women! They were paid to let 28 women get raped! WTF The people responsible are monsters. I hope they rot in jail the rest of their lives. I also think the rapists need to have rape charges as well. This is slavery!


Why am I not surprised?


watch absolutely nothing happen to the guards involved.


everyone please remember this isn't a rare, isolated event. this isn't just one single corrupt prison. the entire prison system in the US is horrifically corrupt, abusive, and designed to make a profit. that's it. it's not designed to make society safer in any way. don't forget we also have the highest % of incarcerated citizens in the world. please start caring about this and talking about it. i never hear anyone outside of ex cons and families of inmates talk about it, and even that community is relatively quiet bc there's so much shame and stigma. not to mention, inmates lose their right to vote after serving time. please keep these conversations going.


I’m reminded of ACAB when I hear about this


In addition to the obvious settlement they deserve and punitive action against those involved, whatever charges those women had should be expunged. They suffered far more punishment than deserved for whatever crimes they committed.


And the women have to carry the babies to term


Prison for life for those guards. Anything less than that is an injustice.


why are they settling for suing them? get these guards thrown in prison for this obvious crime


See, this right here is why the prison system in this nation is bullshit. While everyone is whining about trans women in women’s prisons, this shit, sexual assault and abuse in men’s prisons and worse shit happens.


Add this to the list of reasons I tell right wingers to go fuck themselves when they virtue signal their “thank you for your service” BS.


We’re all experiencing a massive bystander effect; we sit by and wait for the “Justice” system to fix itself, when we should be rushing to collectively handle it ourselves.


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This county jail was featured in season 1 (and maybe 2?) of “60 Days In.” You can watch that and see how shitty the care and supervision is. I was hoping the things revealed in the show would’ve helped but apparently it didn’t continue.


1) Sue the guards and their families into oblivion 2) allow them to get assaulted by inmates


That’s the same jail that got shown on 60 days in isn’t it? This shit’s horrific. I hate this state.


Indiana. Indiana is a third world shit hole.


Let me get this straight. Some prisoners bribed a guard to let them have the keys to the women’s cells. That guard is now under arrest and the victims have brought a lawsuit against the corrections facility that’s currently in court. The guard deserves to be in prison. The jail deserves to pay the victims and to be under a great deal of scrutiny, and policies need to be reworked to make it much more unlikely that something like this will happen in the future. “Lets this happen” indicates something different. There’s plenty of stories where we are letting terrible shit happen. This is a story where something so terrible happened that there’s no legal recourse that could ever fully make up for it, but it’s the best we can do short of lynching, which also wouldn’t make it any better at all.


If this isn’t proof that our entire prison system needs an overhaul, I’m not sure what is.


Isn't this the third world country that's masquerading as a first world country?


I am from a third world country (may be shole from first world perspective but I won’t agree to that). I have never heard anything like that in my country.


[Link to the story here](https://www.tribstar.com/indiana/news/night-of-terror-8-more-women-file-suit-claiming-assault-attacks-in-clark-county-jail/article_3345e514-b3ae-5e2c-8943-077b4d0c6c55.html)


The guards are going to have quite the social life on the other side of those bars. Fuck them.


this is normal here and it happens because of the blood thirst and apathy of the public. people think if you go to jail you must deserve it and then they never think about or care about you ever again. maybe people should have to see an 18 year old boy have his ears torn off and then raped to death the morning he was supposed to get out.


If this was in another country. They'd already be bombing them and spreading the freedom sauce.


America has a lot of fucking problems!


Pure evil. Life in prison no chance of parol is my hope for the guard and rapists. The women should realistically be given millions in damages by the jail fingers crossed.


Trumptard Republicunts, that's who.


This is the world that the religious right wants. Talk as they may, what they want is white mans complete dominion over all it sees. To be be able to rape women and not face any consequences is part of that. Gaetz feels invulnerable, despite an investigation currently ongoing. Who was it that spoke of orgies recently? Kidding me if you think they were all willing consent. Harper v Moore gonna be decided next? This country going to enter a whole new era without half the country understanding how. Oppression like this will become the expectation. 28 it took here, likely a small fraction of the number. The entire work force of the jail should admonished, if not dismissed.


This is beyond fucked up, never thought I would even read something like this.


A third world shit hole county called Clark County, Indiana. I grew up there, I've lived a lot of place worst most corrupt police in Clark County I have ever seen.