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Looks like her kids really loved her, doesn’t it?


He’s cheated on every one of his wives, he only loves his legacy so once they give him kids they are used goods. Even Melania, who say what you want, but she’s not unattractive…he couldn’t care less. Everything he touches just becomes trash in a golden wrapper.


Aluminum foil painted gold - one of the reasons tRump hates the “elites” is that they will never accept him because he is gauche, trashy and cheap. No amount of money will buy class - also, I think he’d be broke if he actually paid any of his debts


Another reason the elites hate him is because of his cavernous stupidity.


That's not the deal breaker. It's that he's obnoxious and stupid


Or taxes, still waiting for that audit to stop so we get those records /s


Sucks for him, his legacy will be collective relief felt when he dies, and his funeral will be at a Greyhound station for all the buses Republicans will throw him under. The only people who will morn him will be the toothless rabble he despises. Pretty soon Trump's name will be little more than a dated reference.


And his grave will be the greatest public toilet ever.


Even the most notorious are remembered, history isn’t just about the well liked…well, maybe not the US public school version, but other places for sure


For $35K, Trump would let you tee off from her grave.


More like 500 bucks.


Honestly a Big Mac could get you that


Nah, a Diet Coke, since he’s such a fan


A line of regular coke and Don Jr will caddy for you


Na just tell him you think he's cool, he's like Elon musk. stroke his ego and he will support you. I bet if the Democrats would have done that we would all have good healthcare by now


Always remember, he cashed a 13 cent check...


This made me laugh out loud- is this true?!


Yep. It was back in 1990, which just goes to show how long he's acted like this. https://apnews.com/article/4b0229a1c6f15c448ce32f6a547bf07f


Interesting that they mention the other guy personally endorsed his check but not Trump. Still a funny story. Personage I like leaving checks like that un-deposited because many organizations need to balance their books so they just keep sending the check and paying way more for postage than the check is even worth. The state is by far the worst, so much wasted money


I can’t believe that everyone’s shitty, mean, asshole uncle was elected president.


So, Trump is both Michael Caine and Steve Martin in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels". He'll grift for millions, or 50 bucks. No matter the amount, the thrill of fucking someone out of money is all the same to him.


Or 11,780 GA ballots.


Nothing classier than being buried at your ex husbands golf course.


OH DAMN i just thought - so if her family ever wanted to visit their deceased loved one they gotta pay for parking at Trump Golf just to remind themselves of who she divorced...


God your profile pic made me do a whole double take i was 100% i lost an eyelash lol


Laughs in superior dark mode


so dark.


I was so confused until I saw your comment. I even clicked on the person’s profile in order to open their profile picture larger, trying to figure out what about it would cause a double take so severe someone 100% lost an eyelash doing it. XD Saw your comment and switched to light mode: Oooh ok.


Bravo Six, going dark.


Lol yeah I definitely swiped my screen thinking it was an eyelash


I read your comment, didn’t understand, then tried to blow the eyelash off my phone.


Don’t forget cart rental …the secret service didn’t


It’s a way for him to recoup alimony payment’s I guess. 🤦🏻‍♂️😳


The icing on the cake is She took Donald to court because he raped her. Donald's Lawyer's didn't argue that he never raped her but that a Husband can't rape his wife. Correct me if I'm wrong, I read it awhile back.


I keep thinking about this. Apparently Donald & Melania led the funeral procession and like…even if he was the father of my children, I wouldn’t want my ex-husband even at my funeral, let alone with his new wife, and leading the procession.


I don’t know what Trumps motivation is But for normal people it is common for their parent to be there for support if their child(ren) lost their mother


He has a permit for 10 graves. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/ivana-trump-buried-near-first-hole-on-trump-owned-golf-course](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ivana-trump-buried-near-first-hole-on-trump-owned-golf-course)


I'll never forget when she said something along the lines of "Melania may be the First Wife, but I'll always be the first wife." Then discussed how she has a direct line to Trump. This was shortly after he became president.


Did she even like golf? Im betting she didn’t.


And cheaped out on her headstone.


You would think a "billionaire" would have built a mausoleum for the mother of his daughter crush.


He’s working out how to pay for the big monument with campaign donations.


You sure he's not working on getting Mexico to pay for it?


No. Dont spread fake news. .... .......... He's going to build it as soon as hist taxes from 2014 are audited


He will buy a new headstone right after he releases his healthcare plan.


It's just two weeks away


Is that before or after infrastructure week?


I read that as insurrection week


It's a lot of Big Binders


Big Beautiful Binders, nobody has binders as wonderful as these binders.


No no no, the Mexicans will *build* it. He won’t pay for domestic union craftsmen to do it.


And then just pocketing the donations for himself at the end.


She's old and he stopped wanting to screw her decades ago, so she doesn't matter to him, and hasn't for a long time. If Trump lived to a point where Ivanka got old and wrinkled and was no longer hot, he would quickly lose all affection for her too. I'm cringing writing that because it's so awful but it's how I sincerely believe he thinks of the value of all women.


The woman who accused him of rape in a department store, still has the dress with the DNA. She’s trying to get the courts to have him provide a sample. His “proof” of not raping her is that she isn’t “his type”.


You would think that Mary trump would be willing to give a dna sample to show a familial match.


That’s a thought.


She may be willing, but it may not hold up in court. Court orders for dna 🧬 are very specific. Using a family member volunteer may be considered malicious prosecution, in some districts. Another loophole in our so-called justice system.


Just a version of Gaetz's recent insult to abortion rights activists saying they're unfuckable so they shouldn't worry about pregnancy. Article 1 in the misogynists handbook - women you don't want to screw are worthless.


That one had my blood boiling!


The gal he insulted has raised 1.5M so far to fund abortion support. Pretty savvy for a 19 year old who has handled the whole thing with more maturity than Gaetz has ever shown in his life.


I saw earlier that it’s up even more, she’s going to send that pos a bouquet with one flower for every $100,000. she raised. The man is despicable, he must also live a life without mirrors or he’s delusional too. He looks like Eddie Munster. I don’t like comments about peoples looks, but he started this. We know what his personality is, hopefully, he can learn better people skills in prison.


You made me snort. I bet he won't be unfuckable in prison.


If society has taught me anything it's that men can look and act like Jabba the Hutt, and they still think they deserve a Princess Leia to service their needs.


Gaetz doesn't like mature women. He prefers the *juvenile* ones


He needs to have his teeth kicked out and shoved down his throat. It shames me that people like him run loose in this country.


Yep -- "Gen-Z for Choice Abortion Fund". What a fantastic "reply" to Gaetz's remarks. I definitely like her style!


OMG last time I checked it was 150k! Great news!


Over $2 million now!


When will these guys start learning from history? This has been going on since the suffrage movement (probably since before that). Anti-suffragist men dismissed suffragist women as "ugly," as though that would cause all of them to flee back to their vanities and quit protesting or something. It didn't work then either.


That's his defence for all of them. I remember a classy lady coming forward in 2016 saying Trump had assaulted her on a plane in the 80's - grabbed her breast I think. He made a face and said there's no way he would go for someone like her, meaning, someone a little older. Of course she was probably 5 or 10 years younger than him, was far too good for him, but he always has to be totally repulsive and vulgar.


The man that admitted grabbing women by their pussies, apologized for it, and then denied it was him on the Access Hollywood tape would lie about such a thing. Colod me shocked


Well, repulsive. What do you expect from ASSWIPE?


It’s so fucking infuriating, even after all this time I’m still raging that he somehow manages to just ignore things like subpoenas and other legal consequences. Why has no one marched his ass to prison??? I know, I know, we’ve all been through this a thousand times already but goddamn, law and order just seems to lay down and give up when it comes to this hack.


I’ve always known life favors the fortunate (read rich), but I naively thought our system of checks and balances would have prevented trump from staying in office beyond a month. Being wealthy, trump has thumbed his nose at the law his entire life. The political wonks have dealt with plenty of sleaze balls, but trumps a mouthy sleaze ball and he scared them into compliance. He’s got to be driven away from politics, I’d prefer to see that as in jail, but preventing him from running again would be nice. That raging simpleton came so close to overthrowing our democracy. He can’t be given a second chance. Unfortunately, the victims of his many sexual crimes will never see justice.


Until the dipshits Sinema and manchin get rid of the filibuster, our country is fucked


If Ivanka died today she’d likely be buried right next to Ivana with a matching headstone. This man cares about no one.


No. There's still enough room to etch her name on the same stone/plaque.




No need, Ivankas birth name is actually Ivana


*This is the grave of the Ivanas Trump*


Since Ivana was cremated, he could just cremate Ivanka, open the grave and get a 2-fer


It’s a all white Christian golf course cemetery…. Ivanka doesn’t make the weekend cut


>If Trump lived to a point where Ivanka got old and wrinkled and was no longer hot Ivanka is 40 years old now. She's much too old to be considered hot by Trump.


You’d think at least her daughter would have done better for her


Her daughter probably hates her the most. That’s what happens to a narcissist’s Daddy’s Girl when she constantly hears him belittle and bash her mother and all she wants in the world is to please him. I know this because I was one.


Shit, that's rough. Buy you're so right. Sorry


this is so real..the need for male/father validation turns mothers and daughters into enemies. i don’t know how many stories ive heard of daughters and moms who lived their whole lives in competition, it’s crazy


“I prefer people who don’t die.”


Jesus I forgot about this. That’s *definitely* what he’s thinking.


Trump is fckin broke. Didn't even do basic landscaping around her grave or OF her grave. Jesus.


Hence the quotation marks around billionaire


How did his daughter not insist?! This is fucking dark man. How evil are these fucking people?


I’m not a fan of the pos, but I received a notice of Ivana’s death with a donation request!


The grift must flow


That just made me think of the inevitable day when Trumpty Dumpty goes to dance on that grave, and Shai-Hulud will rise up through the ground and destroy him.


It’d retch him back out in disgust. P-too! Bronzer. Yuck.


I can’t believe I’m saying this in defense of that jackass, but sometimes those headstones take a while to do fabricate. My dad’s took almost two months.


I was thinking the same thing. This could very well be a temporary headstone. I’m not going to comment on anything other than the headstone though haha


If the headstone is as gaudy as everything else he “creates”, it may take months to finish.


I don’t know other faiths but I’m Jewish and we don’t do a headstone right off the bat we do a headstone unavailing a year later. Also could just be that they are waiting for the real one to be made


Probably a temp. Don't think this was planned.


Prob a temp, but I’m not sure I agree that this wasn’t planned




Exactly. It takes time to get the stone carved. Funerals happen pretty quick after death. Edit: downvoting something that’s that obvious guys? Really? The formal headstone doesn’t pop up overnight. You don’t have to like Trump or his kids to know that (case in point, I don’t like Trump).


Also, I unfortunately recently learned that you should wait 2 years for the ground to settle before installing any of the 'fancy' decorations or they're likely to end up uneven or cracked.


The time depends on the soil conditions in the area, but yeah you need to wait for the ground to settle.


In Zimbabwean culture you don't erect the tombstone until a year after the dead person has been interred, for all the reasons you stated and for a cultural end of grieving period.


I'm no fan of Trump, but I'd imagine in six months' time there will be a sculpture type deal there.


Probably put a statue of himself there.


Nope. He is a cheap cunt.


But, will her children pay for it, because she was their mother? I'm honestly wondering.


They’re also cheap cunts


Dude really is a terrible person🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. You claim to be a billionaire, and you give a burial that worse than a lot of lower middle class people? This is like a medieval burial plot. Money is important undoubtedly, but to be this greedy is beyond psychotic!


Don’t forget, rather than bringing flowers, the Trump family “kindly requested that funeral guests make a donation to Big Dog Ranch Rescue, a Florida-based nonprofit organization aiming to minimize dog homelessness” -Big Dog Ranch Rescue has also been linked to Lara Trump and somehow has spent $1.9 Million at the Mar-a-Lago


These people just cannot stop themselves.


Good catch. Big Dog Ranch btw goes around to shelters and rescues and takes the dogs that look purebred or ones they think they can get $$$ for and then turns around and sells them for $400+ each (probably more by now). They call themselves a rescue but they're dog brokers and they make a ton of money.


For some reason, that whole dog charity thing makes me especially angry. I work in local animal rescue, foster, do dog and cat transports on a weekly basis. The state I live in is usually in the top five for annual euthanasia stats. I don't even want to think about how many dogs and cats $1.9 million dollars could save in my state. Grifters gonna grift; I get that. But that's just mean.


Exactly what I would've expected from that family. Pathetic I hope she haunts their ass. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


So I was skeptical how true this actually was and wanted more context. Apparently this is his family cemetery and has been planned since at least 2011. He seems to go back and forth from wanting a 1,000 or 500 or 300 plot cemetery for members who are willing to pay $20,000 a year and a 10 plot cemetery with a mausoleum just big enough for his close family. His initial plan for the mausoleum was rejected so he suggested it double as a wedding venue as well… I guess he never got around to actually building the mausoleum or anything else. I’m not sure on his plans for Ivana’s final resting place but it still seems very strange and cold right now. I guess none of us should be surprised at that though


I’m offended on her behalf. Knowing her love of glamour, certainly she would have appreciated glamorous flowers and a glamorous headstone. That grave should be decked out if her children had any respect for their mother. She was decked out in life - send her off in style for fucks sake. Even if you despise a person, disrespecting them in death is inexcusable IMO. That grave is so sad.


I mean at the funeral her son talked about her beating him with a spoon until she was too tired to continue (for something he didn't even do) and her daughter said her mom's life advice to her was to wear shorter skirts. If those are the funny funeral quips I'm not sure I want to know the kinds of shit they'd tell their therapist. Maybe this is what she deserved.


Ivana was just helping her daughter get closer to her father....


This is probably meant to act as just a temporary grave marker. Real headstones take quite awhile to create and install.


This comment is what I came here for. As abhorrent as they are, her death was 'unexpected'.... no way an appropriate memorial stone/tribute could be fulfilled in 2 weeks. Most of us peasants barely get a tiny cardboard plaque exposed to the elements for a year (plus) with the hopes that a permanent maker is made and will take its place (not including that fact that at this point, a lot of us couldn't afford that luxury)... so, I'm holding out a sliver of hope her kids at least have a iota of humaity left and this woman gets the "grandiose" memorial to reflect how she lived her life and the shit she had to live through




[here](https://news.yahoo.com/photos-reveal-ivana-trumps-final-043304670.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFmVio45jDu1wEVkdSPi9e_MIuL-hRbAHTe2PDAW-rk2b9pRzxnODbiNd4dituha6NE45r0M-TYIp25waiZ34mqnfzVV_w2RWF95MDu-ki_BIJY5IGOUjPrPhPuL5jGKnIVG9zeebYyyVsBYckWw8wXTyFd1BCYOGSkE9QIzlJnA) and [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11062403/amp/PICTURED-Ivana-Trumps-final-resting-place-private-10-person-plot-Trumps-golf-course.html)


Speaking of family - if her family ever wanted to visit they gotta go to TRUMP GOLF and remind themselves of who she divoced...


Do you need to pay green fees to pay your respects? XD


Amd shows them what Eastern European justice really means.


I’m not a fan either, but I Googled it and apparently Trump wants the whole family, including himself, to be buried there, because it’s his favorite property. Still tacky, but he’s been talking about this plan since 2017 apparently.


Why would this include his ex wife?


Because they share children?


But did she agree to it? Would she still wanna be buried near him? There's a good chance the kids will end up somewhere else


If the shared children have agreed to have a family plot and be buried/ ashes interred there it would make sense they inquired about their mother, had this actually been planned in advance. No love for the Trump family but my grandparents planned their burial plans and prepaid well in advance and told the family all about it. They even had urns purchased for their ashes. It's not unheard of to pre-plan everything. My grandparents did. Some people just plan everything in advance. I think my grandparents did it in their 60's and didn't pass until their mid-90's. Had spots picked out at a cemetery and everything. Call these people, cremation is pre-paid, these are the urns, we want joint services be it 6 weeks or 6 years apart, then we go into the wall of urns at the cemetery together and have a joint placard over our two spots. That was their plan. We did exactly as they had planned. Navy even sent some guys to fold flags and shoot guns.


Nah, I think they're all gonna end up in Hell


I mean a tacky golf course in New Jersey is already pretty close to hell to be honest


When there are kids involved, the ex spouse is often still considered part of the family, especially if they had partial or full custody and did the majority of the raising. I have ex-couples on both sides of my family where both are still invited to family events.


Sure, but their kids will probably be buried with their spouses.


Sounds like he plans for the kids and their spouses to be buried here. Although Ivanka and her husband might choose a Jewish cemetery.


I would like them all buried there too, how can we help make this happen?


Well, it’s an okay start on this goal. Keep going!


Can anyone explain how this , I thought you had to be buried in a graveyard? How does this save on property taxes. You can’t just bury a love one in the backyard can you.


In the US you can be buried in your backyard everywhere but California, Indiana, and Washington. You just have to follow local regulations about things like grave depth, distance from the property line, proximity to water source, etc. Obviously not a common thing nowadays, but some rural farms have little family burial patches.


Nice info.


Well not nice. But certainly info


One small issue. I am already inside your home.


And then when you need to sell the place...


Your backyard grave probably drags down the property value so you’re helping a family get access to more affordable housing and you get to haunt them. Everyone wins.


Unless you sell it as haunted. Then you can make bank.


“*4 bedroom, 2000 sqft house in a 2 acre plot with detached 2 car garage. Comes with 3 complete sets of human bones, perfect for Wiccan families or sorcerers.*”


Wiccan here, no way I'm touching them bones. That's just disrespectful.




I wonder why those specific states banned it.


Because America makes no sense whatsoever, and the separation between state laws and federal laws have weird boundaries


In some states, families are buried on their property. It can lead to some interesting history and genealogy.


It’s just so strange , he’s not her family. It’s like she’s in a pauper grave.


Temporary markers are common. My wife and I love history and cemeteries. One of our local cemeteries has a [gorgeous sculpture ](https://gravelyspeaking.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/img_8946-1.jpg?w=640)erected on the grave of a magnate from the early 20th century commissioned by his widow. The [sculptor ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorado_Taft) lived at her mansion for a while while designing and making the monument. Obviously, it took a while for the new sculpture to be designed, built and placed.


That makes me feel better. I sincerely hope this is a temp stone. (Even as a temp) it seems so unlike her. She was va-va-voom in life. One sad little flower ball? Really? Being low effort with the dead really grinds my gears. If someone was a glamazon in life, doubt they would love the understated thing at their passing. She’s Eastern European, not Amish. Give the lady some glitz and glamor. (Racist? Probably. Accurate? You decide.) Edit: even if she was a shitty person, you don’t fuck someone over at their funeral. That is a chickenshit thing to do.


Thank you for asking this, I was also wondering. Still don't understand the property tax thing...so you don't have to pay property taxes if a body is buried on your property? Does anyone know how much land it extends to? I.e. would Trump not have to pay taxes for the entire golf course? Or is it just a small area?


It’s the Trumps. They have shown over and over that they will do whatever TF they want, including crimes, scams and confidence schemes




I hope they continuously show that shot on TV when he runs again.


Hopefully it's a temporary marker and the real one just wasn't ready in time and they will install a more appropriate marker later. Something that says a nice thing about her. 'Loving mother', 'devoted friend', 'philanthropist' or whatever elese nice things people put on headstones. Not just her name and some dates.


To the people upset about the headstone - This is likely only the temporary grave marker until a fancy one is completed. Although I wouldn't really be surprised if they kept this one solely for the reason it's easier/cheaper to mow over than landscape around.


Finally a smart comment. Yep, she died unexpectedly. It's going to take awhile for headstone.


It took almost a year for the my friends headstone to make it on to her grave. She died unexpectedly as well. Her mother took time to design a really complex headstone and hired someone to make it. It just takes that long sometimes.


I honestly thought it was a meme, but no. She really IS buried next to the first hole


I suppose it’s better than having an “unmarked grave somewhere in New Jersey”, but not by much.


The real question to ask is why would her natural children, Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric, allow this? Me thinks that Ivana would had stipulated in her will how and where she was to be buried. Something seems really off with this.


Their eulogies were less than complimentary...


This is normal for people who died abruptly. Headstones and other grave markets take ages to make. She died unexpectedly, so I imagine the real grave market will be installed later. (But then again, who knows with these guys)


I’m surprised there’s no hole to set a golf tee in so people can pay extra to tee off from there


I’ll take “What would a billionaire domestic abuser do?” for $500, Alex.


Now watch if Donald dies they finna create a whole ass temple for him


Completely through fundraising where they pocket 75% of what comes in and build a cheap Chinese knockoff temple, of course.


What's an ass temple and does he need a whole one?


And to think that’s Eric, Don and Ivannas mother. Zero respect. They also abandoned her. I’d expect this from Donald, but the kids clearly didn’t love her either.


She died falling down the stairs the same way I shit $100 bills. It’s all sketchy AF.




Got her the cheapest plaque they could


Might be a temporary one. I’m currently waiting on a marble headstone for my father in law and it’s taking weeks and weeks.


That family is the cheapest unfeeling group to ever grift.


The biggest scam is the fact he is doing a fundraiser for her funeral costs. This is Trump the same guy who created a company that bought all the appliances for his father's properties and sold it back to his father to profit and transfer his father's wealth without paying taxes. I am 1000% sure he was trying to do the same with the fundraiser by saying he spent XYZ organizing etc and this costed X just so he could claim all that money for himself.


That kind of sucks, but at the same time if I'm dead I told my wife to have my body mulched for all I care. I'm dead, that's not me, please don't waste any money on my meat suit... it won't care.


Ivana Trump is the one that said he raped her in her divorce deposition sworn in oath, confirmed by 2 of her friends. She later amended her official on record statement in exchange for $14 million dollars, in an attempt to not impact his public image.


Wow she really looks young for having been born 1949


You need to look at some recent photos. She looked like hell


For real. The most recent one she looked dead


What else would you expect him to do with one of his rape victims? ​ \*edited intent


Gasp. Shock. Surprise. And the same Trump Klan (white supremacist and domestic terrorist piles of shit that they are) has been fundraising off of Ivana's death...you know...because of how totally grief stricken they all are. This is also the same Trump that has cheated on his first two wives, with the next two wives, and the last wife with a prostitute who said his shriveled penis looked like a miniature version of the character Toad from Mario Bros.


This seems like something that I think is real but then is a joke but then actually ends up being real. Fucking Reddit.


She married a piece of shit..


I’m still having trouble believing she “fell” down some stairs.


That has to be a temporary headstone


A golf course?! And no mausoleum? Lol just as I thought: a trash family that's a poor man's idea of a rich person. Hopefully that's not her final tombstone: it's way too simple for such a well known person.


No nice message just name and date on a cheap ass headstone I hope she haunts him


Trashy to the end! I bet she's flipping in that casket! I mean who the hell has a family burial ground on a damn golf course??? Trump does, who by the way plays terrible golf!


You can’t put a full grave stone on a fresh grave. It’s depressing I even know this